r/Maliciouscompliance I Foiled My Landlord With Tons of Gay P**n

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today's video is sponsored by expressvpn welcome to r slash malicious compliance where op uses gay porn to fight back against his toxic landlord her next reddit post is from username tim about five years ago i was the office guy for a small lumber mill my direct supervisor was the general manager but the owner was also pretty hands on the mill wasn't generating as much profit as the owner believed that it could he was probably right the guy was smart as a whip with over 60 years of experience one of the things the owner tried to do was hire an outside consultant to try and find ways that we could safely increase productivity and cut expenses the consultant had owned and operated his own mill and also had a ludicrous amount of experience one of the things the consultant had been pushing for was running the mill into over time he thought that we could increase productivity without incurring more expenses than we gained my boss asked me to run an analysis of how much we would gain or lose if we ran over time i did the math and gave him the results and even in the best case every minute of overtime would result in a net loss to the company this report had taken me several hours as i wanted to be sure i gave him the right answer my boss took my report nodded and the next day we announced that we would be running the mill in overtime two weeks later when i prepared the end of the month financial statements it showed a large loss i was quietly seething since i felt like i'd been asked a pointless question my time wasted and my input ignored but looking back on it with significantly more experience i think i know what happened i think my boss was bothered by the consultant who had come in to tell him how to do his own job and then gave him bad advice the owner wouldn't listen to my boss telling him that we didn't need a consultant so my boss did exactly what the consultant suggested and let the owner judge for himself as far as my report went i think he just wanted to make sure it wouldn't cost us too much when he pulled the trigger tom if you're reading this i'm sorry i was resentful about the whole affair for the past five years my bad our next credit post is from machiavelli my husband chad is naturally a better decorator than many professional designers who have their own shows years ago when he lived in an apartment complex the rental office staff became aware of how beautifully he decorated his apartment it really was award-winning literally anyway the apartment manager notified chad that his apartment was to be the model going forward chad was not happy with his development strangers moving through his personal areas going through his things possibly stealing things unacceptable the apartment manager was quick to mention that this was part of chad's lease suddenly an idea occurred to chad chad asked the apartment manager are you allowed to move or cover up anything in my apartment the apartment manager responded no sir we're not allowed to touch move rearrange or cover up anything thank you chad put up every piece of mail erotica that he possessed and he even bought more posters figurines serious art even a pile of magazines found out on the coffee table like some kind of doctor's office chad called the rental office and warned them against bringing anyone into his apartment who was a kid or squeamish about the male body the rental office immediately sent over one of their maintenance men to confirm check and mate what's funny about this is them sending over a maintenance man sounds like the setup for some kind of porno video and down in the comments we have this story from just no throw away i once toured an apartment complex and the apartment we toured was decorated with dildos head penis light switches which was impressive and disgusting and was just gross in general there were dirty clothes everywhere cigarette butts on the floor and the tenants were just plopped on the couch and t-shirts and underwear it would have been bad enough if we'd been warned and still chose to go in but the management didn't say anything until after the tour at that point they said sorry they're always like that but they're the easiest to deal with like what you knew what we were walking into and said nothing in advance okay bye we will not need a card or brochure or anything we will not be living here yeah and what's even more disturbing about that story is that if these people are easy to deal with what about the rest of the neighbors it seems like if you chose to live there your other neighbors would just be an absolute nightmare to deal with so you made the right call opie our next reddit post is from baguio briarley so i work a full-time shift job where we change between two positions based on the day and hours one shift is monday to friday 6am to 6pm the other shift was weekend nights and public holidays we receive weekly rosters to show us where we're working and the company faces heavy fines if a position is unmanned i knew that a public holiday was coming up but the roster only had me on the regular day shift i approached the manager and explained and she said that she would check it out by the way i was told by our head office that i would be the manager when the old manager quit and while i was away on holiday they hired this girl who had zero experience as a manager or on site meanwhile i've been working this site for eight years and had been the assistant manager so i was not inclined to put myself out to cover her or the company when i came in for my next shift i found a note from her that said it just followed the roster even though i knew that it was wrong sure thing i spent 12 hours watching movies and doing absolutely nothing at two and a half times pay i literally took my shoes off and spent the day with my feet up on the desk the company got a ten thousand dollar fine for not having the other position manned and the manager got blasted for not using common sense our next reddit post is from the book man cometh this incident took place in india in the early 90s the school where my sister and i had studied was in my hometown we knew almost all the teachers since they were practically our neighbors around the time when i graduated from school the principal retired and the vice principal took over as the principal the vice principal was also from the same town and for some unknown reason had some sort of grudge against my father in local gatherings he would always try to belittle my father at any opportunity my father would normally let it pass since he knows that getting into silly arguments with such a bully is totally unproductive when my sister and i joined the school my father was required to pay a refundable deposit of 5 000 rupees per child which would be returned when the kid graduated from school back in the 90s 10 000 rupees was a lot of money i graduated in 1989 when my father inquired about the refund the vice principal informed him that since my sister would be graduating in one year both the deposits would be returned together so when my sister graduated from school my father requested the school refund both of the deposits there was no response even after two weeks and my father personally went to the school to demand a refund the vp of being an egotistical bully started arguing with my father stating that the school can't refund the deposits the argument became very heated and the vice principal outright refused and said we are not returning the deposits do what you can you can take us to court if you want my father went silent left the school came home sat down with my mom and went through all the school-related documents my mom had kept he found the receipts for the deposits and took them to his lawyer friends my dad informed his friends whose kids were going to the same school about the issue the lawyer filed the case and took the school to court the school couldn't provide any reason for withholding the deposits and fighting with the parents so my dad won the school was instructed to pay back the deposits with interest and the court dues my father's friends who were in the pta took up the issue in the subsequent pta meeting and made sure this would never happen again other parents who were owed deposits but had forgotten about them started claiming them paying back all those parents cost the school a ton of money our next reddit post is from texas ford tough way back in 2013 i was a sophomore in high school we had a tradition that on fridays the cheerleaders football players band members and other performing groups were their uniforms to class this wasn't a written tradition and only the cheerleaders and dance team's uniforms broke the dress code so nobody really batted an eye to it i wasn't a skirt person but i like dresses once in a while i grew up in texas and it gets extremely hot in august and september so one time while wearing a casual sundress in september i was pulled out of class and reprimanded because the end of my dress was four inches above the knee when the dress code said no shorter than two inches above the knee i pointed out the cheerleader and dance team uniforms every friday and how they reached mid-thigh at their longest but i was told that was okay because students can wear facial school uniforms and i was sent home to change clearly somehow someone had forgotten that i was on the golf team immediately my mind was turning to next friday the school had recently upgraded the golf team uniforms a year prior and the girls team uniform consisted of a short sleeve colored polo shirt and a skort if you don't know what a skort is it's essentially a skirt combined with short shorts they look like a skirt but they essentially act like built-in bike shorts and those things were short i'd argue shorter than the average cheerleader skirt so three days later on friday to my parents surprise i was ready to go to school that morning in my golf uniform i explained to my parents that on fridays we can wear our uniforms to class and they accepted without question and took me to school well by second period i was sent to the office yet again and the first thing the assistant principal asked me was why i would deliberately disobey her right after our last conversation and threaten me with school suspension she said i'll never get anywhere in life without listening blah blah blah when i finally had a chance to get a word in i said but this is my school golf uniform and i pointed to our school's logo that was sewn into my polo shirt you said that students can wear official school uniforms to class why are the cheerleader uniforms okay and mine isn't this isn't even a skirt it's a skort it has pants i still remember how pissed off she was she stared me down for what seemed like a millennia then she snapped and told me to get out of her office and go sit in the lobby area she said that i knew what she meant and she would be calling my parents about this blatant disrespect so i waited and played on my ipod and chatted with a nice secretary trying to keep myself distracted because in reality i was trying really hard not to cry i had massive anxiety when it came to authority but i still had my naive sense of injustice and i just didn't want to let this go after about 20 minutes she popped her head out and in a very monotone voice told me that i could go back to class and to let the teachers know i got permission from the front office to wear my uniform then she went back into her office and closed the door before i could even think to respond i spent the rest of the day dealing with teachers questioning me about my outfit and i even had one or two teachers calling the front office to double check my claim that i had in fact gotten permission and i went to golf practice after school as normal before being carpooled back home my dad met me at the front door with a small smirk i asked him when the world happened because i knew that he was the go-to contact for the school so i knew that she called him he explained that when she called him and tried to get him to pick me up from school and talk about punishments for my insubordination he immediately began to argue with her and he raised his voice quite a bit asking why i wasn't allowed to wear my sport uniform that the school provided to me as a dress requirement to my golf practice and he mentioned taking this all the way up to the school board and resolving this obvious favoritism he then asked me not to do it again but that he was proud of me and he told me i know i told you to never start a fight but to always fight back i always meant physically fight back but you really took my advice op props to you for sticking up for yourself and props to your dad for having your back as well he could have thrown you to the wolves but he didn't our next writer posters from citizen alpha there are a handful of rules around saluting people in the american military the when why and how of saluting is drilled into you from boot camp until the day that you leave even the order in which people give salutes has meaning when it comes to vehicles there are helpful insignias and stickers to indicate if it's an officer such as a colored sticker located on the front of the windshield my base was small enough where it was everyone's job at some point to do sentry duty at the front gate that had housing for military families sentry duty was pretty basic you'd stop every vehicle check ids and then wave them through if they were an officer you'd see it coming with those colored stickers and after verifying the identity of the officer you'd salute them and send them on their way one day while on duty i approached a vehicle with an officer sticker and there was only the officer's wife driving the vehicle i returned her id wished her a nice day and waved her through pausing with a stern look she said where's my salute petty officer op now karen here was the wife of a high-ranking officer and had clearly fallen under the impression somewhere along the way that people were supposed to salute her some of the junior enlisted people might have even been saluting her as they're pretty easy to bully and more prone to screw-ups i politely replied ma'am salutes are only rendered to commissioned officers karen angrily points her chubby little fingers at the front of her windshield towards her husband's officer sticker i have a sticker and you need to salute the sticker currently i continued i'm afraid that sticker isn't an officer either frustrated she pulled through and left my post me and my cover guy the guy keeping me safe with a big gun watched her drive down the street and pull right into the administrative building with the top brass and then she huffed into the building as quickly as her soft body would take her we exchange a look between us with ryze smiles knowing exactly where this is probably going later that day we get a new official base wide mandate from now on all enlisted personnel will salute vehicle stickers of officers regardless of who's in the vehicle roger that this is where the malicious compliance comes in it's worth noting that when you salute an officer you do it first and you hold that salute until your solution return and they lower theirs only then do you lower your salute it signals that you're saluting them and they're replying additionally when saluting a group of officers you generally direct your salute and greeting to the highest ranking individual now as far as i know this stupid sticker salute order has no accommodation for how a 2004 toyota camry fits into the officer's pecking order additionally if the car isn't occupied it's not like that sticker is removed after that order came through we all began saluting stickers personally i would direct my salute to the sticker i would also prioritize sticker salutes over officers let me tell you walking through parking lots was a blast because i saluted empty cars on my way to wherever other people saw me doing it and so more and more people started doing it also not long after the order was publicly rescinded and hilariously they added a new rule that you should never salute anyone except for a clearly known officer thus cementing karen never getting another salute in her life down in the comments steaming the cat adds this i'm picturing a group of officers meeting on an otherwise routine morning why is nothing getting done where are all the enlisted people they eventually find all the enlisted on base saluting a sticker on a 2004 camry some have been there for hours why because the sticker has yet to salute them back or dismiss them every single thing you do online is monitored yes even the things you do late at night when you think that no one is watching well really someone's watching even if that someone is in isp harvesting all of your personal data do you really want all those companies out there knowing that you do searches for giant anime titties or hot step moms or whatever no of course not which is why you should use a vpn service when i go online i use expressvpn which reroutes my connection through a different server so my isp can't see what i'm doing and on top of that using a vpn will give you access to content that you normally couldn't see due to your location did you know that on netflix youtube and pretty much every other platform out there there's content that you can't see based on where you are well with expressvpn you don't have that problem you can just change your vpn location and voila unlock all that content so between protecting your data and unlocking extra content expressvpn is a win-win you can get three months of expressvpn for free by going to expressvpn.com r that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 494,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: vLkNNS8UK6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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