EVERY Water Type Move in Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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splish splash i'm taking a bath water type pokemon moves like how does being wet hurt like what just close your eyes walk away grab a towel it's not like you're drowning all right well if you're a being of fire then i guess being moist can hurt or at least be a hindrance and water does just sort of completely wreck the ground and rocks and stuff i mean look at what rivers can do that's nuts but just like everything if you throw it hard enough it'll hurt someone even words oh but i mean we can use water jets to cut steel and things water can be pretty deadly but for the most part like oh no it's a wave ah the pain the water used in pokemon attacks for sure has some level of elemental magic in it i mean how else would you explain the move bubble well like this because in this video we're going to cover every single water type pokemon move explaining what it does and how it does and maybe even why it does so let's dive right in frank i use the dive pun again hi loxton hi similar disconnected voice could you use some extra cash well you know who couldn't sounds like you need to gain honey wait no i said that wrong this video is sponsored by honeygain an effortless way to gain a little bit of extra dollarinos i can buy a pizza with this so what is it it is a computer and mobile device service where you share your internet connection that's it that's it yep you employ your internet connection to help data scientists advertising and ecommerce researchers and web intelligence agencies it helps everyone with ad fraud prevention brand protection pricing intelligence travel fare aggregation and seo monitoring services making the internet an overall better and safer place for you and everyone and in exchange we pay out a dime a gig but is it safe of course our network is inaccessible by outsiders and is fully encrypted and we don't collect any personal data heck if you've ever booked a flight or hotel room from a best deal site then you've already indirectly benefited from honeygain so yes you could have been earning extra cash this whole time well now i feel dumb you should honeygain quick easy simple passive bonus dollars in exchange for your help in making the internet a better place well i don't know if you couldn't tell but i'm quite a fan of honeygain now [Music] they're sticking with me bubble a spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the opposing pokemon this may lower their speed stat how bubbles cause physical pain i'm not sure but if you think about it bubbles popping are there explosions just really small and so preciously delicate a bubble is a tiny amount of gas entrapped in a spherical volume usually made of liquid-ish stuff it just so happens that the most generic bubble we think of when we say the word bubble is a soapy water bubble though water doesn't need soap to bubble pour yourself some pressurized tap water and you'll likely get a few bubbles for a couple micro seconds but the bubbles in this attack are coming from a creature and saliva is much easier to make bubbles out of especially the thicker stuff all those enzymes allow the liquid to have a higher surface tension more strength to stay a bubble before popping so the bubbles that pokemon blow could very well be spit-faced but if the original squirtle pokemon card shows us anything it's that soap has very likely been used to punish this squirtle this squirtle has a potty mouth fun fact soapy water is actually really good as an insecticide so bubble should honestly destroy bug type mon but i get that that would be hard to program but anyway if you listen to the sound the bubbles make in the anime they do in fact sound like they are popping with force they hurt so maybe they are extremely pressurized and the popping causes the water to fly out like moist miniature fragmentation grenades yeah that's cool bubble beam is a spray of bubbles that is forcefully ejected at the target and it too may lower the speed stat it's just bubble again but a lot now it's a concentrated stream of them i guess this one makes more sense hurting because it's actually a jet stream of levels each one of those could have a serious punch to it but why do these moves reduce speed well have you ever been drenched in a load of magical bubbles well then how would you know that they wouldn't but also it may leave a slick residue as soapy and saliva-e bubbles tend to do which makes it harder to get traction which makes it harder for you to start running or start attacking thus reduced speed withdraw has the user withdraw its body into its hard shell raising its defense stat there is no reason for this move to be water type so i guess hey move number three and we have our first not water type move i could put that in the thumbnail now thanks but it's not that terrible i suppose i do get what game freak was thinking back in gen 1 which pokemon had shells oh yeah they're all water type okay sure but looking ahead more and more non-water types learn this move now than water types what is inherently watery about going inside of your own shell sure turtles and clams and such live in the water and have shells but so many other creatures and things have shells too and they could all learn withdrawal i guess they just didn't think ahead it only took the very next gen for them to not be a water it's chuckle it's forgivable and like withdrawal you might think clamp is sort of the same way but no hear me out clamp has the target clamped and squeezed by the user's very thick and sturdy shell for four to five turns so i guess it turns out the only thing in the animal kingdom that can clamp is clams and baby barnacles but they have to ask nicely but crabs are completely unable to clamp things with their vice like claws but actually the move's original japanese name clears things up it's quite literally clamp with shell which is also why the moves animation shows a big shell so yeah it is for sure a clam move and clams live in the water and they're all wet and stuff so it's water type yeah and besides crabs get the next one crab hammer hammers the targets with a large pincer critical hits land more easily and they should as you're crushing them with a 10 000 horsepower claw it's just a big old smash it's ridiculous we did a whole video about this and kingler and shelder and stuff check it out here but as for why it's water type specifically well duh it's for crabs the purely aquatic animal jeez land crabs do not exist there are no pokemon based on land crabs no siree don't remind me what they turn into hydro pump the first real move in this list that's water like straight up water the target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure if you've ever been a child like i have once then you would know that water is great at pushing things even just your hose out front but if you take that hose and put it under just a little more pressure by like putting your thumb over the end of it or something wow you did so little but it made such a big change so now imagine a fire hose doing it look at those fire hoses now imagine a tank and if you pressurize water enough and make the water almost pinpoint you can cut through just about anything ranging from wood to thick steel water is crazy another iconic move surf is where the user attacks everything around it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave this move is cool and makes for some amazing anime shenanigans but they never really show it being used outside of the water in the anime i mean where would they get enough water to swamp an entirely indoor battlefield let alone in the wild say a desert do droughts not happen in the pokemon world because a single wandering ice cube floats and waddles across the globe meandering into deserts and using surf could you imagine a pokemon just straight up flooding an entire forest the damages could be extreme and that's why it's a damaging move in the first place floods are super dangerous heck this move is basically a mini tsunami and the cherry on top of it all is that it features a pokemon surfing the wave of the flood that's mega rad in the 90s at least now i'm not sure if i can say this next pokemon move because of youtube's rules if it gets demonetized you'll know why water gun like apple's gun emoji the foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water see it's like a water pistol it shoots water and that water is pressurized just like hydro pump but a lot less powerful it's the crappy five pack at the dollar store powerful with waterfall the user charges at the target and may make it flinch and this move is used for a little more than just shooting some water this one is used to climb up waterfalls the pokemon is so good at swimming that they can just ignore the huge amount of water falling and there's able to straight up ascend that's some speed and if that speed is used to ram straight into you i'm sure you're going to flinch but the question remains why is it water type based on its description it's just ramming an opponent it's just a really hard tackle and the modern games sort of just explain it away like you teleport the enemy to a waterfall scene and then they get hit in the middle of it as the user swims up it and rams them ah this is dumb but i like how gen 6 and before sort of show it or at least how my imagination imagined it with the really old games the user almost summons an upside down waterfall under the target and then they rammed them so at least then there's actually water there explaining the water type but my favorite depiction has to be squirtle's up special in smash bros he summons water underneath himself and swims up it while also hitting the enemy it's real good sakurai should make the next pokemon spin off octazuka the user attacks by spraying ink in the target's face this may also lower the target's accuracy because you've got ink in your eyes your life is quite sucky and dark now because of the ink in your eyes this move was purposely made for octopus pokemon and sure enough it was the signature move of artillery until grappling came around though there was also a single event sableye that knew it i i don't want to know squid and octopus live in the water hence water type and i mean the ink that they make is just water with a whole bunch of stuff in it that makes it black so it's just like a water gun except it's super sticky and icky and dark pain in the eyes hopefully it rains soon to help wash that out the move rain dance has the user summon a heavy rain that falls for five turns powering up water type moves and lowering the power of fire type moves this is a big tm move meaning that it can be touched to so many pokemon and whoa most of the water types do have the ability to control water who would have guessed that they could summon it too nope realistically they have always sort of been able to summon it do you really think you can fit over a thousand gallons of water in a totodile insert magical creature hand waving fun pokemon that can learn it are zapdos who i assume just shoots the thunderclouds that it's flying through which makes them rain because raindance isn't specifically a dance that makes it rain you feel me it's more or less a phrase that means to bring rain as rain brings good crops cultures from all around the globe have their own type of rain dance normally called a rain making ritual but in america the most well known are those of various native american peoples they have all kinds of rain dances where they well dance to ask for rain whereas in japan and all over east asia it was more common to have shrines that you would pray to for rain and this would explain the name of the move in japanese rain prayer it's the thing that they do over there and if you don't know why rain is water maybe you should get some sleep come on you should have gone to bed an hour ago i'll still be here tomorrow it's the internet whirlpool yeah like the washing machine brand the user traps the target in a violent swirling whirlpool for four to five turns yeah just like the washing machine it's a vortex of water that washes away the bed now there are only two things you can dive into liquids and gases because diving into solids typically makes you die true story but the move dive is specifically the water sort of dive they dive on the first turn and on the next turn they float up and attack how they dive when not near any body of water is a question for another day but come to think of it the underwater battles in ruby and sapphire also make no sense for this place to be using the dive move because like you're already under the water and like how are you breathing how are you commanding your pokemon blurps and boobles gotta be careful when doing that the bubbles you make explode you might kill someone hydrocannon hits the target with a watery blast the user can't move on the next turn okay so it's hydro pump but different and only the water starters can use it the user needing a break afterwards makes sense it takes so much energy to compress water to the point where the gains are usually not worth the costs liquidation has the user slam into the target using a full force blast of water this may also lower the target's defense stat so uh i'm not so sure about that name like it's a pun i get it water is liquid haha liquidation but like when a business liquidates it turns all of its physical stock into cash and usually they do this when they are closing like for good and in terms of living things when you liquidate someone it means to kill them usually violently wow great freaking golisopod in the anime uses this move by making a katana out of water like what even is pokemon the japanese name of the move translates to aqua break which i think works a bit better you're using water to break the defense of the opponent down like how you can use pressurized water to chip away dirty sidewalks and rust which add to the defense fire hose protests there you go try defending against that muddy water it's surf but there's dirt in it water pulse no okay all right muddy water has the user attacked by shooting muddy water at the opposing pokemon this may lower their accuracy and it's basically always just been the same exact surf animation like in almost every single gen it's just brown instead of blue like almost every game it's like that original mario thing where the bush is also the cloud except it's water and water with dirt in it so it's not as bad i guess if you get water in your eyes it already sucks because you have water in your eyes your life is just a tad more miserable because you have water in your eyes but oh boy does it suck more if you get mud in that water in your eye because then you have mud in your eyes it's terrible and harder to see and thick because you have mud in your eyes muddy water to be exact not watery mud because that's redundant ah the eyes you know it'd be cool if surf just sort of became muddy water based on where the battle is taking place i want more stuff like that that'd be neat with water pulse the user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water this may also confuse the target it's just like a pulse of water oh so what you say wrong concussive waves in water are extremely deadly no joke unlike air water isn't compressed as much during disruptive forces like explosions or even just waving your hands in the water thus water is a wonderful way of transmitting force i mean that's why waves exist after all and if you're underwater while there's a water pulse going on man your poor ears they feel that hard definitely confusing you water sport is not to be confused with water spout water sport is where the user pees on you i mean the user soaks the battlefield with water this weakens fire type moves for five turns why a likely water type pokemon would need this is unbeknownst to me but okay it's competitive the move is called water game in japanese and i'm not entirely sure why it's called that it could be a reference to children playing in sprinklers i guess like a sort of sport or game and for sure if you're spraying water around it's going to make fire harder to happen and then we have water spout which sounds like it should be a little sprinkler or small faucet-like thing but alas no it's where the user spouts water to damage opposing pokemon the lower the user's hp the lower the move's power it may be based on the effect that spouts have a spout is basically a hole where liquid goes through from a container or storage it's like the top of a water bottle or milk jug the first time you open the spout the water inside is somewhat pressurized by all the water inside i.e it's going to come out faster than when the containers are half empty it's simple hydraulics it's why you can spill something full and it comes out so fast and you waste so much of it it's as if it wants to ruin your carpet but then you get to the end there's only a few little bits of water left in that bottle it's so hard to get those last few drops aquajet because in gen 4 they realized aqua means water so almost all of the new water moves start with aqua it seems and aqua jet is just a jet of water it's the same principle as the rest of the water streams so instead of repeating myself here's a fun fact we were using low pressure water jets for mining gold in california in 1852 steam and hot water jets were used in the early 1900s for cleaning high pressure water jets were used for mining in the 1960s and about 10 years ago the industry began using water jets for cutting giant stones they're powerful with aqua ring the user envelops itself in a veil made of water it regains some hp every turn water is really good at washing away stuff and the first thing to do with a wound is you wash it keeps it from getting infected and hurting more though when doing this you would normally want to use clean water not water that's come from the inside of an animal aqua tail the user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm you know like a like a water storm not a desert storm or like a thunder it's an all-water storm they just summon a bunch of water around their tail while attacking with it or maybe their tail is just sweating profusely yeah salty it's just like the move brine a brine is the stuff you put a turkey into for a few days to soak in all the tasty flavors essentially it's flavored super salty water but in pokemon it's more of a finisher move if the foe's hp is down to about half this attack will hit with double the power i mean when you pickle something you soak it in a brine as the last step and also rubbing salt into a wound hurts a ton so salty water in a wound turning you into a pickle yeah that would hurt more if you were already damaged for sure the pokemon winces not only from the pain but from the sheer remembering of pickle rick razor shell is another speciesist move that is only for those with shells and sharp ones to boot the user cuts its target with sharp shells this may lower the target's defense stat and well i mean using razor sharp things that are sharp yeah there you go have you ever slipped and fell into a bunch of muscles or clams it hurts razor clams are even a thing they're usually all wet the shell that it's hitting you with is probably wet thus it's watertight with the move skulled the user shoots boiling water at its target this may also leave the target with it burn hot water is hot and heat hurts see the fire types move video as for why heat hurts be it hot fire hot steel or hot water don't matter it's hot heat hurts soak is a water type move if you couldn't tell it's the thing that you do to cereal to make it weaker so that it doesn't hurt the roof of your mouth as much but as a pokemon move it has the user shoot a torrent of water at the target so much that it gets them sopping wet so much so that it changes their type to water which gets way into the like the lore of what being a type really means for a pokemon we don't have time for that today though but it makes some sense if you're that covered in water then electricity and plants are going to love you so much more so you're weaker to them but you'd resist fire just a bit because it's hard to catch something on fire that's completely drenched in water with life due the user scatters mysterious water around and restores the hp of itself and its ally pokemon in battle you know that magical power that water has the one that lets you not die because dehydration kills you this is the opposite of that like drinking more water it's good for your complexion and general health though there is such a thing as too much it washes away electrolytes which you need balance is key water pledge of allegiance to the slish of the united trips of salwa which makes the fire much stronger basically this move is a column of water strikes at the target and when combined with the move's fire equivalent the power increases and a rainbow appears because we all know that when you're united you are stronger especially if you unite with your mortal foe basic stuff the light from the fire mixed with the splash aftermath of the water creates a little rainbow how beautiful pain splash i do slash on duck and do nothing you just move this move does nothing like little splashes of water are weak as heck i can't even knock over this duck knight origin pulse has kyogre the creator and guardian of the ocean attack opposing pokemon with countless beams of light that glow a deep and brilliant blue so technically there's no water here but considering that this is the signature move of what is essentially the pokemon god of the sea yeah it's water magic in its purest form infinity energy charged with the power of water you know that could explain how water types even blast the crazy volumes of water that they do they all have a little bit of this inside of them it's just that kyogre now being as crazy as it is is able to launch that raw power on its own steam eruption is the signature move of volcanion it's where it immerses the target in superheated steam and it may leave the target with a burn really it's just scald again but it's special because volcanion got its own movie plus i mean steam is pretty different from boiling water anyway different properties same end result a wet burn heat hurts water shuriken is basically the signature move of greninja but at the same time they decided to give it to a selgore because it's also a ninja anyway golisopod made a water katana so it's fine that greninja and it's sidekick i sell gore can throw water shurikens the user hits the target with throwing stars two to five times in a row this move always goes first and well water really can be shaped into just about anything because it fills a volume that's what liquids do and throwing stars and ninjas tends to be super fast hence the move going first now with bouncy bubble your beloved partner evie attacks by shooting water bubbles at the target it then absorbs water and restores its hp by half of the damage taken by the target it's bubbles again but this time they're bouncy and inexplainably heal evie magically but maybe he just used the bubbles to clean its mouth while it was shooting them there's also splishy splash your pretty partner pikachu charges a huge wave with electricity and hits the opposing pokemon with the wave it may also leave the opposing pokemon with paralysis i hate these tiny baby moves for tiny babies at least our next move is the opposite the move that is sweeping the competitive scene vicious rend the signature move of fish meaning both octofish and draco fish and ah i see what they did there instead of a vicious rant it's a fish-ish rand because it's a fish hmm the user rends the target with its hard gills if the user attacks before the target the power of this move is double like whoa mega cool and it's watertight because well you see fish have gills and that means they breathe water and water is basically fish type but some mammals are allowed so they all get grouped together and they decided to be inclusive so they named it water type instead of fish type it's like how flying type was originally called bird type but then they realized that's stupid bugs and dragons fly too but anyway fish have gills if they were to ram you with their gills it would hurt them more probably but it's super strong gills on this guy and those gills are probably filled to the brim with water this water type snipe shot is the signature move of intellion who ignores the effects of opposing pokemon's moves and abilities that draw in moves allowing this move to always hit the chosen target so really again it's just water gun but a sniper rifle water gun so it is a bit better being as skilled of a sniper spy as intellion is means that it will always hit its target no matter what can't distract this guy's focus sparkling arya is the signature move of primorina who bursts into song emitting many bubbles any pokemon suffering from a burn will be healed by the touch of these bubbles comes up with pokemon and bubbles i swear but uh to explain again bubbles are sobee basics which are good for healing because it can clean wounds and stuff but also this move hurts enemies because magical bubble but like especially magical bubbles this time they're so sparkly and glowing it may be closer to that infinity energy kyogre has but not quite as pure but speaking of the signature move of primarina the mad lyrical spitter oceanic operetta is primarina's signature z move the user primarina summons a massive amount of water using its z power and attacks the target with full force oh that's that's a big bubble but actually it's filled with water i guess this is just primarina using her siren powers to control water and have it fall heavily upon creatures inducing ouch it's like a big surf wave but from above it knocks you over you slam your face into the ground and now you're drenched honestly this should just be continental crush but significantly weaker because like it's literally the same thing but it's water instead of rocks i feel like the rocks would hurt a lot more but okay hydro vortex is the generic water type z move the user creates a huge whirling current using its z power to swallow the target with full force so it's just a big whirlpool which are most often caused by tides and ocean currents shifting around or river water hitting obstacles like a big rock and now the water has to like lube around or there could be a sinkhole opening under a body of water or like the drain in your tub max geyser is the water type attack dynamax pokemon use the user summons a heavy geyser that then causes rain that falls for five turns what goes up comes down and if you shoot a load of water up in like a geyser format it will come down geysers are pretty powerful basically there's a bunch of underground water and due to geothermal heat the water is always heating up building pressure until eventually it bursts up like this and all that water in the air it rains back down because gravity and finally the three giganta max moves foam burst is the one gigantomax kingler uses it shoots out a load of water for your generic hydropump-esque attack but it is mixed with a load of crab foam which harshly lowers the speed of its opponents crabs are seen making foamy bubbles with their mouths all the time because well they can breathe air too and it gets mixed up with the surrounding water and their own saliva and thus there's loads of bubbles the gigantomax attack dredna uses is stone surge again it's the generic blast of water but it also scatters stones all around creating the stealth rock effect so are these little rocks mixed in with the water that it's shooting or is the water blast aimed a bit more at the ground to break up the rocks because water can do that canyons are caused by rivers and as i've mentioned water jets are used to cut steel so they for sure could break rocks on the ground and finally gmax hydro snipe it's just snipe shot but bigger what a lame move to end on instead of a little of water it's a of water [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 719,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, water pokemon, water type pokemon, water type moves, water type pokemon moves, water moves, water pokemon moves, bubble beam, fishious rend, hydro pump, science of pokemon, aqua jet, blastoise, kyogre, pokemon science, pokemon surf, intelleon, g-max hydrosnipe, isle of armor, pokemon sword and shield, best water type poekmon, top 10 water type, pokemon moves, pokemon explained, pokemon moves explained, milotic, not water moves, pokemon journeys, pokemon anime, attacks
Id: _1--5zVbO0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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