r/Comedyheaven | Kissing mmmmm

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[Laughter] [Music] hello everyone welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a peek at r comedy heaven finally i get to go to heaven and not straight to hell without further ado let's jump in what's more fun than a new car i have no idea thanks a lot herb r slash i just crapped myself yeah stop exploring the ocean we all know what water is thanks there's no single damn thing in there i wanna see we found everything that can taste good number one crab number two fried shrimp 12.3 million undiscovered jellyfish go to hell they make a highly compelling argument this my quart oh thank god it's not your court though any face on socks oh my god i think i just found the perfect christmas gift for everyone i know more cursed titanfall 2. oh that is horrifying and it's an ad god bathe in my milk offer open to men only soy almond or traditional use my sponge i will watch you schedule an appointment at bathenmymilk.com this is the amount of times eddie farts a day 6 million jesus christ 6 million per day something's got to give at a certain point eddie what's that animal rhinoceros socialism what that cut was perfect that's what she said that's not how that works guys maybe i'm not in heaven after all did i take a wrong turn at albuquerque harry potter and the sorcerer's balls man his arms are absolutely not connected to his body in this image are they they're fake they're fake can you do that can i see if you don't mind me asking is that okay i showed you mine can i see if that okay with you you missed a call from ogre you missed a call from ogre please oh no ogre go away frog man oh my lord i hope this guy is making better choices in life that have led to some improvement hello my name is hilal i am calling turkish telecom internet services which internet you use your home super online do you satisfied yes really i advise turk telecom you know what i'm gonna go with turk telecom this guy has me sold he's using a lot of real emotion here i mean look at that emoji for god's sake you can tell he really cares about your internet quality students do not touch the time clock you are on camera violators will be prosecuted oh good lord dude need a gift for your gf get her a chunky seal oh i'll get her a chunky seal all right thick daddy thanos [Music] remember that classical computers are machines that do things to information picture laptop meme yes i understand now i blow up my neighbor oh i'd like to watch this video ah the playlist loved by ellen all the music ellen's loving right now i just killed a cop and now i'm horny watching female comedians until i laugh ooh you're a real funny fella huh friday facts number 357 nuke jesus christ factorio what is going on with you if i put a razor blade in the disc tray will the wii break or not why would you want to do that looking at myself in the mirror after missing a big fish come on what what exactly do you people have against me they put 38282t the slammong flabbo in the controller what language are they trying to communicate in here and oh that controller martha stewart tweeted oil oil okay martha be strong in the lord and in his mighty power whoa whoa is that the official veggietales twitter guys that's not a good look i don't know what's going on here you trying to kill god with a rocket built by a gourd really i love pusher t as well and i also sold illegal dope previously i sold over on garfield park where did you sell what did you sell and what were the locations of the transactions definitely not police yes it works for me but not my brother too early to say if they do work or not too early to say if it's working or not only had them for a few days ask me again in a few weeks google translate says intercourse wow that is the longest word for sex i've ever seen is anyone in the blank area missing a horse this one's come inside eaten half my dinner and also my wife's carrots from the garden we'll keep her for a pet if not claimed doug doug you go right ahead whatever makes you happy my guy retiring from jacking off oh no man what happened you just get too old or too tired or what what's going on goes outside sees british person they ruined god banned for three days our content moderators have determined that your behavior at roblox has been in violation of our terms of service remember roblox does not permit discriminatory speech content or actions based on race or ethnic origin national origin religion or religious affiliation gender gender identity or sexual orientation reason harassment offensive term big chungus my balls mcdonald sprite whoa whoa whoa whoa what's up with mcdonald's sprite am i missing something am i am i dude i love mcdonald's sprite what does it do to your balls top links for you your orders pc and video games electronics and photo nut oh amazon knows us so well now the only person responsible for my grade is marge simpson kangaroo gets more bounce than he bargained for on a trampoline oh my god i guess on the one side of it he now knows what a flip is like and he's probably gonna get addicted to that sensation hot dog sausage veggie dog online ring cheeseburger veggie wait a minute online ring brushing teeth and drinking orange juice dude now that's a challenge my main man oh god dr sex is invincible we can't stop him dr sex oh my god he's on his way everybody hide dude fartimations way better than that pie mations guy if you ask me i mean this is real talent right here i have two sides i'm a mother freaking stoner i'm a mother freaking boner and this guy is a pretty cool dude if you ask me free free huh uh i don't know giving away my hair over on instagram and twitter thanks i'll go check it out snack time glue the hair back on i'm going with snack time baby i'm hungry she's on facebook twitter myspace and heroine yeah who isn't you're not special sweetheart to be honest the only odd man out here is myspace is child labor effective minecraft realm experiment now you don't need a realm experiment just ask a bunch of kids to donate a bunch of their time to an smp series coveted testing hooters well they know exactly where to send you to feel better after getting that stupid q-tip shoved into your brain got me a romper and dude you are rocking it believe me miss smith says no to smearing poop on toilet walls is this really necessary miss smith is it really trending stories well and good why an anal surgeon is begging you to stop using wet wipes this person tried to unlock your phone is this person still loose in my house because i really really really hope not being bullied just act less gay advise teachers yes like your lips thanks can i kiss you okay okay kissing [Music] sucking your lips brilliant role play bonnie also fully known as rajesh gupta from the big bang theory or dr philip mcgraw by fans is a character in the office bonnie is a jewish rabbit and children's entertainer housed at auschwitz poland along with mussolini and the japanese what the hell did i just read i'm not normally that discombobulated by stuff like this but that one got me good boobs doesn't attract me anymore why was it society's fault pizza brendan all right uh excuse me what ninja divorce simulator sad story ah ninja got divorced or a ninja is getting divorced i'm confused kind of the hill honks set that boy is wide now folks i understand that looking through memes on reddit can be sometimes therapeutic but you have to understand sometimes it just ain't good for your brain if she ever tried to cheat you suppress her boobs and run away thanks really good advice what if you change the company name to snackers no don't worry just keep trying you'll break them down eventually as the kids say yeast i don't think that's what the kids are saying dude i mean i don't know i'm not one of the kids but i'm just assuming that they're not going around yelling yeast kali linux you and callie lynnex aren't connected on facebook investor at forex trading millionaire hello i am software engineer color dark gary choose your character dark gary or light gary i am 21 years old if i heard 100 gecks for the first time when i was 15 i would have pretended to like them so hard lucky for me i'm now 21 and i don't have to pretend to like them so i won't i think they stink i'm a grown man i don't like 100 gigs i pay taxes ember is good ember is lucky i'm not installing that whatever the hell it's supposed to be angry husband asks you white me white why is baby black wife you hot me hot baby burnt wow ooh oh my god i need to take a breather from that jesus just give me one minute just hold on i can do this deep breaths deep breaths we can make it we can make it all right let's move on top gear clarkson buys crack at a garden center wait which series was this it would make more sense if it was a lot earlier on because it would explain his behavior in his later years and eventually what ended his career at bbc if you're 28 plus and a man is taking you to red lobster as a date then you need to re-evaluate the kind of men you're dating if you're 28 plus and you're still evaluating men based on where they take you out to eat rather than the quality of the time spent you need to reevaluate your life this is one of the reasons why men don't date anymore i'm 85. i'm telling you i'd completely suck a ding-dong for red lobster admirals feast and biscuits i need amani for a geometer dash zero dollars raised of 850 million dollars help me i need some money here for a jamar mama traja dosh me this flip flip-flop is useless mom very very useful very very useful okay 10 reasons why minecraft is better than your ex-wife are you telling me there are people out there that actually think that minecraft could be worse than their ex please can i see pictures of people's stairs thanks simone thanks a lot what are you feminist or normal i don't know what the hell you're trying to say here arnold john cena invisible amazon exclusive i mean i guess that's kind of cute but man pop figures are dumb butter brilliant brilliant tattoo you are light years ahead of the rest of us i mean i guess i can't make fun of anybody's tattoos i have the freaking jazz logo on my left arm you know that weird wavy one they had on cups i can't stop by flux pavilion look at those lyrics really varied honestly 25 ways president obama has destroyed america really by buzzfeed really can you please watch me jack off on video chat i need to come hard yay or nay i'm depressed my mom died everybody i'm far left i'm far right me [ __ ] i'm farming hi jonathan your reviews have over 50 fans i'm going to pee in the pacific and you cannot stop me pizza hut says good night ooh thanks pizza hut you know i feel really loved by these corporations now i'm a [ __ ] and i'm proud of it hell yeah you go susan everything sucks except for anime cat girls wait they don't suck what the hell's the point of all this then who else thinks our schools should be teaching this instead of this look how to do drugs by devil was actually a fantastic read and really opened me up to english literature selling things on craigslist limbo stick hey saw you on craigslist do you still have that inflatable limbo stick for sale it's my daughter's birthday in a couple weeks and that would be pretty good for her party yep i do what's the lowest gel go on it i wouldn't go below the second rung to be honest hurts my back missing my pet ant craig is a black ant about seven millimeters long he's very friendly and likes people he has a slight limp in his middle left leg answers to craig craggy poo or cupcake sugar pie last seen on a walk up mount ainsley on 10 9 18 please contact me if you've seen my beloved boy craig is a domesticated ant with limited wilderness survival skills it is urgently be reunited soon the cheese viewing window have a look in the cheese room don't mind if i do got any cottage type in there crazy wild man eating dog's granulated food for dinner wow that is one crazy wild man hookup girl waiting wanna lick butt hello it's cristiano ronaldo using my second account can i borrow your debt card so i can buy a new pair of football boots for sports you know what hold on hold on give me one second i want to see just how much ronaldo is worth what's his net worth oh my good god and you think he's asking you for your debit card idiot hey never been on reddit before but i love your channel so much i just had to make an account and post some fan art my instagram is ryn underscore underscore art make sure you go follow this person because look at that that's awesome oh i love it and just like that i realized i really didn't enter comedy heaven i went to hell again i don't trust anybody anymore and that makes me sad but thankfully we've come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it well then consider getting subscribed and clicking that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 185,894
Rating: 4.9566503 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/comedyheaven, comedyheaven, comedyheaven emkay, emkay comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven emkay, r/comedycemetery, r/comedycemetery emkay, comedycemetery emkay, emkay comedycemetery, gilbert, surreal humour, so bad it's good, bonehurtingjuice
Id: 4W_NxSCUGa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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