r/Woooosh | that's the point...

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if someone calls you gay just drink a milk bucket it removes all effects well hate to break it to you it has no effect on real life yeah hey dummy that's the joke better luck next time hello you saucy spatulas welcome back to mk my name's jack an overly enthusiastic and generic voice from the internet whose spirit animal is the jackalope because screw you puns are cool and today you will see me to dip your food into a bit of our slash whoosh so yeah okay sure let's do it africa literally next to water hey we have nothing to drink it's funny and all but if you drink water from the sea you just get more thirsty because it's salt water okay it did go over the head but they are still scientifically correct uh can't they build filtration machines shaking my head they are africans lamal they can't do much at all there is way too much corruption and lack of investment for that to ever happen is this slash woosh or slash racism where are we dipping our toes into today exactly just gonna subtly mention about akon the music artist who's provided electricity and solar power to like 28.8 million people in africa so far no but you can't do that in africa no they're they're too they're too corrupt dumb so sad watching people eat alone alexa play despacito bruh he is not alone they're just wearing camouflage what you'd see if you fell into a black hole i would like to thank the cameraman for filming this okay this is too underrated that's animation okay that's also too underrated mr beast in 2069 destroying an eiffel tower in surprise france with a taller one beast will get arrested for that though i reckon you are very great at parties sometimes the smallest thing can screw you you don't get to read the rest this guy looks pretty fit i bet he would be fast if he took up running oh right this is a video about usain bolt maybe ah too skinny i reckon he's not faster than me he's using bald he's literally fastest runner you're so dumb and you don't represent your country must be one hell of an evolved four-year-old my four-year-old just said daddy why do people make up things that their children have said for social media isn't it just inherently dishonest and indicative of an inability to construct a compelling narrative themselves oh got us in the first app not gonna lie use your freaking brain up eagle just finishing lunch oh i hope that wasn't its own unlike most birds that deliver their young via eggs bald eagles deliver their babies through regurgitation oh why did i have cultural plots googled it to make sure like i said bs i feel like a lot of the people who make these kind of comments are just sherlock fanatics they just they they're too dumb to actually solve things so they resort to sarcastic jokes on the internet respect the cameraman for going all the way back to world war ii and filming the music video the clips were either were from 1943 or they recreated it no that's too boring and dumb i agree with time travel that's much more fun electricity was invented in 1752. people before 1752 it's all fun and games until you have to go over a speed bump and then collect all the glass that's been shredded into your tires actually cars weren't invented yet in 1752 so you're wrong guys guys it's a pray mantis are you blind it's a dog dummy go back to first grade nah this is an elephant there's a [ __ ] christian are you people shooting no i'm more of a severus thank you seriously what are they celebrating historical inaccuracies in an old cartoon show why would i never prehistoric christmas it's a cartoon overeducated much wait over-educated yeah you suck because you're smart and you you take a lot of effort to learn things it really says something about a person when they think that is an insult 213 wow i can't believe they put a whole disco ball in the sky just to record that video waiting for someone to get whoosh they didn't actually do that it's cgi oh there's one get the net can't believe they made a whole as city after this game wow even recreated the generic face game models like is it just me or does every playable character on gta online look like just a brick of a face just lacking any detail of personality wasn't the city built first no so los angeles was built after grand theft auto 5 was made yes in fact rockstar is suing california for copyright infringement they may have to close los angeles if rockstar wins when you win a match at 3am and you hear your parents clapping from their room they love me no look you know you're happy when even your shirt is smiling no they're having sex and you're hearing clap from something else oh no way really oh really if a woman's belly were glass there would be no more abortions because everyone would be able to see the miracle inside yes a true beauty on the inside the baby seeming to come out of the butt and oh look that's some anatomy now clearly then that should make it obvious that it's a joke here requires you to look beyond the text but okay sure let's make a pro choice argument about it everyone will take your argument seriously with this image wanna hear a joke about construction subscribe to mk wait i'm still working on it okay oh buddy just unmatched just unmatch do not waste your genius upon this person yo you're still down for lunch at one dude i'm deaf remember oh right 50 fist devil subscribe to mk high five look up look down look up again yup see you then uh he said he's death not in texting you don't need hand sings and sings peace devil horns subscribe to mk bro high five look up look down look up ah yup see you then uber facts in 1704 sir isaac newton predicted the world would end in 2016. if he's so smart then why is he dead i mean death is i never table your dog is acting strange and after 217 replies that are most likely following in part of the sarcasm so anyone should pick up that it is sarcasm and that's a rabbit guys prison isn't that bad they have free wi-fi um you see dream in prison you aren't allowed technology sorry again thank you ah thank you generic commenter for just you clarified this all for us we were just so lost without your input why is everyone saying happy new year 2021 i think people are going crazy from this ebola virus the ebola outbreak was in 2014. buddy bro come on internet explorer parody it is literally their name then explain this oh my god what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that man what the [ __ ] is that putting your pickaxes on the ground in this pattern doesn't prove anything wow that is really looking at it from outside the box i did not perceive that that's a railroad i'd hate being reminded that i breathe the same oxygen as these people fun fact jfk was just john kennedy before he died the f was added to pay respects um john fits gerald kennedy there you go no you can actually have it back we don't want it we prefer this this is better history comment on watching amy schumer until i laugh the f in amy schumer stands for funny but there's no f want to know just how big texas really is oh we're so big we're bigger than texas itself and jesus christ the entire world too oh something tells me oh maybe this is this is possibly fake this is so wholesome paco gutierrez aged 9 always wanted a nintendo console however due to being extremely poor living in venezuela it was just a distant dream using his creativity and with their help from his uncle he made a cardboard super mario game posted it on youtube and the video went viral thanks to the video nintendo ceo doug bowser personally traveled to venezuela to give paco a cease and desist order and sue his family for 200 million dollars wait what it's fake i will only ask once who is feet and why does he have so many collaboration videos um feet means featuring oh really i always thought a lot of collaborative artists just had foot fetishes no i thought it actually means speech shut up if gravity exists then why does the u.s flag look like this and not like this hm check mate scientists because it's a flag ooh put me in the air picture please hi mom i would literally die if a boy did this to me oh my gosh you would well yeah it's a flamethrower oh really oh my god oh also the effing earth stands for flat there is no f oh first amy schumer now earth why do people keep saying there's f's where there aren't there's like a conspiracy going on tired of boiling water every time you make pasta boil a few gallons at the beginning of the week and freeze it for later oh my gosh stupid what the frick is lgbtq plus you all have gay premium i like that that's that's good that's clever i've asked so many people what lgbtq stands for so far no one has given me a straight answer oh you've gotta be freaking kidding right it stands for lgbt or glbt it is an initialized zoom shut up i didn't butcher the word that stands for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender or queer you obviously have a smartphone freaking look it up i just did i don't know man maybe something with my smartphone because i tried to google gullible the other day and nothing was coming up like it just kept crashing for me a wise arabic poet once said i'll i'll leave it up to you to read what that says i speak arabic and that's just gibberish oh you're cute then clutch van stop go then reverse that break oh guys then go oven go this is why no one invites you to things dave harry potter survives voldemort two times and all three unforgivable curses cast on him and still wears a mask if he does it you should too well i mean harry potter is not daniel radcliffe i love harry potter both books and your movies but i know that the actor is not the character maybe it's me sorry i just felt my brain smoothing the more i read that hey they say ps5 is coming out in four months um it's already out oh really me at the zoo that would somehow make me millions upon millions of dollars in like five years time 135 million humans interesting cause that's the first bed they know 135 million people no air was discovered in 1774 chip bags in 1773. full of what what the heck is that stuff where's the air but chips were invented in 1953 dude he looks like a guy who would randomly run around in the streets in a pink costume yeah i don't know why man oh he actually did yeah we know it's called a joke that's why you have less than 500 likes compared to us peasant when you're high as frick and realize this statue of mona lisa looks just like keith urban ah the similarities are genuinely uncomfortable to look at that's not even keith urban kill it kill it someone kill it please kill it get a true if the earth is a rotating globe why can't the helicopters just float in the air and wait for the location to come to it yeah explain that scientists because that would take too long and you have to be in space not the sky dump frick okay look in a world where flat earthers are rampant i can understand this person would take this question genuinely like there are people out there who genuinely think this is like a logical thing to do if you ever ask to speak to the manager and this girl walks out just say thank you and leave no he is there to do his job and that is to hear what i have to say he might not like it but it is his job now i've never watched breaking bad but i know enough to know that uh martial law get it because i don't i genuinely don't that's a policeman he's normal civil law what does that have to do with martial law look i'm going to be on the comment side purely just so i understand the joke not because i actually believe they're thinking 77 of people being very bad at math us in the other 33 percent we are so much smarter because we know our fractions and percentages which is the joke let's just clarify that's that's the joke i guess that's 110 what 33 do you mean 23 23 percent 77 plus 33 is 120 you mean 23 oh my gosh all these comments are from the same person they were coming back to this comment five hours later they're just on a crusade to fix this issue before acting in episode four a new hope carrie fisher had never seen a single star wars movie wow you realize there were no star wars movies before episode 4 at that time no you lied no what i finally got another right see look it's there ignore this ignore that ignore that bit dude it is just dyed leather armor you named it netherride using an anvil it's almost as if huh it was a joke scientists trying to invent something that can handle high temperatures so they can land on the sun me who knows that we can land on it in the night jack makes scientists literally this time actually um you can't land on sun even at night wow this is incredible one day ariana grande walked out of a store with a box of cookies outside the store she saw a poor kid selling newspapers she gave him her box of cookies and said eat the cookie's child one day you will grow up to be someone very important that kid grew up to be barack obama the freak is that possible when a bummer is way older than ariana grande the mematic watermark when i crop it out come on man is it so hard to use paint no but you would get paint on your screen i mean the freaking pc program you're so dumb [Music] are you dumb yeah sure i am i'll slash real-life shinies one of my mountain dew bottles isn't dyed okay honestly i actually find the non-dyed bottle looking far more refreshing to drink than the other ones do prefer that they be chilled though i don't like that they always come out warm no that one is pee they're all basically pee no they're not mountain jew is a soft drink not literal urine are you people really this brainwashed yeah i wouldn't recommend anyone drink it because it contains bbo and some of you might still want to get children but saying it's urine is simply false and you counting yourself no i can confirm i work at mountain dew i pee in the bottles well there it is scientific fact done who the frick is felix could be a little guy a pewdiepie should have won most handsome in 2020 um they are the same person uh no pewdiepie is a virtual v tuber character he's not a real life person he's so dumb the last three presidents that's very well done why did america elect cartons of milk and juice because the third word in your sentence uh it's an analogy supposed to be representative and is not to be taken literally it's like they only had the brain capacity to adhere that logic towards one thing at a time new ncaa rule forces athletes to remove all facial features to prevent them from profiting off likeness this is photoshop no way this is real no it is real and they're coming for your occupation next here's my photo of jupiter and saturn tonight the closest they've been in 800 years that's tatooine from star wars no technically that is still earth pretty certain they didn't film the star wars movies on tatooine so technically they are still correct just maybe maybe not the planets exactly but we can dream damn it uh slash one job a subreddit where people have one job not to screw something up and they do but oh one user mr schrecker just didn't notice the context man they have to say breaks that that sounds good ah that does sound like a real bad job let's see the ad huh to seti breaks facade any way you scramble it oh shrek shrek buddy you had one job post a meme relevant to the subreddit you had one job a shark could swim faster than me but i could probably run faster than a shark so in a triathlon it would all come down to who was the better cyclist are we talking about an african shark or a european one how can there be an african shark if they got no water hahaha funny meme very clever well done let me send it to my friend what do they say they have water it's called the nile i am no longer sharing memes with you i'm on a diet i used to eat six slices of pizza now i eat three health this isn't going to work because you are still eating the same amount of pizza you're wrong clear math less slices equals less pizza you fool the snake bites me so i have five minutes to live so i allow the snake to bite me again so that i will get an extra five minutes snake damn you're smart oh good joke very clever i hate that we allow comments on jokes i was thinking about this and i just don't think it's possible if you get bit by the snake twice shouldn't that be double the amount of poison cutting your five minutes in half instead of getting an extra five ministers sorry just some of my thoughts ah come on i went to the comments to do that myself a very nice co-worker gave me this for christmas ah but what is it a sofa a fridge i may never know it's a plus it's a leaf everyone knows that abhilal no no one tell them leave them they do not deserve to follow our great journey am i the first human to be colorblind and solve a 4x4 rubik's cube look for reference oh you did it you did it buddy i believe in you but you didn't solve it don't vip down votes now you'll be down vented white people asians all look the same also white people and perfectly emperor of spain emperor of turkey hey where's the money they're all the same statues not possible the sun's older than the earth by about 30 million years it's a joke and you've been washed go away from the internet 42 000 piece jigsaw puzzle time lapse it's so impressive how he did it in only two minutes and 34 seconds oh you realize this was a time lapse why is everyone saying our slash whoosh a good meme getting on hot a typo um um you spelled it wrong see this is why your meme isn't good because you spelled you got a typo in it i like gold but a is silent i think we need a reference image of the elemental symbol of gold for this thank you but there is no a in gold ah oh you like yurum what urum when you remove a from aurum no we're only talking about elemental symbol when you remove a from gold you then you i like you you like uranium man girls are so hard to understand just read an article about how vaccines contain a brain altering chemical called dehydrogen monoxide it has been scientifically proven that all children with autism have at some point consumed this chemical i am now hashtag antivax oh i love it because it sounds so legitimate but sadly it makes people then think it's legitimate too you stupid black see hydrogen monoxide is scientifically written as h2o it's literally freaking water people like you are the reason we need to put up signs saying you could drain in the pool if you don't know how to swim we could say the same when it comes to reading internet memes stop vegans before it's too late how was this vegan's fault they don't eat [ __ ] trees dummy not yet got sad news today after seven years of medical training my good friend has been struck off after one minor indiscretion he slept with one of his patients and now can no longer work in the job he loves what a waste of time training and money a genuinely nice guy and a brilliant vet sleeping with a patient is not a minor indiscretion glad he's gone after taking advantage of a vulnerable person me saying with 25 years working in the medical field okay look their hearts there all right we got to give them that will you press the button you will win 37 thousand dollars but the worst mathematician in the world will win 73 000 hey me winning one million dollars for those who are wondering why it says one million instead of 100k it's because they're bad at math you think of this fellow being woosh because he feels like he's having to explain the joke but actually you too 37.73 is actually 110 you're dumb as well bill gates invented windows so you can look out the window ah windows is an operating system not an actual window ideal well it's that time in the video where you send us all your farts and we have a look at those farts and praise you for your amazing farts so oh sorry fernand fan art fan art today's work is my crazy bro joe with some lovely fart fan art they created we've got a blue fella today who's in a lovely substance that i do not want to get on me don't know why i really like that color blue i don't know why it's it's really confusing me thanks for the beautiful work bro joe i love seeing all your fan art it's nice it's just nice to see people express their creativity through our platform of course if you'd like to display your creative pursuits you can do so in the mk subreddit that's where we grab these to put them in the next videos but hey speaking of next videos it is time for us to say farewell until the next one if you are this far you should like the video to show your love and support because do it thank you i'm very persuasive and hey subscribe if you haven't already join the family if you loved me you'll love robin and lexi who also chat on the channel and if you hate me you'll love robert and lexi who also chat on the channel but with that said my name has been jack you've been a lovely person to talk to today and i will scream and shout at you in the next one bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,240,843
Rating: 4.9574928 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/woooosh, r/woosh, r/wooosh, woooosh, r/woooosh best posts, r/woooosh top posts, r/woosh best posts, r/woosh top posts, r/wooosh best posts, r/wooosh top posts, r/facepalm, facepalm, reddit fail, r/therewasanattempt, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, r/woooosh emkay, r/wooosh emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: hakynFnOVzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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