r/TIHI | want some change?

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hey it's Kirby little polio champ oh and he's taking off his shoe now what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash thanks I ate it I wrote code to unwrap my face that's kind of gnarly I'm not gonna lie to you that's sick I hate that I think that's super neat I would watch that video I'm gonna look that up later that's really cool so it turns out the face that works on paintings and I'm just I'm just so enthusiastic about it when you finally realize Napoleon Dynamite is actually Taylor Swift and dragon what are you gonna do about it that's right nothing Opie delete this now again I ask you what do you mental a true friend is someone who can make you laugh until thousands of bees fly out of your mouth what I imagine he laughs like and then she's just like bro its kingpin that's actually a super solid cosplay - I can't imagine how heavy that is man wowie that's gotta be that's that's gotta be a strain on the back oh that's toe be rendered it into a 3d little ball he's the sad kitten ball Oh don't roll him around he'll start crying for all you non-native english-speakers out there red is pronounced like lead and Reed is pronounced like lead you're welcome on the life advice lamp yo word so no one could see in it no it's it's reflective on the on the outside but on the inside it's see-through you just know someone's done some freaky stuff in that bathroom I just know that someone without with a voyeur fetish is just absolutely oh goodness gracious someone is like oh it would be an exhibitionist but no one could see me like I just grow see icky yucky yucky is it bad that I want to figure out okay hold on I'm getting a getting a binary to English generator the first one just says do me the first two panels are just do me now I love that very direct robot yum then he sticks it in the wrong outlet one day we're going to watch an ad before we can answer the phone and you know what I'm excited for the future oh goodness gracious bro did you fall asleep at a tub what happened you fall asleep at the pool your fingers are pruned to no end isn't it isn't it something like our fingers prune up so we have better grip underwater or something like that why isn't this just like a smart tactic on our body it's really weird to look at but at the same time why do these do it light like why do they prune up like that you ever wonder yeah weird weird stuff the human body is a funky thing that's an eagle whose beak is a banana the entire bathroom is one big QR code scan it and get the deed to the land hey it's a bean lamp I've seen this image somewhere before I don't understand the fascination with beans but I do respect it beef jerky is just a cow raise it yeah that's fair enough it's dried and yeah of all the moistures taking at it you know like a reason I honestly I agree with that statement but I would never buy a bag that says cow raisins man I would not Jack Link's cow raisins twenty twenty twenty twenty five twenty fifty and twenty sixty the entire car is just the grills YUM I'm not saying the punctuation is wrong I'm saying I hope it's wrong oh boy syrup yummy yummy yummy raises my testosterone levels and with that boy syrup why not a little bit of bread juice you can get sourdough croissant or pumpernickel it's your choice hey you ever wonder how a camel was made well there you go just completely human centipede that ostrich it me about didn't you buddy I don't know what kind of carrot that is but it's definitely not one I would eat it looks like the the thing infected that carrot and now it's a just a practical effects monstrosity I really be feeling like this cat sometimes just say what do you want this is when someone interrupts his hardcore gaming session he's like what ask by a halo why'd you offer it cleans better I really hope it cleans better I'm gonna make a mess oh when you ask me if I have changed this is how I get it out of my my wallet it comes out of my eye hey damn you got any change hey yeah give me a second and then just I just widened my eyes and you see change fall out of it listen a coffee is just a crunchy breath and a yawn is just a boneless cough don't get it twisted that little hermit crabs got a new home hermit crabs are the grossest looking animals dude like I'm sure there's gross or looking ones but look at it it's all like dark purple like a plum and spindly crabs are just water spiders okay crabs or water spiders and you can't change my mind when you get all the crumbs out of your keyboard after cleaning it D prefer to mix them with ketchup or horseradish before you eat them I'd prefer if you didn't tweet that SteelSeries that's why I don't buy your products I love how Simba acts upset when Mufasa dies as if he didn't just do a choreographed musical number called I just can't wait to be king well stork wouldn't you be sad too if you if your dad died because Simba and Mufasa says dad you can want to be king but wait until your appropriately next in line not when your dad just abruptly dies right No No maybe you're just a Negative Nancy and a positive Pat world thanks I hate old diving suits no I think this stuff is cool I love this because you had to think about it this is what we used to use like someone was in that I think that's super neat I love that kind of stuff you cannot rest here have you ever played a video game where you have to sleep to recover the only let you do it if everything is safe otherwise we won't let you sleep you'll get a message saying you cannot sleep now there are monsters nearby now remember the last time you just couldn't get to sleep I do don't you frickin notice to me all aboard end up trying to screw that accepting all passengers he's a cool guy well you lied to pet my dog she's like a daughter to me no thanks some good know the difference hot dog hot dog I don't want to say that ever again that blump into Obama's blump of course black Trump while bama's white Obama seeing Obama with though you know a Chad haircut like that really throws me off this is how water sees you when you're drinking water is that really how you look when you drink water bro that's kind of weird I'm not gonna lie hey a duck with an assortment of hats oh wait just a minute that's a he is a hat okay now right okay all right bros treating his hair like a helmet it's kind of funny I'm not gonna lie all right show me what you guys okay so it's a fish oh he's just gonna go ham on that centipede huh bro no time at all either this is a puffer fish oh dude just slurp him like a pasta noodle wowie go after a scorpion now this is ridiculous and now a snake don't you dare now that's a pasta noodle slurp just like mama used to make breathing me annually blinking manually feeling your toes touching seeing your nose feeling your clothes feeling your tongue in your mouth I'm not bothered by this I've seen this too many times and I don't think about this kind of stuff that's what my tongue looks like nah see the problem here officer if animals had forward-facing eyes they would look like that it looks like he's judging me dude I don't like that whoo whoo hey whoa what's this Camp Wayne who camp Wayne multiplayer whoa flouse settings credits quit also is that Earth just stretched around it is that part of the actual design I haven't played halo in forever that doesn't look right that looks PNG get that out of here you know it's not the Fed with the teeth of the eye Sofia he's got like two teeth trying to grow into each other that's bothering me girlfriend cup noodle all right nice horse steamy hot water on her and then just slurp her up and she loves it she can't get enough of it I'm not gonna lie to you every time I see this image no matter how they do the meme I always wonder is it worth it to go find the full video cuz you can't just show me the image and I'll hide me immediately question you know well what happens I know what happens but is she a champ about it and then the helicopter goes uh-uh-uh-uh-uh as it flies show me what you got buddy are you sweeping oh it's not real yeah it took me a second to realize as soon as be swept and the dog didn't move I was like oh that's that's a it's not real Hamburger Helper don't ever ask to see his face take the glove off and you'll be in shock what do we got over here my man's oh he's got those are weird those are weird but really cool that is gnarly that is like some avant-garde type fashion is that the right word for it that's soap that's so neat whoa ask your groomer to shave a heart on my dog's butt what I expected versus what I got nice going good job well it's another Friday night and I'm beating the heat with my favorite non-alcoholic cocktail the may Anita how's your Friday going well it was going really good until you showed me that it's not even Friday yet it's it's that's Tuesday and I already wish the week is over that's the cutest looking weiner dog ever he's got like known like it seems like he's a little stumpy er than he should be but that's so cute look at him oh my god I have a dachshund oh man they're so cute little is that Mario so you take it a pool right you drop it into the bowl when you drop it in Poseidon himself my sister saying order Lego is gone my brother saying he has no idea where they went my mom wishing she never had children in me with 27 Lego bricks up my butthole small parts please hey it's the council deciding my fate swimmers just before the water surface tension is broken it's like they're in saran wrap that's so cool but what if the water just don't let you out one day well that's a lantus came to be imagine kissing a dentist and their little devil tongue flicking around your mouth searching for cavities it's a profession for Psychopaths ciarĂ¡n I don't think they do that the longer I look at this picture the worse it gets oh no this was just not this one's just not as well done as the Full House of mustaches one like a lot of these are really really good I'd say the Jennifer Aniston one is probably the best-looking you know faked one by everything else I'm just not impressed and that brings us to the end of our slash thanks I hate it and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,783,167
Rating: 4.9429564 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/tihi, r/thanksihateit best posts, r/thanksihateit, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, r/tihi best posts, r/tihi top posts, reddit tihi, make me suffer, reddit make me suffer, r/makemesuffer, blursed images, reddit blursed images, r/tihi emkay, tihi emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: d7Gf-EcV3fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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