Sandaconda is a Sad... Sad Snake... | Gnoggin - Pokemon Sword and Shield

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one of my favorite things to do on this mostly Pokemon channel is make a video that basically isn't about a Pokemon and make it about a Pokemon basically teaching a lesson of sorts be it science history some third thing but then I use a Pokemon to make it more fun and interesting and today's video is basically at that towards the end we're going to go over the origins of silico bruh and Santa Conda and then at the end get into some more serious stuff about them a thing that may or may not be a part of Santa conda's origins most likely not but either way it's an educational lesson but I am prefacing this video with this more serious tone because it does get quite a bit serious towards the end so if you are sensitive or just not in the mood for topics surrounding supposed animal cruelty and euthanasia then the latter part of this video isn't for you but I will make it very clear before we get into that so the first part of this video is just the fun usual stuff that you're used to where we're just digging into some origins fun stuff let's get into it [Music] there's no beating around the bush I've got to say it now to get it out of the way yes silico bruh looks like an uncircumcised wee-wee you happy now I guess that means there is beating around the bush about chicka wow wow silico bruh is a silly Cobra hence the name but actually it's from Silicon a common element in sand it's a desert Cobra of which there are many but instead of just a cobra hood it has a sandbag then Santa Conda is an anaconda a large large snake with sand as well you see the weird like donut thing it's got sand in that and it shoots that sand out of its nose like the shotgun notably the double-barreled shotgun was invented by Joseph Manton an Englishman in the 1830s like basically every June 8th pokemon his British in origin oh my word now you're not going to believe this I didn't believe it either the British also invented sandbags now I know how do you invent a bag with sand in and surely some Arabian got sand in their bag at some point and that's true but were they the first to put sand in a bag on purpose to specifically make a sand bag for use in having a lot of sand in a lot of bags well maybe they did but did they write down that they did that no they didn't the first recorded use of a sand bag was in the 18th century when they were made to form makeshift walls during the American Revolutionary War by British loyalists so yeah while cobras and anacondas are not British by any means the two secondary elements that are added onto these pokemon far god I love Pokemon so these two Pokemon eat sand but they don't ingest it dietarily rather they store it in their sand bags to then spit back out as an attack in the case of Santa Conda like a shotgun but in the case of silicon it spits it out like a cobra ain't that nifty most venomous snakes bite onto their prey or attacker to inject them with venom via their needle-like things but various species of Cobra are unique in that they can actually leak their venom on you couldn't I'm really bad at doing it on command but I swear it happens accidentally all the time [Music] I'm stuck for a pretty game so interesting kids have been there that was this venom that they spit is basically harmless on your skin and it only really causes mild blistering if it's left unwashed for too long but if it gets in your eyes you've got yourself some temporary blindness even in too long and you're looking at permanent vision damage if not total blindness so I guess you're not but um now there are a few different species of anaconda but the green anaconda is the one people usually think of it's the largest snake ever one anaconda was recorded at granted it was an outlier but it was 29 feet long and 550 pounds oh no though it's a jungle dwelling snake Santa Conda is a desert snake and if the pattern on it seems to resemble a diamondback rattlesnake or maybe a desert Sidewinder the Sidewinders they kind of bend a lot to move like Santa Conda though they don't have the right tail or head I mean if you ignore the shotgun snout its face seems to be more desert Python II maybe and those have the right colors too anyway now the swirling coiling thing that Santa Conda is doing is inspired by a few things firstly it's how it shoots sand so hard it's like a spring you know those like ball launchers and pinball yeah it works like that but it's sand instead of a ball the folk attacks even mentions this well it's unique style of coiling allows it to blast sand out of its sand sack more efficiently the giganto Mex form has similar inspirations it's a coil to shoot sand out harder but now it's also a tornado or dust devil causing a massive sandstorm always and its signature move is GMAX sand blast where it essentially acts as a sand blaster sandblasters are tools that mix fine sand with compressed air to basically rapidly sand things away like rust off of metal you need a lot of protection when using these tools for obvious reasons and so it works pretty well as a devastating GMAX attack but clearly if any Pokemon is going to be capable of such a feat it's this one but anyway the coiling also comes from how various snakes like to sleep rest while fold up all like this it's cute and then there's the not so cute act of constriction many species of snake use constriction to trap or hold their prey it's what the Pokemon move coil is doing some snakes that use constriction are also venomous and they basically hold their prey still while the venom slowly kills them that way the snake doesn't have to look for them later and yes anacondas are indeed constrictors but most snakes that constrict only constrict no vengeance they kill their prey by literally grabbing and then squeezing the life out of them but fun fact that I recently learned the popular idea is that constriction suffocates the prey you can't move your diaphragm so you can't breathe but it turns out that this isn't the main factor at all rather the squeezing is so tight and all over that not only do basically all of the bones break but blood flow basically comes to a halt the heart pumps because of the pressure the heart pumping not being able to relieve that pressure the heart basically damages itself so basically the prey dies via cardiac arrest long before it suffocates a fun and speaking of fun fun is over that was all nature and stuff and the things that these Pokemon are for sure based on rather than just merely me stretching the facts to teach a lesson in a video which is where we are now that little disclaimer at the beginning of the video is now in effect no more fun welcome to the SADS own [Music] so snakes long boys they don't tend to move like how Santa Conda moves like look at how Santa Conda moves what in the world it's so stupid and coiled up around itself now while obviously this likely wasn't actually a part of Santa conda's design inspiration I am going to use this as an opportunity to talk about stuff that I think needs to be more well known so Santa Conda looks stuck like it's wrapped around itself and trapped in this donut that is a part of itself you ever wonder how snakes don't tie themselves into a knot accidentally but basically to not get super deep into it it's because they have nerves and instincts you know obviously their brain has functions that prevent that from happening in the most part of cases they know what they're doing because they have a brain but seeing that they have brains clearly some snakes have brain problems right some of them can have brain problems well yeah anything with a brain could have brain problems clearly now seemingly tangent time bear with me you know how there are varying levels of controversial dog breeds like pugs early pugs are pretty cute sure but breeders and puppy mills continue you know breeding them and they are becoming genetically worse and worse I mean don't even get me started on these toad bullies I mean most specialized breeds have some sort of health issue but these issues are becoming more and more present as these breeders and mills are specializing them too much and inbreeding too much we're getting dogs bred into an early grave because they can barely breathe or dogs that are born into early joint pain and suffering because of skeletal problems skeletal structures are being more and more modified because people find it cute or in the case of these disgusting things tough-looking sometimes genetics can't even take it far enough so ears and hale's get clipped by the breeders causing more harm than good their quality of life suffers but at least it's only for a short while because their life spans have been shrinking too many have organs that can't keep up and so they die prematurely but then they get marketed as just having a short lifespan naturally when really they are dying as young adults because they are genetic disasters I'd say genetic mistakes but no it's done on purpose and this isn't even going into the puppy mills having to put down many many puppies because they are an unsellable genetic mush sure sometimes the problems are cute and meme worthy like that recent husky with silly eyes but those are the few that they actually show I mean at the very least most of these dogs are still capable of having happy doggy lives despite them being bred having ever-increasing breathing or skeletal problems you know like they're still having a blast being dogs at least they aren't bred to have purposeful brain problems or something like some pet snakes many breeds and morphs of pet reptiles have issues too just like dog breeds but in many cases it's much worse there are proven methods to get entire sets of snake siblings with bone kinks missing with organ function and sometimes even being born without an anus you'd think that if it's an own guaranteed outcome people would stop but like with some of the puppy mills even if you have to put down a few entire litters it's worth it for you to get that one that isn't that bad because you can sell it for big bucks in the case of brain or neurological issues particularly we're going to be looking at the spider ball python a relatively recent breed of snake and also one that is super easy comparatively to breed and also because their pattern is pretty cool they fly off of store shelves for big bucks because the purchasers are usually just uneducated you see they fly off of the shelves not just figuratively but literally too due to their genetics they all have neurological issues yes they are purposefully bred despite all having what is essentially life ruining brain damage and the worst part is that people like them not only because of their cool markings but some people like these snakes because they have personality yeah oh and so these snakes can barely tell up from down and as such they fall and hurt themselves all the time basically always they barely have a concept of which way they are going in relation to the rest of them so they can get tied into knots or coil around themselves more pain and you can put a mouse in front of them and they'll slam it to the side of the glass because they don't know how to move forward instead of to the side this is all become known to be the spider wobble and many breeders try to downplay it as for sure if some spider ball pythons are worse than others so the ones that only have it mildly it's it's a fun personality quirk so you know it's okay that they're breeding these and selling over me now they're doing it for the money they are very low cost and easy to breed and they sell for a lot because they're fairly new and look pretty cool but still you breed a load of them and a few of the ones in that load have the problem minimally but I mean you still you still had to euthanize or scam people to get rid of the other dozen for every one good one you got right imagine imagine breeding a puppy blind on purpose because someone thinks it's cute how they run into stuff all the time it's wrong like the good here is that at least at least it's a snake we're talking about not something intelligent like a dog but still now you'd be happy to know that various exotic pet shows are banning the sale of spider ball pythons at their Expos but most of them have always been sold online anyway and I'm not here judging anyone that owns a spider ball python most of the ones that are sold are the few that managed to survive with only some neurological problems rather than the whole shebang and more than likely you bought it without knowing of these issues but anyone purposefully breeding any sort of animal with known issues like this they can get bent animal husbandry like me you're proof that animal husbandry really needs to be much more heavily regulated licenses need to be put in place that are much stricter because it's been proven now that self policing doesn't work well enough all in all the lesson here is to always do a load of research before any animal purchase please let Santa Conda remind you that there are snakes that are just as misshapen and mentally dunked because of cruel humans and also for more information on this and all of the controversy around it i recommend this video here seeing it is actually what made me want to make this video in the first place now please be nice in the comment and never stop using your noggin [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 290,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, snake pokemon, anaconda pokemon, silicobra, sandaconda, gigantamax sandaconda, sandaconda origins, what is sandaconda, viper pokemon, cobra pokemon, arbok, ekans, british pokemon, galar region, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, ground type pokemon, gigantamax, spider ball python, spider wobble, spider ball python head wobble, pet snakes, snake breeding, worst pet snakes, sandbag, shotgun pokemon, sand pokemon, desert pokemon, why is sandaconda
Id: YfS7mGYX144
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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