The "Real Pokemon" That Doesn't Breathe! | Gnoggin

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quick hold your breath wait hang out I can't do a video where I don't talk might as well use Windows Movie Maker and that's quality also if you're still holding your breath you can breathe again you're welcome thankfully I just saved your life so again but it's all because we need to breathe to live right but I mean why what's what's the point well there is none but that's not the point of this video we're talking about breathing or rather the lack thereof and how it could apply to certain pokémon like deoxys whom I loved tremendously so let's get going doggy and hey do you ever get that eat sheets ago play an epic game then if I got the one for you Xue Kurosaki big thanks to bleach immortal soul for sponsoring this video all their support helps us keep on keepin on in the all new officially licensed RPG bleach immortal soul you can revisit all of the classic stories and voice actors from the original anime but don't be sad doh because that doesn't mean you're stuck with the basic you can unlock and compose your team with all of your favorite characters really nganga up on those hollow figure out your team composition and order of attack and time those attacks with skill to greatly raise your chance of victory and if you're feeling Kuchiki enough you can try your hand at PvP battle arena and roguelike modes I love having options like this and they keep adding a con of new content in updates and if you check it out now with the link in my description you'll not only help support this channel but you also can use this code here for a free kick off price gotcha token soul Jade's and a ton of gold she no way should you miss this opportunity jump in now so that when your friends come and tell you about it later you can say oh I know say and thanks again just like blinking breathing is a natural process an almost background process in our minds breathing is essential to our health it's pretty common knowledge that you need to breathe though if these last few months have taught us anything it's that pretty common knowledge doesn't exactly mean everybody has it even going minutes without breathing can be deadly I mean you can go weeks without food or even days without water but oxygen you need that's thinking all the time oxygen is the delicious elements that we all crave every moment of the day and the night in fact the largest organs in your body are actually your lungs step aside skin because I said inside not outside though what really counts us inside because the skin is kind of like the barrier isn't it well anyway oxygen is pretty important to get to your cells because your cells kind of needed your cells need oxygen to convert the nutrients you eat into energy for your body it's basically the fuel source that lets us access our fuel sources the byproduct of this process is carbon dioxide the stuff we breathe out but that's just like basic breathing you know let's get deeper give it a deep breath your lungs intake air because the diaphragm expands their volume creating a vacuum effect pulling air into your body from around which is why staying near clean air is very recommended not stinky polluted toxic air because the air goes down into the lungs and into these very small grape-like cells called a viola these have tons of capillaries very very tiny blood vessels where the oxygen is basically caught by the passing blood cells these blood cells are then circulated by the heart to all of the different parts of the body and thus it transports the oxygen to all of the places it needs to go which is your everything and no energy to do it all over again but of course with a little bit of extra energy afterwards for all of the extra activities like living and not dying and stuff you know normal things and boy do I love living my normal life but with the blood running and the flowing and the breathing good stuff respiration respiration is one of the three things needed for something to be considered alive right and I don't mean like just breathing the way we do I'm not saying that fish aren't living creatures because they get their oxygen from h2o instead now I'm talking about cellular respiration the cells of your body are the things that actually use the oxygen and such and they convert it into energy your breathing is just the train pulling the oxygen to the cells Amazon Prime for your body oxygen to your most distant muscles within a minute or you dog cellular respiration is how creatures of all kinds are able to live even if they don't have access to oxygen from the air like we do instead many of them break down other molecules like the h2o we mentioned to where they can use it now meaning that life has adapted over the entire globe to be able to use oxygen in all sorts of different ways I mean it's the basis of the mitochondria at the powerhouse of the cell it uses oxygen as the fuel for all of the processes it does and pretty cool right but maybe you already knew that because it's pretty basic stuff but now now I'm gonna learn you a new one recently scientists have found an amoeba that doesn't breathe in quotes I mean it's a tiny creature and it doesn't really breathe according to our idea of inhaling stuff and exhaling other stuff but but even tiny things even the microscopic little thingies use oxygen like the tardigrade it just needs almost no oxygen because it's just so tiny I mean they're able to go hundreds of years without breathing because of their hibernation magic stuff but they do still need to breathe eventually unlike these newly discovered amoeba no oxygen not even a little well I say amoeba but really it's a relative to the jellyfish but he's actually a parasite now because it has evolved away almost all of its features - the two tiny little alien eyes isn't that really cool it literally looks like our common depictions of generic aliens it's amazing but actually those tiny eye are actually tiny stingers left over after this thing went nuclear on its own genome for some reason it thought the best thing in the world would be to lose basically everything and become an almost mono cellular creature parasite big I mean its lost a lot of itself and it even kind of ruined its ancestry in the process by studying the genome scientists are able to see older relatives and such and almost every creature has something left over from their ancestry like how we humans have many useless parts all around our body and our feet suck but this thing has scrubbed most of its ancestors from its genome just gotten rid of them their unneeded impurities so again evolution is nuts but hey I mean whatever works the best gets to decide and I'm sure there aren't very many other parasites that live in the deep muscle tissues of salmon but they've lost their tissue their nerve cells their muscles everything even the ability to breathe has been stripped from them yeah no it's weird right but I mean it exists so I guess it's not stranger than fiction or is it researchers don't really know what it uses for energy instead of oxygen but I mean it still has to use energy right it's alive it's a living breathing it's a living thing maybe we have to start changing that saying it's a living breathing thing because you know living and breathing used to be synonymous but not anymore they thought well maybe instead of oxygen it's just breathing something else but there's actually no evidence of it breathing anything else at all either like it just doesn't breathe but I mean if any strange living thing is going to have the ability to not breathe it being this sort of thing makes sense I mean you don't really have a good chance of getting oxygen by living deep underwater in the muscle tissue of fish and worms so it does make some sense but heck it could be like how other parasites steal energy from their hosts but this one Hennig ouya Salma Nicola which is the name of this thing that I'm mispronouncing no no no it does it doesn't even do that just straight up it's cells don't have the ability to do anything even sim to breathing but like I said this thing's DNA has never even sequenced the idea of respiration but maybe it did at some point at some time in its ancestry ago but it got rid of it meaning now it doesn't even have a mitochondria in its cells yeah it's some weirdo hippie no energy parasite it's just so strange right just like some Pokemon I'm sure maybe possibly so like I guess this is the part where I make it relevant to Pokemon or video games or something interesting you know the thing that you clicked on because it had a picture of a Pokemon with like the holding its breath emoji or something I don't know what kind of click big I use that's not my job that's my sleep-deprived crunch brain that does the clickbait blame it but yeah Pokemon I mean I'm sure most of the rock pokémon that are like literally just rocks might not actually breathe but they might just because they may be silicon based it doesn't mean they don't need oxygen their bodies and metabolism might actually be more oxygen so maybe they actually giggle but there are a few Pokemon we actually see in space or rather come from space they do a bit of space travel stuff what's up with that Arceus and the creation trio it's fine they're basically gods you know the spiritual 4th dimensional stuff sure they don't that's that's explainable that way but then deoxys while the Pokedex doesn't say it doesn't breathe there are a few tidbits in the decks entries that can point us to this hypothesis pokedex injuries like an alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this pokemon ah remember our friends at the wiggly alien looking creature this video has been all about yeah its DNA has basically been nukes of breathing yet it still lives it might be that deoxys was a normal virus or microbe that underwent extreme mutation that led it to its not needing to breathe and thus able to just space travel or maybe it never needed to breathe to begin with also viruses normally don't actually breathe in the first place either or have cellular respiration whatsoever either in fact there's plenty of debate about whether or not viruses can even be considered living a virus is a microbe something that doesn't really eat so it doesn't need energy to break down food for more energy they get all the power they need from the living cell they are infecting which is why they infect cells and yes this does mean that kovat 19 is way more spooky it's just an unintelligent thing killing not even knowing what it does not even really having a goal it's just mindlessly floating around doing whatever it's mutating DNA happens to lead to it doing because it just happens to bump into stuff whatever works best for its propagation it's just a pile of maybe protein and DNA all programmed how to steal and ruin its host oof but anyway besides deoxys and possibly some literally rock Pokemon in any other non breathers well when I said outer space I'm sure a few of you thought of them you and you too in the original anime opening flying around the planet but this is a stylized anime Opie really worthy of being cold cannon also Mew was covered in psychic energy likely trapping some oxygen in there so they still breathe other Pokemon do spring to mind however like Ryu Nicholas and porygon and also crab amma table but that's actually just wishful thinking because i think it shouldn't breathe because i hate it and i want it to die ryu nicolas though is kind of a red herring because it is a couple of speaking gigantic cells but that doesn't mean it doesn't breathe I mean I mentioned cellular respiration is breathing so it just does that but on a much larger scale so yes it still breathes just not in a traditional fish or land animal way but porygon well it's designed to be a space traveling computer program so I would it need to breathe well come to think of it there are plenty of Pokemon that aren't technically a living creature so they don't need to breathe like quite a few of the ghost types right they're all spirits ethereal and all do ghosts need to breathe I don't think so heck come to think of it no pokemon breeds because they aren't real no then there you go I'm not running out of ideas I just thought that that weird creature that doesn't breathe was neat okay sorry for telling you what Pokemon could in theory not breathe and how that's even possible alright geez I love y'all stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 170,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Henneguya salminicola, H. salminicola, animal that doesnt breathe, animal that doesnt need oxygen, pokemon, deoxys, real pokemon, porygon, reuniclus, pokemon science, the science of pokemon, rock type pokemon, alien pokemon, space pokemon, amoeba, Amoeba pokemon, parasite, parasite pokemon, parasitic pokemon, pokemon dna, dna pokemon, pokemon genome, pokemon evolution, evolution, breathing, why do we breathe, pokemon theory, deoxys theory, deoxys origin, pokemon in real life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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