Stellaris | Fanatic Pacifist + Ignoring Crisis Challenge - MAX Difficulty & Crisis Strength

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greetings sir answer ads and welcome back to stellaris with me or after X and of course welcome to our next full playthrough episode today we are going to be taking a look at the inward perfection type of Empire but this time taken to a bit of an extreme this has one simple rule we are going to be here for the long run we are not going to be defeating the endgame crisis we are not going to be interacting with other empires so I suppose multiple rules actually but the basic point is this during this playthrough I am NOT going to talk to any of the other empires I am NOT going to war I am NOT going to bribe them in order for them to not to attack us we are just going to stay in our own territory and only a science vessels are really ever going to venture out this is also true when the endgame crisis occurs because what I would like is to see how long this Empire can survive if it never interacts with the endgame crisis will I make its 2,500 2,600 or perhaps I'll be devoured far earlier since I'm allowing the endgame crisis to get to its full strength so what we're going to need to do is focus heavily on tech we are going to really really focus on tech as much as possible in order to get all of the mega structures we want Ring worlds we want the Dyson Sphere we want the matter decompressor we want everything so that we can really ramp up our space so it's going to be a tech rush and then just keep on doing all of the repeatable x' until we are absolutely unstoppable but until then we're just going to ignore everyone so this video will have a lot of stuff cut in comparison to the normal full playthroughs so expect huge amounts of time to simply vanish at first let's take a look at the Empire which is actually mostly named through just the random name generation but ended up liking y'all so for the Empire itself it of course has inwards perfection meaning it really can't interact with most other empires anyway but then it also gets a bonus 20% unity 20% population growth and 5% happiness they are then environmentalists because honestly I just couldn't decide what to have second which means we use less consumer goods which is really good since we're already going to be focusing on tackle arts which will need a lot of Summa good so to have them just naturally use less is really good though I was very tempted by the bureaucracy that way we have less amenities and less housing but I think I'll probably get that lighter for the ethics they are xenophobic and they are fanatic pacifists this means all of their planets have additional stability and our admin cap is increased now the admin cap is great early on but a bit rubbish later when we get there repeatable to increase it anyway but I still think this is probably the best thing to do especially since we are meant to be ignoring everyone though we could do something perhaps like this instead I just like this so for now we're sticking with that four traits they are conservationists they are communal and they are traditional they are however sedentary and slow learners because I just don't want them to change all that much I want them to preserve the planets they're on I want that to be sort of the theme they're all about how beautiful their planets are and their territory is and no one else will dare be able to enter their borders okay so a bit of a change of plan I've changed my mind about how this species is going to run instead of what we had a second ago they are going to be intelligent rapid breeders and engineers at the cost of being weak and quite painfully being non adaptive this means we're not going to get many planets or at least we're not going to get many good planets early on but this can be changed later the reason why I want this set up instead is I was thinking about it after recording a clip a second ago and I really need to focus on engineering I need to focus on getting all the stations up I need to focus on getting mega engineering as soon as possible otherwise we're going to not have them fast enough to really compensate for the slow start we're going to have since we're not going to be focusing on fleets or anything like that we're going to be quite weak for a long time and I need my tech to really carry us now what we could do is we could go as far as to do something like this so instead of having fanatic pacifist we go with materialist this way we have an extra research speed bonus and we can use academic privilege and we can even get other stuff lighter in fact we could change of iron Mentalist and get something like where are you oh no they've changed haven't they so what I was going to say is technocracy but now that requires fanatic materialist which makes sense because this would be insane we could have spent like mechanists so he instantly have machine so we can really rush into becoming synths which would be really interesting and really powerful as well there's loads ways to do this but for now I think I want to do it this way focusing on the fact we are going to be ignoring the galaxy we are going with fanatic pacifist which means a stability is good and our admin cap is good and then our populations very rapidly increase in number and they are incredibly intelligent so we get loads of research quickly as well I think that's probably the best call so I think the reason why I'm going to be changing this really is because I am nervous about this run I think that this is going to take a lot of my time to record probably over many days and if we mess up it's really good to cost me just timewise but also I feel like it's going to be very difficult when the end game crisis is here we need to be prepared and we need to be able to scale and snowball incredibly quickly otherwise we're just going to be swept away since if you don't take out an end game crisis early they become very powerful so we need all of that to scale and I think this is the best and I'm actually tempted to go with where are you repugnant rather than non-adaptive that's less amenities but again we can probably deal with that faster than we can deal with an untapped 'iv no let's go Vlad Apted lets us stick with that and lets it get started so if we go over to here we're going to be having on maximum difficulty with the crisis strength it's going to be at 2300 so it's nice and early if it's a hundred years earlier than the default the i-ight is aggressive difficulties on max okay and I think with that we are good to go oh and clusters vampire placement you know what I forgot I've done that it's gonna make it more difficult but let's go with that and so we begin on the west of the map now this time around we really really need to scout ahead we need to find choke points or we need to try and tell where our empire is going to be by the end now we don't want loads of space but we need enough space since we're going to be stacking ring world's we want our habitats and everything else we want good choices for our habitats since different types of world different types of places you build the habitats will give you different results for instance if I build a habitat over this planet it'll give me research districts because as a research there so I need loads of choices for that and it's going to have a lot of planning which is probably going to end in failure because it is me at the end of the day but still let's just see how well we can do really focusing on tech early on and let's allow you to survive the next one will be a scout I'm really hoping we can get a nice easy area to colonize which is nice and easy to defend we want as minimal points of entry as possible for our empire since we're going to have to defend them all so same as our previous run our precursor is in fact these fellows which means we get to make our worlds into Gaia world's incredibly cheaply which is actually really nice I'm okay with this one okay I think we may have gotten credibly lucky this fallen Empire here is stopping other empires from reaching us and this seems to be a dead end but also a lot of spikes is here so what we need to do is reach here and here put down bastions and we are completely blocked in now if this fallen Empire awakens with dooming ourselves here we're basically blocking ourselves in with them but that's wonderful that is actually fantastic which is weird considering I set the galaxy to clusters so I assumed there'd be clusters of other empires around me I mean maybe there is maybe is an empire right over here I haven't found it yet I can't you just see the system's guess I'll find out soon hopefully I'm on my own drat so it turns out it's not perfect dead end but it's still really good we want this system then this system here is the most important system we're probably ever going to find so survey that and we're going to rush and claim that for ourselves then over here later we could survey all the wise and swell going to be climbing anyway and that's probably going to be okay I'll explore first and still try and find other empires to figure out what's best to do so I've just finished expansion and we've got the horizon signal this is the earliest I have ever got this so if I'm correct this is where the worm event starts which I started in the previous playthrough but never finished the 15 years it this is an insane start what's in my starts recently it seems I go through a patch of really terrible starts and in a patch of really great starts I can never get in between situation Construction complete we shall sacrifice all of our scientists to the glory of the worm I mean it's asked nicely Oh mega theory is being researched both in society and in physics soon the worm will grace us with his presence we've also opened the loop temple visitor center I believe we've also just found the messenger which means if we wish to we can revert a species back to a more previous version which is more aggressive and muscular so we're not gonna do that but we will do the research anyway in a little while but for now focus on the worm a primitive society seems to be clocking on about the whole concept of the worm what was will be what will be was the primitives continue to be very bizarre at the moment apparently worshipping the worm as we do fascinating send a team to study the rights to participate if possible situation so need a transport vessel to get there okay then you're the closest it's in the transport oK we've got there and nothing's happened it's simply vanished hopefully so it will pop up later glorious influence okay so I think now we're setting up the final space of our Empire if we keep it like this we have one entrance two entrances three if you count the Fallen Empire four that's it there are four entrances into our space and that's it that is incredibly easy to defend on top of all this or no wormholes anything else in our space so there's no other life than to jump into our territory without jump drives which normally enemies don't really employ even if they do have them that seems perfect gonna stay here and ignore the rest of the galaxy change of plan there's a ruined matter decompressor here we're going for it but the change of plan there's a wormhole we're grabbing this planet and stopping that way we still have the same amount of exits and honestly these are just regular systems I think too special still waiting for the next worm in Whiting events which is a shame because honestly I don't know what else I'm meant to do I've already done the event at the primitive civilization I've done the whole previous version pod thing I guess I just have to wait now action complete we have found our neighbors and apparently they're not exactly friendly with each other lovely well we'll make sure to have a nice bastion here and we should be okay and it's gonna be a long time before they ever reach us so always well and there we are we've finished off our precursors and now we can start converting our worlds into Gaia worlds including any of these as well like their tomb world in fact that's exactly what I'm gonna do gonna grab to mold and then I'll turn that into our first Gaia okay so a little bit of time has passed I've had a break and then came back and it turns out that one of the events earlier might have bugged out because when our ground forces approached this planet and then did the research we should have lost the transport fleet and then something apparently should have happened I believe the world should have vanished or the population vanishes something like that anyway but it didn't now I'm really concerned because I've done everything else for the whirling lighting exactly how I've done it before what I've then triggered the next event but the next event isn't triggering so really hoping it happens but if it doesn't oh well we're still a fantastic position we're going to continue on anyway I don't want to go back in the save file I always hate doing that even if a glitch does occur but we'll just leave it as it is for now but yeah maybe no worm after all which is kind of sad okay so it turns out I was remembering this incorrectly for some reason I thought you instantly got the ability to build this as soon as you completed the last part of the worm lighting but in fact you get it randomly well it's a rare tech which unlocks silently after you complete the last two bits of tech which are given to you automatically upon doing things so there we are let's do this and by giving you automatically I mean unlock to be researched lovely the worm is still on its way it just needed some patience which apparently I was lacking the tomb world which used to belong to the precursors is now ours and with that we convert it into a Gaia world and I think we should be keeping them around the ones that respond though we're gonna be less than kind to them let's say that no not undesirable silly for so many other uses they can serve especially since if you look here they are delicious they are livestock that is our food production that is fantastic now do we allow them to breed or not that's the question maybe we should I mean that's a lot of food per one we are currently getting nine point five foods essentially Sam's a farmer but we're not really paying anything almost no housing almost no amenities and no consumer goods at all yeah I would say yep let them prosper in their rather horrible new positions in life what what shall be what shall be was there we go the whirling waiting event is now complete and as you can see we have a lot of planets now around our home system the worm has devoured our Sun leaving a black hole in its wake and all the worlds around us have now become tomb worlds including our home world but don't worry our species now has to mold preference they have natural physicists and they are now repugnant Oh does that mean they lose natural engineering for a second I thought maybe would give us both it's not a good trade really but it did just give us this many worlds which is kind of amazing really so definitely worth it especially with the ability to slowly convert them all into Gaia worlds I think considering we've just gave over our home system to the worm that we are definitely going to become telepaths mind over matter this is our ascension so now our people will be psychos lovey how does it make you have five of you left either way I am removing the repugnant from our tomb world preference version but now we are also light and psychics meaning get +5 since all research and plus 5 to energy now building our very first habitat just building over a regular planets at the moment which won't give it any bonuses because this is going to be one of the refinery worlds after that I am going to focus on trying to get minerals and energy and all that sort of stuff also a little bit worried about this Empire over here it's going to be able to attack us either here or here soon and it's really annoyed at us because we are Zeno fascias you know we're eating xenos which we are so we are guilty of that either way though going to have to try and build up some bastions so now I'm really focusing on alloys I've gone from like plus 82 plus 88 very very quickly as I say that more Forge world's more forged worlds everywhere we are now going to be able to breach the Shroud situation hopefully we'll get a very good covenant very quickly which would be lovely I especially want the composure of strands which will give us an increase to our population growth because we're going to go for Ring worlds as soon as we can get them we are going to need lots and lots of population we reach into the shroud for the first time and we get cursed good start the instrument of desire so although this is not the composer of the strands is also a truly fantastic one for this Empire it simply means we get +10 % resources from all jobs this does indeed include alloys science everything that's such a powerful bonus to affect everything yet we're going with it because it's so early as well I don't know when I'll get a chance to make another covenants and all of those years will add up where I didn't accept this I actually don't know what negatives this one brings though so we'll find out together now approaching 2300 has been quite some time before I've even spoke because honestly it's just been micromanaging making sure everything's going okay and honestly it doesn't look like we're doing that well our research is fairly low and what alloys are doing well but everything else is kind of in the middle but here's the thing this groundwork is insane the amount of worlds we have especially good sized worlds we have the habitats now coming up some of them are turning into refineries everything is about to explode we are about to get a lot of research and they have a lot of alloys very very soon or at least it's gonna begin it's you're a snowball slowly and get faster and faster and faster eventually it's just going to be insane but for now I'm just hoping to get the mega engineering research soon since I really really want to start the ruined matted decompressor over here it costs 20,000 but it goes all the way to the maximum level as soon as its operational giving us 2,000 minerals that's enough to cover all of our consumer goods all of our alloys construction complete and more honest like for quite some time and we can even build the second one because that one doesn't count with us building one construction there we are mega engineering is now being researched so time to savor that alloy so that we can get almost unlimited minerals but yeah that's gonna take some serious saving Construction complete I'm also getting quite nervous that we have no fleet thankfully our neighbours over here despite having some border friction are only unfriendly with us and probably won't turn hostile because they have other enemies honestly and again there's just not enough need to hate us these fellows on the other hand loathe us look that's correct so as soon as they reach our borders we are likely to end up going to war I am currently building a citadel in both of these locations we should be quite well protected but not really enough it's good enough for a while but we do need to start building up a fleet so the question is how long do I save up for here's hoping their fleets can't take down a fully armed Citadel with the defense structures a new archaeology site has opened up over here now this is the ancient tomb which will open up randomly sometimes and I believe it contains the head of what are the holy figures for the Fallen Empire if you have that the Fallen Empire likes you a lot more but also the relic itself can be activated to give you a small fallen Empire style fleet it's not that powerful but it is something and is just for influence definitely something to consider for the future if I am indeed correct about this wish potentially I'm not the ruined massa decompressor is almost finished and we are now also starting the science Nexus so two of the mega structures are now finally coming up on the downside the enemy towards the north are now just about to take over this system and then we're going to border with them which will make it much more likely they're going to attack us not exactly thrilled about that but thankfully a bastion is looking good and we are about to start building our fleet up since we definitely have the alloys for it I was just waiting for a bit more research so build a fleet move them right over there and hopefully we can withstand their attack the bastion over here is also about the same strength the funny thing is we could easily prevent this war by bribing them or simply opening our borders that would take down their dislike from us from a hundred to probably about 80 or 70 very easily for bribe them enough we could probably bring it down to zero this turn the from hostile all the way down to simply unfriendly where are you anyway oh yeah currently overwhelming and hostile thankfully though they are wolves someone else over the time being it seems like not going to attack us as well on the upside we are about to be uplifted the enigmatic cash is returned out of nowhere and has offered us ascension which we will gladly accept the matter decompressor is now online that is going to be absolutely lovely in just the moments now we will need to move some of these mining districts everything else because if you watch our mineral income suddenly there we go plus 1000 it's giving us 2000 minerals and we can create another one if we so desire but now I can finally grab this galactic wanders unlocking the Ring world the matter decompressor and the Dyson Sphere so actually I needed this even build the second one but still obviously wanted that but you can't lock that until you've either repaired or built a normal mega structure first I would love is a ring world as soon as possible okay so this is the first time we've been cursed by our covenants and honestly it's not the worst one ever just lack of governing ethics attraction for a while so about 20 years sure that's fine note twenty years on one planet now beginning the building of our ring world which is fantastic we've also researched the ability now to create a Dyson Sphere which means we can have almost unlimited power in the future now I should also be able to build a second matter D compressor because that was repair not build the problem is I'm now noticing a problem we don't have a second black hole in our territory really that's the only one oh wait what am I talking about the home world though I'm not sure if you can build the matter D compressor where you have planets which you inhabit never mind I found a second black eye Lourdes wasn't paying attention excellent and yet there we go the full an empire chanel like us quite a bit which is fantastic and we have the head of czar clan which is cool well some lovely chap just opened up the L gates releases unlocked the L gates so now I'm going to do is move over my fleets that they're just in case also also this means now there is an additional way to get into my Empire which is really annoying I felt so safe for now I feel so annoyed thankfully I only have one L gate in my territory yep that's okay at some point we'll need to do is reinforce this territory here now there is a Leviathan here the dimensional horror so might need to do two bastions just in case because I think well actually most if not all of the endgame crisis should just kill that and go straight through something to defend those two two more bastions three more bastions as soon as I get the repeatable get some more star bases that should be fine okay I thought I let's move everything over here I don't think I can open the old gate right no but someone else can they will very very soon I don't even want control over it honestly I just need to make sure things can't get through to us I'm now realizing as well there's no mid game event yet none of the fallen empires have suddenly woken up complete and none of the riders are suddenly rioting everyone just everyone's being pretty chill on us like it's weird please I'll come on influence is the one thing I desperately need at the moment well this should be interesting create thrall world we do this we turn it into a Gaea world that we put those plants there Construction complete we're going to get an insane amounts of food we do have a planet left over at the moment so construct seems pretty perfect to make right now I'm focusing so much on alloy production my research isn't really increasing all that fast that will change soon enough of them and I think this is now the finalized version of the science Nexus currently we have loads of bonuses to the speed so we have if we take a look see we have this over here the ambition which is increasing it by 50% we then have living metal mega construction which is another 50 and then if we go over to unity we have master builders another 50 and still it takes this long we still don't even have the first section the Ringworld up and running soon we will I don't think I'll have the alloys to make them excellent straightaway but still at least it'll be basically ready still like your habitats in the background as well my fleet is looking better than it was but not exactly scary well Lisa isn't an aggressive event so there we are immature L drank dragons I'll just leave you alone since you are going to be leaving our space by your own volition nose harming our glorious people trying to kill something which is gonna leave us anyway the science Nexus is a now complete wonderful which also gives us a percentage bonus to our research so then what do we make next I suppose at the Dyson Sphere as I like it over here somewhere far away from everything else well we could start making a second Ringworld note at this point we definitely need energy okay so you move over there and start it as soon as possible oh yeah of course you can just teleport and since we have the Sai teleport as you can make it almost all the way fantastic this world has been colonized so with that we can turn it into our owl world although I need to move over some of our populations so which one of you has the plants is a question I've been moving them all to one planet like can't for the life of me and the wish it is there we go fantastic and with that we'll turn it into astral world so now to through our world we get plus 50% population growth however we can't build all of the usual buildings which is a shame oh we can build the processing facility fantastic Oh only farmers produce extra food well obviously your life stock not farmers but I want to see if that works I doubt it will but let's find out oh yeah we also need overseers don't wait so I really shouldn't have moved through the populations away it's been a while since I've done this now we are overseers who will keep everything in order I thought you couldn't grow three populations anymore here I mean that's fine too there we go now it's changing I'll turn this into a Gaia World soon so it turns out it has been way too long since I've done this because as you can see here the overseers are actually the owned populations so we really didn't need this yet so right now we're getting no food so instead I'll swap it over to that and we'll build the facility well here's something I didn't even sitter apparently the plant people are agrarian food from jobs increased by 15% that even goes if they are livestock that's kind of insane sadly though this is absolutely worthless because they can't work that as livestock will never get food from them though I do wonder what I get more food from them being a farmer or than being a livestock I could alter the species on this planet so they're no longer life stock although I can't remove any of that I can do is remove some of it or change one of the preferences that way to different species I can give it different rights so like this make it a normal owned population so it can work the farms instead would that be better as livestock it gives me 14 will the bonuses a farmer gives me by default six each then all the other modifiers know I still think livestock is better might be wrong about that but certainly the easiest since since I don't get any districts or buildings for it well I'm finally earning enough now that we can have multiple of these Ringworld sections all up at once in a second we'll start that as well complete yeah man I want to see if I can actually have that many up at once you're complete well yes yes I can lovely and now we have the influence once I have enough alloys I'll also start the Dyson Sphere which I really should have started first yeah maybe I should've either way I like Ringwald's complete the spiritualists have awoken that is honestly terrifying we can not submit to the my because if we do they'll turn us into spiritualist which I do not want we also lose 25% of our mineral energy income if it there's a Xena file Empire I would actually probably just give up because they don't really do all that much other than oh right no you can't have own populations if you do that so nevermind no matter who would have woke up anyway it would have been terrible for us problem is though they are right next to us and I haven't really built of this bastion yeah literally just started apparently a good time moving my fleets there now and now concentrate on fleet creation so whilst I'm doing this I can't actually start construction of the Dyson Sphere and they build two mega structures at Siam but it will allow me to build three of these at once but apparently they still count though which is really annoying so soon as one of these is finished we built the Dyson Sphere which we need to do soon so at the moment a lot of my resources are being diverted just to keep our energy going we should have done that first increased happiness - 20% happiness the shroud loves me clearly interesting the Empire which doesn't really mind us is invading the Empire which has been threatening us earlier and I don't quite know what the awakened Empire is don't know paya now know what the awakened Empire is doing I think it may have used the l gates to start invading over here that's fine by me just ignore me and everything's fine nips odd I have loads of influence sorry but nope we do not interact or accept anything from xenos turns out earlier when I was talking about how many mega structures I can build at once I completely forgot about this ambition which does indeed increase my build capacity by one so I can build three at a time not just two now it all makes a lot more sense the first stage of the Dyson Sphere is now online and already we are now actually in positive when it comes to energy even though we are over the top of Starbase capacity and navy capacity over here the new ring worlds are being created which will be almost completely all about science I've kind of neglected science 4 alloys and doing other stuff which is a little bit silly though to be fair is every 2348 the only reason the way seemed so light in the game is because I've set the crisis to be so early also I'm getting very tired right now which is making speaking incredibly difficult because you know normally a talk so well and stuff in it so whilst that has been sitting around of grading all of our stations of grading our planets of grading our Ring worlds the Crusaders have been well fairly successful all that is green is now there's the awakened Empire has done exceedingly well which is actually good for me because any endgame crisis will now also have to deal with those as everything else is being constructed I'm now also building the Coordination Center when this is built it will increase our sublight speed will increase how many Starbase so we can have and I believe it also increases the naval capacity and I think it may also increase something else but either way it's going to be very important because I've just realized I still haven't built any gateways or you know research the tech for gateways I'm a good player I just pretend to be this bad so everyone else feels better aren't I a lovely person I'm also falling asleep I mean that doesn't help either lots of micromanagement as the whole galaxy turns green [Music] it's getting pretty light now but there's still no endgame crisis now I'm fairly certain there is a modifier with how light the end game crisis is and the chance of it being certain end game events I think the Scourge is a higher chance the longer it takes so I may be wrong about that either way though the Dyson Sphere is now fully online I'm grading almost all of my stations we are over the limit for stations and for navy capacity but thankfully we're producing so much energy and so many alloys it really doesn't matter all that much so the question is what do we build next the ring world is finishing off over here this one is finished this one is finished as well so we iron make yet another ring world or we could make a new matter decompressor and we have already built the site for that so new matter decompressor it is even more minerals so we have the matter decompressor building the Coordination Center and the final section of this ring world this is actually insane I think this is the most advanced I've ever been in the game and considering in a normal game the endgame crisis occurs wait in a normal game when does the endgame crisis occur I'm going to go back to the settings and find out what the default settings are okay so this is how we set it up and if we press default okay so normally the endgame is 2400 which means it spawns 2,450 yeah we would be in a really good position for that like stupidly good I mean even now I think we're just going to dominate but saying that we are going to be leaving in crisis to get to full strength which I never do so I am still nervous even though this is probably the most powerful empire I've ever played to this point so here's something because we have the relic and we are the chosen of zakian we can actually safely colonize holy worlds now I never realize this now honestly it doesn't matter as much now anyway because we are kind of far stronger than the Fallen Empire the awakened Empire if it attacked us we would obliterate them now but still I knew it made them like us more but I didn't think it would make us completely immune to them being annoyed us for taking over the holy worlds which always Gaia worlds so that's nice more refineries more refineries everywhere the unbidden hello there lads okay I'm actually happy about this because I wanted to test out just how good pure anti shield stuff would be now of course when you're fighting the unbidden realistically you should go for anything which ignore shields scoff their whole I'm well aware of this but I love canons in this game I think it's very apparent how many times I've said it canons are my favourite weapon by a long shot I love how they look I love how they act they're just really fun weapons so I'm going to retrofit all their battleships now to just have anti shield canons and that's it I wonder where they're going to spawn here's the thing if I spawn a territory this runs actually over well it's gonna be a while anyway I told the breach point so guess now we just wait oh it's there oh it's there that's really close actually that's really annoying because the problem with that is that they're not going to expand very easily because they're going to keep on attacking me like no they can go this way yeah they're going to keep on attacking me rather than expanding I was hoping that spawned somewhere a bit further away our fleets are moving into position into this section over here I'm going to be building two more stations these two are going to be shipyards which will be able to supply these two stations these two stations of course will be the main front for battle for quite some time I'm hoping is they will continue to expand and not just keep on throwing forces into the same section over and over again otherwise we're just gonna be sitting here in it's gonna be quite boring I wanted to see them expand and take over the galaxy I want the unbidden to be here and me to be here don't know why I pulled that voice for then that was really weird I'm possessed okay so all new ships are going to be pure cannons and honestly the ones we have currently are almost there anyway so we're not too bad versus them even to begin with stationed there and stationed there now being built which will both be there purely to backup our forces also yep you're almost done so I can start building a new ring world very soon as well which is lovely I think they're still trying to decide what to do odd well gives us a little bit of time and he liked to move athletes into position okay there they go for a second there I was really worried they were actually bugged it seems like they'll why sing for that station to completely decay they're going that way first oh of course cuz I want to take over the worlds that makes sense we have the Coordination Center so this is actually giving us is +150 naval capacity plus 6 on our Starbase capacity plus 12 and our maximum defense platforms per Starbase and then plus 15% on our sublight speed which is really really nice now over here what I might need to do is destroy these Marauders ourselves then take over these two systems so we have two bastions here and here cuz otherwise when they eventually get around which thankfully is gonna take quite some time it's gonna be far too difficult to defend all of this be much easier to defend these two as they'll properly take out the dimensional horror psionic shields wonderful I believe that may be the strongest shield type in the game either way though it's a very strong shield type upgrading all of our stations so that they have shielded defense structures so pure shields and pure anti shield fuck-you pretty scary honestly especially now I'm focusing all my tech on kinetic and shields I really wish there wasn't a wormhole here because if we look at this the next problem we have is the enemy are also going to be attacking us from here so it would be better to just grab this system so go to war with these or wipe them to be destroyed Kember we can't interact with them they'd grab that but I suppose that's kind of part of the challenge we're not meant to interact with them we're not going to leave our borders unless we absolutely have to so defending both of these locations is gonna be a nightmare but it's just what we're gonna have to do I should also mention since I don't know if I cover this I do have defender of the galaxy as our last ascension perk I was torn between defender of the gala see and the ability to turn our planets into cities but yeah that does seem to be the better option just a bonus 50% extra damage since we're going to be constantly under attack especially once the rest of the galaxy is devoured we need every bonus we can get so in the video itself it probably looks like things happening quite quickly but there is so much micromanagement now that we have so many worlds there's actually a little bit insane so next time or least in the future I might try and do a run where I can't pause I've also been thinking about attacking the Marauders here and I think that does go against our rules the whole concept of attacking anything outside of our borders and really interacting with them now of course the main point for this is if we have a look at our empires we can't simply bribe them for instance to not dislike us we can't open our borders anything like that try and make easier for ourselves we didn't really need that in the end but that was the main goal of it but I also still feel like going outside and attacking these is against the rules so a bit more difficult for us since now we have to defend three locations rather than two but I think we can manage them they'll be nice as well once our fleets are all properly converted right now the ones over here for instance aren't fully shielded and they are still using some Neutron launchers still though getting the job done the ships over here for instance are all fully converted that should be enough to ward off at least one fleets that's okay for now a building of a second and our next ring world is underway well since our ring worlds can easily hit over 1 K of each research type per Section I now have a Science Vessel heading to every single one of our ring world sections so that should be a huge amount of increase later on complete ok there there and there so soon they'll probably start attacking this which should be absolutely fine they're slowly expanding this way looks like the full side of the awakened Empire may have put up some of the fight there are some damaged construction vessels and a few fleets we've lowish health that may have been slowing them down a little bit but that won't last very long in fact they may have been destroyed yet they are only over here now so awakened Empire has essentially been all but defeated Canon's definitely work so one of these fleets isn't fully upgraded to the other two are either either that was beautiful did I lose anything no fantastic because of our range because of how much we hard counter them this is basically the minimum we're going to need in any given point with this much we don't lose anything when they attack us and so they can just stay there forever without any need of constantly being reinforced so we need that level of force here here here here here so need five more sets of those right three four five yes I can map no actually six because this is well eventually they will hit the El gate this is gonna be a bit worse in terms of defending just because where it is essentially going to have to the force over here so that we can get the range advantage but they will definitely be able to attack the Citadel bad timing for that but there we go parent Lee there's been a machine uprising over here I'm now sending my forces away moving them from here over to here because honestly we are just over killing it with our defenses if they ever do attack us with multiple fleets we simply will lose a system or two then we will rebuild it and take it over by moving all of our forces to that one location but now I think it's about time we start setting up a permanent groups so that we don't need to keep on doing this over and over again actually what they're moving I can upgrade them to finally make them completely counter the enemy okay three already going there so let's defend here next okay that got Y closer than before do we lose anything no took way more damage though yeah so these groups aren't as good versus the unbidden as the other sets of three and you can really tell the enemy got right next to us thankfully not a single death yet and this is one of the reasons why I love battleships for defense especially against endgame crisis obstacles are the players they can be countered so easily but against very specific enemies where you know exactly what they are battleships are fantastic just cuz that long-range capability and they have to do a fair bit of damage before they start falling of course when they start falling then they're all dead but still the titans definitely aren't worth it either but they look so cool I love the Ivan Titans in fact I slipped the avian ships in general the avian and the reptilian ships are by far my favorite and then sue our Birds at the moment we are using avian ones okay yeah you three go an upgrade instead forgot to do that you're ready to move out you will be the second one over there that's a lot of leaders we have and now they all have the increased lifespan tres lovely finally to make our energy a little bit more sustainable I am building habitats over energy reserves that way we can get the reactor districts on the habitat and they will produce a lot of energy in addition to this I'm finally leveling up this so we get some more energy per job so combine the two and hopefully soon we'll be back in the positive for energy reserves at the moment it's in the negative because well we are far above our star based capacity and our Navy capacity honestly we may need to build even more star bases because the Navy capacity is particularly brutal at the moment as I defeated yet another fleet I just want to answer a quick question which was asked of me the last time I did something similar to this when I had passions for defense and then also battleships around them why don't I move the battleships back and then use the bastion and the battleships all at once because the battleships will move and then by the time they're engaged in combat the bastion will also be helping because that actually is very very powerful the reason is the defense structures the defense platforms are quite frail despite the fact I'm constantly upgrading them and they don't have the range of the battleships as you can see here they're combat computer doesn't give them extra range whereas our battleships which will have the artillery version get an extra 20% and in fact this is the reason why they're out ranging the unbidden although the unbidden weapons are just about as long-range as ours they don't get the plus 20% meaning we have that 20% of range to fire at them without taking any return fire the bastions don't have that so if the bathrooms are in range it means the bastions also being hit and we are going to lose the fence platforms they're there more as a backup if our fleets fail because they will do so much damage now finally bothering it sad Kruk waters to all of our bastions at least ones holding this many fleets colonization initiated so here is suddenly to knows and by the way ignore the minus energy that's because I just messed something up but robot servitude not actually what I originally intended I actually changed my policies to give them citizen rights and then never changed it now of course we are xenophobes which means I can never actually make them full citizenship but I could have made them happier these are sins although they are just called robot still they are actually synthetics they are completely sapiens well got 300 of you almost without really doing anything about it so I'm afraid you are as the game puts it so elegantly a toaster will always be a toaster that is all our neighbors continue to try and bribe us to be our friends but of course we simply ignore that then bidden continue to expand the game is slowing to a crawl of course and now finally we have 0% penalty from our empire sprawl our admin cap is now above our empire sprawl and we are closing in at 50000 research I know you can do way better than that but I am remarkably happy there remember that plan earlier was going to have my ships over here have a station here that way we can move in we can have the range advantage everything's all good well it turns out that's a terrible idea the reason is as soon as the enemy spawn here they will instantly take out the station as in one shot for some reason I thought because these photos are being combats I wouldn't lose the station only how it turned off but no we lose it also our fleets are now rivaling the unbidden fleets 1v1 so we're going to have to have our ships nearby which is kind of horrendous also need a ship nearby all the times I can keep on rebuilding because of course we have the matter decompressor there's a good chance it might simply not be worth building up the Citadel each time because even if we instantly enter combat with the maker still fire on the Citadel no matter how close we are that's really annoying it's more of an irritant than anything else honestly it's not a big deal it's just yeah annoying it occurs to me that next time I do something like this where I'm gonna have a long time of just micromanaging not much really happening I might record the entire thing as a time lapse as it stands at the moment the footage really isn't good enough for that that is definitely something I'll consider doing in the future now with this I'm actually gonna start producing some minerals here because sadly we are running out that's right we have to mataji compressors and we're running out of minerals but we are now at 55 K research and the enemies seem to have just kind of left us alone as you can see they've moved away from here it seems like they're expanding a lot more over here now and a lot more towards the south actually I don't really know what they're doing we are running into the problem of the endgame crisis just being a bit weird they tend to double back on themselves a lot and kind of patrol their own area rather than being really really aggressive you would think they'd be far more hostile but no though to be fair athletes now are looking very very scary yeah we have fleets now a 360 K and that's only getting stronger and stronger and stronger 220 percent bonus kinetic weapon damage with twenty fives and extra speed we have extra fire rate because we are in our home territory we do 50% bonus damage versus then game crisis yeah we are pretty powerful yep it is 50% for a second I thought was wrong there for once laughs rocks is right well one of them definitely got to shoot so at this point I'm just building habitats around because honestly our main issue right now is just refineries so he constantly need some more refinery worlds and eventually I am going to go ahead and build some habitats above the mineral worlds that's giving us more and more minerals these Citadel's are looking more frightening they're about to 400k on our single fleets and I've now built a ringed world around every single star I can remember you can only build a ring world around a single a single stard system if I can use my words and you can't build one if you already have a planet there so how many wrinkles do we have so we have one ring world two three none there then we have four five six seven here and I believe that's that now I did mess up with this I really should have built this somewhere else and I can't build a ring world here because I already have a mega structure here because once you build the ring world you essentially destroy all planets on that system as you can see it's all nice and clean okay here we go so the second of ends the ships that been emerging from the second wormhole are very similar to the ones that came from the first but there are several subtle differences between them furthermore early reports indicate that ships belonging to these new invaders have clashed with those of the first group we've intercepted a powerful signal emanating from the second wormhole hello their glorious yellow version so this is where you ran this realm will offer you no shelter we shall deal with you and then claim this feeding ground for ourselves so where are they is the question please don't be a lot right here no apparently not so we're through the power of tracking the situation log you know what I should do the Stars we have found the aberrant which are over here or right next to the unbidden and that really really blends in the unbidden have been spreading decently but still far slower than I expect one of the main reasons it seems is that every time they claim a new area or anything else the construction vessel and its guard then go and do a bit of a patrol going to somewhere else completely so rather than just having the construction vessel here and then for instance building out here here here it will then go off and perhaps build over here instead whereas the construction vessel over here will move somewhere else entirely at least that's what it seems like to me I might be wrong there as I normally am but that's certainly what it seems like welding tight lock that I am honestly surprised by this but apparently the unbidden destroyed the second group that was really quick now I'm fairly certain there are other groups which can spawn but I don't know if they can spawn after the seconds been destroyed will that mess up the event I don't really know well if had this events happen a lot of times in the past in previous playthroughs but here we are yet again after going to the shroud for maybe the 100th time now our leader the glorious queen cloud ring the first is the chosen one governing ethics attraction plus 20% our influence is increased by one every month and of course she is immortal this leader is the chosen one an immortal being the wields incredible psionic power fantastic now honestly this could have been any leader I sense but because I knew what the event was I sent her and thankfully we managed to succeed sorry Prince but you're forever going to be the Prince oh no princess if I can actually read that would probably help really this can happen this lights on after other events have occurred the sleeper awakes so thus crackle Authority wow that's a really big title there thus crack or thority attacked one of the Marauder groups and because of that they got very annoyed hi yeah well you're a bit light but there's other threats in the galaxy right now and honestly you're probably not all that strong in comparison but good luck you'll probably last five minutes but prove me wrong well that didn't take long but at least they got some spice out of it so I've got to realizing that perhaps we can get a full one-million fleet power fleet and I think the easiest way to do that is with Corvette spam so here we are making a Corvette spam fleet here comes the rest of the reinforcements and I think we're going to be about 200,000 150,000 something like that shy so we are still going to need some more upgrades but that is truly terrifying each Corvette is worth just over 3,000 engaging hostile fleet oh and there's a fight somewhere and they're gone before I arrived well they tried ok so here's something I completely forgot I have not upgraded these since I got the new shield so now I've installed some of the new shields this is going to make them even stronger still probably going to need a couple of upgrades but we are so so close to 1 million and this is currently how the unbidden are progressing relaying transmission so as usual I'm just focusing on kinetic weapon upgrades and shield upgrade soon enough that will be hitting the 1 million mark we're also still amazingly below our admin cap researched ok group 3 situation this time Green once again it spawns surrounded by unbidden so most likely that is about to vanish there we have it the 1 million fleet power Corvette spam which is absolutely wonderful now our regular battleship groups are almost at 700,000 and I honestly far more useful but I would just love to see what this Corvette spam can do and because I am going to be calling this playthrough very soon after 3 days of recording and more raw footage than any of the other full playthroughs I think I'm just going to break the rule exit our border and start attacking some of the unbidden I want to see if we can beat some of the other fleets using just Corvettes which you really should be able to but the Corvettes don't normally stand as well as the battleship spam but it is 1 million fleet power funnily enough though although I just said I have more raw footage for this playthrough than pretty much any of the others I think it's also going to be one of the shortest ones in terms of the actual length of video purely because it was just so much micromanagement after looking at all of the footage yep it's just a lot of stuff which isn't going to end up in the finished product and as you can see on the right I started getting a little bit lazy with the micromanagement as well so what I was allowing to happen is allowing a few months to pass where all of the planets just got on with whatever they were doing and then I would fix them all and then allow time to once again progress once again I need to do a no pause challenge at some points by the way no point in fixing that now since we'll be ending soon let's move out of the swarm I'll I completely forgot that we were under the effects of some bonuses whilst we're in our own terrain so I'm just under 1 million but I'm so close oh well technology researched and finally in range Wow yep once the damage was actually happening it just chunked off all of itself and maybe two or three full hits that is lovely they'll lose a nickel that's no I did not that's a surprise well they are very bad at shields that is expected one of the Corvettes to perish now where are the fleets kind of everywhere you know what I'm just going to run it into this it's gonna be glorious so we're probably gonna lose all of them but it will be glorious actually hovering over the health makes it very apparent and this thing is just insane when it comes to damage and by this thing I mean the swarm it is one entity before we attack the main group let's do this plus ten percent damage to shields seems only fitting since I'll be fighting both of their ships and the station hurry up again range the Corvette's might win this but it's gonna be close nope they are absolutely dominating oh one more fleet to help out can the call let's continue their vicious streak oh well I guess one of them well there we have it oddly enough Corvette spam plus loads of upgrades is kind of terrifying but with that I am afraid I'm all out of time for today's episode this has been really fun to play despite the fact it seems a little bit boring in some ways it's just not particularly video friendly next time I'll do a bit more of an out-there challenge I do kind of want to play mods so feel free to tell me what you'd like to see in the comments below and with that if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future now I would have loved to just allow this to continue until the unbidden completely claims the rest of the galaxy but we're already at a point where honestly they aren't really that much of a threat and we're getting more powerful at an increasing rate and also the game has really slowed down as well so it would have taken so many more hours to really have anything of interest happened even then not in a major way still though turns up being lonely and just defending your borders is a very good way to go as long as you have a good start which we really did hopefully next time the start will be less insane thank you again for watching and good bye [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 306,395
Rating: 4.9407496 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 58sec (4258 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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