r/Maliciouscompliance Redditor RECORDS Road Rage Fight! "Call the F***ing Cops!"

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where we have a very special episode because today we have actual audio of a [ __ ] getting destroyed by malicious compliance here's a quick sample of what you have to look forward to school the [ __ ] walk school him call him call him buddy our next reddit posts from terrific news so I recently started posting to Reddit and I have a lot of stories this one happened during my first career when I worked as a scientist in a diagnostic lab I've been working for about two years at this point and had just been promoted to senior scientist I had two supervisors in my section each assigned to oversee half of the tests being done in our small corner of the lab Rory and Tonya Tonya was a senior most supervisor of the two and secondary to my department head she had the most authority over me on any given day she also hated me never did figure out why but she hated about 3/4 of the people working in the lab so I never took it personally I just don't think she liked people the lab tends to attract people like that funnily enough we always used to joke about being the rejects stuffed in a hole at the bottom of a hospital to be kept away from the general public as for Rory it's important to note that he had a very good reputation in the lab of never lying he was never once caught in even a half-truth and he'd been working there for over 30 years he was well liked and well trusted this will be important later one day I was doing one of the more technically challenging tests that our department performs its long fiddly expensive and easy to screw up only senior scientists are allowed to do it unsupervised and this was maybe the second time I've done it alone we're talking two days just to get it set up it was a nightmare while I was measuring out some gelatin powder into a beaker I accidentally elbow Tonya our workstations were right on top of each other this happened at least four to five times a day with everyone I apologize and go back to what I was doing but she flips out like full-on rage screaming in my face kind of angry after a couple of minutes of her tirade she says just f op opie no one wants you here and then she storms off to her office to cool off Rory comes up to me having seen and heard whole thing and asked if I'm alright I say I'm a little shaken but nothing too bad and get ready to continue my work but Rory had heard the whole thing and he saw what test I was doing he whispers to me your supervisor told you to go best you do what she says and if she causes a fuss about it I'll be sure to tell the boss exactly what she said to you now I knew Rory's reputation so I knew I'd be safe I also know that being told to leave early by a supervisor meant that I was still paid out for the rest of the day provided I had worked at least four hours of my shift the lab was actually pretty generous with time off even if the pay and working conditions were garbage so I did exactly what Tonya said I effed off home now at the stage I was at with that particular test I had spent about four thousand dollars worth of reagents normally batches of 20 samples are run to try and keep the cost down but it was still an expensive test when you include the nearly three days of work from a single scientist this was one of Tanya's tests and therefore Rory was not required to ensure it was done no one in my section was very happy with Tanja and she had gone off to her office and so couldn't see me leave so no one went to tell her that the test was left unsupervised apparently she didn't come back for over an hour and by then the test was ruined and had to be started over again my boss was pissed Tanja of course tried to throw me under the bus saying I'd left without informing anyone and that it was all my fault but a good old trustworthy Rory told the boss exactly what Tania had said I love Rory I couldn't be punished for doing exactly what my supervisor told me to do and I got away with it completely unfortunately nothing overly terrible happened to Tanya she got formally reprimanded and it had to take an anger management course at the hospital runs but otherwise she got no real punishment she never yelled at me again and was always careful to ward things just right around me after that though so that was something as for what I did on my half day off I went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine that I almost never got to see working in the deep dark done that is the average hospital lab I made sure to bring in the pictures the next day I gotta say a bunch of angry embittered scientists working in a sunless dungeon under a hospital kinda sounds like some sort of supervillain group our next reddit post is from astral taco this is my first post on Reddit and only decided to share after listening to so much our slash on this sleepless night hey that's me backtrack about four years to when I was about to leave my small village to begin the roller coaster that would be University I'd been working in a delightful pub for a couple of years the week before I leave for university the owners of the establishment decided they would give me a lovely yet rather expensive gift the gift would be that on my last night in the pub before leaving I'd be allowed to pour myself however many pints I wanted on the condition that I didn't serve any customers I should probably mention that me and my mates used to frequent my pub when I was off work as it's always had a great atmosphere and friendly people anyways as the night goes on I drink more of my free pints and I have to decline a few customers as I'm no longer employed by the pub nobody questions it until Karen oh sweet Lord Almighty not even Lucifer could put her on this earth not your typical run-of-the-mill soccer mom USA Karen but your short hair only two front teeth stench of cigarettes disappointment and child support which was spent on beer Karen but she had been sitting idly at the end of the bar and me and the bartender on shift will call him him knew she was always a difficult customer it gets to the end of the night and MS Karen to pay our tab Karen as' ensues why do I have to pay for buy drinks Opie hasn't paid for any of his him says it was a gift from the owner as it was his last shift after two years and they wanted to say things and prep his liver for university life the Karen puts on a shocked Pikachu face I've been a customer here for so much longer why have I never gotten a reward like that me already a little wavy from the various pints Karen I don't work here anymore and I can finally tell you nobody here Epping likes you and feel sorry for your daughter who you dress here with you whenever she's not with her father Karen and M both have shocks Pikachu faces I'll get you fired Do You Know Who I am the owner is my best friend and you'll never work in here or any pub in the village again M has just seen the perfect opportunity to strike back at Karen and says is that right the owner is upstairs do you want me to let him know yes she smirks at me as M goes upstairs to let the owner know there's a complaint from a customer the owner comes down the stairs and the first thing he says is he sees Karen at the bar is Oh for F sake instantly as she hears this this Karen begins yelling a string of obscenities at owner m and myself bear in mind the pub isn't empty only last orders have gone so there's still a lot of locals relaxing and drinking the Karen is asked to pay up and leave she refuses and threw her pint glass at the owner and is instantly restrained by a few other locals and escorted out word travels fast around our little side of town so within two days she was barred from all six pubs and reported to the police for not paying multiple tabs all over town accumulating to around one thousand three hundred and fifty pounds for a three-week period the last I heard the last time I visited my old hometown a few years ago she had lost custody of her daughter and the father now had full custody and moved away thank God he was always a polite and respectable man Oh P when you said that this isn't your typical us eh Karen trust me we had Karen's just like that over here as well our next reddit post is from the unconditioned to go out that night he had a family thing but since we know the owner of the place I figured I just hang at the bar until his arrival and have a pool table secured as well by the time he got there so about 11 p.m. I made my way to the bar go behind the counter and fist bump the owner explained my friends coming and just hang out there with him and the only other employee in the meantime at one point the owner goes out back to the bathroom and the employee goes to take a phone call outside so I'm just drinking my beer and checking my phone as I'm in a hold the for capacity you know don't let anyone else behind the counter soon it's open on the end and there's sort of a hallway leading to the pool tables on the back section and if people get him behind the counter well that's where all the booze is enter the lady of the hour about 20 blonde air-filled head we'll call her cb4 crazy Beach I see her shaking her open hand over the counter in my peripheral vision so I look up thinking it's maybe someone I know but no she just starts berating me oh my god quit drinking on the job and service already we've been waiting here for years trying to flag you down oh no I'm not a and leave that Epping phone already you're supposed to do your job we want our drinks already we're paying your salary you lazy ever look kitten I don't work here I'm just having a drink so shut up I'm the owner's daughter so just make our drinks or I'll have my daddy hire you her friend buy her had the most smug face I've ever seen and at this point I lost it and broke out laughing my butt off I turn around and see the owner rushing over with some guy behind him apparently this unsung hero saw the mess get started and went to get him I grabbed him by the shoulder and in a panicked voice Oh God owner this is terrible what what is it you banged some woman when you were ten or so and this girl I pointed the woman says she's your daughter whatever will you do now your wife is going to kill you he caught up what was going on and started laughing and then I broke down as well he told the crazy woman and her smug friend to get lost they sputter something about her dad but my friend just turned the counters light toward his own face and said I own this place get the hell out the two smug princesses stood up in a huff and left just as my other friend walked in they shoved him aside and then tried to slam the door only to have it snag one of their purses and throw them both on the curb without slamming the door because you can't slam self-closing doors our next reddit post is from excellent tone at work we had an outgoing mailbox that handled postal mail as well as internal you just dropped your envelope in there the mail room picked it up when they collected mail every afternoon and everything was fine everyone did this I used it for my Menards rebates people used it for greeting cards bills anything you still needed to send by mail my landlady although very kind is about a thousand years old because of that she doesn't have a website or even a PayPal account and requires us to mail her a check for rent every month inter busybody busybody apparently had too much time and too little sense and liked to harass anyone she had authority over at any opportunity one month she saw me drop my rent check in the outgoing mail bin and was at my desk faster than I thought a 300-pound lady could even move the rules say the mailbox is only for work-related mail why are you sending the letter to someone in the next suburb / um because I always do because I have for a year and a half now and no one said anything well it's against the rules no personal mail show me that rule so she waddled me over to her desk where she already had the internal company website pulled up to the page on the mail room sure enough no personal mail well thank you for letting me know busybody could you send me the link to this page little ahead Lee it was sitting in my inbox by the time I got back linked to the web page this constitutes a written warning and threat of a write up if I was caught breaking company policy again it was obvious what I had to do from then on I watched that mailbox like a hawk any time I saw a personal letter in there I pulled it out and placed it on this sender's desk along with a copy of busybodies email with her name and company email splashed across the header in fact I was so worried about this flagrant violation of the rules that after a couple of days I decided to start checking the mailboxes in other departments and then on the other floors I wouldn't want anyone else to make such an embarrassing mistake after all about a week later the company's website was updated to clarify that personal mail was allowed if under blah blah blah size and weight no one said a word to me but I'm told busybody god King - all I know is she gave me this stink eye every time she saw me until she transferred out of the department this is what you call fighting fire with gasoline our next reddit post is from Bane Williams to set the scene I had minor surgery in the morning kidney stones aren't fun and decided that it would probably be best to burr to an appointment instead of drive for most of the uber drive everything goes relatively peacefully we're about two minutes out and everything has been going as expected what I wasn't expecting was for some roided-up stress head in a four-wheel drive to have an insecure masculinity meltdown traffic is a little backed up and my uber driver does a socially frowned upon but not illegal maneuver as we're stopped to let turning traffic have unrestricted access to a side road not something we have to do as it's not an actual intersection the uber driver notices that the guy in the right lane has done the same because the gap in front of him is too small for his giant four-wheel drive she indicates takes the opening and then is immediately honked at by the four-wheel drive she looks confused at me and asked if she did anything wrong I shook my head we're approaching the lights that caused the backup and our emotionally-stunted four-wheel drive owner speeds violently into the lights right turning lane screaming at us through his car giving us the finger though works I laugh the uber driver ignores it as we continue up to the lights going straight on the four-wheel driver owner slams his four-wheel drive into the straight lane with no warning or indication and slams his brakes on it's worth noting that this was done at a well surveilled set of lights he's in front of us and brake checks us again as we cross over the lights and then he turns off on to the next side street the side street I was going to get my over driver to drop me off on I get her to go one street further up in u-turn so as to not antagonize the clearly angry driver and give him time to get ahead she agrees does the u-turn then turns into the side street only guess what's at the entrance of the street the four-wheel drive my eyes roll into the back of my head as I realized there's a pretty solid likelihood this dude is going to come over and try and abuse us the uber driver drops me off and ass nervously do you want me to hang around but I shake my head I get my phone out and hit record just in case and sure enough as my first steps down the street happen mister I purchase large cars to make up for deficiencies elsewhere is coming over he's Greek or Lebanese I can tell right away the clothes the annoyed strut the glasses the skin tone sure enough he starts right away being verbally aggressive and his accent confirms my suspicions for eight minutes I let him go complaining all about her driving but when I bring up his own actually illegal actions he says so what he tells me he doesn't care if I'm recording does the short man syndrome thing of entering my personal space and calling me tough because I'm big and telling me how hard he is for doing four years in prison and then makes a fatal mistake he tells me to call the cops so I do he's standing there riled up a mixture of nervous and self-righteous energy except I tell the police immediately that I arrived at the location via an uber and was being harassed when I mentioned the word uber his head tilts and when I explained his actions as well as him admitting to them on camera he looks surprised and then concerned and then he runs to his car but not before I can relate to the operator his license-plate police arrived later and I showed them the video footage of the altercation I didn't think anything serious would happen most likely just to fine unless he done this kind of thing before turned out he had done worse he had been involved in a non fatal hit-and-run where the police were only able to get a description of the vehicle and of the driver he was sentence just last week six months not much as it was his first offense at least now when he tells folks he spent time in prison he won't actually be lying and then incredibly opie includes audio of the altercation he didn't post the entire fight but just enough to give you an idea of how much of a douchebag this guy is and for bonus malicious compliance you can hear in the audio the guy's like hey can I record you and the guys like I don't care if you record me yeah I don't know huh and then later on the guys like who gave you permission to record me and the guys like you did so it's malicious compliance on top of malicious compliance god you gotta love it cut me off and you wanna come in here [ __ ] start trouble excuse me I'm going through this [ __ ] building drop whoosh aah yeah I'm right oh yeah yeah yeah mate yeah I think the cook yeah oh good on your mind so what's the problem exactly so you cut me off so hang on no no me - hang on I've got a [ __ ] him dude - can you cut me off so cut me off she didn't indicate for a start she didn't know she [ __ ] didn't say so for a start I'm supposed to change [ __ ] lanes in the intersection sorry hang on how about this mate yeah when you got into that turning lane what about it and then you went out of that train without a [ __ ] indicator all right a delight what about it might I can pull that away call the cops pull the [ __ ] cops call him call him call him buddy what you think cuz you're [ __ ] big buddy I'll come up a lot trap them worse in four years in prison you think I give a [ __ ] about you pull the cops in only four years and call the quarter cup chain call cop Jim never got my [ __ ] permission to take my footage okay I understand it don't you [ __ ] meeting because she may be inferred yeah okay you can feel me [ __ ] take the camera out you know what you can film this I heard of a [ __ ] man I'll tell you what all right you learn how to draw and when he when he didn't like a scientist elated that was our slash malicious compliance and if you want to maliciously comply hit the like and subscribe buttons
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,048,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: UdQxHrbR6Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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