Rock Type Pokemon - How do they Work? | Gnoggin

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how do rocks work like what even is a rock and why are they allowed to move in the Pokemon universe these and other questions will probably be partially answered here today on noggin hey you wanna hustle you want a tussle tussle some muscle in a hustle hustle hustle hustle castle there we go our videos would not be possible without the support of awesome sponsors like today's hustle castle you think those two words would rhyme because they're so similar but they don't game spawn though in hustle castle you take a control of a medieval castle to continually expand and defend all the while you have an important mission you need to rescue the princess who's being taken away by the demonic Lord of the abyss who is sending undead orcs and dragons to defeat with your ever improving armies of archers tanks mages cooks carpenters treasurers and alchemists I love the alchemists I love the alchemists also the art style of this game I recognize it but like I can't [Music] stardust crusaders that's the one so you can support my channel by downloading hustle castle with my link below enter your nickname and you'll get a special bonus to 250 diamonds and 3500 gold and when you get the ability to join a clan why not join mine we are the noggin years and we're going to save that princess so help me and of course massive thank you to hustle castle for supporting this channel so there i was sleeping normally for once and boom it hit me rocks hit me rocks are actually just boulders but smaller yeah I know I have terrible sleep problems I should not be thinking about things like that while I'm trying to sleep but the following day that got me thinking about today's topic how do rock-type pokémon even work like how do they exist they exist and most importantly what do they taste like I mean I eat rocks every day don't you I'm sure you do it's called the American diet you Rock liquors what to be honest I actually left salt maybe it's because I'm naturally a nice not salty person and thus I need salt in my diet unlike Josh over there behind the camera but how could rocks exist as life I mean clearly the Pokemon world has a level of magic in it I mean the rock Pokemon shoot rocks out of their hands and mouths - how do they but even disregarding that and a fundamental base level how could a rock be considered a living thing well rocks are really cool trust me so cool that they have their own entire science called geology or mineralogy or maybe tetralogy I guess they're cool enough to have three Sciences a rock is any naturally-occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid matter it's really fun to think of things that are so commonplace these complex ways with big words that you've never heard before I mean what is water you know I mean h2o right we all learned that but did we really learn what rocks are I know I did there's the three rock groups igneous rocks metamorphic rocks and sedimentary rocks and I learned that the crust of the earth along with dirt is just small rocks and dead matter I guess but did you ever learn that rocks were I grammar that up did you ever learn what rocks were and why they exist mm-hm well maybe you did but it's been a really long time since fourth grade so let's get you some learning turns out most rock is about 70% silica or sio2 just like h2o I guess o is just everywhere and just like how water has a water cycle rocks have a rock cycle and thus there are ever-changing forms of rocks which is important with regards to Pokemon or any media that has rock creatures you see one of the problems that face rock based life is how it would be able to reproduce as that's the main requirement for life all rocks go through the rock cycle starting as any of the three types of rock or magma or bits and pieces of rock endlessly being eroded and compacted melted and solidified and heated across the land changing the very face of the earth I remember before I knew what the rock cycle was I was worried about the world eroding away because of rivers like California education system why why did it teach me about erosion before the rock cycle I was so needlessly scared for months I also missed something about what carbon-based life really means but I don't remember if that was fourth grade or some sci-fi movie carbon-based life means exactly what the name States its life that has its basis in carbon the element all life we've seen thus far on earth has been carbon-based but theoretically speaking there are other that could work as a base element for life somewhere out there in the universe like ammonia or hydrogen sulfide but today we're talking rocks not liquid and as I stated most rock is silica and it just so happens that silicon happens to be the most popular alternative life element I mean it's a trope at this point oh the aliens are silicon-based life forms that eat rocks and are impervious to physical damage whoo but really if some of these rock-type pokémon literally are rock like Geodude and giggling then they would very likely have to be silicon-based life forms so what does that mean and why silicon well it might be because silicon is the closest thing we have to carbon-based life I mean out of all 118 elements life is simply based off of one I mean about 97% of the human body is made out of only six elements carbon hydrogen nitrogen oxygen phosphorus and sulfur yeah that's what you are a bunch of atoms mixed together I could say it's one of the most complex life forms we have ever observed but that's just my own brain saying that or the best it's kind of everything else kind of like the Miss Universe title but why carbon why not base life off of hydrogen number one the first element the most abundant building block like carbon what about number six makes it so special well it might have to do with carbons ability to react yet at the same time it's not extremely reactive like hydrogen is carbon is able to actually exist without exploding by being near air unlike say potassium carbon is also able to be found pure in the form of graphene heck when you burn carbon-based things you get carbon back it's a rather unique part of carbon another nicety of carbon is that it's pretty friendly and can bond with just about anything and ultimately carbon is extremely stable which might be one of the main reasons life is carbon-based Carbon can also break apart and reform easily as well it really is the perfect building block but the main and biggest factor could be the fact that carbon is able to form extremely long chains and structures being able to bond up to four atoms really helps I mean DNA couldn't hold all of the data needed to build humans if it was even a smidge shorter it's this flexibility that makes carbon the perfect base it can create huge structures it's easy to bind and unbind to plus the bonds are stable they don't oxidize constantly speaking of which if we look at oxygen we can see that that molecule just loves to bond and unbond it's not stable enough and carbons neighbor boron is [Music] let's just say that if you're that rare and impossible to find it's rather hard for life to be existent based on it you know carbon is one of the very few elements that are extremely abundant in the universe like it's everywhere and silicon is also a super common element it's the eighth most abundant atom in the universe so it almost makes sense that silicon-based life should exist somewhere the only roadblock here is that silicon isn't carbon yet even though it's different from carbon it's extremely similar when compared to the other elements I mean it can react with many different types of atoms it is able to hold on to four atoms at once meaning it can form rather complex structures so it sounds promising right it pretty similar to carbon but then compared to carbon silicon to form chemical bonds with fewer kinds of atoms and it often forms less complex kinds of molecular structures with the atoms that it can interact with so while silicon-based life sounds plausible at least in the grand scale of the universe it's just not quite as good as carbon it really seems to just be the better option compared to most other games but it's not like life can't use silicon we know that microscopic particles of silicon dioxide called phytoliths can be found in some plants and photosynthetic algae known as dye atoms they use the silicon dioxide for their skeletons yet there is no known natural instances of life on Earth combining silicon and carbon together into molecules but we know that it could happen it just hasn't yet as far as we are aware I mean we could make it happen with science and if humans can do it then why can't mother nature the possibilities are endless No maybe humans are just ahead of the curve here we like to do that don't we is to change the course of evolution make it into species worse off we know that we can manipulate and mutate certain organisms to create organic silicon carbon chemicals some of which we've never seen before thanks to recent studies but enough you know complicated stuff enough about if it's even possible how would it even work I mean a creature with rocks for brains sounds like a typical high school so let's talk Pokemon why are so many rock types always defensive and while I'm sure the reason realistically is weirder rock hard it may actually be more complex they may in fact be silicon-based life-form think about it carbon is reactive too many atoms hence why it's the basis for life silicon is still reactive in its pure form but much less so which sounds bad at first it can't get as complex and brains as while we're aware our super complex but silicon-based life does have one big advantage over carbon-based life fewer impurities it's significantly more stable because let's face it silicon is fat compared to carbon many carbs it is almost twice the mass meaning it has a bigger hold on its electrons and those of its bond partners so little accidents little mutations that cause cancer for instance those don't happen in silicon baseline silicon is denser more massive and stronger and that could be the reasoning behind most silicon-based life in sci-fi being portrayed as harder tougher stronger life forms like the crystal guy in Ben 10 so maybe Game Freak is on to something here with rock-type being all defensive that also makes sense as to why it resists poison to most poisons and Venom's take advantage of the weakness in carbon-based life so it would be much less effective on the silicon based creature the silicon is larger and harder to bully the bonds are doubled up into beefy and ready for normally dangerous solvents something that would hurt or ruin a carbon bond could very well be ignored pushed to the side by a silicon bond and another interesting bit is that silicon-based life may not get energy the same way carbon-based life does maybe it doesn't need to digest plant matter or other means of organic life actually not all life as we know it already needs photosynthesis and I'm not talking about just not eating plants and not needing plants whatsoever for energy everything we use today all the power and energy on earth is from the Sun it's just trapped here by some means fossil fuels are just plants and animals that are storing the sun's energy living plants also absorb and store the sun's energy animals eat those plants bigger animals eat those animals and so on Silicon life-forms would be wild and crazy heck even carbon-based life is crazy at times here is a new word for you chemosynthesis it's the cousin of photosynthesis instead of using the Sun as a direct energy source with chemosynthesis the life-form uses chemical reactions to create usable energy it basically takes any molecule that contains carbon or in this theoretical case silicon and just converts it into nutrients and organic matter via oxidation some scientists believe this may have actually been the first type of metabolism to evolve and today it is still used by some deep ocean bacteria and giant tubeworms and it's theorized to be what would currently support life on Mars or Europa but what this means is that yes a living Rock creature would in fact eat rocks to sustain itself I just explained gorons I'm gonna repost this video in a few months and it'd be about gorons it could be that silicon-based life uses non photosynthesis based energy to exist in areas we aren't really looking for life in the depths of outer space where it's cold and no Sun exists to give energy to the ecosystem yes in Pokemon we see many of them still eating pokey food the generic kibble that pokemon love which is totally possible I suppose silicone-based life isn't limited to just silicon it's very possible that carbon-based life and silicon-based life could interact easily remember they are basically related who's to say that they aren't actually just silicon-based life that eats carbon life for the same atoms that carbon-based life needs I hope this isn't getting confusing what I mean is it's not all that rare to see animals carbon-based life have rock-hard pieces on their body all based off of carbon carbon can also be extremely hard hard as diamonds even shells scales plates and even quills are hard all to varying degrees so it isn't crazy to think that a silicon-based life-form wouldn't have access to rocky outsides or even rocky insides like our bones just because it's a rock pokémon doesn't mean it's solid rock for every carbon-based molecule there's a good chance a silicon-based one also exists yeah for instance sugar sugar is the basis of carbon-based life energy yep there's Polly ceilings Polly soul salon ease this word it's a silicon-based sugar it's just not all that stable here on earth which seems to be a recurring theme of stability so rock pokémon might not be too possible realistically they could very well be silicon based but carbon-based potentially would work because of creatures we see being rock hard in fact realistically most rock-type pokémon a rock type because they have rock-hard parts as opposed to our actually rocks the ones that are actually rocks are a minority in fact here's a really good real-world example and it's not just shells or hard armored plates here I'm talking about a rock like I yeah it's a recent discovery scientists found that a creature had hundreds of eyes that were all made of rock although the lenses chitons are mollusks related to snails clams and even octopuses they look pretty much like a little old wood louse but with a skirt and a forehead that would make any Klingon jealous their armoured plates are dotted with hundreds of little spots scientists knew that these spots were eyes from the get-go I mean it reacted to visual stimuli now I won't bore you with the details but one day a scientist noticed that the lenses dissolved in an acid that's normally organic safe and yet its lenses disappeared later they learned it's because the lenses were made of pure aragonite a derivative of limestone a Carbonite crystal ie still carbon-based but yeah it was actually a rock lens in an organic creature so now while not entirely silicon based this is a huge step in knowing that non organic compounds can be found in organic creatures I'm so sorry plus I mean how else would you explain some of the Pokemon being able to see gross fleshy orbs set in stone or are the eyes rocks - I mean I'm sure having eyes that are extremely weak compared to the rest of you would be a huge oversight in evolution just no bueno kick the Geodude and brighten the eye and no problem well I have large weak spots like that have rock eyes instead or at least a rock lens to protect the eyes no but that's not to say that these weird eye things are strong in fact in the chitin it actually sacrifices its armors toughness to have these crystalline structured eyes in its plating the change in structure does overall weaken its armor but it's still much more rigid than our gross jelly-filled eyeballs now the biggest reason that silicon-based life doesn't exist on earth today is probably the fact that it doesn't play well with water and earth is stinking covered in the stuff but that's right both of the most reactive elements hydrogen and oxygen don't really like silicon when they get together and yet silicon when it can find oxygen by itself just loves to hold on to it forever whereas carbon can turn it into co2 so it's easy to burn it apart but what silicon well it forms actual solids instead of a gas when it combines with oxygen killing all four of its slots with as much oxygen as it can basically it's like you would inhale oxygen and then you would exhale sand [Music] instead of co2 not exactly an easy feat carbon is a cool uncle Adam silicon is the weird aunt no one wants to talk to silicon-based life would have to use some other water replacer like methane something that isn't stable in normal earth-like environments it could also work with ammonia heck there are whole theories on things that life could use besides water these all being some of it and thus life based on these elements could exist on planets with atmospheres that are totally chemically different from ours and to keep this vaguely pokemon related it could be that rock types could exist somewhere out there in the universe and in the Pokemon world they may not just solely be silicon or carbon-based it could instead just be like a much more evolved chitin a carbon-based organic thing that still manages to grow mostly inorganic parts so in a magical world who's to say that a creature like this won't start to eat morals or do other crazy things like that or maybe even have skeletons made of rocks or fully inorganic rock exoskeletons could this be what some of the rock type Pokemon truly are maybe while being a silicon-based life-form would work in theory for them it would make life tough since the pokemon world is basically earth so rock types could very well still just be carbon-based life just with an ability that is similar to the chitin truly if they're fictional fictional magical creatures that have some sort of basis and science is still better than just some make-believe thing you know another good video I love you for watching this far into it we're not even done a lot of rock types could just be like insects extremely hard outside layers with goop inside I mean what if a creature was entirely made out of aragonite would it be a rock technically yes but it still would be a carbon creature and even their potential energy source would be the glucose she was also carbon-based that stuff as hard as rock so what makes a rock type a rock is it the hardness is it having a part of themselves be inorganic and rock like be it a part outside or inside like with some of the fossil mon and what if some of them are actually just rocks like literally possess rocks with no actual scientific process in their locomotion no muscles no organs no blood or respiratory systems no brain just actual solid minerals like like rock and roll this is the rock that moves I guess anything is possible in the pokemon world that's a rock fact Larry stop using your [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 209,282
Rating: 4.9566207 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, rock type pokemon, pokemon theory, silicon pokemon, silicon based pokemon, silicon based lifeform, silicon based life, what would silicon based life, pokemon rock type, rock type pokemon explained, not rock type, rock pokemon, geodude, golem, onix, gigalith, alolan golem, alolan geodude, stonjourner, stonjourner pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon anime, silicon vs carbon, carbon vs silicon, carbon based lifeform, science of gorons, goron theory, game theory
Id: lsV6W5KehBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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