FOOD'MON & The Origins of Applin! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Lore - Pokemon Origins

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this video is brought to you by Wow box stay tuned to the end to learn how you can win a trip to Japan yeah the coolest seahorse shaped island in the world it's also where this box came from Wow Wow box is a subscription box filled to the brim with goodies from Japan I mean when was the last time you had a Ruby chocolate Kit Kats with cranberries and almonds oh my god it tastes so much better than it sounds well when was the last time you had that and I'm sorry mango butter flavor oh I understand now it's amazing lace has nothing on this word I may have found a new addiction anyway anyway I'm getting distracted from the discussion at hands by this amazing sponsor that you can find a link to below but primarily you click this video to learn about food Pokemon so let's get to that what's with all these Pokemon based on food I mean some are more obviously food than others but still what's the deal ice cream whipped cream an Apple turnover now I mean I guess the apples and cherries and banana tree moms are fine they are fruits I mean there are plenty of plant pokemon and fruit and vegetables are plants you know but the plant Pokemon aside are they spoke about edible I mean I mean yes but I mean specifically more edible than say a Rhyhorn I mean it's literally a floating dog made of fairy floss aka cotton candy wait is candy a food according to the definitions yes food is food when it's edible right wait what isn't edible then I mean I could eat this plush technically you know with like a fork and a knife maybe with a little balsamic on it hmm maybe there's something in here I could add maybe if I sprinkle on some co-coo no isaku snack soy butter ah gee I'm just pronouncing some of those I'm sure purple [Music] all right now I'm not gonna eat that any peas though this one's pretty good what is it poor mule tank anyway let's get more specific it turns out the definition of edible contains fits for consumption basically if you can actually digest and get nutrients out of it and it's not gonna kill you or hurt you then you just add a ball so while they could eat just like a wood with some nails I'm pretty sure like 99.9% positively sure that it's not edible technically speaking also this does technically MIT can do food so enjoy that information I guess but does that make swirlix at a bowl I'd argue no as it turns out it's not actually cotton candy yeah that's a lie rather it's a fairy dog that eats nothing but sweets itself and thus it smells and looks like cotton candy it uses its light sticky fur to entangle foes and distract them with its first sweet taste what do you suppose swirlix tastes like just like cotton candy or maybe like this melon soda candy layers of deliciousness sorry supposed to Alex does it sting well in all likelihood the fur itself isn't the sweet thing because that's not how food works but this dog could be extruding a sweet oil onto its fur basically all creatures produce sebum the oil that is secreted through hair and fur follicles it is made up of triglycerides free fatty acids wax esters squalene cholesterol esters and just straight-up cholesterol and basically it is used to keep fur and skin moist because when skin and hair get too dry they begin to crack the water that was bulking the cells up is gone creating more space for air to get involved leading to flaky crackly damaged hair and skin sometimes to the point of wounding which leads to open sores and infections which obviously is that so obviously the body has ways of combating this secreting oils these oils have all kinds of smells depending on the health and/or diet of the creature involved and in the case of smelling sweet its more common than you'd think eating nothing but sweets like this dog is a path toward type 2 diabetes speaking of which I have type 1 diabetes so I gotta inject every single time I eat carbohydrates but this stuff is so worth it stab stab stab but the fun fact here is that some folks with type 2 diabetes sometimes smell fruity or like maple syrup especially as they get active like going grocery shopping this is because their bodies are desperately trying to get rid of as much sugar as possible because there is way too much of it in their body so what starts shoving sugar out of itself any way that it can and yes doggie diabetes is a thing and clearly swirlix has it but grain free pet food people grains turn into glucose in the body pasta is just candy but with extra steps also the way I like to remind myself of things is sweets are for treats not for it he always eats honestly a monthly delivery of sweets is probably the way to go it's a surprise every time and this is like the perfect amount for a monthly supply chuckle min Pocky also in complete 100% honesty I've always preferred Eastern sweets over American ones American sweets are just so cheap and in-your-face tasting like some of them just hurt to eat American sweet companies know nothing about subtlety or about just sitting there enjoying something as opposed to shoving it down your gullet and having the aftertaste instead of the real flavor and that's why while box is so cool and you know what else is cool ice cream and there's an ice cream Pokemon thanks to this man the vanillite line is one of the most hated pokemon because it's an ice cream cone Pokemon why is that a thing but what many folks don't realize is that it's not actually ice cream like read the Pokedex come on the lore thing that the franchise you hold so dearly is based on these Pokemon are sentient icicles and there have been object Amon since forever and these were introduced at the same time that the sentient snowflake was so there was a good time for fans of that spooky snowman movie but if they are just bicycles then why do they have vanilla ice cream on top well because it's just snow they decorate themselves to look like ice cream it makes them more cute and more likely to get a loving trainer but it's more than that it's actually really cool icicles are formed when snow up on a high place like a tree rooftop melts from the heat of the Sun and then the Sun sets and it gets colder and colder until the water that was dripping down from the top slowly refreezes on top of itself eventually forming an icicle so ultimately it's decorating itself not just for looks but to keep itself alive and you make fun of it for that hashtag rude so our swirlix and vanillish food pokemon technically no one is just sweet smelling and the other is just snow and ice which I mean you can get hydrated from eating snow and ice but I mean then you could say Avila is a food pokemon and nobody wants that but now how about our friend Apple and over here oh it's dead Apple Inn is a bunch of question marks it's actually as much of a food pokemon as are fetched is that is to say it itself is an animal which I mean I guess can be food but that's it that's a different topic Apple in isn't actually an apple it's in an apple hence the name Apple in Apple in is your classic worm living in an apple but the new question is why is it grass dragon-type if it's a worm shouldn't it be bug type well worm is another word for dragon in a few old European languages and this Pokemon in particular may be inspired by the worm of Linton a famous long green British dragon that lives inside of a pill Apple Lyn worm of Lyn ton yeah this line is super creative honestly I absolutely love it just like how I love Maru Kawa red Begum oh it's Cola flavored gum okay but you in this video also call those a weird flavor for gum and plus it makes your tongue red oh joy if good though and while we're on its origins there is a near century-old apple orchard in England called the dragon orchard it's based in Herefordshire by the Malvern Hills and Evelyn just happens to be found on route 5 by turf field with these very similar-looking hills around who granted though this isn't where Stonehenge or the Cerny office giant is in real England so either gal R is a big mix of jumbling of real England Wheaties or this dragon apple orchard connection is coincidental but anyway they could have easily just done the classic warm in an apple but they went the extra mile it even has two awesome evolutions if an apple it needs a tart apple it evolves into flat Bowl the dragon worm got bigger and it uses the hollowed-out apple to fly flaps plop oh it's so cute yet cool at the same time the tiny little worm ate the whole Apple but at least apples you know they have nutrients just like pure supply gummi I'm use plasma Natsuki it's a gummy candy treat but also a probiotic it helps supply good bacteria into your gut and this gummy is yummy but if Apple in eats a sweet Apple it becomes Apple ton oh no it's so chunky it ain't thick its thick also it's no longer in the Apple like Apple in now it's under the Apple Apple ton under but also ton is an old english suffix meaning enclosure house or dwelling this QT way the booty made a house out of an apple turnover oh yeah also Apple turnover turn over an apple turnover is a super popular sort of a British fine thing it looks like the things that are on its back but here's where things get weird so according to the Pokedex kids would be lowe's bits of skin off of the Appleton and eat them which sounds weird but apparently this whole top half of Appleton is secreting a sweet sounds like the swirlix thing again but this time actually food because it's nectar its grass type it's part plant and I like how this one it came because the Apple in ate a sweet apple that's why it's the big and hongcun evolution it ate like six times its weight and sweet but still I could see maybe licking it or like taking your finger and wipe and nectar off but to actually peel off its skin like I mean I guess these parts look easily removable so maybe that's the point maybe it's like how lizards detach their tail or how crabs rip their arms off to escape predators Appleton just pops off some super tasty skin I guess reptiles do shed their skin all the time so I guess it's not that weird but overall I like how the two food pokemon people say our food and that's bad actually aren't food and then this food Pokemon that people say it's not the food it just lives in food wound up actually becoming food it just goes to show you that you really can't judge a Pokemon by its cover especially when that cover is the skin of an apple okay the while box even had this little Pokemon sweet it's a score bunny oh that's actually really cool I gotta have to get cool shots of these it's Cola flavored chewy candy it tastes like score bunny that's why it's on there right this is this is what squirrel burning tastes like like a spicy Cola so again major major thank you to whale box for sponsoring this entire video insulin is so expensive and I need it to live but sponsorship aside I totally recommend these guys Oh links are in the description and now about that free trip to Japan I mentioned the contest is open to all while box subscribers even if this month is your first and to encourage more folks to join they've cut the price of this particular box dramatically they specifically told me to tell you that these boxes will never be this cheap again especially when you use the coupon code on their website so step one for the contest and you a box subscriber and then create a video to show your love for well box creativity is encouraged then be sure to use hashtag my sweet well box and tag them and post that to Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube or ticked up whatever you use the grand prize is a round trip to Japan and there are also three more prizes for the 2nd through 4th place of peeps so I hope to see one of you guys win because you are way cooler right because you watch this video so thanks a bunch and until next time you never stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 496,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield applin, applin, flapple, appltun, pokemon applin, applin pokemon, appltun pokemon, pokemon appletun, flapple pokemon, pokemon flapple, swirlix, what is swirlix, vanilluxe, vanillite, ice cream pokemon, cotton candy pokemon, apple pokemon, grass dragon pokemon, where to find sweet apple, where to find tart apple, where to find applin, food pokemon, do people eat pokemon, Pokemon SwSh, origins
Id: ypSTW5C74v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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