A FRESH Take on SALTY Pokemon Content | Gnoggin - Water Type Pokemon Explained

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look who it is it's me Loxton and I'm back with another water-type video because man oh man do I just love looking at all of the water types again fish we recently went over why each water type Pokemon has its water typing and it's an awesome video but because there are so many water type Pokemon we had to skip over some details to save time but as such we missed a pretty important detail we totally forgot to mention what type of water each water type Pokemon would be primarily by which I mean salt water or fresh water because when it comes to real world water breathers this is an incredibly important distinction to make it's a matter of life and death but what is the difference and how does it apply to Pokemon let's find out you know what rocks well the answer is today's sponsor because look at this guy yeah Rock On Dude bombastic brothers is a mobile platform shooter that I think works out really well the story is fun the characters are charismatic and the art style it's so tasty I mean look at these characters we've got this chick he's so fun look at him his boots fake legs like starfox easy to pull on a salt also his gun turns into a flamethrower Tony jr. the kid in a robot suit was not to love super cool robot and each character has their own abilities it's pretty fun and you can support my channel by downloading bombastic brothers via my link down below within two weeks from the time this video was released that way you get a bonus hero Jade yang she's awesome though Grimm has got to be my favorite and no that's not just because he's an edgy skull guy [Music] abilities so a big thanks to bombastic brothers so what really is the big deal when it comes to saltwater or freshwater and I mean who cares because you shouldn't even be able to get oxygen from the water that's so much more work so inefficient why are fish so stupid so getting right into it fish actually don't breathe I mean in the traditional sense in fact what they do instead has a bunch of its own fancy terminology and it basically means how a fish regulates its body fluids I mean after all if you breathe fluids everything inside of you at that point is pretty much fluids so this fishy process is called Osmo regulation and really almost all living organisms do this process for humans and most land creatures it's basically the process of in taking liquids and then losing it through various means most likely peeing and all the stuff in between that's why I like if you're working out and sweat in a bunch you don't have to pee as much it's because you're sweating it all out you're sweating out your pee it's not the most scientifically accurate way of putting it but it's the way I like singing and this process is a lot more difficult to explain in fish than you'd think but it's the main difference between freshwater and saltwater animals so we kind of have to but first let's describe the difference between the two waters saltwater is just pretty much normal water whereas freshwater is the special one in fact freshwater is only about 10% of the total water on the planet so freshwater is definitely the special one the salt content or salinity of saltwater is about 3.5 percent whereas freshwater only has a salinity of 0.1% meaning for every liter of ocean water there is 35 grams of salt diluted into it whereas fresh lake or river water only has one gram of salt so yes freshwater does technically have salt but a lot lot less let's talk freshwater first as it's a lot easier for the baseline explanation as salt just adds complications freshwater fish are able to live in freshwater and are also normally harder than they're salty counterparts as their habitats are so they can get a lot hotter and a lot colder easier the ocean is a great temperature regulator where as Lakes get steamy or frozen over all the time and fish gotta live through that also freshwater fish have more land-based predators than salty ocean fish for obvious reasons and along with being Hardy are they also have a much higher salt content inside of their bodies than the surrounding water which is very important information now let's quickly go up for us Moses as it's half of the name in osmoregulation after all osmosis is a common word in science and it comes from Greek meaning to move or transport in microbiology it describes the actions of cells as they transfer mostly liquids through a semipermeable membrane which occurs because there is a pressure difference on both sides of the wall for example if we have 10 molecules on one side and two on the other the molecules are going to want to be equal so four of them will pass through the wall via osmosis so there's six on both sides now and this is where our fish comes into play you see if a fish has a high amount of salt in it and lives in a low salt environment man see where I'm going the fish then needs to stop its body from losing all of its salt because living things need salt it's super important for a wide variety of bodily functions in all life forms pretty much many more terrible things happen if you're low on salts than if you're high on salt we know now that at least in humans not having enough salt is significantly more detrimental than having too much salt and in fish it is definitely a matter of life and death this is where our freshwater fish become different from saltwater fish because freshwater fish are normally saltier inside than the water they're swimming in thus all that water wants to flow in flushing the salt out balance is key but the problem is if that were to happen the fish would die this kills the fish however Fred not young ones for the fish has many ways to combat this to start fresh water fish tends to not drink much water and yes fish do drink water fun facts they don't need to drink much water because their body already absorbs so much of it but even so they still produce copious amounts of urine and you thought swimming in a public pool was bad huh try a lake or a fish tank for that matter the goldfish in your aquarium may be producing a third of its body weight in urine every single day now you know why you need to filter your fish I'll kill to fry your fish don't filter your fish this kills the fish now there is another problem with producing so much urine and the same applies to humans so listen up peeing too much means necessary minerals and nutrients as well as waste products are lost it's called hyponatremia long story short you drink too much water and it washes out all of your necessary minerals and electrolytes through pee and sweat eight glasses a day they say nah just stay hydrated but not overly hydrated you shouldn't have to force yourself to drink because it's healthy it seems difficult when you're a fish though but by ingesting food and absorbing necessary salts in places such as the gills fish actively taken enough of these minerals and electrolytes to replace what's lost in its urine so their gills are specially made to absorb ions in the water too now on the flip side like flipping a fish in a pan saltwater fish are the opposite in almost every way they exhale ions through their gills and drink loads of water constantly they also lose water through their skin instead of absorbing it and they pee extremely concentrated urine pretty much only waste products are expelled from their body in fact the only reason they produce so much urea is because their kidneys are huge compared to the rest of their body plus they have a large intake of ammonia from their salty alkaline water ammonia is a very deadly substance in large quantities but through filtration in the fish kidneys they are able to turn it into urea quick enough to skip this harmful stage urea by the way is much less dangerous of a chemical in the body and is part of what makes urine urine if you couldn't gather that from name and the only reason saltwater fish produced so much urea is because they have to I mean most vertebrates can easily release the regular amount of ammonia from their body but saltwater fish intake ammonia at such an insane level that they would literally die just by storing a relatively regular amount of it so they need to convert it to super concentrated urea first and get it out ASAP and this facts along with their gills acting slightly differently with the water allows them to live in high saline environments their lives are saved thanks to pee but now here comes the fun part what would happen if you put the saltwater fish in fresh water and the freshwater fish in saltwater I mean first of all they die before like anything super terrible happens just because that's how fish do but for some specifics the saltwater fish would just balloon up as it's not really great at expelling water whereas the freshwater fish would - a tiny little raisin fish now there are special cases of fish of course and I feel we're gonna be seeing a lot of these in the Pokemon world meets the yura helin an organism able to live in both salt and freshwater and they're commonly found in tide pools small bodies of water that change salinity with the tides think crabs small clams and barnacles maybe an octopus or two possibly sea stars those kind of things or salmon though they are a special case because they live in both bodies of water but don't really change daily like the tides rather they migrate from freshwater to salt and then to fresh again different periods of life rather than constantly changing man I feel like this is like the third or fourth time we've talked about salmon on this channel I feel like my fourth grade teacher is haunting me with all of that Sam and knowledge that you taught me because that's what happens when you grow up near a major Salmon Hatchery another thing I learned in elementary school is that there are no salt water amphibians and ha-hi say to you those were busts lies but lies for there is one it's the crab eating frog however it's only able to live light enough 22.9 salinity water so it's on the lower end of salt water perfect for hunting and tide pools then where crabs live hence the name and the only reason it's able to live in this water is thanks to its stinking massive kidneys that are able to produce enough urea much like saltwater fish see now that would make an interesting Pokemon a frog in the ocean kind of like the frogs from Wind Waker so be cool well anyways there are mini water type Pokemon that would actually fit well into this category along with amphibian or even just straight-up land creature that happens to be water type however this video is more of a fresh versus saltwater debate so if I miss any Pokemon that you think breathed water not air let me know but I'm going to exclude any water type Pokemon that I deem land lovers like squirtle and then they aren't actually able to breathe water they don't have gills as well as they are based off of reptiles which breathe solely air plus if I remember right I feel like I've seen squirtle holding its breath while underwater in the anime don't quote me on that but that would make sense there are plenty of water dwelling creatures that still breathe air like whales dolphins sea turtles and more you know and also just to clarify because some of you are that glasses kid from Polar Express obviously this isn't canon water pokemon can go wherever the games and the anime do not concern themselves with salt versus fresh water at all because that would only just complicate things in this video we are talking if we added a bit of realism to Pokemon what would they be a fun discussion with some learning involved so don't go down in the comments and be that guy okay so first up let's get the saltwater fish over with starting with Jen one and going down the list because I'm just gonna go down the list of them it's a handy dandy pokedex I need to get a pokedex prop like perky for Toby that'd be cool saltwater fish are generally found in the ocean or possibly very brackish salty landlocked bodies of water first up is horsey CJ and Kingdra and also scruff is with him they're all based off of seahorses and if you didn't gather from the name that implies the sea however there are some freshwater seahorses that you can see in pet stores though all these are normally actually pipefish a cousin of the marine equine fish now some seahorses can be seen in Brad freshwater estuaries that is to say salty freshwater places kind of like those crabs we talked about but they still are just normal salt living fish put in the wrong places star you and Starmie along with toxic Tex and marina are 100 percent saltwater fish in fact they would actually die not because of the lack of salt but because they need the calcium content from the salts for their bodies to function at all since they are sea stars and that's how sea stars work they have a mighty high need for lots of calcium tentacle lance Tentacruel are both squid jellyfish things that live in the ocean much like the real-world squid and jellyfish they are both maligne environment inhabitants which I should specify does not mean water marine means of the sea or of the ocean so saltwater marine equals saltwater anyway fun facts cephalopods are all marine animals so this includes octillery as well on the night and omastar are based off of ammonites who are marine dwelling mollusks that lived near the bottom of the ocean during the definition through Cretaceous period similarly Kabuto and Kabutops are also marine toyline creatures based off of troglobites and also horseshoe crabs they're like a cool in-between of the two in fact WIMP odd angle isopod are also based on them and they are also to salt drinkers chin Chow Lantern huntail corpus and relic ants are all based off of deep-sea fish that live in much much lower salt content waters than most other ocean fish as fun fact the ocean floor is less salty than the upper ocean man tiny man tyke are actually based off of kite rays are flying rays a type of saltwater ray it's always interesting to think that manta rays breathe just by moving forward if they ever stop moving they stop breathing in fact now let's real quick just finish off all of the oceanic fish that are boring Sharpedo is a shark cool fish is a pufferfish though note there are 29 freshwater puffer fish but it's outweighed heavily by the vast majority of them being saltwater relicanth brackish nomini on Phinney on Luvdisc a mola mola wishy washy are all based off of ocean pairing fish that live in a multitude of environments that share the fact they are all filled to the brim with saltwater fish I'm jealous and are a little more interesting in the terms of their environment all jellyfish are salt water however there is a fish that looks in exactly like a jellyfish that lives in freshwater though it's technically slightly different from a jellyfish but we still call it a jellyfish because it looks like one it's like how the thorny oyster is actually a clam not an oyster you know corsola is a coral that really needs that calcium the salt water provides so again much like Staryu and Starmie and the gang they are also saltwater and are even more dependent upon that than most shell Osen gastro Don are based off of the sea hare I mean it kind of looks like a rabbit if it was a gross slug but they too are only found in you guessed it the ocean clauncher and cloud sarah both based on shrimp though in a really weirdly mutated lobster sword away both shrimp in lobster live in the ocean binnacle and babara calar both based on barnacles who in real life are solely marine dwellers too and finally for the saltwater drivers we have pew komoku the sea cucumber so after the saltwater pokemon I'd say it's only logical to start on fresh water animals these include animals found in rivers lakes ponds who knows pretty much bodies of water that aren't the ocean or the Seas Goldeen and seeking are both based off of koi meaning that they are freshwater fish as this fish is commonly used in landlocked ponds used for decoration because that's what he wants to they take living creatures and make them decoration did you know that koi is technically just a kind of carp that we kind of bred to look different they're like the dogs of the fish world speaking of carp right next to Goldeen would be Magikarp another freshwater fish however in game you really are able to find Magikarp next to everywhere there is water salt or fresh but notably its evolution Gyarados was first seen in the wild in the lake of rage technically a freshwater source which kind of sort of specifies freshwater at least as a primary dwelling place however Gyarados is a special magical dragon serpent thing that probably could breathe both salt or fresh whenever it wanted because it's magic and because it's a Pokemon carvanha is a piranha whose habitat is most notably the Amazon River oh the river fish include bascule in who is based on a mix of a largemouth bass and a trout both of which are lake and river fish bar boh-chan wish cache are also carps but a lot less magical than Magikarp so they get their own category of jest carp looper and Quagsire are categorized as the water fish Pokemon but they're actually both based off of amphibians not fish Game Freak I know disgusting right how could gain freak lies like this Corphish and crawdaunt are based off of [Music] crawling father's comes up with these names anyways crawdads are found in ponds and slow-moving rivers and they are sometimes called freshwater lobsters too but they aren't lobsters because they are freshwater and with that we're actually done with all of the little fishes in big ponds mixed up our Pokemon that work out perfectly as a little bit of both and in between really I thought this category would be bigger being that it's Pokemon and Allen pretty much all Pokemon can do it in Canon because being free doesn't care but ok whatever these are Pokemon that work out perfectly as Yuri helin organisms I swear I must be butchering that shoulder and QlikView are interesting while many bivalve animals live in salt water there are a few small species that are able to live in freshwater along with brackish water again the kind of water that can change well I would have put them in the salt water category I feel like they are more so based off of the urethane a animal I must be butchering that as we see them basically everywhere in Pokemon - in fact crabby and kingler are also in this category for the same reasons their evolution is so related in fact that we did an entire video about it you should check it out here it goes into their evolutionary tactics that led them to be the Pokemon that they are today an odd one here is remoraid being based off of the archer fish who is a freshwater species however there are two or three families that are here a hayleen though it's also based on the Remora which is a salt dwelling fish so it's fitting that remoraid is in this category then it's a combo of two different fish from two different worlds just like Hannah Montana and that's it any other Pokemon that I didn't cover are either a water toiling reptile or mammal or some weird concoction of the two that breathes air or they aren't water type I'm looking at you stun Fisk who would be salt water for sure and then there's elect truss and it's line who would also be saltwater unless it's based off of those scary New Zealand eels that are in lakes or maybe river leeches those weren't water types oh I forgot about them any others I forgot to mention let me know down below and I hope you enjoyed going over all of these boring puns again so until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin blah blah blah sound fish make below and as a reminder check out bombastic brothers with the link in the description and the pinned comment [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 378,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, water type, water type pokmeon, water type pokemon explained, every water type pokemon, salt water pokemon, fresh water pokemon, freshwater pokemon, saltwater pokemon, saltwater vs freshwater, freshwater vs saltwater, fresh water vs salt water, salt water vs freshwater, magikarp, water pokmeon, fish pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield water, water gym leader, pokemon sword and shield water gym, pokemon water gym, water pokemon, pokemon water
Id: pySQWd_Q7pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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