r/Madlads | [deleted]

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i'm just going to jump in here for free upvotes oh free town votes ah you've activated my trap card [Music] hello there freaky frish people welcome back to mk this is your captain jack speaking on our flight to matlab island just letting you all know that i and our co-pilot jar of dirt are making our descent why do youtube views freeze at 301 301 views okay yeah with that subscriber count i'm gonna question that too i just got kicked out of a flat earth facebook group because i asked if the six foot social distancing guideline had pushed anyone over the edge yet it did and we really don't want to talk about it frickin biscuits before 9 a.m sometimes you have to take risks in life i need help my brother won't stop giving me the healthcare hero award don't you do it don't you barbra streisand yourself where can i submit my invoice to get my teacher pay since i am now teaching at home oh it's apparent thinking just because they can't take their kids to school at the moment means they should be getting paid to teach from the independent school district hi ryan we don't pay parents or guardians for virtual learning teachers will be still be providing lessons to those learning at home but if you're interested in being paid for educating and would like to see all the challenges teachers face during the pandemic please consider being a sub for us the pandemic has made it very challenging to attract subs because most people don't want to face the challenges teachers currently face most people will see this comment bubble is just grey but i am seeing so many different shades like green gang comment purple gang green gang took her to starbucks because i forgot her name oh genius thank you for 100 subscribers i'm so happy that my bel delphine diss track got 800 views i worked really hard on it so thank you all so much oh you sure about that buddy someone unsubscribed big f quick delete the video remove the evidence would you like a nice glass of juice that makes you stop procrastinating yeah leave it on the table for me i'll get some in a minute ali a intro song ridiculously bass boosted i'm gonna report this for harassment so youtube watches till the end see this is why there's still bad content on youtube they're too busy having to comb through stuff like this in 10 hour rick astley loops this girl next to me in class offered me a sip of her drink because i mentioned that i was thirsty i was not freaking expecting to take a sip of vodka cranberry at 9 am y'all hey there are some mornings the coffee won't fix you up for we tried to convince the history teacher that taylor swift ended the cold war and he got so frustrated that he stared into the hallway for 10 minutes we please not make breaking teachers a trend they don't deserve it ask reddit what's a lie you once said for no reason and people actually thought it was true i told some guy in the comments that i was half german oh and look receipts oh my god so i was talking to a buddy in psychology and then this kid came in who looked exactly like him and gave him a book he'd forgotten at home and i went holy smack you have a twin and he was like yeah his name is jason and i was like i thought your name was jason long story short i have one of them in my math class and another in my psychology class and i've developed a friendship with both of them but i thought they were the same person this entire time remember this post not jason is refusing to tell me his name and everyone's keeping it from me so i'm just calling him not jason are they twins or are they using time travel my neighbor just got a cat and we're discussing what to name it and i suggested puss they were not amused i purposely call british pounds euros to tee off my british viewers what is the greatest comeback to an insult you have ever heard 18th century british radical politician john wilkes was told in parliament by a political opponent sir i do not know whether you will die on the gallows or of the pox wilkes shot back with that depends my lord on whether i embrace your lordship's principles or your mistress can we bring back this level of lingo that way if i suck at clapping back which i do i'll at least sound eloquent i am unstoppable i turned 20 today and i'm on the teenager's subreddit and nobody can stop me mods please don't ban me people said taylor swift have only american fans like this if you're not american i liked this comment and i'm american i have foiled your plans freshman year in high school a classmate called someone a chode in gym class the gym teacher asked him what that means and the student explained a chord is a good student next day the teacher welcomed the class by saying good morning chodes honestly at 13 14 that's about as funny as it gets plot twist he knew yeah if anything you bringing this whole story up is just his fallback option if he ever gets caught by other teachers calling his students chodes he'll just be like oh that's just what the students said to me oh i didn't purposely consult my students in class in the 1950s one of the journalists criticized marilyn monroe saying that she's only beautiful because of her fancy dresses or clothes then she did this photo shoot wearing a potato sack as a response considering how much we like to joke about people being adorable potatoes and things i wouldn't be surprised if at some points potato sacks become fashionable let's make it so everyone my secret pleasure is to send minute long voice messages with nothing in them to waste people's time i don't like you me watching people getting platinum and other awards just for saying some dumb stuff like poop oh now you've done it pope sand don't use emojis reddit doesn't like emojis with hard that's funny so i heard a symptom of corona was having no taste hope everyone who doesn't want to date me is doing okay thanks for the concern we are okay covert doesn't come with blurred vision florida man plants marijuana seeds in his neighbor's garden and calls police three months later how how do they discover this how do they figure this stuff out this is why i can't be a detective sometimes if you listen very carefully you can hear my genius if only my poop sounded like that bruh if my poop sounded like that i'd probably take some laxatives and terrorize the local walmart laxatives are no joke neither are my goals we're waiting for you pepe james post this on reddit and pepperdines will reply hello reward offered for information on who put trump 2020 sticker on bear yeah are you gonna give them a medal of bravery because that is damn risky ask reddit what do we continue to use after it is broken our bank accounts yay i don't know how to budget our slash crazy ideas want to show a redditor you appreciate their post message them directly asking for their cash app instead of wasting it on reddit awards and it seems everyone followed through with that idea la mao who gave you an award for this post i don't know but i messaged them my cash app in 1999 mtv movie awards featured a best dramatic pause category no winner was announced because lisa kudrow who presented the category opened the envelope and took a long pause that lasted until the next commercial break i don't think anyone in the history of humanity has ever changed their minds on a subject because they were called an idiot so i don't know why every day thousands of people on twitter think it's gonna finally work this one time it will this time idiot a few years back when the uncle of my mother died my young cousin ate cried a lot at the funeral it took some time but eventually he calmed down and his parents went for a little walk with him for some distraction but then he noticed that his first name was written on one of the tombstones he mentions it loudly and one of the bystanders said yeah it's already reserved for you he immediately started crying again i'm not the bystander this funeral wants i'm the bystander this funeral they don't want me i'm really being an a-hole here florida man buys porsche with fake check printed from home computer so clearly he got caught then i mean a plus for effort obi-wan is always roasting anakin from the high ground [Laughter] do you reckon the animation team does this on purpose i feel like they would how does someone get awards i see no clear pattern in topic when someone gets an award answer something funny to this and you'll get one too something funny to this and you'll get one too i'll freak you little smack guys the microwave is dead rest in peace microwave wow just got back from going next door to use their microwave so i could cook my ramen i respect that when someone hits a golf ball in our backyard my dad goes and lays next to it why are you just leaving this to snapchat to share you need to make this a youtube compilation buddy putting on 10 masks and running one kilometer in 100 degree fahrenheit heat after smoking to prove masks can't suffocate you oh i forgot did i mention that was asthmatic duro yes you got a coin near you yeah flip it for me did it what it landed on heads frick yeah i thank you suddenly on his twitter i'm dropping out of college what a creative way to leave your decision up to someone else why no one takes my sharpie yeah i work in an aerospace facility where you can only use black ink on any official paperwork had a pen thief in the house so i bought two packs of pilot g2s one coloured and one black switched all the ink cartridges up so not only did i never have another black pen stolen but the pen thief was found with pink ink on some controlled documents suck it tim boyfriend 22 male admitted that he intentionally tries to make me 21 female angry sometimes because he thinks the kink is better when i'm ticked off look it's not that bad of a kink at least he doesn't find it more attractive when you're crying like if your parents die and he keeps asking about them or putting photos of them all over the house that's when i'd be concerned nice small you got there you all thought i was joking i'm getting avogadro's number tattooed on my body and no one can stop me wait is the decimal point a freaking mole it actually is i want a shout out bro please please shout out to mr b6000 wow does does that kid realize what he's done man cuts neighbors garage in half over land dispute wait like on his own like did he just grab a bunch of contractors to do it as well i feel like this needs to be a team effort surely you'd notice that like hang on is someone uh someone breaking my house in half i really wish i could just play a match of valorant without billy bob 203 in chat reminding me that i'm not a pro not the best at the game or that i'm worse than xstreamer i literally don't know what to do about this anymore thanks for trying to tear me down every day frick you too i'm gonna tell my kids that these were the original power rangers do it please do it you sexy shirtless catman this song makes me want to drink orange juice after brushing my teeth in 2018 this man offered to pay for everyone's grocery in a walmart he told everyone checking out to go back and get what they wanted and when everyone was ready to check out he just straight up freaking left [Laughter] this sounds like something i did lemo oh god despite a society where we have cameras at our fingertips we still miss out on golden nuggets like these got banned for saying pokeman has a boyfriend in the discord server worth it a pair of aberdeen fans who used a cherry picker to watch the game at pedagery today i probably butchered those words would it not be more expensive though to hire out that thing keeps taking me to this page so i wrote a bad review fix yourself why do you think god hates you i sometimes give a middle finger to the sky when something goes my way knowing that it didn't happen because of him i like this i like that method i projected my grandma to the building next to a house why so that she's always there whether or not my neighbors wants to sleep who is he who is user deleted and why does he have so many downvotes i don't know there he is i want to be 14 again and ruin my life differently i have new ideas r unpopular opinion i am a kid i've never done this thank you kids don't belong here why not because of people who don't give not safe for work warnings kids don't go to work no no he's got a point this song makes me want to tell my drugs not to do my kids you sure you got those right i know what i said leap of faith waterslide in dubai i used to operate a slide like this when i was a kid at wet n wilds called the bombay people would climb in super nervous and i would say make sure your feet are behind the line and when they look down i would hit the bottom for them to drop oh you monster i bet that slide and splash pool were contaminated with constant urine because of you freaking out so many kids electrocuting my muscles to force me to dab buy literally nothing it's my merch shop because none of it's for sale http slash go freak yourself not for sale.com it's one of those hidden gems that only the connoisseurs of youtube wouldn't miss reddit has gone mad they just made a 125 award called turn in all powerful why in the world would anyone spend that much money on an award with that much money you could buy two games two triple a games what the frick was reddit's thinking besides greed this is wild nobody would buy such a thing express dislike for it and you shall receive no but seriously pretty sure this guy did it on purpose just so someone would be like yeah i'm going to give it to him as a joke and they'll like right into my trap my mod on a discord server was removed because i made every emoji this worth it yeah kinda hard to express emotion through emojis when it's constantly saying delicious yum yums my girlfriend complained about my size many times this is what she is getting on our anniversary enjoy the little things ironically in a cup that's larger than his yo shout out to women can't believe i have 100 000 plus girlfriends stop asking us for free stuff send me free stuff sure address right here oh okay that's what you asked for this is hilarious r slash whoosh looking cute as you can see you fallen right into my trap need a girlfriend to film clips for me this summer sex tape hit me up no the skate park i don't be having sex again want to say thank you to everyone that has sent me b day wishes unfortunately my boyfriend of two years found out i was cheating on him and broke up with me at my birthday party in front of my friends and co-workers even worse he had a cake made with all the guys that i cheated with and unboxed it in front of everyone the real f up thing is he recorded the whole thing and posted it to youtube r slash ouija sweet i've never freaked a chick before goodbye our slash unsent letters to the crow who had a rave outside my window at 3am i'm coming for your freaking family you cootie i was just living my life vibing and then your freaking feathery booty butt decided to chirp chirp right outside my freaking window it was 3 a.m do you have no decency i'm coming for your left tit and i'm freaking ripping it off it was 3am 3 a.m why were you having a burb party at 3 a.m what is wrong with you and then you had the audacity to freaking eat my goddamn strawberries do you know how much i cherishes my berry babies frick you carl you dumbass burb okay so wait who's the mad lad here the crow or the guy who sent such a death-defying letter far out these redditors are playing chess in like 2078 the ingenuity is almost as good as this creative fan art by reddish guy that number four god okay i thought it was a random number but clearly it has a purpose it's their second try and making this and they hope they did better and oh i like it i can't exactly remember the style of tessellation coloring this is but i think it's really good nice work man love the work thank you for bringing some color to my day of course remember guys if you'd like to see your work on the channel make sure you post it in the mk subreddit so we can see them and post them with that all said though it is time to say feza wells if you enjoyed today's content do like the video if you are new make sure you subscribe and click that notification bell so you see the latest of contents and while you're at it why not check out some more videos on the channel plenty more mad lads for you there but anyway video is ending now my name's been jack you have been an amazing person to ramble at as always love your faces i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 490,854
Rating: 4.969564 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: unGV0ox1iCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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