BONE WARS! The REALITY of Dracovish, Arctozolt, Dracozolt and Arctovish! | Gnoggin - Fossil Pokemon

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Pokemon has had a neato a little feature for a while fossil Pokemon you find some fossils bring him to some Jurassic Park scientists and boom dinosaur Pokemon or plant things at one time but ancient pokémon nonetheless and then pokemon sword and shield went to droids I mean had a neat fun idea thing that has to do with it all but I mean do you see these oh boy oh boy is Pokemon becoming did you Mon now is this is this game freaky testing out the waters on Pokemon fusion is that the next gens gimmick if this does well and its popular we all know Dynomax is already dead in the water but here's where things actually legitimately get way cool as per usual Game Freak does an A+ job on lore and origins for their designs and such like it's just so good and it almost makes up for the lack of battle animations but this whole dinosaur mix-up that's going on here is a perfect reflection of the bone [Music] oh yeah there's a thing called the bone Wars honestly I wouldn't have even thought that paleontology was filled with so much drama drama that I'm going to get into right after the intro this video was brought to you by our sponsor Wow box getting monthly shipment of Japanese treats and goodies try something new each month expands your palate honestly Japanese sweets are overall way tasty are the most American ones and right now they've got a contest and want to give one of you a round trip to Japan details about that context as well as a link to their website art down in the description be sure to use the code Wow won for the biggest deal they've ever done or ever will do and thanks again to wow box the ghosts logo is so cute back in ye olden days of the late 1800s to mid nineteen hundred's paleontology was full of chaos full of people who didn't know what we now know about dinosaurs and had not yet invented things like a cat scans and computer simulations all they had were shovels and guessing but they're out this entire time period in Western civilization especially in the UK a vast amount of resources were put into research about our past and into our future when it came to learning about our history and when it came to inventing things for the future well times were crazy to say the least I mean England just had their first dog show we were figuring out genetics but as for paleontology the first dinosaur fossils were discovered by British fossil hunter William Buckland in 1819 and science basically imploded and paleontologists and fossil hunters all around the kingdom began exploring the world all to be the next person to find a dinosaur slowly but surely to mystify in our distant past but here's a problem all these digs and expeditions they cost a lot of doubloons or whatever the British used I don't know movies but rich people and wealthy groups of folks liked fossils they were cool and would do really good in museums which were all the rage at the time so they funded a lot of digs and expeditions but well this meant that the paleontologists and fossil hunters had higher ups and those higher ups well they needed results and these results were often wanted quickly they didn't care as much about the things that they should have cared about like accuracy scientific integrity or ethics hmm so that's how we ended up with things like a t-rex skull getting sod just in half so that we could see what the inside looked like more importantly for our current topic dinosaur heads or arms or whatever we're getting put onto dinosaurs of different species I mean there were just so many old just loads upon heaps upon piles of general mix-ups - one of my favorite examples is the Iguanodon originally they thought they had a horn like an iguana hence the name I mean you can't really blame them there's this pointy looking bone and there's no obvious place for it so horn it's a horn but then some guy later years later was all but what if it's a thumb and it turns out that that bone fit there perfectly and a thumb it was but as for total mix-ups one of the most well known instances of this was with the first restoration of the sauropod or for the common folk like me the brontosaurus which tangental funfact was just recently discovered even though you already thought it existed but no you were wrong until now anyway everything because now you're right you see there was this guy named OC Marsh he is well known for his many many excavations and discoveries in fact he discovered the Bronto the old one bud you see the old one didn't really exist because while Marsh was working on the restoration of the brontosaurus they had a hard time finding its skull so he just decided to prop plop just clip-clop Brachiosaurus skull onto the brontosaurus skeleton body because is basically the same thing what except in this case they really really weren't and he had the audacity to not even tell anyone this fact for a good long while so by the time he did come out the general public already had formed an image of this dinosaur that didn't actually exist the scientific community quickly changed but the general public well not so much even in Jurassic Park there were incorrect dinos but damage has been lasting for forever I mean velociraptors the size of humans five hilarious and then there's the marine elasmosaurus they put the head on the end of the tail instead of its neck just like Drago fish [Music] and then another famous example is when a Diplodocus head was actually an Apatosaurus head and so they switched it out with a camara saw his head and know who things like this happened very often with sauropods because of the way their head and next work their heads were easily detached disconnected from their bodies after they died and they would either roll away or be taken away by predators so sauropod heads are actually extremely rare amongst dinosaur fossils or you know but all of this is just to say that the Glorian fossils especially the fish part of the names and all that are great it's poking fun at the mixing up of fossils especially heads that definitely didn't fit with the rest of the body but I mean can you really blame them I mean most dinosaur skulls and skeletons actually change pretty drastically as the dinosaur ages meaning at times the opposite problem actually happened rather than taking a bunch of different species and put matching them into one sometimes they would find a bunch of the same species and claimed there were three or four different ones when actually it was just one but at different stages of life so needless to say back in the day it was fairly difficult to actually figure out an animal based on just rocks but the actual bone wars didn't help oh yeah that was the hook I got I got explained the bone Wars boom two famous paleontologists that OC Marsh guy I mentioned as well as Edie Koch were the biggest names in paleontology and they had some steep competition they wanted to discover and name as many dinosaurs as they could it was a contest and since they had a load of money they could hire on help to do things such as spy on the other guy throw rocks to literally start fights and destroy each other's fossils mess up labels to convene things for each other and much much more and there were some guys like David Baldwin who actually played both sides we didn't let the other guy know that he was doing stuff for the other guy too smart and because they're trying to rush discover all these things they started making more and more mistakes and they began publishing paper after paper with problem after problem and they started attacking each other in their papers to eventually to the point where their papers were more pointing at the other guy saying he's wrong rather than bringing into our interesting information so a load of scientific journals actually stopped publishing him again they just got so careless speaking of which the scientist that makes these fossil Pokemon for you her name is careless and then all these messed up dinosaur fossils wound up getting models made and shown off at the Crystal Palace in London throughout the 1850s at the time it was a crazy revelation the world's first dinosaur statue exhibition but looking back it's uh almost entirely wrong again though you can't really blame them these bowl Wars this competition did cause them to jumpstart paleontology and they discovered over a hundred and thirty species of dinosaur which is pretty crazy considering the tech they had to work with what their story is just one possible origin for these Pokemon there is more the fossil mix-up mechanic could also be a sort of parody on things like the indominus rex from jurassic world which is the body of the classic Tyrannosaurus Rex and parts of the head of the Abella sore and horns made of genetic material from the Carnotaurus and majungasaurus riga tops i can say words but also the gigantosaurus it's just a big mishmash of dinosaurs and of course there's also the fact that the canonical reason why the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park in Jurassic world movies look the way they do is because they use frog DNA to bring the dinosaurs to life and that hemant wanted the diners they created to the SK interesting as possible and they didn't feel like scientifically accurate dinosaurs would do that even though these lead scientists wanted them to be as paleontological sound as possible but didn't happen now did it but what's also really cool about these Pokemon is that they're pokedex entries also hammer home that they are poking fun at how early paleontology saw dinosaurs slow fat and reptilian oh yeah in case you've been hiding under a rock and only had old school dinosaur information dinosaurs aren't much like most reptiles at all they're significantly closer to birds than to modern reptiles if anything yeah even sauropods aka long necks they had bird-like lungs and very light bones they were fairly fast - and were fairly active with tails much higher up than media normally betrays them and because of that they were able to run much quicker than media typically portrays them they're much less fat and slow and then you know there's the whole feathers on the theropods you can't forget those feathers drag adult is poking fun at haumana rep torian's are often made to have arms way too small for them or perhaps it's poking fun at how fast they are often cited to run with those absolutely gargantuan legs and perform into the rest of them also that butt of its is possibly based on the Draconis family their skulls are always miss organized and many of them have extremely different skulls while they are growing so if you think about it Draco's all might actually be correct except these are two pieces in different stages of dinosaur develop arctas olds could be poking fun at the fact that we used to think that sauropods would have to have lived most of their lives half submerged in water like marshes and lakes because who else would they be able to support the gargantuan bodies well it turns out that it's by eating a large metric of food having lungs that push oxygen throughout their bodies while inhaling and exhaling and by having really really light bones and good support systems for their necks but that's not the point here the preserving food with the ice on its body part of the next century is definitely making fun of how paleontologists used to theorize that sauropods would eat a bunch all at once and then go to a hibernative States to process all the food instead of our current understanding which is that they spend most of their time standing still Drako fish is also making fun of our old belief that a lot of the bigger dinos sauropods especially would have to have lived semi-aquatic lives and the 40 miles an hour thing could be poking fun at how ridiculously fast the dang t-rex and drastic park was t-rexes definitely could not keep up with a speeding Jeep there's big was likely between 10 and 25 miles per hour there was no danger in that scene at all if the dinosaur was accurate Jurassic Park is ruining everything but throughout all of their deck centuries there are two times it mentions but it went extinct because blank and that's hard getting back to the old fashioned and still all too common idea that the dinosaurs went extinct because they were bad at what they did that's not really true in reality they went extinct because of drastic changes to the geography and climate that they couldn't adapt to quick enough not that there's much adapting you can do when the problem is that you're dying because the air is sudden communitive stuff that you can't breathe or because the land is covered in ash again because of just billions of exploding volcanoes I may be exaggerating and there was also a meteor that one time I don't know if you heard what the meteor theory is basically confirmed now it's cool the Gulf of Mexico is where death came to all once before and we're on the path to it happening again well yeah most dinosaurs were the perfect machine in their own niche a lot of people think that they were these great lumbering foods with rolled-up legs and faculty but a lot of people would be surprised to learn that most dinosaurs had molars and beaks evolution isn't just mother nature throwing things together until they work we aren't more evolved than the dinosaurs or more superior to them we just have tools that let us win it's your noggin ultimately what I'm saying is these Pokemon shouldn't exist and our hashtag not my fossil mine I mean I love the idea of them and they should totally exist but like they aren't real it's like surgically combining a penguin and an eagle like she shouldn't do that it shouldn't exist but I guess it'd be cool and it did you go and eat win but now here comes a fun bit what are these pieces well fish which is basically fish seems to be from the gun Colossus a water dwelling creature that had an incredibly thick skull ultimately though it's just an ancient fish that lived in the oceans as interesting as you may find that let's move on Drako appears to be based off of the Draconis genus or perhaps other small manner raptors however the family is rather large and contains many different dinosaurs but the one we're looking at here would be the common Pachycephalosaurus again it's way cooler sounding than what it actually is in fact interestingly enough this dinosaur already has a Pokemon based off of it from par dose it's the same technical genius however this one may or may not have had the hard skull plate however the specific Dino named Drago Rex immortus is slightly different with a much smaller body and no hard skull plate though this dinosaur is still part of the hard head family however all of these dinosaurs had a common thing in common the ability to run rather fast in a straight line which the Pokedex mentions oh yeah that's k-cup also I feel like I got to justify my thoughts here most fan art recreations of the draco body make it out to be a Stegosaurus which is very possible I might even be leaning more towards it but Pokemon pull from all over and are rarely just one thing and I mean we don't have a Stegosaurus Pokemon yet and it's got the big spikey plates and all but the reason I'm thinking it has these mana repertory and traits is due to the naming first of all in every language it references dragons and its dragon type and like I said there's a whole genus of dinosaurs named Draco or Draconis and while not as intense they did also have spikes also notably they had sharp claws like this unlike the somewhat elephant ish feet that Stegosaurus had also Draco so it holds it to tail less like actual steak O's and more like those manner Raptors but then again these Pokemon are all based on dinosaur inaccuracies and mix-ups so the stego thing could still very much be the case now Ark dough is a little different as it's not actually a dinosaur it seems to be based off of some sort of prehistoric mammal perhaps a walrus or seal and while there were huge walruses in the prehistoric seas there really isn't anything else for us to go off with but I mean Ark domine Arctic Mon but I mean in the case of octo salt this particular body structure just fits ancient walruses more than the other more dinosaur contenders we could look at the mosasaur or even the ichthyosaur I mean they've got the right direction for the tail but just not the length that's more like the walrus tail but I mean these two creatures were flipper to marine prehistoric dinosaurs that are actually just as much not dinosaurs as the walrus what's strange though is that the fossil that gives you octo is called the Dino fossil and it's the least Dino of the bunch so either this is another joke I mean these bone Wars guys that I was talking about at one point they confused a bison skeleton for a fossil geez but if it's not that kind of joke then maybe there is something more to it after all to be a dinosaur all you need is the proper hind limbs that act any way that is classified in the group in Dino and we see that this body actually is presented in two ways a fish and a biped creature neither of which really show the proper body mechanics to let me without a doubt put it in the dinosaur category being a Dino has to do with the hip specifically and this thing waddles or flops as if it's hip was super wrong so it's possible that in both instances they put it super backwards and upside down so it has to work around that or it's just actually not a dinosaur but this again goes into an old-time Paley you pair anything as back in the day it was quite common for anything from prehistory to be called a dinosaur even though most of them are not at all but hey and finally we have the best one dolt the cute little Raptor head it's yellow which we all know means it's electric so cute I'm so so so so bad for bringing this thing into existence it's like imagine if you gave birth and your baby has a nerve condition that means they are always experiencing the maximum amount of agony possible result appears to be based on Raptors in general though particularly the peruvians small short arms biggish feathers on the arms speedy for their size adorable little predators that we thought looked more like this but it turns out this is more accurate cute and do you want to know why these guys had feathers well to help them balance while running super fast similarly to how ostriches run and use their wings to stabilize themselves while running honestly ostriches aren't much different from dinosaurs but despite the feathers we do know that these things couldn't fly again just like the ostrich the things that determine if you can fly is your wingspan and of course your ability to flap with the right strength and with such a tiny tiny front breastbone most Raptors especially this Zolt character would never be able to generate the power needed to flap its wings to fly not that that matters to a lot of bird Pokemon but whatever so all in all I think that this gimmick is a good nod to real paleontology history I just wish we could get the other halves of these dinos so that we know what they actually look like as a whole maybe we'll get them in the next games but the current halves we have will be cut in the next games so you know no one gets a whole one they're gonna do that calling it now oh joy but anyway thanks for watching all this lord knows how long this video is going to be and until next time you never stop using your noggin this guy brain the size of a peanut [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 601,827
Rating: 4.9166923 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, fossil pokemon, arctovish, arctovish pokemon, what is arctovish, what is arctozolt, what is dracozolt, what is dracovish, fossil pokemon origins, bone wars pokemon, pokemon bone wars, pokemon explained, how to use dracovish, dracovish pokemon, dinosaur pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, dracovish explained, dracovish origin, zolt pokemon, british pokemon, pokemon etymology, gen 8 pokemon explained, gen 8 fossil pokemon, SwSH fossils
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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