r/Mademesmile | Cat in a sock

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before my mom passed away she gave my dad strict instructions to water the plants in the bathroom he's been religiously watering them and keeping them alive they look so amazing he decided to take them to his new home only to discover they are plastic can hear my mom chuckling oh that's beautiful [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk you know with it being 20 20 and all i think we could all use a little more our slash made me smile so let's dive right on in i gave a little kid some frozen yogurt today at work and his mom says okay what do you say and he looks at me in the eyes and says i love you visible happiness [Music] sorry puppy very cute just doing the arm a hug i just ran through my house to find my phone because i've never seen the boys in my neighborhood do this even in the 10 plus years i've lived here that's kind of adorable birthday girl begs dad to wear a mermaid costume and the photo shoot is priceless best dad best dad right there this is how you parent found out my 11 year old daughter is gluing my lunch bag notes inside her school binder oh this is adorable i mean i save a lot of notes and stuff from people i don't know why i just always have i still do i have a giant box of just notes that i've gotten from other people but this is really cute a californian care home went bankrupt about 16 elderly residents were abandoned most staff left but the janitor miguel alvarez and the cook maurice roland stayed behind to care for the residents at their own expense wow man the two of you are better than all of the staff combined also how is that legal like how how is it legal to like just abandon people heard my six-year-old slowly and painstakingly read a nat geo book about otters to his stuffed daughter because i wanted him to know about his family oh my freaking god sometimes okay okay sometimes kids do adorable stuff wife we just eat why are you making pancakes me they're for the dogs wife why are you making pancakes for the dogs me that they don't know how iowa school gives pe credits for students who do yard work during pandemic for elderly and people with disabilities yes actual freaking work being done instead of just like running around a gym i so approve of this there should be a thing outside of the pandemic after years of taking pics on the side and being dad i have my own studio it's not much but it's mine good job oh that's super awesome oh best of luck i hope everything goes really well for you my mom sent me this picture of her and our family dog showing their pride it made me smile to know that they support and love me and the lgbt community oh man i need to get a rainbow rainbow thing for uh for freya i already have a bunch of handkerchiefs for her i need a i need a rainbow handkerchief and a trans pride handkerchief for freya and this is adorable your family's freaking awesome and that's lovely and amazing and awesome i am a professional class expectations if you're watching tick tocks during class please at least drop links to the really funny ones in the chat i don't care if you are wearing pajamas or not but please wear clothes of some kind class materials bring your brain to class at least 50 of the time your dog is not class material i still want to see it on camera if a he's in the room b he's a good boy yes he is hi hello yes joe miliano i i'm not in school anymore but can i take one of your classes please i promise you can still make a beautiful life for yourself even if you lost many years of it to abuse mental illness or trauma i personally relate to at least the first one yes yes you can from nana mom just finished this beautiful quilt at 93. wow that is amazing really well done grandma a kenyan lady found her childhood friend on the street suffering from drug addiction and took him to rehab look at that he looks so much better and so much happier oh well freaking done i'm in remission and i got my port out i'm so excited yay congratulations also your mask is adorable but i'm so glad you are now fully in remission for many years i pitched science shows to large science networks and it was unsuccessful i would receive the feedback that the majority of our audience is male so we just don't know if they'd relate to a female host but last year netflix picked up our science show emily's wonderland i filmed the entire thing nine months pregnant so there is now a female ed science show on the biggest streaming platform in the world hosted by a pregnant woman available worldwide i'm just so incredibly proud that my daughter will be able to watch this someday when i was studying to become an engineer i was one of two or three women in the classroom of 50 men i'm hoping shows like this helped change that demographic for her generation this is amazing i need to look this up if it's like already released or not this is gorgeous great freaking work mom tells boy he can pick any animal at shelter he picked this elderly overweight and shy cat imagine the hugs though imagine the hugs the vets suggested a shirt instead of a cone from my cat fun fact most cats wear baby size zero to three months yo that that's really freaking sharp he looks incredibly sharp pissed off but also sharp also the guitar kind of fits into this mix and i don't know why it just fits my dad who didn't want a cat showing lucas every item of the weekly shop because he wants to see what we've got oh my god it's always the ones that don't want a pet dear teenage boy at skatepark you're probably about 15 years old so i don't expect you to be very mature or for you to want a little girl on your skate ramp for that matter what you don't know is that my daughter has been wanting to skateboard for months i actually had to convince her that skateboarding wasn't just for boys so when we walked up to the skatepark and saw that it was full of teenage boys who were smoking and swearing she immediately wanted to turn around and go home i secretly wanted to go too because i didn't want to have to put on my mom voice and exchange words with you i also didn't want my daughter to feel like she had to be scared of anyone or that she wasn't entitled to that skatepark just as much as you were so when she said mom it's full of older boys i calmly said so what they don't own the skate park she proceeded to go down the ramp in spite of you and your friends flying past her and grinding rails beside her she only had two or three runs in before you approached her and said hey excuse me i immediately prepared to deliver my she's allowed to use this park just as much as you guys speech when i heard you say your feet are wrong can i help you you proceeded to spend almost an hour with my daughter showing her how to balance and steer and she listened to you a feat knot attained by most adults you held her hand and helped her get up when she fell down and i even heard you tell her to stay away from the rails so that she wouldn't get hurt i want you to know that i am proud of that you are part of my community and i want to thank you for being kind to my daughter even though your friends made fun of you for it she left with a sense of pride and with the confidence that she can do anything because of you the history behind this picture is really interesting the reason that everyone always looked miserable in old photos wasn't that they took too long to take once photography became a widespread it took only seconds to take a picture it was because getting your photo taken was treated with the same as getting your portrait painted a very serious occasion meant so that your descendants would know that you existed and what you looked like but one time some british dudes went to china to go on an anthropological expedition and they met some rural chinese farmers and decided to take their pictures now these people weren't exposed to the weird culture of the time around getting her photo taken so this guy just flashed a big grin during the photo because he was told to strike a pose and that's the pose he wanted to strike dude he's having way more fun than any of us were in the 1900s i didn't think my dad ever paid attention to all the random pokemon facts i would tell him i guess he actually did oh my god oh my god is that snorlax you need a flute to move him that's adorable in 1968 i heard ben e king sing this song at a small club on the coast of south carolina king had a small band of three or four guys and i can still remember the single violin the venue was not air-conditioned i was 18. the girl i was with was 17. 52 years later we are still a couple and i still love this song oh that's adorable students and teachers have read it what's the best forgot to turn off the mic story during virtual learning well it happened in one of the classes the teacher was going through a rough time and the class could feel it we assured her that we had done our homework and that she could take rest for the time being she agreed and told us she would switch her mic off and sleep for a while as we did whatever her husband was right beside her and the mic wasn't turned off she said i am so lucky to have these students and started sobbing to her husband we all heard this but kept quiet to prevent her being embarrassed she slept well during that time and we sent her a thank you gift collectively y'all y'all are the best freaking class like holy crap that just that just warms my heart that makes me so happy meet the 104 year old man with more style than most people ever have seriously my god he is dapper wait wait wait wait wait wait is this in new york no i don't think it is i'm sad but oh man i want to meet this guy that's whoa how are you all doing this with like a mouse and emma's paint my god if he's that accurate with a mouse and ms paint imagine him in like destiny for the first time in over six years i have a full set of working teeth and a smile i don't have to hide no more oral surgery no more pain from broken teeth i can bite things now and chew them the first carrot was amazing oh that's so cool congratulations as somebody who was born with exceptionally fragile teeth i fully appreciate this there's a man in starbucks holding a bound stack of papers like you print at office depot and these proudly and loudly telling the couple near him that he's reading his daughter's thesis she just graduated with a master's degree historical preservation it's so cute this this this right here this is how you parent today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart whatever you do today do with kindness in your heart i don't know which came first but i'm very glad that the tree like is growing through the fence now just like i live here now i had this girl in my class and she was considered to be like really dumb she'd ask a ton of questions in class which everyone would consider to be stupid and silly and even the teachers would often taunt her but she'd never stop asking the weirdest thing was that she almost always aced the class exams and everyone was like huh even the teachers thought she was cheating because she wasn't so smart in class but nobody could prove that she was actually cheating i'm pretty introverted so i never really talked to her but she was leaving school this year and i was genuinely curious about how she did so well on exams and how she didn't let everyone's remarks and doubts affect her she always used to sit and only hang out with one girl and she told me that the friend of hers was severely socially anxious and had difficulty in class because she couldn't bring herself to ask questions or ask for help from others i felt that way before myself so they had this system where during lectures her friend would write down any questions she had and she would ask them for her and i was just so touched i don't know but like it really changed the way i looked at people this girl endured taunts and accusations and borderline bullying for being quote unquote stupid when she was actually really smart and could easily have refused to ask questions for her friend but she did and brushed off everything others would throw at her for her friend do you have friends like this i hope you do i think it's so important to have support from people who don't shame you for your shortcomings who help you during hard times and don't embarrass you or leave you hanging even if they could and trust me most people could i do have one amazing friend like this it is the lexie wife and she's the one who talks to anybody that i'm ordering takeout from reasons why i'm polite to waiters because i realize they're human beings trying to make a living not my servants be nice to your waiters tip your waiters if you can't afford the tip don't go out to eat no tipping shouldn't be a thing but it is so make sure your waiters are you know actually compensated my son who was told from birth that he may not ever be able to walk or speak not only walked across his high school graduation stage he also walked down the aisle as the ring bearer in his mentor and caretaker's wedding look at that dapper gentleman oh that is fracking rad i'm so glad you were able to do that she said i haven't been carried like this since my wedding day amazing uh for you know having a sense of humor in in what is objectively a terrifying situation most of you know i tragically lost my wife 2.5 years ago tonight i walk to my house to find my now fiance and my three-year-old daughter making cupcakes and having a karaoke party celebrating kylie's heavenly birthday tomorrow i found a damn good one i tell ya grown men do cry trust me i was exercising on my balcony and someone that was stopped at a red light got out of their car and started working out with me we did jumping jacks pointed at each other and laughed he got back in his car and drove off that was the most human connection i've had in 17 days i think the only only freaking good thing that has come out of this stupid pandemic is every once in a while you see a bit more humanity than usual people people don't take each other for granted and people you know genuinely try to find a little bit of solace in the silliest forms of camaraderie two years ago our cat kira had an allergic reaction that turned into a wound on her back she scratched and licked it and every time she would cry out in pain the wound got worse so the vet told us to get a crocone or make her stop touching the wound needless to say she hated the cone she couldn't properly walk in it was fed up with the entire situation and she could still could scratch her back with her claws so the cone was more than useless my brother couldn't watch her suffer so he came up with the idea to make her a little jacket he got some bubble wrap made a few holes in it for the wounds to breathe and i sewed it to kira's harness the vet was amazed by what he did with a little help from me kira couldn't touch her wound and a few weeks later she was healthy and furry as ever and that's the story about my brother inventing a jacket to help our cat get better that's actually a really freaking good idea i really like this and that brings us to the end of another heartwarming and slightly teary r slash made me smile if you enjoyed these warm fuzzies go ahead and hit the like button and if you want some more wholesome deliciousness in your subscriptions feed go ahead and hit that red subscribe button my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 294,813
Rating: 4.9423304 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: nY5lZ9oFIhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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