r/Memes | you WHAT??

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humans use flashlights to navigate in the dark owls use their eyes bats [Applause] [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash memes it doesn't get much more vanilla than this folks or does it without further ado let's hop right into it shall we people waking up to android alarms soft music people waking up to apple alarms phone screaming wore flashbacks losing will to live i don't know about that i got an android and it sucks just as much man me after having to wake up at 6am now that christmas break is over oh that's what it's going to be for the rest of your life you're given a complicated math problem things start to cancel out your answer is a whole number your answer is one of the options oh it always feels good art isn't just a painting in a stuffy museum art is alive art is art amen and all women actual feminists mk more like femme k oh no all right what's she got though oh okay yeah this woman's been around almost 100 years she knows what's up girls bathroom you're beautiful no you what if bear with me you're both beautiful boys bathroom let's play a game oh what like boggle uncle ben when a new spider-man movie comes out bonjour uncle ben 20 minutes into the movie adios bye uncle ben kid i'm 11 years old me okay cool i was born when minecraft was no released can't do this to me i'm not fooled yet me who did all the side quests the first boss nothing feels better than stomping that first boss because you're over prepared funny how the british conquered so much land looking for spices but then refused to use them i don't think they were really looking for the spices i think they were looking for money mom money order at least control the money and i think they did a pretty good job of that up until the beginning of this year my small business is struggling due to the pandemic you can't fool me crabs it's cause you're an [ __ ] and you like to cut corners you also only have two employees if this restaurant operates on similar hours to your average restaurant here in the united states pre-covered with only two actual employees oh my god those poor guys are working literally non-stop don't know how they get any down time to be honest i'm sure there was an episode that addressed that but i've seen like 12 spongebob episodes so i don't know me coming up with an answer and a multiple choice test the answer should be c but it has been c three times in a row is this a trap you're dang right it is don't trust it what my eyes see what my phone sees well sorry your thousand dollar phone doesn't match the biological evolution of the human eye look the singularity doesn't happen until 2045 and when it does i feel like cameras will have far far far far far far far surpassed the human eye as well physicist and his son are 3d printing a lamborghini aventador you wouldn't download a car yeah lamborghini's gonna see to that are you guys also 3d printing the incredibly complex and expensive engine and suspension system that goes into this vehicle or just the body because either way i'm impressed that's super cool storing all your clothes in an object that was specifically created for that exact purpose nah dawg we got desk chairs up in here though and beds and floors and open doors pretty much anything that's not a basket or a drawer forget everything you learned in college you won't need it working here but i didn't go to college well then you're unqualified for this job wait he's my best friend because well geographical convenience really original image cropped image i see what you did there i'm gonna punch you american date european date there you go when people say they miss the good old days we have wifi now women can vote 200 years ago this would have been an auction i should do the dishes for my mom hey can you do the dishes please dang i kinda don't wanna anymore nobody six-year-old me blowing air out of my mouth to feel like a dragon satisfying every time england can cut their own freaking grass that's true leave it to them dude everyone how are you going to celebrate new year's eve me i'll be in my bedroom making no noise and pretending that i don't exist too right you will this house is haunted everyone in the previous family that lived here died violent deaths the family moving in got it for cheap dude who cares girls using the guy filter on snapchat guys using the girl filter on snapchat see the double standard of beauty here man my dear did you like the fireworks eh seem better wow she was there how come she hasn't told us anything about it up to this point come on elizabeth sorry your majesty i meant to say me searching something on the internet random dude on a forum who had the same question 10 years ago wait why are you paying your respects to him did he get the answer because if he didn't then wow you're still screwed huh little cousin hey there's a fox other little cousin yeah i wonder what it says me who was around in 2013 [Laughter] welcome to the gang kid we've got steel and steve murder and mike and crimes johnson okay and what's your name schizophrenic sam why my teacher's saying that if i don't study i'll become a garbage collector my brother who works at mcdonald's saying that if i don't work hard i'll become the garbage collector the garbage collector who earns more than either of them yeah they make good money oh no you're gonna become a garbage collector you know what take away every garbage collector in the world all at once and watch what friend happens humans born in a hospital bears born in the safety and warmth of a den giraffes we'll see girls after using 17 types of shampoos and conditioners guys after using an all-in-one body scrub hair gel toothpaste and cement mix i wish it made me look like that my skin's all dry and gross and stupid me submitting my paper at 11 59 pm the teacher returning a grade at 12 a.m the world sucks huh female character who cuts her own hair in a dirty mirror with a hunting knife her hair the next scene look some people are magical you just gotta accept that i heard one of three people is handsome i'm not handsome and i'm not either maybe it's one out of four gee thanks the first two harry potters the rest of the saga yeah it got dark real damn fast didn't it the childlike wonder died faster than the first time you go into a lowe's i i have have a headache a headache i have a headache you have 15 different types of cancer you know the chrome logo and the google logo are technically different right me driving for the first time at 200 kilometers per hour on a german highway the german and the mercedes behind me move man only 200 those are rookie numbers get it up dude you should be driving fast enough so that if you crash there's no chance you'll be in pain my genes watching me wash everything but them again oh yeah maybe you should stop pooping your jeans though me crying in fear my dad stop being a baby it's more scared of you than you are of it the giant spider on my wall i'll kill you also just because it may be more scared of me than i am of it doesn't make it any less scary looking me saying an inheritance is just your relatives dropping loot when they die the estate lawyer i mean technically you're right i guess meters equals m yeah that makes sense kilograms is kg yeah i can see that pounds is lbs excuse me what the [ __ ] my son's gift to me it's official you're awesome as a left-hander i guess i suck and he's awesome just because there's nothing there doesn't mean he's saying you suck but hey everybody can use a little encouragement pre-covered post-covered corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture men everywhere they're the same picture oh god hope you don't have to go to any airports this is why i tend to pee in the sink when all of the urinals are taken up no one the military if plants were pink made with microsoft word see that's what i'd like to draw our attention to here minecraft biomes be like that's what they used to be like okay that was like seven years ago they instantly cut off come on keep up with the times discord mods reddit mods wikipedia mods you're goddamn right and don't you forget it only one of these guys actually contributes to society in a meaningful way second monitor what is my purpose you're only used for discord oh my god why are people calling me out all the time come on cows moo with regional accents what's he saying no freaking clue they don't know i named myself i don't think they care brain i'm gonna tell you that right now if it continues after saying no that's harassment you hear that youtube an npc cusses at you for almost running over him uh well time to die i guess bud when temperature outside is okay when temperature outside is 0k oh dude how many copies of super mario odyssey have been sold worldwide so far over three no no over 17 million well i mean technically me pc is better than consoles friend okay but is your pc better than a console hey now my phone when i touch it with gloves my phone when a single raindrop falls on the screen coveted cases recorded in antarctica for the first time isolated continent reportedly registers first infections after 36 chileans fall ill at research base play gank players at area 51 they did it pov you became friends with another kid you never saw again and we're all fine with that which gaming company is the worst unlock punchline for for 199 rachel aged 18 i'll watch you play cod and tell you the other guy was definitely using aimbot when you die hey queen you dropped this karen everyone is unique and rare her four sons kaiden braden jaden and o'kayden do you remember going to raves well this is a rug under a coffee table good to know i found you on facebook i found you on reddit you're screwed bud the game when you were a kid the game when you replay it but it's still fun though when your program closes and you haven't saved even once so you lose hours worth of progress opens program again unsaved file detected would you like to recover and to restore it oh nothing feels quite as relieving as that depression leaving my body after someone said don't be sad it's that simple everyone remember all you need is sunshine me 95 of the time me one to two days before any big event or gathering man stop putting pictures of me in here when you're watching the last episode of a tv show you love and it plays a slow version of the main theme one last time it hurts tv show we live in a very small town the high school that just means everybody in town got busy at pretty much the same time you're paranoid the neighbors aren't spying on us the neighbors you mean the neighbor's house video game stats be like plus two defense plus 15 defense you know which one you're gonna go with don't even lie when your friend's about to do some dumb crap but you want to see what happens stop maybe why flat earthers are affected by 5g and normal people aren't oh i see that makes total sense can't you do something about your superiority complex but i am superior this is very true also you have no idea how happy i am to see a monkey brilliant park in here my favorite anime everyone waiting to play laser tag as the employee reads the rules adults with lots of freedom but lots of responsibility kids with a lot less freedom but also a lot less responsibility teens with a lot of responsibilities and no freedom when you're taking your science final and you don't see any questions about what the mitochondria is years of academy training wasted my parents sends me to an all-boys school and my sister to an all-girls school so that we don't start dating me starts dating boys my sister starts dating girls my parents gasoline is a fossil fuel which comes from decomposed animals vegans cannot drive oh my god sword requires years of study and practice spear given the title king of weapons by martial artists worldwide mace whack my friends throws a surprise housewarming party me who lives in an igloo gotta be careful a celebrity's 100 000 watch my 40 watch telling me the same time and then there's me with my 20 watch doing the same thing still what a week huh captain it's been one year oh my god winning a game using the kfc console winner winner chicken dinner finally it has a real meaning when you miss the x on the ad by 0.1 centimeters to the play store me sees an interesting video on reddit and proceeds to click the play button takes me to youtube nah i ain't that way at all man i'd rather be on youtube all the other websites have absolutely god-awful video playback playstation 5's deep learning technology could identify just how bad you are at games and adjust the difficulty accordingly it smelled like in here the playstation 5 would have its work cut out for itself with me man here's some fan art i did for mk by the way the person standing next to the logo is me i thought i'd specify can't draw hands but here you go well it looks perfectly fine to me kudos to mk no no kudos to you and on that glorious note ladies and gents we've run out of time for today's video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 4,075,462
Rating: 4.9372244 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Memes
Id: sSpDnIJxyXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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