Stellaris | Fanatic Purifiers vs x25 Crisis, 75 years early! FULL PLAYTHROUGH!

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greetings sir answer s and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs 3x and of course a welcome back to yet another full playthrough where today we are going to be going with the 25 times crisis modifier and this time making is even earlier not insanely earlier although eventually I will be trying that but earlier nonetheless today we are the Leech legion and don't let this portrait fool you we are not the poor thing underneath we are the Leech itself which is attached to the face this is one of the few species which is clearly a symbiote and well we're going all bloody with it we are the leech and we will use the galaxy as our feeding ground so the law behind this one is fairly straightforward but I really do like it originally the species underneath now the name has been simply lost the time lived on this planet here which has a random name because well the leeches simply haven't bothered to rename it on this world it was originally of course not a relic world but truly a bastion of culture power economic growth everything the species could possibly want until somehow this leech parasite became part of it perhaps it was a genetic experiment gone wrong perhaps it was introduced from another planet but either way it quickly took over the populace taking over their brains bodies and souls until now all that's left is the leech now where this differs from a hive mind is that the leeches all have their own individuality and thus the leaders and everything make a lot more sense and the poor creatures underneath are now essentially just there to provide sustenance for the leech itself now originally I was going to go with the idea of the leech being you know a parasite and thus we should take over their empires and use the populace simply as food but instead I like the idea of the leech can only completely bond with this species making all of the species practically worthless and so we are fanatic purifiers we are here to remove the galaxy of all species which can not bond with the leech which I have chosen to give no real name to the species itself is simply called hosts that's how little they care they are very single-minded very similar to I devouring swarm but once again they do hold their own individuality they're just very single-minded we are of course fanatic xenophobes we are militarist fanatic purifiers and we have distinguished ad multi because power is all we care about so the ship fire rate is increased our Admiral level cap is increased and athletes command limit is increased we are a blood court the hosts are rapid breeders and adaptive however they are fleeting and weak because they are constantly being drained by the parasites attached to them over the many many years I assume that they have evolved together now so they are a little bit less damaging to each other but still fleeting in a week I think really fits originally I was going to go with something like deviance rather than weak that doesn't really make sense if the leeches are calling the shots in terms of personality we don't care about much very similar to a devouring swarm but I am sick of flying tomorrow and so on at the moment I never play the fanatic purifiers so here we are plus I think it would be fun since we have the star based influence cost solo essentially our idea here is we're going to be super aggressive in the early game grabbing absolutely everything then once we have enough spikes will slowly swap over to tech perhaps after taken over a few other empires this is gonna be a difficult one on this difficulty normally I wouldn't go with a purifier species but I'm just in the mood for the blood court here we are with the difficulty screen of course crisis strength is a Max and now we're going to set it 25 years earlier than our last attempt it may not seem like a merge but 25 years is a very big deal especially in an empire that won't initially be very good at tech eventually I will go with the fanatic materialist run which I think will be one of the most powerful since you can really stack tech very quickly but for now we're gonna be aggressive and we're gonna start eating things hey everyone future laughter exceed just one thing to say a huge thank you to everyone who's been showing support for these videos recently especially the full playthrough series and the times 25 a video I released recently these videos are actually pretty bad for the channel in terms of analytics and engagements and YouTube doesn't look particular kind upon those so if he would consider liking the video if you do indeed like it it would be a huge thank you this video is once again shattered records for the longest recording on the channel this one being over 55 hours of raw footage which took several hours to edit down I say several hours pretty much all of today which is good so I'm feeling pretty under the weather anyway so thank you so much for watching and I really do hope you enjoyed the video it's a weird one and so the game begins we are in the very edge of the galaxy which is definitely where I prefer staff so I'm happy with that I'm gonna go straight for the blue laser extra population growth and let's go with that lots of basic resources to begin with so the idea is that we are going to expand as fast as possible we're not likely to go to war as soon as we find another species because well they're going to be incredibly strong remember we are on the highest difficulty when it comes to the AI which means they have loads of bonuses which is really apparent especially in the early game gonna focus on alloys of a bit of unity I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother with the admin cap to begin with maybe but research will not be a focus until we have several worlds already under our belt and one thing I would like do straight away before I forget is species you and I'm going to have migration controls just so when we get new planets we don't lose growth on the main planets it's good to have the whole immigration thing to make sure the new planets get up and powerful as fast as possible but I really want the main world to be strong very very quickly especially in the early game now we do have this the ruined our ecology which gives us relics and gives us some tech when we break through them but they are quite expensive so it's not going to be for a while either that's essentially our bonus for starting on a relic world since we don't get any of the normal relic world bonuses like the spire which gives extra research we might be able to turn it into a city world later I actually don't know oh yeah we can and that doesn't require the tech to do so just gravity engineering okay that's pretty nice actually I don't think this is one of the strongest origins in fact I really don't but it's cool nonetheless I like the concept it's like tomb world plus except for not affecting your traits yeah I'm not sure about it but still we'll find out soon enough we'll see how strong destroying these actually is definitely going to need some more science vessels and I want map the Stars um because I do want to get a precursor done and finished as soon as possible giving us all the extra unity so we have the coldest event to begin with I am most likely going to just ignore it so we destroy the cultists goodbye any second now goodbye and I'm most likely not going to continue because by continuing you spawn the cultists around systems nearby which is good if you want to go with the events I think you get some ships in the end of some of the bonuses but most likely I don't want to be stopped with my initial expansion don't want to spend too much on ships or right away now normally I would change the food policy to give us additional growth speed but right now I am going to be expanding so quickly I think basic resources are gonna be quite difficult to maintain until we have a bit more space so I'm just gonna keep it as dietary balance for the time being now we are reach for the stars making our new stations cheaper complete so we can expand faster and I said well now that's nice to see the bunker but will give us 200 influence fantastic okay what I'm gonna do is this and then I'm gonna turn off for now a bureaucrats that'll start looking the Alawis foundry in a second without taking into our basic workers the generator district will then give more jobs for basic workers later ami complete oh that's interesting so this is coming from having the relic world to begin with some remnants of our former colony remain using them as a base will make it easier to recolonize the planet's district caste and building caste is lessened and it's added a ruined arcology similar to the homeworld under how many times are activate still don't know how good they were those really are but if they're okay then that will be fantastic even made me stammer that's how excited I clearly AM because you know me I'm just an emotional pot of emotions through the power of selling every single relic we're getting and thus fueling our alloys and everything else through energy we are able to continue to expand nice and quickly how we keep on hiring more and more science vessels and more construction vessels or more construction vessel is about to finish being created which is gonna go down here this way we can expand very quickly in all directions or any major issues actually change a plan you're gonna grab that since inside doing that system rather than something GAAP after that you can follow them along this way since that starts to fork out a bit more yeah it does and thank you for the extra influence from the bunker but that should allow us to continue until get a factions and then from our factions we should get a lot more influence since most likely they're gonna be really really single-minded complete lots of xenophobes which should be happy with us being emphatic purifiers I think like a base bonus for that more resources huzzah lots of short-term stuff it's a bit silly in many ways but also it means our foundation is gonna be really really good first upgrade later so I've just cleared the first of the ruined our colleges and it gave us some relics but also this powered exoskeletons this one of the basic bits of research but it's almost completed it for us so that's interesting I wonder if we widened a lighter will we get better Tech's more expensive ones because that's all its gonna be left also that I believe is gonna be the final of the precursor bits of study once I've done that we can have the true homeworld which will give us a relic world since the first league swarmed you gives you the relic world right think so which will act as our name tech world it's not surprising we got it so quick considering how many science vessels we have we have one a bit extreme with that soon so we'd only have many neighbors which is actually really good for us despite the facts we're gonna be quite aggressive Oh robots I think I'm gonna go with the psychic ascension side only to rush this as much but at the same time getting robots up and running nice and early is great especially since it's already quite a few worlds so we can't really populate them if we can get some droids and then since a bit early that'd be fantastic saying that long range but mineral scanners is good all that lovely material from space since we're getting so many systems I want all three of these I'm gonna go with the robots it's just better in the long run beautiful expansion is finished I'm gonna grab interstellar Dominion wants to grab that it's fun and it fits the theme but we are gonna start finding enemies fairly soon I imagine what kind of that much spice they're saying that this will allow us to expand at the same speed we're currently expanding which is pretty darn quick so you know what sure install Dominion I'm actually gonna go into prosperity bit of a weird one originally I was planning on supremacy or domination next but we're doing this for the additional mining station output and also I just think we can be an economic powerhouse at the moment since we are spreading so so quickly interesting the first Empire we found and it's isolationists can I even declare war on us I think they can because of what we are so that is a problem I am now actually building up a fleet so good timing there but we're gonna need to build it up more a lot more in fact I'm gonna start building a bastion as soon as possible annoyingly we are now currently boxed in so I'm doing is sending all of our forces down here to clear this just like strength 777 so once that's gone there'll be an ice-free area to try and conquer as soon enough we will have to declare war they're neighbors they are only superior with us now they were overwhelming remember they do get bonuses a child really really apparent in the early game the joy of playing or not is difficulty and we didn't really focus that much on military we focus completely on grabbing all of this and continuing now here's something I don't know if this is actually working in the way I'm thinking it's working if I'm hoping is right now I keep on sending in colony ships to inhabit these worlds these worlds are worlds I obviously don't want they have really low habitability for us right now we just can't afford to keep them up and running but the reason why I'm doing this is because once the colony is finished I then resettle the populations from that planet over to one of the planets we are keeping because it starts off with two populations am i actually gaining those two populations are almost somehow losing them elsewhere now of course they're not free it's all very expensive you have to pay for the colony ship either have to pay to move the populations it is expensive but populations are very important and annoyingly they do start off as specialists so they do become unemployed on most planets once you move them for a while but still more populations and more populations we have a lot of red planets so I'm thinking I'll keep on doing that over and over and over again and getting loads of populations out of it at least that's my hope also we gain so many minerals now so I'm a very big fan of our economy is still being fueled by selling artifacts five hundred each and we have loads of them we still have two more no we have one more archaeological site currently being used we're about to get second those two have just now been finished in fact one of you can go over here since this is going to be our research world go and assist our research please I feel like every time I try and plan times 25 if I get a good start I actually did a quick test run using a hive mind off-camera not being recorded or anything just to test out a few ideas and once again it's like this just I seem to just get really good starts is that me saying that the game actually gives you good starts if you are on the higher difficulty no but it just seems like I'm getting very lucky Oh beside that run away before you kill please thank you well that's what happens when you have a short lifespan there we are a new leader to replace them clerks all well and good and sure more habitability that's my capital a it's a bit more worthwhile lovely a twenty five a relic world there well let me grabbing that as soon as we possibly can also our force is now almost strong enough to deal with our neighbors which of course we're going to do as soon as possible I want their territory if we're lucky yet tropical world's fantastic that means their homeworld is one of the tropical or yeah it's like a tropical ocean or continental since that was so close I just assumed is one of the guaranteed habitable worlds you start with those fantastic loads more worlds for us we want that as soon as possible we even take over a large chunk of the galaxy very quickly I mean suddenly thirty years we already have this and we're about to hopefully take over the enemy remember we are fanatic purifiers which means we do get bonuses as well we're not that fact we're stronger than we look and we look okay and let's boil them so annoyingly we have the neighbors here as well although we are strong enough to hold them off the reason why it's so annoying is because if we attack these fellows over here and we take substantial damage these will then declare war on us and they're really close to some stuff I really want to keep safe so for the time being whilst I can keep on expanding I'm going to continue to increase and now and I'm gonna put down some bastions over here then we will declare war so it is holding us off a little bit not cool dudes well this is something interesting and neighbors have just lost their homeworld apparently their origin was doomsday which is one of the more difficult origins essentially what it means is eventually your world will explode but you get bonuses to resources until that date the problem is the AI I apparently didn't do anything about it in other words they didn't move any of their populations away from their homeworld so they have one population over here and nine over here and that's it that's their entire population their economy is going to be terrible doubt right now apparently they're still okay in terms of their fleet power but can they even sustain that fleet power I don't really know and if we attack them they're definitely not gonna be able to recover so the hierarchy is now our prime target originally it was the stars over here the sovereign stars but instead it is going to be the hierarchy I want all of this space sadly only one to three worlds we can only get out of it but still who is this so yeah that's our new prime targets I'm gonna start moving our fleets over because we should be able to destroy them right now our ships have all received some pretty nice upgrades which means now we are very powerful at least in terms of in comparison to how we were a moment ago so let's get all of our ships into position all that many many Corvettes and we're about to attack the hierarchy most likely we are going to be completely wiping them out unless they have way more ships than expected they are inferior currently fleet power and we are once again fanatic purifier so most likely this is going to be a victory for us all about leaders that is passing away now that's annoying can you please continue even if now you are a very low-level scientist so many relics to sell and they're a threat no there are two archaeological sites over here and then there's also this 22 population well destroying them will give us lots and lots of unity there's nothing unifies our people together like invading oh no that's gonna go really dark really fast we are attacking the enemy at long last and it makes sense that the only thoughts are our first enemy considering we can't even use them in any way we are after all the leeches we need blood-soaked I'm gonna eat them briefly so arm again stands for removing their planets got some ground forces here as well just in case we do want to fully capture a planet spurts it's most likely we're just going to bombard them from orbit instead until there's no life left unless there's loads population then of course we'll land because we get some unity for purifying oh yeah that's done with us go to their new capital actually could you all please follow the smaller fleet that'll be great just cuz he's the slowest yeah I know just set up the key binds now you use them nice and easily is yello good enough to really have all these plants permanently I doubt it prepare to be purified xenos okay get back oh wait nope I was I say back into position about to be attacked but note they simply run away over there back again oh I'm they run away okay the enemy apparently a bit artists a bit confused about everything can't blame them but still where's I'm after there is some robots on those worlds and there we go overwhelming force increasing our fire rates by an additional 10% stops bouncing around you're being annoying at this point it's rude Construction complete finally Oh let's two of them now well would it be nice to only fight one but I'm assuming this is everything you have consider yourself beaten it's like absolutely everything they have so there we are they are being purged giving us five minerals five food and five unity every month we just come in from these three populations always well and good how to improve our main species let's give them a longer life as species can now live better with its host we now have the Omni codex now is this a good thing not massively it does increase a gene modification points by one which is nice as a passive its active effect is the spawn populations from extinct species onto one of our planets why is that not particularly good for us because we are instantly going to destroy them it does give us a little bit of unity which is cool I'm gonna do that now this for laughs of it yeah but yeah it's not really much outside of a few months of 10 food 10 minerals and 9 unity actually less than now it's 8.1 still cool effect gene points are cool but that's it and that came from the ruined what no didn't come from the ruin world it did come from the ruin world ok I just didn't realize there were multiple archaeological sites here which is kind of weird ok you go there well it's not that rare but still weird see nonetheless four of our construction vessels all hard at work we are soon to control all of this territory as well hostiles see no fleet engaged construction complete so what 1500 alloys or we get this ship for free and we have got to go with the ship it's a pretty cool ship there we are we have a nanite rip now under our control beatiful oh can you please not go stright through every bad thing ever that would be lovely so instead do a bit of a dance to get around them there we go that's what I really should do is just block off these systems like I've blocked off some of the others like the Marauders we have found some more perimeters in this case the ancient rivals two worlds which have both destroyed each other where the nukes and now I'm here to finish off the job because clearly they weren't good enough to completely destroy each other I mean clearly this is what they want we're doing a kindness the Zeno are no match for us okay check out this station because things keep on respawning there then go back here it's gonna be really annoying but still that's not quite the route you're gonna take but ok game now here's something I'm realizing quickly when I take over a world like this the main benefit is because I'm going to be destroying the population and thus we're gonna gain unity the issue is of zero stability we get almost nothing as you can see here and the culture shock and everything else so I'm gonna do is resettle all of these populations as much it does cost us a lot of energy back it's one of our more stable worlds and by stacking them as well it means they're going to be around for longer because you can only destroy one population at a time and they're all producing resource together so rather than trying to at times and the split are on two planets we're destroying them much much slower and this is essentially what I'm going to do every time I invite a plan just throw them all back to one of our main worlds you kind of want to grab something like where are you nihilistic acquisition which you can literally steal populations from worlds when you bombard them but that also takes up an ascension perk we've already got a silly one with interstellar Dominion which I really shouldn't have got Peters fits the Empire too well I know it shouldn't be role-playing the Empire at all we're playing versus a very difficult endgame but I can't help myself just how to play the game well they definitely station back but will soon clear them so I'll know war exhaustion oh that's really annoying and ground forces can hit your butts over here please was not paying attention to worries or channel okay don't build that building that's a trap the only reason it's unlocked is because you have all these which are being purged that's gonna go away soon well they might not be able to completely obliterate them right now but we've all but destroyed them the birth of the Galactic community Zeno scum one more of our worlds now falls to us lovely loads of populations now under our control did I just yeah that was pretty stupid wasn't it yeah we just threw everyone out of the world cuz I assumed it wasn't gonna be a tropical world or world we wanted because all their other worlds ones but no we did want that so whoops-a-daisy there how long we got left until 145 days yeah we're not going to be able to grab any more worlds in that case can you all please split up you go ahead this way and then you can go like here and here and then the last group go straight there so make sure we grab all these systems we won't be able to grab the two worlds they have left but we can at least take all the systems we are invading a newsie no lair these are in the industrial age also our neighbors just declared war on us so I'm moving all of my original fleets back into position so rather than going towards the isolationists but all kind of stank that's lovely okay let's move all of you out except for I suppose just it's a 25 continental world not bad at all lets us remove some of these so we're too expensive otherwise let's sell loads of minerals cuz we have a ridiculous amount and let's just move one of you over a new world and we are getting loads of unity so all of these lovely fellows oh we can even now go ahead and the goat rate of crime lords to increase a stability turns out reward not only with this empire here but this Empire over here now so far we've managed to survive handling and this is because I've already got a station here my fleet is are stocked but mostly because I ended up spending almost all of my resources to buy the rare resources so I can activate all of these and we're doing okay I actually lost quite a bit of my fleet to begin with but we just got sitting here now into we're a little bit stronger this fleets about to arrive I'll upgrade that fleet then we'll make a move and start taking some territory we weren't as much damage as we did to the hierarchy but hopefully we can take of this chunk here war doctrine no retreat no point early sending athletes out right now to sit there okay they're not being a silly aggressive right now which is interesting well to be fair before the flights are a bit more balanced now if they attack we're just going to devastate them so it makes quite a bit of sense honestly Scrabble these in the background okay once you've done with that you can grab these grab that than that no retreat no surrender this is a way of weeding out the weak amongst our hosts those who died in battle simply deserve to die in battle xeno lair secured now if only we had the energy to do it though he wants to do there we go back to following the fleet he's gonna sit there not be a bother good let's go straight for the next station as well oh this is good it's gonna be several planets here excellent world for us and the world filled with populations to increase our unity now forgive me if I'm wrong but does that say 75 relics I'm sure I've done that event loads of times before never got 75 relics before well that's pretty amazing honestly so I'm not gonna complain about that certainly now all those relics what we can do is the secrets of the first league like ah remember what this one gives me even I've done this several times now and reverse-engineer arcane technology plus temps in research speed pretty darn nice and let's grab some influence while we still can start seeing all these out an hour over a thousand tech Const I should not believe in you you marsh kill ya the cruiser maybe except of course it's now cruiser that's a destroyer but you get the point okay you can go ahead and take over that we continue to destroy their stations now we do currently have an ascension perk ready some Express that we do have an ascension perk already I just don't know exactly what I want to grab actually tempted by Imperial perogative this way we'd need less buildings to do with admin cap which is nice one vision is great almost purely for the amenities engineer devolution is good especially this early on but I kind of want to go down the psycho route to be perfectly honest I like the concept of this Empire being in the precursor of a hive mind of a devouring swarm but engineer devolution would be really nice I'm not too sure now as for our next tradition once I can actually have it sorry I was grabbed into the system so I need to wait another month I'm gonna go into discovery next I think maybe domination that even even adaptability would be great one free building sloth monthly food increase habitability increase over so many planets honestly I want all of them what we need is more unity this is gonna hurt somewhat but this is their final fleet goodbye now I've been thinking why did they declare war on us why would they declare war when they are so clearly weaker than us they were inferior with fleet power and it's because they went to war with the Confederation but the Confederation on helping out and to make matters worse the machines are also attacking them so most likely their fleet will split and their allies just are too far away I'm not sure if they will ever eventually get to us I assume they will but right now I haven't seen a single one of their fleets so just been fighting an inferior foe now why they were so aggressive over here along the border was I've no idea that's them being weird now another thing I finally turned off I'm sure some people would he yelled at me about this is land appropriation land appropriation means that some of our species will be moved from our worlds for free on two worlds we conquer thus making them more stable the problem is though I'm then moving all of our populations back onto our worlds and this is causing all sorts of problems like this for instance one of the populations was chosen randomly from this planet and that disabled the building which is really irritating and also the population they're gonna move over then became a specialist and yet it's just it's a little bit annoying no obviously not hello homeworld are you weak enough for us to conquer straightaway yes you are you have absolutely no defense even the lipids had better defenses than this now almost destroy it we still need way more energy which thankfully are going to do this too fantastic Wow that's a love undesirables that's a lot of unity of food and minerals being produced for free for us right now the secrets of first league is finished giving us plus 10% planet build speed plus 15% to research into industry which is really nice anti-gravity engineering has been unlocked so option and weather control systems has been unlocked for free completely that's all right don't think it's worth having relics but very nice and we had some relics anyway it's less of an issue how did you get 8k fleet power well we're still gonna absolutely devastate you because fura fires but still okay our minerals are maxed out right now so I am increasing our storage because one thing we can do now is turn our homeworld back to its illustrious glory turning into a city world is gonna make it incredibly powerful gain one of those that early ok this your new homeworld all your capital I should say current again new homeworld [Music] and one more world filled with populations to willingly give us a unity okay once I've done this I should we move over here actually no I don't really have to the machines this is probably where we're gonna end because the machines are all here I can't be bothered to try and reach much further so after this regroup as our original plan was so we can take out at the stars over here oh oh we can just end them completely that was the final world under their control okay Helen ohm that job here is done sure status quo well done you totally helped out your friends they're now restoring our relic well to its former glory before the leeches but now in control of the leeches a far more perfect paradise cannot be found for leeches we are now a police state giving us +5 stability to all of our planets just in case any hosts perhaps acting weirdly well we've just unlocked the ecology project I don't know ever picked that as my third choice before but we're just producing so many minerals it feels a waste not to and we are really stacking up influence even though we haven't got any really really powerful factions it's just so cheap to claim new space we're just constantly stacking it up look only 11 influence even our leader now is making it cheaper so just save up a bit more influence and then we'll turn our second world into a city planet as well I think honestly speaking this is the best start I've ever had for a purifier run it's not the best that I've ever had full stop that was definitely the last full playthrough of the times 25 crisis but this is just insane we control a good quarter of the galaxy already our economy is doing fantastically at tech isn't even behind other empires we're currently equivalent with everyone yeah I'm just really happy of this I think perhaps AI purify our run is the way to go and of course the main reason I've chosen purifier isn't because of this it's because I want the extra damage versus the endgame crisis we have a third increased ship damage well fire rights and a third increased Navy capacity athletes are going to be terrifying when they're fully checked out now terraforming planets and our systems into ocean worlds most of our forces are now arriving back in the homeworld which is great yeah you're going to be crushed this world is going to be fantastic so this world here had the feral events going on which means that population was turning feral is becoming aggressive but the population growth was insane eventually after doing all the events you get this they'll let the lesser evil if you choose to utilize the mushrooms the population growth is incredibly quick and we get minus 5% happiness but again that's a small cast of a plus 200 percent population growth and we get the spore vents now think about this I've always overlooked but he's utterly amazing plus one gas plant engineer job per 20 populations which means every 20 pops we get an additional person working this which gives us exotic gas so straight away that's fantastic on its own but for every one of these we have it increases the output of all of our gas producers by 5% so if we can get 10 of these it's a 50% output increase for all of them and of course you can use all the buildings lots to produce more gas this world is gas Prime and we're going to be sending a random populations here all the time because we want as many gas producers as we possibly can the power of farts will set us free athletes are now on the move we have almost 30k total in athlete power which is more than enough to completely obliterate this Empire so we are likely to completely consume it in the coming years after that I'm hoping we can just do some normal expansion over here as much as constant warfare can be quite fun it's also quite taxing on the mental state so would be nice to have just a break just a nice simple bit of expansion again some focus on that there's already so much stuff to micromanage being a war all the time can slowly drive one insane huh so I've been told the next Empire is soon to be obliterated we have more than the fleet power to year make very very short work of this enemy go straight for the homeworld hello fleet with the leeches purifiers can be quite strong who would've thought as I move over all of our new willing participants in unity gathering that's all I'm gonna call them by the way the fools are trying to run away seventy-five more populations Allah is insane problem is I don't have enough energy to move them all around and since we don't have access to the proper market we can't really keep selling stuff energy it's okay for now but it is becoming a less and less effective also this will cause some serious problems on the home what else is I'm just putting so many populations there but once again it is best if they're all stacked in the same place because then only one is destroyed at a time and we now have 258 undesirables well that is it all I keep on forgetting okay so these worlds our worlds who want to keep laughs ryx don't transfer every last one of them okay you do want these worlds go over there no forgot someone's over here good after this I start taking out some of the station's we can split you up at this point no me fleets have been just so devastated main larger fleet change of plan you're going over here and you're gonna start taking out all of this and then blocking them off there and then the other two will split up and start taking all this fantastic the homeworld is now one giant beautiful city and we are now form a relic world giving us plus ten percent to all research from the planets although we're not really gonna get much research from this planet honestly which is a bit of shame oh well doesn't really matter presume plus 20 percent resources from all jobs and plus fifty percent population growth okay week fleet you can go oh actually never mind I was gonna say you can go by yourself over here but that would be silly we have our second relic the blind of the Huntress the passive effect is our army morale is plus 25% and our planet sensor angel +2 which is okay not really anything particularly fantastic there but then activating it increases our sublight speed by 25% for 120 months which is quite nice some of our worlds are now ocean worlds lovely at one day we'll be producing enough consumer goods the problem is right now our economy is mixed economy no it is mixed economy already I thought it's militarized never mind that there's no excuse and it's not making enough so I need to do now is with our other relic worlds one we've been getting just from expanding and from events is I also want to convert those into the beautiful city worlds but that requires removing all of the blockers which costs a lot of energy so that's a goal for the future I'm currently going down adaptability I have just grabbed this adaptive ecology which gives us one free building slot on every single planet which means very soon we're about to lose a lot of our raw resources because we're about to have lots and lots and lots of new buildings overall definitely a good thing ok for you we could have a civilian industry or we could go down the river hollow theatre just to make things easier for us and so on and so forth lots of micromanagement but yeah the overall result this is gonna be loads more tech loads more alloys I really do need some proper alloy worlds we just haven't been producing that much i've been purchasing most of my alloys and we can't keep on doing that we just really really can't okay you're gonna become a new alloy world so you so are you so are you you I want you to start producing machines as you can sell I'm going to try and get this world into a city world as soon as possible because you do keep lesser evil and I believe you also keep the spore vents alright no you might not now I think about it I think you lose all of the positive planetary features I can't remember okay for now we're gonna put a stop to that and I might need to actually look that up because I need to keep the spore vents that's the whole point of that world the primitives are being subjugated the good timing as well stirs I've just got this appropriation which means our resettlement cost has been drastically reduced yeah well nice and efficient okay take out those two then we take it all this up here you're about to fight this you might actually lose remember no retreat Oh random Marauder flee I found you're very weird you know that this their last world so I'm not going to invade it just right away let us move into position to do so when we want to things are going pretty darn well for us oh we are now at 2k research fantastic so decided we're all going down the route of engineered evolution because it is just taking way too long to find the psychic technology which is a rare anyway so we're just going about because I really really want to improve our populations as soon as we possibly can so now no more negatives at all which is already fantastic they are now intelligent no intelligent there we go which apparently doesn't apply to me and what else we could is go with natural engineering so we can quickly get as much stuff as possible we could make them strong there's a lot of stuff we could do so I guess we are also engineering the parasite itself there is it truly a parasite because it is allowing the main species to become more dominant in the galaxy its DNA is being passed on but at the same time it is taking over all mental faculties and pretty much everything in regards to the host so most likely it's a parasite so anyway that's just waffle with me getting more and more tired I read don't know what I want here yeah the obvious answer right now is just going with natural engineers I prefer engineering over the other two Sciences just because it has major engineering and loads of other stuff so I really want to try and rush so yeah let's go with that the hosts are bigger brains for us to use actually that's something I haven't even considered are we using the hosts brains or is the parasite itself a completely separate entity I don't know we have all but destroyed the Empire over here so I'm leaving one flip back to destroy what's left I've been building up a fleet in the background my alloy production now is much better and our next target is the hub over here which is the Machine Empire it is by far the strongest of there by outside of us and so it should be at first target after this one and then we'll control half of the galaxy this is by far the fastest I've ever conquered so much space we are the crisis that's odd okay so the machines are the clearing war on us despite the fact they are currently inferior to us all fleets then even though you were upgrading before knew very well actually you should have been upgrading and you weren't some a dum-dum oh you're upgrading okay at those two fleets there then we have the damaged fleets which are returning home but instead now they're going to be heading just right over to here most likely we are going to lose several systems before we're there they saw many gateways but of course we just don't have that tech yet this is gonna be really annoying as it's being upgraded this empire has been destroyed can't see their fleets like I say they were in combat so I'm hoping the nice and far away I have got Bastion set up and they're pretty nice Bastion so if I get my Corvettes in the right place I could maybe defend maybe been sitting here for a while now and I am yet to see the enemy fleece which is actually getting me a bit worried since I do have lot of wormholes and that's our asourian we do have a wormhole here is that in any way connected we do have wormhole travel so it really should - is go ahead and figure that out you there you're doing up to nothing where does that wormhole lead zoom something I can't check the other ones and since it's not in my territory but still I'm making almost 20 colony ships now again just really really weird well onion board so I'm to go start stacking them nothing else we could force a status quo if we need to know I doubt we are going to need to oh this is why once again this is why were at war because they're bringing a lie with them that makes sense and once again it's an ally which didn't help out the last forces so hopefully that's gonna be the case again which would be lovely so this time they are helping out their allies well isn't that lovely for them okay you move back but just reinforce the Citadel's for now our main fleet is upgrading and these upgrades that they really need better weapons better shields they really want these before going into war Corvette should be fast enough to get on the way okay good you know what you're gonna go and reinforce as well I'll take them long time to get around if they are we can easily jump from bash in Sebastian faster than they can get from one side to the other it isn't gonna be quite as easy as all the other fights because it is two empires and they are actually working together now all my flutes will hear I'm ready to fight it seems like the enemy are backing off which makes sense because the Citadel itself is 16k we should be able to crush them if we fight them all together so which of you is the slowest it'll be you earn it you have an extra sublight speed but the other one I believe has aggressive which is the same so it's actually either of you let's go of you all stick together please let's try and chase them down Construction complete colonization efforts bigger glorious simply glorious now a lot of the enemy did manage to actually bounce away there but even so like to regrab all that and let's go towards their wormhole so I'd like to know where they actually go so let's deal with this one first okay it's a fleet over here that's gonna retake what we've just taken there but there's no chance of getting past this Citadel so that's finals leave that as it is now I believe that the Machine Empire itself won't really give us particularly all that much from its populations I think when you exterminate a hive mind species which of course means the hive mind or the Machine Empire you don't get anything from them I think you'll stuff it unity for exterminating them but no resources because their hive Minds you can't have them as forced labor you have to only have extermination so I'm going to try and do is focus on the secondary enemy rather than the machines both are Citadel's are here and I am building some Corvettes in the background Corvettes can be built so quickly it is really a very easy defense strategies just stack these things as we continue to get more and more worlds under our control I'm also grading the main species now to this fertile robust with bigger brains sticking with natural engineers but sadly now they have to be repugnant it was either repugnant or unruly but right now we're already struggling with empire cap I will swap it over to unruly in the future because repugnant is terrible but it's the only - - I actually have outside of a rule a so it is what it is sadly I completely missed something the machines are rogue servitors which means they have bio trophies the bio trophies can be purged for resource just like any other organic species gonna move them all off this planet and then destroy the colony because the enemy fleets are nearby so it's a good chance I will lose some of these but saying that since we are not able to get bio trophies I may just go back and focus on the machine Empire ya think that would be best there's been a very messy fight they're attacking us um over here which is really annoying birth so we should be able to protect our world the Corvette's are now moving over so they'll get there they should be able to destroy the enemy fleet and then they'll just start to defend in the meantime we can cut into the heart of the anime and hopefully go for their home world we have now grabbed the homeworld of the machines and as you can see we are moving a lot of people over there's all machines and then here's the bio trophies and as usual with transfer one host just to make sure the world isn't destroyed and there we are and it's already continental which is a rather nice there we are going to replace you with some population growth lovely and apparently there are some habitats cool don't know if I'm gonna win this fight honestly but let's see if a Corvettes can deal with their regular fleet feel that's gonna be close oh good the ammunition just turned off just before this fight that's really bad timing there oh well they're running away anyway grab that back let's at least take back our systems ah they want status quo wonder why you know this is your own fault right like you attacked me lost a lot of our fleet now since we have to take out these Citadel's so with that this war is over it's gonna take a while for me to fully recover so I'm gonna stay put in this area down here and then most likely will go to war with the Confederation next you're actually in a defensive pact or no bar looks of things we got to war with you we'll go to war with you alone which is good and you have lots of worlds which we can consume oh that's silly fill out to reset all of you and yeah we're now at 3k research which honestly just isn't good enough it's not bad we are keeping in line with the other empires but at this point in the game remember we have set the endgame to 2325 which means 50 years after that the enemy will spawn the endgame crisis which is going to be truly terrifying so we need our tech sorted out now so I am going to be shifting heavily into tech from this point forward we do have a decent economy to support it we already have three of the city worlds so we can produce a lot of consumer goods if we need to and we are producing our fourth city world right now more of them will be converted as time goes on to add to that so loads and loads of pretty much everything the only thing which is going to be a concern really is minerals at the moment we're getting all of our minerals from these are willing participants but that won't last forever of saying that we have so many of them now maybe well it's a good take a very very long time white decline process 35 that shouldn't be correct yeah why 35 the default should be forced labour what is going on there that's 35 that's the extermination speed he undesirables it should only be Plus yeah plus 600 percent speed if it's extermination is that because we have the machines here because that's incorrect I've had this bug before like it is definitely a bug because you're undergoing forced labor which means you should only be going at half of that okay let's what happens if I remove all the machines which is a lot of them oh it's gonna cost a fortune but I do need this to be fixed so I can confirm that is a bug so now we are back down to 15 per month that is so irritating well Ivan fairly lost a lot of energy there but it's not too much of an issue really thankfully so just something to bear in mind if I ever get a species which I can't put into one of the other forms of undesirable do not mix them because even when you're destroying one of the species which is not meant to be exterminated as in the full plus 600% they will die that quickly buildings oh yeah I've been upgrading my star bases and so we haven't was no alloys right now okay so now how ships are going to have a jump drives as soon as they're finished upgrading everything else having jump drives as early is going to increase the chance of seeing the unbidden again as the endgame crisis spurts yeah I really want to use jump drive so it's just a risk we're going to take our fleets are moving into position it's gonna be a couple more years before we can declare war again but either way let's move in our fleets also starting to scout ahead around here as well annoyingly there's not all that much we can grab especially with this here since these are the fnatic xenophobes if we grab any of the systems nearby they will attack us and they will totally Devastator so I'm gonna just leave that for now oh well we're from which done for that okay let's send you to one of our science worlds for now though let's send you to our home world also we really didn't just sort out a trade I can now start upgrading some of our star bases to much larger ones so I will figure out the placement for some trade stations okay you can grab that then go there and there and hello to a lovely guy or world which apparently is lush well since we have excess influence what I'm gonna do is start making some habitats for now it's gonna make some reactive habitats that's just habitat above an energy deposit that way they can have the reactor districts and this produce a lot of energy not really going to go heavily into habitats but again I don't end up capping out on influence because then we're just wasting it all that alloys right now are being spent on either making habitats or buffering up this I'm building a Corvette only fleets which are gonna act as a quick response fleet and likely will be used in the upcoming wars not a huge fan of the old Corvette spam but yeah it is really good when you just need a fleet which is fast one more world about to be converted into one beautiful city and so one small war beckons there should be a fairly easy if I was able to hold back both the Confederation and the hub before and now this time it's just the Confederation flea [Music] Oh since I don't particularly care about synths in this room we do have machines here and there but still gonna grab it nonetheless I suppose the Corvette fleet is almost completely finished and it's gonna be our first over hundred K Felice [Music] no other first world is already being invaded we are now also able to make gene warriors which are gonna be our new ground forces once these fellows fade away transfer one back over there we go and let's terraform this world into something more beautiful a beautiful artist made more useful to us okay this is interesting so I didn't really think about because we are fanatic purifiers we can't have these even as a residence I think if I'm fanatic xenophobe I can still have the machines as residents but instead well servitude that's gonna be problematic I've never had a machine uprising before but we're on the way to allowing that to happen so moves the Corvette Felice I on the other hand are going all the way over here because we're about to attack the Union and the combine which have made a defensive pact the fleet itself should be more than powerful enough to take out the entire empire all by itself and let's make some clone warriors so some jean warriors to be waiting there to take over all of the worlds who needs an endgame crisis when you have friends like the Legion the last of their defense forces here honestly not a terrible effort there but yeah ultimately futile ambitions are now unlocked so all of them are active because we had enough unity to active out absolutely everything so more unity more minerals our fleet is now cheaper and we have more navy capacity everyone is thinking like us just overall lots of very good things and most importantly more research speed which is good because we can't talk to anyone we don't really have all that many research bonuses which is gonna be really problematic sure we are spanning most of the galaxy and expanding quickly but our tech is never going to be as good as other empires the numbers will be there but the research bonuses of the research speed bonuses are a little bit harder to come by with this type of Empire perhaps I should have been part materialist or something but oh well here we are now also I believe I just grabbed their homeworld yes yes I have absolutely delicious now thankfully these machines are not part of a hive mind the collective consciousness so I can still move them to the main world with no problem it's only from the machine Empire itself I can't have the populations meanwhile the top of the galaxy okay so he's now fantastic and could you - in fact all of you please follow the fleet we can now build megastructures so instantly spending one of our ascension perks and i'm going to do is rebuild this the coordination center when this is fully operational it'll give us more fleet power more stations and even increase our sublight speed of all of our craft lovely the Confederation has been destroyed as our swarm destroy is the last of remnants of this enemy at least in terms of their forces my Empire now looks like this still scared of one of the fallen empires waking up and outside of that we are looking an ion stuffball maybe I should make some moves now to try and counter the forward empires so they have a lot of shields so we're probably going to give auntie a shield weaponry now we should focus on upgrading what we already have at this point so this will likely be the last war for a while because it is getting very close to the end and we have plenty of space starting these science Nexus we have 50 more years now until the endgame crisis can spawn in and things are looking just really good for us we've almost finished off the Empire over here and I'm still thinking we might not go to war again for a while perhaps even until the endgame crisis or mid-game crisis events actually occur this is so much for us to do I think I'll probably do is also completely destroy the combine at the moment I was gonna hold off but instead will destroy the combine as well that way will control all of this area and that war all gone for a while also o.e Third Reich for some reason I thought there were two of the stellar devourers but no so right now I'm still trying to make as many worlds as I possibly can into the arcology project the reason is I absolutely adore these worlds I think they're absolutely phenomenal and I used to think they were weaker than they currently are and honestly they are truly fantastic so I'm somewhat tempted not to go down the route of galactic wonders because that's gonna use up influence as well and I need all that influence because I have so what so many worlds to convert and instead what we could go with is perhaps galactic contender that way we can very quickly start attacking the fallen empires before they wake up we've been very lucky they are not awake yet which is bizarre it's been so long and yet no one's waking up so after this war we could mobilize on the Fallen empires yeah something to do I have a 100k fleet currently war and I have another almost 100k fleet in fact over 100k fleet here I'm still building some and I am working on building the mega shipyard so we should be able to attack them fairly soon the question is who do we attack so I'm thinking we go after this one at the materialists because rather than Gaia world they have a world which has already gone through the archaeology project which is pretty darn awesome but do they have any other good worlds I think they should have the archives there is NASA Gaia world it's also nice and close yeah we have to attack through this angle which is a bit annoying but it's not a big deal now we can definitely beat them with the bonus we have currently yes so I'm gonna finish off this war fairly soon because I've already got most of the stuff I already want and then I'm gonna mobilize on the Fallen Empire even if it means finishing before we completely eradicate our current enemy the Coordination Center has been a restored so from this we get plus 152 our navy capacity we get 6 plus to our Starbase capacity our star bases can have 12 more defense platforms and as sublight speed has been increased by 15% overall pretty nice the puppeteers finally reveal themselves we're a lot more simple with our manipulation we threaten you you do what we say oh we kill you one more world about to be made perfect and for once I don't have enough minerals there we go okay there we are that was the enemy defeated I honestly thought they had one more world left but apparently I wasn't looking correctly but there we are either way and so with that we can now move all of our fleets over from here although I did meet some repairs on the way but let's move them here nonetheless so I have about 300k fleet power and of course some really nasty stations we have about the same fleet power just a tiny bit more but of course we are now doing a bonus 1/3 damage which is a big deal I sure you just auto sell these minerals because it's kept it insane now sure let's go with that pretty worthless sadly to sell them since we're not in the proper market yeah 10,000 equals only 1400 your energy I mean it's still energy but it's not as much as one might imagine I never say one but the moment I am I don't know why perhaps I'm going insane after over 20 hours of recording at this point yeah maybe sanity is slowly slipping away so I have that one point I think I really don't know if we're gonna win this one it's gonna be really close but even if we do lose as long as I don't lose absolutely everything is gonna be worth it so extra shield damage thank you very much everything else is just about active do want more sublight speed right now you know what sure why not okay now yeah I wonder what their war goal will be well it'd just be to know humiliate okay that means I think they can't just tank our systems by taking over the star bases that's interesting good timing there for some more damage for our ships wow we are so so strong in terms of the sheer damage of course that's partially because we are fanatic purifiers the bonuses we have are kind of insane bless 33% fire rate and M plus 10% from distinguished Admiralty then plus 10% from being militarist yeah a ship's fire so quickly pure pure offense then of course we have no retreat currently active as well which is an additional 33 percent of our track speed is just mad which I honestly when it comes to the endgame crisis on this difficulty I do believe that damage is far more important than any defense you can put on your ships because the enemy are doing so much damage per shot they're gonna cut through armor pretty much guaranteed anyway so you may as well fire faster interesting they seem to be going away from their capital which is fine by me set the Armageddon bombardments and a new science vessel straight away your first job is just to grab these okay one stack up please don't think I'll have a mic a juggernaut it would be nice to have the tech already yeah they're going this way they're gonna try and attack us over here but since they're not gonna be grabbing every system they attack I don't really care okay ground forces a get ready to attack now the question is do we send these over to the main world or do we leave them here if we leave them here it means these buildings going to be active for a while but there will still slowly deactivate since there's no way we can grow populations here fast enough and I currently want all my populations on my other worlds because I'm still doing things on the other worlds none of them are really overpopulated yet I might just send them away just cause it's so much simpler they just have the populations here grow normally I mean we do get the extra 50 percent growth speed so maybe maybe either way though send in the gene warriors the new fellows can go over here and do the same to the archive so we can grab these two we've essentially won cuz that's all we really care about in fact if we can do this I'm tempted to stay Toscano a car that's a shame if we could status quo that would be amazing because we've lost very few ships because of our outright aggressiveness I can't talk today our outright aggressiveness the enemies aren't really getting a chance to fire back all that much as you can see so we're not losing much every fight these are pretty good Citadel's but yeah just not enough to deal with this but all those survivors we can end this move on to the next fall and empire straight away which would be insanely good now over here all of you can make a move and this world will be one more beautiful ocean world and eventually will activate the our ecology project lovely one more world somewhere else quite good world as well since as the bonus researcher who need to bring the world's and such where you can just have all of the world's the strategy that the enemy are employing is ultimately really silly they're attacking our systems over here but not climbing them instantly because they're just trying to humiliate us because they are fallen and don't want to expand their borders but the thing is I'm destroying their home systems if I take out all their home systems they're gone it doesn't matter if they've claimed these worlds well they're currently occupying them I should say they don't even get them if we status quo so you go ahead and keep on doing that I'm just gonna begin orbital bombarding with Armageddon stance on your populations on your homeworld oh no my general has died he was a good host Nemo Jean Warriors Star nights ooh lovely the mega shipyard will soon be fully online ah silence whistle just chilling here don't know but they're gone now maybe if I paid some attention they wouldn't be gone also you may be wondering why do I go of Jean clinics to begin with rather than sort of like clone that so which is more effective it's 33% rather than the 15% he's 15 right sorry 10% the Jean clings give I it's because it also gives a mean it is and it just makes everything a lot easier I find it's because I'm trying to micromanage so many worlds doing things like that just makes everything a lot easier it starts having food as well beautiful more wonderful worlds encased in steel probably a lot of concrete the home world is ours which means we get almost 200 willing participants to give us minerals food and a lot of unity not that we need it mind you we currently have over 1 million unity we're very unified in this it's not the most pleasant thing to be unified about but unified nonetheless also I'm sure my mouse clicking at this point is driving everyone inside including myself because I have to edit all this bear in mind the video will end up between two and three hours long the last video took over 50 hours of raw footage so trust me clicking on my own voice become very irritating time to get ahead of the competition we now have a brand new relic and the spiritual fallen Empire the ones over here the watches will now allow us to conquer the Gaia world's without attacking us in revenge okay so I've been mixing things up I thought that was the Spiritualist no these are the spiritualists those are the xenophobes oh of course they are yeah look we have systems attached to them they haven't been trying to kill us need to jump one of our science metals over here as well so we can start grabbing these 18 size Goa'uld a 13 tundra world in the 10 gaya world that all would be pretty darn nice where's the closest Science Vessel we have I really need but scientists back on the worlds as well okay you can go there for now one of the construction vessels as well and I am now sorting out all that trade routes by the way I've already put down bastions which will be defending the trade routes as they move around and eventually I will get the Gateway tech eventually beautiful we now have the archives under our most trusted control send over all these back to the main world OOP sadly with Sonia Gaia world not I City world but still he'll work and try that this time around I will turn it into clone vats I've done the same with this as well just try get the population up and running as soon as possible okay so I've lost a lot of our ground forces but at the same time these worlds are nowhere near as strong so it's not a big deal now we are the conservers have been removed from the game I always have such light game mid-game crisises crisis's crises the mid-game crisis always light is on trying to say I don't know why I forget really unlucky and have it on the die it can possibly happen or it just happens so near the end game crisis it's not such a big deal where's the awakening Empires where's the Marauders going psycho creating a resort world we may be repugnant but at least we know how to have a good holiday over at the tundra world but the point is all the other colonies now get plus 15 cents I mean it is for free which is rather than nice with this one oh yeah I can help build a dimensional fabricator though we do need more housing here if you want to continue to grow the population but we don't get much out of it of than clerks oh sure put down the dimensional fabricator here 100 minerals two motes - gasps - crystals all 420 energy and doesn't require work as I got this from reverse engineer arcane technology and we just happen to get lucky care for some moving over there these new fleets almost all ready to go and they have all the new Dark Matter stuff so had the Dark Matter reactor the dark my thrusters in the Dark Matter deflectors now converting a lot of our worlds into alloy production we can get loads of alloys very easily by using the foundry ecology and we're now over 1k in fact we're close to 1.5 K per month which is really good in comparison to where we were just a couple of years ago now overall looking at my empire looking at my tech and everything else and the research bonuses I feel like we're doing well but not good enough for the end game crisis we really do need to push tech now even more so we're at 14 gates increasing a lot every year but we just don't have many of those bonus bits of research currently at plus 77 percent plus 79 and currently at plus 100 percent you can get that why hire bear in mind we don't have a some of the bonuses like the cure to order we're not materialist so we don't get a bonus there so we do really need to just up the numbers we need just a serious amount to tech to offset that now we do have loads of worlds and loads of worlds which are currently still growing so that will increase but hopefully quick enough we're gonna have loads of leads we're gonna have loads of economy but we need the research to back it up as well this may be silly in a very close fight what I'm gonna do is go to war now instantly jump into here Oh unless they're gonna be so dumb they're gonna just go away from their capital you gonna move where are you going you are yep just leaving capital on him at least one of your fleets is about the others yeah no you seem confused well that was not the smartest choice I've ever seen xeno station engaged you had health and there goes you and health and there it goes good a fleet we don't have to fight this Citadel as well oh that was brutal that was very oh we lost one Corvette oh dear okay there's the rest of their fleet glorious what's your defense like insane and insane in that case only to do is bombard one planets and the ground forces call ready start work on the other so bombard the core now ground forces which are strong enough to deal with either of them but gonna take some losses you can go and grab boundary sadly just the guy Oh world this time but still look at that devastation racking up who'da thought Armageddon hurts there's really shiny science Nexus is almost completely online a glorious day for the leeches I currently have quite loved influenced banked up but I also have several worlds which are currently preparing to be viable to turn into city world so I don't really have that much influence looks like I do but I don't there we are there goes all the influence apparently a lot of the planets just finished off becoming viable the sleepers have finally awoken well that's gonna be problematic oh dear fools well here's hoping they'll attack us but I doubt they're not going to because they are completely consumed by our borders yeah that isn't the best really is it also I'm just not getting tech for gateways am I missing a text somewhere so I'm not able to grab it or my just getting really unlucky with the rares oh you don't need all the l gates do you for the gateways I'm sure of that because we need gateways our Empire way too big just to rely on wormholes and just going from place to place and manually okay so because Empire is awoken Oh actually what I think if we go to war but I think they're going to do is try to control us we don't outright try and destroy us which means they can't go to war with us if we're already at war with another Empire so we just need to stay perpetually destroying everything we see which is basically what we do anyway so we just go after the combine next this gives us time to build up our fleets so that we can defend against them wow they have so much phillipe power that's kind of insane and whether you're denied stamps at health why are you all slightly dented yeah okay just keep on going yes keep on warring warring warring what do we do we war oh dear so we now have the core but war exhaustion has kicked in so we have 720 days and then they can force status quo at the moment that are stacking our systems I really don't care since we'll get them back at the end anyway I believe I get them backgrounds yet neither side currently occupies clown territory so because they haven't claimed it they're not getting it so we can declare war on you straightaway afterwards which is what we're going to do so really what I would like is to try and grab this system here just so it's easier for us to move and attack you we don't have to try and go through this direction with the enigmatic fortress for instance so it is here just a boring basic world do you actually have any other specialized worlds which is just all the boring gubbins boring boring boring yep you are just boring okay everyone please could you get units and move over to the next city so grab that move there all of our ground forces get ready to attack something and as for you more workers so apparently they can go to war with us even if we are at war with others so they're trying to turn us into them well I try to gain control of us so I was trying to say them so what I'm gonna see is if they're actually going to take our systems when they take one of the star bases or is it similar to last time they can't actually destroy us it's just for that war goal because it could fight them into status quo even if we lose our fleets because if they can't take it instantly I'm just going to continue to take systems over here and basically you know just ignore them and put all of our alloys into making new ships well with one full one Empire really falling and another attacking us we are in a very weird position it turns out my worst fear has been confirmed they will take systems and worlds as soon as they grab them that's gonna really really be really really annoying really so we do have some fleets over here so we have over 300 K ready you have these fleets over here and we are doing bonus damage to them but even so if we attack now we're just gonna lose so I could do these try to take some of their worlds and their systems force them back and just keep them in a stalemate I think that's probably what I'm going to do okay so can you start moving as soon as possible once again we need gateways how long will it take for you to get over this side go over there to the wormhole and there that takes forever as well okay instead I can just make you jump so as close as you can please we do have quite a bit of fleet power I think we fight them we are going to do some serious damage to their fleets again we can probably force status quo but we need to be really careful about it they're also moving the way so as a chance we can go back yes sure grow your populations we'll eat them later we're here to take our world back the idea is first start attacking them even though we would lose in a strike one on one I could force them back into their territory the bad grabbing of the world some of our fleets now arriving they can do the same over here if we're lucky we can just distract them to death okay since this was our world they had almost no defense anyway and they've just obliterated what defense it had our planet has been occupied by it looks like they're going back already which is fine by me let's see if we can take out the citadel then we'll run for it at the same time you can go and try and take that back and your audience on praying good bout to take our world back and we're being annoying over here sadly about to lose some of our ground forces but only a few and now we've grabbed that what we can do is destroy the Citadel then move out and just keep on harassing them that's all we need to do just keep on harassing them until our fleets arrived our main fleets and we're strong enough to deal with them he's gonna take a while though they are very strong they're just kind of sitting there which is fine by me cuz what I'm gonna do is go straight for their capital and we have the ground forces to do it and all of our fleets are now converging still not enough to deal with them though mind you but it is something that they do attack us I will most likely the old status quo just how much damage I'll do Oh forgot that two planets some reason I thought there is one well that's a problem okay let's punish them for daring to do this you Armageddon that you Armageddon this I'm assuming because they're heading on back here we don't stand a chance if they attack us we're definitely dead even with the extra damage just cause some damage for now as soon as I see them heading towards us though we'll bolt the science nexus is complete lovely that's a plus 15% to our research speed let's grab all the small bits of tech they're missing while we're waiting around where are you going okay looks like what the enemy gonna do is try and take all out of the worlds that is very problematic indeed very have enough ground forces to repel them which is annoying if they don't have to Kay though so if we can put all of our ground forces onto one planet as in the ones which aren't currently invading their homeworld then we could cause some damage to their ground forces sky temple is being bombarded is one of you not using Armageddon there we go and throne is being invaded by our gene warriors the celestial throne is ours but they are moving back to intercept us finally so the good thing with this though is I can do some serious damage here oh look 116 of your populations and they're all now heading to my homeworld where they're going to be treated ever so well after you dared to attack us the more I plays Empire the more I become incredibly sadistic this time around rather than simply removing everyone but one I have completely destroyed the colony the celestial throne is no more now I believe the unique buildings will be there once we return Adam and I strongly attack straight away but they will be all destroyed so let's move away unless I just want to stand my ground no I think right now you're best if you just run away they probably won't follow us all the way out and just continue to build up more ground forces and we will return later once they've moved somewhere else which they likely will I'm hoping they'll attack in this direction or go after the worlds have already reclined nice to catch one of their fleets off-guard goodbye the other fleet though is on its way what's it do it yep Stephanie on its way okay so you need to get over there as soon as possible so retake the station then jump there we're currently attacking in the sky temple because well we had to run and I couldn't get out in time so I just landed almost certainly gonna lose our ground forces there but still lovely one of our worlds is now a city engaged just about made okay now you stay there till we figure out what they're doing yep they're seemingly chasing us so it's gonna go round and round and round well we didn't get their homeworld and we're gonna lose one of our worlds which thankfully we didn't really have many populations on anyway but we can now status quo any second now there we go okay everyone back home once the truce ends will definitely be strong enough to take them honestly we would have done some serious damage on a proper one-on-one but taking out that smaller fleet was all we really needed or some waiting around recouping my strength let's finish off this Empire once and for all oh look and they're friends of the combine okay you can go over there to defend from this side and everyone else can premature stay where they are actually I believe there's a wormhole which goes right into their territory as close tell you're one of the main fleets move over we'll take over some of the combine space as well is the reason why I'm not getting any of the gateway texts because I've not encountered a gateway so I'm looking in all of my vast territory and yeah there's no gateway here at all normally you find the gateways which have been turned off the ones that you fell into disrepair but I have not found a single one in fact I have no idea where they are and I found some l gates that's not the same thing are the gateways it looks like I can see all of this but that's not necessarily true I can see all of those I kind of can hmm I'm missing something here so yeah I'm sure a lot of people told me exactly what I'm missing but I can't quite figure it out now I'm a little bit under the weather so perhaps it's just my brain frying here but I have no idea where kind of gateways and that is a serious problem because yet lots of territory slow ships not enough wormholes if we have been named crisis spawn in the wrong place we are doomed the combine is rapidly falling and we've just defeated the hierarchy so now all this territory is completely ours and of course we have two new worlds which means lots and lots of brand-new workers which is pretty darn good for us so naturally I accidentally destroy the world but still the point is they're gone now and the combine will fall momentarily after that we have a couple more years then we can once again attack the awakened Empire and after that the end game crisis is gonna start pretty darn soon now I've almost got all the tech to activate the l gates show we'll be doing as well so only two goals now before the endgame can spawn is to remove the wake and Empire activate the L gate and see what's there gonna be leaving this Federation mostly alone because flight in Federation will just be a really annoying they don't have the fleet power to possibly stop us but it is three Empire so they will be constantly taking bits of our territory it's gonna be an absolute mess we don't gain much from it either that's the thing if we if we actually had something to gain from it but it's so light in the game now grabbing these worlds we don't really have enough time to get them going and we don't we need anymore workers we have plus six thousand minerals and that's with a selling eight thousand of them a month the horizon signal gravity is desire so this is the worm in Whiting event I've just activated this at some point I will kind of force this in the earlier game you can actually force this apparently but it's going in and out of systems which have a wormhole in them or were more time in say a black hole in them and by doing that you can activate this all earlier this is the lights I think I've ever had this activate well we are going to continue because the worm is still fantastic or regardless what we do there okay so L gate let's activate you and then let's go through and there's some new territory for us to control on door events I'm gonna get out of this got my fleets ready my construction vessel everything else so as soon as you go through it will be ours the gray tempest okay so what we're gonna have to fight for a new territory yeah Mon update so I can move there oh wait no do I need to actually Scouts it that would make more sense wouldn't it okay rush through who stop the great tempest from escaping I said rush through don't you the scientist ago first anyway fine or you're dead hello great tempest system survey complete our adorable your scary in the very very early game but right now not particularly ok wait until all those been cleared up then we could start take over the world by well demand galaxy ok both for you can be unpassable eats you sit there next to those jump points you move over there that way if any of the enemies come in they'll attack the fleet's first rather the science vessels and the science vessels going to continue what they're doing clearing up some of the violins and that's why one two there I wanted that be useful five hundred influence they can't quite and what this gives me study of the co-op's or make it a trophy for all to see now if I study the corpse I get something else but this has fits my empire so sure and there's the trophy plus five ten happiness on the world and a tiny bit of unity we are the dragon's lair we can increase that happiness pretty nice it also gave us a load of influence which is great because the last time I go by influence I ended up with three more worlds undergoing the arcology project and now I have enough for two more well my fleets weren't quite yet in position but I'll gladly accept the challenge together we move as one to obliterate the filthy Zeno sky temple will be ours and look they've started to rebuild what was once their throne but they've changed the name of it and everything what is shame for them system survey complete system survey complete chase down those blades you can easily crush them well annoyingly this thing has an FTL inhibitor and now it doesn't we just instantly obliterated that fortress oh it's still there shouldn't you only have an FTL inhibitor if you have at least a fortress okay we'll go the long way around well stall the insanity is going on with the war verse the awakened Empire which is about to be won by the way we have now hit 30k research and we are now opening the way for the worm which means if the language yellow I am complete we offer up our Sun to get all of these new worlds thank you a glorious worm now our main species should be a little bit different wow we have so many things were purging it though and that is actually kind of insane we didn't change normally change is our preference to tomb world oh because it didn't change her world I didn't think about that still either way is worthwhile because we have all of these okay am I going mad or does that say that's a 28 sized planet I am almost certain that's above the maximum 25 is the maximum right well you're gonna be a special world of ours aren't you my goal list turn every last one of these into the arcology project which would be phenomenal but that probably won't happen in time since it cost so much influence at very least we have loads of extra worlds now for pretty much everything we possibly want well athletes aren't looking bad at the moment and bubbles you are absolutely ridiculously big bubbles move thank you so yeah bubbles recently got the hundred-year thing so now he's hundred years old which increases his size his power level he's still pretty weak I was late but he is the size of a star because he's a wittle star aren't you buddy yes you are you creepy thing yes no he's adorable in his own way didn't mean to zoom in there but I like that nope that that does not help it does not help things well well well what have we here a coordination sensor huh okay so that's pretty darn lovely I went to where all the extra bonuses came from so now we actually have to coordination centers and we can upgrade as well so that's pretty fantastic more sublight speed naviga pass city all the other usual good stuff I'll have to save up some alloys for that I'm still building up my fleets as you can probably tell that's what all my alloys are currently going all of the minerals and influence go towards making more and more of our beautifully colleges and all of our alloys go into making more and more ships and over here all the nano eight worlds are being converted into ocean worlds which we are now inhabiting as well most likely these oughta stay as rural worlds producing energy food all these usual gubbins which keeps the Empire running so here's something weird to note on one of the worlds we just took from the fallen Empire which by the way is no more they had the Omega alignment the reason why the Omega alignment is bizarre to see is their mega alignment is the final building you build to someone in the worm in activates the whole generating the entry point event in which you turn your star into a black hole and thus get loads of extra tomb worlds what wood thing up to Oh that is a bug well that's easy I'm also clearing away all the random aliens in our territory so if we want to grab these systems very soon that we can the problem is it's not so much that there's aliens there it's that we need the influence and as much as all these holes in our territory is slowly driving me insane influence means the ecology project the ecology project means more power more power means a happy laugh ryx so might end up keeping that also it's just over 10 years now until the end game crisis can spawn in and we are woefully unprepared I mean we do have a decent fleet power I feel like right now with most of the endgame crises we might be able to take out one very normal fleet normal or small fleet but if they stack it or if these on larger fleets we're gonna be devastated so just keep on rockin that tech keep on trying to get more alloys keep on turning all of our worlds into the ecology projects events so we have just more and more population we're strong and against the timez5 crisis this would be laughable but against times 25 I'm not the one who's laughing I'm sick of the existence of this Federation trulia their presence nauseates me the fleet's are now on route to pretty much every single entry point to every one of their Empires long live the Legion well our fleets are close enough hello so right now our ground forces are a little bit further back all I'm focusing on right now is taking out every station and claiming every system if we can take out all their stations they can stop preparing and attacking us because otherwise this is gonna get really annoying really really fast now do I have any L gates in their territory not that I can see though I haven't missed them before so well in that case we just go on through one thing I'm realizing right now is I currently have why more science in this current year than in the previous times 25 crisis attempt which is really good the course the problem is we have set the crisis 25 years earlier so we have white less time to stack all that research we also don't have all the same modifiers so we are getting more research but it's being less effective we're still researching faster though which is weird when you're playing this wide since the game changed with the admin cap thing it is a bizarre experience to say the least we are definitely gonna need to increase that happening cap speaking of which okay so they're about to take that that's fine you're about to clash with them and soon I can just jump you over there anyway so try and rush over there every good invading scene over well that was lucky but there we are I believe us their main fleet dealt with we are invading some world which is good not really focusing on that that's right how did you get past me oh because that's not connected wow that really does look connected when you zoom out okay so let's jump you in you know what yeah jump you in attack that seems like they're struggling with the Citadel anyway so not a big deal there but still gonna bounce you back then you're gonna grab her there that's fine your let's go in here grab all this which is apparently very isolated this is why easier than I expected now expect it to be easy in terms of the enemy fleets not really being able to take up athletes but they're not really harassing us all that much which is fine by the 1st of the Empire's to fall is the Machine Empire no longer are they disgracing our galaxy with their very existence and with that there's only two more to go a little bit of harassment happening which is really annoying so just climbed all these systems but ultimately yet there's not really all that much else left to do but it's finish off this is a very very small bit of territory we're getting close to finishing off all the empires and if we look at our homeworld 2500 undesirables yep going to insane really well yes please I would love a baby dragon I mean who wouldn't one more Empire as many tend only one to go well technically speaking we have now won we are the only Empire left in the galaxy the galaxy is as now to do with as we see fit including building more coordination centre stuff so now it's just a matter of preparing for the endgame crisis we have a lot of fleet power already and all of this is in the counter torque it's all over the galaxy we still cannot build gateways and I cannot figure out for the life of me what I'm missing now is a rare tech but we've been going over this for long enough now that should really have well we should have found it by now so the only problem now is I still don't have gateway tech I will need to look it up what I'm missing because I'm clearly missing something which is not allowing the tech to spawn in I've been trying to get every single single tech which I am still seeing but I think I've got all of them now so I'm not seeing anything outside of repeatable --zz so what am I missing so I've been reading online and the reports vary quite a lot but the one report I keep on seeing is you do need to get an unaccented ancient gateway before you can get the tech itself the problem is I can't see any and if there are any then it must have been activated already otherwise it would simply have it on my situation log so yeah I'm kind of stuck here I don't think we're gonna be able to get gateways again I like you're wrong here but I can't find information it's the contrary perhaps I was missing it but I have been looking for the last one half an hour now that is lovely we have a science Nexus hub this must've been left by one of the empires we conquered well we can't build to ourselves but what ins already being built or is already partially built like this we can continue it and that effect will stack so more research speed for us dragon versus Marauders also apparently it's animation as bit off because for some reason we do fire from the start not from my current location unless we're using the star in which that's pretty cool goodbye to the Marauders excellent we are now three years into the endgame so the endgame crisis can spawn any moment really and this is currently our fleet power we are looking pretty good and main problem as I've mentioned very countless times in this video now is we don't have gateways and yeah at this point I've tried everything I've looked up I just can't unlock the gateway tech which means getting around is going to be a serious pain and I suddenly wish I built our mega shipyard by an L gate so at least we can use the L gate jumps or perhaps well wormhole or something but it's dead it's kind of in the middle of nowhere there it is my I built it here is because at the time our Empire spanned pretty much at this half of the map so this was close to the middle and it had a lot of high plains going around to places which are currently active lots of battles so it made sense now though a bit less so the only upside really is the fact we do have the blight of the huntress which would increase that sub like speed by twenty five to ten years we'll activate that once again crisis spawns in and that's pretty much it I can't see a dormant gateway which is the important one like I'm see an activated one I've even went back and checked what or starting a new game to make sure I had it set so gateways could sport and I did I definitely did so yeah bit weird really and again I could be missing something so feel free to tell me that's the last time I'll mention it now because I'm even boring myself and that's never a good sign so I think this event may scale with how much tech you're normally getting because that just gave me eight hundred and fifteen thousand to research okay then well it's finally happened I now control every single system anomaly there are still gaps in my borders because that's how the game works and I've colonized every single world or at least I'm on the Y's colonize them that's the very last world which isn't currently under my control and like instruction vessels now going around collecting all the resources of ignoring while just conquering every single system the amount of micromanagement has gone to insane levels I admit but still that is beautiful and for those wondering this is how many undesirables we currently have producing almost 30,000 minerals and over 20,000 food because we put them to good use the science Nexus is completed which means now we have an additional 15% research bead which does stack with the other 15% from our other science Nexus God loves science making sure to go ahead and grab some of the text I wasn't already stacking so energy weapon attack speed and armor as well so more energy damage more armor that way if it is the scourge which attacks us I'm then also prepared at the moment I'm very well prepared versus the unbidden on ok versus the contingency although that scares me so much the contingency will definitely be the biggest problem because well I can't walk around very easily and they have four locations and they're just scary anyway but I haven't seen them in how many runs the contingency is definitely the least seen of all the endgame crisis I'm really hoping it's gonna be the unbidden again in terms of me winning although that's really boring but I'm hoping for in terms of just fun is the scourge I want to see how the scourge is on this difficulty now if we get really lucky in the scourge borne let's say here which is really good because of choke points as such I will still allow them to at least get to their second wave at the moment we could probably crush the scouting wave but that's no fun I want to see how powerful they are after that phase after that phase all be as ease anything trying to block them off and trying to snipe one that fleet at a time but before then I will let them spawn in if it is even them so I'll discuss that more when the endgame crisis finally arrives it's currently been just over ten years since they can't spawn the year is now 2833 and well athletes are looking pretty darn deadly we have several which are now over 500,000 a lot of them are over 400,000 closing on 500,000 and our research is continuing to stack very very quickly we now have 65,000 research and we're still having no negatives from our empire spur all we are doing incredibly well if you compare this to the same date as the last full playthrough without spoiling too much we are in a much stronger position and we're meant to have the endgame crisis earlier understanding its pawns and soon honestly we're waiting galactic power surge so once again it's going to PT unbidden okay so the next time I play stellaris I'm going to have the endgame even earlier obviously because that's what I'm doing every single time saying it back saying it back trying to get better at ramping up and my god if I got better this time but here's the thing I am so so sick of seeing the unbidden the unbidden is the most seen on the channel now so I'm going to do is avoid using jump drives I believe I'm not sure if it's the amount of Empires or how early you get it but I know that jump drives are in some way linked to how the unbidden spawning don't worry I'll look all this up before I didn't explain through but I'll actively try and ply to spawning something else the family getting since should get you the contingency but that's not happening either now with the Scourge that's linked to how late in the game isn't our current member exactly don't worry bom trans i'm very tired right now I'm feeling really really sick and yeah I am going to be actively trying to avoid this okay keep at it so soon Yun bin will spawn and they don't stand a chance we're even almost we're almost correctly self for them as well this is all we need to do okay so quite a footing all of that because well these are very expensive so think there we go this is how the battleships will be set up one change of things okay you've got lasers which is pretty rubbish you're mostly autocannons you're completely set up already except for once again the armor yeah we're good to go this may be a really quick end now they can still defeat all of athlete if we hit if we get hit by them all at once I believe what was it again the last time I applied against them they had to begin with at least one eight mil fleet then a couple of three mil or something like that we're not far off um in a while I am glad this is gonna be a quicker end cuz I am actually feeling a little bit under the weather at the moment I've been feeling quite bad for the last few days and today I've got a migraine which is killing me but I am determined to finish this who how did I miss Oh unbidden you weren't fully announced I had the Galactic power surge but you weren't unbidden that's cheating Oh closeness good everyone and many of you will need admirals I think yet there we are that's we're them to pop up without the secondary thing so what do they have they have I saw an eight mill they have an eight point four and a three point four I think we can take out either okay we definitely take out the smaller one because we have more fleet power than they do but the larger one might be a problem especially if they're together so we need to wait for them to split up first okay in a second you'll give us the full announcement that they're there and everything the unbidden these wretched xenos will be purged okay this morning another fleet as well straight away so where they're gonna go I'm hoping they don't go towards the wormhole so I can get there and get a foothold so I need them really is a couple of shipyards somewhere close by okay got one already fantastic this is mostly for repairs also for upgrades if I do need to do that so both of you are going to be converted into shipyards there we are you're just going to be destroyed I mean yeah you've got hangar bays but so he tells me the 40k star fortress isn't gonna hold the ball that long so it still ended up about 25 years earlier than the last attempt just didn't feel like it because the micromanagement has been horrendous well we're losing stations but the world there will keep it under a control for a brief time to lay attack it so they have a new 3k so well 3.5 millard sack 3k a little bit more than that 3.5 million 3.5 million 5 mil 8.5 all the little bit under that of course but rounding is fun so I've went ahead and I bought as many of the bonuses as I possibly could and I've used up my influence on capacity overload so we're just about in the positive now for energy though it could start selling more minerals so we could offset that anyway though I couldn't afford all of the rare materials for everything I wanted so I couldn't get the extra speed which is really annoying so he wanted that I couldn't get the extra armor the armory anyway but we have armor so Mays I'll make it work and also couldn't activate focusing crystals and time because well I have enough crystals and once again energy weapons all these ones I've got optically good versus the unbidden but well we have them so we may as well make them better all of you gonna get ready next to the wormhole I'm hoping still they don't attack the wormhole directly just go around it if we can be really quick we could potentially cheese this I don't know if I'm going to attempt to do that cuz I was gonna allow the scourge to have a foothold with these though they kind of come here for a full power so it's a different story and once again the migraine is slowly driving me completely insane and you may ask yourself flicks why do you record when you have a bloody migraine well because it's lasted now a day and a half so yeah kind of gotta get on with life oh I'm so sorry world not doing that much damage actually so that's alright unless you're specifically damaging the population somehow that doesn't seem like it yeah the end of the month lag now is a little bit horrendous but that's what happens when you have 15,000 population will not kill the last 21 pops clearly that's wrong then they must be able to destroy us and devastation level or something not gonna be sure about that wouldn't it be cool if we had gateways here's the slowcoach is here's the medium coaches and this is the faster boy obviously likes your aggressive should have still use no retreat yeah we definitely go stay with no retreat fire everything into them so the way we could choose this is if they all stay here we could rush here before they've made any more stations because right now they are focusing on attacking these systems where I can't claim very easily we jumping over and we take out the construction vessel and most importantly the Starbase like straight away weirdly it's not saying unbidden here which it normally does sorry matter too much it's just a visual thing but yeah if we can just do that quickly and then the station would fall in seconds this much fleet power yeah that is not much health they have no anchors or anything we could just squash them it all depends if they start doing more stuff having these two worlds here is really helping out they still haven't claimed any systems properly yet there is a very distinct possibility that right now we can just go in there and crush them but that would be boring I don't at least I get some good fights in but just for the record right now we could confuse alike just win the game just putting out there we have pretty much guts out win position unless they start moving in some weird way right now it's all pretty much done for for them at least I can say I've been really successful in the times 25 so right now what they're doing is they continue to bombard the two planets and some of them are returning home so that's a problem what are you guys gonna do so right now we have just a lot of fleet power then we could potentially try and flight this if we focused on one then the other so they're not all talking at once exactly the same we could potentially simply go after them I am tempted by that we'll see what happens when all the fleets are in position if so many fleets it doesn't fit security they're running away from the portal our guys I can't at his cart not attack it would be so silly not to Phylicia Legion has prepped for this moment and it's just being offered to us oh look now they're unbidden you know what know we're gonna have some honor with this we're gonna clear out at least these two groups let's see if we can take out their big fleet straightaway as soon as we possibly can blood for the blood guard even if they probably don't have learning oh we are lighting them up of shots they are becoming glow sticks sorry lads that's all you didn't game crisis here much we lost a couple of destroyers here and there you know lost a cruiser a lot a couple of cruisers continue to increase the shields hello there so this is their big fleet the thing which actually terrified me in the last run still scaring me now on a slow especially is like it get closer to the battleships Oh God what does I'm throwing them that's our secret tactic we are throwing airships at them sweet obliterated their lacking fleet oh I'm having too much fun with this because last time they were just so scary such a difficult unless he's spoiling it aren't I for the for the other run but be fair this one comes after the last run so you know continuity let's just to help put them out of their misery these are our feeding grounds and bidden not yours but ours it's only just occurred to me this is over five thousand fleet power and that's it the portal is destroyed the galaxy is now a safe place let's go and clean up the rest oh yeah I forgot that she lived afterwards oh they're coming to us okay what I don't want to do is get into point-blank range straightaway we are battleships we don't want masks oh hang on a sec though leave some more food for no real reason honestly and let's make a kinetic weapon stronger Oh YouTube's going oh and now we have the relic as well which is the Warlock tada jump drive Ranger grease and sublight speed increased as well as we throw ships of them once again oh my Corvettes well that's pretty much of that so the question for this video really was is the fanatical purifier a good tactic in terms of trying to witness crisis and I think I can safely answer that yes if you get a good start so you can start taking some empires early on and you can snowball in that way definitely it's a bit more difficult to get tech going that fast you only want fleet you're gonna be really a bad leader on you yet out out out out out still like 1 or 2 shot from them but yeah with all the bonuses you can get it's just insane and the fact that stacking populations in my opinion is a little bit broke it is a tiny tiny bit broke let's have a quick look-see at our home world which currently has ok let's have a look at our actual home world please not one of the of the worlds here we still have three thousand seven hundred and Desirables which are producing twenty nine thousand minerals consider how much a matter decompressor gives and then realize this is giving you many multiples of that yeah I don't know how you balance it though but I feel like stacking them like this is just so insanely strong as soon as you get even one or two empires destroyed and you have their population if you stack them fast enough they die slow enough that they stay around for so long you just get oodles and boodles of minerals noodles and poodles but our thermal even talking about headache graphics is weird land forex so with that the leech Legion is very clearly Victoria so the twenty five times and endgame crisis still sporting before 2400 was utterly crushed next time I think I will be going for more friendly playstyle I want to see what happens if you have fanatic materialists with the Federation start the Galactic community that's not what's cool is that that's the galactic community over there what's it called the good Federation where everyone loves each other and it has loads in game Crysis bonuses the end whatever that one is I want to start with it so that we get all of those bonuses and we get loads of tech and we have allies to safeguard us in the early game so we're more tech heavy we're gonna be far less Navy heavy than this we're also going to have more modifiers against the endgame crisis we're gonna end up with I think 100% when you combine everything together rather than just the 50% the defender of the galaxy as maybe it's more than that I honestly can't remember off the top of my head I also now realize looking the footage at some point I said I now realize it's over 5,000 fleet power I meant to say 5,000 to our fleet size not fleet power I understand that these millions of fleet power combined is more than 5,000 but yeah I think really the reason why this went so well is because almost completely because the population stacking but also just the bonuses you get from all of this the extra yeah the extra fire right there's a fire right again the extra 1/3 Navi capacities insane so yeah purifiers purifier who would have thought so with that thank you so much for watching if you have any idea for a future run then please tell me in the comments below and with that if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps up me helps out the channel and most importantly shows a stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and goodbye and may the leech in your brain be ever happy
Channel: Lathland
Views: 309,867
Rating: 4.9694633 out of 5
Id: uRrw5YjjFqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 49sec (8689 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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