EVERY Psychic Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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mysterious mystical mysteries with cool cosmic control these are mental matter manipulators that's right we're covering the psychic type now why are each of the psychic-type pokémon the psychic type what are their origins and which ones really have no reasons for being psychic as far as their design goes meaning they probably should not be psychic let's find out so at first going into the psychic type my first train of thought was to figure out what sort of psychic type they use for example there's pyrokinesis the ability to manipulate heat and fire with your mind but in that case there are like what three fire psychic pokémon well then there's also psychokinesis the ability to move around objects with just the power of your mind so almost all of the psychic-type pokémon so clearly this is not the way to go about this analysis instead let's just categorize the Pokemon by what their psychic powers originate from starting of course with one of the most obvious categories Pokemon who are psychic type due to their insanely high intelligence this is a common trope in media someone's brain is so smart and huge that they are capable of psychic abilities from moving objects to mind-reading maybe even mind control and in this category we have abracadabra alakazam or in guru beldum matang Metagross slowpoke Slowbro Slowking inkay and malamar Alakazam and its previous evolutions are said to have an IQ over 5,000 which by the way is impossible but anyway this line is based on magicians as well as psychics spoon benders the ability to bend your spoon with your mind is a classic means of displaying your mental powers and being a monstrous mix of a goat and a fox is also fitting as both have many ties to various magics another trope that mega Alakazam Falls for is the idea of an all-powerful psychic being having a weak and fragile body the Dex mentions that it lost almost all of its muscle mass in return for more psychic power the Metagross line are also hyper intelligent as they are perhaps literal supercomputers in fact Metagross is stated to have four brains even the way these Pokemon involve is interesting to to Bell domes combine and form a matting doubling their mental and physical power then Touma tangs come together and form Metagross I guess that's why it has four brains and you would need some sort of psychic ability to have those four brains communicate as coordinated as they are now while Inca isn't all that intelligent itself it is able to communicate via emitted light which is neat but when it evolves into malamar it becomes hyper intelligent and evil like a Power Ranger supervillain with all of its evil intentions and similarly to plenty of villains in this trope it also has the most compelling hypnotic powers of any Pokemon granting it some crazy good mind control also the squid inspiration may have played a part here as both squid and octopus are very intelligent for sea creatures just like orang guru - the part about it being a secret ship orang gurus are very intelligent animals just like orangutangs and this one is a guru meaning a master teacher it's high intellect makes it smart enough to throw pokeballs and even give commands to Pokemon - it thinks its people and notably its dex entry states that it occasionally goes to the beaches to match its wits with slow king slow king and its whole line are also very intelligent it is said to research various things to solve the mysteries of the world and interestingly that being bitten by its odd looking shoulder in the head unlocks its super intelligence through toxins but what about its previous evolutions then well this is a bit of a theory and you could find more details about it by clicking right here or link in the description but slow bros dex mentions that when the shoulder bites down it becomes inspired the theory says that both slow poke and slow bro are also super intelligence beyond anything you can even comprehend even beyond anything they can comprehend they are unable to control their minds and thus are always spaced out perhaps through some sort of astral projection but the pain from the bite in the tail or the constant pain of a bite to the brain makes it more alert and back down to earth again more details here there's even an animated bit it's great so when it comes to hyper intelligence that's about it now other psychic-type pokémon are very smart and highly intelligent as well but not nearly as much as these ones so for the next category we're going to look at Pokemon who are psychic-type due to their affinity with space the cosmic aura astral projection is another psychic power after all and plus there is the trove of alien life being more advanced in terms of their mental powers and the Pokemon move cosmic power is psychic type after all here in this category we have LGM the e/m Starmie deoxys lunatone soul rock cosmic cosmic soul galileo loon allah' and necros ma l GM and ba m communicates with flashing lights on their bodies which is another alien trope and they are able to manipulate other's memories with their psychic powers plus they really do just look like aliens don't they their names are even spellings of the abbreviations LGM meaning little green men and BM or bug-eyed monster both referring to classic mid 20th century sci-fi movies star me may appear to just be a starfish but Game Freak took it a step further and states that it may have actually come from the stars it's an invader from outer space and thus uses its jewel - its alien mind powers it is also able to emit enigmatic signals and radio waves both also associated with aliens Solrock and lunatone are fairly simple they are both the meteorite Pokemon and they are rumored to come from the Sun and the moon respectively though I'm not so sure about Solrock coming from the Sun but they do absorb the light from their respective heavenly body and use it to power their cosmic psychic abilities and as for deoxys there is no doubt about it it's an alien it may even be a silicon-based life-form as the deck states that the jewel appears to be its brain Plus that would explain all of its weird form changes that it can do and its bodily regeneration abilities again these are all tropes of aliens Nick Rosa maybe another silicon-based life-form as it appears to be made entirely of crystal or obsidian it absorbs light and uses it to attack like a laser gun plus it's reminiscent of the ultra beasts and theorized to be the first ultra beast to land on earth forever ago it goes from world to world absorbing their light source and moving on the next one which sounds like a common plot to sci-fi movies regarding alien invasions it basically is the personification of a star or even a supernova in its ultra form and it may also be a personification of black dwarf stars or black holes or even neutron stars either way it's all about that dark cosmic energy granting it its various light and psychic based abilities who was flickering the lights [Music] crows into the same goes for cause bug and it's evolution line its gaseous body is like that of a nebula buildups of gas and dust in space it then evolves into cause Beyond and is dubbed the cocoon of the stars and was worshipped in ancient a Lola it may also be based on the world egg for of golden fetus from various mythologies and alchemy symbolizing new beginnings on a global scale it can then evolve into either soul Galileo or loon alla based on its sex 1 the emissary of the Sun the other the emissary of the movement cosmic entities with insane amounts of mysticism surrounding them they also each have third eyes a common depiction of those with Future Sight or who can astral project or even just have psychic powers at all loon ala has elements from its Papa wattle and Azteca goddess depicted as a skeletal star demon with bat wings and being a star demon she had plenty of odd powers that one could very easily view as being psychic so AG Alejo then is a lion yep but it's based on the alchemical lion eating the Sun not much more to add to its psychic typing beyond its cosmic powers but isn't this alchemic lion meat yeah it's way cool did you know that you can support this channel by buying this soul Golay Oh as the alchemic lion t-shirt awesome links down below plug plug plug and for even more details on their inspirations involving alchemy I have this video here about Saleh oh and this one about loon Allah check them out and with those shameless plugs out of the way we can move on to the next category Pokemon whose psychic abilities lie in the ancient mystical powers of the ancient mystics there are so many conspiracy theories regarding things like this the disappearance of Atlantis the Babylon Gardens how did a gypped build those pyramids what about the Mayans and Aztecs stuff magic or ancient knowledge on the spiritual powers of the mind have been lost but some bits remain today I swear it and these are Pokemon based on those mysterious concepts ancient beings with psychic powers infused into their core in this category we have ball toy clay doll sigilyph not to was a 2 or a choreo in the Papoose tile delphox Latios Latios solo sis do ocean and ryu nicolas ball toy and clay doll may be the most obvious of the bunch they were discovered in ancient ruins from 20,000 years ago and are depicted in primitive wall paintings they are said to have been man-made by ancient people who knew how to breathe life into them via psychic powers or some sort of mysterious ray they are based on very mysterious statues found in Japan that were apparently made in prehistoric Japan during the jomon period which stretches back to 14,000 BC and there is a lot of pseudo archaeology surrounding them basically meaning mystical science some believed souls could be trapped in these and sent to other worlds and by that they mean they were from other worlds filled with Souls and sent to earth by either by aliens or interdimensional spirit beings hence the psychic-type sigilyph are the guardians of various ancient ruins protecting them from invaders for eons based on their odd looks they may also be man-made by ancient humans a sigil is a man-made painted symbol with magic powers after all their shape is that of the Nazca lines ancient South American lines dug into the ground that from a bird's-eye view form the shapes of various animals and a person there is a whole lot of mystery surrounding these lines and their purpose nobody in ancient times would have been able to see them properly without some sort of flight leading to many conspiracy theories about aliens or ancient spirit powered tech granting them flight or even just the ability to draw these lines in the first place perhaps even sending your mind's eye physically into the air to view these would be possible za2 has the enigmatic power of for seeing the future no one knows exactly how well it does it but it is said that one eye sees the future while the other sees the past and it spends its time meditating while staring directly into the Sun this is called Sun gazing a form of meditation by the ancient Aztec and Mayan people's they believed this would grant them visions and power hence is a to psychic typing it and not to resemble totems particularly of the Americas totems were a major part of the religions and myths of ancient peoples all over the world and they also appear to be based on Kachina dolls which also played a part now while these days hula dancing is more just for entertainment there was once a time where it was more ceremonial and prayer related asking for assistance from the gods and spirits for various things this is where our coreos pahu style comes in a bird dancing like a hula dancer and its dex entry states that it's dance is meditative and increases its psychic energy delphox is based on a witch or a wizard hence the magic wand it uses to cast fire ball with its pyrokinesis abilities while not particularly ancient witches and wizards were a big deal in the Middle Ages in Japan witches were said to inherent to their powers from Fox yokai kitsune A's delphox is also able to prophesy about the future in that along with its name points us to the delphic oracle z' of ancient greece who were said to received visions of the future from the gods Latios and latias can sense the emotions of people and pokémon and communicate via telepathy and considering that they could fly despite not actually flapping their wings and they just kind of levitate and they're like jets but not birds clearly they're using their psychic powers to fly but what are they based on well that's a tough one because they are quite the unique pokemon the closest thing would be anthro planes i suppose but what gets really interesting is their ancient inspiration regarding what they do as opposed to what they look like the Aeons from Gnosticism or gnostic alchemy are similar in aspects and that would explain their category as the EON pokemon in the pokédex long story short eons were spiritual or spiritually empowered beings in pairs a male and a female that were emanated from God thus have powerful spiritual and psychic powers and the reunit list line are based on cells going through cell division or possibly in embryo their psychic power amplifies as they develop multiple brains via evolution we eunuch lists may also pull from the idea of the homunculus from middle-aged alchemy the idea was that inside each sperm there is a fully-grown tiny person rich with divine spiritual ability the power of creation and life and when combined with an egg it forms the embryo and then a fetus and all that fun stuff birds and the bees this points to the very early embryo look this line has and that rich divine ability along with its multiple brains makes this line psychic-type and speaking of the divine clearly high spiritual beings and powerful deities would have powerful psychic powers or at least a lot of them would rks learns plenty of psychic type looms after all and I'm sure if not for its gameplay gimmick it would be psychic type too mainly but plenty other high spiritual beings in Pokemon are psychic type such as mule Mewtwo would seem Esprit as elf Cresselia loogie otaku Lele and unknown Luke seem is present as elf for some of our cases first creations and with them humans gained three abilities knowledge emotion and willpower all mental abilities considering that these three Pokemon reignover and created them their psychic typing makes perfect sense mu is also among our KS s first creations and it is the ancestor to all Pokemon on earth save a few thus it looking like an embryo of a generic vertebrae makes sense it's capable of flying through space and turning invisible think to its immense psychic power and it seems that it has this power simply because of its heavenly origin mu tou then is just the same after all it's just humans attempt at cloning mu thus it's psychic type because mu is psychic type unknown are especially interesting as they may have existed before even our KS or perhaps they are an extended part of our KS they hold the fabric of reality together and can't change it these are powers reserved for only the highest of gods after all though individually they are helpless as a single letter tells no tale but in mass quantities they are ever important eternal using their psychic powers to hold together our dimension and then there is taboo Lele each of the tapas are based on one of the four main Hawaiian deities and taboo Lele is based on the highest of them Kane the Great Creator and to have such immense creation power you must be psychic which is a similar reasoning for lugia - the creation part lugia is the guardian of the sea and the ocean currents yet it isn't water type but psychic instead curiously though it only learns three psychic moves and two water moves but it has so much more to do with water aesthetically and with the lore some have said it's based on ryujin the dragon god of the sea in Japanese mythology though it doesn't look like that at all but at least with that origin it's a god of some sort so having psychic powers works well I don't know really though it's it's kind of a weak reason but okay it's fine if it was water type it clearly be the best legendary to have back in Gen 2 because the other one is ho-oh and it's fire type that does not be fair and then the gen 3 legendaries happened and apparently Game Freak doesn't actually care about that Cresselia though has a much better reason it represents the crescent moon and grants people good dreams dream powers of any sorts is certainly a form of psychic ability which brings us to the next category Pokemon who are psychic has they are based on lesser spirits or yokai or just our psychic esque beings with their abilities I don't know not the grandiose all high beings we've been dealing with but lesser spirits and now's a good time to make another distinction most Pokemon based on yokai or spirits are ghost type but in this case rather than making just a bunch of more ghosts gamefreak took the abilities from yokai and applied them to regular animals making them psychic-type pokémon in this category are bronze or bronze on Smoochum jinx chingling Chimecho Drowsy luna mushara de Esper meowstic SB on and koopa and since we just entered the last category with a dreamy pokemon let's look at Mona and musharraf first both of these Pokemon power their psychic powers by eating dreams which in itself is a psychic ability it's a essentially reading the minds of sleeping people and pokémon and sucking up the mental energy of dream generation for themselves Road also they may be based on essential oil diffusers little tools that and this is a little bit into pseudoscience are said to grant you good dreams if you turn them on while you sleep and notice how both Munna and Miss Charlie look kind of like drowsy and drowsy does the exact same thing - the oil diffusing part but they're all dream eaters gamefreak get creative come on well it's because all of them are based on the tepee er drowsy mainly it's the little snoot thing in Japanese mythology there's this yokai dream eater named Baku and Baku is also the Japanese word for to peer so the connection was easy three dream eating to peers and then hypno also each dreams but it's a goblin it's not to peer anymore also just in case you don't know hypno uses hypnosis which is a psychic thing all right he's got to clear that up not a lot of people understand that jinx is based on the Yama oba a female ico guy described as having white blond hair a red tattered komodo large lips and dark colored skin that's pretty obvious and Yama uber cares for a child spirit named King taro which has pink skin well that was easy and on top of the ice abilities of Santi okay she is also said to be able to cause illusions which could be seen as a ghostly ability but you can create illusions in other ways than just having ghost powers such as manipulating someone's mind with psychic powers to believe that they are seeing something that isn't there chingling and Jim Ecco are based on the bells and chimes around Shinto temples and other such buildings the fruit in the wind chimes chime echoes are are said to be able to predict the future specifically things like natural disasters and they are also able to ward off evil spirits and you can't exactly ward off an evil spirit without knowing that it's there and those with psychic abilities are said to be able to detect spirits other inanimate objects bronzer and bronzong are based not on a specific spirit or yokai but on a similarly mythical Japanese tale of a woman who did not want to give up her bronze mirror to be melted down and made into a bell this led to her killing herself drastic and it was said that whoever could strike the bell hard enough to break it would become rich so that doesn't really explain anything but it's a good origin story doesn't really explain the psychic type at all good job origin story while that tale does better explain it steel typing because it's bronze and I forgot to mention these Pokemon in the steel type video because I'm a dingus other aspects of this Pokemon do point to its psychic ability first of all it levitates and its face and shape and color resembles the Aztec god to Lolich who was a rain deity this is notable because bronzong is said to open portals which causes rain to fall so it's some sort of spirit portal power that it has thus psychic type and speaking of portals Hoopa this guy opens portals with its rings and travels across the universe it's also a trickster using its psychic powers to get into all sorts of mischief it's based on Jin's and has various design elements from demons which points to all of its Taipings bound his psychic ghost and unbound is psychic dark Esper meowstic and Espeon no relation our psychic cats ESP in Esper and Espeon stands for extrasensory perception which is basically the scientific term for being psychic and this is in my opinion the funnest fact in this video just like these Pokemon the youkai Nekomata is a cat that stands on its hind legs and sometimes wears handkerchiefs on their heads like meowstic these yokai are said to start out as ordinary cats who live many many years until eventually its tail splits into lengthwise and it gains supernatural psychic powers similarly meowstic has two tails and SP ons tail has a split on the end and now we reach the final category before we reach the not psychic ones this category are the classically psychic pokémon pokémon based on actual psychics or psychic aspects a few previous Pokemon would fit here too like the Abra line and hypno but they fit into those other categories better we start with the meditators meditate medicham and dharma 'not a means mode while normally a physically powerful orangutan when weakened it turns its body into stone and meditates to fight mentally with psychic power it's based on Daruma dolls and the meditation style of Bodhidharma meditite and medicham are based on the concepts of central asian monks they highly-trained both the spirit body and mind it as history went on it eventually started reaching the Middle East it also has aspects from belly dancers because same region I guess that's more so a fighting type thing Gothita goth Arita and Gotha tel are based on goth girls but not the ones who are in it for just the looks the very very nice looks rather the ones who are super into the occult when they are young they use their psychic powers to see things that only they can see whatever that means they then start looking to the stars and use float stones to mark their positions they also take over the minds of sleeping children to pretend they have friends then as adults they get way into horoscopes and astrology they can use their psychic powers to see stars that are significantly further than the ones we can see and they use those to help them predict the future the Pokedex also points out that it can see the future moments when its trainer dies infinite cries in sadness Goths am i right moving under the opposite now the pop star meloetta is mainly just a singer but she has a few psychic powers as well and can use them along with her songs to control people's emotions which really music can kind of do by itself to a point but I guess being psychic exemplifies that after all according to the decks its melodies are sung with a special vocalization method that can control the feelings of those who hear it and interestingly binaural beats and alpha waves and such are specific wavelengths of sound that are said to be able to affect your brain in various ways such as making it easier to remember things or to lighten your mood so she may be a reference to that mime jr. and mr. mime are just Minds which aren't super psychic or anything like that but the idea here is that this Pokemon does the whole mime thing with the invisible wall but it has psychic power so it can make the wall actually be there and those last few were kind of weak admittedly I think I don't know but they bring us to our final final category the Pokemon that do not have the best reasons for being psychic type there's no real origin reason they are more so just psychic for the sake of adding more psychic type pokemon or in the case of jirachi Celebi and Victini it's just a matter of timing before the fairy type was introduced psychic was the big type for legendaries to be and the only reason these Pokemon Art Fairy is because the fairy type didn't exist when they were made Celebi is literally the onion fairy Pokemon that rules over nature which is a very fairy thing but it also has time powers so I guess psychic is still okay but fairy would fit better Jirachi is also magical and can grant wishes very fairy esque like fairy tales and Victini just looks like a fairy okay a lot more than Grand Paul but as for non fairy pokemon that don't have the best reasons for being psychic type well take execute and executor for example the og nan a lowland variant the oddball that it is while based on a coconut tree it's also based on the G Minju a mythical tree said to grow smiling human heads as fruit odd so odd and as far as origins go that's it doesn't really point to it being psychic type at all they do utilize their psychic ability though all the heads can easily communicate with each other that way same with execute the little tree seeds Ralts kirlia and Gardevoir are ballet dancers as well as on a summoning you thin paper dolls with large round heads and Gallade is a prince with a Corinthian helmet no nothing in those origins really point to them needing to be psychic type save a few examples of those dolls getting possessed I suppose but that's more of a ghostly thing than anything and then again this particular line of Pokemon are very original Pokemon so they can be whatever I suppose Gardevoir specifically has some crazy psychic powers and is able to create small black holes by compressing space with its mind so clearly psychic type but doesn't really have a reason to be in its origins Brooks ich is a reef triggerfish also known as the humuhumunukunukuapua'a a fish that lives in the reefs of Hawaii its coloring is quite psychedelic but other than that there's no real reason for it to be psychic-type well you just look at psychedelic colors and you immediately think oh psychic-type fish yeah and when it comes to a lowland right you the official websites description States even Pokemon researchers don't know why right choose form changed in the Aloha region the people of a Lola seem unconcerned by the question their guess maybe it ate too many sweet and fluffy round pancakes huh I'll just leave it at that I assume it's psychic type just so that I can float around on its tail and be like that surfing Pikachu from that one episode girafarig interestingly as we learned in the gold and silver beta was originally going to evolve from twin ghosts and be dark normal type but ultimately and they removed this first stage and they removed the second head being a whole other giraffe also they changed its dark typing into psychic but why psychic do giraffes have anything inherently psychical about them no but interestingly there's somewhat a good reason for it to be psychic type I just didn't want to give girafarig its own category of its psychic type because of a pun much like how giraffe a rigs name in English is a palindrome meaning it's read the same backwards as it has for words it's Japanese name is Kieran Ricci which when written out in Japanese looks like this again a palindrome and apparently this palindrome directly translates into giraffe telekinesis oh I love puns but outside of wordplay there's no need for this giraffe to be psychic type hence why it originally was not I suppose stinkin giraffe telekinesis is a palindrome in Japanese there's a fun fact for ya spoink and grumpig are also just sort of pigs with psychic powers they use pearls as magic orbs which are common tools used by wizards and being pearls may be a reference to the Bible passage turned common saying found at Matthew 7 six neither cast ye your pearls before swine lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you the pearls in the passage represents wisdom given to an audience who would not appreciate the teachings so these pearls of wisdom may be granting these pigs psychic powers I guess it's kind of a stretch though but it's certainly a better reason than whoa Bed and swoo beds who have no reason for being psychic type almost at all if they learn plenty of psychic moves like heart stamp which is a move made specifically for this Pokemon though other Pokemon can learn it now too and this move was made psychic-type for some reason how the move is performed is the Pokemon will act all cute making the opponent less wary and then they come in and just will stamp it it causes flinching but I mean like the move attract is basically softcore mind control and it's just normal type the closest reason I can come up with is well maybe love is just a very powerful magic maybe it's the whole thing about bats using supersonic waves to communicate in sea in complete darkness and that's kind of similar to the psychic abilities but still very weak reasonings these Pokemon should not be psychic type other than to have more psychic-type pokémon I guess and lastly why not and Wobbuffet now their whole gimmick is that they can only learn four moves these four only one of them is psychic type and if you were to describe wobbuffet to me and i had no prior knowledge about it you'd say that it's like a a-- a punching bag pokemon that can only counter-attack because when you hit it it bounces back harder to me that sounds like it's either fighting or normal time normal especially well it's also based on the okie gari Cobo she the japanese doll that when pushed over will get back up it's a good luck charm that symbolizes perseverance all right yeah all right well maybe it's psychic type because that one psychic move it has mirror coat is just like very psychic inspired you'd have to be psychic type to use it at all well no because there are sixteen Pokemon that learn it and only three of them are psychic type and to the three-year why not in wobbuffet is it a game balancing thing maybe so that it has more weaknesses than if it were a normal type but do those weaknesses make sense I mean being psychic type means it resists fighting for one which makes sense this is a punch bag you can take punches for days and not really have any issue but it's also a week too dark because when being hit by an evil sideswipe or something it can't fight back as well because it bounces back in a different direction it also can't fight back against ghosts as easily because it phases through them and like it's weak to bugs because they're too small to bounce back and hit bugs just dodge it those are all dumb now if it were normal it'd be weak to fighting which given my previous explanation may not make that much sense but if you think about it more fighting type Pokemon would be masters at breeding up punching bags because of all their training against punching bags you know how many punching bags these Pokemon probably go through what champ can launch things clear across the horizon and punch thousands of times per second how many punching bags do they go through plus all that punching bag training means when they punch the punching bag they know exactly how to dodge it when it bounces back like Wobbuffet because there's plenty of punching bags that actually do that they would be masters against a wobbuffet and then being immune to ghost make sense too because like if a ghost tries to hit a punching bag like if they just face through it because a punching bag is just normal it's just a thing he doesn't get knocked back at all so you can't really counter that and like it can't get hit either I don't know so again I think normal makes so much more sense for wobbuffet and why not at least a lot more than psychic unless you take into account an old theory of mine that there's a link to right here more plugs but long story short sleeve up the fine details why not is secretly an unknown gone rogue and all of this typing nonsense only backs up that theory even more the rest of the evidence is in that video I recommend it so now then that's all of the psychic-type pokémon the masters of mental manipulation have been explained what type should I cover next let me know down below please consider supporting this channel on patreon and until next time never stop using your noggin [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,543,274
Rating: 4.8697925 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, pokemon, pokemon theory, pokemon explained, pokemon go, pokemon quest, pokemon sun and moon, gen 8, gen 8 pokemon, psychic, psychic type, psychic type pokemon, lugia, mewtwo, smash ultimate, legendary pokemon, pikachu, pokemon lets go, pokemon let's go, psychic type pokemon explained, pokemon types, pokemon types explained, explaining pokemon, type advantages, every pokemon, top 10
Id: i9NqqEJUE2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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