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Ah yes, EmKay

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Maras123 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why did I watch this shit...ugh

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
if tomatoes are a fruit then ketchup is a smoothie get get out get out no how's it going everyone and welcome back to ma my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash thanks I hate it you know my fat ass saw this and thought it was an Oreo but um as it turns out it is uh the butt of us I don't even know what that is a spider I'm just gonna say it's a spider and move on because frankly I'm terrified that's that's a clever use for um I assume this is a Twitter profile photo and covered boo what is this this is a dog with a long snoot it's like an ant eater dog you've heard of Nutella now get ready for salmonella YUM oh this is mm-hmm I don't want to know what this feels like on the outside is it like is it soft is it mushy like skin ah that's an interesting helmet this is not a dog this is a dog because you know it's a long game I can get a double cheeseburger so why can't I get a double hotdog I've developed a design for an extra wide bun that can accommodate two frankfurters frankfurters I've never heard that in my life at once higher meat to bread ratio more surface area for mustard and relish the world is ready the time has come bring us double hot dogs why does this plush hippo have realistic teeth and gums I don't know realize like ten years to let you can probably freak these you can't the inside layer is too tight so when you move the outside with your hand the inside doesn't move but or so I'm told right but what is this I'd it looks like it's just constantly in fear are these upvote fingers or I gotta say I'm not a fan of this one but what am I ever really a fan of I'm just getting out of a cold so I don't know if my snake voice is up to par right now huh Santa I'm trying to sneak around the house but I'm dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the children these are strawberry brownies I just thought it was slabs of raw meat a man sued Pepsi when he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew Pepsi attorneys saying that the mountain tea will dissolve a mouse in 30 days and showed his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured oh why is this Christmas tree just out in the middle of a forest was it cast away was a cast off it wasn't it didn't meet the standards the deserted Christmas tree that's a creepypasta for you what is LGBT Luigi got big titties thanks brain be me brain be me you know what I'm surprised that that I feel like it was this would mark it well brain beanie except it's horrifying so maybe not I told my kids that the reason Santa doesn't like being seen is because in order to get down the chimney he has to get naked and oil up update my kids have abandoned all plans to stay up late and see since it could be down the chimney that's one way to get me go to sleep or maybe they won't sleep because nightmares ah thanks I despise this your nose can cosplay baby Yoda awful Jesus Christ do you think you're bundled up well enough and actually no you got a big old coat but your legs you have like one layer that I was gonna say maybe you'll stay cold on the top of freaking Mount Everest but not those legs they will they'll snap they'll freeze and snap off like twigs can we go to the gym tomorrow sure ABI baby oh boy here we go you will die in five seconds Sophia I got that arch too I'd blow the gigabytes out her back she'd have to take a plan USB after we're done because I'm not pull it out okay okay silencer on Twitter Kirby with legs where he walkin doh okay okay we got Shrek I accept he did not skip leg day he skipped everything else man this is this is a weird meme but I like it who lives in a box it is coming for you hopefully not Tim because man I I'm terrified ah yes baseball bats man oh that's lit that's literally the joke I caught it as I was saying it Pokemon cubone what I don't get it I'm not laughing at a Pokemon fan I don't I don't know I don't see what's what's so alarming here ketchup bottles have pre nut I don't want to leave you on red but I don't know how to respond if men had periods we would probably use our penises as super soakers except of blood that is true ketchup is a liquid made from a fruit that contains 20% sugar that makes it a soda I don't like this person therapist Sylvester Malone isn't really can't hurt you Sylvester Malone no we get out get out step one saying I love you step two pretending to care step three prophets bra that is a bra moment a finger chicken oh oh it's a chicken finger right I yeah oh and this is awful this is actually very incredibly cursed I hate long fur bees I just hate them especially when they have bone arms and hands and the do those hot dogs have onion on them oh my god the Pringles man looking a little uh looking a little dummy thick over here ah but I better buy some Pringles now hopefully that'll be a my my can if pineapples developed a spiky exterior to protect the tasty fruit inside can you imagine how delicious hedgehogs must taste no I've never imagined that and I'm not going to I don't know how to describe this image or even react I'm just kind of looking at it with my head cocked to the side just just thinking what brought us here I found this cookie that kind of looks like a face and I was like let me try a face swap and I'm screaming again for Judith that that also makes me want to scream it it's not a cat it's a cat at you you got it okay you get it please laughs Christopher Columbus when he pulled up to the new world and saw Native Americans bad news you can't live here anymore ah whoever did this they should be ashamed of themselves it's almost perfect almost oh you know what I'm surprised this hasn't been done yet it's horrifying it is genuinely awful dear are just horse twinks I never want to see this again Wow mom's delicious old-fashioned 100% natural all gay but semen Sodapop boobs ding-dong Lowell okay make a wish kid died no man left horrified after pulling giant moving tapeworm out of his bum oh okay forbidden noodle know that man this my stomach hurts now peas and mayonnaise pizza yes please pineapple and non pineapple pizza eaters must put our differences aside and defeat this evil I agree cat milk 6 bucks fresh cat milk for sale I just milked them this morning a little bitter because they were strays but not bad with cereal no words next my new room I ran over my dog's doo-doo and proceeded to clean that quote unquote the rest of my house I'm going to need therapy that is you just got to throw it out that you can't no get a new one what is Gen Z's least favorite toy a boomerang I just slapped my kneecap off thanks what is this a fork but that no no prongs this is a this is a rare specimen if I grind up human teeth into a fine powder and stored it like cocaine will I get calcium deposits in my brain I did no that is not spider-man I can say that for damn sure this I died his neck is so thick now introducing elf and myself I don't want to know how that got there I'm I am and also hi I am and also I'm dead you fool you absolute buffoon this guy is too mustaches that how I don't was this on purpose did he want too much - actually I do know what I'm not gonna question it a hairbrush toothbrush hairbrush it's a next you cowards and your pineapple pizza we have scorpion on pizza what do what now huh huh sorry I can't hear you over the delicious crunches of scorpion between my teeth I'm a real man the Uganda Lorien DC's Dewey Schroder baby Schroder I this is something I didn't want to see today Epstein didn't kill himself and neither should you one eight hundred two seven three eight two five five it's a funny meme and also wholesome because you know it says you shouldn't kill yourself which you shouldn't I don't what is this was just supposed to be Wolverine it's like a big banana Wolverine it's I I can't say I'm a fan ghostbusters visit cancer patients at Children's Hospital nobody likes a spawn camper oh my god ah great anime mouths in real life I what is the one in the not the very bottom left foot above that why is it like you can see the shape of her lips on the front of her face but she has a mouth on this side I don't I don't understand when you're cleaning your room when you find that one condom you left under your bed ten years ago yeah I don't sure that's how it works do you guys eat the skin of the milk after frying it or do you save it for a snack later personally I like to save it for later but that's just me okay so this is Squidward were that normal knows what he still sound the way he does short leash products presents a new way to start a political conversation with the neighbors I mean yeah I guess man whose farts can kill mosquitoes hired to create repellent fart into a bunch of cans all day if you photoshop out Roxanne's mouth she looks like a screaming girl with no nose yeah she does men sucking ladies breast is normal because the act was learnt during their childhood but what baffles me is ladies sucking guys ding dongs where did they learn that from your mama never bought you a lollipop what do you think she was training you for diabetes significant other spits in my mouth during sex me did you go to McDonald's without me there's a parasitic worm that's causing women to get pregnant imagine your dad being a worm anime girls with real teeth I nope nope Jesus Christ you know you know how you can get like giant pizzas from places and like you know you can like share it with a whole lass office or something this is that but you just like cut it in my candid out like cake oh my god it looks pretty good though I mean I cannot lie why does this girl have that face the eyes look alright I think but that nose mustache and teeth that some some about its off I don't know about you what the hell Obama and Thanos are Obama's then they make yo bamos and kion Obara vamos a Obama kion owes Yoda Keanu yo-yo da new and then they all create the Obama Kia nose if someone worked really hard on this and I don't like it do you think God jerks off he has to write like you just up in the sky all the time what else is he gonna do duh what do you think snow is oh I don't like that thought videogames be like the path is blocked damn it oh my god do not look at me like that bear dude stop smiling at me this is horrifying this is what where is this at like a dentist it's not that's not cute this is horrifying this is what nightmares are made of if I had a ding dong I would definitely have tried to see how many doughnuts I can stack on that bad boy by now oh no that's the that's the sin thing you know that goes on the bottom of the toilet I don't like this oh my god this I don't even want to know how much of a headache this gives someone this is a hard-boiled egg with Nutella in it why would you you've got to hate yourself a lot to do this if you think it's bad to hear the people in the next apartment getting it on imagine being your bed shake while the dude above you beats is me no thank you reddit discord that's that's not what the logos look like don't die man I dislike this a lot I can't wait for the office potluck people always ask me how I make the paw print sugar cookies so perfect Oh imagine having to finger your instrument imagine having to spank your instrument imagine having to give your instrument a this post was made by the choir gang you know what fair enough what what happened to this skull what happened to the jaw someone smacked him so hard is that is the jaw just went backwards are these cat polar bears I don't I'm not sure what I can't think of a pun for these if you think about it a kangaroo is just a t-rex deer oh my god what my mind's been blown Squidward was born to Mario and Miku know that that's that's not that's not true that's not how it works and well just like that we have reached the end of our slash thinks I hate it but we do have some fan art from reddit user sad trans boy I've made some art for Zach I hope he likes it and look at this neat character I like that I this is very it is very cool I like the colors a lot everything everything pops it's very vibrant very very neat thank you so much and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bell see get notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,569,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: CPSdobgGwO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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