Reviewing EVERY Pokemon Berry! | Yes really: EVERY Berry Explained! | Gnoggin

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quarantine the day is saved and I'm making quarantine decisions at this moment I spent a lot of money on this video please buy my merch look the tables all nice and sealed now because we're having danger there's gonna be juice everywhere come on do it fruit roofie up strawberries all over the floor now can fruit berries were introduced in generation 2 but at the time they were just regular items sort of precursors to the other items basically the items like potions and elixirs and even old pokeballs were made partially with berries but in the very next generation all of the original berries would go away and for good reason they had such amazing names like berry gold berry mystery berry better berry and more and since those berries were bred cons were not going to go over them but in generation 3 they introduced a wide variety of effects but why are the effects that they have what they are what are all of these berries even based on well that is the topic of today's video so to keep things flowing let's go over the berries categorically berries have various effects so basing our categories on some of those seems easy enough we'll start with the berries that cure a status condition as they always seem to the most useful to me and also the berry Texas starts this way the cherry berry is clearly a cherry it's the smallest berry and also the first berry numerically it is described as spicy and heals paralysis spicy oh wait okay cherries in and of themselves are really spicy they are sweet like most fruit however it's a flavor that goes well with spiced spiced cherries and spicy cherry flavored things are common enough have you ever had mr. Pibb it's a spicy cherry soda and black cherry cola is often considered a spicy cherry flavor as well cherries aren't in season right now so how'd you get the dried condom the kind that they drown in sugar hmm so I guess from the Pokemon world cherry berries are naturally spiced okay clever good way to differentiate it but why does it cure paralysis well because as long as it's a mild case of it cherries can actually help with that if you eat enough of them cherries will remove excess body acids and help with blood stagnation and thus when eaten regularly our therapeutic for things like gout paralysis numbness in the extremities and rheumatic pain in the lower half of the body's black cherries specifically help prevent plaque both in the teeth and in the brain as black cherry juice is currently being researched as an additional means to help with Alzheimer's symptoms which are most likely caused by brain Bleck and along with Alzheimer's usually such patients have similar issues with paralysis like things due to brain neurological nerve stuff so that's neat cherries actually help with paralysis a bit the chest O'Berry is interesting in that it's name refers to a chestnut in just about every language except for chinese and japanese the language that pokemon isn't originally in which they refer to the mikado yam which interestingly enough grow above ground unlike most yams and this is not one of those yams they don't sell them here they're East Asian thing but at least those Asian yams look similar to chestnuts so I guess that's why they changed them in the West just night that's still not the part you eat just that's our hard yo understands chest not entirely now yeah even they complete inside I've never just had a chestnut before this is a learning experience I guess I'll stick with the yam there's a day of new experiences I've never done that before I swear back Chesto berries replaced at the Gentoo mint berries and are described as having a dry thick skin but get to its insides and you'll recover from sleep how most Pokemon eat in the middle of their sleep I don't know a bit okay but I mean if it's a chestnut then it wakes them up by being stinking hard and a lot of chestnuts are also sharp when they're freshly picked so you fall over asleep because you got hypnotized or whatever and then you land on a chestnut it's painful actually cracked it why was the other one so hard in the case of those Far Eastern yams though it's sort of the opposite yams are entirely starchy complex carbohydrates the digestion of which promotes better sleep they have plenty of vitamin b6 which helps you create more melatonin which makes you sleepy they also have loads of potassium a muscle relaxant so yams help you sleep deeper maybe the idea is that the chest O'Berry helps speed to sleep up like hey come on sleep deeper get that snap out of it and then you wake up because you're sleepy he's done or maybe in the Pokemon world if the berries just the total opposite of the reality moving on the Pecha berry it is a sweet pink peach it cures poison beaches do not do that don't get bit by a snake and then eat a peach and think you're okay it realistically peaches to the total opposite and this is really cold goods it's frozen we're only unlike the third berry and we're already finding a theme of berries that do the exact opposite of reality but at most stone fruit like apricots plums and peaches have poisonous pits don't eat them it's gotten amygdalin which breaks down into hydrogen cyanide and in high enough doses is lethal now don't let that scare you away from eating them though I mean the sugar content should do that for you already but not the cyanide you need to eat like 30 gosh-darn pieces just to start having an effect and that's eating the peaches pit itself not just the flesh around it which doesn't really have any and I don't think anyone wants to eat that mini peach pitch pits I guess of the Pokemon world they're fighting poison with poison but in the real world that just leads to more poison which is been a lame the Rost berry it's hard and bitter and heals burns 0:08 okay I get the name now rust is like frost so it cools the burn and also it's from strawberry see just move the letters around look at it it's an icy blue strawberry so what is the deal with the burn heal well did you know that strawberry extract is an ingredient in some sunscreens strawberries have anthocyanins which are known to help block UV rays helping prevent sunburn neat I love strawberries although I am relishing in this moment I haven't had fruit in like a year and a half because I've been doing keto the s pear berry it's an Asian pear with blue rings for some reason it's sour and very juicy on the inside but the outside is super hard and see the name again a spare Asian pear it defrost frozen pokemon again though I don't know how a frozen pokemon can eat I don't know but the connection isn't that hard to make pear trees can grow in significantly colder climates compared to most other big fruit bearing trees they have a much higher cold tolerance the person berry is a persimmon I hate persimmons person berries cure confusion and what do you know brain health is considered to be the number one thing that persimmons are good for persimmons contain a natural compound called visitin less how to pronounce it but it is an antioxidant with several brain benefits eating persimmons regularly enhances long-term memory prevents neuronal dysfunction and protects against age-related cognitive decline and it can also help reduce brain damage caused by is chemic strokes I think is a term again the text on screen because I don't know how to say that word probably and it's also a bit of an antidepressant so yeah persimmons good for the brain helps reduce confusion the lung berry is a super hard a super slow growing plum fruit it cures any status condition and even confusion so our plums like a god tier fruit no I mean plums are plenty healthy for you they have loads of antioxidants and are good for bone and heart health but that's not really a cure-all now is it I'm sure the berry and pokemons having this crazy ability is just for game mechanics sake though prunes which are just dried plums are great for colon health they can help you pass anything which may be the idea it helps you get over or pass your problems along yeah I don't know that's a stretch it probably just has to do with the fact that the Chinese and Japanese mythological tree of life is a plum tree I think that is capable of healing all things and even granting immortality yeah it's definitely that and with that new category berries that heal HP or PP the Oran berry oh me oh my that is the bluest orange I have ever seen like at least the Chinese name for this berry specifies that it is a blue orange but all of the other names are just from orange it's hard it's juicy and it's also all of the flavors except for spicy and it heals 10hp I don't even have to like look I don't even have to look into this one when you're sick eat an orange and drink orange juice because they are full of vitamin C it helps you heal or at least you know that's how it's marketed but the marketing worked and now we all believe that that's what it's good for helps you heal a little bit 10hp green and orange the citrus berry Wow how specific citrus it heals 30 HP so with just a bitter Oran berry and oranges are a citrus fruit hmm well the Japanese name of the berry specifies that it is a pomelo which is one of the largest citrus fruit and an ancestor of the grapefruit in fact it tastes just like one it's just not as pretty or as fleshy but same reasoning as the Oran berry just loads of vitamin C Aleppo berry is a crabapple that restores 10 PP to a PP depleted move it's hard small and grow slow oh and Leppa is Apple backwards but with the le switched around the crab apples have a few varieties but the term is also sometimes used to mean wild or feral apples nuts that are out and about rather than farmed in a way then it is the first Apple according to some and also according to Simon the natural sugars found in apples can give you a boost of energy similar to coffee crab apples especially because they are so hard and sour that they just punch you in the mouth that'll really wake you up for sure more energy for more moves do you like FIGS because I don't I thought I didn't because I remembered not but my tastes have changed I think I still prefer its cousin though the Newton till these next five berries all do the same thing basically when the holders HP falls below 25% they eat the berry to heal 50% but if they dislike how it tastes then they get confused so you have to know what your Pokemon like and dislike the Figge berry is spicy figs are really good for reproductive health eye health and most importantly for our purposes here are high in potassium and vitamin A and help produce more red and white blood cells they are great for an immunity boost helping you heal yeah the wiki berry is a Kiwi that's purple for some reason and it's lumpy hard and dry three words I would never use to describe a Kiwi but whatever they are also high in antioxidants potassium and vitamin C so they help with immunity but you know you quotes but they do have almost twice the vitamin C content that oranges do ounce per ounce so it is better the Mago berry is a mango shaped like a pepper for some reason and it's not spicy it's sweet I guess I guess mangoes do sort of have this pointy shape to them and what do you know it's vitamin C town again and boosts immunity thanks to its other nutrients but interestingly it also helps reduce cholesterol and aids in weight loss something that can can't be said most fruit / Brendo ah now let's just take the a from the end of guava and put it at the beginning it's the aguar very and again great for the immune system and even helps fight cancer and it reduces MEXT or cramping and also may help with long-term weight loss and mini tangent I couldn't find glob is anywhere but I found lava juice and oh my word oh the juice Channel and I just remembered and that shouldn't exist but you know significantly more sugar than soda oh but it's juice so it's fine to gift a little Timmy and now the e Abu Barry I have no idea why oh forgot papayas existed it is just the freaking just move the letters it's a papaya Wow again immunity boosts menstrual pain helps against cancer all of the fruit in this category I have like the same set of things which I guess is why they all do basically the same thing at Pokemon - I swear did some guy at Game Freak just have like fruit bees favorite thing a special place in his heart so we did all this research to make sure that the berries in Pokemon were extremely accurate to reality well at this point I'm pretty convinced because it's pretty dang close most of them by let's continue because we're done with that set of similar berries I'm sure I've had fresh papaya before [Music] that's really good new category wild Pokemon relations starting with the raspberry I wonder what that could be it makes wild Pokemon easier to capture even though it's a spicy dry berry to wild Pokemon like spicy and dry things fun fact though did you know that if you want to attract significantly more bees to your garden you should plant a raspberry bush right in the middle of it they attract all kinds of pollinators from much further away to because they're just so aromatic to them just be careful though because they're also known to attract snakes and rats the Nana berry is a banana it's about this big and it makes wild pokemon move around less makes them easier to smack in the face with a pokeball but why well firstly because who doesn't like bananas they are going to sit down and enjoy it but also bananas contain tryptophan a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin which is known to make you relaxed it's a mild sedative no wonder bananas are the most appealing fruit in the world throw a pineapple at a wild pokemon and they'll be more likely to drop items because pineapple at its face you monster a lot pineapples are sharp and pokey they hurt I would know I'd drop my items - we've had been getting away from this thing faster so here's a category the next six fruits all do the same basic thing they lower one of your pokemons v's so their overall stats but in return their friendship with you grows because that's what friends do right they give you a fruit that makes you a little bit weaker like a tomato so compared to most fruit tomatoes aren't all that nutritious but boy do they make you a friendlier person to the person that gifted it to you right no no please don't tell me that's right a tomato a day keeps the depressional a a couple of studies found that tomato rich diets reduce depressive symptoms and can prevent them from getting worse there's a whole effect named after this the tomato effect basically it explains the reluctance of the medical community to embrace nutritional approaches for medical conditions I've experienced it firsthand myself oh no don't you change your diet and cut carbs because you have diabetes and those things literally make it worse and harder for you to manage just take more insulin and drugs instead visit me more frequently payme come on but I mean obviously there are loads of conditions that diet alone cannot help with but a lot more of them can that people don't give them credit for you're only as healthy as the food you eat so that was a tangent but tomatoes they can help depressive symptoms which in a way can make you more appreciative of a friend giving you gifts making you friendlier [Music] I've never hasn't been into a tomato before and I don't think I'll ever do it again next very the Gretel berry does the same thing it's grapes grapes help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression - pretty sure all of the berries in this category are gonna do that the hon do berry it's a honeydew melon they to boost cognitive health and helps prevent mood disorders like depression from worsening the Koala berry I have no idea what this is what the heck is aliquot it's this fruit apparently and it's a mild sedative making you more calm and happy and also may relieve diarrhea and supports a healthy mood to counteract intoxication the pav Maggie is a pomegranate now mood tweaking isn't really what pomegranates are really known for they are primarily all about their ridiculous levels of antioxidants but they do also have effects on salivary testosterone in addition to balancing effects on a blood pressure both of which can affect mood and help reduce anxiety and work-related stress and then there's the kelp Seabury which is kelp why is Kalpa berry here like I get that most of the fruit that we've been talking about today aren't actually berries in the world that is real but at least they are fruit but kelp kelp please don't tell me that kelp also does that it dies ah regularly eating kelp is fantastic for your thyroid thanks to its iodine content this helps prevent both fatigue and depression which is great for your mood so eat kelp it's a berry now new category buffs Lynn hurt when your Pokemon has their HP dropped below 25% they will eat the berry to raise one of their stats for example the a piccata berry raises Special Defense and the gallon berry defense these berries are based on an apricot and a long gun which I also had never heard of and thus could not find at the store but both of these fruits are very hard and durable so no defense and then there's the salic berry which is based on the salic fruit okay they changed today to a seat I thought that they finally just straight-up called it what it is it boosts speed why so because it's a very smooth and aerodynamic plant fruit thing and it's sugars gives you energy oh it turns out you can mix I like coffee out of it coffee without any coffee beans just salic instead weird the light she berry which is based on the late fruit raises a tech which I guess works perfectly the things this fruit benefits the most are your bones and your nails so in the case of Pokemon that's teeth and claws for attacking nice then the patia berry which raises a special attack is based on the pattaya also known as the dragon fruit it's a pretty mystical looking fruit like and dragons are all about magic and breathing fire so you know Special Attack works out all right I've heard that they're never as sweet as you want them to be that's right this tastes bland like it looks like it's such a sweet cool delicious thing but it's not then the long-sought berry raises the critical hit rates and is based on the long-sought parrot Issyk kim this word also known as the duku fruit now crit rate is kind of a hard thing to quantify in terms of the fruit but this fruit does a lot its skin is mosquito repellant and also can be used to help with sunburns and controlling cholesterol diarrhea and gum health it's also good for tooth strengthening which I guess can translate into stronger bite attacks and thus higher crit chance but overall it doesn't really have much so this is just just game mechanics I guess which I'm sure is also the case for the Star Ferry which is based on the star fruit it raises a random stead so it all sort of comes down to luck which stars are a bit of a symbol of it's all luck and chance that you get to wish upon a shooting star stars are stars are used in all sorts of luck-based things and also I've never eaten a star fruit before so do I kind of like that what is [Music] well that's disgusting why do people eat these like the flesh on the inside tastes like the banana peel of an extremely green banana like if you just chewed that up super juicy though but hope it's just that it's on right the mikkel berry raises the accuracy of the next move when eaten and also isn't based on an actual fruit at first I was thinking oh great look it's a pickle ha ha how funny I can make a pickle Rick joke and reach the front page of Reddit ha but no looking at the name in other languages oh it all just means miracle fruit it's a miracle which is just a term sort of given to healthy fruit it's a miracle fruit cured all my diseases because I live in a fantasy world but so it's not really anything to base this off of I guess there are plenty of fruit that benefit vision and also the brain and hand-eye coordination and all and I guess that's just sort of the thing that the miracle fruit does the coos top berry is super hard on the outside and soft like custard on the inside it makes the next move that the Pokemon uses go first and it's based on the sugar apple or the custard apple super closely related to the cherimoya these fruit are all about being anti-inflammatory and great for your blood pressure on top of having antioxidants and they also have a stupid amount of sugar hence the name sugar apple and custard apple and well sugar energy gets you hyped up get you ready to attack first I guess I've never this was the most expensive fruit here today $13 terrible I was not expecting this either Twitty oh it smells super sweet and it is super soft like custard look at that holy that's the street sugar oh oh look how soften it you can see the my teeth marks oh it's just amazing oh the moranga berry is based on the meringue also known as the Terra it's a close relative of the jackfruit if the holder gets hit by a special move it raises their special defense these fruit are tough and spiky great for defense and they also smell incredibly strong and not exactly Pleasant great for special defense the key Berry does the same but it's for physical defense and it's based on the ackee fruit they too have a very tough outer shell great for defense they are also toxic to humans if not prepared right so I'm not risking it by bringing it into the house three categories left let's do nothing it's nothing category the BlackBerry does nothing well that's not very fair to the berries I suppose they do things still just not in battle they are used to make puffins and pokey blocks and things cooking and what-have-you but since they do nothing in battle there's nothing really to explain about them they are just generic non magical fruit in the Pokemon world I guess and they include the blackberry which is a blackberry which I love the web hair berry which is a Western pear the mangosta berry which is a mangosteen the corn berry with two ends which is corn it's corn like it's like berry Captain Crunch immediately stuck in the teeth there a Buddha berry which is a rambutan which I have never and I couldn't find anywhere so I still never get to eat it there's the nominal berry which is a lemon because it's lemon backwards the spelling berry which is a spiked melon also known as a kiwano and the pantry Belen which just means palm tree so I have to assume that it's a date you ever had a date or date milkshake they are amazing the wat mulberry is the biggest berry can you guess what it is did you guess yet the Duran berry is a durian and I'm not going to eat one today because I don't even want that thing anywhere near this house and to the Baloo berry it's a another any idea what it could be some of these names are pretty hard new category the super effectives if a Pokemon holding one of these berries is hit by a super effective attack of the corresponding type they can eat the berry to reduce the damage that they pick well ok then the oka very is a cacao which tastes nothing like chocolate at all as a powder I'm not I'm not but if a Pokemon eats it it protects them from fire moves with its spice because spices the sasho berry is a passion fruit that protects from water because passion fruit are just so juicy when ripe anyway the Walken berry protects from electric attacks it's based on the fruit of the candle tree give it the electricity powers the candle fruit stand there lights that it's shaped like a Christmas light yeah don't worry I hate it to the render berry has a disagreeable green flavor and it's a tamarind which come in these very the shells and that's what they look like on the inside and I did I have never had one [Music] I don't think I ever will again it's definitely very disagreeable like extremely it just tastes like sour dirt and grass so like it tastes like sour dirt so like it absorbs the grass attacks because derry-o the Yauch berry protects against ice and it is for sure a cherimoya fruit that one that i stinking absolutely loved because it's related to the one that was actually but these things taste absolutely amazing and apparently in Central America they make milkshakes out of them constantly because they taste better chill I have yet to eat this thing chilled and I am excited to do that later off screen so you don't get to know what that tastes like unless you follow my Twitter because I'll tweet about it at Loxton follow me the topal berry it's in game description says that it contains a substance that generates heat it can even heat up a chilly heart that seems better for defending against ice but whatever the fighting type works - I guess it's similar to how you use heat packs and icy hot on bruises and swollen areas and the fruit also helps heal bruises and swollen areas it's a wax apple which I could not find but this Gala apples kind of close but yeah they are anti-inflammatory the khyber berry is based on the a Cohiba or the chocolate vine it protects you from poison attacks notably basically all of the vines and its family are poisonous to people and pets but this particular one is an exception and thus I guess it absorbs poison because it's cousins with a poisonous one so it has space for poison so that's where the poison goes I don't know but I do know that the shoe kaberi is a cashew but cashews are actually proof sort of apples that are not nearly as widely shipped as the seed is because these apples are super soft and bruise easily and the seed grows on the outside odd but it being here helps protect the extremely delicate Apple when it falls off of the tree protects it from the ground there you go Ric O'Barry grants protection from flying-type and it's based on the backhoe which is also known as the mountain papaya or the champagne fruit no idea why it keeps you safe from birds though birds are actually known for absolutely devouring these because they love them and if actually they love them to the point that they're rare and hard to harvest because Birds just keep eating them oh so if your Pokemon is holding it they can distract the bird that's attacking them and thus they don't get hit as hard the paya poveri is also a papaya is a relative of it it keeps you safe from psychic attacks and here's an in-game description this Berry is said to sense human emotions for the way it swells roundly when a person approaches I don't like that but I do like that papayas are really good for brain health in particular they specifically get rid of free radicals that wreak havoc on the brain so they're good for people who are at risk for a narrow degenerative disease and thus it protects you a bit from psychic attacks I guess Tonga bury its description the flower grows at the tip of this berry it attracts bug Pokemon by letting it's stringy petals stream out see at least this one explains that it just distracts the bugs protecting the pokemon from bug attacks it's a pit tag pataga a pataga it's a pataga or a Surinam cherry bugs absolutely love them chardee berries protects from rock attacks it's based on the Chinese artichoke which are very different from the artichokes that I'm used to and they protect from rocks they are really hard and found underground that's basically it they are tough as it is but being underground gives them a resistance to rock just like ground-type pokémon kasym berries protect you from ghosts and in Pokemon lore we have this flavor text considered to have a special power from the olden days this berry sometimes is dried and used as Goodluck charms east asia has all sorts of traditions relating to making charms to keep spirits away and this berry is based on a citron specifically the Buddha's hand variety and yes charms and jewelry were made out of them to keep spirits away the Habad berry protects you from dragons and it's based on the strawberry guava it makes really good Jam in old Hawaii they were one of the main fruits that they would actually sacrifice to the Moto which were dragon spirits so that works out really well the Cole Burberry keeps you safe from dark type attacks and it's also not even a berry it's a weed it's based on a cockle burr these terrible things that get stuck in your socks and hurt they are related to sunflowers though and contain a seed so I guess I guess you could eat them the inside your spiky painful things get back in the dark type Mon who don't want to get to get it stuck to themselves so they hold back a bit while I tagging to make sure that they don't get the spikes I don't know on this one but I do know that the barbary berry is a fun way to say bye biri biri biri biri biri biri biri biri berry it protects you from steal attacks and it's based on the biriba which is a relative of the sugar apple ah it was used as medicine in the old days but nothing relating to steal so I guess that's another game mechanics thing but the Roselli berry is based on the Rahzel a species of hibiscus they make great team and protect from faerie my guess is again it's mainly a game mechanics here - maybe the ferryman like it because it's distracting pretty flower and lastly the chillin berry he protects from normal-type attacks it's based on the Chinese lantern fruit which looks like a Chinese lantern and its in-game text says this berry can be cored out and dried to make a whistle blowing through its hole makes an indescribable sound which I guess is enough to distract normal-type pokémon well it's a mainly ornamental plant well I mean look at how cool it looks maybe the normal mom doesn't want to damage is such a pretty looking plant no that's dumb moving on to the final category [Music] Oh thir the jabo Kaveri is based on the jabuticaba a Brazilian fruits that grows on the tree's trunk which is very strange for a fruit but then again the effect of this berry is pretty strange too if your Pokemon who is holding this berry gets attacked by a physical move then the attacker gets hurt huh I guess because the berries are held so close so it's easy to counter-attack or it's easy to partially miss and hit the hard tree I don't know but as far as health goes they are still being researched but it's looking good they're very antioxidant rich and great for managing blood sugar to throw up berry is very soft and extremely sour with a hint of spice it's based on a java apple or a rose apple if your Pokemon holding this berry gets attacked by a special move then the attacker gets hurt I still don't really get that you eating a fruit after being attacked hurts the attacker like if these fruit were poisonous then it'd be fine I guess the attacker accidentally eat some or something but no it's quite the opposite Rose apples are great for treating fevers and headaches it makes you feel better maybe this is like a Petro very kind of situation where it's and lastly for good reason it's the enigma berry [Music] look it's literally got a question mark on it he's named to the enigma berry in almost all languages in Japanese it's nazo meaning riddle puzzle hmm well at least the nut a pickle isn't the only made-up fruit they have so what does it do well in game it's described this way a completely enigmatic berry it apparently has the power of the stars that fill the night sky oh okay then what does bhava pedia say oh it's standing in for an e-reader berry the e-reader was an accessory for the Game Boy Advance and pokemon ruby and sapphire used it for a few little gimmicks including getting you exclusive berries these specially unique exclusive berries were based on things like pumpkin eggplant garlic and a carrot berries like okay I guess this looks kind of like a berry berries all of these berries would be dropped from existence the following generation but as they failsafe if you had a Pokemon holding one of these ereader berries and traded it up to the newer games the berry would turn into an enigma berry a berry that only exists in a different plane of existence a different dimension of the multiverse it contains the power of the stars because the stars are where it is from the vast multiverse of endless possibility unquantifiable in its depths its alien power is ultra and so it heals your Pokemon for a quarter of its HP my blood sugar is probably the highest that it's been since I was in the hospital for it but fruit is so good especially this one but it is so dang expensive I'm never going to financially recover from this but anyway thanks so much for watching have anything to add any other weird things like this that I should look into let me know down below and until next time you never stop using your noggin and don't worry I'm not wasting any of this fruit we're gonna eat it we're having a fruit party [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 937,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon explained, every pokemon explained, berry, pokemon berry, best berries in pokemon, pokemon berries, pokemon berries explained, top 10 pokemon berries, top 10 berries, shuckle, pokemon science, pokemon theory, game theory, polygon, unraveled, pokemon food, food in pokemon, pokemon healing, pokemon battles, best berries for pokemon, pokemon nutrition, berry nutrition, most nutritious berries, best fruit, e-reader berries, pokemon sword and shield, best pokemon
Id: EB-5Zrp9y2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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