r/Technicallythetruth | Why?

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work until your bank account looks like a phone number ah-ha they didn't say which phone number though did they [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking another in-depth look at r technically the truth where the best kind of truth reigns supreme let's get right in there attention thanks for your attention is this really a truth i mean is it really it's like those bus stops that don't have an advertisement on them yet so they say hey you just proved these signs work is it a truth of any kind would you take me to the beach looks like you're already on the beach yeah the hell's this posed for i put my root beer into a square glass now it's just beer can you imagine can you really imagine if it did that didn't have the candles number two and number seven so happy 27th birthday son i get it hey you thought on your feet and you thought well so good for you i'm leaving i'm sick of you wearing a different shirt every half hour wait i can change yeah we know that you do every half hour idiot 21 savage says he's sitting on two albums of unreleased music i'm gonna be honest with you that looks like a chair not as cool as the thinking chair though guys if you don't get out of your comfort zone nothing will change in your life and at the current time i am more than happy with that hey make the first move knight to f3 really who the hell says that hey you make the first move more like hey kiss my ass also damn dude just plug the phone in how hard is that change does not come from a place of comfort i find pennies and nickels in my couch all the time so i don't know what you're talking about yeah [ __ ] have you ever looked in your couch getting fat just say no calories cannot legally enter your body without your consent yeah it's called choosing not to eat that it's pretty insane for some strange reason this has made me very hungry [Laughter] the spoiler you'll never get away with this you're correct no hi mr jenkins i'll be doing your evaluation just pretend like i'm not even here alright gotcha hey where's that performance evaluator he should be here by now follows directions to a t oh it is t-e-e i never knew that i think it's because i'm stupid i'm arresting you for illegally downloading the entire wikipedia wait i can explain everything don't arrest him this guy could be quite valuable 10 hours of nothing close your eyes for full screen not only is it full screen but it's a 360 vr experience you don't even have to buy a headset for when your teacher doesn't want you to pass the exam what is a microphone true or false false what is not a microphone thank you xavier accidentally closed a browser with 20 plus tabs opened this must be what scholars of alexandria felt when their great library burned ctrl shift t for time travel dude man if only they knew that in the ancient times they could have saved the library just think for a second if we could go back there just how much of human history we could have recovered like only god i hide at work because a good employee is hard to find you're not a good employee though i was wondering why the ball is getting bigger and then it hit me oh oh rim shot rimshot can we get a couple please shark-infested waters you mean their home oh god there are all kinds of messed up jokes we can make about this one the four horsemen of chess ah yes black other black white other white which is worse ignorance or apathy i don't know and i don't care can we get an applause please can really it's not often a yahoo answers threat is actually entertaining like really actually entertaining the adjective for metal is metallic but not so for iron which is ironic thank you no problem spider-man is this good for wasps no it kills them idiot that and i'm sorry but if you go up to the cashier and ask her if the can of wasps nest poison whatever the hell it's called is good against wasps maybe you deserve a smart ass answer it's printed on the can movie leaks this character dies no radiation leaks my skin is literally melting god damn i love my job this is heavy but this is a little lighter oh no you what's the difference between a literalist and a kleptomaniac what what's the difference a literalist takes things literally and a kleptomaniac takes things literally oh you son of a wocky [ __ ] imagine if americans switched from pounds to kilograms overnight there would be mass confusion i get it not safe for work oh man that guy is about to die this odd 18 mile per hour speed limit in albuquerque why actually it's even ah touche you think that one's weird though here in colorado springs we've got an area with a 12.3 mile an hour limit i'm not even kidding i'm gonna try and find the photo for the editor real quick for you see there it is two zero two four uh oh shoot um crap no we gotta call in somebody for this one my dad told me that his password is mickey mini goofy donald pluto huey louis dewey dublin because he was told his password had to contain eight characters and at least one capital aha okay the youngest picture of you is the oldest picture of you and the oldest picture of you is the youngest picture of you i worry about you sometimes candace i don't know why she's really onto something here it's a bird it's a plane is it is it both it's both i hate it a surgeon a plastic surgeon this one's the suckiest one yet let's keep going you can't buy hot pockets you can only buy cold pockets you are expected to supply the heat yourself don't believe the lies oh he has a point what happens when you use 100 of your brain teacher you can't breathe underwater me he's also under pressure the us should add three more states why's that because 53 is a prime number then they can truly be one nation indivisible i don't think we deserve that joke time spent by a printer actually printing yep yeah that's about it you do wait a while while it speaks its language it likes to sing the song of its people more than actually doing its job thank you human for helping me fix my quantum transporter no probs before i return to my own dimension i shall answer one question you have about the universe can my question be about anything yes goodbye an ant is stuck inside my monitor and i can't get rid of it you should file a bug report now you should get a new monitor dude do people honestly find these funny if abby road was released today if abby road was released today two of them wouldn't be alive all right we got mexico egypt indonesia what does this mean that my friend is exactly the question to ask it means this is one of the best ways to pile up rocks and not have them fall down for a long time can't believe someone rubbed one off in this elevator stupid jerks if you're chased by a serial killer you're both running for your life is it true only three percent of your water is drinkable yeah so what that's pathetic well at least i have more than you stop being so salty holy sh wacky [ __ ] is this for real post the last picture you saw there you go what else you got wonder boy girlfriend you've never smiled at me since we started dating boyfriend i thought you said you wanted a serious relationship you good yeah why what's up i thought i heard something loud drop now that was my shirt your shirt fell and made that noise well yeah i was inside of it yeah i'm sure it is hard to argue with the assessment okay now take your belly flop of a tv show and get out of here the longer the haircut the shorter the haircut uh wait you don't need a parachute to go skydiving you need it to go skydiving twice or more than twice really but come on if you think that's true try talking to peggy hill all right a vanilla soy latte is a type of three bean soup great the odds of hitting your target go up dramatically when you aim at it fallout would like a word dating in your 30s is just two people telling each other stories about how they used to be fun is it is that what i have to look forward to pro tip if you reply gopher wacky [ __ ] yourself to the boss's email you don't have to work tomorrow you get one hell of a vacation it's a nice hack how youtube has increased in popularity over the centuries well well well look at that wonder what's going on here if you were in walmart and everything became free for 10 minutes what would you get trampled to death probably most realistic answer well a lot of people are going to be dumbfounded for about 10 seconds you get a little bit of a head start where are you going there's a pervasive chemical in the environment that's a potent solvent found in acid rain it'll asphyxiate you if it enters the lungs its vapors can cause second-degree burns it's a greenhouse gas and it's also found in most foods that chemical is called water shut up neil wanted a man has been stealing wheels off police cars police are working tirelessly to catch him are they though write a question using why why william hair william shakespeare yeah that's right you should you bring blank to blank all right let's see a knife to a knife fight a gun to a gunfight water to a wood fire a lid to an oil fire this guy has a comic for literally everything doesn't he thoughts on abortion no boy if it's god's child why not give him full custody can you imagine how uninteresting the story would have been if that's how he treated jesus although frowned upon it's not illegal to call a toddler an [ __ ] it never has been it never will be and the moment it is i'm gonna do everything i can to flip that paradigm because they're all [ __ ] what the hell do single people do we give relationship advice the smaller her titties the closer you are to her heart all right come here closer to screen closer to speakers if you will come here right you close okay good it doesn't matter how big they are fellas you know how it is right you get it there ain't nothing wrong with smaller ones and you can take that wacky [ __ ] to the bank if you disagree walkie [ __ ] you honestly let's move on man they are not gonna let me keep that joke nasa is investigating what may be the first crime in outer space with astronaut annie mclean accused of identity theft and improperly accessing her estranged wife's private financial records while on the iss despite making up roughly 49 of the population women are responsible for 100 of the crimes in space well hey that statistic is only true if she was found guilty because that's how our system works or rather that's how it's supposed to oh thank goodness we've come to the end of another video folks but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art just some unfinished mk art well let's see oh oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to intrude upon you my apologies always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon hey if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,096,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Technicallythetruth
Id: VBJXk8QyyQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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