r/Boneappletea | taste tea dinner!!

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free in great shape just can't use it in my home it's only been saddened by my roommate a couple of times oh oh couchy what do they say to you [Music] g'day guy welcome back to mk my jack's name and today we're looking at a new subreddit called burn apple tea now i have no idea what this subreddit is about but i'm purposely going to go in blind and see if i can figure out what the theme is along the way so wish me luck by liking this video onward i don't know why people are scared of chupacabras they seem so nice yeah look at these guys no seriously this is impressive they're like the avatar of the animal kingdom look at them bringing all the nations together a chupacabra is a mythical creature that drains goats of blood in mexico that is a capybara oh oh okay jaws canadian edition wait that's not the right word wait unless that's the point oh no is that the point i want a gamer girlfriend like yes bae tell me all about league of legends oh god it's all about people misspelling things isn't it oh god oh no i don't want to deal with this i have been wanting to make my own gas for a while now if you need a gas recipe please please oh no what you're gonna need to do first is eat a lot of taco bell when you hug a guy and you smell his colon when you can still smell his colon on your pillows [Music] i love when i can smell a guy's colon as he walks after you hug a boy and you smell like his colon jesus that is a thai dog i smell like his colon now oh everything i'm just visualizing it every time and it's always horrible hot dog sausage hamburger veggie dog online ring cheeseburger veggie burger chicken burger chicken finger why are the words spreading out so far what is going on is this like are the words going through a divorce just after that one misspelling they're all like oh no i'm out of here please the hippocriticism in sweden has no bottom this is only to score some points it is quite true the amount of critical hippos in sweden is just out of control if you could have a phd level knowledge of any one subject what would you choose what a great question math because i think the whole world is a mathematical equation i also suck at math lol sorry for the inconvenience equipment malfunction match to be fair if that speaker had a mouth function i wouldn't find that an inconvenience i'd find that a nightmare okay but seriously wouldn't that be a weird idea if they used ar emojis on the speakers like you were just talking to some ar emoji cow at like mcdonald's or something ordering a burger this video is thick and disgusting coincidentally they're watching a lecture about illnesses so like you know technically the truth douche tuber distract on brother morgz distract on mom pewds distract on component filthy frank distract on everyone daily 504 distract on violin a diss track so many chances to spell it right did you learn how yummy i'm trying to find free hula lessons don't come back until you know how to shake that booty you're going to a luau lu i'll oh my gosh luau mama thanks for the laugh that's great if this one didn't make sense to you well then you lose you go on to the next one okay you don't cheat don't google it right now stop trying to find out what the joke means accept your defeat help lost cocktail he god he just flew out about an hour ago you mean cockatiel oh yes sorry why don't you call out for its name oh good idea sex on the beach sex on the beach where are you i want to start reading but i need a good book my tension span is very very short oh i'm gonna go insane with these things what is tattoo diabetes my aunt just told me she has tattoo diabetes and google doesn't find anything type two oh bless your heart sorry but somebody holding not even a gun but an automatic weapon i would feel that as a threat right from the gecko why would you even think that is oh it doesn't even make sense why do you think that would make sense to say as a saying real people don't wear a mask for safety to protect their health and to protect you from getting sick mass bring your moon system down hurt your lungs possibly spread the virus more every time you touch your hand to your face take a uv ray light and check it out do you not know what a full stop is jeez innocent i'm not homophobic nope my phobias intense yeah yeah you get it please find me funny uncle injury you tell no one nephew radio alarm saw wait so like is it is it an alarm that uses a saw and the radio i or or is it a radio arm saw i i i don't know this stuff so how many servers here have had carpal tunnel syndrome and how many have had the surgery and who believes serving has helped it happen couple couple sounds way better i agree uh just selling a rocking woohoo a good afternoon is your rocking yay still available it is if you like you can come over and just have a sit on the whoa yeah just to see if it works for you or not work in prop no trust passing private property how okay hang on there's like three words there that are more complicated to spell than tress and no i am putting in way too much mental thought into this i understand teacher needs their jobs too but the kids are at wrist as well then they are innocent sad world main at risk of in what like as in up to their wrist up to the wrist in water in in sand in debt oh no that's just me i try to be a nice person sometimes my mouth doesn't corporate oh sorry mr teenager sir who doesn't know how to spell properly yet in their freaking teens let me just give you some space guinness got ejaculated or you're going to regret that am i now yeah you are whatever by the end of that game only three players on the opposing team could still walk if you smoke mary nara feel free to unfriend me i only smoke mozzarella tripping my balls on some ranch right now does anyone know if sandy beach is reopened i think they still have equal eye what's equal like oh i just figured it out e coli no no it's just that everyone who works there is equally deceitful the last thing you ate is what you have to name him yeah cow zone okay not gonna lie there's actually kind of a cute name come here calzone come here buddy furniture 29 ascent up at that in the lower level of merchants maine in smells just like my man's colon you can test positive but have no symptoms and if you're a systematic you're not contagious yes you deserve that laughing reaction we're all just human beings in the end indeed however not as tasty ignorance added finesse this is the height of irony drive through out off service sorry for any incontinence come inside please you can tell it was purposely demanding but then they decided they should be a bit nicer and added please at the end just a last minute decision shut the frick up you sound restarted this is terrifying and that is her refereeing check out this million voting experiment by a local news station so trump the question is what happens if you win the electrician by mail in votes good i knew it it's the electricians in the country they're the ones with all the power literally oh i unintentionally made a pun forget me i love your videos it expires me to make a youtube channel so like when you're dead preservative free gluten free msg msg3 sugar-free finally something for my sin-free diet i wake up to a beautiful orc astra orc astra i didn't know how to spell it all right oh castra jeez you could you could just google it state your age and something you can't do i'm 47 and can't snap my fingers i'm 26 and can't open my eyes underwater i'm 34 and can't parallel park 26 and can't do a cartwheel the secret is knowing how to spell it first we came for the whole kitten caboodle wait what is this meant to say kitten caboodle kitten caboodle i kitten what is kitten caboodle kitten kabuk i genuinely don't know what this one is oh no now i'm just as bad as everyone who didn't understand the luau one i'm no longer better than some of you oh the emperassment where does one find these logo blocks for kids logo or lego they're called logo walmarts but i am suspicious death by what now brain anal rhythm it's brain aneurysm how do you get an angel rhythm if you turn a blind eye to racism then you are an accomplished in it agree or disagree dang dude i didn't realize so many blind people were successfully causing racism well time to beat up some blind people for being racist i want someone who be honest with me and not sugarcoating anything i guess you could say they don't have much of a sweet tooth i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry please i'm sorry it's bad one star read before buying it's nothing like gta it's the worst game in the whole entire world delete this game now see there's your problem you got it from a hole the kicker is you don't know you're sick at all or too late with the number of asymmetric people around i just assume everyone is sick and therefore everyone should wear a mask i mean are they wrong there are quite a few asymmetric people out there no like i'm being deceased booty when something happens i know what's gonna happen next sidekick and it does it's so weird you actually think the word is sidekick yes psychic that's what it is yeah my whole life has been a lie doesn't get anything from video games then plays an ad for his own game he made such a hippocrypt oh no it's the swedish hippos they're coming and spreading all over europe now pink glitzmas gently used soccer it's in good shape i no longer use it as they are too tight on me no sleep paralysis is serious dude people have been dramatized by that hi god it's me again listen i know i never pray to you ever but i just read a meme and i'd i'd really like it and appreciate it if you could make you maybe make dramatized an actual medical condition people go through that'll be really funny thanks oh yeah there's some virus thing going around that's being a bit annoying can you stop that too yeah that's not the major issue though just the dramatized thing if you could fix that first up up in a way we're not sure it's going to go completely up it's going to go in a way of that direction iphone genuine headphones gold with diamond in grave as in you'll be drop dead gorgeous when you wear these i can believe i almost died today my life flashed before my eyes and i had a total utter body experience don't drive in floods well there you go fairies if you ever want to finally become the otter you've always dreamed of being driving a flood i think you're confused nah i was being sad cat sick come and try our traditional polish cousin what what hang on paul polish cousin ah that's another one i can't interpret polishing polish cause sin polish polish croissants i do i see mom told me i'm more likely to die from 5g than covert yesterday the phone thing yep cool how's that exposed to happen your guess is as good as mine she didn't explain that nope why would she it probably doesn't make sense in her own mind either love you poop love you too make sure to stay away from the 5g towers you don't want to be poisoned i will try this my quart i was trying to write quarter but i ran out of paint does anyone have any hand-me-downs okay but seriously i could easily see this becoming some sort of aussie slang so i don't put this one too much in burnt apple tea mumbo starts preferring terraforming brian started saying it's surprisingly simple after doing redstone what has season seven done to them so grind finally understood how to use redstone properly and mumbo is just screaming at grass what the frick is an x x or x y chromosome the only letters i have in my body are s w a and g god no oh my head it hurts it hurts because it's so dumb shut the frick up i don't like you get over your egotistical self don't you bring my genitalia into this they are sensitive and have feelings shelby county school students will be learning from home when classes resume in august i think it's for the best we don't need to play rushing roulette with our kids lives quick real quick come on it's your turn it's your turn load the gun come on hurry up i get misgendered even though i'm a cyst female if you got a cyst you may need to get that checked out did i spell it wrong uh a little a little completely different context by using that word do you know how expansive glasses are if you put them under the right temperature and blow into them they can get big need a babysitter for your baby on working days my lap is genetically designed to be the perfect seat for your baby another reason why i am staying i'm in love with south african cousin i'm hoping that's referring to a food and not a relative bunny backflips with ease me attempts at some assault breaks neck what's the somersault man come on like i feel you it's like a constellation prize constellation i listen i'm trying what the frick is it then consolation looking for someone who would like to come give a free estimate on doing an assault driveway just planning on clapping fists but i'd like to see a quote for a box cutter as well armor the flash of the camera light makes this photo look weirdly epic i don't know why coming this summer a single piece of furniture in are more other countries that don't test as much as the united states also don't diagnose the deaths that they have as kirby deaths for those of you that can't put two into together zero ads nobody wonders why influenza deaths drop to zero in march pay attention people yeah yeah pay attention yeah we'll just have to find out if she is available on weekends yeah dearly beloved we are gathered here today to find out who the freak asked you can use this for all intensive purposes yeah also it's intense and purposes not intensive purposes what yes i've burned apple teed myself i must commit sepuku him a better father in the long run what would it mean ask yourself when you write that what would that mean said said you will feel the wrath of god for this it's an abomination god loves the people but hates the sin yeah be careful that ralph man i mean you go down the river rapids that thing just pops like a balloon it's it's got no stability it's a nightmare to be on wait is that a swat sticker i didn't know hitler was a nazi swat sticker oh no that is that is not that love these gains imitation is the highest form of lottery a zios form of flattery this isn't funny please delete this you're encouraging angry and aggressive millennials to steal items you're creating violins oh the violins are rampant they just won't let me go to sleep just wait until this person finds out about orchestras where is the word orangey i've come just because of that i'm going to assume the term you're hearing is rng not orangey random number generator no my friends are asking me about an rng they want me to join this weekend i just i don't understand this role play stuff i know my snapchat has been hacked so if anyone who has me on snap please report it for hacking i'd be so grateful oh they were going so well into the last word this show was underrated mock my words imma be here one day well i mean technically we're doing what they've asked temporarily closed you know what's the worst part though is technically in a way this definition still makes sense ah well well done to you you've made it to the fan art segment of the video today's work is by steampunkets and there's some lego fan art by a 10 year old let me give this a looky see and oh that is actually wow that that's really well done i didn't realize you could get logo pieces like that the curvature i okay look it's been a long time since i played with lego okay don't be at me thank you steampunkets specifically the 10 year olds who did this i assume it wasn't steampunk heads but someone else i don't know who i'm referring to you all did amazing i love you all i don't know what else to say of course if you have some fanart of your own that you'd like to see on the channel sometime be sure to post it in the mk subreddit that is where we see them and that is where we get them from to post them in the next video so do that now my ferocious for alligators that does us in fact for today's video thank you so much for watching and dealing with me slowly losing my mind at the just the the fact we still don't know english come on people i know it's statistically one of the hardest languages to understand but there's no excuse if you'd like to see more content such as this be sure to subscribe and click that notification bell so you're always updated on the daily goodies and like this video because i want you to and and look honestly if you want this relationship to work between us you're gonna have to give a bit more anyway let's wrap things up my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble at today as always and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 498,556
Rating: 4.9649849 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/boneappletea, r/boneappletea top posts, r/boneappletea best posts, bone apple tea, r/boneappletea emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: y9agyXKK_xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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