r/Crappydesign | tastes like wHAT?

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mystery er er er 12 chris happy strunkmas [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we regret giving that designer a pencil because it's our slash crappy design let's get started please select 10 as your parking spot oh sure i'll just go seven eight nine a b c wait wait wait what are we counting in hexadecimal pretty excessive packaging for four amazon basics nine volt batteries i think they do this for shipping reasons and at least it's not plastic packaging but on the other hand it's amazon so yeah our ass my ult our oh army assault yeah you gotta be very careful about designs when you're crossing a zipper like that or else you end up here english textbook that doesn't explain very well what an avatar is in this case they mean an online representation of yourself this belongs in fellow kids as well now available for hire maybes they're good for something probably i don't know what what are babies good for suspension testing i guess this paper bag looks wet well that's just wildly uncomfortable there's something wildly intentional about this like this isn't just somebody that refitted a house like this was very clearly done they really wanted a bathroom above their bed and if this is a personal house i'm actually okay with it because if it's if you want to be able to you know cannonball from your bathtub to the bed more power to you it's your house but i'm not gonna buy it also where the frog is the toilet [Laughter] belay you almost got it oh believe contrast not your strong suit okay i saw this when i was previewing i still don't know what it's supposed to say i so apparently is what i'm trying well i i think they're missing letters they're soap and then ready but there's no indication that they're like so so pretty like that that's none of this works coca-cola it's it's it's just chicken and soda it's just chicken and soda freaking demonetization police cinecom it's a fresh restaurant somebody wrote this on a business license it's fine the colors apparently mean nothing your birthday one oh okay what is this marriage compatibility oh my god oh not this crap okay i i have stared at this graph for far longer than i should have and i still have no idea what any of this is supposed to mean or the colors or you know i just it's bad okay it's bad we're just gonna move on my laptop screen hinge covers almost one third of the cooling exhaust yeah it is kind of bad but yes cool your laptops properly that's the number one reason that they start to die this is an incredibly poorly designed name for a new credit union mobile app introducing the nuke oh i can't say that one see you mobile app there we go not one single person under 60 looked at that because they would have instantly giggled and they would have changed the name i'm conflicted on this one because it looks kind of steampunky and steampunk is cool and dieselbunk is even cooler so like you know what it almost works and i know what you're going for here but you you should have made the gears like i can't quite read the letters however if this sign moves i don't care it's cool you can keep it don't look now but i think her neck is leaking nobody ever expects the heater too cool to do drugs oh i see where this is going cool to do drugs do drugs drawers i feel like there are appropriate facial reactions for each of these faces and the last one just ends up with a barn in central florida the elder yes that is exactly the elder that's that's all it is baby binks kill me find a purpose academy transitional housing individual programs temporary housing mentorship programs in and out patient programs wow these people sound like they do genuinely good work uh let's visit their website at www.fapacademy.com no i hate both of these emojis and it's because of facebook like it's just no no just no this design makes you think you are pressing an alarm in case of fire button use strawberry from sorry you stairway for exit do not use button elevator yeah i wouldn't want to press those buttons either but i would use a strawberry for my strategic exit let this be a lesson not to cut off the word luck and include f anywhere on your packaging ever i feel like this house had a fight with like the utility worker and the utility worker was just like no screw you just in particular home i don't i mean i know it's a shoehorned in design but it's it's not the worst that we've ever seen might be a little bit better in the m slot but yeah this is this is fine two people driving the same car and also different colored hands in the foreground also this is advertising a a camera for xbox one those are those are ps4 controllers the the thumbsticks are down in the butt this is this is what what what the hell is this it would have taken five minutes to research this hell armor contrast once again keep that in mind when you make stuff this toilet at our local family hospital it's just shy okay it's just like curling up into the corner it needs some alone time is that a birdhouse or are you just happy to see me i it took me a little bit longer than expected because i was distracted by the cross-eyed frog oh my god the things look so derpy cannibalizing ice cream oh oh oh no sir that was your child man can you imagine walking in that in that area with shorts on washing a plate and getting the back of your legs burned off that sounds fun she lied vigorously why do women need two legs anyways more importantly why does it look like a popsicle stick and why did you do it twice what is going on here sell same product with exactly the same design what different ingredients and textures cream vs gel my wife is livid the text on that is way too small to read but i'll take your word for it that is bs the idea is so well intentioned the execution however no have you seen my son new year uu 2021 with channel 7 news and some interpretive dance with kids in karateka i don't i have no idea what's going on here no one you watching is though dance if oh i see where this is supposed to be going i did it entirely wrong look if you're gonna do a circular design position it like a clock people are used to that circle start from the top go around the right and left all the way back up to the top not that hard somebody didn't do their math i've dealt with this several times not with signs but with uh computer equipment and stuff john woodward mary stroh hopefully i got that right this looks like some rogue sentient number coming to finally take out the count there is no place to rip it at so it's a pain to use oh that's incredibly unhelpful i hate it oh oh this oh no peresta luckily oh imperfect perfectly imperfect well that was crap that's probably why you ended up here the photoshop on this is atrocious oh wow that's not even close oh and it's backwards and nothing has working shadows and oh just oh it's just a mess please here i refuse to use the queue if you're not going to use it in all three words i wonder how many conversations this has interrupted as people were walking up the stairs together on either side of the banister and then one of them just realized that they couldn't continue that is not at all how safety works but thanks for playing i don't even understand what this what what's going on here all i see is a pelican with an uncomfortably large sack i genuinely have no idea what that thing is like what is it supposed to be i heard you guys dislike comic sans oh that's an exaggeration we don't dislike comic sans we hunt it down for sport red team move out we have a new target the people in this social distancing sign look terrified they're probably remembering all the times they've used comic sans before it's too late sweet shop licorice babies great tasting flavor this this has to be like a regional thing i know babies are annoying but making black licorice out of them seems a little intense this thing on my favorite pair of jeans that leaves scratches on my wrists every time i pull them up it's a rivet so i can't take it off ow oh my god why is that there what the hell seussical see sees that somebody didn't name their child seussical what is this oh seaside thank you person that named the image because otherwise i would have had no idea this is the alarm system like this is the entire alarm system is to make sure you can't turn it off this seems dumb although you know the alarm panel should be covered that um that doesn't look like start fund i know it's supposed to be but that sure doesn't look like it national arts council uh do better art all right what is it supposed to be so she although so oh school chef yeah that wasn't any more helpful my friends stares you know sometimes building codes annoy me because they seem weirdly you know strict and pedantic but this is one of the times i'm glad they exist because the only thing that's passing is your soul onto the afterlife i'm sorry did you just decide you didn't like the door and that way you were going to put it somewhere else okay fine why so if you touch the sun it will say doo hoo sure okay hang on be right back oh my god it was right printing two texts on one spot won't work not with that kind of attitude it won't oh wait it still didn't i feel like this worked better in somebody's head like this had the best of intentions and then and then we ended up with this room for you and two of your closest friends get cozy my clock that has tick marks for 72 minutes oh crap we missed an artifact quick secure it this one's for that really extra special close friend crappy rug design litter box and poop trail ew ew ew why why why is any of this a thing i've serviced this printer a few times and i always wondered why they why they did this with the cooling bit i don't understand suburbs in victoria australia where south is north the compass in the corner is accurate someone had the map upside down when naming things wait are these two towns that are like actually named south morong and more like a is this like an actual thing that's amazing this drawing rack's water collection tray rests on contact with any water oh that looks uh tetanusy i am true lima dilly d playing low view with you and yes i could barely read those last couple lines wheelchair ramp includes a step accessibility huh we heard of that once three years ago in a mandatory online one hour training seminar award winning clearly didn't win any design awards that's for sure oh yes the universe in which 25 percent is nearly double of 20 percent and oh i fo oh what is 05 percent is that 0.5 for this was just me what is this a fox news graph and that brings us to the end of our slash crappy design but wait we have some lovely fan art to show you that isn't crappy design today's fan art is brought to you by user gloiworm and they say mk art i made a while back but never ended up posting until now hope you like it we do i'm always impressed with people that can actually draw real hands thank you so much for that wonderful fan art user gloyworm and if you thought any of these designs were particularly crappy hit that like button if you want more terrible products in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexie kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 847,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Crappydesign
Id: XpE5d9-cKe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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