r/TIHI | tooth bacon

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[Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk it's time to sit back relax and have a lovely i'm sorry did i say lovely i meant horrifying disturbing and life-regretting look through ours thanks i hate it hope you all got your eye bleach ready welcome to the nature conservatory for photoshopped animals each of our exhibits is equipped with a special audio interface feature please enjoy your visit rook [ __ ] [ __ ] mark mark mark mark thank you for visiting please consider a donation by hitting the like button and remember only you can prevent more of these freaking catastrophes from being created please photoshop responsibly me rips up my drawing because i messed it up the guy i'm tattooing check wish i could help you if you absolutely had to try one product below which one would you pick ketchup ranch and barbecue popsicles coca-cola garlic pizza tic tacs or chicken wing ice cream okay um i'm biased on this cause i do reviews on weird candy and snacks and food and stuff so i would try all of these i'm not kidding i would try every single one of them in fact one of the things i literally have in inventory is cranch like ketchup and ranch mixed together for some ungodly reason would i enjoy any of these probably not but yeah every single one of these sounds disgusting and weird and therefore i must try them because now i'm just curious i hate it oh i roll credits i hate it a friend on facebook posted about how emily dickinson used the common meter and so her poems can all be sung to the tune of the pokemon theme song and because i could not step for death he kindly stopped for me the carriage held but just ourselves in immortality i won't subject you to any more in my singing but you get the point my first attempt at a creepypasta beginner here go easy on me carpeted kitchen what the [ __ ] this is what a sheepdog looks like if you shave just its head i still find it cute because i find pretty much every animal cute but oh my god the poor thing pregnant horses are faster because they have two horsepower my physics teacher what on god's green earth it's not incest if you say no chromo where the hell is my hot sauce there is a magnet in its brain that prevents an onyx from losing direction while tunneling as it grows older its body becomes steadily rounder and smoother okay oh god a zombie spider spider covered in fungus half dead half alive which can crawl around oh god why does this exist come on bro like regular spiders ain't enough this is why i don't nature in 1930 helen adelene shelby sure let's go with that patented an apparatus for obtaining criminal confessions the police put the suspect into a darkened chamber where they are confronted by a human skeleton with glowing red eyes that questions them with a voice transmitted from the interrogator behind it threw a megaphone in its mouth a camera concealed in the skull was to record the confessions what confess your skins to the crime skeleton oh oreo cake what have you done with my brother bunny nesquik no this isn't a coincidence this is anyone who owns a rabbit will know this bunnies poop cocoa puffs it's true pokemon mewtwo strikes back 1998 the machine that clones pokemon is made from the bones of the scientists that created mewtwo oh fun what and then oh god oh god i didn't eat vegetables before now i really won't on the plus side though i see some amazing things for spooky season okay it's kind of impossible to narrate this but i always have this problem with food in movies that have animals in them because you end up with chicken tearing into a chicken leg and this one looks like it it knows exactly what it's doing and is quite enjoying it you go for it hannibal little multiple choice questions be like why do none of these look right now like this has screwed me up sleeping in the grass expectation reality see this is why i just don't nature it's just safer that way the closest to nature i'll ever get is a rural walmart mmm gingivitis bacon i don't see what's wrong with this this just seems like a really dedicat oh oh dear oh dear god sounds like the colonel needs some finger licking help what if we kissed in the meat tent that thing looks like center mid 30s and finally ready to settle down are you lonely don't be demodex is a type of mite that lives on your face friends forever never alone cool wing tattoos cool winged rests that's one way to get two pieces of chicken in one yeah i'd like two winged breasts please thanks anatomically correct spider-man no and that is how bald it's just silence but it keeps getting faster oh god this is stressing me out me too my degree is in violent performance what if we kissed on the cow nope nope nope nope nope nope donald trump doritos crusted mountain dew cheesecake with mountain dew jell-o topping that sounds vile i need to try it only problem is i don't cook but i'd still set this on fire somehow i hate spotify ads cause i listen to podcasts in the shower and there's nothing scarier than being naked and hearing lebron james say i'll tell you what makes me thirsty no no no this is no no no this is this is twix this is coffee bean filled twix i refuse i re no no bring the no no bring the next post in now oh thank god someone said triple red looks like greta tunberg cosplaying lil wayne and now i can't unsee it oh yeah kind of endearingly cute not gonna lie those are kind of adorable adorable yes that's a new word now deal with it hi how are you i'm doing okay i guess what are you doing just taking care of business can i come over no i'm busy right now hey listen i need to call you back some idiot in the other stall keeps answering all my questions oh no oh that poor man that poor man day four and still nothing to eat i'm not gonna make it huh you're bear grylls oh thank god i'm saved improvise adapt overcome well hey sexy how you doing well i'm not gay neither have i i'm a heterophile i'm only attracted to straight people oh phew okay then i love star wars pew pew lightsaber darth vader and luke skyscraper and obi wan cannoli an r2b2 and three pco and tobacco i love star trek hi my name's lexi hold still this won't hurt a bit 720p 1080p 4k rtx on i don't hate this this is just funny this is hilarious the magic school bus could be flying around in your butt right now and you'd have no idea that's the end of class kids i have finally found a productive use for making fart noises with my hands yes sm or kale your choice hey dick hey you having a good birthday kiddo happy birthday dick i'm scared i think i'm being haunted by a furry oh really why do you say that i mean i'd burn my freaking house down pokemon fart compilation but wha why why does the you know what i don't want to know why these exist i let let's just carry right on drug that didn't inspire some fear if it came running up behind you don't worry he don't bite rock it rock it rock it rock it i also love the precisely one reaction to this one guy in the channel sitting in the corner going i love it giraffe dog gog stockings that make your legs look shiny these these already exist this is like there's a name for it i forget the name of the fabric but yeah this is this is a little uncanny valley but but not new at all oh oh god that's new weren't we just talking about bicorns like a couple episodes ago this is the absolute worst version actually it's not the worst person but you know what this is the worst version i am willing to imagine of this please none of you draw the worst version of it please i don't oh i said it didn't i well we're screwed all right philly what flavor would you like your cake to be jeez no no that was for the picture honey what flavor do you want your cake to be look i'm not saying that clipping your fingernails off planting them in the ground and growing a new clone of yourself is good data safety practices but i do work in i.t and i do advocate for regular and frequent off-site backups so grow a copy of yourself today this message brought to you by the necromancer society we're not illegal we're just creative i'd buy every single one of van gogh's paintings i also never fully left my goth phase behind so i'm biased i spent a good full minute trying to figure out what was doctored about these images and i think the most horrifying thing is that they aren't i hate it even more now when you're really desperate for an rgb keyboard i guess you pour pixie sticks into your keyboard honestly one day a glow stick is just going to explode on stream and this is what my keyboard is going to look like i kind of dig it honestly like this there's kind of a look to it not my look but you know somebody's what's wrong with ketchup and mustard i just i put it on the side for corn dogs oh my god this is no place for wiener buns what were you thinking what what what even am i looking at i think my brain just gave up because at a certain point there's just so much going on is this cthulhu i think this is this is supposed to be fairly cthuluy the headcrab looking hand thing threw me off if thine or not cthulhu i deem the cthulhu the wish edition i've seen i i knew this was coming i knew that i was gonna see one of these at some point dear god that is haunting especially with the tiny hat i don't know why that's just the worst part oh okay all right somebody had fun with the character creator didn't they wha oh wait how many how many people does this contain sir how many are you phineas facing forward makes me so uncomfortable oh my god yeah that makes me uncomfortable oh my god the last one oh that's wonderful oh okay yes a giraffe thanks i hate giraffes now oh thank god we're back to the weird this is sort of kind of cool except it has far too many legs there's enough of a dragon vibe that i can i can let it slide that's soap that's that's hilarious soap you think it tastes like soap my goodness some people just don't have a good taste in cheese then you sit there and watch everyone squirm while they try to force it down sorry nobody youtubers and their thumbnails oh my god you guys look how exciting my mediocre and menial day was it's time for five minute crafts fill the pinata with gold intestines to teach children about the brutal consequences of violence yay sir we've been demonetized what do you mean that was a teachable moment oh okay yup i hate this just good old-fashioned internet weird me before watching a movie about a person getting superpowers yay me after watching a movie about a person getting super powers why me no get powers oh yes it's all about you when you discover that laughter produces 10 times more energy than screams stunks or in this case scrims power laughs me licks a knife to clean it everyone else at the surgery oh god no excuse me doctor do you need a new scalpel nah this one's fine uh doctor yes you're fired didn't we just do the slurping spaghetti thing and uh hey this time you got a trophy my pasta next time you'll be more specific eh that's my boy kibby and his pet barbie i i want pogba to be able to be used in a sentence like i do i'm gonna have to work on this you know it's crazy how your nipples are older than your teeth it'd be even worse if our nipples fell off and we grew another set of adult nipples new snapchat filter makes your dog look like a disney character oh that's kind of cute kinda want to try this with my dog now they look even more frackable oh my oh my god get out get get out now nobody invited you what if the balls got hard too what the [ __ ] shrek how are we gonna get past this dragon donkey we could frack it shrek donkey i'm gonna frack it well if you didn't know before donkey is a bard i love honey wow you know what else i like what bacon i mean honey glazed bacon you can't really argue with that it was never a lo oh god oh oh god it was never a loincloth oh god okay um i didn't need to see that today oh god oh god all right let's do this anime girl gets bumped into anime girl oh yeah boobs bouncing furiously [Applause] falls on top of the male protagonist in slow motion skirt flies up exposing underwear knocks down an entire shelf of condensed milk and gets soaked boobs squish against the protagonist's face with a cheesy sound effect blushes and that's why i don't watch anime i'm joking but also kind of not my break is one atom wide but an unknowable amount of light years long monofilament gang i roll over in bed and slice the milky way in half welcome to ship hub we've got french bondage booty ebony and oh god niche close asian hairy granny solo cosplay vintage yep i hate this i absolutely hate this how do you feel about using toys in the bedroom oh my god i thought you'd never ask when i die i shall ascend with wings when i die i'm gonna have hands [ __ ] so what's the deal with the flame on your tail it gauges my health the bigger the flame the healthier i am oh i have something like that watch squirtle used water gun see that all blood that isn't good the look on charmander's face oh same bro same yoda is probably thick as frack under those robes imagine slapping his thick yet tiny ass cheek this tweet made me fracking sick stop being dramatic i know you imagined the shock wave ripple across his left ass cheek as you gave it a good smack and you hear him let out a soft moan in his notorious voice enjoy this i do he slowly whispers i'm going to add erotic yoda to the list of voices i hope to never have to do again don't forget to wash your foreskin the scene and lady and the [ __ ] but as our lips meet i continue to suck you feel the pasta travel back up your throat my pasta my pasta yeah don't get between me and carbs we've had this discussion before wake up son we need to have a serious discussion about the type of pokemon you've been collecting lately uh elaborate oh dear oh oh dear kiss me and i shall be a human prince again uh okay yes it's working keep kissing don't don't stop please come back not done churning oh my god that's that's actually really hilarious i don't hate this this is freaking funny and that brings us to the end of another r slash thanks i hate it if you hated this video as much as i did go ahead and hit that like button don't forget to subscribe to mk for more hateable content my name is thelexikitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 457,099
Rating: 4.9411874 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: t-Xv20_z-Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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