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me happy after getting taller and a deep voice after puberty but um [Music] hello everybody welcome back to mk i'm your host jack the snack that smiles back and today we're going to enjoy some mummy me's nothing too thematical just a bit of everything let's go spotify peaceful music session yeah let me fix that with our two 30-second heads between every two songs how dare this free service come with a cost permission for spotify to get more verbally aggressive with their marketing when you further continue to not listen to their premium ads hey did you know you can listen to more songs without ads if you just get premium gotch come on man how long until it breaks down lace classics 80 years cigarette booty 10 to 12 years low-fat cow tit juice 5 years batteries 100 years anti-vaxx clothing apparel 450 years me one afternoon and guess what time of the day it is now nobody americans ordering soda oh no the diet please i'm trying to watch my calories hi welcome to the house inspection this is a new york city apartment first floor for 1 650 a month oh no cramped is the wrong c word we use cozy that's not mold on the wall that's character this is how apple makes you charge your mouse can't wait for next year's innovation when they have it at either the back or the front kind of makes you fearful of how they'd make electric cars all right come on kids we got to flip the car again no timmy i'm sorry for the last time you can't use your xbox controller it's not a video game gym teacher okay class we will do a nice slow jog annoying athletic kid see this pros that everyone should like me i'm not irritating they're just slow average redditer big chungus average twitterer for some reason my opinion is as valid as a professionals average instagrammer average facebooker look kids i'm on the internet if everyone on earth died simultaneously the internet would be comprised entirely of what's posting liking and upvoting each other changed my mind no i i think you're pretty accurate right there buddy what it looks like spare bum cheeks for when the other ones wear out how it feels i have the bust but at what cost how dom dresses for his own wedding wait wait wait is this like a music video or like from the actual fast and furious series he did not wear a singlet to his wedding goddamn how dumb dresses for the beach oh yeah them beaches you got to be the most formal of occasions mosquitos use your blood to make their eggs that means that you are one-third their father until we meet again which pill would you take red go back in time and fix all your mistakes blue blueberry well the red one honestly sounds very exhausting and complicated to achieve perfectly meanwhile blueberry i like the flavor so girl in the street thinking i'm looking at her boobah me trying to read what's written on her shirt oh that's a weird way to put by mk birch what even is that sounds so stupidly cool john cena surprises seven-year-old boy with cancer on his birthday john cena cancer seven-year-old boy oh my god mom look it's a floating star sign are you a water person or a milk person and why is the other group totally unacceptable i i don't you know it's actually frustrating because i'd have dry cereal with water on the side and yet it kind of disgusts me that they're putting water straight into it but then i'm also someone who loves having nutella and tomato sauce on my sandwiches together so i'm gonna be respectful and just not comment on this me watching one more episode the birds chirping already you're fat trying to find your classroom on the first day of school okay on the right 303 16 on the left 318-328 and i'm looking for a clear side that i shouldn't be here happy nice posts to comments deleted deleted delete delete delete delete delete delete delete deleted mom how long have you been playing on your computer today me only since 5 pm mum but it's 4 pm me almost done then ps controllers xbox controllers me wondering what stfu means shut the frick up me who was just curious companies doesn't listen to their customer feedback meanwhile oreo whatever you say however you say it we will hear you in the night and we will make it me wondering where my sandwich went my mom telling me she'll make another one my dad and tomorrow my victim if you were deaf what language would you think in can you just shut up we are gathered here today to remember a common ad fallen from grace even though there are like hundreds of alternatives you can do to do the exact same thing online but this one's like memeable so it's meaningful people arguing if pluto is a planet and then there's me who knows it's a dog reddit hates emojis me what's that why yes i do love inflicting horror and suffering to the status quo not an emoji if i can technically type it out europeans knowing three or more languages asians knowing three or more languages oh americans knowing that one of those languages is usually english see right here this makes you look like the kid who makes everyone else do the hard work in a group project epic games what's my purpose you launch rocket league and give me free games oh my god hungarians be like yeah yeah you'd be jealous fellas i got the one euro name a better father figure than him i'll wait man if i turn out to be his son i drop dead because canonically he is yeah feminists who just want actual equality feminists who want all men dead average fossil fuel fan now it's good for the economy average nuclear power enjoyer oh the only thing i'm radiating is clean energy chernobyl you shut your mouth my friend's circle over the years 2017 2018 2019 2020 only two more victims left 2021 managed to finally resurrect my cat i'll tell you what satan really makes you pay a lot of souls you and a homie are now stuck in a video game which of these are you checking first your ability to actually go swimming can you bet it what's your fault damage what can you vandalize does your hotness actually hurt you where that boundary can you commit murder gamers in the 80s or 90s i just beated 32 games in a week without cheats and this tomb raider game looks cool gamers in 2021 we need easy mode in dark souls gaming is my therapy me gaming [Music] you know the saying third time's a charm yeah well germany lost twice me a german using sanitizer that kills off 99.9 percent of all germs ah shot this is the year guys no more feels we're all getting girlfriends in twenty twenty two seven eighteen nothing what twenty twenty twenty two me do you have spooky memes yet read it no me go to be a light ghoul or if you did people who fall asleep naked people who fall asleep without a blanket both shiver and fear at the horrifying people who fall asleep while listening to music come to australia in the summer and you're basically living the life of those two kids at the same time but tom the cat sure psychopaths are a thing i'm not surprised us is actually pretty fun uh yeah i can agree with that but say sass even once and i'll kill you oh don't worry i'm not one of those people you you don't have to suspect me what did i just say name a more iconic duo i'll wait um is is the joke here that they're not actually iconic or that they are very iconic oh god have i missed out on a part of the childhood or something here i who are you two turn me insects trying to get inside your home let it sex [Music] all the pictures of us on instagram me deleting instagram what are you doing this was my vengeance no you won't even see it happen this is unfair introverts among people introverts when alone introverts on the internet introverts in their imaginary world describe irony in one picture oh look at that a bunch of domino's bikes falling over just like checkers no some tick tucker user is protesting to free this murderer because he looks cute lesson of the day any gender can be a simp meanwhile arrested criminals who don't look cute oh come on i've got a good personality junk food expires in five years health food tick-tock apocalyptic asteroids jupiter earth hey don't worry i've got it i can handle being pounded by all these big balls oh thank you you didn't really need to phrase it like that just like your mom p.e teacher someone breaks their pelvis p.e teacher someone dies someone kicks a basketball strippers cats sit on your lap but get mad if you touch them oh so that's why my dad's a cat person me enjoying my day oh what's that in the sky is that an unfortunate truth oh god lemons are a hybrid developed by cross breathing life never gave us lemons we made the masses when you are a hilarious genuinely well-written and charming movie but still not as good as other disney movies hey you got a sequel and your own tv series where's that humbleness you clearly didn't learn from the first movie huh you can prevent coronavirus by removing your lungs okay look some scientific facts are not actually the most advisable people used to the normal umbrella academy drive by meme me who found this cool malcolm in the middle format people who say that the democratic party is the best people who say their republican party is the best and me who knows your mario party is the best yeah me just posting a meme oh sauce is tomato um there we go hold on a flip in second what are they teeth or lips i like to imagine there's some freak accident where they're left with just a flap of skin lying off their mouth conversing in comments normally ill conversing using only subreddit names that gets to the point we need to invest in green energy anyone got any ideas wind or solar hydroelectric nuclear chernobyl and fukushima well almost due to poor mismanagement in the age and the other was a natural disaster in which the safety product is like that enemy girl you like is underrated so am i i must be old because who the hell is this i think all we need here is just the among us music playing right now i can't believe the official air force facebook page blocked me when all i did was comment this on every single recruitment post please recruit me into the military normal and can be trusted with weapons mom son come over your little cousins are visiting me i can't i'm too far from home mom they're playing ranked on your main me rap music vids in the 2000s be like yo yo look at me i found a fish i learned yeah me realizing disney's live action remakes are making a schmidt ton of money and other companies will follow suit and make more schmitty remakes of my childhood classics this is fine so you're an atheist go ahead and explain our laws of physics quantum mechanics chemistry how everything works in the universe and how life started oh god ah begging for a god i see baseball isn't popular in the philippines so in manila bats are marketed as personal defense weapons well yeah is it fair to say that that is like the number two reason that people own these things well my wife uses it as a dude i'ma stop you right there my morning routine to be successful wake up right on time don't press that snooze alarm god damn it stare in the mirror and make positive affirmations while doing my morning teeth cleanse refresh and rejuvenate by definitely taking a cold shower that's hot wear a chosen shirt from my definitely folded attire jesus christ it still smells style myself up with some extra accessories like these shoelaces kill me sponsored by shoelace coal link in the description they cost 50 000 i then get into my tesla that i'm definitely not hiring for this video i hate this and then i start my grind me trying to scan my bananas the guy behind me in the self-checkout lane come on let's hurry up let's go oh sorry am i driving you um bananas okay i'm gonna kill you now i understand one hour school oh it's too much 10 hours watching educational videos on youtube oh i'm learning now teacher anth is then oz is not sith it is this third grader i find your lack of faith disturbing you created a meme you like using your pet people don't get it people don't think of snails as pets ew why do you keep a giant past oh it's genuinely sad asking teacher about his life so that we won't have to study today oh sir wow so what happened to your dog sir yeah what was the vet bill like sir was it a bit too much superhero movies are only made for kids a reminder that some tick tuckers are using protesting to free this murderer because he looks cute tick tock what are you doing over there oh you're throwing your last brain till i see around 70 percent of people tilt their heads to the right rather than the left when they're kissing somebody else until we meet again me you if a pregnant tourist would give birth outside their country would the baby a citizen of the country it was born or a citizen of the mother's origin well it's an honest question my dad you're grounded and can't leave the house for three months me who hasn't left the house in two years being such tricks you won't work on me fun fact characters wearing red usually don't have fish so that's what scarlet's reading a book on how to break through multiple realities so she can find whoever made this meme and ends them education works best when all the parts are working we got the students the teachers and the parents see with the gears being super close together like this they can all spin hi wait a minute in case you're lost on this one visually try and make all these gears rotate don't worry i believe in you just as much as i believe in the education system northerners abe lincoln is a right and just man southerners if he's from the north he's wrong they go kids that's about an entire term of education summarizing one meme grandma wanna have a beer with me me but grandma i'm only 14 grandma weak like your parents ah yes another reminder that technically darth sidious did it with someone rare medium rare medium medium well well done and congratulation when everything goes too well for three days in a row okay this is it this is when a piano is gonna fall on my head when your body naturally wakes you up at 7 a.m on the weekend why zombie apocalypse starts 14 year old girls zombies are also humans correct i mean someone you know murderers and serial killers still gonna shoot one if they come at me alright my friends before we go it's time to do some fan art shout out today's work is by half girl i guess well your guess is as good as mine i guess day two of repotting my fan art till i get featured well congratulations your green thumb has beared its fruit here's their amazing fan art oh it's a movie poster let me get my little movie voice on mk the movie totally not generic starring robin the burb lexi the supports lebst or die and jack the that am i a goldfish the snack that smiles back seriously why am i a goldfish thank you for your beautiful artwork half girl i guess and remember if you yourself would like to be in the next mk video with your fan art be sure to post your work in the mk subreddit that is the end of today's video though thank you so much for watching of course if you are this far and you clearly enjoyed yourself so leave a like on this video and if you've got the time and are new to the channel why not subscribe we upload the daily for you so you always get the good stuff so go on slap that red button make it your little sub anyway i've got places to be like my bed so you have a wonderful one my name's been jack feel free to say hello to me via the link in the description below and i will see you for the next times bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 585,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: HMh8VhgpjOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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