Rock Type Pokemon are NOT all Rocks! | Gnoggin

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my favorite Pokemon are the ones with rock-hard bulges well not really rock types kind of lame they're kind of hard to get into so a while ago we looked at steel type Pokemon answering the question what type of metal specifically are each of the steel type Pokemon because not all of them are steel obviously and today we're going to do the same thing for the rock-type pokémon what type of rock or mineral are each of the rock-type pokémon I'm sure with this video I'm either going to make my geology teacher smile or Korean so let's start by organizing the Pokemon by category and begin with Pokemon that are solid living rocks because not all rock-type pokémon are purely rock clearly so in this first category we have Geodude gravel or golem onyx bonsly sudowoodo mcCargo corsola nosepass proto pass Erinn Larry on Agron lunatone Solrock Reggie rock rock and roll a bulldogging Guth carb Inc diancie mini or ends nya Lego let's start with the first rock pokémon Geodude and its evolutions these pokemon are rather simple looking with a generic rocky exterior on the surface it's hard to tell but when we delve into its name we can figure out more about this line Geodude alright so it's a dude or at least masculine but let's look at geo this could either mean geo as in geology the study of rocks which would make sense because it's a rock I mean but geo could also mean geode geodes are hollow rocks that form when a lava bubble hardens trapping air inside of it over many years different particles pass through the air bubble and leave minerals that build up creating a crystalline structure the outsides of geodes tends to be round since they are rock bubbles after all which fits this whole line shape round rooks and golem the third evolution is actually rumored to be Hollow since he's shown tucking his arms legs and head inside of its body as for the lowland variant of the Geodude line we see that it has snazzy eyebrows and hair a lowland Geodude is made of magnetic rocks that seem to attract iron sand fillings think like those old Willy Willy toys at the Dollar Tree another small detail is that it's hands contain a few less fingers possibly due to the magnetism in the rock not wanting to split as much reveler seems to be sporting the same hand configuration of losing fingers almost gaining scoops for hands with small brown Dravet's gems on the arms golem then is a Taser yep you heard it here a taser face but in fact it seems to have a rail cannon on its back see that black rock on the head between the magnetic monoliths according to the pokedex entries it is known for shooting the rock but also shooting any nearby ole ole in Geodude and we can't ignore that nice beard all of its extremities are tucked further into its body with even less digits on each suggesting that it is much more dense possibly due to the magnetic forces consisting within its body this chain is likely made of magnetite no not Magda Mike the Pokemon magnetite a highly magnetic rock that is found abundantly in Hawaii the place the Aloha region is based on this grey brown mineral is quite magnetic and it is helping scientists follow the drift of the Hawaiian hot spots and volcanic activity moving on now to onyx the cool rock snake that can borrow at 50 miles an hour that's pretty crazy right well what is this rock heart beast in some games its dex entry states that as they age they become hard as diamonds but black black diamonds well there is a mineral called carbonado also known as black diamonds carbonado is an impure crystalline structure made of diamond graphite and amorphous carbon this all adds up to being the hardest type of natural diamonds found due to the graphite it has a very great black coloring very rarely are these diamonds found larger than a pea unfortunately so they are not used in many real-life applications this is also apparent in mega steelix where we see clear prisms shoot out of its body it is possible that as steelix ages along with the internal pressure and heat due to the depths it is known to dig to it slowly purifies this black diamonds into the clear crystalline structures that explode out when it mega evolves moving on to bonsly well bonsly it's just a babysitter whoo so what is a sudowoodo well it's just that pseudo food Oh or fake wood petrified wood to be exact what is petrified wood you ask well petrified wood is any wood that has gone through the permineralization process permineralization occurs when an object like wood or bone is buried deep under the layers of sediment ground water then flows through the porous material leaving behind minerals inside of the cells of the object this process essentially leaves behind an internal cast of the object this rock is made of multiple minerals but can be categorized into three large groups silicates coal and sulfur iron sudowoodo is most likely a silicate like quartz with other minerals such as copper in the false leaves to create the green color we see the yellow spots on it may also indicate high levels of manganese oxide in the groundwater mcCargo is the evolved form of slugma and it takes on the appearance of a snail and seems to be made of cooling magma the technical definition of magma states that it is molten rock under the Earth's crust once it reaches the outside it is considered lava but lava cargo doesn't sound as cool now the question is what is magma made of really and why is mcCargo rock type and magmar the other megamat pokemon not well simple mcCargo is cooling off though still brittle its shell is salt it may be igneous volcanic rock a mixture of many different minerals but mainly of the silicate variety now coming from a 180,000 degree fahrenheit Pokemon to one that lives in the ocean corsola is a coral like pokemon that lives in warm seas this pokemon is very weeks to pollution and dirty water but this pokemon has been seen strong enough to build a city upon them due to the coloration and design of this pokemon it seems to be based off of the species of coral coral 'i'm rubra or red coral but what type of rock is coral you ask well this species of coral is mostly made of calcium carbonate a generic mineral that forms many rocks most notably limestone nosepass is an hello that is most notable for always being able to point north this Pokemon has a blue gray hue and the odd ability of magnetism this must mean he has at least some metal in him his appearance is similar to that of an Eastern Island head some of these heads were made of volcanic rock with a large red crown being placed upon them nosepass and Provo past share this blue gray hue and a large red stone accent they are both most likely made of a volcanic rock with iron cores or internals and you can find more info on pro boat passes innards in the steel type video Aaron Larian and Agron eat rocks and medals and use those murals to form its steel shell but what about all of those leftover minerals that they ingest that don't add up to steel well they don't waste any of it it is possible that they use those minerals to form the rest of their bodies Aaron is possibly made of the minerals found in sedimentary rock as he eats mostly sedimentary rocks go figure lunatone is a small Crescent moon-shaped pokémon that levitates and is the counterpart to solid rock a small Sun shaped Rock both of these Pokemon were discovered near meteorite crash landings so it is theorized that they are alien in nature unsurprisingly enough there are two elements that were discovered on the moon and from meteorites one called pi rocks ferrite the name comes from pi rocks man guide greek for strange fire and ferrite a type of fire together these are somewhat descriptive of Sola rock and extraterrestrial fiery rock this mineral is also known for its high heat requirements to create synthetically then we have another element named tranquility named after the mayor tranquility Tata soar Sea of Tranquility the landing place of the first free admission to the moon this rock is similar in color to lunar tones gray even giving off some red hues like that in Luna tones eyes under transmitted light in Pokemon Lord designs are deep where G rock is a large bowl and pokemon that has a brown and orange color palettes giving off the idea that it is from a desert location because well it is the pokedex entry states that the rocks that make up Reggie Rock are from a multitude of different locations this is due to the fact that when damaged in battle it will replace the rocks with whatever is laying around this information makes it hard to pick what rocket is exactly but whatever they are they are definitely sedimentary rocks easily found on the surface the orange rock leads me to believe that it is possibly sandstone with ferric oxide found normally in arid desert like regions next up is rock and roll of bull door and giggle if this line is similar to the Geodude line with the second evolution at level 25 and the third only after trading RocknRolla is a small rock with a lone hexagonal ear in the centre of its face it is said to be as strong as steel due to the compression of being so deep in the ground RocknRolla is some type of geode with a crack due to the internals being hollow to form an ear bull door and giggle if/then seem to be geodes that have fully filled or are expanding out of the hard rocky outside to create large crystalline structures based off of the coloration of the crystals it is most likely due to a containing hydrated iron oxide core Bank is a small floating rock with small blue crystals protruding from multiple parts of its body you can see a white collar that appears to be almost fluffy on it - car Bank is based off of a mythological creature called - the carbuncle which has gems protruding out of its head the most logical rock that this book of one would be made of is a type of crystal that is growing out of some sort of sedimentary rock the blue coloration leads me to believe that it has high amounts of tourmaline held in the quartz it is also possible that it is sapphire as these crystals are stated in the Pokedex to be jewels and quartz isn't technically a jewel diancie is a very similar Pokemon to the previous carbink but they are not exactly related I know I know and it was first revealed I also thought that it was an evolution of carving in fact in the anime this Pokemon is almost like a princess or queen of the carvings this Pokemon is a floating rock also but it has more of an anthropomorphic body and much larger pinkish crystals that look similar to ears or hair with a large gem with a brilliant round cut you would think this princess like Pokemon would have its gem in the princess cut but no it's just the generic round that is a missed opportunity gamefreak diancie and mega diancie sport a vibrant pink color and are said to be as hard as diamond they also can make diamonds by pretty much just clapping their hands Pokemon are crazy it is possible that these Pokemon are made of diamonds with some sediments clinging to their bodies specifically red or pink diamonds this type of diamond is made when there are impurities not of minerals but into its crystalline lattice which has formed due to intense heat and pressure this winds up refracting light incorrectly and gives off a red hue with the hue saturation and tone of this magnitude it's safe to say that these are beyond even the most rare diamond the pink star diamonds so nice this diamond actually has a name antigone C is even rarer I guess it's a legendary for a reason speaking of floating rocks up next is Minnie or another meteor Pokemon this pokemon is pretty cute its core changes color based off of what it eats while it's up in the ozone layer apparently once it eats enough space dust it creates its shell with the material and falls to earth so what is up there to eat for this little gun well surprisingly a lot these particles that spread in the upper stratosphere are called atmospheric aerosols by NASA there are many things that are up in our atmosphere but there are three that actually affect our climate volcanic aerosols desert aerosols and man-made aerosols it is possible that each color of many or corresponds to a different aerosol or possibly it's based on what percentage of each it needs and finally for this category we come to Naya Lego and ultra beast 2 that I frequently mispronounce the name to this beast looks similar to a jellyfish that is translucent it doesn't look like it at first but after you hit it you find out that it's made of a rock like what that's not intuitive at all I kept hitting with electricity cuz it looks like a water type right anyway this book one could be rock type as glass is technically a silicon based rock even the official Pokemon site states that this ultra beast is made of a glass like substance flexible glass isn't even that big of a sci-fi topic as we currently have bendable glass although human made bendable glass needs to be in a straight flat sheet and not shaped like a jellyfish but it's a start good job humans it's not that far of a stretch to say that this ultra beast is made of a flexible glass or crystal as it is from ultra space another universe another dimension that may not necessarily follow our same laws of physics so you know it's it's an alien it's easy and that takes care of a lot of Pokemon but let's go ahead and move on to the next category pokémon that have rock parts that may or may not be a part of them in this category we have a Rhyhorn ride on right here at your Shuckle larva Tarr pupitar Tyranitar relic and the level crystal binnacle barbaracle rock rough like in rock and teurac on Rhyhorn ride on and rhyperior are all rather large Rhino like pokemon with immense strength and Durham ability these Pokemon arts necessarily made of rock but have rock like toughness perhaps a sort of rock armor or rock exoskeleton we do see that rhyperior does have what seems to be armor made of orange stones this is actually the item that is used to evolve Rhyhorn into rhyperior a protector but what kind of rock is this well surprisingly enough it's possibly made of sapphire I know right the blue one will the arts necessarily blue you see Ruby and Sapphire are the same type of gem just different colors a ruby is just a red sapphire and these gems can in fact be orange most other colors of this gem fall under the name corundum and this mineral is very hard being only second to diamonds but we also can't forget that it may be based off of royal eyes due to the name being so similar and the coloration whoa this mineral lacks the strength that is associated with rhyperior Shuckle is a sweet juice pokemon or at least a pokemon that is known for making some super sweet juice from berries and its own personal juices you well we can see how this isn't a rock pokémon but more or less it's a small worm in a rock shell it is said that the digestive juices of this pokemon are able to dissolve rock so this shell must be quite strong or made of a crystalline structures that it's not as dissolvable it could be that it is made of quartz or the struggle just makes sure not to get any more juice on its shell that would otherwise just be a very holy sedimentary rock and not the spiritually kind of holy now on to a popular one larva TARP you pitar and the mighty Tyranitar or pokemon capable of taking down mountains in a single punch gosh and we let ten-year-olds play with them but you never heard that joke before all of these Pokemon are at home in the mountains with their rock like hives normal attacks don't seem to bother them so they are always looking for a good fight they may get the rock typing from how they evolved as not all Pokemon are types due to what they are how well they are pokedex entries state that larvae tar is born deep under the ground and it must eat its way to the surface before it is able to grow some even state then it must eat a large mountain before it can grow so at this point larvae tar seems more like it will be grounds time to rock at this point but then we get to pupitar this gray blue pokemon has a hard shell after all its name is the hardshell pokemon it is assumed that this shell was formed by all of the rocks and ground that larvae tar eats so what shell is likely a large mix of mostly bedrock in lithified rocks and now we get to Tyranitar the armor pokemon this pokemon may only be as tough as rock or the silver ish lining on his stomach could be the leftover pupitar armor other than that and it's done it there isn't much really to suggest that it is rock well it can't is an ancient fish that I like for no good reason I just I just love it this old as rock fish is quite armored bearing a large rock like face plate that defends it from any would-be attackers and it has craggy rock like scales that allow it to survive in the deep ocean for hundreds of millions of years it is almost like a living fossil at this point and we all know what fossils are made of rock this fish is most likely not made of actual rock but is hard as rock they took living fossil literally in this case intimated rock tide global and crustal are a cute crab duo that can be commonly found in the desert the web o is a small permit crab that likes to hide in small rocks it uses a solvent to ease the carving of the rocket chooses to live in the rocket chooses our most likely surface sedimentary rocks crystals then are much larger hermit crabs and they have visible stratum on their shell stratum are basically the visible changes between layers of soil or sediment so crystal literally has a block of the Earth's crust on its back binnacle and barbaracle are barnacle like creatures barnacles are small cryptids that swim freely until they find a suitable rock that they then attach themselves to with a cement-like secretion from their bodies once attached they do not detach unless they are scraped off which is very difficult to do if you could imagine literally scraping concrete binnacle and the barkal have similarities in design with an elias larvae of a barnacle with frontal lateral horn they are not so much rocking themselves but are attached to seafloor rocks which is made primarily of mafic rock not a specific rock but rather a group of rocks that all share traits with what appears to be what binnacle uses as a base rock rough and lichen rock are canines and being from a low load they are possibly based on the now extinct Hawaiian POI dog known for their love of digging in the ground and would be given collars made of shells and Beach smooth rocks now apart from the name it may be difficult to see why this fluffy little dog Oh is rock time spikes around its collar and the dark spots in its Mane are actually protruding rocks and this becomes more apparent when it devolves until like in rock where we can more obviously see the spikes with the rocky tip on its Mane again these Pokemon may not actually be rock but it could be that they have dried mud in their Mane perhaps super much to the point of being rock similar to how real-life animals use mug to regulate their body temperature these Pokemon may use mud to ward off small insects or even just to deter predators from attacking vital spots these wolves are similar in appearance to the Hokkaido wolf known for living in the mountains this wolf went extinct in the 1800s when Japan introduced bait used to kill off their livestock predators and that mountain similarity may be why their rock type - who knows it's a little loose with this one Taraki on one of the swords of justice is the largest and most stout of the four swords this group of Pokemon are based off of the three musketeers which actually had a fourth member and stocky on would then represents Porthos the largest and strongest of the three likewise Tariq young is the largest in weight coming in at five hundred and seventy three point two pounds this Pokemon is most likely not made of rock but is as sturdy as rock possibly it has made somewhat of terracotta based off of its name - rocky on like those terracotta warriors and that does it for Pokemon that have rocked back properties and now we get to another interesting category the fossil Pokemon these are creatures born of science from ancient beings not found in the wild anymore think Jurassic Park it is theorized that these Pokemon are not fully rock type but rather are rock types because of the process of being brought to life after being a fossil let's get a list of the fossil Pokemon here we have on the night almost our Kabuto Kabutops Aerodactyl grey delisle illipe and earth armor although grandidis rampardos she'll Dion bastard on Tortuga kara Costa Archon archeops tyrants tyrantrum amaura and aurorus the only pure rock-type pokémon here are Crenna dos and rampardos and both of them are just numskulls it is likely that they are rock type just because they have bones and heads as hard as rocks and as I mentioned there are quite a few theories as to why all the fossil Pokemon are rock type even when they should be types differently some pokémon like ammonite omastar and arith armaldo tortuga care Costa Kabuto and Kabutops are said to have rock heart shells so it's very possible that they are rock type due to these traits and those ones would be easy but Cray dilly lil leaf Archon archeops tyrunt tyrunt amaura and aurorus don't exactly show characteristics of rock I mean she'll Dion and bastard on do they are very defensive so again hard as rock but Craig dilly and Lily are basically plants or Sein enemies though looking at them they may have a few barnacle traits with a hard outer shell hence the rock typing but then Archon and Archie ups look loosely based on Raptors even the pokedex entry state that they run much faster than they could fly and almost hop across the ground there's nothing rocky about them tyrunt and tyrantrum are both large t-rex style Pokemon with craggy rock like scales I guess so there's that they are rock like the stock type amaura and aurorus look like a Margo Soros the sale next dinosaurs and they are smooth skinned nothing makes them look rocky like at all by sea maybe hence the ice type but not rocky but now we get to Aerodactyl and mega Aerodactyl this flying Pokemon again looks nothing like a rug yet when it mega evolves it grows large rocky spikes and gets a sick goatee check it nice however well you could say it's the fossils being rocks are now spiking out this one doesn't come from a fossil like the others it comes from an old piece of amber with what looks to be like a small insect on the inside I can guess this is similar to what happened with Jurassic Park where there was a mosquito that had blood from a dinosaur trapped in amber but that means that Aerodactyl hide had to be soft enough for this mosquito to pierce it and drop that's not a very rock-like trait so what are these Fausto Pokemon are they rocks or are they only rock because of the fossilization process and then how does Aerodactyl mess with all that like what there are a few theories that I have got cooked up about that but that is for another video a sort of continuation video of this discussion so I hope to see you there so subscribe to find out when that one gets posted and until then please remember to never stop using your noggin and also here are some other great videos and here are some awesome Pokemon t-shirts that you can get to support this channel stay hard everyone oh I meant like a like a rock Idol it's hard to make it out geez for this
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,699,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Rock type pokemon, rock type, rock type weaknesses, pokemon, lycanroc, why is rockruff, why is lycanroc, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra moon, not rock, pokemon explained, what kind of rock is, what type of rock is, pokemon type, pokemon science, pokemon theory, onix, tyranitar, aggron, ultrabeast, UB Assembly, theauraguardian, dobbs, mandjtv pokevids, the game theorists, fossil pokemon, steel type, strongest rock type, best rock type, geology, geodude, golem, regirock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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