r/Entitledparents Little Girl BEATS UP Entitled Boy

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a woman tries to turn a teenage girl into a prostitute for her son about a week ago there was a raffle of my sister school and the winner gets a $100 prepaid gift card that you can use anywhere the tickets were five bucks each or five for $20 I only bought one while this woman bought five and I ended up winning the gift card after grabbing the gift card and talking to my sister and parents for a few minutes I stepped out of the gymnasium to get a drink at the vending machine we're entitled mother came up to me hey would you be able to give me that gift card I'm short on money and my son really needs it tomorrow no sorry I stepped around her and started walking back to the gymnasium when she hustled in front of me I told you I need it right yeah so pass it here she opened her hand out no it's mine I want it if you were short on money then you shouldn't have dropped 20 bucks into a raffle I stepped around her again when she grabbed my arm saying give it here or I'll tell the constable you're assaulting me go write the duck ahead there's a camera right there her face went completely red because her plan just fell apart and she told me to go duck yourself and she stomped off some people are just terrible this lady put her hands on a kid on school property she's lucky she's the one who didn't get arrested our next reddit post is from misc Adam if you're nasty this all happened around 10 years ago and takes place over the course of the absolute worst months of my life I had just turned 18 at the time and thanks to my mom's gambling addiction we lost the house that I lived in my entire life almost right after we lost the house a family friend offered to let us stay at her house with her families since her and her husband had a few extra rooms we move into their very large house and at first things were great the family consisted of the entitled parents and their entitled kid who was the same age as me all of them were understanding and nice at first offering to let me my mom stay for as long as it would take to get us back on our feet entitled mother even got me my first job working as a volunteer at a bingo hall it was all under the table kind of money but I didn't care since it was money in my pocket that my mom couldn't or wouldn't provide me entitled parents had been family friends for a very long time and are absolutely in hammered with the idea of me and entitled kid getting together and have been ever since we were little they constantly made comments like look at the beautiful couple you two look so great together or we'll give you lovebirds and privacy whenever we're in the same place together despite me stating several times that I didn't like him in that way they were determined to try to get us to work like some kind of arranged marriage I think that really fed into entitled kids ego because about a month into my stay this is when the first incident happened we were walking down the hall when he smacks my butt from out of nowhere I really freaked out and went off on him yelling cursing and giving him a few shoves our parents came upstairs to see what all the yelling was about and we ended up getting separated I tell my mom what happened and she responds by telling me it wasn't a big deal and to not rock the boat while we were living there entitled kid eventually gives some half-hearted apology to me at dinner and his dad makes some joke about how he's relieved that he's finally taking an interest in girls since they were starting to think he was gay things proceeded to escalate from there any chanse entitled kid got he would make lewd comments or find some way to grope me every time I went to his parents it was always hand waved away as boys will be boys or he probably didn't mean it that way that he was a really sweet guy deep down and I should get to know him better on one occasion entitled dad told me that I should be flattered my mom was content to not do anything enjoying the freeloading that got to feed her addiction too much and telling me to stop playing hard to get one day entitled kid puts a hand down my shirt as I'm sitting on the couch and I started yelling at him about how I'm sick of him doing stuff like this and to never do it again but he gave me the most terrifying glare and told me shut up you live in my house after that I was so terrified of being alone with him that I would stay after school for as long as I could until I was asked to leave and if I ever had to go back to the house for any reason I would just hide in my room with the door locked and wouldn't come out until I knew other people were around since I didn't know if one day he was just going to force himself on me fast forward a few months and I'm told not asked that I'm going with entitled kid as his date to his senior prom which is in a week entitled parents are super excited and told me that we'll have the whole house to ourselves that night after we come back from the dance I very quickly shut that down and tell them that I am NOT going because of how entitled kid treats me and entitled parents spend the rest of the day doing everything they can to compel me first they tried telling me money isn't an issue how they'll pay for my dress and ticket when that doesn't work they try to guilt-trip me telling me how they asked me for so little and how this is the least I can do and how much entitled kid would love it finally my mom eventually hears about it after she comes home from the casino and she's pissed she tells me how I need to go how it's such a big opportunity for the both of us and how I need to tell the entitled parents that I changed my mind I refuse and the day after entitled kids prom is over entitled parents sent me down to my mom for a talk they start implementing new rules about how they now expect us to pitch in for all the amenities how we're expected to buy our own food and how they're going to start charging us for rent before all this they were very adamant about us not paying for anything wanting us to save money to get back on our feet even without my mom spending half of all our checks at the casino there was no way for us to afford what they were asking and they subsequently gave us a month to find our own place and move out we ended up moving out to live in a sketchy neighborhood with some guy my mom was dating whom she met at the casino my mom blamed me for the entire thing saying I blew it golden opportunity for both of us how I basically throw away a great future that was all laid out for me because I wouldn't dance and put out that cut me pretty deeply and I still get angry thinking about it to this day a few months later I graduated but my mom didn't show up to the ceremony I came back to my house and all my stuff was sitting on the curb next to the trash and had been thoroughly picked through I found out my key doesn't work anymore and nobody is picking up their phone I ended up waiting till about 3:00 in the morning for them to come back from the casino and my mom tells me in so many words that I'm on my own now nothing I say changes her mind and I eventually pack what little of my stuff is left into her car I spent the next month or two couchsurfing or sleeping in my car while trying to pick up as many days as I could at work eventually I managed to save up enough to move into my first apartment with a roommate I haven't spoken to my mom or the entitled parents since then but recently my mom left me a voicemail asking if we could talk since she didn't like the way we left things since then she's been blowing up my phone every day I don't plan on ever taking her call okay that story was a little dark I tell you you have an incredible backbone to stand up to three separate parents and your friend all pressuring you to basically prostitute yourself for rent money in any event I'm glad you're out of that toxic situation our next reddit post is from of a so this is a story that happened to my friend this year and I'm honestly so shocked by this so basically my friend is a regular good student at school has amazing after-school activities and his student government president she also has a perfect SAT score it's been my friend's dream to go to Cornell both her parents went and she's been in love with it for years now enter entitle mom and entitled son my friend's mother gets a call on her mobile from the entitled mom basically it goes like this hi are you friends mom yes what do you need friend is applying to Cornell early decision right yes she is why can she please withdraw her application nice son is applying there and we went there to be less competition for him if you agree to pay my daughter's full tuition wherever she goes sure excuse me my friend's mom just hung up on her my friend is still applying to Cornell hopefully she gets in rather than this entitled mom spawn so is anyone else imagining this entitled son to be Andy Bernard from the office our next reddit post is from EC McKee I do Jiu Jitsu a form of martial arts where we do sparring punching slash kicking grappling like wrestling and self-defense I was big for my age five foot six by grade eight and despite how I looked size one I was really heavy because I was buff AF still buff but I've got hips now so not only was I significantly taller than all the other girls in my class but outweighed them as well it's also worth mentioning in this story that Opie is a girl I was also really good I moved up the belts quickly and in two years I'd earned every youth belt and was now on mine junior black which is the same as an adult orange but I was still in the kids class since I was only thirteen late birthday well a new kid joins and he'd been in a different gym before and was one belt below me so while I had junior black he had junior Brown during our opening you line up to bow based on belt rank and the highest is the one that greets a teacher I always change at the gym since I had drama club before so when I first meet the new kid I was in street clothing he started going on about how great he was etc and could teach me something I thought cool he's from a different gym so he must know different combos and stuff I run down to the change room and get dressed and join the other kids in the line he's at the head of the line and I step in front of them um the highest belt goes first yeah I'm a black in your Brown so I go first what no I'm supposed to be the highest I shrugged into the opening like I was supposed to cuz I'm a keener and always want to be on the good side of my teachers this happens for every class other roles of the highest builder to get the gear up for the others helped lead warm up and be used when the teacher shows a new technique I do it all since I'm the highest belt now when it came to sparring and grappling we often had odd numbers so I would work with the teacher and he would show me new advanced stuff because due to my size when I compete I often went against people much older than me or I worked with new white belt and showed them the basics as I could be trusted to go easy and also knew my stuff this only made entitled kid angrier as I got special attention which i 100% did but I also went out of my way and came earlier stayed late to practice so my teacher knew I was serious and treated accordingly skip ahead and it's grading entitled kid was there and was going for his junior black I was there to help and be the dummy for him to show his techniques on after that when he was leaving he told me not to get used to being top belt since now we would be the same little did he know all the kids left and the adults came for the grading I stayed I was going for my adult green what entitled kid didn't know was that when I worked one-on-one with the teachers I was learning stuff from the adult class my goal was that by the time I hit high school I would move to the adult class so I wanted to learn as much as possible now bell presentation comes and we line up and are all handed our belts entitled kid gets his junior black so now we have the same a junior black is equal to an adult orange entitled kid looked at me with a smirk like he was going to be the new top dog then I got my adult green and the smirk was gone that day his mom was there I still remember what happened cuz I was so pissed that they treated me like garbage due to a stupid reason teacher how is it that she has a higher belt in my son he's now a black belt is that not the best well yes and no in the kids class a junior black is the highest but after that there are the adult belts and Opie is working in her adult belts that's not right this is a kids class she can't do that yeah unfortunately due to her age she is too young for the adult class still she wants to learn well then teach my son so they're the same do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for him to have such a scrawny girl ahead of him he is a man you understand no I don't since you see the highest ranking teacher here is actually a woman and the world gold medalist for grappling she only does adult classes and has actually taken a special interest in Opie that's not fair boys are the strongest ones if you feel that way then I suggest you leave fine but she better not be ahead of my son anymore it's not right and guess what it wasn't I got moved up to the adult class early the highest ring teacher was actually the smallest lady ever but knew all of these crazy submission techniques and taught me to them since compared to the adults I was so small think over 30 years old and all a minimum of 200 pounds I learned more advanced skills that were only done in the adult class on the last Friday the adults would go out after and get drinks no one from the kids class was invited and none of their own children came but little Opie was right there having a coke while they drank beers I was quickly adopted by the older guys and when we went out they told the servers a crazy story about how we were all actually one big family and each time the roles changes with me always being someone's daughter with kick bud teaching being my mom so I never paid for my drinks or food entitled kid caught wind that I was in the adult class and was now going to special events and training like what to do in a knife fight and both Hina's mom were pissed when his mom demanded that entitled kid also joined the adult class early they were told no and sorry you said you didn't want her standing before entitled kid in line and in the adult class entitled kid would be the last rank belt so he'd be at the end anyways I only saw entitled kid and his mom one other time and that was at a tournament where I destroyed him then someone down in the comments asked Opie how she won the fight basically I did a throw where I pulled on top of his shirt while kicking him in the stomach and throwing him over my shoulder so in the end he flipped and I was on top of him where I finished him off with a neck hold so he tapped out before he passed out it was a very quick fight and I took home first place that day Opie girl power man that was a delight to read if boys are stronger why did you get your butt handed to you that was our slash entitled parents and if you liked this video hit that subscribe button because I put out new videos every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: YbaMQXb0bvg
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Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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