Bloodcurdling Ghost Moves in Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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hey did you know it's halloween i mean it's not the 31st yet but it's october which is basically halloween nowadays and as per peer pressure that means it's time we talk about ghost type pokemon and we've had this planned all year today let's go over every ghost type pokemon move and explain what it is what it do and maybe even how it do and it might get a little weird this time because well there is so little actual science or even logic to base these on i mean here's a science textbook what does it say about ghosts no well alrighty then let's get started [Music] did i get you well that's the basis of the move astonish the user attacks the target while shouting in a startling fashion this may also make the target flinch a tradition of ghosts really i mean it's what they do you can't blame them but wow are they spooky they quite literally do their opponent a jump scare which causes them to flinch typically you jump when you get scared because of a hormonal response that has to do with your fight or flight response adrenaline gets pumped into your muscles and they contract basically jump starting your body which is also why you see in plenty of jump scare videos the victims sometimes actually will bolt away or straight up just punch whatever happens to scare them fight or fight right in pokemon though it basically causes the opponent to flinch and waste a turn they gotta take the time to calm down and focus on the battle at hand again with confuse rey the target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion now at a glance you might think wait this isn't a psychic move and while i'd be inclined to agree the psychic move confusion is basically the same as the ghosts move but more refined as theirs does actual psychic damage to the opponent's mind whereas the ghosts it doesn't do damage but it will always leave the opponent confused at least and it makes some sense it is a ray of concentrated confusion after all but it still begs the question why do ghosts have this power it's definitely a psychic thing at first glance you know messing with the old noggin well it turns out the confusion name is only its english name in japanese the name of this move is eerie light which is much more reasonable but why would an eerie light confuse you we just don't get it but that's why i gotta tell you the eerie light is in reference to dim light typically moonlight and our human brains love to be alive so they are scared of stuff so they make up monsters in the dark we just don't know if they exist but that shovel in the dark bushes the slight movement in the shadows you think you saw what if it is a beastly monster trying to kill you the light is so dim it's eerie what even is real anymore how confusing heck most animals have this safety is important and it's better to be scared of perceived danger that isn't real than to be dead because you thought the real danger was fake know what i mean also a lot of horror stories especially when you start dealing with like extra planar higher dimension eldritch beat stuff a lot of them feature eerie floating lights as the monster because we simply cannot perceive them because they're so supernatural extra dimensional or whatever so it's confusing you look at him your brain just farted it doesn't know what's going on you're confused now a much more straightforward move is curse that was sarcasm curse is a move that works differently for ghost type pokemon when non-ghosts use it their speed lowers one stage but they also raise their attack and defense by one but when a ghost uses it the move lowers their hp by half but from that turn forward the target loses a quarter of its health each turn pretty neat though i always knocked out pokemon before that would matter imagine not having a sweeper pokemon g's so what's the deal with these differences the idea behind curses is pretty simple you invoke typically not good forces to do evil acts upon your target however no one is as good at curses as ghosts i mean how many ghost stories feature someone's dying breath being a curse on someone causing supernatural things to haunt them for the rest of their lives or potentially the rest of their lineage that's the plot of castlevania even but the whole cursing with your dying breath bit may be the logic behind the ghost dealing damage to itself but now what's with the nail that it always shows in the animation why is a curse inherently a nail being driven into someone well it's history time and time for me to mess up pronunciations ushi no toki mairi is a traditional japanese method of delivering a curse during the edo period you would wait until a sort of witch's hour known as the hour of the ox and when the time is right you would use a straw doll made to look like your target and drive a thick five inch nail into it to peg it against a sacred tree near a shinto shrine repeat for seven days and your target will slowly lose life until they die interestingly nothing inherently here is about hurting yourself but i assume that's done for game balancing reasons like how it takes four turns instead of seven days also you know but then what the heck is up with the non-ghosts doing the old stat switcheroo well it's a joke no really in japanese the word for curse is the same as the word for slow depending on the specific kanji used so it's a pun a joke and one that's lost through translation unfortunately but here i like the idea of the non-ghost pokemon saying a naughty word thus cursing and it causes their attack and defense to raise because they are more prepared for this beeping battle but their speed gets lowered to bleep because they got too deep and focused on their bleeping opponent very american style cursing now destiny bond after using this move if the user faints the pokemon that landed the knockout hit also faints this works well with the move's japanese name take along with it's sort of similar to curse actually however this beyond the grave linkage is much more sinister instead of cursing the target it curses itself to a suicide pact sort of shield the trope of if i'm going down i'm taking you with me which is all the more spooky when it's a ghost that can actually just detach your soul from your body and meeting up with a wobba foot with the move during a no run nuzlocke is just the worst and also according to christianity the way demons see it they're already damned so when they're exercised they might as well take you down with them so they are in company your destiny is bonded to their fate good or bad basically at the end of the day demons and ghosts are petty then grudge is similar in concept to destiny bond if the user faints the user's grudge fully depletes the pp of the opponent's move that knocked it out but really why not just use destiny bond instead this is dumb but remember when i said demons and ghosts were petty yet they also hold grudges a typical reason for people to become ghosts or stay around after dying instead of going on to the afterlife is because they have a grudge against somebody and now it's time to haunt them he can't some people can be so pity like imagine being so petty that you ignore your final rest because one time someone hit you with a flail yeah you know you were almost dead as it was but the nerve of some people max phantasm is the generic ghost type attack dynamaxx pokemon use and on top of ghostly damage it also lowers the target's defense stat the big spook ah yes the maximum amount of fear floating plates and stuff oh no what will we do well be scared obviously because that plate is bigger than we are and it just appeared from nowhere and it's heading right towards us all in all this is just a much bigger version of the move poltergeist floating ghostly items slamming around if you didn't know a poltergeist is a specific type of ghost that normally shows its presence through loud sounds and the movement of objects typically without any reason it's been exaggerated to a point where in media these days it's flying pots and crazy noises wailing from nothing it's your classic haunted mansion with ghosts that just throw kitchen supplies and library books all over the place and the move poltergeist follows suit the user summons some poltergeists which then grab the opponent's item and smacks them with it bonus fact it's also the only ghost move that doesn't have 100 accuracy as soon as you ask a ghost to interact with the physical world they get all clumsy it's kind of cute then similarly to both of them gmax terror is a ghost type attack that gigantamax gengar use it's the same as max phantasm at first but it causes the enemy team to no longer be able to escape another common horror movie trope you get locked in with the ghost one of you is being taken out otherwise there is no escape now lick there's an iconic gengar move i mean haunter uses it in the original anime intro the fame of that tongue according to the decks with this move the target is licked with a long tongue causing damage this may also leave the target with paralysis fascinating and strange can't most animals lick things and thus most pokemon can and yet in the original games even likitung couldn't learn this move what so clearly there is more to this move than just a physical lick otherwise it wouldn't be here and it turns out the reason it's ghost type is pretty easy to explain here's the akaname a japanese yokai that is also known as the filth licker because it licks dirty bathrooms i just shuddered that's the paralysis plus a load of iconic yokai have their tongue sticking out all the time because it's seen as a very spooky thing how does that tongue fit in that mouth why is it so big in acting as an extra appendage is it trying to taste me is it going to eat my soul it's scary and frightening so you find yourself paralyzed in fear [Music] now hex this relentless attack does massive damage to a target affected by status conditions and is called evil eye in japanese because while ghost isn't dark type evil it's not exactly a goody two-shoes type either i mean most of them don't even have legs they are ghosts that's rude you can't just say that yet here we see the move causing more damage if the target is affected by something that makes them more vulnerable specifically non-volatile conditions think sleep confused or paralyzed striking when your opponent is weak is typically an evil move however it also is a perfect ghost move because when do ghosts typically strike that's right night time when you're sleeping or when you're unable to move your sleep paralysis demons when your mind isn't perfectly working ghosts attack by the shape of the world creating fear in your own mind they have an eye an evil eye for these things but during the day it's much harder to get spooked you're not sleepy frozen in place or as confused yet it's still possible to get into your mind just not as effectively thus hex still works if you don't have a status condition just not as well oh and hex is also just another word that can mean haunt or curse or bewitch and all very generic ghostly acts what's not so generic is moon geist beam the signature move of lunala where she emits a sinister ray to attack the target this move can be used on the target regardless of its abilities it's also known as shadow ray in japanese which is important once you realize that there are a billion ghost type moves called shadow something because ghosts work best in the shadows and you know what casts the spookiest shadows that's right the moon the cause of most problems in the history of mankind really the slight illuminator the reflector of the sun and the cause of many nightmares and of course the cause of most spooky stories went full so moon geist beam is just a concentrated blast of sinister light causing a shadow of terror on anyone who sees it and it affects all pokemon even ones whose abilities would prevent damage like wonderguard because deep down we are all afraid of the dark it's only natural and just to up the ante being the signature move of lunala only makes this beam more powerful as lunala is the emissary of the moon and is representative of all of the moon's powers which includes the belief that the moon is a portal to the spirit world so the spirit world is just blasting you with ghost light spook ouch then menacing moonrise maelstrom is moon geist beam but charged with z power and that's it but speaking of nightmares of paragraph ago the move nightmare gives a sleeping target a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn and while we're at it the generic ghost type z move never never-ending nightmare is essentially the same but charged with z-power and they don't have to be asleep so it works as a daymare too but essentially both moves still work on the same principles nightmares and dreams are hard to explain in fact we're still not perfectly sure why we have them but the theories go that they are helpful for our flight or fight brain system you see one of the areas of the brain that is the most active while dreaming especially nightmares is the amygdala which is the part of the brain associated with the survival instinct and the fight-or-flight response as well this connection suggests that because the amygdala is more active during sleep than in your waking life it may be the brain's way of getting you ready to deal with a threat even if that threat is hypothetical and that is why nightmares are scary your emotional memory can recall fear but your logical brain is like what it was a ghost dude not real your brain is just a bully that loves to scare you now nightshade [Music] ah yes the plant family that is super deadly and that's tomatoes are a part of no really look it up tomato plants are poisonous but so good side tracks aside the move nightshade is where the user makes the target see a frightening mirage it inflicts damage equal to the user's level so it's the same basic principle of most of these ghost moves really inducing fear to create a sort of mental damage but now how does fear cause damage fear is an emotion we humans are capable of but other creatures can feel fear too obviously fear is helpful because it can stop us from going to or being in dangerous situations creatures that scare us are dangerous large sharp tooths mean predator huge forward-facing eyes staring at you able to see in the dark much better than you longer hands bigger fingers and claws things better than our own weapons armored skin all features of monsters in our own world and even the fake ones in our own mind and they are all common things that people and creatures are afraid of and you need not look much further than bunny rabbits to see how fear can kill you now obviously i'm not going to show you bunnies actually dying this way but rabbits especially pet ones are known to literally become scared to death one of the main things the fight-or-flight instinct does is increase our heart rate suddenly so if you have a weak heart it can easily damage the heart or even cause a heart attack hp is an abstract way of imagining someone's health in a point-based system anyway and everyone's health is different and you can die in an immeasurable amount of ways i mean too much water now it's poison not enough water now your body's poisoning itself heck remember when padme just straight up died because she was sad emotions are a part of your health and your outlook on life can completely determine how well you take a treatment that's why psychiatry and psychology are important too there's nothing wrong with going to therapy dude man up but at least in the case of pokemon they aren't fighting to the death but just until the other one faints and fainting is a lot easier to cause when you're scaring your opponent so much and the more experience you have in scaring people thus the more experienced points and thus the higher level the better you are at it practice makes perfect hence the whole level is the power mechanic now with ominous wind the user blasts the target with a gust of repulsive wind this may also raise all of the users stats at once a gust of repulsive wind is that just code for ripping one and letting it go that's a whole new interpretation on gastly but no ominous wind is a common ghost tale the wind blowing around objects trees and rocks in just the perfect way to whip up a spooky otherworldly whale or perhaps the dead still air starting to move once you open up the tomb the science behind why howling wind is scary is interesting as you probably know most people are fearful of the things that they were told to you know sort of be scared of based on the experiences of their group we are social creatures and unless we're talking tornadoes or hurricanes wind by itself isn't scary but the sound of a distant howl is typically leaves in the trees and such dampened the vibration of the winds but during the cold months when trees are bare and spooky the wind is free to scream which is likely why late autumn and winter are considered the spooky months throughout all of human history is that a distant pack of wolves coming to eat you is it a wailing ghost getting ready to haunt your abode it could very well be also if the move gust hurts then a gust with ghosts in it should hurt too come on and all that ghostly wind is probably charging up the ghost type pokemon so there's a chance all of its stats raise phantom force or ghost dive in japanese is where the user vanishes somewhere then strikes the target on the next turn this move hits even if the target protects itself ah finally a dive fly dig bounce ask move for ghosts the type that makes the most sense for a move where on one turn they disappear and they reappear on the next it only took until the sixth generation to figure that out i mean ghosts are known for turning invisible or just straight up vanishing disappearing into the spirit world or a parallel dimension these are all things that define ghosts come on game freak well at least with phantom force they got the added idea of it hitting even through protection right there's no wall a ghost can't phase through because after all ghosts are our own minds preying upon itself and interestingly enough it also works on smaller targets better if the target uses minimize that turn it hits them even harder because i guess smaller things are seen as kids and kids are weaker to ghost type because of crazier imaginations more likely to believe in ghosts more likely to be scared because they don't have as much life experience perhaps or they're just easier to do more damage to but now it's time to enter that's right jimbo we're off to the shadow realm where we got a whole bunch of shadow moves to cover which makes good sense because as shadows of course they are dark and thus spooky i mean there's shadow ball shadow bone shadow the hedgehog all of these things are lame and so is this youtube premiums and free loaders won't get that joke now then with the move shadow ball the user hurls the shadowy blob at the target this may also lower the target's special defense stat it's just a ball of darkness i guess it's pretty straightforward though it's just like aurasphere or fire blast except it's shadowy ghost energy which would also explain its odd animation in some of the older games thrown projectiles typically don't wiggle around like this move originally or suddenly stop mid-flight before continuing but i think it's animation in platinum is my favorite that's cool and considering that special defense is a sort of mental defense suddenly being hit by a ball of spooky ghost shadow yeah my mental defense could be lowered then shadow bone the signature move of a lowland marowak it does a whack with its marrow but this time its bone staff contains a spirit so the move is ghost type bonk go to horny hell or something where do ghosts take you now shadow claw the user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows critical hits land more easily it's very easy to explain sometimes it's a pokemon charging its actual claws with ghostly energy and sometimes it's just summoning a swipe with some summoned ghost claws think like bayonetta's smash moves like that and being both sharp and ghostly means it's really good at cutting vital things hence the critical hit bit then with shadow force the user disappears then strikes the target on the next turn this move hits even if the target protects itself wait a second this is just phantom force again oh but this time it's the signature move of giratina explain yourself giratina what's up with this well instead of going into the spirit well i i go into the distortion world so it's it's different all right giratina i'll let this slide this time with shadow punch the user throws a punch from the shadows this attack never misses and we're about to learn that ghost came before dark you see ghost was a quasi-dark type before the dark type existed and dark is normally seen as evil or a dirty fighting tactics type someone who would cheat and while ghosts definitely cheat hence the huge amount of them able to learn a load of dark moves they also can be helpful the japanese see ghosts and yokai as a two-way street but basically shadow punch is much like a sucker punch but with more punch instead of attacking when the user isn't looking it just teleports a fist into them think like bayonetta's smash moves like that no natural creature would be able to react to something like that hence the move never missing no chance to dodge it's a mean and sneaky tactic just like shadow sneak the user extends its shadow and attacks the target from behind luv always goes first it's a wonderful tool for recovering to the ledge or getting around projectile character wait that's smash greninja well shadow sneak is the age-old trope of ghosts hiding in the shadows and if you couldn't tell with all the shadows in the moves the sun is dangerous to them so they typically stick to the shadows it's a very common trope for ghosts and as for why the move goes first well you're casting a shadow on your own aren't you that means the ghost is already behind you and speaking of shadows as if i haven't been with the move spirit shackle also known as shadow stitching in japanese the user exclusively decidueye attacks by firing an arrow while simultaneously stitching the target's shadow to the ground to prevent escape i mean i guess stitching shadows isn't that uncommon i mean have you seen disney's peter pan his shadow needed to be stitched back into him wait what if it was actually his soul trying to go to its final resting place but wendy trapped it with her witchcraft but that's just a fill either way it's messed up however instead of stitching the shadow to the target it stitches the shadow to the ground how cool is that like being unable to move because the sun's energy is being blocked by your physical form and the darkness you've created yourself is holding you in place that's some creepy supernatural bull honky if i've ever seen it then with sinister aero raid decidueye launches like 20 ghostly arrows charged with z power at the target at once honestly that's probably the scariest inspiration for a move so far like ghosts aren't real but nearly two dozen arrows flying right at your face yeah you wish it wasn't real ouch now spectral thief doesn't have the word shadow in it oh wait it does in japan it's called shadow thief there it's the signature move of marshadow great more shadows and it hides in the target's shadow steals any stat boosts that they have and then attacks with a shadowy burst of ghost the damaging part is straightforward enough it's a ghost burst but the stat stealing bit could use a little explaining though it's not an uncommon trope for ghosts to hide in your shadow specifically nor is it uncommon for them to haunt you just by taking away your vitality slowly you're completely unaware that they are there but they are slowly absorbing your health away eating your soul i mean that's what people back in the day thought all kinds of illnesses were hey there are ghosts in your blood because we don't know what cancer is yet here do some licorice tea and cocaine about it i'll go grab the priest now if marshadow charges this move up with z energy it becomes soul stealing seven star strike after obtaining z power marshadow punches and kicks the target consecutively with force now there's nothing really soul sealy about that other than its name so i'm going to assume it's punching your soul directly which would explain it being ghost type instead of fighting type and i assume getting punched in the soul hurts now why seven well many martial arts have seven different colored belts in their ranks sometimes they mix them a bit so that there are actually more than seven ranks but still there are seven colors and if you look into the occult meaning of the number seven there's actually quite a lot seven heavens seven planes of purgatory seven chakras many cultures recognized the seven planets especially alchemists those being mercury venus mars jupiter saturn the sun and the moon they considered those planets at the time and supposedly the soul travels through seven planetary spheres while heading to heaven so maybe these spheres relate to mars shadows seven spheres attacking your soul directly i'm pretty sure there's more but i don't exactly want to talk about marsh shadow all day plus we only have two moves to go with spite the user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting four pp from it as the name suggests it's a vengeful move which is of course a ghostly quality we've talked about that before but honestly this move is hilarious how annoying is it when you have a really powerful 5pp move and you use it once and bam no more ppe trick or treat ah the ultimate ghost type move that's right this move is the true reason for the season the user takes the target trick-or-treating and adds ghost type to the target's type yeah much like the other type altering moves this move is pretty realistic but at the same time much more magical than soak you see halloween is the holiday where kids trick or treat and it's all about dressing up as ghosts ghouls demons devils thanos and witches all the things that go bump in the night and to sum it all up the tradition was originally called geising and it was done on the day believed to be when demons walked among us and if you were dressed as a demon they wouldn't attack you because clearly you are also a demon demons is dumb but there is actually a lot more to this move but i've decided to have that be a part of another video this one here that you can check out when it's out it's all about the surprisingly deep origin of pumpkaboo and gourgeist and their signature move trick or treat hope to see you there and until next time never stop using your noggin you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 386,791
Rating: 4.9605479 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon halloween, halloween, the crown tundra, ghost type pokemon, ghost pokemon, pokemon ghosts, pokemon ghost stories, creepy pokedex entries, creepy pokedex, ghost type pokemon explained, ghost moves, ghost type pokemon moves, ghost moves explained, ghost type, ghost type pokemon origins, giratina, sableye, gengar, chandelure, best ghost moves, ghost type pokemon team, pokemon ghost team, ghost type gym, ghost gym, allister, sabrina, phoebe
Id: m1VVA6NSa1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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