EVERY Gen 8 Pokemon EXPLAINED! - Design Origins! | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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generation 8 gave us a load of new Pokemon with deep and awesomely interesting origins and today we are going to go over all of them just note that some of these origins are way too deep for us to cover every single detail any video like this one which is why we have entire videos dedicated to individual Pokemon lines so if you like this kind of stuff be sure to check all those out now then this video is so long so let's get right into it just also remember that pokemon sword and shield is based in the gala region which is based on Great Britain and as such mini Pokemon relate back to the British so then on to the mob [Music] so for starters haha rookie and thwack II have the iconic Ecuadorian squirrel monkey face colors and the right patterns and such then Rilla boom is clearly a gorilla monkeys and apes of all sorts are some of the few animals known to use tools hence these pokemon using sticks these monkeys also live in the rainforests and suppress type but what's up with Blackie's man bun turned mohawk well this line obviously pull inspiration from drummers drums are some of the earliest instruments we have and as such ancient tribes from all over the world would often attribute magic or spiritual powers to their music especially drums hence Rilla booms pokedex injury mentioning that it's drum has the power to control plants and as we see in the end credits reel a boom is the drummer of a rock band of sorts I mean the others are toxicity and obstacle and being a rock band drummer well that would explain two lackeys Mohawk and gorilla booms huge push dreads another fairly common rock or hair style anyway what makes these guys British well take a gander at this famous TV commercial from the UK yep it's a drumming gorilla Cadbury plus gorillas are known for beating their chests quickly which is also what likely inspired this connection also fun fact a group of gorillas is called a band and also Alfred the gorilla who lived in England's bristle zoo became internationally famous during World War two and has since become the city's mascot for bunny rabbit and cinder race are all based on rabbits first of all which are indeed Chinese zodiac but also the three main tiers of football aka soccer the most popular sport in England he got the kids playing the game who are all clumsy and thus get this stereotypical Japanese bandaged location used to show that character trait you got the teens and young adults who take the sport more seriously thus having the proper shoes and outfit for the sports including this headband and a snood which is what many players wear when it's cold and also where a boat is angsty it tries to hide when it's happening typical team trying to take itself too seriously and then you have the ACE the big professional soccer player fancy shoes fancy outfit and maybe the on its head is referencing a bike racing helmet I mean it's got race in the name and it's really fast bike races are also super popular in your episode maybe saw balls line is a mix of a chameleon famous for their camouflage and a basilisk famous for their ability to run on water and they have these flaps like intelli on on top of this this line reference is a fairly common growing up trait Szabo is a really shy and easily frightened and made nervous little kid it hides by turning invisible in the water and then it gets older and enters a full-on emo phase its angsty but still shy obviously but eventually it comes out of it's shell and has grown into a swamp laid-back confident sniper / spy using a water gun growing up shy and reserved helps you be even better at these two jobs you know how people hide and keep secrets because you did it yourself your whole life growing up plus once you realize that you can more easily manipulate others with all those skills well you start getting more confident also what better time to have a spy than now with the gal our region the most famous spy in the world James Bond is British himself and is famous for having loads of gadgets like guns hidden in small objects spy goggles and hang gliders attached to suits all just like in telangana and also by the way Szabo's number in the Pokedex is double-oh-seven sweat and greetin's are your very typical squirrels the UK is full of them the grey squirrel and the red squirrel the latter of which is actually native to the UK they carry berries with them constantly like real squirrels with nuts they're quite selfish - it's now I did mention that red squirrels are native to the UK and yeah that does make the grey squirrel and invasive species from mainland Europe and the grey squirrel is actually so much better at gathering food that it's been endangering the red squirrels similarly the Pokedex injuries force club at mentioned that they are found all over the region and are always looking for berries or as greetin's pokedex entry mentions that it's slow witted in cost losing its berries referencing the real problem the rickety line are all corvids which is a family of bird which of course include Ravens crows Blue Jays and chickadees I'm sure you've gathered which birds inspired which and these three pokemon are also different tears of medieval warriors the rookie the squire and the fully-fledged Knight korva Knight even has armor and by the way Ravens were super common on coat-of-arms blit bug doppler and orbital are pokemons doing a ladybug properly the whole lifecycle the larva pupa and adult ladybug is specifically the asian ladybug but on top of this it is a nerd turned mad scientist look blip bug has huge glasses and a bow tie and the messed-up hair the nervously inquisitive eyebrows yeah it's your stereotypical nerd with dot ler the nerd gets a mustache goggles and builds its own little lab it's like a big radar system notably radar also plays a role in this entire line radars have blips dots and use the Doppler effect and nowadays can utilize satellites orbiting the globe radars are technology that essentially sense where things are thus the psychic-type being here oh yeah also by the way radar technology was first described by a Scottish man James Clerk Maxwell but we're not done yet because orbital is a nerd gone crazy clearly a mad scientist I mean it even looks like a science-based supervillain from pop culture now sick of being bullied for being a nerd it's become powerful enough through its own inventions even going as far as to build its own UFO and I do want to mention this popular Japanese toy from the 1960s the radar bug it's a ladybug it probably played some role in the inspiration wicket and Fievel are mischievous red foxes famous in the UK for stealing food and eating chickens and look what NIC it uses its tail to sweep away its paw prints a common tactic people use to avoid being followed or caught in their crimes and judging by the nature the moustache and the mask on Fievel there's a chance that guy Fox was also a source of inspiration as well I mean his name is Fox and pop-culture often portrays him or people inspired by him to have this sort of attitude plus he was British and from many perspectives was most certainly evolve fitting of the dark type more Peko is a guinea pig which are popular pet rodents across the world it's not clear why they are named after pigs but I mean I guess they're kind of built like them and they're also known for eating a lot and they were also originally captured and bred to eat as in for us to eat them like how we eat pigs but anyway it's a Pikachu clone which is always rodent plus II electricity there you go whoa loo it's a sheep the Scottish and Welsh love their sheep it's a hairstyle which I guess you could call it reflects a hairstyle that is stereotypically attributed to Swedish girls and Swedes also little thing for sheep and keep that in mind because as you'll see later on this region also is full of Norse inspiration to dub wolf n is a Jacob's sheep which is a specifically British breed of sheep they have the same number and style of horns and are usually white with black spots Pokemon took this a step further and placed the spots in a way that make it also look like a soccer ball again because it's the most popular sport though which should also be noted that a lot of early sport balls like Scottish tennis balls and English cricket balls were partially made with wool perhaps making this connection Casa Fleur and el de gAHS are simply gussy peons which is this plant though I have a feeling that the stereotypically girly act of spreading gossip is an inspiration to I mean who's better at gossip than elderly women while getting a perm plus I mean gossip is all about spreading information about folks and these plants are all about spreading their cotton and pollen and seeds and I don't know maybe that's a stretch but maybe not scheudle and dread nough are alligator snapping turtles famous for their incredibly devastating bites they got the strong mouths and the heavy rough shells it's even not the weird nose at the very very it's head and mouth shape may reflect a bear trap or perhaps a sort of stereotypical monster machine crusher thing I mean look at these examples Wallace and Gromit happens to be British too and the whole thing may also be a reference to a cleaver great for chopping big things in one heavy swing similar to how these Turtles bite in one big massive bite and being a cleaver would also explain the hole here too and plus its horn looks like the bow of a ship and this only gets more obvious after a gigantic exit and that would explain the name the dreadnought class of warship first built by the British Royal Navy was built to be a super defensive beast of a ship Yammer is a corgi the Queen loves her corgis agreed from Wales notably dog shows and big-time dog breeding started in the UK - which is perhaps why this dog's breed changes so drastically upon evolution Bolton is some sort of hound it is a bit too generic and cartoony to specify though the name would imply a bloodhound perhaps or a - hound but none of those know greyhound maybe they are known for their speed but they also don't really look like this dog it's just so generic and Tunie anyway though the speed and excited attitude are why it's a hound and electric type oh yes the three coal pokemon notably England started the Industrial Revolution where in coal was the lifeblood of Industry everybody had coal to burn and here we have just a lump of coal really on a wheel it sort of resembles the roly-poly bug I suppose also this British desert is called a jam roly-poly here's our Rollie pollie with custard it's tasty unlike this Pokemon and then it evolves into a minecart filled with coal coal had to be mined because you with me we found underground and then colossal is just a big coal kaiju really which is a thing in fantasy sort of more modern fantasy when it Giganta maxes though it becomes a mountain filled with coal with a coal furnace in its gut perhaps it's dinosaur ish look is inspired by the fact that coal is a fossil fear made from life-forms that died hundreds of millions of years ago granted they were mostly plants in the case of coal but you get the idea the front middle of colossal space is also similar to the Front's of trains though going back to coal powered trains and its previous evolutions having wheels after all era CUDA and Barracuda are both barracudas obviously they are some really fast fish moving as fast as they do and considering they ram into their prey they are most clearly inspired by darts and arrows and the spinning of barracudas back fins give it a propeller motion like what we see on torpedoes though there are also arrows with fletching that makes the arrow spin which helps it stay straight but what are barracudas doing in the UK well nothing you could say that they actually aren't barracudas and their pike fish instead but in World War two the British invented the fairy Barracuda a torpedo bomber they would drop torpedoes such as the British spear fish torpedo into the water and they would then travel just over 100 knots which just happens to be the exact number that the pokedex entries for this pokemon state it's just too good every new pokemon in this game is British Apple in flat bull Appleton we just did a video that explained these guys in detail so of course more detail there but initially they are the classical depiction of a worm in an apple bugs love their fruits but Game Freak did a little play on words here as a worm sometimes pronounced we room is a type of British and Norse dragon which is what these are it's a worm in an apple perhaps the famous British worm of Linton is another inspiration I mean it's an apple ins name it's a long green worm that burrows itself in Hills plus some worms and Linde worms were not only long and green but also had two legs just like apple in and flap all for that matter Apple tongue gets an extra pair of flakes though and gets an Apple turnover on its back a sort of British apple pie it's pokedex mentions that those things on its back are sweet which brings us to their Giganta max forms where they are basically caramel dipped apples with in it silico bruh and SantaCon de are simple a cobra and an anaconda that happened to live in sand there are plenty of desert dwelling snakes after all though none of them have a sand bag on their neck anacondas are famous for twisting around their prey to check out to shell them out and correct crash their bones which is why Santa Kanta is all coiled up like this though it uses this shape to help it spring forward and when Giganta max it's just a snake tornado making a bit of a sandstorm cram a rant is also simple it's a cormorant that crams food in its mouth these birds are most commonly found in the British Isles and are famous for just trying to eat fish that seem way too big for them but that they can actually eat I mean look at look at this oh my word but at least in terms of design there's not just a blue version of the bird they added a bit see because it eats a lot ice q is a penguin it's kind of far from home but it's got an ice cube on its head some penguins are known to stray too far and wind up on icebergs flowing just out to sea and there you go but considering just how British the rest of the Pokemon arm why is there just a penguin well well I'm not positive these or any of the main inspirations from what I've gathered penguins are quite the cultural phenomenon in the UK ever since they were brought to the first zoos which by the way the London Zoo is one of the first in the modern world but also in the UK there is a penguin hockey team a penguin candy bar clothes line one of the biggest book publishers in the world not to mention most early scientific expeditions into Antarctica were made by the British and also in 2011 a penguin was spotted on the British shore it just washed up it's so far from home notably ice cubes pokedex does mention that it drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a frigid place so it's not local by any means Sizzla feed and sent to scorch our moustache centipedes dentists gorgeous makes it look like a moustache Samurai helmet which was actually a thing and you can really see what I mean in caboose logo under this Japanese connection works out well because there's this gigantic reddish-brown centipede yokai the OL mukada which clearly inspires the chikan tomorrow's like a stove top and when attacking Giganta max sent to scorch curves up into the shape of a radiator coil which are used in heaters and notably we can't not talk about the fire centipede yeah the fire centipede is the specific centipede these things are based on I mean it works perfectly it's the same colors it's got the same leg thing it's flat good job and by the way while these centipedes are found in Asia and Africa the stovetop or oven range as we know it today was invented by Benjamin Thompson american-born British physicist by which I mean he was born in America but it was still under British control at the time and this guy also fought in the Revolutionary War but on the British side he was a British loyalist and because of that he took his invention to London and the people and loved and loved it there for stovetops our British or should I say hub yeah they have their own word for that too calab a puss and grapple ox our octopi clearly the first Evo has boxing gloves with which it can clobber you and grapple ox is a grappler a word for a variety of fighting styles from jujitsu to just straight-up wrestling and some wrestlers wear bright colors and masks also Club opposes colors make it out to be the curled octopus which happen to live in the Northeast Atlantic so around the British Isles synesthesia guy star well T for one you just can't have a British region without T it's literally the most stereotypically British thing there is so this Pokemon is a little ghost in a teacup and then a little ghost in a teapot poltergeists to be exact a type of ghost that takes control of everyday objects and throws them around usually maliciously and similarly to your stereotypical British snob but a sinister wilt go into just any old teapot it needs to be name-brand if it's in a name-brand one already hand crafted and yes I am being serious there are two types of teapots that you can find Sinha Steven to have a pompous one well then it will only go into the nice one the one with a label a logo to show that it's fancy and official this is a reference to the 18th and 19th centuries when porcelain forgeries were rampant across Europe due to a German scientist learning the at the time secret to crafting porcelain no more was it limited to Asian imports from famous artists so the ones that were these famous artists suddenly needed authentication markers stamps of authenticity and look the tea ghost even reaches its arm out to hold the tea cup while also acting as the handle and it's got its pinkie out it's a supposedly fancy way of holding tea cups supposedly popularized by British royalty mill Surrey and alchemy are milk and cream as well as sorcery and alchemy which of course have their ties to European beliefs in folklore milk and cream have been super popular in the UK for quite some time I mean it's something you add to tea after all and the way you evolve these Pokemon is a reference to how you turn milk into cream you just stir it up a bunch while there's something sweet in it there you go indeedy is curious its sexual dimorphism makes the females appear as maids in the males as Butler's both stereotypically British things that rich folks would have as servants indeed is a common thing that they would say in media its fancier than just saying yes as a name though didi is will SH and to means a few opposing things like pleasure delight divine but also sorrow brokenhearted and swarthy these differences may relate to the different expressions the males versus the females have as well as just how the job of being a butler or maid may seem it's full of its delights but also its sorrows but as for what animal this is well it's definitely an amalgamation of many parts it may pull from satyrs and fauns of European myth I mean they're standing upright and have horns after all and come to think of it this also falls into hell they act as there are these two horned deities Faunus and two fauna of Roman myth a male and a female bonus was known for his many services in agriculture and taking care of cattle and fauna for her beloved nurturing of living beings and according to many experts they are the perfect example of the Roman tendency for gender complementary pairs within a sphere of functionality meaning that if you were to make a pokemon out of them they would have a big male female difference in their roles and we see this for sure especially when you look at their pokedex injuries males will act as valets for those they serve it's a butler in The Guardian and then the females are particularly good at babysitting both of these are gender roles that relate back to those two deities who by the way we're also capable of foretelling the future it's no big deal but that's why these Pokemon are psychic time and then they appear to have fur patterns and paws resembling various British mammals from the mustelid a family such as polecats european otters and makes all of them being long things now stalks tricity like in DD is a very unique Pokemon making it difficult to pinpoint its origins it's two variant forms are easy both are punk rockers hence the spikes the Mohawks and the demeanor one is playing an electric guitar and the other an electric bass thus the differing number of strings into the whole amped versus low key naming of forms and the chosen form being based on their natures be more generally extroverted natures become amped and the introverted low-key but as for the animals they are based on well like I said these are very unique so it's very likely pulling many elements from all over rather than just being based on one or two things first of all they most clearly resemble a sort of lizard or salamander to me both of which have venomous species and some salamanders can sense and utilize electricity and of course they come in many colors including purple yellow and blue they may also pull from the concept of keeled scales some snakes coil up and rub their scales together which makes a threatening sound and committee that's kind of what punk rock sounds like threatening its horns and body shape may also fall from the dupli-color say now extinct amphibian and geckos are able to generate static electricity to help them stick to walls and well geckos have the right finger shape for these pokemon but ultimately as you can see this maaan polls from all over I like that it makes it stand out as more unique and you can really see its gecko traits when it Giganta maxes it even has a power pole for a tail now and a whole electric guitar made of electricity what it's baby though oh man I don't want to look at it talk so it's also a bit of a mishmash you baby Pokemon but it is a baby the throws tantrums actually has a diaper crawls around like a baby and it's a little funky baby it's even got the Tuni angry baby face it's got four horns kind of like a horned lizard but ultimately it just seems more anthro than animal obstacle and the gallery' invariance of its pre evolutions are based on heavy metal rockers they particularly pull elements from the world famous band Kiss but if you mix them with a badger which are black and white and live in the UK and are particularly mean and also it's a null basically a fantasy hyena human hybrid first written about by English fantasy author and Baron Edward Plunkett wasn't popularized until Dungeons & Dragons came around but look this Pokemon even has the pants tassels and the pauldrons the tongue and the star on the ice oh it's so on the nose and also both Abstergo and talks tricity are references to the fact that the UK is widely believed to be the birthplace of heavy metal and punk rock the hatena line is one of the most complicated pokemon in terms of their origins we are for sure going to need to dedicate an entire video to them to go over the many many details that we won't go into here just know for now that these pokemon are in a way personifications of the feminine powers portrayed in many fairy tales hence this line being all-female having a princess hat and a witch's hat and Giganta maxing into a tall tower with a trapped princess inside she's the witch and the damsel at the same time while also having elements from the Mad Hatter and stores her power in her hair like many witches did and there's a bit of jellyfish in there too and perhaps she even has a deep connection with the impudent line as well as being a personification of emotion herself but we're still looking into all the specifics so look forward to that video when it comes but as for the impotent blind we actually just recently did a big video all about their details so click here for that but again long story short we have an inch and leng a red cat goblin gremlin with witch powers and a troll with witch powers and perhaps with a bit of the Green Knight from the King Arthur mythos sprinkled in but that's all really just scratching the surface details in this video here stones your honor is well it's Stonehenge around 2500 BC these rocks that are in what is now England were put up we don't know the exact date and nobody knows why for certain either but there are many theories and this pokemons decks entries reflect those theories perhaps it has to do with the position of the Sun and stars perhaps some mystical energy or spiritual belief perhaps it's a symbol of everyone coming together we don't know for sure it's all very mysterious stone journa though has these symbols on its front which aren't actually any real runes but they most closely resemble the Odle runic symbol which among other things can mean heritage or lineage perhaps referencing just how ancient this Pokemon is delorean meals is a meal with a big beard it's based on the European Wildcat which is big and enough fat and when it evolves into preser curve it gets a steel helmet steel claws and it's just straight-up a Viking which notably accidentally invented a rudimentary form of steel hence the new typing but also notably Vikings didn't actually have horns on their battle helmets but you know pop culture is a powerful force you can't walk around with horns on their helmet looks ridiculous but what's a Viking doing in gaol are well the Norse played a big role in the history of the British Isles they were constantly raiding the place and eventually their language mixed with the locals language and it eventually formed modern English we're doing a whole video about this too don't worry but as for its name a Berserker is a rabid class of Viking essentially they were crazy and typically devoid of any sort of empathy and extreme bloodlust induced through the use of booze and herbal drugs quite a terrifying sight much like some of Cruiser cures animation with the eyes rolling back at all and often when a valiant Viking were to fall in battle Haru stone would be placed to commemorate to them thus there being many rune stones in Great Britain pants gallery' and y mx no longer carrying an Egyptian death mask but a piece of a rune stone instead runa regis then is a ghost trapped within an entire room stone some of which are known to be cursed and these rune stones often depicted the accomplishments of the Fallen and snakes and serpentine dragons were often depicted on them besides the Norse though the Romans played the biggest role in old British history during the expansion of the Roman Empire they invaded Great Britain and assimilated its bringing with them their language and culture which after mixing with locals the Anglo Saxons and the Old Norse eventually created the English we know today this brief history lesson is brought to you by phalanx this group of Pokemon went together looked like a stinging caterpillar which live all over the world and come in a variety of colors they protect themselves with a thick coat and stingers all over similarly phalanx protects themselves with shields and pokey parts and the Roman part comes in as rather than one entity this pokemon is a group of little black Kirby looking things holding shields they are in a phalanx formation a military formation that played a major role in the successes of the Greeks Spartans and eventually Romans I mean just look at him another round and spiky pokemon is pink urchin obviously based on the pin cushion and a sea urchin pink cushions were invented in medieval Europe but the classical tomato design was popularized in the Victorian era sea urchins are found all over the world including the British Isles they release a toxin that causes paralysis similar to an electric shock which is why this Pokemon is electric-type and also there happens to be a sea urchin named the pin cushion urgent and this yellow front but that the Pokemon has is a reference to sea urchin eggs when they lay them they come out in a round clump like this and in the case of this Pokemon it makes a little mustache and another small and spiky Pokemon is snom oh no it's cute and it's also literally just a jewel caterpillar oh but at least they made it snow and ice instead of in gross jul caterpillars come in a variety of colors and live all over and the same can be said of their mouth forms like this Venezuelan poodle moth it's white like Frost math though not technically from a jewel caterpillar but considering that the gala region like England is particularly known for its industrialization and pollution and that Frost moths pokedex injury states that it shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains we could say that Frost mom has some peppered moth problems darker colored moths can wind up turning partially or completely white in response to lots of pollution in the air and were discovered and researched in the 1800s in Manchester England which was quite industrialized and speaking of pollution galore II and corsola and curse Allah also at their own video here but basically they are bleached coral basically the dead remains of coral when the algae leaves but why does it leave well in short gets climate change but another question is why curse Allah look at the way that they do and here you go on top of regular coral reefs getting bleached deep-sea Coldwater reefs like those found around the British Isles have had their reefs damaged by dirty fishing practices particularly the use of roller nets which are dragged along the lower ocean breaking off the top parts of various corals leaving behind these dead bottoms much like curse Allah now the ghostly ectoplasm that grows from this dead bottom similarly drags it across the ground it can also be mentioned that white zigzag coral and la folia corals are found in the Northeast Atlantic and that they grow in similar patterns to curse Allah they are even described as having thick skeletal parts and produce a large amount of thick mucus that acts in a protective capacity to shield the coral skeleton from attacks similarly curso is pokedex injury states that it uses the ghostly ectoplasm to protect its core --gel Orion wheezing clearly is your stereotypical depiction of a rich business man slashed back to a year during the Industrial Revolution which again England started this just happens to be when these chops and mustaches as well as top hats were in fashion they were used as a means of showing off your status so just stretch the top of your top hats out longer and longer to make a smokestack and there you go but interestingly these wheezing are fairy-type and they actually clean the air around them clearly that's such a fairy magic but you could also look to nuclear plants cooling towers as it's not pollution coming out of them it's completely clean steam nuclear energy all things considered is one of the cleanest and safest renewable energy sources overall and that's even if you factor in the nuclear waste that it does create while wind water and solar is technically safer and cleaner it is not nearly powerful enough or reliable enough to meet our energy needs and I do think it's fine to look to nuclear towers as an inspiration here as the United Kingdom established the world's first civil nuclear program and now over a quarter of its energy is produced by it galore Ian ponyta and rapidash are pretty simple they are your classical unicorn with magical girly My Little Pony colors and proportions but it's deeper than that of course unicorns played a large role in the history and folklore of places all across Eurasia but especially Western Europe in fact to this day the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland and Scotland's medieval royal coat of arms featured two unicorns as well and it was also believed that crushed up unicorn horns could cure many ailments including poisonings explaining their ability to cure and prevent poison gallery' and far-fetched is even more of a duck Samurai with a leak than before notably though leaks in Great Britain are significantly larger than they are in most places hence why this far-fetched has to carry it around like this which is similar to how many samurai would carry their large kodachi swords so big that sometimes you would need someone else's help to carry it while traveling but the largest sword actually used in combat was the claim or a heavy Scottish sword that was more than seven feet long they too were mostly lifted over the shoulders and then the warrior would work together with gravity to bring the sword down surface then uses a leek sword and orally clamps to charge forward with and it's also got a leek shield Lance's and shields were used like this in jousting a popular medieval European sport sir fetched also having this expression and it's now white feathers seems to fall in line with your stereotypical depiction of an egotistical chivalrous Knight with his beautiful white steed except it's a domesticated duck common across all of Eurasia but it's not just any egotistical chivalrous white knight no it's the chivalrous egotistical white knight the one that started the trope Lancelot of the King Arthur mythos all of himself white horse white knight uses a Lance full name as Lancelot to lock which means Lance a lot of the lake lakes being where ducks live yeah and also there's a leek named the Lancelot leek I'm sure that helps to glory and mr. mime is no longer a mine but a tap dancer using hardened dice on the bottom of its feets to make the sounds as you've probably gathered tap dancing originated in the United State that's not the UK why does it do it then Oh alrighty then well tap dancing originated in the United States in the 19th century african-american slaves had their traditional percussion instruments taken away so many turns to percussion dance instead and it wasn't just them other oppressed minorities like the Irish were in on it too hence tap dancing being a combination of African percussion and Irish clog dancing which was also somewhat popular in Wales in Scotland eventually this led to the tap dancing we know today and it got popular and of course led to many famous performers such as Charlie Chaplin world-famous English comic to get in on the action and he is clearly the inspiration behind mr. rhyme DeLorean Darumaka and our MANET and keep their Daruma doll and orangutan inspirations somewhat but a Don snowman inspirations while snowmen aren't particularly British the abominable snowman sort of his while yetis are Tibetan the term abominable snowman was coined by Charles Howard burry while he led 19:21 British Mount Everest reconnaissance expedition which also marked the beginning of the Western world's love of yetis galore Ian stunfisk is still a flounder but now is mixed with a bear trap obviously which fun facts we're never actually intended for bears they were originally called man traps or foothold traps used to deter poachers and burglars but eventually a man named Frank Conibear a Canadian ate reinvented them to use in animal trapping for furs so the term bear trap eventually caught on named after the inventor rather than the primary animal it's trying to get and I mean Canada has a strong relationship with the UK they even still have the Queen on their money so there you go but anyway while some of these bear traps do have teeth most don't its media that has exaggerated the size of the teeth to make them scarier looking and more damaging for the sake of plot another steel type Durrell Adhan is well let's just look at its gigantic max form it's a skyscraper a building specifically the shard a landmark building in London it's even got the spikes at the top as for its body and namesake it's made out of duralumin a lightweight alloy that was invented in Germany around 1903 and was used to make most European aircraft after World War one but it's kind of prone to rusting which is wider Ella Don likes living in caves to avoid the rain as for why it's dragon well dragons do have a lot to do with European myth and metal dragons are a thing though they are uncommon and as for its body shape other than the building at this point I'm still convinced it's a lighter its mouth opens up like one the button thing on the back of its head is the same it launches heated breath attacks from there I mean come on the lighter was invented by a German though and thick lighters are French and smoking didn't catch on in the UK until the 1600s but maybe it's a pun it's a lighter because duralumin is a very lightweight material it's lighter than most other metals hmm well there is a vague inspiration from Mechagodzilla as the Pokedex mentions its rivalry with Tyranitar who was inspired by godzilla so there's that another steel type is kufan and copper Rajah Indian elephants clearly made of copper a metal which is this classical orangish color until it ages and oxidizes at which point it becomes this green color but how do we know it's an Asian or Indian elephant and not an African or pygmy elephant well the man gives it away for one a Maharaja is an Indian King or Prince and Southeast Asia has a load of copper ore deposits but also the UK has quite the history with India so less formative history and more British Empire imperialism take over the world history the British Empire had total control of India for nearly a century which did contribute to the large number of Indian immigrants into Great Britain and look copper Raja even has the Indian style of eyeliner Indian elephants were tamed long ago and are used for their strengths for help with ancient construction which is why these Pokemon have excavator trunks also India would use them for war purposes as well covering them in armor and putting entire towers on their backs which made them look pretty dang tall and square which may be why copper Raja is angled like this too especially its Giganta next forum now all for fossil Pokemon are a reference to early paleontology we just made a big video going into all of the details so click here for that but to keep it simple for this video some of the founders of the field got a lot of stuff messed up and had a big bow war about it they started putting different parts of different dinosaurs together and claimed they were new species one time a skull was put at the end of a tail instead of the neck and another time they just mixed up the young and the old dinosaurs of the same species and called them different species it's a big mess again pull video about their details here but right now our best guess is for the types of dinosaurs they are are a Dunkleosteus for vish something from the Draconis genus like a Pachycephalosaurus a or other man a raptor for Draco though some have pointed out these Stegosaurus elements here but I am leaning more towards the first a prehistoric Ice Age walrus for Ark Doh and a generic sort of speedy Raptor result another extinct mine that we're doing a whole video for is the drag a boat line so for way more details check that out but first off there's the extinct tip the Collis they are all dead so ghost type but that isn't all as there is clearly some jet and stealth bomber inspiration here to stealth bombers look this way so that they don't appear on radar it says we were invisible thus ghost-type as well and this pokemon also holds itself similarly to crocodilia in the water easily hidden ambush predators who sometimes hold their babies on their heads and then of course the catapults in its name isn't referring to medieval catapults but rather the catapults that launched jets from aircraft carriers and notably the first aircraft carrier was invented by our old friends in the Royal Navy back in 1806 but as for the aircraft carrier we know of today it was a joint effort between the US and UK though the u.s. did do most of it but the first man to take off and land on it was British and again more details in our other video really if you haven't subscribed yet why not you made this far in the video you clearly love this stuff subscribe Yool Yool ah you won't regret it I hope now then the legendaries as confirmed in an interview za Sein and Zama Zenta got their names from the idea of how myths and legends are formed people never saw these Pokemon clearly they just see a whoosh of color so they became known as the cyan and the magenta referring to their colors then as for their lore itself they do seem to pull from the King Arthur mythos somewhat there's the whole sword in the stone thing but they've expanded it to also include a shield and even the statue in the hotel may be a depiction of this world's a version of King Arthur and by the way similarly to how in Pokemon there's confusion as to whether the hero was one or many people there is some debate as to whether or not King Arthur is just King Arthur or rather it's an amalgamation of many stories events from multiple myths and legends all thrown on to one character but now why to wolves well we're still digging deeper into it so that'll be its own video but for now know this generation 6 & 7 also has Norse inspirations Gen 6 which was based in France so also Europe especially I mean look at its whole legendary trio they along with a bit of Sun and Moon all have ties to Ragnarok a rebirth of the world and Armageddon that begins life anew and within this Norse tale there are two wool skull and hottie who chased down the Sun and the moon and when Ragnarok comes they will catch and devour them and now you may notice that za see ins sword becomes activated with the shape and glow of the moon and zama Zenta shield is fiery and glows with the warmth of the Sun there is likely a lot more to these pokemon but of course we're still digging and lastly eater natus it looks very much like an ultra beast or like the ultimate antagonists from the pokemon mystery dungeon series as in they appear more like concepts rather than specific entities looking at its name we clearly get eternity and datus which is Latin for born HR natus then is born again or immortalized we might even have a little bit of tornado in here as its Giganta max form is gigantic but also twirls around blowing winds and everything around it everywhere and also this pokemon having everything to do with Dynomax energy may also explain the three twirling clouds that are a part of the phenomenon it's a little mini swirl of wind tornado also in the name ascend attests also known as Thanatos the Greek personification of death essentially the ancient Grim Reaper it's poison type in reflects this connection with death and the dragon simply comes from the fact that it appears to be a space dragon skeleton it likely has many connections with necrosis well dragons are often used in gettin myths from all sorts of cultures after all they are an ultimate to being capable of bringing the void of death with their very presence and this is reflected in its Giganta max form as the Pokedex states that its very presence causes even space-time to distort around it but for now beyond an alien personification of death we don't know much but as the trading card game and anime progressed I'm sure we'll be able to uncover more and obviously that too will have its own video Sullivan now without adding too much more time to this video do you have any details to add anything that we missed I'm sure that with this video I've only really dipped my toes into it which is why we also do entire videos about individual lines of Pokemon so be sure to check all those out and thanks so much just big thanks for watching please consider supporting us on patreon or check out our merch store we have this new shirt design it's awesome and until next time you never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 3,123,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon explained, every pokemon explained, every gen 8 pokemon explained, every generation 8 pokemon explained, pokemon design origins, gen 8 pokemon origins, gen 8 pokemon, gen 8 pokemon designs, british pokemon, what is eternatus, what is indeedee, what is toxtricity, what is hatterene, gnoggin, gen 8 explained, pokemon sword and shield explained, gen 8 starters explained, pokemon theory, pokemon sword and shield lore, pokemon camp, british
Id: huC4Xhk8D-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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