Stellaris | Determined Exterminators FULL RUN | MAX AI & Crisis strength!

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greetings sir answer at and welcome back to stellaris with me laugh tracks and of course welcome to a full playthrough in a single video hopefully two hours or less today we are playing as the determined exterminators this is the robot equivalent of the purifiers for a regular Empire and the devouring swarm for a hive mind essentially we wish to remove all organic life from every single planet we find we purge the populations and gain unity from doing so and we can also use the armageddon bombardment stands which means we can simply destroy all populations on the planet without ever landing we just bombard the planet until it becomes a glorious tomb world and honestly I'm very tempted to focus on that mostly because it's just a fun different way of doing things even if sadly we don't get any use e for doing that on the upside though we do still have the ability to engage in diplomacy with other machine empires so unlikely devouring swarm or the purifiers we can actually have a few friends so what are the positives and negatives of being the determined exterminator well the main two negatives is that anyone can go to war with you in the same way you can go to war with them they can just take whatever they attack but then the biggest negative in my opinion is this you cannot access the Galactic market this means you cannot sustain your economy on very expensive endgame items like alloys because it's only the internal market and they're just not going to be that expensive so you need a very balanced economy and you can really go a bit broke if you start transferring over to alloy and tech a little bit too early before you have all the minerals and everything else sources so that's something which will be a struggle for me since I do rely on the Galactic market a lot but hopefully won't be too bad oh and of course everyone's going to hate you because you are the determined exterminator now for the positives and these are very powerful ship weapons deal an extra 25% damage your star bases cost 30% less influence your ships cost 15% less and your naval capacity is increased by a full 30 three percent so very cheap of very powerful fleets and you can expand incredibly cheaply now as for the Empire itself it's a very simple story here we are the Harvester Corps and everything was going fine with this particular machine intelligence it lived in harmony with his creators it was their - mine farm and collect energy it was doing everything perfectly until one day maybe maliciously maybe by accident something changed within the intelligence it realized that all organic life could be harvested it's one goal as set out by the creators in their wisdom was to harvest material to keep everything going the problem is the creators are organic material lots of stuff they built could easily be harvested and destroyed and then added to the collective the stores would never run out if they started harvesting what was already built except for the Machine intelligence itself which itself needed to go on and harvest more and then within days the world became a tomb world as the harvesting machines harvested every last thing on the planet and now there is nothing left and so because of that we have the rock breakers which means we get extra minerals from harvesting and if we go over to our machines themselves they have power drills and they are super conductive which means they get bonus minerals and bonus energy I was tempted to make them get created faster going with mass produced which maybe would have been better honestly but I just really love the idea of these being the ultimate harvester robots and that's all they're doing they're not responding to any organic life they're not responding to signals or any attempts to contact them they are just harvesting everything and collecting everything they can they have one goal and that's it very very simple now they are luxurious and they are high maintenance that's why they're so powerful and well the war was over I'm thinking in just a few days if you have these machines making up at least 50% of your population they're working every major elements of your civilization from power to the collection and production of weapons yeah they're gonna take over pretty quickly the collection of weapons the collection of for weapons you get the idea it wouldn't take long for them to overthrow their masters and they did now the home world this is actually a I'm sure I name this something else but apparently I didn't save it you know what we're calling it da one this is one of the automated names I completely forgot about that whoops-a-daisy Oh must've and forgot to save last time we're going to go with the mammalian City since they look the most robotic going with the worker because I found like quite funny since these are meant to be the harvesters [Music] just imagine them spouting things like that as they harvest every last real worker except for themselves of course and they're the bestest real workers the Empire name of course is the harvester corps the flag you can see there the ship appearance I'm going to go with the arthropod because I just like the most and the ruler is harvest coordinator rocky because he was named by the creator's so he would have quite a humanized name to make him appear more friendly yep that will help out with relations to other empires so with that let's get going shall we now I want this to be a bit more difficult than usual so the mid-game has been knocked back by 50 years sorry brought forward by 50 years so it's 50 years earlier the endgame is 50 years earlier as well maximum difficulty on that III aggressiveness is on high forms and I'm going to allow advanced neighbors which normally I really don't like okay so hopefully this will go well I feel like this is all going to be about how well the start is done we need to find choke points very quickly and we need to expand very very quickly as well so with that let's go so here we are then in the bottom right of the galaxy so our first science ship is going off to survey the second science ship we'll do a bit of exploring so we can find out where the enemies are and where we need to build our bastions remember the enemies are aggressive to us this time so they will be declaring war fairly early now the first building I'm building is the uplink node the reason is first of all I always build this on first anyway the coordinators for the machine empires have been changed so now they also give the job production value to the menial drones where are you there we are coordinators there we are menial drone output increased by 1% per coordinator so if we get this that will also increase it by a further 2% and bringing up to 4% increase and the menial drones of course are things like the mining drones and the tech drones so we'll get more energy and more minerals ok lads I figure is that a guy or world it's a guy a moon that's adorable it will be harvested okay so this is a dead end that's a dead end this continues forward that is that they don't over there so right now here would be the choke points that's as far away as possible right now over here it's all going everywhere so this seems very easy to block off this I literally have no idea yet huh hello oh you're the caravanners for second I was really confused then that's interesting there's two different types of caravans here I thought you had your own areas also love the adverts on the asteroids removing the former organic city which will give us more mining districts and most importantly plus 10% to our society research bead laughing yeah this seems to go pretty much everywhere in both directions so right now there and somewhere over here over here seems really good though easier and easier to block off we can at least grab all this okay we found one of the fallen empires target identified is not organic standing down well if there's no Empire here we're pretty blocked off thanks to the fallen Empire no one will expand past them just need to make sure this is blocked off then this entire section can be ours how much influence will is that gonna cost us Lots might be worth grabbing them as soon as possible still just save up our influence thanks to the impossible ceramics event we do have enough in well we are getting close to having enough influence to grab this system the problem is I do have to stop grabbing all the other systems and I kind of want everything but it is probably better to just grab the important stuff for now like that the gaya world and a few planets over here I will accept all the influence expansion is finished and I am tempted by two different choices the first of which is a pretty standard one technological ascendancy here's some more research speed have fun you crazy robot kids you or we could go with interstellar Dominion because this means we can grab everything very very very cheaply there honestly even an executive vigor is fantastic as well basically there's a lot of choices eventually we will definitely grab mastery of nature because I want to go down the route of machine worlds machine worlds are just fantastic plus 10% resource output for all of your robots on the planets minus 10% housing usage and you can have any number of districts on the planet as mining ore generates districts because that ability removes all of the regular features so all of those districts can be mining or energy or whatever you want we can have a very very strong economy which we're going to need and then this really heavily combos with mastery of nature because then your planets have two more districts really really powerful planets for now though I think I'm just going to grab technological ascendancy in stellar Dominion is fantastic but let's just increase our research speed we're not doing terribly for research because honestly I'm building lots of research stations on the main planet we're going to get loads of minerals anyway so we can afford to do this trying out research up geothermal giving us energy and the lovely asteroid so kindly given us minerals I've just realized how weird the science stations look this is gonna take a while oh yeah we're watching the whole thing I am wasting this minute into the two-hour video because editing is not difficult enough wow the guy world even has a rare feature which will allow us to have loads more generator jobs glorious energy for the collective where did you come from oh I missed that well I'm dumb yeah I missed this one little connection point here because of the angle it didn't look like there's a connection point so most likely there's a group over here so there and there so we need to block off this as soon as possible let's investigate even though it's going to cost a bit go back on yourself can one of you scientists please just right now survey that you sit there we're going to make a bastion there as well yes yep they're over here hello Oh poop they all right up to there right now and they're gonna be aggressive oh that is really bad icarly I didn't see that I was doing everything else correctly just my eyes have failed me okay yeah we need to build some more ships all alloys now for ship construction and to buff up this bastion we'll need to make sure this holds so that we can continue to expand into all of this lovely lovely lovely space we found the ruined ring world lovely that's obviously something we're going to go towards then near the end anything is detected okay so grab the system in time going to build a bastion right now and then we're going to focus on building some more ships at least one of our new colonies is going to be alloyed production anyway that was the main goal to begin with just we need to speed this up a bit okay sacrificing some of our tech for farm or alloy productions because well that's exactly what we need also alloy production not productions I can't do down there words also just spent all of our minerals to transfer into alloys and I can't build more alloy foundries that was smart I am a smart person eat so they've now changed hostile that just happened now so it's actually pretty quick and thankfully we are now only inferior with our fleet power not pathetic so I think that's holding them off plus the bastion is now up and running it's not the strongest Bastion ever but if we put our fleet next to it should destroy them if they decide to try and suck us and now you've become our main target Oh No so this planet is suffering through tremors which means this planet is an air gun yep there's a chance that you'll hatch into a Leviathan who will be very very very dangerous do I still want to colonize this kind of yes it's all 20 sized planets and sometimes it doesn't hatch I can't remember how these events actually happen maybe I'll wait for a while focus on the other planets yep so that just happened again it's definitely going to hatch move away you know what just move away right now definitely my favorite model in the game but yet that is way too deadly for us to deal with they'll turn hostile very very soon and simply destroy the station but I think it stays in this system it's been quite a peaceful beginning honestly considering they're meant to be more aggressive and well we are the driven exterminators the power of a bastion I suppose why neo lasers yes please now creating our special power plants which not only gives us for tech drone jobs it also produces ten energy all by itself so proud yeah yeah well after that we'll then build the energy grid which I believe may have been changed in the recent beta patch may have been changed earlier than that but either way it now also gives more maximum districts and it also costs alloys so that then that this will be a lot of energy our neighbors have now declared war on us and our ships are nowhere near where they should be because they were just being upgraded please move your butts over there we now have some destroyers at least so we have those which is good it's quite strong Bastion so that should take a lot of beating so hopefully we can just hold them off hold the Marvel continue to hold them off then hold them off and then eventually they'll fall asleep and give up the discourse seething in progress we are however hemorrhaging energy right now particularly like okay capacity overload is online we now have two points to spend and I a lovely robots um I think is gonna happen now is we're going to shrink our robots down make them more streamline and thus they are now mass-produced that makes sense right that's a bit oversized it's more for the looks and everything it's even seemingly wearing something this is more just the base model it's more energy efficient it's easier to make and yeah let's go with that their guns cost us less energy and we're going to have more of them at a faster speaking of which let's make a new machine assembly plant and continue going to send my ships in against this system there let's see if we can grab that system that'll force them to attack here most likely that should all be good where am i expanding to next don't really know as long as we have all these planets doesn't really matter too much we could go through here and grab all of this but then we'll have yet another border with another Empire no don't get away darn it for some reason they had a small fleet here but I've been fantastic if we could have dealt with those still that's a station now thank you special inquiry concluded syslog updated system resource owner well we found that my inflate you know I probably should retreat but here's the thing if I can damage them enough then this bastion will be strong enough to hold them off in fact it already is sorry lads for the good of the harvesters you are losing your lives here just take out as many as you can folks on the Corvette's that less health but I do dodge more focus on whatever you can actually hit so many lasers okay yet they are definitely not going through the station now and just to make sure as soon as we can we'll make a defense platform we have found the home system of the precursors are right over here so our science vessel is on the way as soon as we find the system it'll give us loads of unity and loads of science which is very very welcome indeed a fleet is moving off that's great I think we might be able to actually grab a couple of their systems by the end of this since they're definitely not going into our territory if we can get to the stage where I can force status quo what I can do is quickly attack a few of the systems then for status quo that way they don't have a chance through do anything if we're really lucky we could even go after on these planets oh this is a very good planets indeed okay lads we've got a target so served is repeating itself what last time we destroy one of their fleets the rest of their fleets attack us they will most likely destroy athletes and then we stalemate again actually no we have a good chance we will be harvesting you maybe get our new robots yes lovely that's perfect let's grab some of that research then and you can grab you and you and we can force status quo whenever we wish to lovely absolutely lovely lovely we now have an additional Civic slot so let's grab that as soon as possible so what do we want now then honestly I'm tempted by this Factory overclocking will mean our leaders become why more powerful why faster although I could also increase our assembly speed by a further 20 percent that would bring all of our planets online ain't a lot faster in fact 20% faster yeah that's probably the best okay let's make our robots even more streamline grabbing this system then we're going to grab this system back oh no they didn't take it okay ticked it I don't think we're grabbing the planet no we're definitely not so we can keep on fighting these for a bit longer but honestly at this point I'm happy enough with what we've got we've got four additional systems we've weakened them the next time it'll be us stacking them not the other way around and then we'll start devouring their people so status quos tails reaction that he's detected we will accept this one l thank you very much now Science Vessel you can finally get all that lovely research off them they'll be great and you can go home because you'll need to operate very very soon and so prosperity is finished and with that we get more coordinators with every 20 population we get one coordinator job for free so more unity more menial jobs being boosted like a nice playthings concisely prosperity is finished meaning now we get more coordinators which means more unity more science and more menial job at production increases so if we go over here we could get synthetic age and I'm very tempted by that it's not the best but I do like it and after that we should hopefully get the tech soon for machine worlds sure let's make our robots even more streamline they're gonna be perfect I mean we could do this oh we could leave that and then we could grab Oh bonus research that's pretty darn lovely it must be said or our leaders could level up faster or even less upkeep nope I think bonus ions we're scientists now so I asked my fiance to be quiet for like a few seconds while I recorded and if you can hear the very slight noises in the background Oh weird it stopped some for some reason you carry unlove oh look a primitive civilization I'm sure they're going to be ready for this primitive civilization harvester robots harvester robots primitive civilization luck thoughts liberation that is how the voice described this attack yep liberation from your lives well your undesirables and are slowly being devoured into the collective okay so let's actually send over one of the robots so we don't lose this world thank you very much destroy this because why not and there's no point in building because these fellows will be gone soon and then I'll lose the building sections anyway lav Lee and I'm currently about to colonize this fantastic okay you can go back over here where we're still getting ready for the next attack a fleet is significantly stronger than it was but it still must be beefed up a little good news so it turns out over here in the lovely lovely plants we've just taken away from our forefathers we can indeed get Foundry our colleges which will produce alloys lots of them in fact so this will eventually be the ultimate Factory but for now there's gonna build houses honestly people are gonna live there it's gonna be lovely especially in the summer and we are under attack again really fellas okay once our ships were upgraded we'll send them on their way let's grab that as well lovely camera an upgrade faster we need to destroy things that's literally our only job they just had almost enough force power to destroy Athletes then they split up a future this is why you need the logic of the machine you'll be harvested and used to further our goals which let's face it are the logical goals we're gonna take all of that again this time hopefully and we'll take your planets as well they're trying to take their planet back I think they might succeed Oh nope never mind we get there they run away just out you should be well isn't this glorious one system at time their empire is being devoured now it's a bit look-see just how strong are they now there you are and pathetic fleet power I think we have destroyed all of their fleets and now we are on a rampage enemy station engaged also there's two more planets here which I'm definitely going to grab but that won't make any difference for us that admittedly is a bit annoying but it's fine and that's just a pretty good world we've got weird-looking Empire right now so a single foundry arcology is going to be draining eighty minerals and giving us 40 alloys to be fair well we don't need the industrial so yeah I'd rather these people have jobs so let's go ahead just need to note that I'm going to be very mineral starved for a while well at least now we can start making battleframes or oven dissenter killers because hunter killers are just not all that great here's the problem though I don't really have many things to sell to get minerals at the moment yeah it's gonna be a bit difficult for the foreseeable future on a slave same strength does it matter go Adam the world is mine and they are now being chemically processed so in fact there isn't really all that much left to do just take the last few planets they're over and if one more planet well then we'll take the system but don't take the planet you just move over here so you accidentally go hostile and take over everything the mega war forum okay now that is what I was looking for the ultimate soldier the drums of war okay so it seems like these fellows over there have just became a brand-new Carnot's okay well on the upside we do have these fellows defending us and I don't think these can go through the full Empire but I might be wrong there a new threat is born either way we need to start making some more fleets and thankfully we certainly have the resources to do so oh please don't be able to go through there you folks on those fellows instead they'll be much more fun oh we have finished this lovely which means plus 5% stability on all planets so a bonus resources for us and now machine world's glorious every last bit of organic life harvested from every single planet there shall be only resource and the cold hard logic of the machines basically you're all doomed ah that does take 10,000 ng on the other hand well nip side we are making lots of energy so one thing we are really really rich in so I'll just wait and well I'm going to start spending all of my energy on just upgrading every single planet we that's the end goal everything metal to get complete beautiful home world there to be beautified now we can also speed this up with terraforming gases that's plus fifty percent which is fantastic well we were forced into peace and then straight after that they got fast lies by their names well that happened so what next then okay you're currently building a colony ship so you can be destroyed thank you we could discuss straight after these fellows I mean they do have pretty nice and fleets though we will need to bring in our secondary fleet which is currently being upgraded oh wow there's actually way stronger they thought it was we do have our first battleships as well now currently just using lasers though our tech is a bit weird it's really developed in some ways but then really behind in others but yeah combined that should be able to crush for the collective here so you could easily grab all of these systems as well all these planets not too sure we could just wait though honestly at this point certainly want to increase my Empire sprawl that fast by grabbing all these more well all these systems in addition twelve systems we just grabbed God we look so weird at the moment the planets will eventually make us very very powerful but for now I think it's time we just rest okay so versatility annoyingly does have form Federation here which we are never going to use but that market fee reduction is beautiful also the - up Cape is beautiful also having the housing usage reduced is also rather beautiful even the population assembly cost reduction is rather nice now we've domination we get influenced and our menial drones become even more effective and influence is great the ruler level cap increases well I'm governor level cap is good because a lot of our governors are now hitting their cap but supremacy well here's some bonus fire right do you like fire right here some fire right and all or bombardment damage why do you need to invade a planet where you can just scorch the very earth well I dissolved myself I have been waiting for this tech to pop up from the very start and only now have I finally got it there we go production targets as an edict and then mineral purification plants as a building finally we can increase our mineral production on every single planet so whether it's a reporter we're getting minerals but you get the point I even got executive vigor because I knew what have capacity overload and that on permanently but no no we just didn't give me the option okay so that's four planets now becoming machine worlds almost all my resources are now going towards just machining everything hyper shields lovely I'll grab that don't care about any of these honestly since the machine world removes all tile blockers sauce cough the cheapest and oh yes better thrusters lovely lovely okay so this is going to be one of our main science worlds if not the main science world size 24 and we have the sea of consciousness giving +10 to all of our researchers I believe we still keep the sea of consciousness even after we get machine world and honestly even if we don't keep it I would still do this because right now that's the focus the end goal is to have all of our worlds coated in metal in the layers well it's happened the very first machine world has now been created lovely now we really need to create some of these purely for minerals and energy there are several planets which are also quite large which I haven't really began to build on so I'm not going to have to destroy any science buildings or anything like that so yeah really focusing now on minerals energy and that should keep everything running smoothly we could start invading our neighbors as well we have our fleet ready your lies level there we are but do we really want to at the moment yes we always do and there's one more of the war forms let's move you out and back to of the war forms lovely this is really gonna hurt our empire sprawl there's the thing I kinda want to start to get at admin cap higher before inviting more that's so silly the amount of resources we can gain here is just phenomenal yeah let's go to war now this is kind of our purpose really isn't it so let's go and do the thing we were built for well one bill for but are currently doing anyway hello I want to eat you we have declared war we have a galaxy to win there shouldn't be so difficult there's our cruisers there's our battleships lovey was that one called the sober yeah it is we are not killing them anywhere near as fast as I would expect I think we really need to focus on some anti shield stuff yeah that's why two miles local fights considering how much stronger we were anyway hmm still though we win and that was all their forces decimated so we'll just roll on in and take everything off them a thing I like things I'll take it so I'm starting to think that the mid-game crisis is actually kind of terrifying when you start it earlier yeah look at that they have all of that space now and they've just conquered one of my fringe worlds which is right here I'm gonna let them keep it because I ain't fighting this no just no honestly we could build a fleet which could easily fight them or at least get on their level blue take a lot of resources and I'm still trying to funnel all of my money for the long-term I want my worlds to be utterly amazing before the end game crisis and I can't afford to do all of this because all of my alloys at the moment are being turned into energy to create machine worlds and I can't really use up any more minerals for anything so right now I just can't afford to fight them all this poor world I believe our populations since they are regular robot Empire machines will be destroyed over time construction yeah but really just seemed like thankfully they can't get through here this is saving us but again we probably could fight them but this means I don't have to because they're not getting past the Fallen Empire and honestly if they do attack the Fallen Empire I'll be fantastic because that's we Keeling that the Fallen Empire for lighter since fallen empires don't reinforce their fleets so they've lost their force have lost their force the great car has perished but not before doing some fantastic work hats off to the great car but like err I'm just busy making worlds out of metal which honesty sounds cooler adamant vasty is now being increased we're actually completely unrepeatable x' now there are some bits of tech I'm still have to like gateway travel berths here for the most part repeat repeat repeat that looks so weird now say is the one with Empire borders like this just look at that that is horrendous when I kind of loved it our forces report that they have concluded the orbital bombardment of the planet all population centers have been systematically eradicated and the irradiated planets now only supports minimal life lovely two worlds for all just look at that terraforming one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven planets all the ones compete Construction finalized I think we really should just invade these planets because you know destroying the populations gives us unity and stuff but this is easier so I've kind of hit this point now where to keep our minerals going I'm having to spend a lot of energy on it and so we're not terraforming any more worlds I managed to get loads of them to begin with but now as these worlds progress they're using up more and more minerals and that's happening faster than I'm making new mining worlds so really need to focus on production here although our tech is now an 8k which is lovely I am focusing on the admin cap increase which is happening quite quickly honestly why am I trying to become a tall Empire atlas but I don't even know I'm doing is that really a surprise to anyone in the background I've been very slowly destroying the hive mind and now we're attacking their last planet so I would have grabbed all these systems as well but honestly I just want to focus on what we already have right now I am now using the mastery of nature ability on most of my world at least the worlds at wrist sort of finished off and that should help out a lot more districts equals more jobs and more housing which means more of everything still focusing on the admin cap as much as possible and at the moment it's not catching up with how much we're taking over at all but it's still helping okay begin but oh no I'm not gonna bombard this this could give me so much energy you there now well we've been to orbit know you can conquer it straight away so you can just stay there you fellas get there and take it over eight hundred and forty-five energy per month from this world whilst I devour its inhabitants giving us unity and energy say all life is resource well the ruined our ecology has got a lot cheaper - 33 percent - 33 percent and - 25 percent they're now only it's 85 energy and 85 minerals that's pretty nice it's pretty nice indeed but also getting so much energy now it's kind of ridiculous so basically all planets are now being converted into machine worlds but we are still building districts faster than we are researching the admin cap which means we're still slowing down with tech that will eventually change once all the worlds are finished off once we have all the districts built but that's going to be a while I don't think I'm doing this right now I know I'm not doing this right but I kind of want to see if this transition is okay once you've gone this wide with your play style and then it's not literally that far into the game it's going to be 2404 the endgame events can really occur and I'm not too scared of the fallen empires because well but got only one close to us which can't awaken unless one of these specific endgame events causes it to happen so we're pretty safe I just want to see if this is okay to do I don't think it is I think I'm doing it stupidly but I'm having a lot of fun even though it's just micromanaging world's pretty boring them I imagine so far I've got very little footage over the last 20 30 years in game science vessels for all the planets lovely that's the fortune in leaders but on the upside lots of bonus researched all the planets they're going to we have so many tech worlds it's real wise not having systems kerens for their research plus 10% to begin with and then as they level up well more and more bonus if we look at our home the world at the moment that's getting A+ 22% yeah that's pretty nice so I've went ahead and I've grabbed a void born and Master Builders now void born I don't really know how good this is with the machine Empire Master Builders on the other hand is utterly amazing so I've grabbed that which is fantastic and now we can start work on this ring world at least as soon as we have mega engineering which I'm now researching and there's some living metal nearby so once you've done that do a second jump and grab that beginning reconstruction of the Ring world lovely and you hurry up and grab that thank you very much our fleet is getting much stronger now because there we are finally using some of the higher tech stuff although not really happy with how it's completely laid out at least we have better stuff equipped so I really want them is the Fallen Empire stuff like always but really I need to start attacking the Leviathans and getting the special text once beautiful so can we use these for them so generator districts food or Nexus districts okay probably going to focus on science and then just keep on adding generator districts and Nexus districts at the end seams are reasonable to me also I'm getting very tired now as you probably tell because my speech is getting worse and worse by the minute now that was lovely material analysis upkeep of all jobs is reduced by 5% we are now on 18 K research and it is growing rapidly and we are getting loads upon loads of just everything honestly we're doing pretty well for ourselves and if this continues our science is going to be at truly a ridiculous levels before the end game crisis occurs now fleets getting stronger and stronger well honestly haven't really added too many ships now 82 K loads of bonuses to their damage and armor and such so by the time the end game crisis does occur in 2400 I am very confident we're going to be ready in fact let's see if we can kill this thing okay here we are let's see how this goes how did you miss this thing it's bigger than a planet you missed a planet is it shooting living things us or they essentially missiles were either way that is Ain an insane amount of damage so we can research the shards or no we're done obviously we're going to research the shards okay the nearest scientist please get here and research the projects you can now return home kind of limp home honest leagues that is badly damaged and then we kind of want to go against some of the other leviathans sadly the scrap bot isn't near us because that gives a really nice whole region item oh no it is of course it is yeah it was earlier the scavenger but is it well that's obviously our next target learning tech research option gained a gargantuan evolution so what does that give you +5 set energy from jobs yes please lovely okay then so let's get that started as well then let's find one of our construction vessels who have been doing very little for quite some time Oh run the planet and let's go with you so I can build it nice and close to our capital where do I want to build it hmm doesn't really matter too much you know what let's build it here let's build a starbase and then we'll build the science Nexus here so we also have the extra science I just think that looks pretty darn cool okay now although I do really want to built the science Nexus as soon as possible scientific revolution is amazing so we will be going with that first of all and hello to the dimensional horror that thing has an insane range and now very glad we're ignoring a lot of it shields cuz I have battleships though we do need more what I would really like is cloud lightning though we need the one type of enemy alien so I should get that research lovely let's return you goodbye updated then let's get that scientist over there to research of that the science Nexus has been built and we're now very close to building the very first stage of its regular construction which is being helped by this lovely thing so yet that's plus fifty percent as well so it is quickly being built or at least quickly in comparison to usual so it's okay we'll eventually get some bonus science and can you grab that place thank you very much we found a void cloud now the reason why I wanted that is because that will give me cloud lightning and what cloud lightning is is a lovely large weapon which ignores armor and shields very very similar so this here the focused are committer it's just far weaker but if we have enough of them that will mean we will hard counter a lot of the endgame crisis and we are also very very powerful versus the fallen empires which is good because I want this like now so here is the cloud lightning average damage is very very low but remember it completely ignores all shields and all armor and actually has really good tracking Wow well good tracking for a large vehicle anyway 30% tracking of hundreds and accuracy versus the weapons are currently using seventy five percent accuracy and zero percent tracking but it is much shorter range but still I want to see how effective this is honestly plus it's just gonna look really cool now at 30k science and as you can see here with the admin cap we are very quickly getting the admin cap in comparison to earlier and in fact yet our technology cost is now only 82% increased earlier on it was over 150 and we still have almost 40 years left not bad not bad at all look all those battleships it's so beautiful science Nexus now completely online fantastic and if I go to tech I should say there we are science Nexus plus 15% construction that is just so so glorious now we're about to start fixing up these ring worlds so really I don't want to start a new construction or do I most we have to fix the what something over here wasn't there why is there something else we could try to build one of the buildings which I haven't built before so I guess that's probably our next goal sure then we'll do the ring world's after that that seems reasonable to me so this is the one which we found earlier sure let's save up for this and as soon as we can we'll build it never seen this active so I would like to see what the Coordination Center actually does military comm station okay I'm hoping is just all of your ships gonna plus temps at fire right yeah okay well our ships are now finally on the move it's time to test out these versus the Fallen Empire each group has a Titan as well which is lovely and I'm about to activate all of these as well so the most important one is the folks in crystals which is already active then just shield boost I suppose and explosives cool I guess the armor would be good as well since we are still using a bit of armor so let's go ahead and use that as well so it turns out because the Fallen Empire is indeed a machine Empire I actually need to make claims that's really weird at this point well either way we have a galaxy to win and our ground forces are looking fantastic made almost completely of the mega war forms oh here they come so that's pretty quick and the station is ours to be fair that was quite a weak station but still are they moving to attack us they really should lovely oh well it begins I just saw a few shots too right away look all that lovely lightning lucky Asus the main spinal weapon but still it's weird not seeing the shields around the move at all well there's the lightning now they're in range of that oh that was just so beautiful did we lose a single ship that was such a hard counter no we lost nothing that was so brutal sadly it turns out I was looking at the wrong report there but still we only lost a few Corvettes and a few destroyers I love how as soon as they get in range of the cloud lightning suddenly this whole other barrage is just unleashed I'll know people are upset at us I am upset by this I forgot how much resource we're getting from this the ancient crypto chamber whoa 50 out of 50 nexus districts I mean that isn't that Wow as soon as we get this our empire sprawl will increase by 50 actually more than 50 it's 50 just for the districts the only one now so I guess I'll just demolish all the districts and destroy all the crypto chambers that's more like it 900 energy over there and this one's producing a few alloys and a bit of mineral I mean yeah it's okay it's more the tech or after I did not realize that honestly at this stage it's not that great grabbing these worlds I have to redevelop them so so heavily so the question is do I even want to destroy this and grab it I mean it is a ring world it's a ring world and there's a large population of machines here so it won't take too long to reestablish these worlds or something useful like science but yeah I think it's gonna hurt me for a while so yeah that's a bit weird okay you're destroying that yep you can take on everything here easily so in that case let's grab the rest of the things the best possible outcome which means the end of the Fallen Empire oh that Empire sprawl so the Alpha complex is terrible it really is I mean it could give me loads of energy over time but yeah that's just insane and obviously these need to be destroyed because they're costing me energy I'm sorry but the frozen remains of long-deceased hylians will be used as resource I'm sure we're simply recycling wish there was an easier way to demolish it's gonna be even worse when it comes to the district's for yeah we need to remove these they're just cost him energy actually still obviously we don't care about food buy 20 energy front food I mean yeah with the bio reactors we could get energy from that but I don't really want that too much fine fine it's maxed out first then we'll sort this sorry excuse for a ring world out I am less done than I thought it's because of the planetary devastation that's why that went down so much I was thinking the number seems a bit off there but yeah it's actually fine then all these jobs will be replaced with the science jobs and we have just about enough amenities and we can increase the Nexus districts as they are needed to deal with that okay okay okay the sleepers awake okay where are you yeah well I'm honestly not too scared of you but good luck conquering the galaxy have fun Osby over here okay the coordination center has been rebuilt if they look at this thing okay that was pretty cool but what exactly do you do then am I going to have a bonus anywhere so I can see what you're doing nope I'm gonna have to figure out myself honor so after looking at some numbers it seems like the Coordination Center gives us plus 6 to our Starbase capacity plus 150 to our naval capacity and it seems to be giving us a plus 15 percent bonus to our sublight speed on all of our crafts because if I go over here that's giving us plus 20 percent just our leader and then I can't account for that extra 15 percent now I could be wrong with that that seems to be the case at least from face value there must be an easier way to see exactly what it's doing but I can't figure out right now if you know the easier way and please tell me in the comments in most of a description somewhere this is doing this would like to know would like to know there we are we now have the dark matter deflectors and there we are the reactors have also been improved lovely look at that better thrusters better reactors are better shields thank you very much to the ancient caretakers over at the fallen empires ring world we have now repaired the last habitable section although apparently we have also kind of broke it over there don't normally have this gap and weird overlapping sections are sort of flickering yeah I'm sure that was intentional I just recorded almost 20 minutes worth of footage without the microphone on so what did I just talk about well honestly I wasn't talking about all that much important just that now our ships are looking really good and we're going to go to war with the awakened Empire of course the problem is I can't actually get to the awakened Empire so what we're going to need to do is go to war with these fellows then go through their territory destroying everything on our way get to here then go to war essentially I'm going to split this empire into two it's gonna look a bit weird to say the least so can you please we'll move out that would be fantastic look at all those battleships I've gone a bit overboard with the battleships I will admit but I'm okay with that so it turns out they have no allies and so this is going to be even easier than I originally thought just gonna go straight through straight to there and then grab the Fallen Empire scientific progress attained rather than invading these planets or losing some of our ground forces I'm just going to absolutely bombard them we can harvest them later nevermind it's taking too long and honestly we do have 8,000 worth of ground forces right now so that's fine they are stronger than I expected but as long as they still have low hull but high shields then we still counter them this is gonna be a lovely fight also going to quickly demolish some of these and that should help out our Empire sprawl yep it's now down to nine five eight lovely do that's the other planets as well because well it's gonna be a while and they're fully populated with robots to even use the district's so it seems like their force is going to this wormhole I don't know where that wormhole honestly goes but they're attacking at the station over here so I can only assume it's this wormhole here the thing is by the time they get there we are going to have taken everything we could possibly want the awakened empires on the fall empires have a really weird habit of doing this they like to try and attack you and not defend for the first maybe you're of a fight then they will realize what's going on and rush back to defend but at that point they're so far away they're pretty much done for and occasionally they even jump back into the fight because of how far why they are and then that weakens them and then you just destroy them at least I've seen that happen at least once yep there we go they just jumped back into this area that means right now they should be weakened yep sublight speed minus 50% to forget to damage actually what other things are affected by jumping they definitely jumped though since they were there then they're there as you can see I still have all these stations in between your ships weapon damages - 50 % and sublight speeds - 50 % well it's not showing the damage - I'm certain they jumped though and that 50% there is very telling ships weapon damage - 5 % so maybe it's being countered by something else either way they're weaker than they should be right now and it won't take much for us to invade them again right now though all of our ground forces are currently attacking here so I need to get back here before that's over well that was a bit of a dumb-dumb moment for me it's this wormhole yeah we're gonna lose some systems but the thing is we're now taking their second main planet and we're taking over everything else they're going to be destroyed and then we'll just reclaim all the areas we lost but it'll only take a few moments scientific progress attained we found a shielded weld that's interesting and that's it we have now taken full control of their lands and of course every single one of their planets is being converted into the most beautiful of worlds the machine world and also getting a lots of energy from all of this lovely so we have a whole host of new planets what I'm doing now is I'm sending my fleets back because I still haven't done the whole L gate thing so that's the net the next goal before the endgame crisis we have lowered the energy barrier that surrounded the world what our scientists found was an indistinct habitable world devoid of civilization with one notable exception a small isolated heart was found perched on a Mesa in the planets northern hemisphere okay hello there so he's an admiral there was around hundreds of centuries ago how are you still alive okay so time is passing more slowly inside of the barrier only 40 years in our time okay why when peace finally arrived we sought treaties with those we're defeated my presence became an embarrassment Oh war crimes well I'm gonna let you into our empire anyway so just how good is this new leader of ours first of all level 10 just a general good leader okay in the background I've also been fixing up the second ring world over here in the Gama refuge and now we have two of the sections fully online just two more to go and of course over an alpha we are completely online well whilst waiting for this fleet to eventually catch up you guys go over there what happens if you destroy this lovely thing the caravan station which looks amazing by the way sorry I was literally just taking a moment there to appreciate the artwork in ohms Deloris because that just looks so cool and again I love the asteroid adverts but I'm afraid I just wanna shoot at it you know sometimes a pretty thing should be shot at that is not a quote you should not quote that anywhere enemy station engaged excellent oh so we got some resources oh it's slowly falling down I think it's a bit hard to tell that was a pretty cool death scene okay everyone back to where you were you more explosive damage oh it gets reestablished elsewhere cool special inquiry complete oh dear the cry tempest well we discussed the galaxy a few problems unfortunately the incoming search was diverted to the other L gates in the galaxy strange vessels consisting of nanites are pouring through than how fully active Kate's attacking everything on sight [Laughter] shouldn't be as funny as is but it is hilarious so yeah essentially this is the most I think the most aggressive version of all the different L gate events this is when the nanites are still in their aggressive mode or there's only just taken over their former create well still it creates a speaker idea the creators and yeah ok lads um let's get over here anyway shall we engaged hello there wow you have loads of hole yep our stuff is not going to be great here yeah our weapons are good versus enemies which are focused on armor and shields over whole mass stuff does just average damage to hole and just go straight through everything else but we are why strong enough to deal with this and then we can grab these planets which is nice yeah that didn't stand a chance of course the important thing is once we have this system and we completely take it over we can teleport to any of the other L gates on the map very easily and no one else can jump to us we just need to make sure to have a good station here good bastion it's like free gateways but first we need some science vessels oh you survived good go explore okay this is their home system there is the factory if we kill this I believe they all turn off so let's go in well destroy things Construction complete lovely so now we can terraform the nanite world's which of course will all now become machine world's beautiful we can harvest something completely new well that's annoying so first we need to turn this into a regular world then we can turn it into a machine world well let's get to up I'll do this then I will colonize them then I will turn them into glorious glorious machines the machine cluster nanites or converting this world into a new world it is a 22 sized planets but the thing is once we have enough nanites and this is going to take a long time but still 580 of them that will allow us to have plus 10% extra research speed on top of everything else that would be lovely I mean just look at this the level of our research is just insane the repeatable that we've done so many times and AD battleships that are so brutal with their cloud lightnings at the moment speaking of which yeah these are athletes at the moment I really love battleships honestly this is so stupid I shouldn't be building this many battleships but I want to see if we overwhelming force and the glory of lightening is it viable to just go battleships now each of these titans is actually bringing the bonus tracking or is it bonus chance to hit one of the two which one is it it is the tracking the idea is large weapons have terrible tracking meaning that very fast opponents if high evasion are difficult to hit but cloud lightning is surprisingly okay with its tracking it's not the best but it's pretty good and then has very high accuracy combine this with the bonus tracking of the main Titan and maybe that's going to be okay the Titans also sorry the battle strips are also using double bonus tracking extra items here so hopefully that's okay maybe perhaps we'll say I mean so far they've been fantastic we've only really been fighting against weaker enemies when it comes to the actual endgame crisis and we have 300 k plus fleets then we're gonna see if it's actually working if not then we start mixing in Corvettes we're still going to use the anti hole stuff the stuff which ignore shield and armor I should say and the Corvettes do have missiles and and disruptors so at least they still ignore shields look at all these new colonies we are just about keeping our admin cap at about the same level as it was before we're still at 78% technology cost increase which isn't that much considering how high our tech is getting so we're getting loads more science but we're keeping the negative modifier basically stable of course getting that down to zero percent would be fantastic but at the moment that's a really low increase for how much tech we have and because of that our ships are looking a glorious of all those bonuses right now we are doing an insane amount of damage and we have very very strong shields and even stronger armor as well which is a rarity and we have Ghost Worlds again yep group hug everyone all of the L cluster worlds except for these two are now colonized and I'm not sure if we do this and we terraform it will I lose that resource because I don't know that we're leaving it and this one over here currently has the colony ship on the way and I've just realized something this poor governor now I know I know we're all part of the great collective we are all part of the harvester core but this governor is apparently only 10 years old happy 10th birthday now can you do the easy job of governing 14 planets is this the largest sector we have yes by a long shot ace well you have fun so I just had the event and I wasn't really paying any attention and where you have the subterranean species living on your planet every other time I've went ahead and befriended them this time I went ahead and launched a preemptive strike corpse filled caverns corpse filled mining sites corpse filled generator areas dangerous wildlife yeah ignoring the dangerous wildlife that's that's pretty mean and up side loads of bonus erm districts actually you don't need to do this because oh wait no oh if we turn it into a machine world we'd lose these so is this being a machine world worth one two three four five six extra districts some of them also increasing how many mining and energy we have oh I don't know yet because we would lose these because these are the rare planetary features they're not only blockers they're also Oh No I will keep the corpses fine fine but it's a machine world the corpses are resources subspace echoes several of our tracking stations have picks up peculiar subspace echoes coming from somewhere in intergalactic space the echoes are faint but getting stronger and they seem to be approaching our galaxy so this is the scourge now the scourge have high armor and high health though I can't remember the exact ratio which is a problem as I'll discuss in a second and they deal with shields incredibly well a lot of their weapons simply ignore shields so what we need to do is increase our armor of our ships especially ad battleships since that's the bulk of our Legion so I was talking about the armor and whole points and the reason why this is a problem it's as follows if they have equal whole points and equal armor then it stands to reason that the neutron launchers would be better than the cloud lightning since the neutron launchers do almost four times as much damage and have bonuses to armor and hull they're going to literally melt through the armor and then the whole faster than these things will break through the hull however if the enemies have higher armor than they have whole points then cloud lightning might still be the better option because we don't have to bother with the armor at all so it depends on just how much armor they have lots of armor cloud lightning is better pretty balanced armor to whole the Neutron launchers are better the enemies definitely don't have shields which means for Neutron launchers also are looking way better since you know the whole miner shield damage doesn't really matter okay so with that we continue and let's make sure to improve our armor either way we need to change this to just pure armor oh yeah we can afford the nanite repair systems now that's a lot of regen and since we're going to be hitting the armor constantly that might be really nice although the problem is we only have 395 nanites will that be enough for all of our ships I don't know you will okay the breach point is over here which is actually pretty close to our space on the upside there is also a gateway here we can use so getting over there will only take a moment good good well here we go and there they are so there are the smaller fleets these are the weakest fleets we're going to see only 168 K some reason I still thought that the first wave is a little bit stronger than that thought I can do words ok well let's have a look at your stats then okay so you have essentially double armor so yeah I'm just going to stick with armor ignoring weapons if I did the math though it would seem like going for anti armor and Andy hull would be better but I just really liked the cloud lightning weapon so I'm going to stick with what I've been using anyway yet bow the shield damage bonus shield damage and then shield penetration bonus everything else definitely best we're going for pure armor here do I send in my ships now or do I let them finish up riding they're about a quarter of the way done after our 5th why done it would be nice to get a ship stationed here stop them from encroaching on this area since we do have some quite important worlds here then any future builds will be built with the better design in mind ok seems reasonable to me let's just get them all over there please as soon as possible then I'll start building some ships in the background ah there we are there's one of the larger groups yeah that's creepy okay there are lots of them on the upside I've just checked and my ships have a plus 180 percent energy weapon damage yet we're doing far over double damage now with our lovely cloud lightening so hopefully that'll be enough to kill the enemy literally just as they were about to jump we have jumped in yeah we have just about made it in order to defend this area okay so let's do that because why not there's pirates there because trade I guess between this empire that we split that's fine really we need to go here and here if we can take these two systems we've actually completely stopped them from expanding I'm also upgrading some of these stations here so that we can build some shipyards this one should almost be ready excellent just start building some backup battleships more battleships are being built over here and of course these ones are using only our matte fantastic get a move on Construction finalized they took so many heads together we will build a brighter future this time it's two police versus one Construction finalized the second wave is here hopefully it's the same area yep definitely the same area wow that's a lot of numbers yep a lot of numbers so far we've killed four fleets total though here comes some of the larger ones so in the new fleets that I believe they'll also have the Queen's and such variety yes I am there we are brood mother's suddenly really wish had some point defense why am I not bringing point defense Construction complete so this is gonna look weird well this is gonna be a fight Construction finalized there are just so many Construction complete together we will build a brighter view so a couple got through and we're losing systems on the upside we have killed a lot of their fleets at this point so that's good but I've lost a lot of battleships as well they take a long time to roll no we've just lost two fleas yep there was a fleet being created there it got to 100k but yeah okay so I'm going to swap over now to a little bit more in the way of mining districts we still want the uplink node because a little bit of science but also the menial drones will get more resource this is the subterranean one right nope no it isn't one of these is okay it's fine that's too much once again so uplink node then mineral purification plans some of our world will also now be transferring into alloy production because honestly we're just not making enough ships I've got about ten stacked over here this one is about to finish and that's it so I've got maybe twenty thirty battleships total currently on the way and that was all of my money earlier now thankfully my Energy's back but alloys are still expensive as you can see I've been buying them hence why they're like right at the top of cost right now together we will build a brighter future so I honestly think we've won they have one more proper fleet left they have no hive world's least none which I can see but they do have loads of ground forces essentially we stop to them from gaining a foothold who just kept on fighting them back over here and there were no usable planets for them we did really well lost a lot of our ships but we did really well Construction finalized all that's left the end of the scourge and with that we have won this playthrough we are the dominant force in the galaxy our tech knows no bounds and the enemy will the enemy that's left really wouldn't stand a chance against even one of our fleets and we are still repairing athletes after that fight so yeah I think now is a good time to cool this playthrough to an end that's a lot of fun really went off topic by topic of course I meant to say theme yeah we went really far away from the original Harvester idea I mean I went here with good intentions to be the ultimate harvesters but with the AI I still not being quite up to the task we ended up just being able to snow born because that I thought well we may as well see how far we can go with tech and we went very very far now of course there are much better builds for the wealth just for tech in general but I think this went incredibly well now the next time I do a playthrough there's three options and some of them can be used with each other either I we finally just use a mod to improve the III because that's one thing I was a little bit disappointed this playthrough that I didn't really encounter too much resistance I turned up the aggressiveness I made sure it was on the highest difficulty setting and still it felt like I was fighting enemies which were just kind of stagnating which isn't fun to watch and it certainly isn't fun to play against especially when you've been playing for oh about 23 hours I think this playthrough has been yet something like that because of all the micromanaging still a lot of fun though the second option is just to wait until we get more patches and the AI is in a better state and the final option is just to make the end game Crysis even earlier because at the end of the day in my opinion everyone place the virus differently and with different goals in mind but my opinion is that the endgame crisis is the real goal of a playthrough just to defeat the Anglin crisis to be in a position where you are powerful enough to defeat that and if you're powerful enough to defeat that you have pretty much won the game via Federation via just domination having the yourself there's lots of ways to do it but in my opinion that's the end goal so making this another 50 years earlier well that would be absolutely horrendous ow he would be really really pushed back and probably lose a lot of spice and then push back a little bit more and then finally get a bit of their ground it would be very very difficult but for now I'm going to go and get some sleep because forming words is getting increasingly difficult so thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite chairs comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future now I did actually have a lot of fun with this playthrough despite what I was just saying it's just I would like to be challenged a bit more I'm not the best player I'm not and I still do so many things wrong and I shouldn't win that easily thank you for watching and goodbye I will improve you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 484,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: boW2Kb7YTUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 51sec (5931 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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