Why EVERY Pokemon is Toxic! 🐱☠💦☢🐍 | Gnoggin | ... (almost) ⚙⚙

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oh my god dude you're like so toxic bro how'd you even get so toxic this video has been in the works for almost a decade and by that i mean we started this script like five years ago you may say five years is nowhere close enough to be considered a decade but i say my brain time is just much faster than the average humans i fully understand rick and morty and i've only watched it once that's how big of an iq brain i have it's the pinnacle of humor i hope you can sense the very clear sarcasm but what my brain is trying to wrap itself around and absorb like magnetic putty is how before pokemon sword and shield almost every pokemon could learn the move toxic you see toxic is the tm move but the tm doesn't exist in swish they didn't even bring it back as a tr so there's no way to know yet if the gen 8 pokemon are able to learn it most of them could still very well learn it if a future game brings the tm back but for now there's no way to confirm it but anyway when i say almost every pokemon could learn the move toxic i don't mean like three quarters of them i mean most doing the math up through gen 7 so the first 809 pokemon only 23 pokemon don't learn the move that's 2.84 percent of them so only a little under 3 percent of pokemon are incapable of learning it and most of those still can learn it after they evolve if we take those out of the equation we're left with only six meaning that three quarters of a single percent of pokemon are incapable of learning toxic 0.74 why then was this move so common are all pokemon poisonous why do basically all pokemon learn it and why do those few pokemon that don't learn it not learn it well that's this video and i hope you're ready to watch it do you like shopping online sometimes there's really cool stuff you can't find in stores things like whey needle stickers super cool zines books embarrassing adult products ebay just like buy ebay buy ebay figurines that may or may not be bootlegs retro stuff from that guy you don't 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with one percent cash back on every purchase there's a plan for everyone so go to privacy.com and sign up soon new customers will get an extra five dollars to spend on their first purchase which sounds pretty dandy just here's a lincoln oh i guess that could also mean a penny huh let's talk game mechanics first to get you familiarized with the attack toxic is a move that leaves the target badly poisoned its poison damage worsens each turn this is different from the regular status condition poisoned in a few ways normally being poisoned means you lose 1 16 of your max hp every turn but when badly poisoned it's additive every turn increases that damage by an additional 1 16 of their max hp meaning thanks to mathematics it will cause you to faint in only six turns if it isn't cured and that's on its own that's ignoring if any other attacks hit so yes it's much worse than poison in fact it's japanese name is perfect excessive poison so overkill the name of the status even is different in japanese rather than simply badly poisoned they say deadly poisoned poison is a fun little idea in video games but in real life poison is a very hard concept to just blanket describe as there are many many different types of poison a poison typically is a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed that definition seems a little open-ended oxford you could even say a bullet could be considered a poison people die when you introduce bullets into their system especially if they absorb them well let's see what webster has to say about that ah yes a substance that through its chemical action usually kills injures or impairs an organism that's the definition i know typically poison is used to kill be it out of defense or predation various insects and reptiles inject venom which is a specific type of poison they're not different and it can cause things as mild as an irritated lump all the way down to shutting your heart off or causing full tissue necrosis some plants develop poisons too that they put on their leaves and these poisons also have terrible side effects that range from as mild to causing an irritating rash so you don't want to touch the plant again all the way to making you suffocate from the weight of your own lungs so that you can't touch the plant again also this means that things like alcohol caffeine heck most drugs are a poison water can be a poison ever heard of water poisoning if you drink too much water it starts to mess with your whole electrolyte balance especially sodium causing you to become delirious and it can even be potentially deadly the molecule the chemical h2o water through chemical action is impairing and potentially killing you water is a poison so yes a water pokemon forcing you to gorge on copious amounts of the good stuff is poisoning you but i kind of doubt the technical definitions were in mind when game freak decided to give toxic to so many pokemon no i think it was more so probably having something to do with everything carrying around bacteria but even then it's complicated bacteria and viruses aren't considered a poison directly but plenty of them do carry poison and that poison they carry makes you very sick i mean the chemicals they have inside of them are chemically messing with you causing impairment and even death so yeah what the germs make is poison but the germs themselves no not so much does this mean germs are venomous and so in a way are we not all potentially poisonous really anything gross can get you sick from sewer surfing to picking up floor bologna and compared to humans animals tend to be pretty dirty let's think about cat scratch fever as an example it's a disease caused by bartonella and slay bacteria which doesn't actually kill you but it's not great to have it makes you sick it really sucks normally the bacteria is there because cats bury their own feces meaning they touch it with their feet and claws are in their feet so when you get a scratch it's leaving bits of gross poop bacteria in your wound and wounds are the best place for bacteria to grow other than bacteria growing dishes i guess but that's not the point so considering that all cat pokemon learn toxic is that their toxic does each genre of pokemon have a version of toxic that works in their own way monkeys are known to throw their own poop rodents pee everywhere just as they're walking around through your cupboards or grain stockpiles all sorts of animals are known to eat poisonous things so that their bodies will store the poison throughout their tissues so that predators that eat them get sick and then there's humans deep tissue bites from humans are especially infectious around 15 percent of human bites get horribly infected because the bacterial in column of human bike wounds contains as many as 100 million organisms per millimeter and is made up of as many as 190 different species basically human mouths are way nastier than most animal mouths so is everyone's potential for causing infection and everyone's potential to spread disease the reason toxic is known by so many pokemon well maybe now let's also consider another factor most of mankind's most infectious diseases our plagues our pandemics don't come from humans originally but from animals and not even the poisonous ones in fact rarely the poisonous ones you see most diseases aren't out to kill you they want to live it's an organism that's what they do and if the thing that they're living inside of dies if you die then they will die too and they aren't working as intended but also since they eventually die of old age they want to reproduce and they can only do so much of that in a single body before killing them so instead of driving their hosts to death they try to get it spread through things like sneezes and cuffs and hands not being washed but the problem is our worst plagues don't come from humans they come from animals and animals have very different sorts of immune systems covid19 came from a bat ebola too remember bird flu heck the regular flu it came from pigs tuberculosis came from cows humans are not nearly as large as pigs and cows so a disease that may just feel like a nuisance or like the common cold to a pig in a cow well if a human catches it it's deadly the germ doesn't know it's in something that isn't that large so bam a deadly wide spreading infectious disease and the opposite can also be true the bubonic plague was carried by rats cats and fleas again it's a nuisance to them can be deadly but it is extremely deadly to us because we are so much bigger there's more lymph nodes and tissues to grow in power with zoonotic diseases are some of mankind's deadliest because of this and this could be seen as another reason why nearly every pokemon can learn toxic cross species germ sharing it's icky and mouths all mouths are icky remember human bites they are bad but they're not the worst it's no komodo dragon which use their especially gross mouths to infect and slowly kill their prey after one good bite though it turns out that that's actually just a myth they are actually venomous but still mouths are icky because they aren't internal enough for our immune system to be at full power in there but it's still warm and moist and we put so many things in that warm and moist hole that we have so many germs in it so is this the weapon most of the pokemon use their spit i mean we know the move lick causes paralysis so even though it's not a poison type move we could still classify that effect as poison paralysis is one of the most common effects of poison after all a bite or even a lick to an open wound from an animal can often lead to infection some say that it's fine for your dog to lick your wounds because it helps you heal but no it's just a 20 infection rate dogs most animals that do this actually lick their own wounds and that helps them heal because it's their own wound they are licking not because they have magic healing spit saliva does have antibacterial and a cell derived tissue factor that promotes healing but it also has all of those gross things too you are used to fighting off your own gross bacterial makeup in your spit right because it's your own your body's fighting it constantly because they're all in there not someone else's specific makeup and set of germs though therefore yes just about any creature with a mouth can cause another one to become infected so all pokemon have the potential to poison others plenty probably have a few good specific reasons though like some birds have neurotoxins just in their feathers rusted metal can cause tetanus there's one for the steel types deep enough burns are really really easily infected placebos are scarily powerful maybe a psychic type can make you think that you're poisoned or tell your brain to make your immune system start attacking your own pancreas but now for the real fun question what about the 23 that can't learn it well it's typically for a very specific reason such as smeargle who only learns the move sketch that's its whole gimmick so why would it learn toxic if it only learns sketch or wobba fett who only learns the defensive and counter moves and magikarp who only learns hidden power ah yes magikarp the eldritch horror ah i meant to say unknown the unknown who can only learn hidden power and ditto did i only learn transform silcoon cascoon cocuna metapod their move pools are all gimmicky too harden gimmicky move pools really is the main reason for most of them magikarp splash beldum takedown cosmog splash and teleport and then we got burme combi spupa dynamo scatterbug krikatot all gimmicks and then most of them also share one other common thing like being just totally unable to learn from tms like at all oh also remember i'm talking about before generation 8. i don't need your sass but i do need your comments please interestingly though there is one pokemon that is able to learn plenty from tms and doesn't really have a gimmicky move pool and yet is unable to learn toxic and that's maghirna why is it not able to learn toxic yet all others can it might have to do with it it's man-made nature but there are other man-made pokemon who do learn it so let's look at its design origins that's right it might actually be on purpose not just game freak forgetting oh good for you game freak you made a good thing or it's just a coincidence either way megirna is based off of a robotic caricature of a pokeball mainly its soul heart contains a soul or infinity energy that has been adhered to an automaton body that it possesses being 100 non-organic already gives us a reason for it not learning toxic but it's not the best one on its own because there are other non-organic pokemon that can learn it but what is a great reason is maguirna's other main inspiration magirna is also based off of 19th century milkmaids and nurses with their puffy dresses and headwear names like florence nightingale and edward jenner come to mind basically the founders of modern medicine the story goes that a young edward jenner heard of the incredible immunity of milkmaids to smallpox and he wanted to know why loads of research later he figured out a way to legally inject a child with a milkmaid's cowpox and didn't get thrown in prison because he just invented the vaccine all thanks to milkmaids medicine was revolutionized and just a couple of decades later it would be revolutionized all over again by florence nightingale who founded modern nursing and healthcare consider this before her hand washing was optional for doctors and nurses yeah even the surgeons then she came around and demanded all of her nurses in training wash their hands and change the rags that they would use to clean up messes and soak up blood between patients for once and also maybe we should wash the floors and actually get funding to maintain our buildings up until this point hospital work was considered very low class so everything was dirty and breaking all the time and wouldn't you know it after fixing all of these issues infection rates and death plummeted while writing this i actually got a shiver down my spine when i think about doctors not even considering washing their hands until the eighteen freaking fifties but yes mcgearnet is shown to have an incredibly caring and loving demeanor in its movie which all nurses basically needed to have back then because you would be doing that job out of the caring in your heart not because of the money and also the whole outfit and not knowing toxic also leads me to these conclusions like the milkmaids who wouldn't get the zoonotic disease because they were immune to it basically i just think it's pretty neat and worth talking about and now you know the neat things too thanks so much for watching this video sorry for being such a toxic youtuber but maybe subscribe anyway it's not like it stops any of the other people subscribing to toxic youtubers also that was sarcasm [Music] and until next time never stop using your noggin foreign
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 176,871
Rating: 4.9660072 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, toxic pokemon, pokemon toxic, how does toxic work, badly poisoned, how to get around toxic, pokemon toxic strategy, pokemon toxic strats, pokemon strats, poison pokemon, poison type pokemon, poison type moves, poison type pokemon explained, poison type pokemon moves explained, pokemon explained, pokemon moves explained, magearna, magearna origins, skitty, every pokemon, toxic explained, pokemon move toxic, how to use toxic, when to use toxic, pokemon fans, poketubers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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