I Roleplay an Empire In Stellaris! | Stellaris Roleplay Playthrough - Part 1

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me lathrix and of course welcome to a brand new series where we're going to be doing things a little bit differently over the last few ply throughs i think i have started to lose track of the thing i love about dollars the most and that is the world building well the galaxy building and everything else which makes the whole game feel so much more alive you can really role play this game and focus on all the little events because there is so much going on and i've sort of lost track of that i've ended up going far more into the min maxing mechanics of things and just going for the end game crisis well today we're starting a proper let's play format series where we're going to be doing the opposite really focusing on the empire itself focusing on his choices role-playing the empire so perhaps doing some things which aren't really the best for us in terms of our power level but things which the empire would do along with just focusing on the events more and hopefully having a lot of fun that way also this whole run is going to be quite heavily modded a full list of all the mods i'm going to be using will be in the description below of course along with links to them over on the steam workshop but the main ones we're going to be looking at right away are the ethics and civics classic which is why we have all of the different civics choices and ethics choices you see in front of you which have really really worked well with the honor bound it's actually what made me choose the honor bound over the other role-playing choices because these fit just so well we're also using the starnet ii which makes the ii significantly more difficult and we'll get onto that more in a second when we actually choose our difficulty because we're going to have scaling difficulty and then set the ai to a really really difficult level with the ai mod also enabled it's gonna make the game very interesting especially since we're not always going to be doing the min maxing perfect things all the time i've also currently started to run species diversity which means different types of species will have different ethics sorry different traits available to them which means you kind of want a mix of them because it means that some of the species will be better at doing things than others which makes everything a lot more interesting i've also added some extra colors to all the different flags and everything so hopefully it'll be a bit more interesting when we're actually trying to discern who is who since that can be a little bit weird sometimes again all the links will be in the description below so let's take a look then into exactly what the honor bound are and what they're going to be like as we play them and i think the easiest way is just to take a quick look at the civics so first of all martial brotherhood armed forces are considered to be an integral part of the society a symbol of its unity and collectivism to serve as an honor rather than a debt or obligation so they very very very much honor their armed forces and this is going to play into pretty much everything they do this means we have our soldiers producing unity in addition to everything else we also get one extra soldier job per 20 populations then we get some extra research speed for military theory which i quite like and some extra army morale which is all but useless honestly but it's it's nice to be there the main thing really is we get extra soldiers and they produce our unity soldiers of course also produce defensive armies for a planet and most importantly increase navy capacity this empire is going to have a ridiculous navy capacity so i expect low-tech loads of ships loads of alloys everywhere we are going to be a dominant force if we go down this route which is good because they're all about helping others and challenging the strong now this civic here is the civic which made me choose the honor bound over the other choices because it perfectly fit everything i was talking about when i first made all the different empire choices because the honor bound their main objective is to safeguard as many lives as possible they are here to protect the liberties and the lives of everyone around them even those who don't like them they don't care as long as they're not being cruel if they are a particularly cruel empire if they are a very aggressive empire the honor bound may step in turning them into a vassal just so they're safe and not harming anyone else or perhaps just to weaken them enough so they can't harm anyone else whilst protecting weaker empires even if the weaker empires hate the other bound for whatever reason they are of course also the protectors of the galaxy and are here to try and safeguard everyone and because of that they are interventionalists being naturally open to alien cultures this civilization nevertheless does not neglect to use military force when it seems justified to maintain the global balance of powers so this is a very long civic but essentially what it means is that defensive and guaranteed independence which is what i never do but will definitely do with this empire do not cost influence to maintain they want defensive pacts with everyone they will come to the aid of anyone they deem non-evil and will also guarantee the independence which is essentially a one-way defensive pact where i will defend you if you're attacked but i don't expect you to defend me if i am attacked i'll definitely do that to other weaker empires if at all possible but then also our militarist faction is modified rather than being completely aggressive they actually like liberation wars which is a war which changes other empires to our ethics rather than conquering them which is definitely something i'll do a lot of but also they like defensive facts they really want you to be friendly of anyone we can only have limited bombardments because why would we have indiscriminate when all we're trying to do is destroy the military on the planet we are being as nice as we can be considering we are shelling a planet from orbit following on from this our federation navy capacity contribution is increased by a hundred percent basically meaning any federation we're with we are contributing a lot to the federation of fleece meaning the federation fleet will be incredibly powerful if we have vassals they give us more uh more navy capacity as well and we also have more diplomatic white male fleet power so we can hopefully change the galactic council for the better we are going to be pretty much all for any military options things like the reddit shield where everyone has to have a certain amount of fleet power ready just in case of a threat but also we're probably going to be against anything particularly evil for instance a certain type of trade we're going to try and ban as soon as we can owning populations is something this empire will not tolerate i've had to record this bit by the way like seven times because i keep on reading it moving on to the next thing then realizing there's more to talk about so also we can only have one rival because we're not meant to be aggressive or antagonistic but also we have a plus 30 cost to our claim influence which means if we want to claim territory it costs almost a third more that's very expensive because that's not what we're about we would much rather convert others to our way of thinking than outright kill them and take over their territory if everyone thinks like us there will be peace i can think of a lot of evil people who thought the same thing but we're being nice about it and with that let's move on to ethics before we go on to the final civic which is a serious one to discuss lots of talking today so with that ethics i've changed this around a lot at one point it was like this another point this is all over here it was all over the place but this i think just fits the best in my opinion so there are obviously a lot of new ethics types here things like competitive elitism we have libertarian over here then we have pluralism there's just loads of stuff so i'll just discuss what i've actually chosen so what i end up going with which by the way has just changed a little bit between clips because i've got to update to this is we are regular libertarian libertarians preserve democratic values with citizens being directly involved in the governing process through the mechanisms of either representative or direct democracy this makes our factions more powerful which definitely works this empire because all of our factions really represent the playstyle especially with interventionists actually altering our military faction we also get some extra admin cap which is nice and we get an extra chance of ethics shift which means our people are so involved with the political process they're allowed to change their minds i know a truly radical concept we are regular xenophiles giving us extra trust growth extra diplomatic if sorry minus diplomatic influence cost which is nice so it cost less influence tried attractiveness is increased and we have an extra envoy we make people like us and we like to trade with them which yeah we probably would and then we are cooperative basically meaning our workers are a bit more powerful within our empire which makes sense because we have so much of an emphasis on our soldiers and our military this will be them because the regular soldier jobs are worker jobs this will make them happy and also gives them more political power it also increases our research speed for society a little bit which is nice and housing usage is also reduced because we work together together we stand strong is also how this empire kind of functions then finally we are fanatic militarists because of course we are our climb cost is reduced which we don't care about fire right has increased which is great trust growth is reduced which is terrible but it had to be fanatic i can't see how this empire could not be fnatic militarist honestly i would much rather go like this but we kind of have to have it we are then a direct democracy with people being directly involved in governing and deciding on policy initiatives bureaucratic efficiencies increased and both social and economical developments are accelerated so this makes our edicts cost less which in my opinion is not a particularly great modifier i really wish i had extra capacity and now workers and specialists have loads of extra political power really making us incentivized to make everyone as happy as possible because you've got a lot of workers and if they get unhappy you lose a lot of stability with this much power with them if you go all the way down to the extreme imperial workers have no power rulers have all the power as long as the rulers are happy with me if the rules are happy we don't care because they're not really holding all the power and our final civic the one here in gold full citizenship and political responsibility that comes with it is limited to those who have served the tour of duty in the military service guaranteed citizenship and the rights to elect and govern and most importantly we are allowing everyone to go through this who is within our empire essentially as long as you are willing to defend us we will defend you and work for you capitol buildings replace some administrator jobs with commanders which increase the empire's navy capacity spawn defense armies and most importantly increase planetary stability they even reduce damage from bombardment essentially these make the world a lot more stable and a lot harder to kill which is fantastic commanders also provide additional unity and amenities because there are some other civics where you can get extra commanders but and this will make them stronger if we go down that route later because we will be able to get extra civics throughout the game and there's a lot of options though i think i'll probably just go with the basic warrior culture because i adore that and maybe the welfare state keeping our workers happy and giving us extra regular jobs once you've finished with the military we care for you in every way possible we are nice like that so what else does this do this also allows the special edict patriotic call i have no idea what that does by the way but then the passive effect plus 25 navy capacity minus 15 war exhaustion gain but our army is a bit more expensive because we're caring for them we are putting all of our extra money into it which is kind of why i want to go fanatic cooperative rather than regular cooperative because that actually hurts our tribe value and i like that being the idea of we're losing money because we're spending it on all these extra programs but sadly then i'd have to lose one of the other options on ethics and i just don't think that fits for that little extra bit of flavor so that was a lot to get through i hope i explained it decently because there are so many things here to explain but essentially it means we care for our workers we care for our soldiers and our military is everything to us we also love everyone now sadly although we are using the mod which allows different species to have different traits let's just go to humanoid for a second to showcase this there we are all these extra ones at the bottom which are unique to humanoids for instance necroids don't actually have anything unique about them yet it has been balanced for the patch apparently so it does work completely correctly and and in the tests i've done i haven't seen any issues but we have no unique traits we are what we are and i'm completely fine with that we are extremely adaptive i mean we come from a planet called forge a planet which may be a little bit too close to the sun it's a very difficult place to live but we have adapted and came together stronger because of this we are strong because we are strong we are nomadic unruly and repugnant and repugnant i think works the best here because we are so strict i can imagine this species being so difficult to get along with just because of how strict they are with their rules and how they want everything to go forwards they are unruly because they are well i think it fits they are completely prone to ethic shift chances so they're constantly changing their minds about things they are fanatic militarists after all i can imagine brawls breaking out a lot not brawls which end up with a loss of life or civil wars but enough brawls that they are probably very unruly and difficult to maintain everyone at once there is very little else to say about the empire except for our origin on the shoulders of giants this is a really interesting origin which i've never really covered essentially we have an archaeological site instantly within our home system and we are on a quest to find out just what is actually going on so i will actually be reading these events for once rather than just skipping over them which is pretty nice now i have looked at the mod jam mods as well and if you want to get more details of these i will also link this in the description but i would also recommend people like ice spec who have been covering these uh these mods in more detail along with these stellaris twitter and everything else this is for mod jam 2020 and there is a lot of options but honestly i just felt on the shoulders of giants is one i really wanted to cover and fit the empire well but there is a lot of choices here i may start covering some of these as one-off videos perhaps in the future if there's some interest there but yeah we're just sticking with on the shoulders of giants for now our ruler is the grand protector shiny play i forgot to rename you well good job i checked you know what no shiny plate our grand protector there we are and let's make sure that ground protector is the same for male and female that would be great yeah i think everything is in order so now let's get to exactly how we're going to be playing this game let's save that one last time and let's have a look at this we are going to be in a galaxy which is huge we're going to have let's go with the elliptical galaxy since i've been going with ring almost every time otherwise we're going to increase the ai empires up to 18. i don't want too many because with the starnet ai they're hyper aggressive anyway this won't really increase the difficulty it's just going to increase how many different types of empires are out there which is just going to be interesting honestly habitable world and everything else is set to the default primitive civilizations i'm tempted to increase a little bit just because i do find that interesting crisis strength is set to maximum the end game i'm actually going to push back a little bit 2 350. yeah that way we can be a little bit weaker and like that's not the end um normally you'd have it set to this this is the default so it's still 50 years early it's just i want to have a more lax experience especially since we're gonna be role-playing stuff i don't want the end game to be the ultimate end really we're more playing towards our own goals which is peace in the galaxy if we can bring peace to everything we have certainly won but this is a nice end fun anyway with difficulty we're not going with grand admiral because that is really difficult with this mod we are going with admiral still very difficult the ir gets major bonuses to its economy research and naval capacity but we are going to be using scaling difficulty which takes a bit of explaining since the last time i mentioned this quite a few people didn't quite fully understand how it works which is fair enough because it is pretty weird so how scaling difficulty works is at the very start of the game the ii will have no bonuses essentially treating the game like the regular difficulty where there's no inherent economic scientific or military advantages over the player but then over time and scaling all the way until the end game start year which is 2350 those modifiers will be added until you get to the difficulty you've selected so let's just say hypothetically after 75 years the game is then essentially in the captain or commodore difficulty when it gets to 2350 it will be all the way up into admiral the reason for this is because the starnet ai does a great job of making even regular difficulty difficult but i have noticed still that in the very light game the ii still doesn't quite keep up with you i'm not quite sure what it starts doing wrong it could be the ascension perks i'm not quite sure how it picks those or something else but the player does start to really outscale other empires even if the player isn't doing amazingly well this way by the end game the ii is gonna have a lot of advantages to still keep it difficult so early aggression is going to be easier then as time goes on everyone will get harder and harder and harder and hopefully admiral will give us enough challenge while not being an utter just crushing difficulty when it gets to the very very late game so that is that and now we begin the honor bound join the galaxy as a whole ruler shiny plate we begin on the left-hand side of the galaxy near the galaxy's core origin of course is on the shoulders of giants ours is a history of oddities and inconsistencies we have found ancient ruins older than some archaeological excavations of primitive villages we have unearthed swords axes and even rifles which far predate stone tip spears and bows a peculiar history however did not prevent us from stepping readily into a futuristic era of space flight we have now managed to escape the gravity of our home planet aiming for other planets and bodies in our solar system and beyond we had scarcely left the atmosphere before the oddities emerged anew strange signals of alien origin coming from within our own solar system and that'll unlock in a second there we go so we now have an archaeological site which is located over here on a small moon ex gravitas a string of strange anomaly readings is emanating from the surface of fiber we need to launch a surface excursion to find out more which is exactly what i'm going to do our science officer uh good old squath really the science of school squath i kind of love that okay squath you are gonna be what i remember and thankfully scarf is resilient squath is resilient and is uh longer lived the most which is very good indeed so we are definitely going to want to upgrade our ships as soon as possible genome mapping is a big deal for the health of our population although saying that ground defense planning is very much us you know i wouldn't normally go for this no i think for now uh population growth because it is all to do with the health of our citizens which we definitely care about either of these work here um i'll definitely go for this early normally i don't go for this until very very light game so i don't really care about it but i'll definitely be focusing on that somewhat soon you know what no it gives us more navy capacity as well we're definitely focusing on that it's our military and with our military as well we're also gonna get coil guns so our corvettes are going to be brutal now normally i would actually scrap our corvettes and i'm just going to rename them in a second famine they're called famine this is oh of course because i have the necroid naming scheme for once that's brutal that's very brutal yeah normally i'd scrap these but i will be leaving them as they are because we need some defense i imagine that's what our empire would want to do as for everything else we are still going to be using the market to its fullest extent as long as it doesn't clash of everything else and with that we're going to start clearing up the sprawling slums of our people we are now in space it's time to care for our people and start harvesting everything here though i imagine we're probably going to go heavily into alloys though right now our our amenities are quite low because we are repugnant so still sticking with the happiness of our people i think the first thing we'll build is a hollow theater normally wouldn't build this here honestly but i do want to try and keep our people as happy as possible and with that let's have a look see our living standards you know what uh social welfare yep straight into that that'll make our people significantly happier huh decent conditions already plus 10 for rulers this hardly even changes the um specialists okay that's absolutely fine i would love utopian abundance and such but they cost way too much and this empire probably wouldn't go with that much decadence social welfare yeah make sure everyone is well cared for but anything which is decadent i doubt they have that much time for probably wouldn't shy away from it but probably wouldn't spend too much into it right now of course our means are actually below the minimum amount so they're going to build some hollow theaters we have found a comment i'll definitely be reading some of these um just one-off events less as time goes on but right now i just want to read it a fierce plume of flame see as the heavens of forge as a comet skirts the upper stratosphere the sheer power evidence in its cosmic trajectory has made a profound impression on the capital's populace they liken the infractuability of its path and inevitability of the honor-bound ascension to galactic supremacy probably read that wrong i am dyslexic but there we go i finally have enough minerals so let's go ahead and build ourselves some hollow theaters let's keep our people happy right now they're actually not that happy because of the lack of amenities oh yep so there we go we've got our commander here giving all sorts of bonuses like we discussed before and we have our soldier job because we have over 20 population which is giving us 490 capacity and 2.35 unity that's actually really good yeah the the extra soldier per 20 population is really going stale a scale our navy capacity especially since we get the plus 25 as well from the republic we can have a lot of ships is what i'm trying to say okay let's grab that and we definitely need to build some more science vessels let's look outside and find some friends the stations really do look brutal whoa that's a research station name oh yeah you can even rename the research stations okay i need some leader names by the way and some world names give me them in the comments below because i need loads of them and i'm not creative enough for this i'm not renaming every single leader and every single station though her schlag research station okay terrifying so this is more normal the bt09l night shift dark priestess mining station what is with these knives they're so edgy yeah necroid um it's very edgy of its naming apparently i've never actually um used the necroid naming scheme since i like the humanoid and the mammalian so i tend to stick with those ah nope sadly not we haven't quite made the breakthrough yet oh what tradition okay so ideally i would choose expansion i may even choose supremacy because that makes us very strong early on so one of these two would what would normally be what i choose maybe then discovery but i honestly think harmony it's about stability it's about the governing ethics attraction it's got bull walk of harmony which is so fitting for the empire it hurts it has mind here it's it's got to be harmony surely definitely not domination that's the last one we'll probably pick diplomacy depends on who we find i feel like some of these depend on how the game plays out but right now i feel like harmony is probably the best to go with thematically maybe supremacy second but right now since we haven't found any proof of alien life harmony oh that hurts i really don't like harmony as the first um tradition tree but at least we get a utopian dream and bull look of harmony so we're gonna have a nice defensive start yeah i'm not even gonna talk about ascension perks yet that's why way too much discussed there oh yeah i forgot all the new policies yeah so with the extra civics and ethics mod there's loads of extra stuff to talk about here okay this is gonna take a second scientists have found the desert world capable of supporting our species and is already home to some life a joyous moment for the empire but yes we have these new policies and there's lots of them let's go through them quickly so we have mass media we have free media and we have state media um i think this will have to be free media it increases libertarian ethics attraction which obviously is what we are we're a state is all about authoritarian once again this is one i don't like picking because it decreases the stability of our planets but it does give us one entertainer every 33 populations and factions also gain more influence yeah it has to be free media the media is free on forge telecommunications we can have oh we're not actually allowed to have civilian because well we are fanatic militarists navy capacity increased star based capacity increased militarist ethics attraction increased less research station output this is telecommunications yeah makes sense i'm definitely putting that forward towards the military personal weapons allowing citizens to buy and use personal elements will generally improve their gun culture but this may come at the cost of increased crime activities okay uh current policy is limited i would say definitely allowed extra army damage yep everyone remember everyone in this empire serves in the military for a probably a very long time to be a very long tour of duty and their culture is all about the armament and protection of their empire so regardless how people feel about um gun laws i think this empire would definitely allow them 110 transportation logistics currently not specified so it's in the middle military transport ship upkeep is reduced by 15 oh that's lovely extra trade protection population growth from immigration is reduced uh oh because we're using all the transport for the militaries that's literally less transport oh let's try it value okay i like that once again because i like the idea of some of our funds being diverted to our military we are very militaristic if we were evil we would be very very scary education private education and public education oh once again it's one of these ones i like private education here increases prime don't care about that but increases specialist output by 15 it's so good but it increases elitist and competitive ethics traction which is the opposite of what we are public education makes far more sense governing ethics attraction is increased extra unity less energy because we're spending it on the school system we have less crime um and egalitarian and cooperation is increased yep healthcare and that's going to be the exact same we're going with public healthcare for once it's the one i'd actually choose medical workers produce additional unity and amenities but have increased upkeep building clinic um building clinics produce additional okay okay the building clinic produces additional medical workers but its upkeep is increased extra population growth and once again less energy but we're funding our people authority we can't do yet economics we can't do yet production focus is currently mixed i think that that fits our empire doesn't go either way maybe militarized i might change that later trade policy oh he has all sorts of options here as well tried value is energy and consumer well actually i think the trade policy okay i'm gonna stop here because i know for a fact some of our factions have a lot to say about these and we can actually go to planned if we change the others there's a lot to discuss here but essentially we'll get onto that when we actually have our factions which is going to be many years in the future squawk is the first of our leaders to gain a level of course he is well done squath oh look 70 happiness excellent okay happiness is increasing in our empire the first small step a base of operations has been set up on the surface of fiber and several teams are now enroute to the various anomaly sites that our scanners picked up the significance of this mystery is simply unparalleled and the scientific community is absolutely buzzing with theories and anticipation over what will be uncovered by the excursion teams this is exciting i would love to sell that but i think the empire wouldn't know i mean it's all about their mystery they would definitely use celebrate diversity using artifacts like that and museum exhibits but i don't think that just outright sell them which is annoying because that's what i like to do okay let's move over i'm going to make our first outpost so that we can get our first colony okay i'm gonna build the new alloy foundry i think uh right now our alloys are quite low honestly we have found minerals in space uh nice and easily i think we need a military and i think the empire would agree with that i mean i'm actually tempted to build a stronghold to defend us more but yeah i think um oh a monument though we are very very proud of our nation a monument or a foundry i think a foundry would probably be better here as well since we are also neutral well under neutral on consumer goods i think for now we'll build a foundry and to be efficient i'll also remove one of the jobs from our bureaucrats which will become a foundry worker in a second and all as well habitable world survey we now know without a doubt that a thriving biosphere is not something unique to forge both the scientific community and the public at large are eager to learn about the various forms of alien life found throughout the galaxy efforts to catalog the life forms we encounter are already underway but our xenobiologists have urged us to focus our planetary survey efforts on habitable life-bearing worlds yeah definitely the situation i don't know how many of these to read so feedback is very welcome because there are a lot of events which are minor events like this strong energy emissions of an unknown origin make this asteroid stand out from the rest of its peers in this crowded asteroid field and we begin research thanks to lihan it's like leon with more the greater good our empire population takes comfort in the knowledge they are all working together for the greater good each one a small but important part of a vastly larger hole the asteroid has been studied and this particular asteroid is an extra solar capture and appears to have been washed by some kind of exotic radiation as it plummeted through interstellar space before finally settling in the dungar system the original source of this radiation remains unknown but the iss diseased ambition has been able to pick up a wealth of physics data by studying the asteroids energy emissions so here's 114 physics in our stored research which will help out get our blue lives a little bit faster diseased and our new one is called shrouded hope okay that's uh that's interesting to say the least okay there we are and um merson you're our new science officer find us some more worlds i'm currently building our first colony ship as well which is why we have very very little resource left okay the next part of the archaeological site has been unlocked most excursion teams have reached their destinations and reported back artifacts buried in the ground have been uncovered head scientist squath describes them as highly accurate galactic laser pointers okay ancient machines that are emitting a strong tight ultraviolet beam out into space for purposes unknown it's a bittersweet discovery the profound exhilarating importance of alien artifacts countered by their seemingly arbitrary purpose but of course we continue and now we have enough artifacts to celebrate diversity display some of the minor artifacts to show the diversity of life in the galaxy definitely something we'll do and we'll also increase our xenophile eth extraction which is good because that's what we are our regular scientists have leveled up so well done to whitten marthan and elmore utopian dream the dream of a utopian future drives our people ever forward a better tomorrow is worth fighting for increasing stability by five percent on all planets stability of course giving us extra everything more resources trade value and immigration pull oh i missed the colony ship i like looking at the colony ships uh coleman ship is gently touched down by the outskirts of a large oasis on brewstem prime situated at the foot of a large mountain at this ideal location provides shelter from the wind and has easy access to water the ship has been permanently converted into the administrative headquarters of this new settlement and its reactor core is in the process of being removed so that it may serve as the colony's temporary power source hundreds of small tents and prefab shelters are sprung up around the former starship's massive hull as colonists begin to disembark in large numbers the first honor-bound city on an alien world and that's gonna take a while though before it's actually colonized and useful to us and there's that other guaranteed world over there size 20 okay size 20 in a size 17 certainly had worse than that but also better okay ground defense planning is finished next up then oh definitely planetary unification the archaeological site continues it's a dud oh despite our best efforts the excavation and analysis of the alien indicators on the surface have failed to deliver any relevant results the archaeological teams have calculated and followed the paths of the alien signal beams but nothing is being pointed at other than empty space scientist squath has requested more time convinced that something has been missed by the science teams i believe in you squath mostly because of your name so glad you were long-lived kind of just want to rename everyone in the empire to squath all names have been replaced with squath that would be phenomenal most words in fact have been replaced with squath it's like a um a group situation but weird okay not the precursor i wanted honestly doesn't really fit the theme and i don't really like it as much as i'm the others okay the cybrex we have discovered artifacts from an ancient civilization on cathear three uh somewhere around here i think there no where's the scientist just discovered this oh it's this world the actual um hampton world okay incredibly this civilization which apparently referred to itself as the cybrex seems to have been made up of machines that were linked together in some sort of collective consciousness the age of the artifacts indicate that they were active some six hundred thousand years ago in this portion of the galaxy at least but we have learned nothing of their exact origins according to the partial data fragments that our scientists managed to extract from one of the artifacts the cyberx at some point launched a crusade to destroy all sapient organic life in the galaxy for reasons unknown essentially the opposite to us uh what does the uh museum exhibits do again it's one of these ones i never end up using uh oh you only culture workers makes the culture work is more efficient so maybe i should have gone with the um monuments maybe i'll go to the monument next important news squath is now level three the first of the archaeological sites have been finished breakthrough study of the surface revealed that fiber was hit eons ago by a small asteroid the impact was not enough to obliterate the planet but it did nudge it a fraction out of the original orbit by analyzing the impact the scientists managed to calculate that fever's initial position of rotation and use that data to rewind the alien indicators to their original position so essentially they were aiming somewhere else in space then the world was hit and that knocked off the alignment of them and there it was the alien indicator beams suddenly converging on another planet in the system let me get 300 minerals you know so far i've got to be honest this has been a really good oh there it is i really could um there we are origin for just sheer resources i mean we get loads of artifacts here there we are squath's personal ship i choose to believe as well only squawk is a board here oh look at that effect there in the middle i've never really seen that i love the new necroid ship so much they're so me absolutely oh that's why it's got that name because the resource station above that world oops a new anomaly our senses indicate odd irregularities yep sure go ahead i'll probably be skipping some of those um events like the anomalies because there are so many of them maybe focusing on the more interesting ones maybe and now we go to the system of zip zip squat and then we have our construction ship fear of stasis because why not you see i never read these whenever we know what's going on but what was previously thought to be assorted mountains in the southern hemisphere of the planet have been identified as the massive skeletal remains of a single colossal alien life form the bones have been dated as 3.4 billion years old scientists have ruled out that the planets could have supported life on that scale at any point in the planet's history science officer gone where'd he go has prepared a special research project to delve further into this mystery okay go on go ahead our continued studies of the massive skeletal remains on the planets have managed to shed some light on how the creature ended up on the planet itself there are very faint residual energy readings that indicate some kind of dimensional portal existed briefly towards the rear of the skeleton it's always bad when you have dimensional portals at the rear of your skeleton and that's why i don't eat too much mexican food science officer gone theorizes that the creature passed through this gateway from another dimension only to quickly perish in the hostile environment of the planet why it did this and where it came from are questions that may never be answered so literally just we've learned very little of them it came from somewhere else dead still a little bit more physics research and some experience for gone well done gone you know an expertise in computing materials and computing and i have you on a science vessel i'm sorry i just i need you there right now i'm afraid what are you you're an expert in bureaucracy in governing well i'm very sorry that your society degree has ended up with you just on a science vessel and let's go with mind and body by embracing a combination of new meditation techniques and healthier eating habits a large segment of our population enjoys a greater life expectancy than ever before our archaeological team have started their work down on herchlag seismographic readings quickly isolated a hollow area underground on the rough location indicated by the alien indicators previously discovered oh it's okay a little bit of a brain fart there my brain just loaded for a second that means heartbeat in german i am 95 percent uh certain about that hashtag will be yeah be heartbeat right i am almost certain about that i'll google in a moment why is the planet called heartbeat is a better question the underground expanse is vast and despite its mysteries so it's mysterious nature one thing is beyond doubt amongst the experts it's not natural someone built it with a specific purpose in mind okay oh well i can actually adds clues as well for the next one so it's speeding you along e we have coil guns fantastic and now let's oh actually no let's go with carrier operations because these are also good for trade protection which i imagine our empire would be very much in favor of okay let's just do that there we go um enough power there we go it's currently called famine i don't know what to call the interceptors so the corvettes yeah i need a name for all the ships and i can't think of a good theme right now like liberator something like that something come free to me oh my god i'm so dumb just as i was going to google um herchlog fiba it's fever it's fever in german i was just i so wasn't thinking about languages when i saw them oh my german relatives would be slapping me right now for being so slow to even get that i have heard these words countless times i can't pronounce them right as i've said multiple times my reading and writing in german is significantly better than my uh speech in it but yeah yeah okay here's another one star patterns i almost always go with it was a malfunction to get the influence this time i won't let's see what happens the lightest sensory readings from the planet have showed the star pulsating regularly but when the crew on the shrouded hope arrived on site there was no evidence to support this data while most of the crew are in agreement that the anomaly was caused by a sensory malfunction science officer meerson discards this theory missing claims to have discovered similar pulsating energy emission patterns elsewhere and now fears that something strange is happening to the galaxy's stars they have charted the course to the nearest affected star sure where is the nearest affected star pulsating stars okay quite far away let's um alter your course then you're going to rush directly to that well you're gonna survey along the way of course but you're going that way now herchlag herchlag i'm trying to pronounce this correctly and i'm not i've i cannot remember how this is pronounced in the slightest herchlag i think i said like log the start like hash log yeah i'm gonna just stop trying at this point still haven't googled it there so yeah ship sensors are picking up an unexplained pattern of interference in the system certified science finished giving us some lovely society in physics this is the one with the interference um the diseased ambition crew has succeeded in isolating a signal embedded within the usual pattern of interference in the system the signal is a song a complex sonification of an advanced mathematical equation to be precise and one that the science officer lilhan cannot seem to get out of their head who or what may have composed this song remains unknown though its complexity infers an incredible level of technological sophistication regarding subspace harmonics well yay for a little bit research and over here ooh swing waiting the excavation crew has finally reached the underground structure vast angular halls and tunnels were exposed a complete lack of adornment made it difficult to establish the purpose of the structure when squath entered the main chamber a deep sound suddenly reverberated initially just thundering noise the sound slowly contorted until an incorporeal voice spoke a single sentence in their language are you ready the booming voice was followed by deep by id rumble as one of the giant walls slowly slid away to reveal a dark corridor our archaeologists eagerly went inside also lovely artwork tread lightly we now have access to blue lizards so naturally let's also get improved deflectors this planet is exceptionally rich in minerals minerals that are unfortunately of no use to us however science officer niersen my god during so much the moment miasm believes that many elements in the crust of the planet can be transformed into potentially more useful forms through positron bombardment yeah good luck let's see if uh that works is an actual event or does it just happen normally i don't allow that oh is this one over here why are you all over there then prepare the bombardment hey orbital researcher mandate oh yeah the mandates need to focus on that because that's what our leaders are going to be putting forward completely forgot even existed the first colony is now actually active way too much stuff okay so it was successful it seems rock potential the crew of the shrouded hope that's this one over here are pleased to report that the experiment was a success and a significant number of dense mineral veins on the planet have been transmuted into usable resources so we have plus six minerals now on that little moon there is a small object in orbit around this planet it was a mummified pilot the mummified remains of a single individual belonging to a previously unknown mammalian species have been found drifting in high orbits the planets the being is dressed in what appears to be a flight suit complete with a helmet and maybe a fighter pilot that ejected in some ancient battle only to be forgotten and left behind our study of the corpse has provided some interesting data or data or dats finally we get to see our colony ship looks like a shield it's quite fitting okay we found a strategic resource some zero if ingested by sonically gifted individuals this air assault could act as a very potent and potentially addictive drug that enhances psy abilities for those who know the backstory of what this row actually is through one of the other precursors it makes this a bit more uh interesting a bit of a spoiler i want to say anyway the zero is essentially ground up psionics yeah they're dead people dead people drugs drugs might have dead people meanwhile once again is this um you once again mason i'm afraid you're gonna have to be delighted a little bit we have found an encrypted signal meanwhile something waiting the dark corridor led to an empty round chamber stepping inside the disembodied voice spoke yet again saying that only the deserving may continue well that is definitely going to be squath here short corridors connected at the round chamber to three other small rooms each containing some kind of physics orientated problem squath believes that these are scientific riddles that when solved may provoke some reaction in the structure but it's all speculation it looks work they're counting on you do the thing we have reelected shiny blight well she is charismatic so it makes complete sense there so then what is their current mandate their mandate is planetside mining build at least two mining districts okay well we have a good amount of time before that happens so hopefully um the populations will grow enough on our world so we can get that without forcing it a true sense of kinship has developed between all of the citizens of our great star nation regardless of their place in the social order time it takes for populations to demote has reduced which is nice oh one second that's a big thing to read but i need one of my bureaucrats back boop there we go loves labor's lost so it turns out the signal we discovered is actually just a play and it's speaking in an old archaic version of our own language in these vowels and henceforths it appears to be reciting one of the last works of sorden a renowned honor-bound playwright who lived some 600 years ago it appears that the broadcasting service a simple satellite dish protected by a small shelter is the only non-natural structure on the planet there is no hint as to who left here or why but going by the wear and tear on evidence it must have been here so place shortly here after the play was first written long before unabound learned the secrets of space travel we can only assume it was left here by ancient visitors to forge who took a liking to the play and decided to pay our species a strange and unexpected tribute we'd definitely see this as a gift a gift we must find a way to thank our mysterious benefactors extra xenophobe ethics traction and extra happiness for 60 months personally i would prefer the unity but happiness is important to us we're nice something waiting full of wonders all three science puzzles have been completed in the mysterious chambers deep underground the surface of the planet just as squath suspected the structure responded to the correct solutions for the alien trials as the last riddle was solved a cloudy holographic projection exploded to life in the main chamber it was a fine resolution depiction of our solar system along with scrolling instructions for various alien technologies another galactic position was indicated by a bright point of light the search continues and we get one minor artifact and zero g refineries are now available to be researched which is just a regular research but now it's always going to be here as a guaranteed which is nice because it also means it won't pop up here and honestly it's not one i'm particularly rushing towards so the next step is a buried deep and is oh it's also within our solar system okay i thought it was gonna be in another system so where is this one last exit of here it turns out that this asteroid has been moved yet there's still thrusters there we don't know why but here's some engineering research there is an encounter the alpha aliens space whales oh yeah we would investigate them instantly oh wait who's leveled up little hun is leveled up and he's now meticulous increasing chance of finding anomalies ah maybe spacewale our governor sadly has been proven to be somewhat inefficient candia you have reached arrested development you may need to be replaced efficiency is definitely a thing but also they have been serving us well up until this point do we fire them just because they've reached the end of their particular skill level or do we keep them around being inefficient i actually don't know how this empire would um deal with that admiral bowen will be our first ever admiral because they are a trickster increasing the chance of combat disengagement essentially meaning there's a lower chance we'll lose ships if they are beaten aggressive is the best here in my opinion but survival ooh excellent three worlds over there a desert arctic and continental and unusual whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa gaia ah prestine jewel darn it yep it's a holy world of a fallen empire we can't actually have it oh all my hopes oh there are signs of an ancient precursor civilization on this inhospitable rock wonderful and you can finally go ahead with the um pulsating stars research oh dear star crazy the crew on the shrouded hope have made an unfortunate discovery like they suspected the pulsating pattern observed from menith was in fact due to a sensory malfunction in science officer merson's head science officer merson has turned erratic and suffers delusions about the star's pulsating coded warnings about the coming apocalypse and of having been appointed protector of the realm the crew believes she herself manipulated the ship's sensory data during a sciotic spell sciatic psychotic spell even merson is now in a medical part heading back to forge where she will receive treatment thank you for your service merson protector of the realm well there goes merson oh that was so not worth it on so many levels okay we need a new one um first of all need the resources to hire a replacement i think i'm going to go with an archaeologist yeah we've seen loads of archaeology at the moment i definitely think we'd be going for one of those also a site over here with ones so diane will be replacing the protector of the realm oh what a shame what an absolute shame i discovered so much okay yeah but grab that one first meanwhile on the next world buried deep sealed bunker after a long arduous period of digging deep into the crust of last exit the excavation team has reached another underground structure despite readings indicating that this building is hollow no entry point can be found it appears to be hermetically sealed and the protective walls are made of some unknown material with extreme structural integrity conventional digging equipment doesn't even scratch it it'll require some serious effort to get through but the project is already underway good luck squath our factions have finally arrived so we have in order of power the alien tolerance organization which is our xenophile group we have the military officers association which is our militarist we have the free thought movement which is our libertarian which really love us 94 approval already oh look we've basically just accidentally chose all the correct options we'll get into that a second and finally with the hammer and sickle we have the social prosperity association with no current leader which is our cooperative um faction so the only negative i can do anything about right now is with you so with the most popular we need to find a new contact there's nothing else we can really do to please them they are very difficult to please 55 approval the military is happy it wants us to change our war philosophy to liberation wars okay i will do that right now then so unrestricted changing to liberation essentially this means we can change the ideology of other empires rather than going to normal war with them so that's pleased them a lot plus 20 so now they're 80 approval and of course the more approval you have your factions the more influence you get from them and since we are libertarians we get more influence from our factions plus 25 in fact so making them happy is a priority with our free thought movements personal weapons allowed we've already chose that freedom of speech we've already allowed that anti-autocracy uh we're just not merocracy free movement we've allowed that and reproductive freedoms yep everything is already done so with you you really want a planned economy you are the weakest of the factions so the one i'll pay less attention to you want an education campaign okay that i could do actually it costs a fair bit of energy no actually we can't even do that yet so that's something in the future you want nutritional planitude um i actually quite like that myself so i might end up with that as one of our edicts and you want the planned economy now this is a weird one so economic stands planned oh look at all the stuff it does okay let's have a quick breakdown of this planned nationalization of energy generating industries allow for more predictable and sustainable economic development not relied on uncertain market fluctuations only social development and growth and construction trade policies are available that's not quite true it looks like some of the others are also available mining subs subsidizing growth and construction etc um what else is there so this will give us plus percent energy from jobs that's a big deal plus five percent um growth speed that's nice extra build speed extra ship build speed colony development speed is increased market fee is increased by 20 so the market becomes far less of a useful thing for us but it does make cooperative more attractive which is really nice for our empire the free market we literally can never do because we don't have competitive at all this is actually the one i prefer i don't think i've ever used the planned um economic stance before that is really brutal so we have to change our trade policy from wealth creation to essentially any of these i believe social development growth and construction okay so not any of them can't even do that one just yet because i've got a tech so which one are we gonna swap it to social development what's that tried value now earns us unity and consumer goods and society research no energy at all though but of course we're getting plus 20 energy from jobs so tried value is now purely for well it's being invested into our people completely well we kind of consume oh something we just have consumer benefits or marketplace of ideas i like both of those okay sure we'll go into um [Music] we could do growth and construction minerals and food it gets turned into no i think i'd rather have consumer goods and unity so now we can go planned this is going to change a lot of our stats oh it's a lot of energy gone yep we need to uh focus more on ad generator districts uh like now please thank you and now we have the planetary unification giving us more unity and now we're going to um genome mapping let's start making our people healthier wow you're really happy now though 89 yep that really really really makes you happy plus ten percent whereas before it's minus yeah we have very happy factions the least happy sadly is our most popular but um hopefully they'll be happier once we find another empire which where is the other empires okay i'm going to end it here because looking at the footage i have way too much already um so feedback is very very very incentivized right now because i'm not quite sure how i'm going to do things do i keep on reading almost all the events out loud do i um try to cut them down a bit and just overview them what do you want to see from this really i am very keen to see how people want to see this play through going and hopefully it's popular enough because it is still quite a lot of ethics is stellaris but i had so much fun today just going through all the minor details normally i would be rushing ahead just to try and get to the next stage because of course four playthroughs and everything take 60 hours plus sometimes and that's with me being quick this time it's more just about experiencing the game and going through all the little details so with that likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future really do hope you've enjoyed this and have a lovely day and do take care and of course happy holidays this is being recorded on new year's oh sorry christmas eve almost there teleporting to the future maybe there am in the future it looks exactly the same kind of boring actually
Channel: Lathland
Views: 138,506
Rating: 4.9798107 out of 5
Id: mWy3KpWMphQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 16sec (3856 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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