Stellaris | Federation Building Megacorperation - MAX AI & Crisis strength!

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs 3x and of course welcome to the second full playthrough of the newest update and of course the newest DLC a mega Corp and of course we need to do an actual mega corporation before we do anything else today we are playing as the friendly lone Legion as long as you will always pay us back we will pay you back with friendship loyalty happiness and various of the buzzwords essentially will make you stronger if you make us stronger it's a nice loving relationship now we are fanatic Zeena files which means our trade value is fantastic and all other empires will like us at least a little bit we are also egalitarian because this will give us more specialist output it will also give us more influence in the form of faction influence game and honestly I very rarely play egalitarian so we may as well do it now we are free traders giving us even more trade value along with branch office value and we have brand loyalty this mega corporation has fostered a great sense of brand loyalty among its internal customer base it's catchy corporate slogans can be recited by nearly everyone also the word its I can pronounce them some reason because that's how good I am at the words it's a good job I'm now leading a mega corporation the universe is not in the best of places admittedly so how are we going to be playing this essentially what we want is as many friends as possible we want branch offices absolutely everywhere and we are going for a federation style victory with lots and lots of focus on tech and unity we are rapid breeders and we are intelligent which means we are going to get loads of research very very quickly along with loads of exploitation of the worlds we get since we are a mega coop we don't particularly want to go that much over our admin cap and we are going to focus on worlds rather than systems so we will have a few worlds which are just in the middle of nowhere or perhaps even in friendly territory of an ally but essentially we want more tech than everyone else in addition to this we are deviants and we are sedentary now this is as powerful as it used to be in terms of the weakest of the negatives but it's still pretty weak in comparison to some of the others and honestly I really want all of the other negatives to go nowhere near our empire now I was tempted to not go of deviance the reason is we are going to rely a lot on our factions for our influence game but if I want to swap later on into a different play style perhaps swapping out egalitarian or Xena file for something else that really does help so although it is a negative and will weaken us quite a lot I don't mind as much so he will be leaving that as it is we are the racks are that was one of the automatic names and I just really liked it so we are sticking with that we are going with the reptilian cities and we have the slick corporation voice self-actualization and redefines future-proof solutions for every stage of a customer's life mega Corp we're with you every step of the way I still find this the scariest of all the voices I've got to be honest it's just so terrifyingly corporates with no soul at all and I think that really does fit this particular lifestyle our flag is well you can see there we are going with the reptile ships and our ruler is currently chairman glum look at his sad little face I think these fellows just look like the perfect and Megacorp species they just look so so serious and so not fun like they would make the worst parties but the best businessman you can give him a hat well we have now reached a level of stellaris I didn't think we could ever reach yet we are keeping the Hat and we are continuing so that's it our whole point is to find as many friends as possible to keep them fully stocked with all of our lovely branch offices which will benefit them and will certainly benefit us and then by the end we should have enough tech and enough Federation power that we can hopefully defeat at the final enemy so the final enemy will be a strength 5 crisis strength now I'm leaving the regular mid game and end game start years because I am still the new patch I am still learning the DLC I don't want to rush too much and honestly crisis strength 5 is already bloody terrifying we will of course behind a grand admiral for our difficulty and with that let's begin Oh actually before we start I will also mention as usual I will not be playing with Ironman mode since the game at the moment is not in the most stable state and I need the ability to reload saves if bugs or exploits happen like they actually did in the previous full playthrough so we begin here we are on the left side of the galaxy so let us begin so to begin with as usual I do want loads of our loads of science vessels now normally this is purely full all of the lovely lovely anomalies but honestly right now I also just want to find people very quickly I'm tempted to make a science ship just for exploring rather than surveying ok let's get some more bonus research that's all what's good more pop growth is always good and more research as previously stated is always grand now in the grand bank I would like the corporate culture site quickly wow really that is really good for our Empire the whole league energy credit be praised ok we're going to start off with expansion not only will that give us some more population growth it will also increase our admin cap and just make getting new planets a little bit easier speaking of population growth I'm also going to go ahead into food policy and go with nutritional plenitude this means I will be loosing food very quickly but everyone will be very happy and will grow even faster I want as many populations as fast as possible to every single one of our planets we need consumer goods and we need a research and I want both of those incredibly soon wow that's a really good system nice well there's something different I did not know that high gravity now gives plus two maximum districts so despite the fact that this is a sixteen it's actually an 18 in terms of districts but everything costs more and habitability suffers loads of science though well clearly that will eventually be a science world but certainly not a focus on our efforts at least for the time being ooh a 2002 world that will be a focus of our efforts yunk thank you very much the new ocean world is absolutely glorious it has two rare features one of which is an isolated Valley which will allow us to eventually build an alien Zoo now I can't remember exactly what the alien zoo does now since 2.2 but I remember it being really really powerful and just interesting on its low investment opportunity being seized welcome to the corporation welcome to the Legion slowly I never do look at the colony ships I actually don't know how any of them look outside of this one right now maybe they look really cool and I'm sorry for the art designers who made that and then I've never really paid any attention so one thing I need to do soon is I'm going to turn our original shipyard into a trade station this way we can grab all three of these systems trade value without the need of additional stations and then we can just put a regular station here for the shipyard and that also helped to protect our what's it called again the interstellar assembly which will make people like us more and also increase the emigration more people now since I'm so rarely the good guys I didn't even know that utopian abundance has quite a unique little thing here unemployed populations have normal happiness and produce unity and research points well isn't that interesting so even those who are unemployed are still contributing to our glorious Legion I'm tempted to do this just because that bonus happiness will be so so good in sums getting more resources the problem is that's a lot of consumer goods the workers are going from 0.25 H to 1 the specialists zero-point-five also to 1 we could trial it for a while we just need to make sure to keep an eye out for consumer goods okay everyone be happy you're welcome we are the friendliest of legions oh my god that hurt my money I am reducing friendliness as soon as possible friendliness is too expensive why oh whoa look a stability though I'll but that's also giving us wealth and we have 666 consumer goods very briefly then like it was a sign not quite sure how to take that sign but still I guess I'll have to do more civilian industries I was hoping to have our first research labs loan out but saying that we are going to have focused worlds for that later right now is just setting up all the planets but hmm not sure how to do this maybe it would be best just to have more civilian industries that means we can also have our luxuries distributed up permanently which is really powerful as well as long as we're getting unity I'm happy enough sure for now more consumer goods let's keep our people happy let's see if kindness is the true way to happiness oh yeah we now have an unemployed person which is giving us two of each research and a unity you know that's not too bad considering a single researcher will give us yes 6.5 of each but of course no unity that's not terrible I wonder if there's a hole ply style which is just pure population using the unemployed giving bonus science bonus unis II don't think it's possible because of the sheer consumer goods cartons but it's a thought greetings caravanners what do you offer us on this fine day oh yeah that's just for orbital bombardment and that's far too much sorry I just realized that deviance being one of our species negatives actually really fits our Empire since we are giving so much freedom to everyone that means everyone has complete freedom of thoughts and complete freedom of speech people are going to deviate very quickly from the norm because there are so many ideas and ideologies they can follow that's right I just logic to that and that makes sense to me good where are our new friends and where are habitable planets come on give me more ocean worlds instantly evil thoughts creep into my psyche so lovely little primitives hmm how would you like to work for us oh you are xenophobic low that would make you difficult to integrate into our society but still well maybe we'll just use you for research one of the two rook sorry how delightful we haven't expected to encounter you for a few centuries yet personally I thought you would wipe yourselves out long before leaving your gravity well but I'm glad to be proven wrong we wish for nothing but to be friends zip Mach you are some creepy looking observers I think they see into your soul and your pet soul and the soul of a water bottle a system has been surveyed yeah that instantly patronizing though good they like us give us stuff we like stuff you can consider it alone you see we do that oh good lord our colonies has finished being created lovely lovely lovely let's grab some more food and let's help them along research actualized not too great for us but still I don't care about ships it's gonna be a long time before we actually build the proper fleet so even though this isn't great yeah it's free stuff we have finished expansion and now we are going to grab either one vision or technological ascendancy later on we will be grabbing Universal transactions meaning that commercial packs no long the cost influence which is lovely and our branch offices are much cheaper which is good because no one is nearby and the cost is based on distance so for now lo one vision since we won't really be having much science for quite some time ok not long until we have our first new person there which is great go to need some more food for quite some time because of the extra cost though to be fair we're also going to need more minerals for more consumer goods for more science and unity so let's go with food for now we have found a dimensional portal on this world which has given us 20 unity by unity of course I would say physics still science good tryna give us some stuff please complete what is it child please stop staring at me suddenly I'm thinking sedentary was a little bit worse than I originally thought so loads of immigration from our main planet means that our colonies are very very quickly getting underway on the downside our main planet is hardly producing new populations all for the time being but still the faster these are no longer just regular colonies the faster they can grow by themselves which is very very beneficial to us one oh look we could even grab the strain value no it got that's not the homeworld that is that's a shame well once I upgrade I can anyway oh there isn't a stride let's go and deal with that please upscaling complete look at its speed research whoosh ah the rift is closed no more goodies for us market outlier identified black vs. asteroids well asteroid and harmony that's going to take a very long time has been surveyed and you can go on and help out these fellows still no neighbors yet this would have been a perfect start for any wide play style but no I'm gonna play it at all play style today instantly alone in the galaxy complete go away already oh dear how cute the null void so that is where the rift leads to oh that's good we are slowly getting dark matter and we have the research for the null void beam now I believe that's a rare weapon yep plus 400% shield damage but then terrible vs Armour and Hull interesting but I'd rather have that first we have a new leader which was our original physics researcher identified Wow all of you are utterly useless don't have the research to keep up so the energy to keep on doing this so for now I'll just put you there I'll change route very soon so our glorious new leader market fee -5 said Oh trade value blissful that's nice more energy and less market fee defense platforms and science ships oh good anomaly research speed that's not too bad actually you're gonna do just fine now it's gets some more energy and let's get some better scientists shall we greetings Caravan answer or do you have for us today you want one of our science ships and you'll give us a deodorizer deployments I don't know what that okay or is once on delivery to a single colony aunty odor effects is guaranteed for at least 80 years increases immigration pool and pop growth from immigration poll I'm gonna keep that so we'll accept that yeah well and I'll use that once I have a migration treaty with it with another Empire now let's make ourselves a new science vessels and so just last one oh hello these two old worlds so we have these fellows over here on their tomb world then we have another tomb world over here and these the fellows who essentially nuked each other into well less than ideal situations we could have lift them we could help them we could take them over but most likely eventually we'll just have research stations I will likely take over this section over here and then not much else Oh lovely now that's a lovely event let's open that and then we can give our people a genetic bonus a system has been surveyed utopian dream population amenities usage reduced by 10% lovely our stability will be really really high in the end now currently our consumer goods are taking a dive and that's because I'm focusing a lot on unity and just make sure all the planets have a nice base a lien box opens so I think I'm going to go with the red solution this will allow me to have I believe it's less housing usage though honestly I don't even know what the new green and blue solutions are blue used to be lifespan green used to be habitability all habitability it would still be great but less housing would be amazing let's go green let's risk it what do we get bio adaptability so I believe it's still adaptability than overall and yet plus 5% habitability everywhere that's great less upkeep for everyone that was almost certainly the correct choice now what do we do with you we could begin indoctrination turning you slowly into us or we could get more society research we could even enlighten them although some reason I'm not allowed to do that which is interesting why am I not allowed to do that exactly go to policies native enlightenment it's allowed unrestricted okay I'm not too sure why I'm not allowed to do that honestly I don't go do that anyway but still in fact aggressive observation let's get loads of society from them jelly potential markets soon we can start specializing our planets which will be great when he's at least one world completely focused on consumer goods then at least one on science of course this will be the science one interloper heed this message we are the guardians of Zanon hello Guardians ooh I'll have that from you eventually lads but for now you need to go over here and this will be one of our first little islands because that is a 24 sized planet with no tile blockers and the sea of consciousness increased habitability and loads of bonus research yes we need that world desperately still haven't found anyone though which is good establishing the branch office lovely so straightaway nineteen energy what are you oh you're giving us one of the probes one of the events sure so next up we need to get a little bit more minerals and then we can have the amusement megaplex which will give them some amenities making them more stable I will give us an additional ten energy so we make them stronger they make us stronger everyone wins now I'm fairly certain I just got a brand new leader because we just abducted one yet there we are whoa a level six spark of genius there we are hello there glorious Empire seems like you're going to be friendly with us as well lovely and migration treaty will be underway first of all though that's a quick look see what you're like you will disrupt us in terms of our factions but if we have enough consumer goods which we will soon I can make sure that our immigration pull is also very very high very strong natural physicist deviants hmm later now of course the problem of doing this is that we get this negative modifier total Empire sprawl 79 multiplied by 120 percent due to empire cohesion and that's because of all the gaps and such so what to do about that we could grab all this I mean there are some really good systems here and then just leave it that at that and then have this weird shape for our Empire it would reduce the cohesion problem but of course every single new system will increase the Empire sprawl by itself anyway okay I've just spent 200 influence on the land of opportunity increasing our immigration pool by 100 percent so you their migration treaty yes please that should hopefully increase that growth quite a lot I'm hoping well soon soon our people of course will also want to go to them which is the problem and you one of those finally we're building some research stations as soon as this is done now that we've grabbed harmony we are going into prosperity which will give us merchants mining station output and loads of bonuses to our specialists and especially our city districts this will make our planets far better lighter honor now one negative I completely forgot about this is my fault for still learning this update is this with our Empire sprawl we have empire cohesion which is currently affecting us and that's because we're a thin Empire which looks bizarre and we also have this gap over here I'm not quite sure which one of the two is causing the problem but either way I need to fix that because it's giving us a 20% extra bonus to our empire sprawl which in turn is making everything else cost way more so I do need to fix that somewhat soon for now if it is this planet it's still worth it because otherwise we'd have to have all of these systems which would be loads of points spurts we may still have the system I mean look energy minerals science there's all good stuff there don't really want to get much larger than we are now though so eventually grabbing all this maybe grabbing this section maybe grabbing this section same with that that's really it still learning especially how to plate all with the new update all nearby empires love us and we return that love with profits lovely extra population growth that's great although the planetary capital is also amazing but yeah I really want an extra growth rate please okay the only Empire that I don't currently have a branch office with is you why not just energy lovely that is fine 500 more well let's just sell some stuff then shall we and tada more glorious profit for us and of course we are making your planets even more stir whoa that is a stable planet how are you so stable lots of clerks yep you also have resource silos which are further increasing that well then that's a lovely planet to live on once you have the minerals I'll go ahead and increase the value of your planet even further completed like right now we are now going to study the living see it calls to us and we will call back okay so one of our scientists wishes to go towards the ocean even though they're currently on one of our ships you know what sure go and talk to the ocean also apparently they're alleging that the ocean is talking to them with the voice of lost loved ones well good luck I am now commissioning art pieces because these are really really powerful how many am I allowed I will literally keep on buying them okay there we are and I will now become your patron as well decisions there we are the art monuments immigration pole and extra amenities didn't know I just purchased loads there we go for a second there I thought that wasn't working correctly and I was very very sad you get some art you get some art you and your hand don't get any us I'm afraid well too bad ooh you need some more mean it's just so let's give you some clerks some of you actually in a second you wanna have jobs so let's give you some more clerks then everyone is nice and happy actually yet there we are your amenities have just been increased because of the whole art thing lovely still though the research into the sea of consciousness has now given us this lots of lovely lovely research and psionic theory it turns out that it's a giant neural network which is really really interesting fantastic research really really fantastic hello new contact would you like some bribes you would love some bribes sadly still can't make a commercial pact old distance is that if I should have checked where you were well these four friends would be nice if we could do anything though the birth of the Galactic market and of course we are going to try make our bank the head of this market as soon as we have the energy which will be less than a month away strong excellent well that's a familiar face but not quite as happy as we are fanatical purifiers and look how spread the Empire's are this time well it beating some on science now at least we're finally specializing our planets properly modifying our people for their own good of course so we're going to make it so they are conservationists and thus consume less consumer goods which will be lovely or we could get more unity unity is pretty good we are finally getting there of science we are now beating all other empires or at least all of the regular empires now on science so everything is starting to mature and become way more powerful be nice to remove deviants though as well there's so many things I want less less housing usage is great a bona Sciences great bonus unity is great but for now you know actually our economy is more than strong enough to deal with the negative consumer goods so let's just go with bonus unity and apply a template to all I'm afraid people who are currently migrating to us I will be editing you as well later no one gets away with I'm afraid so I don't want next could put down some more civilian industries here also more research I'll further our consumer good debt but researchers research we're finally getting there sure and more collects raw it turns out that our Empire sprawl modifier was coming purely from this section because we had so many of these which are connecting to multiple they've had this one thin section here so now that solve this grace I'm going to grab these as well try and make the Empire a more unified section anyway it's going to affect our Empire sprawl but I don't really mind all these lovely banks resources are really needed also now that these colonies are finally starting to become a bit more powerful it's time to add some trade stations and such around here to simply transfer everything over well we don't need a train station if we put the station right here but still we have finally found the homeworld lovely nice chunk of unity there which finishes off prosperity and now we can grab mind over matter I think we're going to go with the psionic the psionic root rather cyanic it's like a psychic sonic anyway there we go beautiful so what is that done then to our people exactly it means now we get plus 5% researcher plus 5% energy from our jobs that is lovely also I'm now sending out a new colony ship because there's a lovely 24 world right here these fellows won't like it particularly but that's fine now an 88 energy here in fact 95 energy total not bad not bad at all let's not make people our enemy shall we more fellows are being found so now we have yet another research agreements and these are yet another mega Corp if we declare war we can go we've seized assets which means we can start taking their branch offices which I believe all round here interesting and apparently I'm on very good terms with both members of this Federation at some point I'll probably end up being asked to join them or at least be an associate these Ino outreach agencies plus immigration pole plus trade value that's not terrible but saying that there's also this line really to want this Plus Ones civics lot but that's more interesting blast is far too powerful well that's interesting a racket has joined our Legion now this is special because first of all they are already egalitarian which is awesome but they have to world preference and they are indeed psionic we can now inhabit every single planet within our borders at a decent percentage now that's very very interesting indeed we could suddenly have loads more planets and although that will of course increase our admin cap sorry our Empire sprawl I think it's worth it because just planets everywhere planets so this is what we're going to do we're going to making them like this they will be adaptive and conservationists then we'll give that to all three of them which means then when we populate these planets they'll be much cheaper to keep I don't know this is the right thing to do I just know it's the more fun thing to do we now have the ability to improve our government so what do we have we have franchising which will allow us to have less Empire sprawl for our branch offices which is very nice considering at the moment that is plus 14 so actually that's not as amazing as I first thought media conglomerates will allow us to have our people being happier which is always so nice but then we do have where are you one of the more interesting ones here this one just upgrades our admin cap by 10 it's not much but that will make our tech cheaper in addition to our traditions and I think that might be what I go with right now ok yep private prospectors there we go also I may be colonizing every single planet within our borders our main trade hub is now being upgraded even further which means only one to three planets will be out of its range so we're only losing trade value on three planets that's not bad and considering at the moment we don't really have a Navy to patrol or the ability to make too many stations actually I kind of could it might be worth it then to finally put down a station here and here that way we can get all that lovely trade value then just have some stations to protect them since I don't particularly want to make a Navy yet at the moment we have all of our friends to protect us it's a weird lifestyle I'm going with right now colonies colonies everywhere oh dear go sign ship go outrun them well it tried our science is now do incredibly well everything is starting to snowball beautifully and I might need to get some sleep soon it's like 3:00 a.m. but I'm still going behold the power of stellaris now this is arguably one of the most powerful buildings in the whole branch office system with this single building our trade value side the trade value of this planet will be increased by 5% and all of my planets will get a plus 10% to their amenities or amenities to it and I want to say either why that's really really good as you can imagine the stability bonus for us and this stacks by the way so I'm tempted to go to our other planets and swap out one of these for one of these I'm very tempted actually we have loads of energy so you know what sure let's have three of those makes our friends richer that makes a plights far more stable and thus far more useful for all other resources yeah they're our friends again good in fact very good gases gases gases planets nice although there isn't much footage during this ply for though I am learning a lot and thank you very much for that lovely lovely injection of consumer goods so many colonies all of them with growth and courage and luxuries that distributed although I think I could use the luxuries a little bit better we have so many species now that almost every single planet type I can easily inhabit and it's going incredibly well somehow I still only have two factions so that's pretty nice interesting maybe I should have focused on this a little bit earlier to make sure everyone's happy but still everything is going just fine although we are really hurting for consumer goods and that's because I'm now completely focused on unity and science which is really really rocketing ahead I could have done this a lot better I've learned a lot of things though I think next time I play a tall build a tall ply style I'm going to be a lot better than this that's interesting why are you in the middle everyone has overwhelming force but no one comes close to our glorious technology and it's only increasing with every passing year but soon we really do need to build ourselves a fleet it's amazing how little I've done in terms of that the Ministry of production now that is something truly beautiful plus 15 percent from our metallurgists and our artisans which is good because I'm now converting two worlds into alloy foundries it's about time the bank has its own military force don't you think our people shall transcend the Great Awakening lovely so now we are all psychics which make us incredibly dangerous really do need more leaders of our original species though that's got to be said well it's time to begin breaching the shroud I believe this has been changed since before I can't quite remember but still it begins do not need all of those who definitely want that upscaling complete our food and minerals are suffering but nothing else's we are definitely on the road to a very profitable future and I have a tiny little fleet right now because a few pirates spawned now moving over to diplomacy this way we can have a banks trade protection trade value increase market fee reduction and we'll also get more population growth from immigration which currently is actually doing incredibly well so that's definitely our next choice food is suffering quite badly though but thankfully because of our huge income of energy alloys and consumer goods yes I remember the name of that it's easy enough to just purchase every time we run out we're too good for the field select the other empires deal with this got to love some dangerous tech oh hello resort worlds this world this set aside is a peaceful resort world attracting tourists and visitors from far away to preserve the planet's natural beauty construction on the surface is severely limited so what exactly does this do well this is amazing it gives plus 100% habitability to the planet for pretty much everyone but then all of my other planets get plus 50% amenities per one of these created yes we are making one of these ohshe roud interesting attempt to communicate with the presence a powerful one which is sleeping nope sadly that did not work and half fellows died well we tried you know we tried let's create ourselves a resort world there we are so this is our resort one clerk job / two populations and we can build I should build quite a lot it's just a matter of the fact we can't build any districts which means we're going to need to keep on building luxury residences and then upgrading them otherwise we'll have no housing thankfully of course anyone who is unemployed we still have the science and unity from them since we're still increasing our growth right so wonder if this stacks then if I have more than one resort world well this happened well will this work with everyone's let's see this world here is game plus 15% from resort world let's see if I can convert this one here also into a resort world apparently our people are going to love the ice planets what's there only one ah we can only have one I should have rechecked here before destroying stuff okay that makes sense although this will be an mining world in the end anyway so no so it is a voice whispers and so which shall always be so let's see then increased happiness thank you very much our people delight in our faith and our glorious income glorious mega engineering is on its way soon we're going to be able to rebuild the interstellar assembly which is good because now it's time to start making our Federation it's time to start taking center stage on lovely little galaxy in ours also I'm now doing repeat s'mores finally which is very good indeed complete as our science continues to increase on many planets I have absolutely no workers all just purely specialists lovely more energy is always good don't particular care about that I'm just going to finally get this out of the way because well it was in the way the whole time you are going to eventually be a new science well so do need some new ones so it's continued with that shall we all well and good hundred what amenities yeah we have some pretty happy people here 95 percent stability that is a lavage null-void beam wormhole travel much better thank you more food would be great because we are just going through food so quickly thankfully though we're earning so much money it doesn't really matter all that much how long till I next okay very very soon we do whole Federation thing which is lovely lots of lovelies and also lots of stammering at the moment it's now very early in the a.m. and I'm very soon to call it a day this is actually day two honest owners the resort world is interesting when you have people getting this extra bonus here love like Federation's so who could we Federation not you why not war of aggression well if we change that you will instantly join us that's one in fact the only reason we can't get in with these fellows is because of that yet war philosophy and I what no -50 that's interesting despite the fact our opinion is so good ok let's change it just so we see what actually happens so policies war philosophy let's change it to liberation wars for now interesting so you will now join us that's only one would you join us no because of the opposite problem hmm what girls need to figure out a way to get as many people into our Federation as possible I've got a horrible feeling that we are going to have to wage some Wars of ideology get people to think like we do the problem is though if we go to war with a war of ideology will not change them into a mega corporation maybe we could even do it okay you let's say we went to war now I can't check that because we have all these things on us and yeah not too sure where to go from here honestly and so diplomacy is finished oooh world shaper allow us to change our world into Gayo worlds that is pretty darn nice Oh Zeno compatibility now this is an interesting one this allows the different species of our planet to crossbreed it grants 20% bonus to population growth speed on any planet with at least two different species which is all of our planets and it also allows the creation of half species that take the portrait from one parents and then mix the traits giving plus one maximum trait points and plus one maximum traits also a huge immigration pull increase you know what sure well it's gonna increase our growth right about quite a bit lovely a Federation fleet it's been so long since I've had one of these lovely definitely don't want to join still had the whole wars of aggression thing now my other member this fellow he really really wouldn't like it if we did the whole wars of aggression were they since I would like a couple more members and well these cats will be fantastic it means this whole section here like a good third of the galaxy will be under our Federation rule already if we can get them to join and they would join if we would allow Wars aggression [Music] hmm anyway for now we do have a new essential perk and we could do this the arcology project start turning some of our planets into just power houses more housing resource production and pop growth just for the main world so the homeworld and some of our tech world would become very very powerful deal now if I recall correctly this a very expensive thing to do am i right Hellboy I am right so 20,000 minerals also in exchange all of our districts into housing districts which thankfully isn't too difficult honestly minerals aren't that expensive hmm we could do that soon ooh the vault of acquisitions Oh admin cap increase that's so nice but I want that more no I don't have been cap please okay now is need to convert all of these into city districts shroud grant us your blessing maybe what was that I just had the chance to research psionic shields yes yes please first finish the last thing you're doing there although that does take a type of resource I currently can't even exploit Scientific Revolution plus 20% of research speed I have just changed it to allow unrestricted Wars welcome to the Federation my long-standing allies glorious so now is there a way to make it so we can see our Federation's please it would be lovely opinion I our attitude neighbor Empire unions there we are it's all of us an Allison color for we are one now allies keep on making more and more ships of the Federation that's lovely thank you so kind also I've just realized we still the default name of Grand League I was so focused on how it's going to work I completely forgot hmm maybe it would be good if we actually named our Federation honestly just us three that is more than enough to do our next goal which honestly will be to kill a fallen Empire before the 2400 our Federation fleets can have up to 235 force counts lovely research and weathers the strongest member of the Federation always keeps control which of course means I always keep control both sides the Federation are now sending in their ships and you know it's glorious on one side we have plants on the south side we have mammals and here we have reptiles our fleet is made of three different type of ships which looks awesome and I'll showcase that a second when they're all nice and together finally let's begin the conversion into the our ecology project that's going to take a very long time but wait it's done our main lovely world will be something truly glorious extra housing resource production pop growth everything you will be increased here and then we're going to do the same to our tech world's and our industrial worlds so something interesting I've noticed the cat people have been usurped by the rackets so yep that's a thing now and also the rackets are our main species if we go over here go to amount right at the bottom you'll see tada we have the rackets also now our Zeno compatibility is now fully underway and we are getting these lovely crosses with really weird different results sadly of course they don't have unique portraits each time but still it means we're getting loads of immigration from all of the empires we have migration treaties with and of course which on planets planets and our population growth is skyrocketing you're getting very powerful very very quickly now and of course we're still getting ships from our neighbors constantly there's one there there's one there there's at least four on the way in fact why more than four on the way from our allies to the north and as we get additional naval capacity we will get more and more into our Federation fleet and I haven't even started building my normal fleet yet the future is looking good it's looking mega coop now it's time to call to the shroud once more also we could start to assimilate all of our new people making them all into psychos which would make our entire population a lot more powerful but for now we simply talk to the shroud it's like talking to the hand of a far more efficient okay obviously it's this one yeah I wanted nothing to happen I did exactly what I wanted to do there ooh food some jobs that would be good though leader level cap plus one yeah that's probably better we're just buying our food anyway and there we are finally let's begin work on the interstellar assembly it's going to be lovely everyone will live within our Empire because we're actually nice to them except for this world apparently which definitely needs more amenities yeah let's let's go with the easy perhaps not most efficient option Hollow theatres for all cuz who doesn't love a good holosuite program look at the Federation fleet growing all by itself dull with some cute now going into the domination tree because honestly us want this workplace motivators resource output from workers and slaves increased by five percent then we can also get some more housing which is really really lovely our governors can be more powerful and our ruler can also be more powerful overall just a really nice thing to get with supremacy last that means that the moment our scientific revolution has just went away which is a real shame although honestly we're not exactly shrugging for science and that's still increasing day by day which I'm very very happy with indeed so this one of our tech worlds and of course we're just going to put down another tech building as soon as we have the minerals for it now how far is our mega structure shouldn't be too far off nope not too far for almost halfway everyone will love us we are now sending our Federation fleet defeat the defenders of as an arm or as an arm or whatever this planet's called either way the planet I want these fellows so they really don't like shields okay so if we had shields would be much much better well we do have fields which we focused on shields anyway oh mighty shroud will you ain´t us on this day ooh can I have an avatar no sadly I cannot for the glory of the Legion competitors engaged excuse me but you have a guy well died desperately once my pause for a second what's that hmm that's going to be a bit of research I imagine and and is that a cracked world over there yes it is a broken world in fact lovely well done everyone you've all made me as the founding member very very proud now go and survey that as fast as possible please because we want to grab this before our neighbours do we're friends but I want the stuff more than they do I now realize I did actually get the psionic avatar I just wasn't paying attention I will call him fluffy the grand bank has finished ok let's take a look-see at that as soon as you grab this thank you very much so around Lone Star that's obviously the wrong one try again laughter Xterra go we now have the Grand Bank in its fully city form it looks like a really weird pokeball briefly there absolutely glorious how do we have unemployment's okay's one of the specialists is currently unemployed that's interesting well we'll be having more specialist jobs later anyway sadly none of these a science are they no could grab some leisure there'll be some science and some unity can't really upgrade any of these and change the Ministry of production maybe go full-on tech or we could just make more of these you know what let's do this as soon as we have the minerals for it which we'll be right now let's go - I want everyone on this planet to be a specialist really or at least as many as possible let's grab that amazingly this isn't the science and the Gaea world is whoa bonus 30% to all Sciences okay we are going to be moving people here actively to get this running as soon as possible this will be a truly magnificent science world which I've got it a little bit sooner honestly the interstellar assembly is up and running which means now we have plus 50 to our opinion from everyone so pretty much everyone's going to like us which is very nice indeed also is this correct it just seems a bit we have some reason everybody gets to love us now sadly you won't join us because you don't like one of our members factually you don't like either of our other members that's a shame the very first tech world we ever made is now going to be converted into our next archaeology projects if I can just about get enough minerals so I can start instantly that would be lovely there we go very inefficient birds I want this started as soon as possible they are kind of awesome let's be real just the bonus resources alone makes them incredibly powerful just when I sold everything that's a bit annoying isn't them Oh sh roud bless our new worlds research don't care about any of that not worth the risk but thank you anyway well here's what I've never seen before tears of an AI there has been an incident at one of our facilities on the planet a lab AI involved in social research has suffered terminal hardware damage resulting in the loss of course software and memory items as a result there will be a projected decrease to research output at the lab until the new I eyes installation that's worrying we don't have an AI uprising the will we that we don't have AI anywhere on our planet so we have any synthetics on shiny robots launch an inquest trunk is the inquest they're all that's happened by itself assuming by itself ok our inquest into the loss of the aye-aye has returned some baffling results prior to its terminal failure the I I had made repeated attempts to purging its own records and memory banks when lab staff disabled the I is access to deletion functions the IIE appears to have forced a termination of its core operations by manipulating Hardware capacitor control in order to overload its own drive circuitry quite simply our AI sought its own destruction get to the bottom of this I am very curious what's going on also waiting for the mid-game event at the moment so a little bit nervous about that that's got the chief on canal complete the I I produced several alarming results with regard to casualty projections in the case of an all-out war between the friendly lonely j'en and our rivals I mean we have one rival over here but still despite repeated reexaminations of all available data recourses and contingencies the I eyes projections remained indicative of mutually assured annihilation at this point the I I began purging his own memory banks and records and the rest as they say was history well now that was an odd little event shame didn't really do much of them as her our science but still interesting concept that's odd why am I losing specialist jobs I just built two of these which means I should have more artisans it seems like the work has jumped up then instantly became unemployed the jobs are all taken thankfully of course on it unemployment isn't as bad due to our civics so we are still getting science and unity from them but that's really weird why is that happened hmm very very curious about that going to watch this one finish and see what happens I don't trust these at all suddenly robots have appeared have them scrapped I see what I've done okay so I actually have had a break between clips very recently and what I had done is I changed loads of these jobs into research labs the reason is we can have all of these jobs we want just from the district's so I didn't need any more of the consumer goods producing buildings on the planet so I change them all to research labs of course they are low-level research labs now and they were high level consumer goods buildings which means suddenly there's less jobs that's what happened okay almost ready to convert this world into a giant city now we have just started our colony over here so huzzah we now have the ultimate colony the problem is I was originally planning to turn this into a brand new citywide planet or a planet what's it even births because the bonus comes from a planetary feature and not just a bonus up here if I do that we lose the feature so obviously that's not going to happen now conversing our sea of consciousness into a giant city all will be urbanized who actually know grab that instead we're getting lots of errors occurring combat control misfire so I just lost two ships that's worrying also the Titan is created bubbles so our allies wish to humiliate another Empire well for say no they're going to be unhappy with me so sure go ahead the divine theocracy we're at war still kinda likes us we are very charismatic if only I could be like that in real life so they seem to be at war with pretty much everyone there's no way they can really get to us I lied okay lads send in the Federation for later this is all it's for after all consider it training exercises a shroud do you bless us for this war hello the composure of strands now this is one of the darker God's I've not actually seen before the presence welcomes us it speaks not so much in words but in visions concepts ideas it seeps into the minds of our telepaths so greatly and smoothly that one might think it has always been there a flurry of images flash before their eyes the presence is known as the composure of strands and it regards our biological forms with curious interest it shows us a variety of ways in which they can be grown changed improved evolved if we will only take it into our flesh it awaits us if so awaits our answer patiently affectionately like a doting father waiting on his favorite child 20% population growth speed that is ridiculously powerful I will make a covenant it is done we have formed a covenant with the composer of strands it did not take long for the effects to be felt a sudden and significant increase in both pregnancy and birth rights that is undoubtedly the work of the composer however along with these positive effects we are also experiencing a rash of strange new mutations Oh No offspring born with extra limbs and organs some of which bear no resemblance to any previously cataloged part of their Anatomy fortunately the few deaths resulting from them are more than outweighed by the higher birth rates well extra lifespan of our leaders and faster birth right well that is a very very powerful increase oh sorry construction vessel wrong place wrong time there I suppose oh just burning fear the power of the lasers okay now you get over to that wormhole refugees have arrived apparently I'm okay with that as well more people there's more people and they get a bonus bit of happiness when they first get to us which is very very nice indeed upscaling complete you seem to have died long before being here look at our unity plants mammalian ships and reptilian you cannot stop the Legion also still need to rename our Federation finally exploit resource 0 or however that's pronounced now the problem with this is I can't see any on the map at all which is a problem because I need this stuff I need this stuff for our new shields which I still haven't been able to use the psychic shields now of course eventually we're going to use the dark matter ones from the Fallen Empire but I'm actually not sure which one's stronger either way we really need to find some of this stuff also I need to build a new trade station here I'm going to be building a train station here which should be able to reach these two planets and this one and then I just need to protect this the line here then I'll be getting like an extra 300 energy total which will be very very nice I don't grab that Federation fleece meat Federation fleet lovely nice dodging me a Corvette I would love more battleships in this place but sadly this fleet is mostly made from our allies so I don't really have much control in terms of its composition they seem to really like destroyers for some reason lovely oh hello there's the resource I want as soon as I can exploit it it means I can start purchasing it so now we can start using our psychic shields please hurry up with that station with very good versus armor and versus hull we are terrible versus shields right now that will change soon though after our war they are paying us energy so are you I accept thank you would you like a commercial pact again okay then a right for spawned okay that's eating up our friends territory and of course we do have a federation fleet for this very reason let's go and help research very soon we're going to have jump drives and that'll make this so much easier oh look we have jump drives [Laughter] hurry up fleet good luck telepath and we've lost the rule well that didn't work too well I'm hoping on this one don't let it get to the wormhole at least damn its damages so Hybris into a trial there we are whoo that's pretty nice so a permanent or at least okay so for now a bonus to energy energy weapon damage and physics is that permanent or is that just for a while that's permanent lovely well I'm sorry that our allies had to take so much damage for that but at least now we have some bonuses so it turns out I was looking at the wrong world we are still converting this planet and I still want to see if the sea of consciousness goes away on us and there we are domination is now finished giving us bonus influence the Colossus project would be interesting to say the least but that would make everyone hate us and we don't really want that universal transactions is nice galactic wonders would be really fun galactic wonders what I would like is a ring world honestly so as a spare construction vessel should have to you know up this seems fun let's build it here just need some more influence and then we can start building well I've changed my mind we're not going for the ring world we are going for the matter decompressor which means we need a black hole so this is a great timing to kill them of these fellows dimensional horror upscaling complete via the wrath of the Federation are you actually firing Satan apparently you are I go well that's you dealt with let's send you home and let's just jump over a scientist for a brief moment just to get that all sorted out construction vessel you get there you are currently building on that excellent and that's pretty much that the matter Deconstructor will give us almost unlimited minerals I think close to a thousand minerals when it's finished yeah that's definitely going to be worth it okay good so upon turning this into a planet-wide city we still get two key for the sea of consciousness I really thought that was the case although it doesn't seem like we have an ocean we still keep bonuses over here I'm so glad I'm correct about that lovely scale this sorted in and continue as planned oh no the composure of strands has bestowed its blessings upon us directly altering the genetic code of the half kareem species oh dear what just happened there and also where even are they my god we have so many different species now you fellows just one guy was that all that's been affected in that case I don't really mind too much we have so many different species well we are very inclusive let's say that we include everyone the LA Ric's Ian Legion our fleets are now strengthening rapidly and let's go ahead and do this plus temps on fire right which is lovely there once this soar finish we'll have war doctrines I am semi confident we will be able to take out the Fallen Empire before 2400 then we'll have about 50 years before the end game crisis in which I hope I can amass enough force to simply defend us hopefully we are still scaling very very quickly as our world's become cities and as we build our mega structures we are going to become more and more powerful and a faster and faster right I'm just hoping it's enough also finally building the trade station here which will be able to grab all of these planets lovely it's magic I've just realized something for some reason these fellows are far weaker than these fellows you have four fleets the weakest one is 74,000 but a bridge is nearly 90,000 H you averaged just over 70,000 each and there's only three of you well we go after these fellows they're not these unless there's another reason well you do have more Gaia worlds I would like all of those to be fair yet you have more clouds in general but still also ignore the background noise lots of stuff is happening around the apartment right now and I'm just about to call it a day in terms of recording ooh but you have this the font of knowledge I forgot about this yet we're going to all these fellows I'm making climb on it and we are going to war now here's a problem if I make a climb here than then our allies also claim which it might happen they might win because of their proximity also the archives yeah we really want these two and honestly we're not too far being strong enough so very very soon so quite a few things have just happened first of all we are now going to be placing robots assembly plants absolutely everywhere because I've just unlocked synthetics I've just got the research for it and they are going to massively bolster our population growth and honestly synthetics are just really powerful as well almost every planets will now be creating them on top of this I am now building some Titans for our Federation fleet it's going to be very very powerful very very soon in fact we are now verging on the power level needed to take out the chroniclers which will be absolutely lovely think about all of that tech in our hands once again our allies have started fighting an enemy Federation and once again our Federation fleet comes to the rescue sadly long before we had Titans just lots of destroyers and lots of cruisers and a few Corvettes there we are let's regain our ground shall we and hopefully they'll force them to surrender so that's interesting we're not actually making synthetics we're still just making robots I don't know how to change this we definitely have the research to allow synthetics but we're just not making them on the upside the robots are still pretty good just I don't know how to make sense anymore apparently well I figured out what the problem was it turns out synthetics are just very different in two point two here we are with the new version of synthetics your robots are still called robots but how they work is changed first of all the output is increased by 10 percent which is lovely but most importantly if we go here with synthetics technology robot populations are affected by happiness and can potentially perform all types of job and with that then what we should do is go into species our lovely robots set rights and utopian abundance there we go the matter decompressor is now at stage 1 and already producing us 300 minerals that is a glorious draining matter from a black hole well that's just very very cool and there we are now going to level 2 which will give us something like 600 minerals sadly I don't have access to any living metal at the moment so I have no way to speed up the construction which is really really annoying hello there shroud more happiness and - happiness that went well the lack of food is finally becoming completely unsustainable so we're going back to regular rationing it's still going to be a lot of food uptake but nowhere near as much as it was just finishing off my private fleet and then the Federation and our fleet will go to war also bubbles are still here finally going ahead and grabbing ourselves some living metal this way we can speed up our mega constructions which will be really really helpful considering this is not the last mega construction I once it's just the first we still want the Ringworld I would love the Dyson Sphere I would love the research now at the research mega structure there are so many things I want in fact I wouldn't mind a second one of these or even the art installation for some additional unity ok the last step before we go to war we are making our psionic armies these will be able to break the morale of the enemy incredibly effectively and then once all that's together we will ride over here and take this lovely lovely Gaea world sorry not Goa'uld it's a city and look at all of those workers we're going to have the masa decompressor is now at its second stage 600 minerals now we need to save up once again so we get the next stage which will be giving us 900 minerals that is just wonderful also our ships are now in position I'm about to add all of the different upgrades using the special resources and then we're going to go to war at long last we are climbing it so fallen empires land as our own look all the Titans we have with the supremacy finished we are going with defender of the galaxy because we are up against a strength times 5 crisis this is pretty much needed although I am very tempted to be perfectly honest to grab where are you master builders increasing our build speed for the mega structures if we have master builders it means we're going to have more mega structures built by the time the enemy are fighting us the problem is we don't have the resources to do that anyway so the increase in speed is just wasted yet defender of the galaxy also makes people like us even more which is lovely I'm just whiting so I can finally climb this system come up I just realized something the keepers of knowledge are attacking the bloodborne their forces are nowhere to be seen well that's a good time for us then let's go declare war claim hopefully our Federation will vote for yes well they lovely lovely go and we are the only ones yet we are the only ones with claims go straight for their homeworld you all needs a fuse as soon as you can and then you can attack as well glorious so so many ships face the wrath of the Federation also why the Federation ships still using lasers now you have forgot to update that there they go and they are gone now all of you please turn into one force they'll be great font of knowledge has an army of 3000 wow that is ridiculous okay one of you stay here and just begin bombardments the other two get over there and take up that station 3200 Felice strength now I still can't invade that is insane also we don't really want to do too much damage we want to keep all of this I've kind of forgot how damage is dealt these days either way this is going to take a while ah here they come excellent okay main force Federation fleet go and defend here that's their only way really for them to get to us and they someone's got all the way around and of course use the station as a backup I think I can already invade the font of knowledge slowly the archives yet we definitely can okay you go and do that I am sending in more enforcement's anyway oh mighty shroud aid us in this time of peril yes please and okay you get back there now we've almost got the archives lost a lot of forces though now before I forget again policies war doctrine hit and run or rapid deployment hit and run because that's a higher chance of a ship surviving when they're destroyed well when they're critically damaged well they tried to attack our week if elite and Titan beams to the face please don't destroy that Titan it's so far away lovely protectors overseers archivists hedonists well that's a job and all the work is it a servants don't know I'm going to do your population honestly since there's not really workable jobs here I guess all this new view to other planets that's fine I mean I can't can I hmm little bit worried about this but it is definitely worth it for these buildings there's a fleet it was dead fleet upscaling complete soon we will have all of the tech we want and our ships are going to be significantly more powerful for now though we're just waiting on this deal we're getting there and again reinforcements are on the way it's just going to take a while Dark Matter reactors Dark Matter thrusters soon Dark Matter shields be useful awesome over here we are now continuing work on the matter decompressor going to the next stage although do I have yep the living metal is currently aligned so plus 50 percent builds bead it just takes a very long time finally we are now attacking on the ground research actualized still really worried about all these workers on the upside if they are unemployed we still get unity and science from them but we also get all sorts of other problems but still unity in science lovely all the things would ever need let's go with you the psychos are about to bring victory and look our lovely Federation fleet is constantly receiving reinforcements from allies it's good to have friends achieve war goals the best possible outcome I assure you now it's a look see all the problems are gonna have here ok it's gonna take a while there we go they're all reset crime 100% that is really bad really bad indeed mostly because you don't have enough housing really even all of these really I was only 156 that's not right that can't be right there's only 154 people they're also not being moved oh because of devastation okay once devastation has changed that should be fine there's gonna be lots and lots of clerks here but look at all of these lovely resources we're getting though that is truly magnificent and of course that's with all these big negative at the moment so soon we're gonna get even more lovely yet we're now in the positives for minerals for the first time in a very long time okay so over here the devastation is gone and we don't have a housing crisis we just have unemployment problems that's not really going to go away here at least on the other planets I can swap out some of the arcologies for better ones at least at work-related ones so the next choice is do we go to war with the other fallen Empire because well they have the same kind of stuff they have these lovely lovely ultra buildings loads of food loads of minerals a ridiculous amount of energy and of course they're all Gaea worlds which are just magnificent except for you about Italy so we'll ignore this one right that to say their leaders corrupt their leaders of course they are for now Burma's gonna focus on these are moving the fleets as if I am going to go to war I'll decide once we get there so why aren't these people working as protectors and overseers the jobs are there so why not is that because of devastation or is it because I actually don't know well we'll find out later still stuff to learn we'll be taking this will be taken that and we'll be taking one of these too so that I can still get through to the rest of our allies and other parts of the Empire you were taking all not really know Souls take the easier option then as soon as we have the influence splitting the fleet's and attacking each of the planets oh wow there's a broken world called sister I never noticed that before so have brother kreidel mother sky father and sister that is weird and the preserve is ours in just a momentary market it's ours lovely Zeno wards well don't worry whereabouts you'll I might use this as just a base world look at all those generator districts and mining districts and such but I do like science more science world would be good either way you move there I'm now making way more ground forces over here so it shouldn't be too bad capturing all of these now going to the final level commencing seizure meanwhile we are now inviting mother which sounds really weird I'm hoping I can repair these buildings so it turns out you can indeed allow your allies to use the dark matter there we are dark matter thrusters dark matter reactors dark matter deflectors which of course all cast dark matter and they're still sending reinforcements the same goes for the fellows over here as well so yep it's absolutely fine even our Federation fleet can be upgraded with the dark matter everything mother and brother have failed cradle is their last bastion and it's rapidly falling although I already should put a mine fleet there to speed that up a little bit our landing force is on aggressive so as soon as it thinks it can win it will automatically land we are victorious we now control this section as well and if we take a look-see we are now getting loads of materials from kreidel brother and mother however the problem is there's going to be loads upon loads of unemployment again so I've decided is I'm going to convert this main world here into the arcology project that way we can give them all jobs to do with consumer goods or alloys or something like that there we are so cradle prepare to become something much more powerful all of your natural beauty being replaced of cold hard concrete our fleets are being repaired and my private fleet is being massively increased over here and more importantly over here we're looking very very powerful right now we have quite some time before the endgame event and although we are in times 5 I am mostly confident we're going to get this done quite well I've also started the arcology projects over here in cradle and I'm about to start another one because we do have the influence to do so we just need the minerals so as soon as I can afford the minerals I am making even more lovely lovely city planets and our science is doing incredibly well as well actually this is the highest I've ever had these repeatable x' number 10 now so we are doing plus 50% damage with our energy weapons that's just glorious well well well it's now complete we have the matter decompressor on full 1200 minerals and isn't it absolutely beautiful our minerals come from a black hole which is just so so cool I think next then really we should build a Dyson Sphere as much as I do want the Ringworld getting loads of energy as well so all of our minerals and all of our energy are just pouring in it means we can do whatever we want whenever we want to although a Ringworld is kind of amazing as well actually quite a few of the other options are really really nice but I still think a Dyson Sphere is probably the option we should go with though it will cost a love influence so what's more important getting another city planet and there yes city planners had a rifle once or get a Dyson Sphere I think a Dyson Sphere let's put it here hables now hopefully we can do this straight away I can't remember how much influence this costs you know you can just teleport there right there we go okay mega-structure okay so it's 300 influence you have to wait a little while oh we could have the mega art installation or even more science but 300 of each science doesn't even look that impressive anymore so yeah I definitely think just more energy it ends with 850 energy that is a lot but the Ringworld is so cool as well oh I don't know which I want so I've decided we are going with the Ringworld and so it begins we're going to have a ring whirled around a pulsar yep that seems safe lovely the ring world is about to begin its proper construction and let's increase our admin cap even further we've just been sitting here slowly upgrading everything including and newer our ecology project over here as well and lots and lots of upgrades for all of our planets our science is doing it truly truly fantastically 10,000 alloy well I wish I just hadn't upgraded all of my ships because now I'm a bit poor on that but still as soon as we have enough I will begin construction this sleepers awake here is the mid-game event and it's of course one of the full Empires we've already destroyed since we destroyed both of them but they do get some new fleets but nowhere near enough to threaten us my looks of things oh they members got more where are you going then I wonder what they're going to be able to yeah you're still not particularly strong versus us and you really like us though for some reason okay still inferior fleet power though so don't really care too much have fun taking over the galaxy I'll be over here just ignoring you mostly and if you dare attack any of our allies I will crush you into the ground okay so doing a few more fleets over here but yeah it's nothing we need to be worried about in the slightest I'm actually more curious about what they're going to do this would have been far scarier 50 odd years ago but right now it just isn't so my Federation wishes to go to war with the Fallen Empire I'm going to wait until my troops all in position so the fleet is once again being mobilized this time to end the threat oh that's what was making the noise I wonder what annoys was then the cradle is now a city beautiful so a thought occurs to me right now our empire sprawl is much higher than our admin cap in fact it's twice as high this means our technology is costing plus one hundred and forty five percent and this is made worse by the fact we are corporate which means the penalty is plus 50% what would happen if we went from being a corporation to being democratic because we could do this so let's just have a quick thing straight away we would lose a lot of trade values that's a ridiculous amount we'd also lose all of our branches so we would probably lose in excess of a thousand energy probably more than a thousand energy but in return our science would flourish now we would have different options as well population growth from immigration extra unity extra happiness we could even increase our admin cap a little bit we could reduce housing usage which is amazing that's quite a few things we could do less consumer goods oh that would be lovely so less consumer goods bonus unity less housing need that's really really good but would it be worth it so 23 623 6 let's remember that I'm going to do it because we can always change again later in a few years let's see just how bad this is for us because why not say why not situation log revised Oh lots of lag things are changing goodbye to our branches research ok we're going to have to wait until the end of the month of everything else to update hopefully they will update in time yet we're down so in 2002 energy gained now but that was quite a good bit of science increase yeah technology is now only plus 99% there is quite a big difference we could get several extra repeatable x' by the time the end crisis is here if we stick with this and everyone still likes us yep same mountains before we're just throwing less money that's all racks are are you here to submit to our regulations now I'm afraid not I'm here to basically destroy everything you have left and then turn you into a vassal you know for the good of the galaxy and all that complete commencing new business venture lovely commencing new business venture well that's that's definitely one way of putting it voiceover the person well then let's get to work shall we go straight for that planet they also colonizing planets how do I deal with that then do i bombard it and that removes it I really don't know let's find out oh look at that Federation fleet oh yeah we simply remove it from existence sorry lads but you're not allowed that one how strong their proper planets are oh very weak lovely shouldn't be long than at all and it's gone lovely and so we continue our March if I chose to colonize this I have so many options now heading towards their capital scaling complete come on hurry up psychos do you work upscaling complete oh you're poor morale research actualized lovely and let's grab that let's get some xenomorphs in our legions now as soon as we take over this planet I will instantly turn it into a vassal so we can start giving it all the systems nearby Oh actually we're going to have to have two vassals one here which will be these three systems and then one here which will be all the others okay no problem can mom break his mind break his body just hurry up and win you know for the greater good of the galaxy in all that you know I could automate all this purchasing but I like doing it manually and I'm sure that gets on some people's nerves okay so how old do I turn you into a vassal it used to be down here but obviously it's changed quite a bit since yeah I have no idea how to vassal eyes this but I definitely don't want the planet we could just give us this well I could just give the system to a neighbor right still we still sell the system hello friend nope I can't interesting so how do I do this then okay I've found it so it's in the system section here the sector section so once we're at peace I can turn into vassal okay always fine upscaling complete you really should have just stayed asleep and so ends the enemy right planetary market secured do they really have another planet yet they have one more planet left okay all of you just teleport make it easier for us then that should be it so this is the last one they're very weak planet at that lovely hello and so ends the regulator's lovely now we are currently annoyingly at war with these fellows as well because that's just what my Federation wanted to do because they really don't like them oh we can't teleport out where we are well that's just dumb won't be too long then we just teleport out and just deal some damage here and force the victory oh how we can even have a federation on federation vice I looked away for one second and half of their fleet just vanished with our sciences we must seem as gods to you poor very good magicians or both and that was their entire Federation fleets melted we lost the single Corvette well that was unacceptable we're almost there lads this just melt everything here blues just go ahead and grab all of these so we can be at peace so I can turn all of these plans into vassals and versa lower my Empire sprawl and that should be that right there we are so you could have our first vassal welcome to the universe wherever you are on here where are you on here the Alliance they do have our tech at least okay now to do that of all of these and then we can go back to researching everything do you know I need more our ecology projects the first habitable section ring is done let's make the next oh yeah we can use this for food I forgot well that's what's going to be it's going to be a giant circle of delicious foods right Yeates it we have so many to choose from do any of you have rapid breed of only chance less on after there we are the same now does like a psychic psychic rapid breeders please there we are go our admin cap is now all the way up to 375 meaning we're only getting a plus 70% on our research cast and because of that we are just rocketing through these bits of research so so much extra damage even our normal fleets now are closing on 200,000 K fleet power and I'm currently upgrading our Federation fleet as well so it's going to be even more powerful this is we're so really different to my usual play style having all of these bonuses finally stacking up even though we don't have that many ships every single ship is going to be incredibly powerful and we are now growing these yay plus 10 per month that's that's pretty good for a colony we just have this up up and running nice and quickly giving us all the food we need we have so many people we have 3000 populations and look at how spread it is yeah that's just bizarre so our most populated is bi what's that well I've never seen that before so these fellows like our city worlds well that's interesting never seen that before our most populated is the synthetics to be fair I am making them on every single planet but still this has been such a weird playthrough the shroud has blessed me and gave me an additional 20% research speed behold our divine favor okay so the very first section is now an angry world the second section is under way and the third section is just about to be colonized the fourth section is being built so it's all going according to plan just incredibly slowly oh yeah thankfully them our science continues to speed up more and more and more we have so much bonus damage and armor and shields now it's actually a little bit insane the last section of the Ring world has just been finished and now it's about to be colonized very soon this will be producing all of the food we are ever going to need it's just going to take a little while as all so now we need to decide on the next mega structure what am i building next honestly I'm thinking just the Dyson Sphere I think that would be the most logical choice more energy equals purchasing more of everything else with no issues currently we are getting 3.8 K in terms of our monthly gain which is nice 3,800 is not exactly weak but to increase that by another thousand would be truly fantastic the science Nexus real isn't worth that we're still gaining science very quickly and well three hundred to each science is very little to be perfectly honest the interstellar assembly site would be interesting because well even more people liking us but yeah I think ultimately the Dyson Sphere is the best choice right oh I could build another ring wall I can please forgot about that you can build multiple Ringworld it's the only one which isn't unique but I believe isn't we'll find out in a second once we have enough alloys yep I could build a second ring world that would be interesting you know the ring world might be a better option even for energy because it can have 51 generator districts plus the tried value it would give us but that is more long-term because growing the population is difficult so I do do I build a new ring world or do I go with a Dyson Sphere just bulk energy versus energy and pretty much everything else over time I do love the Ring worlds I really really do could put it right here as well so the try devalues being collected I don't know I will decide soon as someone who never plays with Federation's this is just beautiful four hundred and forty nine thousand fleet power the combined forces of our Union the legion manifest now I know some people who play the game better than me which is a lot of people properly can get this number why higher but sadly the cap is 500 fleet power and it's just it's just wonderful especially since those three titans are all buffing this fleet they're healing faster they have better tracking and the enemy have a weaker sheet no I know it's tracking fire right healing that's what I've got with these three Titans I just love that so much okay you Barrett's at home hello there the precognition interface what is that is my question the precognition interface is this oh oh it replaces the I I okay we also have the side jump drives at some point I will eventually learn the only problem is the material needed for this these row is really expensive an optically easy to get or as dark matter far easier at least for us at the moment either way though give me that I want to see it I want to see how much better is than the regular AI okay so let's have a look so it is better and it's not it gives different types of things so for instance the combat computer will give you more of a vision if you all using pickett but this one will give you more tracking and more fire right when it comes to swarm you lose out on some evasion but you're faster they'll only really be good in a Corvette only spam okay let's see the others though so for artillery the difference is less fire right less range more tracking that's good against high evasion enemies okay so I think I'm just going to stick with the regular stuff honestly but still it's a nice option an ally has entered war what just happened 200 machine uprising some reason it didn't give me the pop-up though oh thanks game thanks for listening oh you dum-dums which means they had synthetics and they were mistreating them and now these synthetics have just well they've taken over multiple planets in fact most of their planets were looks of things well seriously every face you have left one two three four five either way though lots of planets have been taken over yeah this isn't gonna go well is it your people are being eaten well they're being turned into living batteries anyway half of me wants to just say well it's your own darn fault you don't mistreat synthetics they have full AI awareness they are essentially a sappy and creature why would you killed well not kill them but why would you not give them citizen rights but then at the same time they're not our ally in fact let's a quick look see how enemies robots robots robots there we are you kinda like us you're kinda like us although at the moment we are at war so they're being a bit mean how would you like to spend the rest of eternity in a box I guess I really should help currently my Federation fleets over here holding the line I'm only not invading this territory here because I simply don't want the systems and because it's end the threat if I take over anything it instantly becomes mine it's not a war goal that's really annoying more on the police so I guess let's just send in one of our personal fleets do the old teleporter Bob I said do the old teleport a barber thank you and just deal with their armies then we can leave the enemy well our ally to deal with the enemy you see I'm kind of treating my allies as enemies because it really is their own sodding fault we have synthetics we have hundreds of them in fact I think they're still our most yet our highest population our synthetics and that's one type of synthetic I have two types the other one is somewhere else there we are that's also I synthetic despite practical robot because that was its name also my fleets are looking good through science we have power through power everything greetings and welcome to the etheric cien legion with me laughs tricks now could you please get out of this area that'll be lovely yeah they're still suffering from the same problem as before the update so what is going on why they're so weak just by having so many fleet members is because they don't have the resources to do anything hence the - shields - everything else and really bad weapons but really good armor I have no idea why their ships like this either way they're very weak despite their numbers might be weird I'm gonna start grabbing this as well so anyway I decided I am going to go with a second ring world and this is going to be focus purely on energy because I think they'll be fun energy and trade value ah look at that just this scatter shot of plasma I love battleships if battleships were viable to just be on their own in a fleet that's all I would use well I guess they would be viable if you have enough tracking because otherwise they get countered by Corvettes another high evasion enemies let's just take all of these stations here and that should be enough really for our allies to fight back probably not actually and I'm looking at it well that's a shame so machine uprising I'll please don't say if I grab one of these systems I take it I don't want these systems and perfectly content with my current Empire sprawl and admin cap although my admin cap is now almost at my empire sprawl so soon we should actually take more planets and systems weird speaking maddening cap more please competitive station engaged imagine trying to get a while and looking behind you and then that and these are still weakened because I can't no no nevermind they can do jump I was about say they're weakened because I can't jump right now is actually can okay good looks like we're just giving it back to our allies just deal with everything you can say for a while now I'm really hoping when my invasion fleet goes ahead and invades this planet it doesn't give it to me but instead gives it to our allies I still feel kind of bad doing this though I don't think they deserve these planets back I think we need to get their populations out because otherwise that's just darn mean but yeah they kind of don't deserve the planets especially with all the synths on we're given the synths back to the people who are abusing the synths I know I know a certain let's just take you out please a certain fallout faction wouldn't be particularly happy with this but another one would a boring one but still that's wrong is the army here no non-existent good okay I've got this back under control let's take up that again upscaling complete and once I take over you what happens also only eight months then four for a repeatable that is glorious attempting to acquire planetary market and no we keep it I'll poop well at least we're going to be far kinder why would I purged the doll oh because they're machines my machine intelligence now they no longer since we do have some since some robots but oh dear well I was saying we need to increase our Empire size soon but this wasn't really what I had in mind we're essentially inviting our allies through the means of peace well with forcing peace and then taking everything for ourselves not the nicest I guess I could turn these worlds into rural worlds and extraction worlds give them some purpose it would make my life a lot easier so sure extraction and rural okay so it seems like this whole area will mostly be mine very very soon so I'm going to do is take these two systems here so that we can make a trade routes I'll add a bastion to protect this so very minimum there'll be a lot more energy very soon once or sell correctly can you please do the whole status quo things soon okay so it seems like when we take a system and more of the colonies are on the other Allies side than our side then we give back the system to them it's happened twice now that's fantastic and so we are taking back a large chunk of space from the euro box even though I am still honestly favoring the robots over our old allies if I could make the man new allies I probably would no offense to the cat people some offense to the cat people mild events to the cat people I've also now got more than the food so I'm starting to build some energy districts on these habitable sections they are going to produce lots and lots of power for us which will be glorious but look at this the rainbow of all the different types of people we have it's just a little bit insane how are you meant to keep track of this yes that's the whole point we are egalitarian and fanatic Zena file we don't care so why keep track scaling from food ok you just stay there you get them then go back to taking all of this once you've taken all of that hopefully we can maybe status quo soon I really wish I had control over this ok we take this system we take this system we take the planets over here which include multiple habitats then we're done I believe that's the robot uprising completely quelled and once again I don't feel good about this not in the slightest no bursts I know an end game crisis is coming soon so declaring war on my allies or at least distancing myself from them and thus losing my Federation fleet is not worthy for the good of the many in all that I suppose upscale incomplete I think of all the weapons which I see used constantly these are by far my favorite just because of the impact they have they're so slow firing but when they hit you can almost feel the pain of the ship they hit that lovely blue lies as well admittedly I do pick weapons far too often based on oh look it's shiny rather than oh look it's efficient but I'm ok with that honestly hopefully soon we can stop using the farming bonus we are close well very close also of course the weapon I'm actually talking about are these the neutron launchers loads of armored damage loads of hole damage well there we go we have saved our allies at the cost of the rebellion and we've took some of our allies power and even saved some of the sins but still once again I'm not happy about this within 9 years the endgame crisis can spawn honestly I'm feeling very confident we have a Y over 1 million flee power and that's increasing rapidly not only is our science doing even better now but we are also making loads upon loads of alloys we're making loads of energy and thus we can just continuously pump out this police our only problem is our naval capacity I do need to increase that fairly soon which may be a bit more of an issue definitely need to focus on tech which allows us to have more star bases because at the moment the cost of star bases is preventing me from building more at least realistically building more sustainably for a better future so the last maybe two minutes of this chest mother encased why would you dive your planets this full Empire don't you know I'm going to be ok to you there we're getting very close now to the end oh I think next time next time I flip through regardless I fly I will be making the endgame crisis earlier I'm significantly earlier probably at least 50 years or maybe a bit less maybe a bit more I don't really know tell me your opinions below but clearly this is just kind of waiting around now for the end and it's a good chance we're just going to utterly destroy them but we are going to wait because that is the game we set out to do the only other thing I would like to say is I'll probably be waiting for a few more patches as well since the eye eye is still being a little bit on the derpy side to say the least some ships for some reason have really low low levels of tech but then other times they send out ships with proper tech it's really weird I'm just lysing around you know turning planets into cities and waiting for the end of times but till then behold the power of research in capitalism and I actually don't need to do anything else with this planets and also look at a rainbow of populations this playthrough is just gone so bloody weird now going to build a Dyson Sphere because the second ring world is now complete we're about to colonize it and then yet we have to ring world's next to each other complete and soon to be fully colonized just waiting around now I know there's a way to activate an endgame crisis using the in-game commands the console commands but I just don't want to do that because as I've said in previous videos I don't like the idea of me learning too many console commands because then it's always a temptation for the future I'm staying innocent and pure yeah this is getting to a very stupid level now and the game is starting to lag horribly well it's in anything above just normal speed come on in game crisis please okay I can plea aside but just to show how little attention I've been packing for the last maybe 20 minutes I turned my microphone off when I went to get some food forgot to turn it back on and I've just been waffling on about several different subjects literally to myself and those little nuggets of wisdom now I just gone forever a Lipsyte the dice foods coming along nicely and we are becoming as gods when it comes to our bonuses you know our ships are going to be just impossible to beat so I'm asking myself two questions on should I just spawn in an endgame crisis and - should I just call the episode because we're going to win now clearly next time we need the endgame crisis why earlier far earlier and we need to leave a bit more time for the i-ight it's still been really fun I've had loads of fun with this but the end is getting a little bit boring now for me to be perfectly honest an event I swear it's an event the galactic power surge I can't remember what this one is which one is the power surge is this the contingency or is this the what's it called them fellers which are all blue and go Steve you know the ones oh I hear background noises interesting the unbidden well then by the way looking forward to it ok so annoyingly I've just had to screw up some footage because of my computer ran out of memory I continued to record and the footage got really really messed up anyway it is indeed the unbidden so right now my fleets were just upgrading we are still using the regular fleet so we're not minam accessing against them honestly I can't even remember how you fight the unbidden if I'm correct and I think I might be wrong the unbidden have high shields little to no armor and moderate hull something like that so either by passing the shield completely or destroying the shield outright is the best way to go about things we've got quite a lot of anti shield stuff so it shouldn't be too bad honestly and so the units move the Dyson Sphere has its panels installed lovely may as well continue whilst we go ok so right now the game is really really struggling to play I've had audio issues both with the recording and the actual game itself and now there is another robotic uprising over here and that's causing even more issues to occur when it's paused it's fine but otherwise it's really bad so if there are sections of the video from now on which don't have audio or at least don't have my voice that's the reason because it's difficult to also capture my voice I am trying everything I can to lower the CPU usage but I'm really struggling the game really really struggles this light on especially certain events and they're all kind of happening at once and I don't know what to do this is only really an issue if you're recording the game which oddly enough I am so the graphics have been lowered and hopefully that'll make some difference I was a change in a lot of settings with how I've been recording I want to be able to see the end fights is that so wrong the unbidden are finally within range and this is what they are so they are good versus armor and whole terrible versus shields and they themselves have loads of shields and only a little bit of Hull with no armor at all so things like disruptors and missiles are really what we should have brought but I didn't think I should have specialized my craft anyway let's get you in range and at the moment you are currently on the cooldown for your jump so I don't need to fight just yet just relax there for the time being research actualized so that first fight went incredibly well we only lost we'll actually lost quite a few things cruisers Corvettes destroyers and more destroyers not too bad considering the size of our fleet there so I really should be focusing on destroying the forces but honestly I think we should just go as fast as possible and take out the construction vessels and take out these this will make them a lot weaker a lot faster yeah so they're destroy the main fleet attack the construction vessel okay just waiting here right now but the looks of things the construction vessel might actually be heading towards us which is fantastic because without those they can't make these the anchors which is what's keeping the portal open I also don't want to fight this fleet with any of the fleet's so if these come to us we can just destroy them very quickly since I'll be in range of our Corvettes which do have anti shield weapons and then we'll jump in here and take out this and the main fleet then go hunting for the construction vessels well that was a fight and we did lose quite a lot though sadly so they only have two constructors left one here one here honestly we need to focus on those above all else this will be a nasty fight as well but if it means the Constructors dead then well it's definitely a victory so right now we have an issue where all the enemies are seemingly turtling and honestly I don't think we can break this number with what we have so we need reinforcements the upside is that we are rich with alloys and from now on I am making ships which are specially tailored to killing the unbidden which means we have missiles and we have disruptors essentially everything we can to just ignore their shields focusing on their hull is the main priority on top of this I focused heavily on shields rather than armor since their weapons are weak versus shields with great versus armor still though we need to do something about this there's also new construction vessels it's quite a lot we need to deal with so I guess I'll just stay here keep on killing the construction vessels try to keep them all bottled up okay here's that chance then so it seems like they terpil for a while once there's no forces then they spread out and have their orders you two going there you are going there where our forces are you're going off over there only one construction vessel though and it seems to be yet heading towards us so here so we can kill that construction vessel kill that small fleet then rush in here and just try to nuke down that portal as soon as possible although we are making a huge fleet back at base that's gonna be here in maybe 10 plus years and we are victorious and with that I claim a victory of this playthrough though it's actually a little bit harder than I expected me at the end though to be fair we weren't specialised against them and we were a little bit too aggressive still dimensional portal destroyed the galaxy's a safer place the unbidden have been removed fantastic so with that although it's a bit of a sharp end there I am all out of time for today's video this has by far been the longest stellaris playthrough in terms of sheer recording the last one was very difficult this one took even longer maybe so still learning so many things and well hopefully this video might be out on Monday Tuesday I don't really know it's been very very interesting and I've certainly learned a lot throughout all of this and it was a weird play through as well if so many choices I've never picked before and we even went from being a corporation to being a democracy hopefully you've all enjoyed it as well I certainly have it's been really really interesting playing the tall ply style especially near the end where although we didn't have anywhere near as many ships as in the last playthrough they were just of such a high quality the force counts certainly made up for it so thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future please tell me what type of empire you wish to see me play next and I think I'm going to wait a while for a few patches and when I do come back I will definitely make the endgame crisis far earlier I'm still thinking around about 50 years so feedback for that as well would be very very welcomed thank you so much for watching and from the friendly lonely j'en have a profitable venture [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 332,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Olx_lTga1Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 17sec (9257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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