r/TIHI | fish chomp dog

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ghostbusters visits cancer patients at children's hospital oh that's cute how nice bond camping [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk it's a beautiful sunny day here in new york city and today we're going to be taking a lovely stroll through oh oh no it's thanks i hate it me coming home to my gamer wife and children greatness of kecks everyone score any sick headshots today oh thank you honey i'd love a bowl of soda soup please don't get triggered if i don't like it this time zelda sweetie you've hardly touched your doritos what's got you so butthurt this post is cursed i agree all we need now is the brady bunch sponsored by monster energy because if we're gonna start out low we may as well start out really low what in the loch ness spaghetti noodle dog is this i didn't really want to see a furry dragon today and i i still don't want to see a furry dragon today why is this still here oh that is absolutely not better oh god satan could i please make one thing god ah fine satan demon spaghetti this this just looks cool i genuinely don't have a problem with this one this is this is pretty nifty imagine these shoes cool futuristic aerodynamic until you step in a puddle and then you're just running in wet socks splurt kids drawings are so cute until you actually bring them to life and then they are nothing but cursed is that a flower with a pair of lips inside of it oh dear lord somebody crossed an ent with a sephora well that's a weird optical effect yeah he looks kind of short socks in the pool what is this world coming to we accept mastercard discover visa and you oh homosexuals can be exchanged for goods and services um excuse me i am not currency i am ammunition most of these i hate but obama's kind of rocking it let me rephrase that obama's the only one who could get away with it oh oh god oh what in the name of gibberish krebs left kidney isn't this oh no no i can't no dear god that is that is terrible that is that is no okay next no goodbye the awkward moment when you realize that you just ruined your feet for the summer on the first sunny day of spring well yo you were wearing crocs on the other hand how fast you tan this is in one day do you live on the sun uh oh i oh i just figured out what this is oh that's oh oh god the veins yup this is a hand in various states of decay fresh bloat active decay advanced decay and dry remains kind of like my path through college really what in the wh why are there dentures in the cake why are there dentures in the cake is this even a cake do i this better not be hot dogs what the hell is this you know what i don't want to know just just stop you're done i don't want to know why the cake has balls oh god why why would you do this on purpose okay it's like it's like the fuzz cut things okay never mind i'm sorry i thought it was a tattoo uh this is still terrible uh but it will at least grow out i thought these were tattoos i still think the two fellows at the bottom should have been the top and lower lip and just knock their heads together i think that would have been deliciously horrifying is it the long raptor claw on the foot oh yeah i guess it is now that i think oh god what why this didn't have to work we didn't need this explanation and yet here you are ah take it away what oh oh okay okay that's actually really funny i like this one that's hilarious that is so good i approve muchly of this when i bake bread i give thousands of yeast organisms false hope by feeding them sugar before ruthlessly baking them to death in an oven and eating their corpses this has been baking with wednesday adams it's croc man a croc man wears a pair of croc shoes is he made of shoe or are his shoes made of flesh he screams for he does not know she sneezed during a panoramic selfie fall oh i don't hate this this is freaking hilarious oh the longer you stare at it the better it gets no i've seen this before and i still hate it no stop breaking news say goodbye to comfort brakes new downward tilting toilets are designed to become unbearable to sit on after 5 minutes they say the main benefit is to employees in improved employee productivity whoever invented these i hope you get strapped to one of these for a few days from musta wayne sir hey you didn't have to do that ah put it on robin put it on that's it you've lost your popsicle stick privileges i warned you me doing 10 miles an hour over the speed limit a bmw driver it gets worse the longer you look i mean the teacup personification thing is kind of weird but why does ariel have a baby arm in her neck why does jasmine have noodle arms what in the fresh hell is that collarbone hand why is belle so short how many legs does snow white have look i know disney recycles characters so many times they probably mutate out of sheer spite but even this looks like a significant enough disruption to the gene pool the sexual tension between you and the person adjusting your seat belt on a roller coaster i'm glad you equate sexual attention to outright fear but you know the rest of us don't okay okay okay hear me out acid plants but with beads so when you twerk maracas i shouldn't find this funny i i really shouldn't and yet [Music] that was a bag of glow stick connectors but you get the idea 14 000 people are having sex right now 25 000 are kissing 50 000 are hugging and you well you're reading this mug trust me i'm not happy about it either aha this mug is incorrect i'm currently recording a video and you're watching it i'm on acid right now i'm sorry miss jackson i am for eels never meant to make your daughter cry i am several fish and not a guy i can't sing but i like this version way better your belly button is just your old mouth [Music] i was having a good day we were all having a good day and then you shower thoughts official had to put the mental image of our belly button slurping up gummy worms into our heads oh that last bit was just me that was that was just me oh okay sorry oh man i hate blood work and medical stuff what what in the ever loving no did this guy just get siphoned oh god this one makes me nauseous quick change it please thank you when rona ends we can finally blast each other with particles again ah yes my favorite pastime aerosolized particle blasting this blocks that wonderful line between terrifying and creative first off we need a set of mk logo tools using hands and fingers second off imagine being stroked by that paintbrush in like the middle of the night just going up behind your worst enemy and lightly stroking them with four dead cold fingers stapled to a paintbrush just on the back of the neck yes i thought lexi was wholesome she is until threatened wait lexi's a girl yeah she's trans okay thanks oh god that's oh god i hate medical stuff but also why are you x-raying this did somebody really come in with like a detached foot and the doctor's like well let's get an x-ray oh there's your problem your foots broke off tell me did you break it off in somebody's ass there is a method of growing rhubarb known as forcing where the plant grows in complete darkness and is tended to in candlelight it grows so quickly during this process that you can hear it grow i'm sorry did i say you could hear a girl i meant you can hear it scream why is he going to be chill doctor are you his bae wife yep doctor mournfully we're trying to do all the fleek [ __ ] we could but he peaced out forever wife such bad vibes doctor bad vibes of frack girl that boy went to go sleep in the forever box favorite new thing scratching haunting things into bananas at the market so when people take them home hours later and the words appeared they think a ghost knows their secrets oh my god i want to do this this is brilliant oh this person is a genius it started out with a kiss how did it end up like and that's how he got the nickname barkwolf mcbloblub scooby wrecky i'm scared shaggy how about a scooby snack the kang tears up as the fat receipt no no i don't like this one no next next next next oh thank god the internet is weird enough to blast that last one out of my head sure man you do you go for it oh oh no no no no no no no no no no very unsettling threats oh i will boil your tea i swear to god i will fill your sinuses with urine i will invert your ribcage i will squeeze your kneecaps i'm going to harvest your toes i will pour cement into your ears this is by no means a complete list please feel free to add what you like oh my god please add more of these in the comments oh my god i love these i want to collect all of these when you take a bite from the pizza and the cheese stretches from the slice honestly that's just freaking horrifying that is some robby rotten stuff right there girls i only date six foot guys me insects man with awkwardly protruding ankle oh oh dear oh she looks miserable please be chicken please be chicken please be chicken oh you know damn well what that is pro tip for parrots don't buy the finding dory nightlight when you turn it on in the dark this happens just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming swimming no train had ever touched thomas like this before his wheels felt weak oh no oh let's stop this immediately gross weird but really cool and kind of kind of digging the style this has hr giger vibes all over it and yes that's the correct pronunciation look it up spongebob pikachu and homer mixed with spongebob pikachu and homer there's something endearingly cute about sponge chew peekimer almost looks like psyduck and i think hobobob is the most cursed hey i'm coming over to eat that ass tonight oh are you using ranch this time fbi agent god damn it my sister randomly leaves drawings like this around the house oh my god it's poe oh my god that your sister's a genius i hate it but that's wonderful the scene in lady and the [ __ ] but as our lips meet i carry on sucking you feel the pasta travel back up your throat my pasta my pasta told you not to get in between me and carbs i'm just imagining the cameraman sitting there stunned like i just witnessed a one minute long slurp of food out of somebody else's gob i had all this ground meat and i made a meat baby now no one wants to eat and all the kids won't stop screaming [Music] this is why i should never be a parent this is freaking hilarious in the eyes the eyes look like they're glowing oh excellent work spider goo spider q hot and sticky spider goo it gets made in my gut then it squirts out my butt oh god here comes my spider goo just eat me already you freak we'll add that to the list of things i've screamed in my studio at 3 am i'm not particularly proud of this list dumbo's ears loki look like thick anime thighs i i oh okay something i didn't want to learn today it's human can we go out and make a human do you want to build a zombie anxiety turd hey so uh what cut do you want say no more ethel banana frac you orange are hard to peel strawberry grape oh but you're easy to peel hey human healing hey human knife y'all want a glass of milk why didn't they please tell me you didn't put the peppas in the cow juice oh god you put the peppers in the cow hey what if your nipples clicked in and out like a pen imagine having out of sync nipples what if your name was tony but spell tony like baloney dogna balogna you have forgotten me simba remember who you are uh get the freck out of my clouds dad i love the idea that he was just like stealing the gods projection system to broadcast a message but wait there's more knowing zeus that's probably not what he'd actually be doing if he saw mufasa bent over like oh god oh put that back where you found it okay i find this immensely amusing i actually oh my god the dolphin oh the dolphin just made my entire day oh this is genius i need more of this the fear of my parents dying in a car crash because they've been grocery shopping for 10 minutes longer than they said it would take them me at home yep that's me with the lexi wife if you piss here we will cut off your gentleman's vegetables or your lymph nodes the instructions are kind of unclear therapy expensive time consuming you'll cry during sex with me free will barely dent your schedule you probably won't cry till after the choice is yours ladies when you turn 100 you get a letter from the queen and when you turn 16 you get a text from prince andrew oh god no no no no no no no god no oh stop this immediately not tonight i have ketchup i'm sorry shaggy and snoopy okay the image is a bit cursed but snoopy is the cutest freaking name ever my dog just got surgery because he tore a ligament in his knee so they had to shave him and now you can see his little butt crap [Music] oh poor pupper i hope he recovers soon hey steve where'd you craft them fingers i'm not sure why i had to make that gross i just i just did it's frog burger friday you hungry i hate this would you hate it less with mayonnaise i fracking hate mayonnaise it's just stupid sticky spider butt goo so human do you think you are safe oh no no goodbye what's this uncle ben's old prawn stash this looks like a job for spider-man oh god oh god this episode brought to you by sticky spider goo america is gay yes yes it is now just because it's gonna upset somebody i wish i had longer legs your wish is my command i wish i was dead when your uncle eats your dad off a cliff so you frack your cousin and eat bugs with a raccoon and a pig ah yes this is the circle of life and a disney movie when a lady has two babies inside of her it is called being pregnant with twins the reason most people have got two legs is in case they get pregnant with twins so that they can safely grow them inside of their legs with plenty of room the twins will feed on the leg bones of their mother to get all of the bone goodness that is needed to help them grow by the time the twins are fully grown they will have stretched all the way down their to their mother's ankles what a beautiful world we live in now i see the problem with homeschooling from cnn human sperm don't wiggle new 3d images show men's sperm spin like playful otters reversing nearly 350 years of scientific knowledge i understand they were going for kind of a cute simile but i also hope they understand that they missed that cuteness factor by about 350 million light years now you can go up to random end and be like you contain multitudes of playful otters wearing your face mask like this is like wearing your underwear like this so please wear your face mask properly you really should or else somebody might cut off what's hanging out that applies to both when two people kiss they create a long tube from butthole to to bottle this this is not romantic who approved this no this is hallmark i don't care no this is hallmark tim i i'm not having this from you again i don't care what you saw on the internet i don't care you know what tim get out you're fired we apologize for a printing error that caused some valentine's day cards to be misprinted teenagers in real life teenagers on netflix yeah i have no idea why this needs to exist twist lick wait no i'm not ready for this oh oh god i'm not going to eat another oreo the same way again i'm going to throw it in a blender first just to make sure it's dead i can't wait to be a proud confederate like dad bro we are in a dead raccoon welcome to the south y'all man who lost penis to blood infection has new one built on his arm you watch that seems complicated very complicated also every time i read a headline like that in that voice i just imagine my neighbors thinking wow i wonder what news network she reads for that sounds weird why do you ride a horse like that it's not a horse it's a unicorn god oh dear lord in the name of gibberish crabs that is some unholy stuff right there what's wrong going to save the princess again again that's the third time this month i don't understand how she gets kidnapped so much meanwhile he still believes the kidnap story yeah i'm concerned the bowser suit is that close to the bed during you know what never mind i i'm not gonna judge do you have claustrophobia oh man do i not have the toilet for you hey guys big bird laid an egg another egg and another one another egg [Music] hmm the strawberry brownies i thought this was diamond honestly me too but i would try strawberry brownies and that brings us to the end of thanks i hate it honestly i found this one hilarious but just like sticky spider butt goo there's more we have some lovely fan art from queen underscore weeb one two three and they've created mk chan and honestly this would be kind of cute if i hadn't just done a thanks i hated episode and all i can think now is doki doki literature club so that's fun but thank you so much for the fan art queen weep and if you enjoyed being sprayed by slippery slimy sticky spider butt goo go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe while you're at it the bell will give you that extra little squirt my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 595,952
Rating: 4.9317288 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: PKwLnpWgc5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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