r/Softwaregore | You must wear a face.

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i hear you were reacting super dramatic like to just about [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking another look at r slash software gore i think this is right up my alley as per usual since i seem to encounter all kinds of horrible things with my electronic devices maybe i'm secretly an 80 year old man so i have that old man electronics luck now well whatever let's get right to it login.live.com wants to allow or deny if i push deny what are you going to do to me furthermore if i push allow what are you going to do to me oh nice what's that paying like 10 000 years okay not quite that much but it's a long time i feel like that's the type of pen you'd get if you were trying to talk to your friends on mars emergency alert national weather service tornado warning in this area until 9 30 pm cst take shelter now uh or in a vehicle move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yo yay protect yo what in the world can i please get a big heart what the hell whatever it is i'm sure it's very delicious big mouth wait a minute no that's not right i know for a fact that's not right peewee says listen here you've brought me a blue box but what i want is stuff that's blue pee-wee are you freaking kidding me man you're breaking my balls pee-wee come on oh my god why in the world does your calculator have a million notifications backed up what is your calculator doing and don't even get me started on mcdonald's you son of a [ __ ] ah the tsar bomb crater or the bomb itself i'm a little bit confused also a child psychiatrist in russia like he's a child who's a psychiatrist or he's a psychiatrist that works with children you know what it doesn't matter let's move on alright how much for one bag of lays 249 and well a very very very very very small fraction of a cent or is it 2.49 which is which also why are you buying a bag of chips through an app you know we sell them at grocery stores a lot right select a month january february march april may june christmas august september october november wait a minute christmas you replaced july with christmas sleepy tiger cub sleepy tiger cub how many comments look i get they're cute but oh my god that's gotta be a new record have you had lessons on an instrument before yes there is more than one correct answer right there is more than one correct answer but oh my god i feel like every guy on earth that plays the guitar should answer in this way though so do you play guitar yeah and no which of the following electronic devices do you own a blu-ray or dvd player a flat screen tv a flat screen tv 3d tvs portable game console immobile game console immobile game console immobile game console immobile game console immobile game console or a video camera slash recorder windows update error encountered last check today at 4am a current driver on your pc may be better than the driver we're trying to install we'll keep trying to install gee thanks thanks a lot microsoft what does past tense 34 mean practice now duolingo i swear to god you need to leave the world alone i don't even have any clue what this program was it's that bad it's that messed up what's your preferred language french english or spanish wait is that the german flag you must wear a face yeah i know i've just been trying to find out who's face to wear it's actually quite difficult getting your hands on them nowadays please please leave me alone not again i can't keep dealing with this imagine how much scarier the zombie apocalypse would be if they all t-posed all the time you were asked to draw a fire hydrant you drew this and the neural net recognized it it also thought your drawing looked like these right whoa holy crap that's 606 years of walking i think you can stop and take a break now fitness is my passion choose team allied or axis oh i get it very clever top countries playing among us below you'll find stats on the top 5 countries by active daily participation united states at 36.56 percent united kingdom at 5.11 india at 4.67 canada at 4.12 australia at 3.99 percent those flags don't look even remotely right ah the old roy case bluetooth headphone rth skh1z scam you gotta watch out for that time's up dig deep on the next one you're in zeroth place i'm where does that mean i won activate windows now ignore ignore ignore cancel win three rounds as a defender in multiplayer wow what is up with these timers breaking to the ends of the universe oh my god that is actually one of the trippiest things i've ever seen i refuse to believe for one second that this actually happened it just doesn't seem very plausible don't know why this would ever happen but it's still really interesting it would absolutely scare the crap out of me ah yes thank you thank you so much pizza hut subway mcdonald's kfc burger king wendy's and taco bell and once again taco bell stands out among the rest by being wendy's this time fishing planet my app title in language right among us last used january 4th 2021 oh they know you man we know damn well you're gonna be using it after january i mean look at steam for instance they know damn well we're gonna keep playing i'm pretty sure i've seen a couple of games where it says last played tomorrow apparently i need to load to eight percent downloading new content is downloading please do not turn off your device yeah really all you need is eight percent man they're getting real efficient with these downloads lately though i have negative one message this is just a photograph of what it's like being me oops please make sure you're okay please make sure my what please tell me maybe later [Laughter] i don't know why that one got me why did that one out of all of these get me congratulations you earned a medal uh uh thanks oh yeah i totally get it north america europe africa south america asia ah that minimalistic vibe is really getting around isn't it although i feel like maybe we shouldn't be using it for maps 85 pounds to dollars i think it completely misunderstood here let me help you out with that uh 85 inches equals about 2.15998742 pound sterling you know i would look at the fact that the folders down on the bottom are sideways but i'm a little bit concerned about the wallpaper image mixed with the fact that you've got the bible app over the top of this no amount of reading the bible is gonna save you from what's in your phone and deep within your soul how visually appealing is our website oh guys they have no idea terms and conditions note this is for informational purposes only for who because i'm not getting much information from this man clarity conciseness every book which wasn't every mini book let's just give him a round of applause editor can we give him a round of applause thank you thank you so much fantastic bravo you might want to completely restart i mean just toss the computer out get a new one fresh start i don't even know where to start with this okay maybe an exorcism i can't update my password because my old password is insecure no freaking way absolutely no way man gaming pc wow the boys at ltt really outdid themselves with this build guys weekly report available you averaged 25 hours 17 minutes of screen time per day last week dude you're so addicted to your screen that you're breaking laws of the universe can you just chill monday 487 degrees fahrenheit yeah it's gonna be us in like 30 years bruh it's gonna be so good slope slope curved w whatever the hell that is microsoft windows operating system uh you played a lot of hours of command prompt man playing a game gentian impact for 20 000 days holy this man fallout 3 pre-ordered i mean for all we know this guy took this a long time ago man i'm just messing with you dude what the hell look i know they like to re-release skyrim every five minutes but now fallout 3 ao tennis two and that's a steal let me tell you what ten thousand pounds that ain't jack fall out four installation started 339 days later fallout 4 is ready to start oh finally almost a full year later i'm ready to be underwhelmed the longer you look the worse it gets all right what did you order oh you got the classic mcdoball meal with the benchflix and chambok shakes oh what is that a cake cage mcgibble kcatch mcdip big ignore mick mick big bit middle mig oh my god my brain please i can't wait till march when the chambock cheek comes back though for real introducing gems you've converted your 87 linguists to zero gems so you can buy brand new items okay thanks all right first of all read your damn emails how hard is that people second of all why do those apps keep turning sideways something crashed and it crashed hardcore um are you feeling okay bad not really it's like zenyatta practicing yoga what is that oh it's teams it's so tiny and adorable you can close at least a couple of these please do it please you know what just restart the whole damn machine has stopped open app again okay don't mind if i do what's the latest time you can work on thursdays 9pm what's the latest time you can work on thursdays what's the latest time you can work on thursdays what's the latest time you can work on thursdays what's the latest time you can work on thursdays what's the updating battlefield 5 412 wow 24 gigs out of six thanks a lot oh there it is again seriously zombie apocalypse much scarier with t-poses in mind oh my god this is so common since you've been gone clearly a lot of things have happened none of them very good help us please it hurts apprentices remember that you need to verify your mobile number the code is a period just a period huh chrome.exe application error the application was okay cannot use internet while importing images what excuse me are you oh apple you're making yourself really look like the king of software now huh i drew robin smiley oh and you got me pretty much perfect who's that little bastard on my shoulder and just like that we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed it are you okay i'm just kidding make sure to get subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,086,185
Rating: 4.9696102 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/softwaregore, r/softwaregore top posts, r/softwaregore best posts, software gore, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, glitch, bugs, glitches, reddit glitches, r/softwaregore emkay, r/facepalm emkay, r/therewasanattempt, reddit funny, emkay
Id: Zrj8ocz9piE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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