r/Hmmm | you are in danger

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hell yeah man that's what i'm talking about don't be afraid to be you [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today i thought i would mention hey you should probably start getting hyped for a merch drop that's right pretty soon here at mk we're gonna have our first run of merch just for you oh and you and you too so make sure you keep a weary eye out you understand we'll be dropping everything very soon so like i said before just be weary keep both eyes peeled okay don't peel your eyes just keep a lookout for now without much further ado let's get right into the sillies shall we oh i see we're starting off real strong that frog i think is the only thing to exist that exclusively skipped arm day whoa hey little buddy i know that the pandemic hit us all a little hard but i think you you suffered a lot more than we did geez do you have an addiction now uh no no sorry i'm not going to this mcdonald's you know what i'd rather go to burger king than this mcdonald's that's how scared i am even the anime kid is not gonna make me comfortable about going in there well that works just kidding it probably doesn't at all all right that's a hairdo good for you batman genuinely surprised i haven't seen more belt buckles that are just car emblems seriously that's the first time i've seen one it's real weird ah the poor bastard and his new cat tree don't worry little man you'll figure it out and realize that you're only like a foot off of the ground yeah okay um whose birthday is it though i'm guessing it's not hers yo this me though if i ever accidentally came across that many roles i'm gonna be rolling in it you know what i'm saying and really terrible obvious joke aside i really like bread have you seen how wide i am mother of god they're here they're here you know this reminds me of the mist and i don't like that it reminds me of the mist say uh what's wrong with your chicken no seriously is is the dog okay that's really weird dang okay this little guy skipped no days at all he got it all right even face day okay looking like a whole snack though well honestly it's nice to see coffins have an actual purpose i know what you're gonna say oh we bury people in them why okay we got a couple of chads here who sculpted these i just want to have a simple conversation i get it now i get it she's ruining perfectly good ruffles to make pringles not that there's anything wrong with pringles but give me the ruffles all day long uh my dude i don't know what the purpose of being inside the giant bag is but it's not to protect you from the sun what are you doing in there creating a sauna from your own sweat oh what cute kitty sucks what kind of hospital is this is she supposed to represent death i don't never mind that mofo is gonna stay away from all the women humanly possible you know no man can kill him that okay here's the deal i don't think you realize this but that's not a gamecube that's a cat now i know what you're thinking what are shrek and donkey doing out here but what i am thinking is what is that 96.9 supposed to mean is that the temperature is that how much dog food costs is that per gallon of gas is he in alaska or something what is going on with that number oh nice a door to where well my dear friends this is the door that leads you to the twilight zone you know the one that opens in the intro that's the door what did you think it was stored in the scp foundation guys they're not real you have to let it go honestly you do you that looks like it took quite a bit of effort to put together and that's a lot of doritos to have to eat i just love the little duck edit in there come on yo what's up dog dude yo what the is going on uh count me the actual hell out i don't care where i'm going i'm not going there anymore if i have to pass near this thing oh my god the trees are beginning to wake up you know what that means eisengard is in trouble guys well i've seen weirder photo shoots in the woods what a happy loving looking family gosh he's already got one no sir please please please take my wallet and everything in it it's not much but hopefully it will appease you and the gods dude it's zenyatta what's up my guy sucks about overwatch but hey at least you're doing well uh okay what the hell this isn't even cool for a photo shoot dude i think you've come across a match that is way too much for you i would leave i don't care if you're the best samurai in the land that guy's gonna kill you you want to distract swat put on the anime oh that poor man i always knew they were actually little trolls or gnomes or goblins smurfs are just a branch off of all of these with a little bit of blue dye number four mixed in or something well that's not exactly the snack i would be going for in this particular case but i welcome it wait how did he how did he get angry well when life gives you lemons put on your mermaid costume and go for a swim oh my god another life gives you lemons moment except you didn't make lemonade you went the exact opposite direction i thought you would but hey you're happy with it i'm happy with it dude it's fun whoa dude your heart broke right down the middle oh my actual god why are these images in here this isn't fair i didn't sign up for this no way no way that's actually what no come on don't mess with me you mean to tell me oreo could just be giving us these big chunks of cookie by themselves howdy partner what that's all i got to say a little cowboy what it's cold it's normal okay i don't know what it is but the last 10 or so years we've been really taking corporate merch to a funny as hell level and honestly i am kind of here for it oh i'm pretty jealous of these two chairs i'm so sad i'm sorry but can we make this a trend i saw this photo a while ago and was really hoping it was gonna be one but we need more animals jumping mid-air in the photograph so that we can do this to them i didn't see any more past this little guy alright i just have to say this one is an ancient one but it has to be one of my favorite edits of all time unless it's not a edit and i'm just misremembering the movie about as much as one can ah okay i'm not really sure what to say about this one but that cat i guess has really great form for diving okay this image just makes me really sad though uh whether or not they did this as a joke which it wouldn't surprise me if they did and thought it'd be hilarious because it kind of is but at the same time it's making me sad dang that dude has more skills for dirt on the back of trucks than i do in every bone in my body park like an guess what you're gonna pay for it are they starting some kind of a religion it looks like they've got a new messiah a prophet if you will well ah that toaster's gonna be disgusting afterwards but try it i want to see if this works what are you doing there little dude you're not wearing the uniform you have to it's company policy i'm not sure where this is in the world but good for them good for them for living their best life no way no way they found an alien in a trailer park i refuse to believe this okay no way fake tic tac orange now with a lot of extra protein yummy yummy what a great way to look like a fool and trip immediately if you ever have to move more than half a mile an hour uh um i can smell this picture i can also smell this one but it's not stank it's fear that i smell not coming from the guy with the leash either so my god that dog's eyes are tripping me out but you know what little buddy i feel you get that pig outta there it's my house folly guys be like when you need the sound effect you need the sound effects it's as simple as that although this better not be for recording p sounds because those mics are gonna have to be thrown away afterwards i'm sorry they're really close some of them are going to get pee-pee'd on ah yes it's me on halloween with any costume that i choose from spirit no way bmw be making shoes now too awesome i hope you move around town like an well uh could i have just gotten these on a plate is there a reason they came on a little plunger why is it like this hell there's a plate right there you could have just tossed them on there they're onion rings i'll eat them uh honey we're gonna have some guests over could you get out the fancy drinkware please thank you so much i don't know what it is with cats and boxes you know they always have that one forever toy that they're always gonna play with more than the actual toys you bought them for instance munchkin loves little hair ties that's it that's all he needs just put a bunch of those on the floor and he'll be entertained for like the next six months all hail the frog overlord the ritual can now commence no way you've got one of those in real life that's so cool also god dang that cgi did not really age well didn't it this makes me feel just a little sad and i don't know why the guy could be having a great day but it just something about it man well that's one way to make some art of shrek again how does shrek survive the test of time so often oh it's babushka about to bust out some bad ass moves uh see you later boy oh for god's sake we have to stop please we have to stop whoa dang boy what did you eat i gotta charge up my snickers so that it makes my tummy more full you know me not me when i'm hungry and not me after i eat a snickers on low battery hey dang okay that's actually not the dumbest thing i've ever seen someone's thinking outside the bun what it reduces my drag coefficient okay keeps my super kick-ass car on the ground when i accelerate what it does the same thing as the last guy's car but twice as gooder hey you know why do we live in this town the goddamn screeching gargoyle mothman are just a little too much but yet we stay here all right i mean the outfit could be worse until you get to the shoes and then the outfit is about as bad as it possibly gets although i guess the jacket is upside down is what it doesn't matter holy god whoa someone likes strawberries a lot like a lot a lot also there's so many magnets on that fridge it's actually starting to trip out my vision a little bit i got two mirrors for sale great condition make me an offer how about i uh help you out with that neck problem uh okay then i'm not sure about this one i'm sorry you know it's late in the game and my brain is starting to fry from these images that's what this subreddit does why this one's just not fair at all regardless of how much of it is real or not it's just gross oh what a gorgeous beach and what a happy little dude or dudette you know how it be a full-on bottle of jack where'd you get the jacket for the dog though i'm curious what the dog knowing what is this you know what don't care i'm moving on immediately [Laughter] oh i love a good sport i'm sorry but the playstation has to sit up front because it's the safest seat in the house oh wait no it's not no it's not oh cute what are they trying to capture exactly just a regular drunk guy ah doritos what's that flavored i'm actually kind of curious what that would be meant to taste like when you want to get mega protected dude also hey no glasses fog to worry about either you know what on that electrifying note we are going to end today's video there before we get going though let's take a look at today's fan art shall we i've been on a chess kick lately i figured i'd honor my two favorite hosts sorry the chess pieces aren't the best but i tried king jack and queen lexi with whatever devil god is behind them wait does that mean i'm a pawn or something i'm not a bishop i'm not a knight you know what i want to be i want to be a rook i like the idea of just sitting in a giant tower that can race along the ground always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed the video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below you know i'd love to have you around and hey until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,410,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Hmmm
Id: ZKdCjkqx9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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