I Die and Become a Card | Part 1 | Inscryption

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greetings sir anserets and welcome to inscription with me lathrix and of course welcome to a game which i have been pressured by all of my friends to play because apparently this is a game which is right on my alley it's absolutely bizarre it gets weirder and weirder and so far i have managed to stay mostly spoiler free all i know and it's gonna be in the thumbnail of this video is that when you die you become a card that is pretty much all i know outside of the fact it's being created by the fellow who brought us pony island which itself is absolutely weird and goes really dark in places so really looking forward to this i've seen the art style already in love with it so let's get going with inscription there he is lovely fellow brought us the games inscription press any button to start okay then so straight away it looks like we're playing through someone else oh okay so we have new game which we can't use we have continue options uh how do we oh okay so it's all just the usual stuff i'm going to leave it all by default so i suppose we're going with continue straight away then so where are we continuing off from i suppose is the question the word supposed to be my favorite today oh hello another challenger it has been ages maybe your voice who knows perhaps you have forgotten how this game is played allow me to remind you play the squirrel card oh okay so you have wolf wolf stoves oh you're adorable and the little squirrel which also is adorable kind of makes me think of the demon from um this enchanted now play your stoat stoats cost one blood sacrifices must be made now since i think this is basically a roguelike game i'll probably be skipping a lot after the tutorial so don't worry i will be trying to edit this to make it interesting because i know i can be very slow to play these types of games oh looks like he's asleep walls require two sacrifices you don't have enough ring the bell to end your turn and commence combat your stoat stands unopposed the number on the bottom left is the attack power one oh hello you're still does me one damage uh one two three four five so five health each and i suppose i added it to the scale you win if you tip my side oh okay so it's a shared health pool so it's yet proper scales very interesting like this my turn so does he not have to sacrifice things then your stoke stands in the way of my coyote my character dealt two damage to your stout that means your thoughts health is too less if your creature health reaches zero it dies does your turn again you may draw from your deck or you may draw a squirrel so wolf requires two i would like to see what else is in the deck but um let's upgrade that stove then so we oh sorry buddy oh i just realized look at the squirrel's eye yeah it's normal there when you got to sacrifice it's all sad oh sorry buddy that stoke was saying something then not the beat is the beer the beast is sacrificed but not removed from your deck your speech however is lost so we can almost kill him if we just put this down you know what i'm gonna pop it next to it oops didn't mean to do that i'll get used to the controls later oh well we just killed his beastie because you were learning i will pass i guess once you also got then oh a dirty boy hello there's some of a pet tortoise i'm very happy to see you although you're a turtle three damage dealt three weights on the scale pass [Music] i know it's silly but i just want the river snapper to get the killing flow there we go well then turkey boy you've won this match they won't all be so easy don't know i've gained such a soft voice for i'm gonna thinking like evil dungeon master i think that's the problem i was a dm for multiple years so it's just kind of in my blood let me recall your story oh yes very slight the spire you were lost deep in the forest for this one thing a single path revealed itself two denizens of the forest approached you tentatively the caustic adder damage from its poison bite is always lethal okay it's got a poisonous adder venomous i suppose and the undying cat sacrificing the poor beast does not kill it oh but it costs one so that is the cost isn't it it's cost there ooh like a rule book can i just okay we'll we'll get to all that when we get to um i like the adder but the cat's brutal let's go to the castle another creature joined your caravan now i think about it i don't know how many expensive things i've got somebody that was a terrible idea i wish i could look at my deck is anyone to look at the deck or move out oh is this my deck oh okay so if you press forwards twice you look at your deck so we have the river snapper yeah maybe the case wasn't worth it what are you them you came across an abandoned sack squirrel in a glass bottle okay you found a squirrel in a bottle break in case of emergency you may have a second that's awesome oh another useful oh do i get to tamper with the scales with it or something i mean it's a pair of pliers interesting so i should use that if i'm just about to win and we're in a bad position and we just need a point or two i don't know how many points it's gonna give us though you were ambushed while crossing some rough terrain what's on the board oh hello man i should give you a voice uh um okay so you talk you may see my moves ahead of time can i oh okay she's gonna play a wolf cub what does that do this card the card bearing the sigil will grow into a more powerful form after one turn on the board okay oh i love the stove love that um would it be worth putting down the cap turn one so then next time i can get the river snapper and the cat will still be alive or should i start plinking some damage at him so that's gonna go there then become a more powerful form so i assume it'll turn into just the standard wolfy boy did i remind you your items may help you hey i know but i'm just gonna also put down the stoke let's just get one point of damage in here we go mind the ambitious wolf cup it ages swiftly bat airborne a card bearing the sigil will strike an opponent directly even if there's a creature opposing okay it's flying it does what you'd expect um could do squirrel into cat next turn cat and squirrel into a river snapper or i could put down a squirrel now but i kind of feel like i need these for stronger fights than this oh you know what i'm just gonna chill i'm just gonna go boop and that into a kitty cat yeah i wish i had the adder now does that mean i can't hit the bat with my stoke though i guess we'll see very soon uh i actually kind of want a wolf more than the river snapper the the the sheer low attack is going to be not great here okay see if we yeah there we go go wolf let's put down on the squirrels in the bottle and let's wolf it up okay so we can hit flyers got it so now if i squirrel i can put the river snapper here and it'll absorb the damage and eventually win as well so yeah squirrel plus cat equals river snapper obviously now here's the issue that the cat's now is taking up a spanx i can't get rid of it i'll just draw a vast card kinda wanna see what the pliers do but i'm gonna leave it for now i don't think i get the items back right a victory you prevailed and trekked onwards past the now blooded terrain voice is changing slightly every time the wolf club ah cub and ooh a little sparrow the meek sparrow an inexpensive feeble flying creature i like the wolf cup just for one it takes one turn then because the normal wolf but it's a lot cheaper yeah i like the wolf club i've had so many symbols i guess we'll get used to this over time what are you you stumbled in some strange stones in the mist you are compelled to choose a worthy sacrifice one that will be lost forever the wolf cub or the cat why only those two can i look at my deck what makes them special oh is it the these have effects right that's interesting so if we give the cat effect something stronger when it gets sacrificed will it go back to full health i'm trying to think of how to make this good wait what happened if i give the wolf cup effect to someone oh even is that though i'm just trying to think about other games it looks like a fusion thing to me but i actually now have said that i don't know if that's the case maybe it's just a matter of those who were you know what the wolf club have only just got yeah i'm gonna find out oh kinda want to give it to the cat okay you said pick me so clearly this is a good thing i think i was right yeah i think i was right on the money there what happens though does it just turn into a wolf after one turn or does it do something i'm gonna find out okay um i guess i'm just gonna make you into a stronger wolf cup if that's the case oh yeah i think i think i'm messed up will it just turn into a wolf i don't get how this effect works i haven't got to test it out yet more powerful form after one turn on the board but is it specific yeah i don't know if it's uh yeah i don't know if it is specific if it is then i've messed up here oh you're glowy boy a ghastly spectacle but the soul of the wolf cup now lives in the stove good you're possessed that's helpful i've got to be honest i think i may have actually seen that effect from my uh twitter picture or something i'm trying to think i've been only minorly spoiled i know that when you die you get to become a card for future runs i know that i think i saw that effect so it seemed like i was smart there ish no oh what are you behold my totem it inscribes my canine cards with the airborne so you can have flying flying doggers cool it's completely insane you see that right no care for the rules i don't know what voice i'm giving you here and it keeps me around to watch me suffer oh that's not great um i mean okay we go straight with the stokes you can see what the effect does okay i think i'll put it where the bat is because that way you can take out the bat after a turn okay so i can't draw first i can't make sense back on the board yeah it's flying don't know what it looks like oh lord there's a lot of that oh what's happened what has happened there elder stoked okay i've just made them old crud my healthy um if we lose do we just lose straight up okay you'll kill you but then i'm gonna hit by for two points of damage which is why too much i could just put a squirrel there i guess and just take that no it's a fly up damn no no i could use the other squirrel so squirrel squirrel says both my items gone except for the pliers there we go that's gonna be loads of damage to them you're three damage away from winning i really want not the pliers do but i'm gonna save it let's just super win there we go and that's a pretty decent kill even overflowed at the end impressive you may yet survive this ordeal knock on wood okay so three cards this time the sparrow the flighty elk it moves after attacking okay two four for two the conniving raven a blight upon the skies i don't know i mean the ivan's group was getting damaged out but the elk that's a tank let's go the elk probably should have at least one flying card in my deck i guess probably not the best call there look at this doty boy okay that's a sacrifice that's oh wait a second oh i should have got the flyer i could have made something flying i am dumb i am dumb let's go with the fire then what's the fire dude it's like the spire is an upgrade so that is creepy a sin you came across a small group of survivors faces shrunken from starvation they huddled around a campfire they looked upon your group of creatures and beckoned come warm one of your creatures by the fire once said warm it by the fire it will enhance its power said another you noticed one of the survivors wiping drool from their mouth so this increases what now their power what does power means that attack health i kind of want to give it to the okay i don't know if this is a trap it looks like a risk reward thing i don't think i want to sacrifice ooh the river snapper would be good though loads of health add a bit more attack as well though i kind of love the attack the cat attacking let's go with the river snapper the fire warm the poor river snapper enhancing its power so is attack one of the survivors reached towards it another gnashed their teeth without a word you pull the river snapper away from the fire oh so i'm guessing there's a chance that can go wrong okay oh what are the um bag there for items cool so i think i'll go for that one next since i've just used both the squirrels but first of all fight [Music] what have i got grand firs what is that symbol mighty leap a card bearing the sigil will block an opposing creature bearing air but okay so blocked whoa a four six hello that's not very nice um squirrel into cat then next time we can put down the wolf girl that's a lot of damage well i guess for now just squirrel cat another grizzly i don't see how i meant to win this one honestly i guess i could use the pliers see what they do they'll hit for three but then that's dead five okay players how'd you do oh what that literally made me grab my jaw did i just rip out a tooth are they all no they're not all teeth are they a well-earned point of damage i didn't think you would really do it yeah no to die honestly yeah i can't win this can i i literally can't win this right i either hit that one or hit that one it doesn't really matter which oh wait with that movement would i have destroyed the tree that's actually a bad thing to do where's me gone you've lost using this as a learning opportunity may be the only way to mitigate my disappointment get up get up from the table okay so we are in [Music] a room fetch me the candlestick from the top of the barrel beside the door oh you can kind of see his head now we're up is it like fur i have a sneaking suspicion that's not a human okay so what have like a a hammer and a staff is like a little walking stick i'm not sure what that is actually can i click on new no we have a clock i imagine these things will come into play later then no idea that's literally a picture of where we started right weird we have a safe oh little portraits like what we've been using right something tells me i'm not the first one here we have glitch room the candlestick but wait a second let's look at the things a squirrel holding a knife not allowed that apparently assuming he's a key oh other candlestick uh i want to say a wolf globe yeah oh well we are really close to him do not like that do not like that stop looking at me mr leary f candlestick it is bring it here start to think i've gave him the wrong voice it's now five o'clock no it's not it's close to five o'clock sure i'm gonna put it to midnight it's only one thing off okay let's put it at midnight i could try every hour yes random stupidity wins the night what is that does it fit it's a ring i've opened that too early haven't i i was just gonna do every hour okay we could be here and check every time but no let's yes random dumb oh hand who do not like the hand dude not like your hand put it away i have to keep pausing at the moment because people are working outside it's a construction day apparently today so i keep pausing the recording it seems distracting now sit back down no there's one shot okay sure let me explain something to i you two lives that's basically what we're being told here isn't it that was one of the two mistakes you can make here if you make another mistake i must sacrifice you yeah we're a squirrel now where were we yeah i'm not complete completely out of items so let's go with that i'm guessing that's the boss at the end though i do kind of like the extra power uh giving extra power to something if we give the the stoke extra power does it carry on to his elder form as well so it would be a 2 3 then a three i think you got plus one plus one didn't it ah can't remember it's that long i know it went with extra one extra attack but i love the snap running it's just like the extra health that's a risk i think the items might be better though i don't know i really don't know uh the items are more fun i just realized i haven't looked at our model what are we cat okay porcupine sharp quills away to those who dare attack it so no i didn't mean to i'll getting used to the controls i thought since i was mousing over i just wanted to check what that ability did that's all i wanted to say sharp quills once a card bearing a sigil is struck the striker is dealt a single point damage okay i mean i still like that so one cost costume you actually quite like that it's fine i'm sure the last card was rubbish oh if you demon necessary you may cut up one of my cards with these a powerful item turn this and i'll skip my next turn it's bleeding yields three blood if you can ignore the bleating i'll choose one i thought it can give me all three than what yeah that's good skipping a turn is huge in games like this i mean come on any card game sacrifice turn is brutal lose a card is brutal i think honestly skip a turn right that's better right it let me do more but this could be one of his big cards i like the black guys but i'm thinking one of these two i've seen that sigil quite a lot actually the one on his head i think that's not the sacrifice of jordan you're killing the squirrels skip time a rock may get you out of a hard place okay so let's choose again oh that really horrible one please and let's cut up some people feeling overburdened enough with all three items you carried out oh that's really good so you always go to three i wonder what no i want to see me no let me can i please see my character more like a mushroom oh or am i holding a parasol or a bag i don't know the tree ooh bust music the trees seem to close and around you as you as i chill miss descended in the distance you could hear the clinking of metal on stone a horror sorry hobbled figure stood in your path [Laughter] yeehaw towards the prospector nope i'll do that voice oh i love that he's doing the prospector again easy boss the mule's the key the mule's key mule what what is the mute that's the mule pac-mule so you're gonna try and move and then we've got a little coyote there um i guess squirrel into stone so we can get the stokes bonus going up and running oh he has two lives i'm just trying to look at the ep cam i'm trying to look at the everything because i know this game is meant to be packed with secrets and stuff so i really should start looking oh look at his face i love it um yeah i mean squirrel into stoke right that's the play here this bat you sure his voice changes every time yes i am sure shut up uh we could just kill the pack mule then with the scissors i mean talking about that how did you activate the items wouldn't let me look at them oh i have to draw first for anything okay i don't guess it's a squirrel for now i mean it's just white so eventually oh no it's realized i'm really dumb i am really dumb i'm gonna be just mauled to death by the uh i could make him skip a turn now i could just cut up the mule and see what happens then i can start putting some damage through the next turn i'm going to get the two screws oh in that case actually skipper would be better [Music] skip a then next time we get the other squirrel we can kill the coyote we are going to almost kill the pacmull yeah i'll pass my next turn yeehaw yes you are so now squirrel squirrel and i'll put down the wolf so he's got a poison one there i'll just let the pacmull die what happens there then oh pack mule it's a pack of cards dagnabbit my mule did i neglect to mention overkill damage you did excess damage not wasted it carries over to the card behind the mangled corpse of the victim lucky for you okay three four five oh do i just win okay i actually want to see if it's five um oh is that really dumb though is that really dumb it probably is you know what uh i'll put down yeah uh do don't hear any more squirrels right now i was just going away squirrel into the porcupine so that way we killed the adder as well so it's five right yeah yeah there's still five damage so i should've done anyway i hope you didn't think it'd be that easy there's gold in them cards that was not your voice what gold i'm struck gold what okay you know when you see something you can't see it i honestly thought that was like a little machop in the middle there but i i oh no so any cards you have after the first fight to turn to gold is that right [Music] i can't really play anything man can i because i put on a squirrel bloodhound when the posing creature is placed opposite to an empty space so the opposition is the card bearing this draw move to the oh okay so you'll always move in front of my cards i guess then really i should just white these act like the things before right so you'll destroy that then i'll put down two squirrels and kill you with um the poison boy actually kind of want another wolf so i'll do that cat oldest white then i suppose [Music] get him there he is just oh i thought it meant okay i misread that i thought it was gonna move as i attack with a creature okay the wolf's gonna instant kill and put on more pressure than the snake would there we go okay they've been on snake as well i'd like to put down the cat so the cat's there now with the wolf you know what i was done i could have won then i could have won because i could have done sparrow plus the wolf out before then i could have used the pliers just drag out another tooth and then that would have been five because i think that was worth one or two but i can't do that now because if i try and sacrifice the cat i haven't got space ah that's done could've won that time could have one lesson learned though i mean i'll win now anyway right yeah because the sparrow will go over so let's drop squirrel whatever i win regardless but i don't know what else is going to do so you know what i'm putting a stronger play so you and you put down the big old snappy boy that'll bring it to zero i win first bus dealt with allow me to light your candles once more i won't be killing you quite yet achievement locked miners bane you've overcome the first boss as a reward you're granted the opportunity to select a rare card choose carefully four blood seven seven oh that's terrifying does that mean it just becomes a one four child thirteen poor abandoned child it does not die when sacrificed but do you have the heart to kill it is it like a dragon or like a kinda sore squirrel to begin with maybe i'm just seeing jimmy swirls that's weird why do i want that over the cat though i mean it's essentially the cat right there's got to be more to it than that because otherwise just printed the same card twice yeah i'm gonna go for lava i'm really interested see the wolf turned into a wolf my stoat simply gets plus one plus one or plus one plus two i forgot to look so what i think is i i still don't know if it's like generic the bonus or not i don't quite get that so that's a way to science with sound of the prospectus pickaxe still ringing in your ears you carried onwards hmm the rank smell of rot and mold permeated the humid air every step forward was answered by some nearby slip or slither you tread cautiously into the wetlands bullfrog okay so it has the anti-flyer ability moose buck three seven and a river snapper um what's up the mushrooms i was tempted by the river snapper anyway i quite like the really high i see three blood to seem so extreme and so difficult i like the ball frog the bull frog getting in the wipe we can just kill fly as normally i'm gonna go with the river snapper okay i'll be honest i was hoping the mushroom would do something i think it might be there for aesthetics so still the pliers we still have the um scissors so you have the sacrifice the more items and the fire so with the sacrifice we could sacrifice the porcupine and give it to stokes oh or the porcupine and give it to the river snapper two six and when it gets hit it hits back or we could just increase the power of one which i think is really good as well making both river snappers stronger or one of the river snapper stronger even the stoat i mean that would turn the stone to an absolute powerhouse or more items that would only be one item so we'd have two i kind of like the idea of the porcupine river snapper hybrid so if i'm correct from we saw last yeah only the effect ones so porcupine plus oh the stoke didn't appear okay so you can only do this once then per thing that's good to know i didn't think that was the case but okay spikey boy onwards to the next fight there's a way out for both of us it's somewhere in this foul cabin somebody's face makes you want to have a voice be silent i'll tell you to shreds i've owned this thought does that mean he's a past player again i kind of wish so yeah i have seen a few little things over the last like two weeks kingfishers the cardboard sigil submerges itself during its opponent's turn while submerged opposing creatures attack it oh so i can't actually hit it directly oh hello hand uh well i guess the usual then squirrel into stout yeah i'll just put it there i mean just use it to deal damage to a two of return so it's gonna be equal with the kingfishers right being really aggressive seems to be a good way forward in this game not like not i already have been so far but since it's like a scale system it's basically a defense as well okay so i hit for two now it's an eldest daughter level of it for one we're even is that another submerged one coming from oh what's the lotter cute but i want my wolf out this time yeah i keep double clicking them some reason don't know i'm doing that but there we are so now we're doing five he's gonna do three each turn so i'm just winning by two so i basically win right unless you play something very strong now i'll just grab a squirrel and there we are how brutal of you you dealt me more damage than you needed to win however in my game such feats are rewarded you see he just comes across as it's really smug dungeon master that's that's all he is to me interesting let's be precise a tooth so they are teeth for each extra damage dealt the trapper may be interested in your spoils the trapper oh i can see a trap there at the end look okay okay the the four one turns into the i quite like these ones which like evolve over time the otter and the beehive when is attacked you'll draw a b can i choose none i'd rather have a smaller deck sometimes um beehive seems more fun i don't see i don't like the idea of the submerged one that much i think i'll go with the elf fawn for now so i could sacrifice one so once again then now i have the timer effect so if i give that to the other river snapper it'll be a 1 6 which will evolve into a 2 7 the next turn if i give it to the castle just turn into a one two and then if you sacrifice it will it come back with that effect oh i see i'm really curious about that is the sacrifice effect will the sacrifice effect keep other effects that's my question why else do i have a fire extra attack i mean extra attack on the river snapper would be insane three six with the spike back on the stove or even on why is a strange larva oh cause it's a rare card isn't that why it's a different color oh i don't know i don't know just go with the bonus attack or bonus health in this case group of starving survivors stood around a dying campfire there is room for a creature around the fire once said the warmth will enhance its health said another worrying no way i'm tempted oh extra health on the river snapper though with that attack but that'll just make this thing just impossible i kind of want to strengthen the weaker cards why is the elkthorns castle blotted out you see that um extra health on the strange lava maybe so it can definitely have its effect go off again don't know what the fact is but i want to see it now let's go with with the room snapper i quite like them snappers as one of the survivors began pulling a knife from their pocket you withdrew uh i maybe shouldn't do that every single time because that is gonna be a risk isn't it it's me i have a bee and a bullfrog um i think i'm just gonna put it like this then it'll take out the b and the b hey that's mean i think it's a good call because the b will hit over you but then you'll take out the b and then turn after oh yeah the next time you'll start doing two which will make us equal mantis no no let me look at the mantis what was that effect a card bearing residual will strike each opposing space to the left and right of them oh that's a problem so i'm low health uh wait no i'm the wolf now can't i to kill the bullfrog anyway so question is that gonna do two damage to me or one damage to me if it hits like this oh when the wolf's there nevermind the wolf will absorb on the hit so do you want him i don't know how that works you come down so you're dead you do two so equal you do one then i guess okay i think we're right to do this i gotta be honest the wolves have been the main card i've been using oh we are low on health but it's okay because we're gonna get three through this turn you aren't going to hit i like that we go first i mean what can do is this yeah then get hit for two put down the wolf so we hit for two we take away one of theirs oh and overkill is wait we got the b i thought the did i almost understand that why did i get the b oh the b's free no cast cool but i thought the b was given to the owner of the beehive also can flies hit flyers that i mean makes sense right let's find out flyers do not hit flyers that actually surprises me quite a lot so that's a lot of overkill and overkill gives us the extra coins doesn't it it's kind of hoping i could get another wall for that oh wait i don't have another wolf do i i was thinking about sacrificing this dope for an extra attack to get more overkill as it stands though we're gonna get loads of overkill yeah look at lovely toothy money beautiful you're stopped along the way by a trapper looking to liquidate his pelts there's something uncanny about his appearance but you were quickly distracted by his wares carried a look at me belts uh they're pretty rubbish aren't they for cards so there's like not the boulders uh oh i thought you have to drag them okay we have oh i have a golden belt then just have the golden belt thank you you're leaving already please consider me belts i did that's one leave thank you thanks for your business kind of look like he had ice cream on his head then sorry very distracted the man assured you with the value of the of the belts they appear to be useless in a fight then why did i pick them but he mentioned that the traitor further down the path would reward you for them if you had a patience of anything other than the goldfish you would have quickly realized i would have explained it to you i mean i kind of just love the extra attack and extra health on the thing so um what do you have two items yeah we still have two items that's really good i'm just gonna upgrade one of the cards again i know it's risky it looks like i'm gonna lose a card eventually but extra attack that's all i wanted to say warmer creature by the fire yes pick someone else fine then this you know that's elkthorn on us there's the golden pelt that's so useless uh well i guess i could get it in the way of the coyote for a while while i get uh rabbit belt as well oh but i can't block right do they block air but nope because the ground fur has an eight block airborne sigil uh squirrel into cat i guess not a good start i'll put it there because the kingfish is never going to hit it because it's flying and i'll put down the golden palette oh i don't lose it if it dies do i you don't lose normal creatures so i'm assuming not ah what a rubbish start oh no okay we need to draw this note or any good one cast nope next time i lose don't i no wait they're only one damage each no i don't okay for one more turn then then i might have to use one of these [Music] oh can you sacrifice the pet i didn't check if you could sacrifice the pelts i'm so daft i was thinking about the boulders you couldn't sacrifice the boulders i could get the squirrel and put down the elk that'll kill the coyote but then we still lose for only one life was that it's a bad hand or did i play badly then yeah we only have one life left at the moment um yeah if i get a squirrel i can sacrifice cat and the squirrel to put down something which attack okay i think i think i know how to do without using the items so squirrel double sacrifice into elk that'll hit for two and for them time being put down the pelt they'll take the hit so we deal two they deal two it's equal come on stoked darn it gonna have to use the um scissors oh that was satisfying oh yeah he moves doesn't he okay so he's gonna be locked at four damage now because the otter coming down so take out the sparrow he'll be trapped there and he'll take the hit he'll do two damage which makes it even again unless he moves i should have put it there shouldn't i it should put the wolf there to guarantee the three damage through see i don't know how this is going to happen so he hits first then he'll move he'll come down and hit wait no he's stuck at the moment i don't know how it works i'll have to use the pliers that was done should have put the wolf on the right guarantee the three damage okay let's watch the elk yes the elk moves that was the right call i would have died just then i would have died if i didn't use the pliers but now we're okay cause we're gonna do three four five damage he's only doing three damage oh i had to use two yeah if i'd played the wolf on the right i wouldn't have had to use the pliers but i had one more item for whichever boss is next oh the strange lava okay you do then oh i don't just win no cool so let's see what strange lava does strange pupa there's dope yeah we just win now i can't really stop the winning which is a shame i kind of wanted to see um what the pupa becomes evil butterfly i'm assuming evil butterfly oh the mantis okay i love that effect also i like bugs and i've had many um essentially until the whole lockdown thing every year i would get a new pet mantis from the various pet expos in the country because i have lots of exotic pets and i love mantis but they live a very short time essentially most of them live for a year so i've got a very very soft spot there for the mantis what's with the mushroom i don't get it i don't get what's the mushroom telling me oh it's double oh is it telling you you've already got one in the deck oh i can't remember okay i'm not saying that's definitely it because i can't remember what the last one had with the mushroom either way i'm taking the mantis yeah soft spot for mantis extra damage on the mantas would be insane if it damages like i think it damages damn health health isn't good um i mean it could be nice in the man to take hits but i think if you're being hit you're basically dead anyway so hey wolf hanson's health i kind of wanted to put it on the uh the snapper but i didn't want to risk it okay so we retreated again i think i'm very lucky there oh incoming next boss what my boss battles are high stakes tests of your aptitude with one flame you will either overcome them or die i'm also now realizing how i think i'm going to do the runs from here i'm probably just going to skip straight to whichever fight i died on fear not i'll let you keep the smoke oh how generous of you oh i didn't expect it to be an actual card okay i thought you just peeing a bit of a dip a foul smell invaded your nostrils and caused your throat to seize a hulking man sat by a brackish pond of his feet submerged in the dark water he pulled a hook from a pile of rotting fish and rose to his feet i'm the angler go fish nope that voice will kill me go fish oh i love the bat is that like fish hanging up oh love it love it love it love it i love a good atmosphere oh the lava straight away what is the smoked oh it's just a free just sacrificial card isn't it i have the pelts in my deck as well okay yeah squirrel straight into the lava i'm very curious what you do [Music] which fish which fish hot juice you gonna kill it oh come on uh do you want to kill the smoke fresher fish easy choose oh can you sacrifice the smoke on the side no you can actually the smoke is pretty good in your sacrifice um i guess i don't want to play anything else i was just about to say oh we could do squirrel river snapper but if he's gonna this is so just gonna kill that card isn't he that's his gimmick he's gonna kill a card each time [Music] oh he's gonna steal a car of course he's a fisherman why wouldn't he steal a card mine now go fish mothman okay take that fishy boy y'all seen mothman stalefish oh jews i can do squirrel squirrel sacrifice for a river snapper and then play another squirrel but here's the thing the last time we had a boss and it went to phase two it killed my board so i'm just gonna put on a squirrel new fish easy jews i would have thought as well i'm completely blocking him off from attacking oh this is an easy boss if you know what see i say that what's the best um second fight is just really complex so i just instantly die mothman say that lad oh fudge that that that made me jump too fast too soon what the f satan grizzlies i'm not allowed to go past it is this it's scripted isn't it i can't i can't win that i can't win that screw uh squirrels squirrel squirrel squirrels i like squirrels turn to a dog then for a second or something squirrel but you know there we go i'm dead i'm dead obviously i'm dead hold on off man you cheating bugger you son of a cop blood artist did she oh bloody hell i've jumped twice in the span of like a minute that's good i'm assuming oh this is the flashy glitchy room what's in the flashy glitchy room oh you can kinda see his face just about you aren't dead yet this isn't purgatory though you may think of it that way also i had to stop them for like two minutes between those sentences because i was on a coughing fit and once again outside is really loud before you expire i must ask you a favor i would like a memento memento mori your very own death card it's quite plain at the moment isn't it we will work together to amend that i want this to be a perfect memento of you here are some cards from which from your mediocre deck you can put them to good use please choose a card oh so this is my death uh this is like the um death card the may card river i know you've become a card so i guess this is it isn't it please choose a uh appreciate a card to draw the cost from do i want it to be good or bad i'm assuming good so let's go the rabbit belt that's free right the cost of free from the rabbit belt and another this time i will choose the power and health the numbers i'm about the mantis is terrible for that length it's only what oh i didn't get to use the mantis a a one six for free is pretty good now choose a card from which you attract to extract the sigils what's a sigil oh the sigils of the effects aren't they uh strange lava then i mean i like the spikes i'm not too keen on the movement one but yeah just that means it'll become a two seven if it goes with the wolf rules um when it was given to the stove it was yeah the the wolf cup rules a sigil of fledgling from the strange lava i never did ask your name laffy poo i am lathrix enter there is now but one final matter the portrait cheese do not need to smile i'm always smiling [Music] so i guess that's run one done then yeah here we go again another challenger perhaps it is time perhaps you can understand the bones the resourceful opossum cost two bones you gain a bone in one of your creatures perishes for any reason all the stones back asleep here's a question to that last player the one that we heard actually die because of that because it went like screen grainy so it could have been a while now i'm trying to theorize what's going on so if i so i said you get bones when i'm actually back in the footage because i didn't quite understand what you just said okay so it was when your creatures perish for any reason so i assume sacrificing oh don't put that there then also counts yeah from the death of your creature you've gained a bone you'll not lose this until it is spent or the battle ends sleepy stoke does one damage radford is three to me i'll draw a squirrel i'll sacrifice them both for a wolf and also put down the opossum which will kill the rattler sorry stop while i was asleep again yep ah the wolf's gonna go away but i'm gonna do four damage oh i think that's just me winning right that's neat so we have two resources now okay so it's the next run i'll probably start skipping it oh oh i forgot your figurine get up and fetch it for me oh what if anything's changed it's beside the safe there's the book with all the things so many things okay i'm gonna have quick looks have a quick look around if anything is ch oh squirrel red river snapper almost liberally uh red snapper then from wow uh yes so i'm guessing this is the board it wants me to have no enemies snapper squirrel that's not too difficult because before that was the desk wasn't it yeah yeah i know but that's changed okay so i'll try and grab that there's the figurines gonna ignore you for now skrill still doesn't want me to stab the guy which is fair i guess oh got some teeth ooh i couldn't do that last time i didn't try to it's completely filled out of smoke is that good i don't know if i unlock something or need a key okay nothing there okay i'm gonna just um probably gonna speed through this now in editing oh yeah the actual figure uh could you use any of them nope i guess this one is my old one there buddy that's safe just move that sounds moving okay oh there we go let us continue so i've decided i am going to be leaving this episode here we've got killed and everything else next time the editing is going to be way more intense so we're probably going to do several runs focusing mostly on the boss battles and everything else with more summaries and just um looking around and trying to figure out all the different secrets here i am really invested in this so i am going to be recording probably the next video or two back to back here so just to stay spoiler free i'm also going to be using a friend of mine as a model right to look at the comments for me so i don't get spoiled because i am so curious about where this goes i just see his head really hope you've enjoyed this video and if you have then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that inscription is a series you wish to see continued in the future i've just finished recording stellaris and this is a lovely change of pace this whole week i'm dedicating to just playing games i want to play also want to play play astray or a few other things because it's a nice chill week for me so thank you for watching have a lovely day and do take care until next time what is in there
Channel: Lathland
Views: 45,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yH-zjji-kb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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