r/Me_irl | we all had the same childhood

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me emerging from a mine shaft three thousand blocks from my house i have no memory of this place [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today we've got some delicious me irl but first we have some fan mail to look at user slight dimension says fan art for the lexi kitty not great at drawing but i attempted oh this is so cute a corgi a really loafy cat and a minecraft version of lexi i could pull off being minecraft in real life i could do that thank you so much slight dimension the human body is 90 water so we're basically just cucumbers with anxiety science person i don't need a science person to tell me this i know it's true hallelujah the miraculous jesus christ i thought the best part of this was the halo skittering across the pool until i noticed the tiny spigot that says wine the guy who did all the side quests first the first boss i love going into that first battle with like every single upgrade available bolted to my gun moving a picture in microsoft word it actually does what you want you the mess up whole document mexico mexico and american movies all filters lived in harmony until the sepia nation attack people on social media that don't post anything i have a friend that's just like this that does nothing but lurk on social media i mean i guess it's fine it's perfectly valid it's a little creepy i was fine with it until i envisioned them doing precisely this i don't understand why my husband has to pay for a ufc fight when he could just throw one piece of candy on the floor in front of our kids ooh a snickers fight reasons i should never be apparent part 76 north america compared to jupiter how'd they get north america out there just just let them believe just don't question it just keep moving so two inch murder hornets are big but my two inches are small yeah okay one stings with pain and the other with disappointment oh god when you buy a game a few months after its release and play online for the first time yeah you feel a little unequipped don't you just a little selfie with ronaldo those three pixels right there i swear he was right there was amazing you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain i can't even tell if that's a cat or a dog at this point i'm naming it a dog a dial and y'all are gonna have to live with that expression on that cat that was just like so surprised owners ramsay please help me change my restaurant ramsay okay but we need to make some changes owners no it's true though that's that's how that show goes anyone else stuck in this weird cycle where work is so exhausting that your hobbies feel like too much work so you don't do them and then you go back to work upset that you didn't take time to do the things you like and rinse and repeat i do but i compensate with unhealthy amounts of caffeine nobody elon musk reading the back of his wifi router delicious finally a good fracking name that poor child bro the office is actually really funny you just have to watch it again bro please bro believe me you have to understand complex humor bro how are you not laughing he spilled his chili please just try to watch again i promise it's so funny bro i get this all the time i don't understand the office more power to those of you that get it this is a pigeon with the head of a horse and the body of a horse inside every single one of us is a pigeon a small anxious flying rat unless you're tall and then it's two pigeons imagine having adhd and short-term memory loss once you get distracted it's all over i put milk in the pantry and cereal in the fridge and forgot about it literally two seconds later so while i don't have short-term memory loss yeah yeah i can see how this happens i have a question for you yes are you pro-life or pro-choice what do you mean i am just normal korean so in 1957 we got a chicken nugget 1978 we got a chicken tender 2005. we got a whole eight-piece bucket fracking hell hole this is chicken i hate myself i'm better than everyone i hate everyone everyone is better than me i hate myself i'm better than everyone i hate everyone everyone is better than me eminem singing rap god guy that lists side effects of medications look at the lungs on him okay but at what point do we start hiring eminem to read the side effects of medications no one showed up to my pet raccoon's pool party tito the raccoon is no longer with us everyone to 2020 and now you've officially carried it too far buddy yeah sex is cool but have you ever spent an hour looking for a song that you only remember one lyric for and then finally finding it pure freaking euphoria also everything's on fire but that's irrelevant her during sex call me names me panicking optimus prime that's that's such a beautiful visual i mean more than meets the eye and all that every woman's biggest nightmare is late marriage mine is sitting on a toilet and a hidden snake attacks my vagina but okay her you want to go upstairs me sure her you have protection me why uh what's up there just just bring a scabbard yeah we're gonna call it a scabbard now yeah yeah that works schrodinger's flirt where i am both totally kidding and actually flirting depending on whether or not you're into it how to learn anything 10x faster i speeded the video 1.5x so that i can learn 15 times faster country drugs try drugs oh boy if you insist antacid tablets bro we are going gonna get so lit an ant on lsd that just picks up random objects and just starts carrying them in circles from your location to some other location it takes six minutes to walk there but three minutes if you're tall gay and caffeinated how did you get here so fast you were walking i was power walking rainbow road at its finest pixar animations making the mom more more oh god oh i didn't need to think about today i didn't need the oh god caption this tomorrow i'm going to wake up early and work out now you're not no you're not you're going to go back to bed but if someone from our gen z population doesn't open a square themed food restaurant chain called dyncraft then what's the point op do you take constructive criticism only in villager noises otherwise the idea sounds great friendly reminder that ed ate an entire slide because there was a pebble in his shoe well what else are you supposed to do my sister explaining why i shouldn't have eaten the brownies in her room me if you get a bigger bed for your bedroom you have less bedroom but more bedroom wow traditional meme template me the increased structural clarity of reading the meme left to right this this got uncomfortably meta very quickly i i don't i don't think i like this one when i randomly remember one of my shirts i haven't seen in a while wait wait where the hell is that one i have an entire drawer of graphic shirts and sometimes i just find stuff on the plus side it means i can keep putting off laundry mom family talking about religion did you know if you press on the gas and the brake pedals at the same time your car will take a screenshot try this at home kids i'm sure it will work also i'm not going to be the one to point out what's wrong with this image you all can go to the comments to point that out the real ones know about the struggle meal is that cinnamon sugar butter and bread i used to make that all the time i had a little container of cinnamon sugar that was like an old fish food container or something and i kept remaking it to get the ratio of cinnamon to sugar just just right i never could get it to taste the same as when i was a kid maybe i forgot to remove the fish food this isn't a struggle meal this is a childhood delicacy dang right me in the middle of the night looking for my cat so he can sleep with me [Laughter] that cat looks the cat looks so concerned like why are you carrying me around in the middle of the night is this it is this the sacrifice little caesars today little caesars hello i bought a pizza today and i've got a complaint hello please describe the problem what the [ __ ] is that the actual account oh my god that's the act i think that's the actual account oh my god that's the most beautiful thing pick a number between one and six three all right three let's see what's on the other side of three oh a hug i oh oh you poor i i have questions i i need more context in order to know how to feel students who really need help smart students teachers oh my god this is so freaking true give more attention to students who actually need academic help jeez well it was a nice leg day until my dog nearly drowned my sister oh no the dog looks like pleased with itself there's not enough love for the both of us in this family why do people like feet not kink shaming just wondering what about feet makes them so attractive to some people this must be something from the us here in europe we're more into meters how did technically the truth get in here uh excuse me sir ma'am you are lost please return to your original subreddit what the food in your microwave be seeing [Music] i i really want to somehow turn off the magnetron part of a microwave and put a camera in there and get this view but that's just far too much effort i made a new emoji that i call mild panic oh my god i saw this on my discord server and we actually considered making it into an official emote because oh my god because it's basically just a constant state of being this and confused literally me all day versus me at 3 am i have chronic insomnia 3 a.m is the absolute best time to completely reorganize your desk then go downstairs and have a meal of cheez-its and iced tea fourteen-year-old kids when a five-year-old calls them sir huh yes quite i used to read three to four full-size novels in middle school now i see anything longer than a paragraph and i bounce i'll miss you brain cells can't believe you peaked at age 12. i'm not as guilty of this one but occasionally i just want the really really short version because i'm just impatient me second slice of sliced bread first slice of sliced bread oh this is just sad nobody ever wants the heel of the bread loaf the only thing it's good for is cinnamon sugar toast i what what the no no no stop this immediately no i don't no i don't like this please stop what what did you do to the baby like what i have so oh no no no no no no no on behalf of white people we don't claim these ones i don't i don't know what's up with them but we don't claim them six-year-old me in the corner of the pool oh my god yes i did the exact same thing it's the only time you'll ever feel as competent as spider-man when you convince yourself to finally go out then realize it was a mistake and you'd rather be home yeah that's all i'm gonna say that's all i need to say yeah don't go outside it's scary out there there's like humans and stuff oh and also miss rona when someone is crying and you don't know what to do uh you want water my fallback is also just sending pictures of cute bunnies because i'm like this maybe this will help komodo a dragon attacks poor goat oh did you just assume the goat's economic status jesus hiro it's gonna take a long time to find the villain's lair the villain's lair giant evil castle gee i wonder where it is the only thing that can make it more obvious is a giant floating mission marker girls oh my god i don't know what to wear today boys steve jobs i mean as long as you know what you like neil degrasse tyson puts jeff bezos net worth into a new perspective if jeff bezos put all his money up he would need a really big and that brings us to the end of me irl if you enjoyed that video or smiled at least once go ahead and hit that like button and remember to subscribe for more content my name is thelexikitty but you can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 578,749
Rating: 4.935854 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: qTcr1OW-nJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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