Pokemon Theory: Do Humans have a Type? | Gnoggin

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do humans have a type in the pokémon World pokémon are categorized by their types which are based on their abilities some of them are born with these abilities and some of them gained them as they evolve these types are important because they cause certain attacks to get resisted or even be super effective against others so now say a human gets attacked which is something we see happen often enough how does the human take it does the type of attack matter humans in the Pokemon world have considerably higher endurance than in real life as evidenced by Ash getting zapped and burnt all the time but would being hit by a fighting-type move be the worst thing ever for a human because humans are normal type I mean arguably humans are normal type because for one the humanoid and Monica and polka star studios were normal type and for two what else would they be could humans potentially evolve in quotes and become other types maybe if that is the case that would influence why most trainers in the games specialize in a single Pokemon type thing well I suppose this alone wouldn't mean all trainers are also that type let's look at fire breathers for example sure in their sprite they are breathing fire but are they innately able to do that do they have a fire sack in their body no rather they are breathing fire the same way real fire breathers do yeah that's a thing if you didn't know fire breathing is done in various performances to entertain an audience the fire breather will put a fuel source with a low flash point in their mouth and then spit it out in a way that makes a mist then all it needs is something hot enough to ignite it as it comes out and voila it looks like you're breathing fire when really you're just spitting out ethanol or cornstarch so applying this to the Pokemon world sure the humans doing this are using a fire-type attack but otherwise are still just normal humans just as susceptible to burns as the rest are similarly hikers and miners aren't rock and ground-type any more than people with phasers are electric type wearing a full suit of armor may grant you steel type resistances and weaknesses but it doesn't change the type of the human inside of it rather these are examples of humans having tools that give them attacks or moves that would be considered those types you know what I mean but then we have Avery who's pokeballs are floating around his hat all the time is this his own psychic power or are his psychic type Pokemon inside of the balls doing it themselves well how about Olympia or Sabrina they are all clearly shown having their own psychic powers clearly they are psychic types themselves but how is such a thing possible well maybe we should start the explanation off with the easy ones first of all all humans are clearly normal typed by default I mean Ash had to have had a stab bonus with strength to be able to lift that log but I think humans in the Pokemon world would be considered super versatile not just with their intelligence and ability to invent a new tools that gives them different types of attacks but they are also capable of adding or changing their type and the easiest example of this by far is fighting - in episode 2 of Pokemon Twilight wings we see the gym leader be training with her Machop Machop in the chimp and in some instances she's even outperforming them so if B does a low kick or a cross chop are they fighting type moves well I'd argue yes but what about her as a human being well one of the defining features of fighting-type pokémon is a toned a honed muscular body and plenty of fighting skill to go along with it basically the opposite of the knees but that for sure fits B Peck it fits all of the fighting-type gym leaders besides koruna or is it Karina I'm gonna get in trouble but there is one other thing with the fighting type with a strong sense of justice to back up the strength in the body is what makes the swords of justice fighting type for exemple and Halle certainly fits that description but compared to the other gym leaders and even other fighting type trainers like black belts Karina certainly seems to be physically the weakest and least muscular the rollerblades still suggest some level of athleticism though just more cardio I suppose maybe that's the idea because she has Lucario and that sounds like a cardio I hope that's not what they were thinking but anyway her body structure is less fighting type and more just speed and endurance so since we're typing trainers right now I'd argue that Karina is still normal type as a person she just happens to Train fighting-type pokémon perhaps she's on her way to becoming flighting type herself another may be easy type to look into is dark the dark type isn't about to the or a power of darkness rather it's basically the evil or mean type people say it actually means evil and Japanese but the word is a little more complicated than that it's more so just like low handed mean dirty tactics that's that's all what the Japanese name implies not necessarily a being of pure evil or anything so but some of these dark type trainers be dark type of themselves to the delinquents for instance well they are always getting into trouble lying cheating stealing and picking on those weaker than them their personality is certainly similar to many dark-type pokémon bullies sneaky weasels and cat burglars in all but it's an attitude enough any personal Pokemon has the ability to be mean or have a lapse in judgment which I guess is explainable in moves most Pokemon can learn a dark-type move or to Peck bite is dark-type but to innately be dark-type is to have this mindset be your entire persona it defines you which we certainly see in the way a lot of these trainers present themselves they act all mean and tough but I'm sure one skilled fighter could take them all down but would this attitude make these humans immune to psychic attacks like dark-type pokémon [Music] why do you believe yeah the reasoning behind dark being immune to psychic deserves a video all to itself but to keep it simple the same things that make dark-type pokémon immune would also work for dark type humans too and basically it's that their mind is so twisted and like not normal because they think these dark thoughts all the time that a psychic attack has a much harder time figuring out how to hurt that because it's an abnormal way of thinking it's a lot more complicated than that but that that's the gist ghost type is another one that I can see humans gaining not because they become ghosts themselves because they gain ghostly abilities similar to why deciduous ghost type in pokemon gold and silver which straight up see possessed spirit mediums going crazy and speaking in tongues there are also plenty of notable ghost-type pokémon trainers with the ability to see and communicate with ghosts Phoebe talks about her talking with ghosts Morty talks about being able to see what others cannot allister's friends are all ghosts and his eyes straight up glow spooky but not as spooky as some of what the hex maniacs do hmm and hex maniacs they combine ghosts and psychic pokémon so they may also have ghosts and psychic abilities some of them seemingly are ghosts even clearly deserving ghost type but but speaking of psychic I guess we got to get into that now we see throughout the franchise that no other human power is quite as powerful and innate as the power belonging to the psychic type people most recently we can see Avery straight-up using his own psychic powers of telekinesis to have his pokeballs orbit his hat and this is nothing new many psychic type trainers have sprites showcasing similar abilities and in the anime the psychic abilities of Sabrina and Olympia are on par with some Pokemon and Kaylin has psychic energy emanating from her at all times causing her hair to float to claim that these humans aren't psychic type is just to kid yourself really but how would a human go from being a normal type human to a psychic type one the other types make a bit of sense intense exercise and combat training for fighting type a dark and twisted mindset and way of upbringing and way of life for dark type getting possessed or influenced by ghosts and ghosts Pokemon to eventually develop ghostly abilities of your own for ghost type but psychic psychic-type pokémon can't just grant their abilities to other but maybe this isn't something that can be easily trained Sabrina mentions that she's had crazy abilities since birth and the twins Tate and Lisa have had a psychic connection since birth - is it just something innate to some humans a chosen one sort of scenario or was it a sort of mutation lottery their brains just happens to develop in some perfect way that grants them these abilities sort of like the x-men I have a feeling that that is the case for most psychics in Pokemon a Caitlyn had her powers awakened just one day and she nearly ruined her life because she didn't know how to control them here's a quote from her having no psychic powers at all is better than having psychic powers you can't control and being focused on sleeping all the time as well as always having on mushara leads me to believe that she's all about using her psychic powers to sort of a shtool project while asleep basically astral projection is when you detach your mind or soul from your body to experience things outside of our plane of existence but training to gain these abilities may still be possible in gold and silver went on the pokegear phone with Sabrina one of her lines has her say I'll tell you a little bit about a psychic streaming psychic ability is the power to influence people who close your eyes and clear your mind of excessive thoughts then you look hard at your sleeping self that's it true psychics aren't the kind who can move things around with their minds it's all about controlling your own mind we also see that many of the psychic class of trainers are wearing traditional martial art training robes think like Shaolin monks training to hone their body and mind but in the Pokemon world they go beyond this and gain crazy levels of telekinesis while none of this doesn't confirm that they were completely normal at one point it does show that they have to train to further their abilities perhaps then it is something you are born with and other psychics sense when new psychics are born and put them through training in order to avoid situations like that of Caitlyn's where her powers awakened suddenly and she put herself and those around her in danger but then what about aura while the aura sensing ability is mainly associated with Lucario isn't psychic type but it's still hard to argue that sensing such forces doesn't have some connection to a psychic ability similar to psychic abilities or a sensing powers are something that can be trained to advance but may also be something you have to be born with in the Lucario movie it is mentioned that Ash happens to have the same type of aura as Sir Aaron the aura guardian and thus upon wielding the same gloves and staff ash gains the same abilities but wait hold on then ash had no training is the aura sensing attached more so to the person or to the magical tools they have at which point it's no different than wielding a sword and armor to be steel type aura is just confusing all this I guess it's similar to say an enchanted wizard's orb but one that only certain people can use I guess people who happen to be born with the ability to use it and what type wood or a sensing even be psychic but in a different way fighting but in a more spiritual heightened senses way hmm I'll have to dig way more into aura for its own video later for now though there's not enough evidence to say conclusively that anyone has the potential to become or not but for sure plenty of humans in the Pokemon world are psychic-type I mean according to the Pokedex one kid turned into a Kadabra at some points possibly just because his psychic power has got so crazy that they met amorphized him into actually becoming a Pokemon because he already had Pokemon powers I don't know that pokedex entry is really weird and why Kadabra and not an Abra but are there any other types that humans are capable of becoming I think so I think there is one more for sure and it might be the creepiest fairy type creepy only because it seems to cause physical deformities in the eyes the fairy tail girls and the gym leader Valerie have these massive bug like eyes in another video that I'll link to here I talked about her Cities 13 hour clock and what the fairy tale witching hour is all about so clearly some level of supernatural happenstance is occurring in this city time flows strangely in fairy realms and humans can become attuned to it perhaps by staying in this area too long and hanging around fairy types constantly we can hear some of the fairy tale girls say things like all you have to do is ignore reality and you can stay young forever - and I won't tell you how old I really am but I can say I'm old enough to be your mother despite still looking like a little girl and in sword and shield we find a little girl in hammerlock town who gives you an old letter that is described as feeling extremely old to deliver to a friend that friend happens to live in balan the town in the middle of a magical forest and he's a middle-aged man I give him the letter and he reminisces about this friend in the past and when you go back to where the little girl was she's gone but back in the magical forest house there are other little girls seemingly talking to the walls and doing other such crazy things perhaps like the ghost trainers they can see that others cannot fairies that exist in this realm being exposed to this fairy realm long enough for since birth may grant them some very type abilities like aging much slower and developing these creepy eyes Ilima a normal-type trainer with the same eyes is the only hole in this theory but the super convincing fairy that he and the fairy type trainer Mina had their role swapped in development fills that gap so these are the types that I feel humans are capable of innately becoming normal fighting dark ghosts psychic fairy thanks to human ingenuity they can use tools to gain abilities and moves of just about every type of though jetpack are wingsuit flying time water gun or a fire hose water mining equipment ground the list goes on these as I said are outside of the self but there is still one last problem with all this if humans are normal type by default the why do ghost type attacks still work against them perhaps humans truly are type lists by default then maybe a special human type and maybe in being typeless they become easily adaptable and resilient able to become a variety of types depending on their lifestyle who knows really this video was just fun speculation discussion stuff but now what if we were to actually design a pokemon based off of a human than human development what would that pokemon look like what would its abilities be that's exactly what true green sevens video covers right so go check that out I super recommend it and until next time you [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 303,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon theory, game theory, game theory pokemon, humans in pokemon, pokemon humans, human pokemon, human like pokemon, human type, why type are humans in pokemon, pokemon bea, pokemon twilight wings, lucario, lucario and the mystery of mew, pokemon anime, ash ketchum, hex maniac, fighting type gym, ghost type gym, fairy gym leader, ghost gym leader, pokemon gym leaders, elite four, pokemon types explained, type pokemon explained
Id: Qk2OAGL3jCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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