EVERY Electric Type Pokemon MOVE Explained! | Gnoggin

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pokemons have a lot of moves some use mouths and some use hooves today let's cover the electric-type maybe this vid won't be ill sick tripe have you ever licked a 9-volt battery it hurts a little have you ever stuck a fork into an electrical socket it hurts quite a bit you ever get struck by lightning there's a good chance you didn't survive electricity causes pain in two ways first of all it tends to be hot thus it causes burns hurting the same way that fire hurts well you know the fire doesn't actually hurt it's the heat that it's associated with heat hurts but also we humans along with animal life actually run on electricity that's why we need to consume electrolytes right now take your arm and move it that's your brain sending an electrical signal to make the muscles in your arm move neat stuff granted the amount of the electricity here is extremely minimal but it does go into why getting shocked hurts have you ever had a cramp in your lower leg that lasts ages it hurts tremendously so now if you're getting zapped enough that all of your muscles are receiving an electrical signal to flex as much as they physically can in some cases it's like your entire body is cramping at once ouch no wonder then so many electric moves can cause paralysis so that's how the moves work in the grand scheme of things but how do pokemons generate electricity well that's a whole video on its own and that's right here so check it out if you're interested for now though let's go over all of the electric-type moves and explain what they do and how they do sometimes fun stuff I feel it to be fair to start with all of the thunder moves I mean it's the most iconic look of electricity in the wild eels can suck it these moves are Thunder Thunder punch Thunder shock thunder wave Thunderbolts and thunder thing but now how by how but how what that how does thunder hurt lightning strikes thunder Louds and is scary but that's not at all what we're shown these attacks I'll show lightning electricity enter confusion but maybe not because historically the Japanese word for thunder is also their word for lightning coming re and I'm probably mispronouncing that later although there were words that specify which but at first they were just the same just like with mouse and rat same word for both Thunder is the most basic of names for electric moves it's where a wicked Thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage this may also leave the target with paralysis so let's just take a moment to laugh at Thunderbolts for just being a weaker version of thunder okay now thunder is actually the sound that you hear during storms the sound is the result of large amounts of energy being released and creating sound it's similar to sonic booms when a plane goes faster than sound it starts to sound like thunder - because it's similar in concept lightning itself can create thunder - the lightning literally cracks the air apart so once the lightning is finished and it's gone the air has to fill in that empty space super quickly creating the booming explosion of vibration that we perceive as sound so again Thunder isn't electricity it's the sound often by it but most of the thunder moves are from the earlier game generations mainly gen1 and thunder does sound cooler than lightning in terms of naming schemes so I'll give them a pass most people relate Thunder with lightning anyway which is why thunder in minigames is considered an electrical element thing instead of a sound based attack so whatever these games say Thunder just assume that it means the name is moved after the sound it makes rather than the actual thing doing the damage which is lightning but back to the move Thunder it's not the most accurate thing similar to how lightning coming from clouds is also I mean look at it it's not the most accurate thing however if it is raining the accuracy goes up thunderstorms by themselves are pretty dangerous but sometimes when those thunderstorms are combined with rain well the zipi zap goes all over the place it's easier for it to actually strike the ground as opposed to just missing and going somewhere else in the sky and I'm pretty sure the hooves thunder bolt sort of just clears all that up it is a bolt of thunder that's not a thing a bolt of lightning is lightning makes thunder that should clear out the confusion right but then we get two moves like thunder wave you would think that if any move were to be associated with sound damage you'd be this one I mean thunder wave a sound wave caused by thunder if you're close enough to the sound of thunder it can shatter windows and hurt ears this move has the user launched a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target it's a guaranteed paralysis rather than the previous two news just a chance of paralysis but let's go ahead and specify some paralysis factoids paralysis is when a thing that normally moves under its own power is now unable to move in the case of organic tissue like muscles zaps normally overload their normal processes which makes them contract violently walking them in place think of a Taser they work by contracting the muscle groups with the primary goal of getting the person to fall over they can't move their legs for a while so they trip up but here's a fun fact you can actually train yourself to resist Tasers they'll still hurt but you can still move I'll be a bit slower it takes a lot of practice or just bath salts yeah we're talking about drugs kid-friendly my but also there are plenty of clothing options that can render you resistant or immune to Tasers - so they can't get to your skin which is not to get political or anything but that's why people who suggest ro taking guns away from police officers are usually laughed at because like oh now suddenly being dressed for winter is the equivalent of military defensive outfits for a Taser yeah you want that granted officers should always have both and should always prefer using a Taser first but you know back to Pokemon plenty of electrical moves are able to cause paralysis because of the electricity associated with the moves because they're electric moves involved we're worried right let's look at Thunder shock a jolt of electricity crashes down on the target to inflict damage this may also leave the target with paralysis pretty lackluster compared to the other thunder moves however this one in Japanese is more properly named electric shock now one would hope that Thunder punch is just a punch so fast it explodes and crackles of lightning and thunder but it's actually just a normal punch but there's electricity in the fist same goes for thunder Fang but with teeth instead of a fist which sounds much harder to direct current through imagine yeah I can't even say it without being squeamish imagine that feeling of biting down on a loose ball of tinfoil it'd be like that uh with bolt weak the user stabs the target with it's electrified beak and if the user attacks before the target the power of the move is doubled it's simple just like the other two but up next is spark where the user throws an electrically charged tackle at the target this may also leave the target of the parabola you would think that this description would be four volt tackle but it's spark which is something energy does when it wants to change locations and if the air between the two objects that it wants to change from is small enough and their resistance is less than sparking or arcing happens then volt tackle has the user electrify itself and charge at the target but it also damages the user quite a lot and also of course may leave the target of the paralysis so by touching the target it takes damage to itself if you saw our video on how the electric type Pokemon would work then you know that the energy has to come from the Pokemon that's generating at meaning that it then directs the electricity into the other creature meaning it has to use specific spots on its body that are designed for that in order to avoid damage to itself such as for instance a high capacitance finger or tentacle or a cute red cheek basically it has to use a weapon appendage of sorts in order to not always hurt itself a few animals that attack other animals with electricity in the real world don't have that like the electric eel it hurts itself every time it uses electricity you must be using volt tackle always because with volt tackle it's just the user recklessly hitting the target with a tackle meaning they're just slamming their bodies into the other one meaning that the electricity is coming out of the user through it's less defensive parts it's hurting itself too it only hurts the opponent more though because electric pokemon resists the electricity so it resists its own electricity this is where the difference of spark and bolts tackles start spark has the energy jump from a predetermined part of the user onto the target via close proximity to arc to it which doesn't mean that that move is going to be a bit weaker because moving through the air weakens electricity air is a resistor but with volt tackle it's direct hence all the damage it's reckless another move that is very similar is wild charge where the user shrouds itself in electricity and smashes into its target this also damages the user a little so very similar to volt tackle same concept but the move named simply charge isn't so wild it uses the other definition of charge because instead of damaging the enemy it boosts the power of the electric move the user uses on the next turn it also raises the user special defense that basically surrounding itself in a field of energy another move bolt strike also has the user surround itself with a great amount of electricity and charge at the are there only three things you can come up with my gosh this may also leave the target with paralysis again very similar to all the other moves the only difference being self damage isn't here this time but also this is the signature move of Zekrom unless you count that one random event Victini that knew it the heck but it makes sense that this legendary wouldn't be damaged by its own immense power the master of electricity I mean clearly this move even has the highest base damage of all electric attacks unlike nuzzle which is much less aggressive move the user attacks by nuzzling it's electrified cheeks against the target this also leaves the target with paralysis basically the Pikachu clone or hamper rub their face all cute like on the enemy but because it has electrified cheeks it causes paralysis electro ball a move that anime Pikachu uses way too much likely because they have one or two stocky electro ball animations then they can easily just reuse them over and over I don't know with this move the user hurls an electric or about the target the faster the user is than the target the greater the moves power so there's this thing called ball lightning which is really cool it's a rather common rare o current [Music] wherein lightning will hit a pocket of air that is charged differently thus illuminating it like a large candle in the sky I think a game freak just sort of ran with the idea sort of like the new Reggie lightning zap cannon is a move that sounds pretty ridiculous but it's pretty much what you think it is the user fires an electric blast like a cannon to inflict damage and cause paralysis I mean shooting electricity balls is already a thing in Pokemon so why not make it a cannon ball blast huh now electro web is a weird thing for a Pikachu to learn but ok the user shoots a web that is sticky and charged with electrical energy lowering the opponent's speed like every other web attack however this one is unique at least I mean it's an electrically charged net that sounds pretty cool it's like laying a bunch of tasers or an electric fence on the ground shockwave the user strikes the target with a quick jolt of the electricity this attack never misses a lot of these moves have been saying jolt and it just dawned on me that I actually don't quite know what the definition of a guilt is I mean I know Joel tic but so a jolt is an abrupt or rough movement if you jolted you coiled similar to how you jump when you get scared normally a jolt means a small amount of disturbance so a jolt of electricity is a small zap that makes you react abruptly like when you pour the vacuum cleaner into the wall and it sparks at you well that's it's not good but you jolted jolt could also be here specifying muscles contracting by themselves because of the electrical impulse messing with your muscles causing hurt which I'm sure is the case here anyway another move with the word charge is charge beam a simple move that is just a beam of electrical energy unlike a bolt of lightning but I'm sure the beam is much more focused the move states the user attacks with an electric charge the user may use any remaining electricity to raise its special attack step so weight is the beam charging themselves or is it a beam of charged energy well it's both a charged beam that charges them don't ask me how that works surprisingly there are a lot of magnetic Pokemon but there aren't many magnetic like moves there is magnet rise though the user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns which is great for getting rid of that ground type weakness but it's not super weird for a magnet to be an electric paste move because most magnets are already electrical in nature you see whenever there is a magnetic field with some wire or metal nearby the magnet creates an electrical current it's basic complicated stuff the reverse is also true current flowing through wires will create electromagnetic fields so if you're an electric-type pokémon and you have some sort of metal or I guess organic wires and you can push current through them to create a field of electromagnetic energy which then grants you the ability to push against the Earth's magnetic field to levitate basically explaining all of Magnezone similarly the move magnetic flux is where the user manipulates magnetic fields which raises the defense and special defense sets of Ally Pokemon with the plus or minus ability basically it's changing the local magnetic field and resonating with Pokemon of the correct type to boost their ability to deflect all types of attacks with their own electromagnetic fields but what is flux flux is the action of increasing flow or decreasing flow so it's increasing or decreasing the fields charge making it more energized simple complicated stuff fusion bolt is another interesting move the user throws down a giant lightning bolt this moves power is increased when influenced by an enormous flame this is the signature move of Zekrom and black erm along with that stupid event Victini and this move is amplified if the move fusion flame was used just before it being based off of huge in energy fusion bolt blasts the target with a huge amount of power I'm assuming generated by the power of fusion which is basically what Reshiram and Zekrom tails though it's a process of generating electricity that also creates a lot of heat and fire hence the two of them and it does this via nuclear fusion being amplified by fusion flame is a game mechanic first of all but also makes sense considering how hot the fusion process is plus I mean if you're already damaged by fire then the burning of electricity would hurt even more and vice-versa but without the heat fusion isn't really possible in fact we don't even know how to achieve fusion without the heat so the bolts would actually be much less powerful if the fusion flame wasn't used previously notably it's all just further points to the origins of these Pokemon being one original dragon at first it was a dragon of fusion fusion creates flaming heat and electricity so it needs a coolant to not explode me there's also a whole bunch of alchemy stuff involved video about that here it's one of my favorites shameless plug I should be dishonorably discharged hahaha this charge is one of those moves that seems odd but also makes sense I mean if you can charge you have to be able to DeGeorge right the user strikes everything around it by letting loose a flare of electricity this may also cause paralysis unlike most of the other moves this charge is attacking with no specific target it's just letting go of all of its charged up the electric energy hoping to strike the target which is why the attack hits all adjacent Pokemon even your allies the electricity just goes wild sometimes similarly the new move overdrive is an electrically charged shockwave and it actually is sound based so it's a sound wave but with electricity a shockwave good job on the naming scheme they're angry it's the signature move of toxicity it attacks the opposing Pokemon by swinging a guitar or bass guitar on its chest causing a huge echo and strong vibration and of course being that this is a sound wave it hits all of the Pokemon in the battle as well unless of course they are soundproof but uh getting kicked by this move is probably like hello imagine going to a concert and anybody listening to the music gets just a tickle of electricity that slowly builds until it hurts big basically this move seems to be like talks tricity using the move discharge while simultaneously creating a sonic boom blast of sound which then carries all that electricity through the air simple complicated stuff bolts which is the boon of all electric-type pokémon after making its attack the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokemon and waiting super good very annoying move love it it's basically based on how lightning is always moving around and is a very fast it's almost instantaneous even so of course it's fitting for electric pokemon to be able to do this plus it's a really good pun because the word switch is a term used in electrical engineering stuff so if any type was to get a move with switch in the name electric is the type to do it speaking of engineering and math parabolic charge is also an interesting move in the naming side of things the user attacks everything around it the users HP is restored by half of the damage taken by those hit so basically it's using the whole parabolic curves are mirrors analogy to have the negative damage and the positive healing bill they reduced the healing to not make it too unbalanced either that or maybe the designers are actually math gods and knew that the damage could be based off of the focus point whereas the amount healed would have to have been the vertex of the curve oh and with it being a large curve it hits all adjacent targets no discrimination here it's big and if you understand anything I just said there let me know cuz I didn't know move remember late nights when you were all in bed and cozy and nice and almost asleep but then you could hear the refrig and it sounded like a demon coming to eat your feet well a lot of sounds can be spooky eerie impulse is one of them the user's body generates an eerie impulse exposing the target to its harshali lowers the targets Special Attack stat similar to many moves in Pokemon this is using the fact that Special Attack is related to special abilities that normally take focus to use you can't just willy-nilly shoot water or fire or whatever you got a direct it and so if you are unnerved or uneasy it's harder to focus as easily therefore the attacks won't be as good hence Special Attack lowering but here's a fun fact for you most people can hear electricity it is electrons moving after all that means they are vibrating and vibrations in the air happen to be what sound is in fact every region has its own little tune or frequency that the electricity sounds like as different regions have different standards for voltage North America's is sixty Hertz and also some people can hear the Earth's hum it's a very low sound that only about 4% of people are able to hear some theorize it to be a neurological sound or a difference beat to frequencies merging from afar into one but a few theorized that this sound that some people can hear is actually the magnetic field yeah as in the magnetic field the one that's completely around the earth they are able to actually hear the electrical displacements of the planet it's pretty creepy when you think about this deep 18 Hertz sound that you feel more than you hear making you think you can hear it electric terrain is actually a very self-explanatory name it makes the terrain electrically charged the user electrifies the ground for 5 turns powering up the electric-type moves pokemons on the ground can no longer fall asleep so the stronger electric moves make sense but what's with the not being able to sleep well I mean could you sleep if you were amped up with energy for if any part of you touching the ground was being tickled with the electricity didn't think so fun facts again the earth itself can actually be charged negatively we all say were grounded when we don't have a charge but that's why energy goes to the earth it's normally negative that's why lightning tends to strike the earth after all balance and all that similarly the movie Electrify is where you make a different move electric-type you use Electrify on another Pokemon or they use their move and then when they use it it counts as it being electric side so while electric terrain makes the ground electric electrify energizes the target so that every move is infused with so much energy that it would basically be classified as an electric move imagine a water gun that actually shocks you ha I on Dolch or in Japanese plasma shower is the move where the user disperses electrically charged particles which changes normal type moves into electra type moves it's similar to electrify however it's much less of an overcharging of everything and more so just makes all normal moves electric but how well similarly to how we Electrify works I on told you must do exactly what its name means it covers its target in charged ions and thus they would be able to create the difference needed to make their otherwise normal attacks charged with the electricity plasma fists is where Zahra aura attacks with the electrically charged fists this move changes normal type moves to electric-type moves it's pretty self-explanatory it's a plasma covered fist that is so covered in plasma and it then changes all of zero or as normal attacks same thing is the last move just it gets to punch before it because it's special but you know what I've said plasma in such a lot this episode but I haven't really explained it in terms that you can relate to electricity that well so lightning and sparks are plasma electric occurrence are not when sparks jump through the air it happens because the air is being converted into plasma the fourth state of matter plasma glows with light is terrifically hot and is an electrical conductor remember air is a resistor so whenever sparks leap out of wires it's as if the spark is adding to the wire making it longer when thunderstorms produced lightning it's the same as creating vast conductive towers in the air the air itself is being converted into a conductor or wire to the ground in other words sparks are not technically electricity instead they're hot conductive gas particles that move electricity the plasma streamers simple complicated stuff or a wheel is the signature move of more the hamster guinea pig thing you know that pop culture media thing where you use hamsters on a hamster wheel to generate electricity yeah it's that more peko runs on an electric wheel and attacks while also raising its speed the type of the move changes based on more peco's current form it goes between dark and electric and that's why it specifies it's an aura attack when dark it's more peco's guitar or manifesting itself into the shape of the wheel otherwise it's just a wheel made to be electricity now then fancy moves with gigavolt havoc the user hits the target with a powerful electric current collected by its DC power imagine the power of a Z move now translate it perfectly to electricity huge current remember it's the current that kills not the voltage but a gigavolt how even like does that a real number oh it's a billion volts okay so that means the other Z move ten million volt Thunderbolt has nothing on this thing this move is worth a user Pikachu wearing a cap powers up a jolt of electricity using its a Z power and unleashes its critical hits lands more easily but still while volts aren't everything that's only seven zeroes a gigavolt has nine but anyway that's way better than the just regular attack Thunderbolt which has the Japanese name 10,000 volts that's chump change but I'm sure a gigavolt havoc would absolutely be destructive to the natural environment heck was enough amps and current and all that it could possibly disrupt the Earth's own magnetic fields or at the very least it would disrupt wildlife for miles around it as many creatures can sense the magnetic field and use it for directions so just all of a sudden north is South and then it's West and then it's north and then itself and they just spin all the animals are just spinning it's a good thing this isn't real now then it's time for some moves by big pokemons max lightning it's just a lot of lightning really wow it's so much lightning that it makes the terrain electrically charged I don't even have to explain that we've covered it already gee max volt crash is the move that Giganta max Pikachu uses this move paralyzes opponents the whole party even that's just because it's big like really big pikachu is fat again Giganta max talks tricity uses g max gunshot on top of dealing damage dis move poisons or paralyzes opponents it's potentially inspired by the fact that there are various diseases and bacteria that are capable of causing paralysis so it's sort of poisoning and paralyzing you it happens to me once Bell's syndrome an infection that causes local paralysis for a few days I had to tape my eye shut now then have you seen enough Pikachu and Pikachu accessories yet because here's some more Stokes spark surfer is radical yeah radical it's a lowland Raichu signature move after obtaining Z power below and right Shu attacks the target with full force this move leaves the target with paralysis I mean both ride the lightning and a wave of electricity are phrases so why not make the surfboarding Mouse write an electrical wave it's good but then we have Zippy's app not to be confused with Zing's app Zippy's app is the signature move of partner Pikachu it bursts the electricity at high speed it always goes first and always blends a critical hit how unfair but zing zap and el Vettes a move it's learned by Pinkerton in Tokyo Maru the spiky ball zappers with this move a strong electric blast crashes down on the targets giving an electric shock this may also make the target flinch oh man how cool is a lightning bolt for the eighth time I can imagine the boardroom meeting and Game Freak okay what do we electric types do and then the eager intern says they shoot lightning bolts and paralyze and everyone's like yes yes and then the intern says what if they flinched instead so they fire the intern but then still use the idea because they forgot to actually make a new move buzzy buzz who comes up with these names and how would that make me think he electric type that sounds like a bee I guess machines sometimes buzz but anyway this is the move for partner Eevee and Wow who would have thought it shoots a jolt of electricity to attack the target it also leaves the target with paralysis the way it works you asked well Eevee has some sort of taser that it's got locked away and it's flow I mean floaties float used balloons so these partner pokemon aren't afraid of cheating with all their special tools then continuing with the bad names we have peek up a pal I mean really Pikachu needs another signature move I'm surprised there isn't a game called Pokemon Pikachu where you only catch and fight Pikachu no other creatures exist in the world but I guess that may not work as the Pokemon Pikachu is already a thing but peek up a pal oh man here you go the more Pikachu loves its trainer the greater the moves power it never misses oh boy more anime trash that's what I wanted my strategic turn-based RPGs and last and certainly least catastro pika it's like it's like they saw a word with the letter P and were amazed that a word could have the letter P and it not be Pikachu the user Pikachu surrounds itself with the maximum amount of electricity using its Z power and helps is on its target with full force what even is the maximum amount of electricity like what it what does that mean the maximum that a Pikachu can hold the maximum that can be physically put in a space like we don't know what the maximum amount of electricity is yet science hasn't reached this far what even is a catastrophe maybe maybe that can help well the definition of a catastrophe is a sudden event that causes either great destruction or suffering and well it certainly is so what are your thoughts let me know down below and never stop using your noggin and honestly don't think I hate fans I actually really like Pikachu but I just want more other Pokemon to have my speech to you know any hope Kelly ho I've gotta go and charge some batteries [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 525,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, electric pokemon, electric type pokemon, electric type, pokemon science, pokemon moves, electric pokemon moves, electric pokemon explained, electric type pokemon explained, jolteon, pikachu, zekrom, pikachu explained, game theory pokemon, pokemon game theory, pokemon sword and shield, how electric pokemon work, thunderbolt, pokemon thunder, thundershock, How electricity works, electricity, pokemon moves explained, pokemon attacks, electric type attacks
Id: 1Uuv6ME9A6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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