r/Murderedbywords Call 911, There's Been a Murder

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I don't want my man to wear glasses I feel like that's a little gay he probably likes you less with his glasses on - and the final nail in the coffin is that the response has exactly one more like than the original post welcome to our slash murdered by words where people get obliterated on the internet marry a guy who will email you when you block them fellas marry a woman that doesn't play these kinds of games lady when you make a public tweet that basically sends the message no doesn't mean no that's how you end up with stalkers Bernie Sanders should be forced to give away 90% of his birthday cake hashtag happy birthday Bernie this is how birthday cakes work when you have friends tomorrow is just another day for white tears because it's 9/11 and all the whities are gonna be showing their hate for Muslims or terrorists to them you're really trying to make 9/11 a race issue the deadliest terrorist attack ever on US soil has nothing to do with race 2,977 people lost their lives that day they were of various races and over 50 nationalities 1,300 children were directly orphaned because of the attacks and guess what 31 Muslims not terrorists lost their lives that day before you celebrate white tears think about all the innocent lives lost and instead of being a piece of trash try showing a little compassion and respect to the deceased rest in peace when he types rip it isn't clear a piece saying rip to the people who died on 9/11 or the person who made that post Boris Johnson has lost five of his first five Commons votes the first prime minister in history to do so he takes the title away from previous record-holder Boris Johnson who lost four of his first four Boris Johnson has now lost six of his first six Commons votes the first prime minister in history to do so he takes the title away from the previous record-holder Boris Johnson who said the previous record earlier in the evening imagine being so incompetent that the only person on earth more incompetent than you is you in a couple hours from now a UK teenager who was found guilty of planning a mass shooting has been jailed for sixteen years here in the u.s. it would be a life sentence that's because he would have murdered 40 kids before getting caught Saudi Arabia is using Instagram enforcers to improve its image imagine how much Saudi Arabia could improve its image if it stopped executing people for being homosexual and as someone down in the comments pointed out Saudi Arabia still has public beheadings and crucifixions influence a virus vaccine ingredients include formaldehyde and thimerosal a mercury derivative do not give or get any vaccinations for yourself or your kids okay let's break this down nice and simple formaldehyde is from the purification of the vaccine 99.9% of which is removed the reason it doesn't give a dosage is the amount is so miniscule that it can't be measured without going into pika grams that's one trillionth of a gram you breathe in more formaldehyde by driving down a busy road than in a vaccine thimerosal is not elemental mercury it's a molecular compound made up of carbon hydrogen mercury sodium oxygen and sulfur this is used as a preservative for the vaccine thimerosal is used in a variety of other things like tattoo ink facial creams and nasal sprays it's toxic to humans only in fairly large quantities but highly toxic to aquatic born organisms like infectious bacteria in short it makes sure you don't get Salmonella from a stray bacteria from the chicken embryos as for the dosage of thimerosal that is the most laughable point in this post it says 25 mcg that's micrograms or 1 millionth of a gram let me put this another way by the age of five an American child weighs 50 to 55 pounds and their body contains 55 micrograms of uranium I don't see any kids running around with radiation sickness so I think they're safe with a preservative in them too long didn't read this is like saying you don't want your child eating their baked birthday cake because raw eggs were used to make it and you don't want your child getting Salmonella from it my favorite related science fact is salt without salt humans would literally die but salt is made from sodium and chlorine sodium literally explodes when it gets in contact with water and chlorine is poisonous but stick the two together and you would literally die without it hey guys I'm looking for a book of low-calorie recipes about 1700 per day because the foods I've been eating have started to look the same does anybody have any recommendations I greatly appreciate it okay calorie counting doesn't work I do it all the time and I gain weight just do intuitive eating instead of starving your body like you do before you regret it for good besides why are you complaining all you eat goes straight to your butt anyway look I'm gonna be blunt since you decided you can comment on my eating and my body you need an extra serving of reality instead of an extra serving of lasagna first of all I've witnessed how you eat firsthand and have seen what you log you eat breaded chicken salads covered in cheese and Thousand Island or ranch you only count the salad and log it as if it was grilled instead of drinking water or even a diet soda you drink those giant bottles of naked juice and you don't log those either second of all girl this is not the first time you have alluded to me starving my body eating frozen fruit bars instead of ice cream thin garden vegetable pizzas instead of thick pepperoni pickles instead of chocolate and grilled chicken sandwiches instead of double quarter pounders is not starving my body it's being disciplined and finding a middle ground while still satisfying my cravings you thought you were doing something cute by commenting that but I am not the one take several seeds and reanalyze what you said because you look like a bigger butthole than the one I apparently have if you ever want a good quote to put on Facebook just go to the bible's smiley face yet she increased her prostitution remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the lands of Egypt she lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions Ezekiel 23:19 220 man Ezekiel was into some kinky stuff I failed at nine startups got fired from two companies quit three jobs without notice failed out of college lost it all on a bad investment the memories don't fade I think of them daily it's how I learned it's why I can raise millions and scale globally and raise four kids with my wife I hope my kids can fail too failing is not the point here quitting without notice getting fired is there is nearly nothing to learn from but a seriously questionable character and no kids failing is not cool kids learning from other people's failures his so I think the real life lesson from this is to have parents who are rich enough that they can support you through nine failed startups toxic mothers are just as bad as absent fathers but y'all not ready for that discussion yet maybe some mothers are toxic because they're burnt out from doing it all alone because of absent fathers sorry I abused you honey but I was mad about your dad taking off and I had to take it out on someone so it's not really my fault Ubu put up or shut up you know everybody reaches their breaking point and quite frankly I've reached mine with the folks who post all over the internet about their scientific fallacies of man induced climate change all of them are guest bloggers or a ESTs none of this stuff has ever been published in a peer-reviewed atmospheric science our climate journal but we live in an age today where higher education and research are no longer respected heck think of all the money my parents wasted on my education when I could have waited for the age of Twitter and Facebook and declared myself as an expert in the field of my choice that's sarcasm to illustrate asininity but wait let's say one of these guests assayer's is a modern-day galileo and has that critical piece of the puzzle that no other scientist has then they should submit their findings to one of the American Meteorological Society z' peer-reviewed journals for publication if they're rejected and the author feels unfairly then make it public and each and every one of the reviewers comments for the entire world to see if there's bias and corruption in the peer review process everyone needs to know about it so this flawed process can be halted and corrected but you know what I doubt any of these folks has the guts to do this and they'll continue on with their pathetic excuse for science education so prove me wrong bloggers and essayists submit your work the way real scientists do and see where it takes you uncover that bias and corruption you're so convinced this present if you end up being correct society will owe you a huge debt of gratitude if you're wrong stop muddying the scientific waters with ideological trash tomorrow's forecast from our local weatherman absolute murder if God has a plan for everyone and a fetus is a person can't abortion just be their plan no because that would mean that God planned a murder he wouldn't do that except that one time when he planned the murder of 42 children by summoning two bears to maul them to death for making fun of a bald man's head in the Bible second Kings 224 do you read the Bible or just pretend it says whatever you like dude clearly you've never met a fundamentalist before obviously just pretend it says whatever they like I know more about forensic science than forensic scientists because I've watched every season of Forensic Files sound stupider right that's how anti-vaxxer sound to medical professionals get vaccinated this next post was posted to a Muslim Facebook group I can donate some bacon sandwiches and a Bible if y'all won a reply from the Cuba Islamic Institute we would gladly take your donation knowledge is something we could never have enough of and we may feed the homeless in our area with the sandwiches here of being such a thoughtful human being and if you think this guy seems like a racist douchebag it gets worse the context of this is that one of the buildings of the Islamic Center in Houston was burned down so they were asking the community for help threesome with who your preferred female friend sounds good who's the third person me oh then no judge orders Johnson and Johnson to pay 572 a million for its role in Oklahoma's opioid crisis I guess McDonald's will be next for making people obese what happened to personal accountability McDonald's doesn't pay your doctor to prescribe you Big Macs for more context johnson and johnson actually lied to doctors and the public about how addictive their medicine was so more accurately it'd be like if McDonald's paid doctors to prescribe Big Macs and tell people it's a weight loss diet Will Smith went to London and dressed up as a boot sales assistant to promote Jaden's new water brand what dimension are we living in brand of water look at our society we need a good old-fashioned culling the kid is just doing what he wants to better the world he started a brand of bottled water that's better for the environment and is responsibly sourcing everything from the bottle to the water they've gone as far to work with a specific city and only bottle excess water and pay the city more than it's actually worth so their water infrastructure can be improved he's also donating water to Flint and the LED levels are actually at safe levels because the government decided they don't want to anymore if you're gonna try to complain about a celebrity doing something at least be educated on what they're actually doing first the user the last blue baller said in the comments what I was gonna say myself imagine running into Epping Will Smith in a store and he promptly tries to sell you bottles of water if it takes lawyers eight years to learn the law how can we trust a cop to learn in in six months cops don't have to know the law there was a Supreme Court decision recently that a cop is not falsely detaining someone after doing something the cop reasonably believes is against the law even if it's actually legal I think the specific case was about someone driving with a broken taillight in a state where a car is street-legal so long as at least one of the taillights works meanwhile is a civilian ignorant that the law is not a defense cops are not required to know the laws they enforce you are required to know every law you might conceivably break but then of course if you backtalk a cop because you have better knowledge of the law than they do and they respond violently good luck winning that we lost everything Christian Baker's find a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars for refusing to make a lesbian couples wedding cake I love how they left out the part about them giving out the lesbian couples personal information to send them death threats running them out of their home and encouraging other fundies to petition to have their children taken away examines fingernails also the fact that they raised half a million dollars from other raging homophobes to fund this bigotry I hope that dick holes lose the shirt off their backs and had to live out of a van but that's too much to hope for I just want to add that the lesbian couple were getting married because their mutual friend had just died of cancer and they were adopting her two daughters and that the death threats were so bad that they had to quit their jobs and move it's never just about a cake it's about the president you said when you allow people to discriminate it's about all the disgusting bigots that crawl out of the woodwork when they feel like they had the right to hate that was our / murdered by words and don't forget to check out my merchandise the link to my store is down in the description
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, murderedbywords, funny murderedbywords, r/murderedbywords, murderedbywords posts, murderedbywordsfails, murdered by words, murderedbywords wtf
Id: ooizkgjemGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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