EVERY Grass Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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Life…. Very much a mystery to science still. Where did it truely come from? All the plants… all the animals, all the fungus, which fun fact! isn't technically a plant or animal, it’s its own thing! Anyway, at least in the pokemon world we dont have to worry too much about where life came from, its all Arceus, Mew, Xerneas, etc. essentially the deities of their world! But one thing that is extra curious are the grass type pokemon… where does it belong? I mean are they plants or are they animals? Thankfully we covered that not too long ago! So you should check that out here. Now then, THIS series is all about explaining why each pokemon is given the type it is, and uncovering a few that really should NOT be that type. And Grass is the 4th largest group of em! 98 pokemon as of now! So lets hoppip right to it! *intro* And rather than just going in order, we’re going to break the pokemon up into categories…. The Categories we’ve come up with are: Plant and animal symbiosis. fungus. Then just plants, then just animals that happen to have plants on em maybe. Then perhaps OTHER and NOT! AND real quick before getting into it, if you like this series of videos, then please check out this new serious of videos that we’ve just started. EVERY blank Type pokemon MOVE Explained. Its basically this same video series, but explaining how all the moves work, why they are the type they are, and even some science about how they work! It’s awesome! And we started the same way we started this series! With Steel Type! Check it out after this! Now back to what you came for. So First and really... the literal first... is bulbasaur with the category: plant-animal symbiosis. Lets explain what that means, Symbiosis is simply an interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. Like sea anemones and clownfish, the fish gets protection from predators, and the anemone gets a fish in its butt. Win win. In bulbasaur’s case, it is literally a dinosaur-frog-thing with a plant on its back! it is Said to have been planted their when it was born. Thus: frog monster and seed of a plant have a symbiotic relationship. In Fact according to the pokedex the seed is able to give energy to bulbasaur when needed, and vice versa! And as it evolves into ivysaur and then venusaur, it gets bigger.. WAY bigger. And thus more powerful! Next are rowlet dartrix and decidueye. Being owls with “leaf-like” feathers and “tree-like” traits would not make them part plant per sey. They are based off of the common barn owl that was introduced to hawaii, later called the pueo owl, or possibly the eastern grass owl or african grass owl Hence the grass typing. But! It is stated that these pokemon can gain energy from its leaves via photosynthesis, so they do ACTUALLY have leaves for some feathers! so either way they benefit from each other so they are symbiotic. Also fun fact, deciduous trees, where decidueye gets its name from, are the ones whose leaves die in the winter! Hense the ghost type. another grass starter, turtwig grotle and torterra, are just turtles that have plants growing on them and out of them. I mean torterra has dirt on it for the tree to grow. Oh and hey did any of you think that grotle looked alot like spike from the land before time. No just me? oh ok then. Turtwig’s pokedex entries mention how it uses photosynthesis a bunch, hence the great example of a symbiotic relationship. Another symbiotic pokemon is Parasect. Yep that weirdo with no eyes. Infact its more or less a parasitic relationship rather than a symbiotic one. While paris is just a crab bug cicada thing, parasect is actually the fungus or plant-like thing taking over the body and mind of the animal. Just listen to this chilling pokedex entry from gold: It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushrooms on its back. I mean wow poor buggo doesn't even like damp! Although this is not far off from reality: there are known types of fungus that actually can take over the brains of ants make them walk up to exactly a specific height and face north then die so the shrooms can propagate its spores perfectly. So while a fungus rather than a plant, and while parasitic rather than symbiotic... this category and typing still feels best for these pokemon. That actually does it for the confirmed symbiotic pokemon, I know right? Plenty of other pokemon seem to have symbiotic relationships, and they probably do, but these are the only ones that are confirmed, in canon to be symbiotic… or parasitic. Anyhoo, since we ended that with parasect, Next up we're gonna do fungus! Which as sated, aren't technically plants, so you can consider these all NOT Grass type! Ha! Though I wouldn't want to just add a fungal type, that's lame, so grass is the next best thing, fungi are closer to plants than to fire or rocks. Though maybe a Biota type? That’s what fungus falls under, there's flora, fauna and biota, hmm. Anyway, fungus pokemon! First up in this category the most fungus pokemon foongus And amoonguss. Based on the phrase “there's a fungus among us.” these are straight up mushroom entities taking the appearane of pokeballs. But still, they are literally red-caped mushrooms,perhaps the Amanita muscaria, there ya go! Next is shitonic and morelull. Both very mushroom based pokemon as well. I sense a pattern here. Based off of the morel and shitakie mushrooms, these two pokemon are known as the illuminating pokemon. As they can glow just like the mycena group of mushrooms, which are actually bioluminescent! This goes along well with their lamp and night-light inspirations as well. Finally we have breloom and shroomish. Why a small little mario mushroom turns into a weird stinky raptor with stretchy arms who knows how to fight…. I'll never know. But they are both very reminiscent of Agaricus mushrooms, the group of normal mushrooms you'd eat here in the west. Both also have similar pokedex entries to most of the other mushroom pokemon. Take shroomishs dex entry from ruby: Shroomish live in damp soil in the dark depths of forests. They are often found keeping still under fallen leaves. This Pokémon feeds on compost that is made up of fallen, rotted leaves. I mean it's literally a mushroom! the forest’s recycling centers! the little dudes that love decay. Without these fun-guys we’d have a big ol mess on our hands. And in our forests. Next category now! Pokemon that have plants on them! This could be plants growing on them, or perhaps they use the external plants just as decoration. First up are swadloon sewaddle and leavanny! very fabric oriented pokemon. Sewaddle isn't sow as sowing a seed, although good job for a double pun game freak... no its about its ability to sew together clothing from leaves. I mean swadloon is literally the leaf wrapped pokemon. The dex entry states: It protects itself from the cold by wrapping up in leaves. It stays on the move, eating leaves in forests. So this line are bugs wearing leaf clothes! Sort of inspired from leaf bugs. So if we made leaf clothing for another pokemon, would it become grass type too then? hmm. After them come sawsbuck and deerling. Now i didn't know if they should be in this category or the next... but I feel like they fit here better. Both are based off of deer and bucks. However their coat and antlers change based off of the season. Similarly to the real life animals. However I don't think their antlers grow a full tree with berries on it. Meaning I dont think this is wood, dont think this is like a bonsai tree. Rather it could be that they grow these antlers much like real life deer. Then they decorate themselves with the seasonal plants. What’s cool is there is actually a type of deer, the pere david's deer, that actually decorates their antlers with foliage to attract mates Just like SAWSbuck! Awesome! Though perhaps the plants it puts on the antlers manage to still wind up growing. Treecko grovyle and sceptile are cool dudes, very fashion forward with their cool leaves in the mouth. Way before pangoro and pancham started copying them. Also they are based off of wood geckos and who would've guessed wood is a plant or grass. So boom there you go. However they do seem to be more like plants the more they evolve. Did you know that sceptile grows nutrient rich orbs on its back that it can use to grow trees faster. That's pretty cool. anyway, I guess we'll go to chespin quilladin and chesnaught next. being a sorta hybrid of a chestnut and a hedgehog. And well that's about it. While it isn't inherently a plant, it really doesn't have plants on it because it is half plant half animal, but even then, only sort of. I'd be more inclined to say that its a hedgehog slash whatever chesnaught is that has spines covered in plant or wood like structures to help its strength. I mean it can withstand a bomb cmon its way stronger than wood. Speaking of hedgehogs that just have grass on it, Shaymin is essentially that. Being a cute lil white hedgehog chia pet. Then when it form changes... It really loses its grassy coverage. But it keeps it little flower on its neck. So it's possible this one is also a plant but being that it changes form and looses alot of its plant material I'm gonna have to say it's an animal with a flower on its neck. It likes to keep leaves on its back for decoration when it doesnt need to fly. Now Pansage and simisage!, two doodes. Simisage seems to be Based off of some cool monkey yankee or japanese delinquent. Its also one of the three wise monkeys, it being “speak no evil” hence it seemingly using gestures for communication. simisages dex entrie mentions that It strikes its enemies with a thorn-covered tail. The leaf on its head is bitter. which Leads me to believe that it is just plant covered or has leaves on it. I mean why else would its midsection still just be monkey color? Skiddo and gogoat are... I mean…. its a goat that has a bush coat. Did you know there are some sloths that actually have plants growing on their fur coats? Yea its true look it up. That's why they have green on their backs. Also these pokemon have a grass collar likely based on mythos…. as fauns and satyrs of greek mythology normally wore wreaths of green leaves around themselves. Virizion is one of the swords of justice, which are based off of the 3 musketeers. this pokemon is based off of Aramis the most skilled swordsman, And i mean... you can't have the best swordsman not have the move leafblade without STAB. that wouldn't be fair. He also was the most elegant and feminine of the 3 musketeers which may be fitting for grass as green and pink are much more feminine colors. As to why it’s in this category and not just a plant, I mean look… its just looks like a strange ungulate with a big old grass coat with a really tight hood. Realistically there just isn't enough information to say that it is a plant or not, but in all likelihood, its not. Lotad lombre and ludicolo are just great, I love ludicolo so much. Being based off of lily pads and i guess…. mexicans... these animals don't necessarily need their leaves. Its stated that It searches about for clean water. If it does not drink water for too long, the leaf on its head wilts. Meaning that, really, its leaf isnt a part of it, but it does grow on it. Also, the name ludicolo contains ‘colo’ which could refer to colocynth a plant that bears a round, yellow and green fruit. Much like ludicolo's “sombrero” tangela and tangrowth are great, unpopular opinion, but I love tangrowth… And these guys essentially are beings with a sweater made of moms spaghetti, and not even the good kind, probably made out of something your mom WANTS you to eat, like zucchini noodles or something, I actually prefer those, REAL nutrients. Anyway, its actually stated that Its real identity is obscured by masses of thick, blue vines which are said to never stop growing. They also regenerate rapidly, so theres no telling what it is beyond a ball of vines growing out of some sort of creature... Wormadam is literally just an adult female bagworm that gathers things in its environment to create its “bag” or a protective shell. The grass type variant just happens to be in a forest environment. So its dressed in leaves. Phantump, trevenant, gourgeist and pumpkaboo are all really similar. They are ghosts that have inhabited an object. In this case a plant. Phantump and trevenant are based off of japanese folklore about the kodoma, a spirit that inhabits old elder trees. And pumpkaboo and gourgeist is based more on jack o lanterns, which are made of pumpkins, which is a gourd, which is a plant. And Finally we have dhelmise. Again just a ghost inhabiting the remains of a sunken ship. However this pokemon is much more grass based as it uses kelp as its primary body, kelp that then holds onto an anchor and other ship parts. And kelp is basically sea grass. See? grass! get it? you see it? and it's from the sea? Ha! Also I like how the kelp is wrapped around this part of the ankor to make scary teeth shapes. Now onto the next category! The ones that really put grass in grass type. Pokemon that are literally plants, not animals or ghosts with plants, but plants themselves. But now that I think about it dhelmise is the only real “Grass” pokemon as its based on seagrass... no other pokemon really is grass by normal standards. Like yea some have blades that look like grass but I mean aren't they just sharp leaves? Huh… Cant wait to have just a literal grass pokemon. well anyways let's get started First is Chikorita bayleef and meganium. Who are pretty much weirdo pears that turn into flowers. Sure it winds up being in the shape of a dinosaur, but I’d still say they are just plant parts. I mean the names even, chikorita comes from chichory, a flowering plant, then literally just bay leaf, then meganium, a flowering plant! Also the pokedex states that It loves to bask in the sunlight. It uses the leaf on its head to seek out warm places. Definitely a plant like thing! Either that or a lizard I guess, but I’m leaning more towards plant for sure. Bellossom is one of the few flower pokemon we see in game. That was sarcasm. Bellossom is essentially an upside down oddish with flowers instead of its lil legs. Being based off of a hula dancer and with pokedex entries relating it to a bell for it's nice chiming sounds, it's definitely a sentient plant. Oddish, gloom, and vileplume are too. This group is pretty odd, but not that odd, it's only slightly oddish… ...tsk….If I had a dollar for everytime I used this joke, I’d have like seven bucks. If we look at oddish’s pokedex entry, It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out of the ground, it shrieks horribly. We can easily tell its based off of the mandrake root. I mean just imagine the mandrakes from harry potter that's the one. Gloom and vileplume then are based off of stinky flowers. Unlike bellossoms sweet sent vileplume is based off of a corpse flower. A type of plant that instead of using sweet scents to attract bees and butterflies, it uses rotten smells to get flies and such. Sunkern and sunflora are both based off of the sunflower and the sunflower seed. Being entirely plants and super forgettable pokemon I feel like you all really know why its a grass type pokemon. Seedot nuzleaf and shiftry. Are based off of... well plants. but more realistically they are based off of tengu or little trickster goblins with long noses. And it actually all starts with arcorn boy over here seedot. I mean he loves to scare pokemon, listen to this entry: If it remains still, it becomes impossible to distinguish from real nuts. It delights in surprising foraging Pidgey. Poor pidgeys to bad they still have type advantage on the stupid nut. Anyway, tengu can be wood spirits, and tengu masks are mostly made of wood too. So then its easy to assume this whole line is nutty, made of wood and tree parts. Cacnea cacturne and maractus… no relation, are based off of cactuses, cacti cactapododay. Whatever. Being based off of cactus things really is as simple as sunflora’s sunflower basis. Just these are way cooler. 3 of my favorite pokemon for sure. Cherubi and cherrim are both based off of the fruiting part of a cherry tree. Essentially plant ovaries. Yea think of that next time you eat an apple. Enjoy. While cherrim is more or less the blossom of a cherry tree. So more of like the whole junk package. Bounsweet steenee tsareena. Are all based off of the mangosteen plant. And uh a dominatrix, maybe, idk this is a kids show I'm not sure. Anyways, the mangosteen is a plant with very hard outer leaves hence their large upper leaves. All while the mangosteen is very fragrant and sweet smelling. Known as the queens fruit as it was actually found on an expedition for the queen herself to find new fruit. Crazy. Snivy Servine and Serperior are just snakes with little tiny legs. Which is a thing actually, its just a long lying lizard… stupid science. But I’d argue that rather than these guys being vine like snakes… they are snake like vines! There's heavy emphasis on vines or ivy, plus they are entirely green and got leafy bits all over. That's my argument anyway. Carnivine: While being a great pokemon from the anime…. I can't say that I really remember it in the game. But I do know that it is 100% plant. I mean just look at it. It's essentially a really big venus fly trap but with googly eyes, and it loves to eat james’ head. What more can I say? Petilil and lilligant are Another two dancing plant pokemon that are very feminine. Either way both are based off of plants, I mean people even eat petililies leaves. As its stated: The leaves on its head are very bitter. Eating one of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body. I would say that they are based off of the tulip while petilil could also be a garlic or onion bulb due to their bitter leaves. Leafeon is the grass type eevee, so it could possibly be an animal but i feel like its artwork helps allude to the leaves almost fading into the creature seamlessly making it more plant than animal. And if you don't believe me listen to the dex entry from sun: Its cellular composition is closer to that of a plant than an animal. It uses photosynthesis to produce its energy supply without eating food. Boom more plant than animal! Fomantis and lurantis. are not bug type, just grass type. And that's just where the trickery begins! As its a plant trying to hide itself from predators by looking like its predators. Which is funny because It's based off of the orchid mantis that actually look like flowers to hide from their prey before they strike their prey. Funny how dressing like your enemy always seems to help. Maybe take a walk in their shoes and find out their perspective of life you know. Or just wait and eat em when they lower their guard. Bellsprout weepinbell and victreebel are all super great in the original game. Or At Least I loved em, but maybe that's the anime talking again. What is up with poor james and them eating his head. Anyways it must stink as they are all based off of the pitcher plants. Plants who use a either sweet or rank sent to draw insects into their pitcher only for them to be eaten alive by their stomach juices. Pretty dark stuff. Exeggcute and exeggutor are not cute at all, in fact they should be named eggsaregross. And strangely this plant thing isn't even eggs! what the heck. Being some weird pun on eggplants or something or better yet being based off of coconuts with their soft flesh and liquid inside a dense shell. Further proof is crabrawlers love to hunt them as its based off of the coconut crab who eats coconuts. And lets not forget about alolan exeggutor I mean it's literally a palm tree with some faces! Ug! But now if exeggcute arent eggs what are they? Well they are tree eggs. In other words seeds. But then why does the broken one look like a broken egg? Well because thats what broken seeds can look like too. They are made up of germ and endosperm, which can be yellow like that. Tree eggs! Hoppip is a root, Yeah that's about all there is to it. Its a root and it hops. I mean real reasons its a root is due to the japanese name. it points towards a root by basically saying Jumping leaf winged root. And it kinda looks like a radish. The other evolutions are more based off of dandelions and such. Especially jumpluff I mean it's just three poofy balls that as kids you loved to make wishes on but as an adult you hate that myth because that just spreads more of the weed and then your next door neighbor kid does it and you can't technically deprive them of a wish but Good lord!! do you now have a yard filled with weeds!!! Achem well yes, they are based off of living weeds that love to propagate via the wind. Next up is budew roserade and roselia all being based off of flowering plants. Specifically the rose. I know shocking isn't it. Uhh other things about them let me see. Roserade is one of my favorite pokemon I even have a custom pillow of it. Oh wait that came out wrong. Like it's not one of those pillows its uhh for the couch. Like a couch pillow. Here’s a picture. Its the pokemon shuffle face. Anyways moving on next we have snover and obama snow. Uh i mean abomasnow. Who are based off of snow covered coniferous trees. Essentially they are fir trees. Snowed over snover, You know. and abomasnow is based off of the abominable snowman but cosplaying as a large tree. it also could be based off of the Jugyou a very very snow covered tree. Like it's just a pile of snow and like maybe one or two branches stick out. Then we have cottonee and its evolution whimsicott. Being based off... you guessed it... a plant! so they land themselves in grass type. That plant is the cotton plant if you couldn't guess by its name just being Cotton and then two ee's afterwards. Essentially small cotton or wee cotton. It's even got the characteristic little bit of stem on its back. Which brings up the question are plant based pokemon grown? Do the actually reproduce the same way as normal pokemon. Could you go down and purchase a cottonee plant seed? Also Whimsicott can take its fluffy bits off. Its like clothes, which are often made of cotton. But yeah... Whats up with that? Is it like a sentient stick or stem? Who knows. Oh well next pokemon is Ferroseed and ferrothorn. Being based off the idea of hard shelled seeds, these little pokemon are encased in a hard-as-steel coating. Many real life plants share this evolutionary advantage of incredibly hard shells. I mean have you tried to open a durian? also it looks almost exactly the same as a horse chestnut. Just look. Then ferro thorn gets the bright idea of swinging around the little versions of itself as a flail. Truly a ingenious pokemon. Celebi is a weird onion fairy thing. Why its not fairy i'll explain later. But we do know it's for sure grass type because, well, one its the protector of the forest and that's filled with grass, along with the fact that it kinda looks like an onion bulb. And grass is technically classified as a bulb like plant. SOooooo it could totally be grass. And the whole dex entire about Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared. Helps too. Super plant powers. Kartana is a magically super thin and super sharp origami samurai. And we all know that paper is made of wood which is a plant. So I mean it's just kind of made of dead plant material. I mean the japanese name literally translates to paper god sword. So it's gotta at least be paper. Ok so that does it for plant pokemon and if your savvy you know that i'm missing a few pokemon. And your right! They are in the next category which I have aptly titled! “I have no idea what category these go in so i'll just put em at the end of the video.” See catchy title. Let me know if you want shirts of that. You can also call it “Other and NOT!” Anyways. In this category we have first tapu bulu Tapu Bulu is a bull head totem guardian. Though the fact that its part wood matters not to its grass typing in this case, as the other wood pokemon are live wood, and this is dead wood, I mean its part of a totem pole mask thing. Also the other 3 tapu’s arent grass type. No, in fact tapu bulu gets its grass typing from what its domain is over. It's said that It causes vegetation to grow, and then it absorbs energy from the growth. And it has the ability to command plants to hold pokemon in place while it attacks, which Truly gives it mastery over plants. So grass type powers for sure. Also being based off of Lolo the hawaiian god of agriculture helps a lot too. However it's not really a plant or an animal with plants on it itself. Landing it here in the Other or NOT category. Ok so next we have lileep and cradily. And I know I know you're thinking “wait a minute lockstin... those are plants.” And well you’re wrong. How could you be so wrong? Well I dont blame you. But In Fact they are just normal animals. Commonly mistook as plants. They are based off of crinoids which is a family of sea star that was thought to be extinct until recently. And they are not plants, they are animals, like the sea ananomenenime. They are technically in the class of animalia. So not plants. These should really be water rock type if they were true to their origins. So they have reasons for being NOT grass for sure. And they arent the only ones! Because we’ve got ROTOM here again! Truly a jack of all traits but master of none. This little electric ghost possesses objects to change its type. And in this case were looking at mow rotom, it’s possessed a lawn mower. I mean rotom is electricity and metal now, not made of grass or plant at all, in any capacity. I don't even understand. I mean i guess it does now have power OVER grass. Really shows grass who’s boss all the time by… clipping it. But I mean scyther and bisharp aren't grass, and they can cut grass just as well! On top of this, the ONLY grass type move it learns is leaf storm. I suppose its a lawn mower with a bag, and rotom will just shoot the grass back out at rapid speeds. But if delibird stuffed grass and leaves into its bag would it be grass type? No! Almost every pokemon can learn moves outside of its own type. Because it has the ability to use that move, while not actually BEING that thing. Which is what the type of the pokemon is supposed to be all about. At least primarily. And using that logic, I’d argue Mow Rotom should NOT be grass type. Steel would work better, as its using metal blades. Now then, if we realyl wanted to streach it, you could argue that MOST grass type Pokemon are NOT grass at all. Though its a technicality on par with most poison type pokemon not being poisonous, but venomous. Most of the pokemon in this type aren't even grass. Thus they should be plant type instead, or plant type and also a biota type. I mean in the Turkish translation its plant type! Though that's only occasionally in their anime dub… hmm… But also! Heck! even some of the gym leaders call em plant pokemon so I'm pretty sure this is a case of just visualizing what you call em. Even tho “plant” is the same amount of letters as grass, but hey whatever i guess. Plant or leaf type didnt sit with them well enough I suppose. Nothing wrong with grass type. Its just not the most technically correct. But caring about such trivial things is meaningless! So lets just have fun. So until next time, please remember to never stop using your gnoggin, and we’ll see you next time!
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,969,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grass type pokemon, grass type pokemon lets go, pokemon go, pokemon, grass type pokemon explained, pokemon amv, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon lets go, gen 8 pokemon, 8th gen pokemon, 8th gen pokemon starters, grass type, grass type deck, bulbasaur, tsareena, roserade, leafeon, grass pokemon, grass pokemon explained, sceptile, decidueye, steenee, are grass type pokemon, pokemon grass type, grass gym, pokemon anime, pokemon movie, pokemon song, pokemon origins
Id: v2tKZaSDqQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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