r/Hmmm | the piano is on fire

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shut up it's the valve loading screen theme i never promised you singing i promised you wholesome chaos and memes [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today's this is watch a verbal imagery that's a word now shut up is r because casual confused suspicion is one of lexi's constant moods y'all better pull up and chair and get ready for this because it's about to get weird brand new to the metropolitan museum of art we have the jackass installation representing coming of age and ascending stupidity the medium is tile metal and three teenagers breathtaking you see children when a truck loves an apartment building very much and that is how rvs are born i can't tell if this cat is happy at the amount of kiosks they just caused or screaming and really upset because they don't know what kind of weird mud they just ran through but they certainly made a permanent impression at what looks like a fire department i like this level of chaos oh does that work i don't like it no i i don't i don't i i i'm sure it worked quite fine i just i don't like it did you just summon a dog oh i'm gonna draw these on every single street corner in new york city we are going to overrun the city with dogs if all you need is a ring of pigeons we have never been more ready for something in our entire lives this is the weirdest reboot of alien i have ever seen product placement is getting out of hand i think i think it's a xenomorph is this a ghostwriter reference cause that's the only way i'll accept this hi i'm tim apple i'm really excited to show you something absolutely revolutionary this is the macbutt pro we wanted to put fitness and exercise above everything else so we invented a laptop you can type on with your butt yes it does run os x 10.5 but i doubt your spine will care confuse your friends worry your enemies and relationships and get fired by mistyping horrible strings of butt text our new adaptive algorithm that is somehow 10 times worse than autocorrect no no no no no no no yes burn burn it i don't care how cute your gandalf tarantula is it's still getting set on fire all of you are sheep for using communication devices was this made in like the 1940s some old guy complaining everybody's on that darn telephone this is either the world's biggest mac pro or this is the slot to update the planet's firmware please somebody find this and hurry i don't know if we're gonna make it through 2020. i see nothing wrong with this if your pet is sleeping in your lap you do not move ever i don't care how long it takes if they never leave you never leave shut up accept death and let their tiny sweet innocent head sleep i'm hating it seriously some amazing skill in this though why are you making tortilla shoes if you put your feet in these are they quesadas god i think i just made myself sick on that one okay no judgment here oh oh wow oh my god oh there is so much to unpack here should we start with the piss jars on the right the probably moldy cans on the left the probably mildewed cans on the left the keyboard or the fact that they're basically looking at messy room prawn i am a cluttered individual but oh my god this is this is gross i'm sorry this is this is gross taken away now performing computer cleanup processes wait wait wait wait no okay that's just cool oh i want this in all black with like bright pink exhausts yes i like this more of this look i'm not the most confident person in a swimsuit either but there's got to be a better way on the plus side this is right for green [Music] screening excuse me while i take notes on this post in case there is ever a nanolexi energy drink into formula bottle all right i feel like this will only end well i need one of these to mash my face into every time i get exposed to just a little too much internet that also looks oddly satisfying to type on like i really kind of want one now looks like they're just removing a surface mount chip from uh looks like a foam board okay oh that's a crab how helpful carry on you know you're in trouble when you pull up to a gas station at 2 am and even the poles are drunk these are cool these are the amphibious convertibles they had going around in the 60s and 70s i believe obviously had some minor design flaws but still a really cool idea oh what a bunch of cute little kitties oh i really like the one in the center oh my god what the hell is that is that real oh my god that better not be real don't make me get the lighter i'll get the lighter again don't tempt me wow uh harry potter has changed welcome to the wizarding world of harry potter now partnering with r it's called fashion this seems unnecessarily violent and i like it where do i get a shotgun base hahaha i do that everything's on fire may as well make stuff i kind of like the design it'll look like a mess when everything's plugged in but i also want to cover this thing in about 17 googly eyes and haunt somebody's nightmares with it the power pig will see you now and always i don't know what direction up is anymore and it hurts my brain this is exactly what everyone who does the minimum the absolute minimum to build a settlement in fallout you got your base good enough get out of my face preston this is my favorite post you all sit there and appreciate the adorableness of this gay deer or i'll get the power pig i can't decide if this is adorable or weird i i think i'll allow adorable i think this is cute he is the chosen one raise him well and one day he shall protect the city egg egg [Laughter] egg oh finally a knife for legally blind people like me oh no there's someone breaking into my house hang on i gotta scope him hey so yeah i'm shopping for a new car uh what's the trade-in on my current ride rubbish i like to think a car salesman was personally offended by a specific trade-in picked it up hulk style and just yeeted it into the dumpster oh fruit with corners humanity has gone too far this is mr teddy snuggleston and he will rip you a new butthole sup i heard you were making fun of somebody's braces why would you put the left why would why why is the spot they have to get i'd love i think my eyes just had a stroke hello yes your keyboard privileges have been revoked please turn in your fingers immediately ah i'm too blind for this one because i can't read the word on the shifter oh wait is that a shower knob i think that's a shower knob either way feel free to make fun of me in the comments for not being able to read it i realize platform shoes are a thing but this is getting a little excessive can you imagine like going for a jog and the fish is just like wait wait is this is this supporting no you don't realize the thing needs to be ugh the thing needs to be closed ah y'all are gonna die and i'm gonna laugh and here we have a historical photo of skrillex's dad before you drop the base you must build it oh my god i need to hear this oh my god i need to hear this it's a swan i swear it looks like a goose it's a swan okay i can tell we have 17 warrants out for a goose are you going to take any chances peter chill this goose has ruined my life and my marriage dave you don't know this is a swan it could just be a goose with eyeliner well ma'am uh the first thing we found wrong with your car is that there's a strange metal ring inside of your tire uh it's kind of in the way and not letting us reinstall the tire as is so we're probably going to have to replace that the second thing we found was this strange broken star-shaped chunk of metal that's on the wheel itself uh we're trying to remove that right now but we haven't had much success the third thing is uh part of the reason we haven't had a lot of success with that uh you see i stubbed my toe and i just woke up from a three hour blackout rage and i seem to be holding this grinder we'll try to use this to get the weird star-shaped formation off of your wheel and get you a new wheel as soon as possible thanks so much for your patience bicycles in the river if you can't pedal fast enough to ride on water you don't deserve to travel here oh hello uh sir can i help you this should be a discord emoji swan what hot damn lag is one hell of a drug yes i'd like to report a hacker climate change isn't real my city won't flood i'm staying right here there is one and i need one acceptable use for this cake and that is to celebrate an anniversary of somebody going nicotine free and even then it is wildly tasteless not as a tasteless it probably tastes perfectly fine i just it's a bad idea did um did did you really need to put this much effort into playing solitaire well quietly ignore the fact that it's being provided by a chaos gremlin from the deep there's always one although to be fair i see a mask and a captain america mug so this might be some sort of halloween thing and if so you can kind of get away with it but whatever the encasement bed asleep so deep you'll never get out i mean he looks sharp as hell but can he punch oh wait is that an eagle i'm not sure screw it for the purposes of this post it's a falcon oh oh my god what what animal this is a puppy okay it's a puppy that's so cute i want one i need to hug it my neighbor accidentally did this to himself it was hilarious then and it's hilarious now drones with bats are somehow more threatening than drones with guns ah i think i just blue screened myself there there there's a bit too much going on in this image you have a lovely day jason and uh enjoy your a lifestyle magazine we got a tailgater a repeat we have a tailgater susie move to tactical position bravo take him out ah informative and gross why is the wall so veiny did it really need to be that veiny we had fruit with corners and now you're telling me there are flowers with quarters what's next dogs with corners anxiety with corners calculus with corners buildings with oh wait he i'd wear these i approve i mean that's one very expensive way to make sure you don't have to clean up after newborns actually some of these are adults i think these might be kitties that actually need a little bit of extra help i retract all jokes they are all perfect i feel so judged by this cat and you thought blowing all of your money on amazon at two o'clock in the morning was a good idea why that's that's not that excuse me sir you you forgot the rest of the car tow truck drivers in the front like i'm an ambulance we summon more bro energy and maybe some money to pay for the hospital bill for this so yes sir you have an outlet here and you have an outlet here no it's going there uh sir that's that's not going to work well then well that's that problem fixed yes good i actually own like 60 of these weapons i might be able to make something close oh well uh at least it has arm rails i can hear this image and i enjoy it okay this is actually cool i really like this design if you needed a birthday gift for like a kid or even an adult who was really into swimming this would be a really cool gift genuinely impressed by this also no one plays pool on a horse like a stan i want to be a real girl as you wish pinocchio welcome to 2020. no i want to go back ah yes let's affect the structural integrity of the building for a ceiling fan hey does the second floor seem bouncier to you yeah it seems fine ew oh ew no i hate this this is far too freaking cute until you remove all the mouths then it's just a vegetable staring at you you've consumed our kind for so long it's time for us to consume you i can't tell if this is goth punk coveted fashion or just something that should stay at home probably something that should stay at home no judgment of course no just i i don't care if these are domesticated or not there is no situation in which four baby raccoons crawling up your legs with your pants down is safe sanitary or explainable there's a peanut butter joke here i won't make ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am i think it's dry okay this this i want somebody get me this i need this now that is beautiful weird but also cute ah you know what i'm gonna let this one pass because it's actually kind of cute i like this this is adorable oh i swear i'm going as fast as i can faster boy what in the what what what is what is this cor this is corn this is corn bull crap this is not corn this is corn being used as a building material man we really are screwed one if it works it works two this is the car equivalent of drawing one eye perfectly and drawing the other one completely bonkers oh cute they just got married congratulations this wedding has been brought to you by purdue farms if you're sick of flowers try raw chicken man the product placement's getting weird as somebody who can't walk five steps without falling over something just imagine how expensive it would be to trip in this shirt hey if you want a bath you better jump for it either you keep active in this house or you don't get to bathe yeah i uh uh no judgment that that's some dedication on many many many levels i'm simultaneously impressed and also scared for you plea please get down safely ah yes a nice cold glass of foam i do kind of wish there was a soda that did this just for the experience i feel like these are like three degrees away from being actually kind of cool like these would be one hell of a statement but um uh with uh jeans stuffed into them i uh uh yeah no we're back to r slash it's called fashion oh cool i have uh ah what i think i can hear the exponential growth of the number of questions i have about this image i'm marking this up to another blue screen i i can't i might no i'm i'm broken words this is an animal crossing i can get behind yeah tom go ahead cross lexie i wonder if i could use peaches as ammo in my sniper rifle you know what this is ingenuity i ain't gonna knock it just clean the bucket first oh my god why is everything cornered hello yes lexi's therapist yes i need to make an appointment for five minutes ago thanks this seems weird this has the error of the best of intentions but still comes out weird and freaky but okay moving on you can't smoke here you can't tell me what to do that's actually true seagulls are just chaos pigeons they do what they want the mad lads of birds why do i keep seeing this image everywhere i sit like i've like eight times on twitter people have tagged me in this photo i like bread but i don't like it this much did i basically just tell everyone oh god i basically just told everyone to go tag me in this image on twitter didn't i rip my phone when you get hired for a job you're horrendously unqualified for but you try your best anyway oh well huh one pack of mentos and this guy is dead bob i told you not to wash the armor with the red capes hey there welcome to dystopia and that's all the thinking i'm ever going to do about that image haha i have no idea what these are but they uh i have a pair of 8x magnifiers and they're about this thick fun times haha fun times um literally all of osha would like to have a word with you oh oh wow okay oh i was going to sleep tonight it was going to be so nice and then also this is what happens when you order watermelon same day delivery at least they're freaking round thistles teach steve to eat my cookies you bastard they were chocolate chip damn boy hey thick i like big frogs and actually that's alike frogs are kind of slimy and gross the tiny ones are cute though kinder's oh god nope nope don't want that kind of surprise wait until the toy inside is 18 years of crippling debt huh well that's enlightening i misread the file name for this image the file name is titties but i misread it as trities and you know what that's better than any joke i'm gonna write and that brings us to the end of our confusion smorgasbord that had far too many corridors in it if you were horrified by anything you saw today go ahead and hit that like button but wait there's more we have some lovely fan art from 181 who says just gonna leave my classy mk boy right here for you kind strangers of the internet to see also mk member or not hope you're having a lovely jubbly day oh goodness that is classy i really especially enjoy the sunglass with one eye excellent freaking touch and the reddit mug thank you so much 181 and if you want to be confused in the future go ahead and hit that red subscribe button the bell will just bring you more chaos my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 650,281
Rating: 4.9270782 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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