r/Niceguys VS r/Nicegirls "He's Cheating on Me with His Cat!"

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welcome to our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls where we find out who's creepier so be sure to let me know down in the comments if you think nice guys are creepier or nice girls are creepier and we're gonna kick things off with our slash nice girls how tall are you how big are your tits thank you for failing my test my boyfriend is conducting a study on toxic men and how they get really defensive when asked about their height and tend to try to offend women by asking about commonly known insecurities in women like weight or degrading them by asking about their chest size that's what you did thank you for being a part of the examples of what not to do I hope you become less toxic one day the irony here is palpable why don't any buff guys at the gym talk to me I think I'm a pretty cute girl but all the guys seem so focused on their workouts like seriously guys lady a gym isn't a place to pick up girls it's a place to pick up weights hey blink I had a nice time on our date but I don't know if I felt a spark sorry to let you down XO yeah no worries honestly I felt the same but I did have a nice time hope you enjoyed your coffee WTF ah ha ha ha pathetic pretending you don't care just cuz you didn't get a chance with me lo effing man-whore I hope your neck girlfriend gives you aids okay I see I dodged a bullet have a wonderful evening bro you didn't dodge a bullet you dodged a nuke why don't people like me though I'm so nice and giving I'm pretty I'm nice I'm fun I am outgoing I'm funny you're conceited posted on the atheist verses Christians debate central Facebook group I have been dating this guy but he has a cat that he's had for a few years and personally I think he's way too attached to it and affectionate about it sometimes he'll get home and sees his cat and goes there's my girl and better when I'm like right there in the same room this just seems like way too much attention for a grown man to be lavishing on a cat of all things do you think I could suggest he'd get rid of it take a second breathe then think you're jealous of a cat and she thinks he's the one with a problem I was trying to come up with a phrase like bros before hos but for pets and all I can come up with is these before [ __ ] so it doesn't really work as much as I'm happy for them this is a reminder that average looking guys don't one average-looking girls they want model tier girls and they don't care if she's a piece of garbage and treats them like garbage because apparently as long as she's hot he's satisfied even if she beats him or cheats on him behind his back most of the guys I know are average looking and they all go for the most attractive but sucky girls while telling girls like me to go away are slash nice girls I've never seen one in the wild holy cow now this is wild article from the Sun woman cent man a hundred and fifty nine thousand texts and broke into his home naked after one date so if you're wondering how someone sends 150 thousand texts someone did the math down in the comments it was over a ten-month period that's seventy three hundred hours let's say she sleeps a seven hour day so that leaves her five thousand one hundred and seventy hours to send the text averages at about thirty texts an hour dedication but easily done especially as I'm assuming she wasn't sending full paragraphs with an introduction middle and conclusion each time I hope she was on an unlimited text playing with her phone network can you imagine the cost so that comes out to about one text every two minutes from this woman for ten straight months on this next post this woman had nine affair during their relationship and marriage and after the divorce she sends Opie this subject question Patrick can you please answer this honestly besides me being a manipulative liar and a [ __ ] what was wrong with me honestly lady it sounds like you kind of finished out that list yourself user earn Bruce at it best besides what's wrong with me what's wrong with me on this next post Opie is a competitive bodybuilder so this just happened why did she have to bring up my little steroid though good morning I saw you at Walgreens this morning I was the blonde behind you in the checkout lane just wanted to say that you hot as heck hit me up if you want to chill how did you get my number you gave it to the lady at the register for your rewards or whatever do you want to get breakfast or something or just hang out super flattered but pretty darn creeped out as well no thank you have a great day whatever don't need to be a butthole jerk you probably got a little steroid dick anyway I really wish the guy behind her in the checkout line would randomly message her and see how she responded that I send my boyfriend a screenshot of it showing he's active now on Instagram saying he's a liar for saying he's going to sleep too then refresh it two minutes later and it says active 20 minutes ago help I'm a psycho gonna be single when he wakes up lady if looking at a few memes on the internet before you go to sleep is grounds for breaking up then literally everyone on earth would be single to be honest it's been a long time since I saw you I miss you haha it's been a long time how's your girlfriend doing she's good that's good she's lucky to have you I'm lucky to have her too low I mean it though we'd be good together I think if you guys ever broke it off what I just mean like if you ever get tired of her I bet you and I would be good too there I appreciate a nice girl all set on partners though thanks Lowell what do you think we wouldn't be I don't feel one way or the other about it what I do know is that I love my girlfriends and I'm content with this relationship right now so you honestly don't think you'd be better off with me I've literally been your friend for years how long have you known your girlfriend a year tell me why she's better than me I need this to stop now please oh you owe me an explanation we've been friends since high school I've been so nice to you what was it all for holy cow nice girl I don't owe you anything you clearly think we're closer than we are and I assumed we were friends because friendship I I don't know what to say I would give you anything in the world how about how about personal space why can't you do this one thing for me it would be absolutely amazing what are you talking about and by the way your girlfriend is not that attractive you can do way better do what for you leave my girlfriend whom I love dearly you've got a very warped sense of how relationships work you know what screw it I am way more attractive than what you deserve I was just trying to be nice you don't deserve me happy idiots you seem to think you're entitled to a boyfriend and that's just really screwed up nice girl you know what screwed up is me being nice to you and other guys and just having them go for easy R word girls who just want to have intercourse and move on no one appreciates good real people like me who have amazing personalities and would literally do anything for their partners sorry butthole but you missed out big time because honestly if you went on literally one date with me you'd see how good things could be we could even have intercourse on the first date bet your girlfriend wouldn't let you do that I spent years in high school being your friend even though let's be honest the stuff you do is boring you're not as talented at violin as you think you are our word I just pretended because I wanted you to feel good because I'm a nice person and I do kind things for other people but then you won't even do anything for me all I wanted was one date that's it but now you don't even get that so have fun with your sucky life and your easy girlfriends I can't deal with this stuff anymore men can f off you included it's like your mouth is falling down the stairs eat a dick I am sorry I shouldn't have said those things please forgive me just one day that's all I need a smiley face heart next we're gonna move over to our / nice guys a magnet only attracts medals things of its same nature if all the guys you keep getting are trash then there must be something similar in you that's attracting them cuz as far as I'm concerned I'm a decent man fix yourself on tea and decent people will come to you but magnets are attracted by opposites literally everyone knows that except for this one dude apparently literally everyone knows that hey where are you from India what about you oh that's such a nice place I'm from Florida u.s. it is and that's cool where'd you find my profile from though from a meme page I think you left a comment there okay cool okay anyway are you single um yeah that's great can I get your number would love to chat more with you you seem like such a funny and nice person um I'm sorry but we don't even know each other so I feel a bit uncomfortable about sharing my number with you hope you understand uh just like every other girl LMFAO I was just being nice and Compline in you but you had to be an effing jerk why can't girls just accept compliments and be nice back to nice guys and now you leave on scene what an ungrateful turd I was being nice and polite but you can't even return the favor I know right I shouldn't leave you on scene let me just block you instead mr. nice guy I like how he criticizes every other girl it's like that old saying if you walk down the street and bump into a butthole then you met a butthole but if you walk down the street and everyone is a butthole then you're the butthole hey gorgeous one a bang ooh gross no ha ha Wow I even called you gorgeous ok and this guy's like gosh how many compliments do I have to pay to bang some girl to see a therapist you'll get better don't worry engineering is a degree for men women can't handle it or keep their emotions in check to do one class women are the lesser gender they cannot be trusted with important tasks lmao I want to see you blow up you are bound to write like paragraphs whoa insecure woman you will have some trouble in the world if you believe you struggled from a light comment about women that is clearly not sexist is it racist if I say black guys play NBA 2k more than other races it's not and it's just a fact it doesn't make me racist against Blacks it's just a comment on statistics you hide your uncontrolled emotions by telling yourself people are saying comments personal to you they aren't no one is intentionally sex as most of the time in 2019 I believe the me2 movement has taught the remaining men who are sexist however by the way you reacted I honestly and in the realest way possible truly believe you're a grunt this guy says that women can't control their emotions and she's gonna write some long response and this guy proceeds to lose his emotions and write some long response I am an outstanding member of society I know how to treat decent people okay and so am i but doesn't mean I want random guys messaging me saying ding and you really got it dialed in I find that beyond disrespectful I never asked what you wanted so you just assumed because that's what you sent me nothing was assumed so don't message random girls good bye if you message me again I'm going to report you have you stupid woman I hope you die go kill yourself look who needs the people skills now put the gun in your mouth and point it up and in case you weren't counting it took five messages to go from I know how to treat decent people to put the gun in your mouth and point it up delete this post you are shaming this beautiful female and it isn't right females need to be respected and taken care of they don't deserve to be humiliated like this consider this your last warning delete this post or face my wrath if any female is reading this and feels threatened by this sea of misogyny then don't hesitate to send me a private message I'll take you under my cloak and protect you it's sad all she needed to do was avoid men like this but alas they like guys like this it's a turn-on all he needs to do was not murder her nice victim-blaming dude but he did all her fault sadly would you say the same if she killed him then wouldn't happen yeah why don't women go for nice guys like you exactly it's all my lady viewers out there you gotta be careful according to this guy if you get murdered well it's all your fault honestly you had it coming I'm looking for long-term so some rules one no kids I'm not looking to carry on some other guys save file to live in Essex three lefties and remainders are no sorry but not sorry traitors for have some God dang social skills I'm not gonna talk for both of us so step the eff up five if you keep saying we're all the good guys gone well that's because you act them all off for some F [ __ ] six if you get triggered by anything sexual jog on it's a relationship not a church if this is what this guy considers good social skills then I think a warm jar of mayonnaise would meet this guy standards I know you is your name blank top UTF low I guess it is you then who is this how the flip do you know my name it's blank I used to sit behind you in the evo module at the beginning of this year I'd hear you talk to your friend about your night terrors and your post history sounded just like you just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing oh okay this is a little odd what a small world I have the worst memory so I'm really sorry but I can't picture who you are did we chat much low no we didn't but I always made sure I sat behind you cuz you were so pretty and I love hearing the stories you told your friend they were so interesting okay I've gotta be honest this feels like an invasion of privacy whoa don't be like that babe you were in a public place you need to expect that people will listen to you especially when there is stunning is you nope I don't like this if you don't like your privacy being invaded you should be a bit nicer to me I could ducks you anytime I want what the f are you talking about whoa don't worry babe I'm just kidding I wouldn't do that I'm one of the good guys if you were with me I'd always sleep in bed with you and make sure I held you tight to keep the night terrors away I'd make you feel safe right I don't even know you and you're creeping me the flip out and just so you know it's a medical condition would you offer to hug away someone's diabetes please stop messaging me this is making me very uncomfortable dumb grunts can't appreciate it when a guy is nice to you you win John about night terrors and everyone knows they're just nightmares we all have nightmares you need to grow the F up you stupid woman hey babe just want to let you know that I've been physically and digitally stalking you for years hope this helps with your night terrors you're such a beautiful young lady wouldn't mind buying you at the slave trade winky smiley face what what you said you'd like dark jokes jerk I was just trying to be nice wrong person sorry I'm hungover by last night I didn't even know what kind of beauty I messed up with I'm actually a gentleman but you kind of look like the girl I tried to talk to what that was our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls and this is our slash puppy bloopers and broke into his home naked after dog so if you're wondering how someone sends 150 thousand texts they did the math down in the comments dog so if you're wondering how someone sends a hundred and fifty thousand texts what do you want puppies oh yeah thats 73 up dog oh oh yeah oh oh can I finish this post please is that okay with you that's seventy three hundred Tom
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,247,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, nicegirls, niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/niceguys, niceguys vs nicegirls, versus, vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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