r/Maliciouscompliance "I Want Cold, Hard Cash For X-mas" "LOL OK"

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance where a stuck up customer gets what's coming to him our next reddit post is from eric with a c we moved out of our apartment two months early since we couldn't get anyone to move in for just those two months we were on the hook for the two months of rent which was a fortune to port college students we were told by the on-site manager that we'd be responsible for the electricity bills in the apartment over the next two months despite already doing our official move out no they can't be changed back to the landlord's name fine i'll pay the electric bills but i'll make sure they're zero so when i left i turned off all the breakers i still had the keys because we were supposed to mail them back to the property manager at our expense since i guess he lives far away and only comes into town at the beginning and end of each semester a few days later we realized we'd forgotten some items in the bathroom and since the apartment was on my way to school i decided to swing by and grab them before mailing the keys back when i walked in i was startled to find someone inside it was the property owner with a box of tools looking very dirty apparently the hallway lights weren't working which is a violation of building safety codes and he couldn't figure out why the security system also seemed to be non-functional it looked like something had tripped all the breakers he said i said yeah that something was me because the electric bill was still in our name he pointed out that not powering the hallway light was a safety concern and also that having the power off could ruin the refrigerator i pointed out that i couldn't care less about the safety of an apartment that i didn't live in i already had to sign move out documents saying all the appliances were in good shape and also that him being there was technically a landlord violation since we were still paying rent and he hadn't given us notice that he'd be entering the apartment we looked at each other for a few seconds i was wondering if i was technically trespassing or not since i'd already signed moveout documents he was probably thinking about how much time he had wasted for something like 13 cents worth of electricity and how he couldn't really stop me from simply dropping by any day after school to turn the breakers off again finally he said that he'd take the electricity bill out of our name i grabbed my luffa left and didn't hear anything about it ever again most importantly i never paid another cent except of course two months of rent but small victories our next reddit post is from artificial serotonin i'm prefacing this story with the information that one my grandma has too much money two my grandma has too much time three my grandma has too much freezer space and four my grandma is super petty i have a cousin who's always wanted all sorts of interesting things for his birthday grandma loved that absolutely effing adored it she gave me a blow in the butt turtle ocarina ones and i love it that should explain her gifting style for you now as my cousin grew up he was less and less inclined to entertain my grandma's whimsical ideas and started requesting more mainstream presents grandma hated that and still found ways to make them whimsical you want a guitar okay but it'll have hippie wood burning patterns on it you want bed sheets sure thing but they'll have tie-dye prints all over and be made of silk if it was possible to make a gift whimsical grandma would do it we all knew this and started getting awfully specific in what we requested until one year my cousin threw his hands up and said i don't know just give me cold hard cash bad move very bad move my grandma has chest freezers the kind that are four feet deep four feet across and 12 feet long grandma also lives in a little foresty cottage plot which means grandma has access to all sorts of gardening tools and tinkers so grandma being grandma found a big bucket a huge amount of little plastic seed bags and got to work my cousin of course was very excited to finally get a normal gift and was grinning at grandma thinking he finally won the game that is until grandma brought out a 2 foot by two foot by two foot squared ice cube full of cash it wasn't frozen together either oh no grandma had gotten creative and layered the frickin ice gradually freezing the cash solidly throughout the entire cube this thing was icy white and dripping when she brought into the room and grandma proudly announced that since he wanted cold hard cash she gave him exactly that this mad woman froze the equivalent of 1 000 in the ice and mixed money there were coins and dollar bills and little seed bags near the center of the ice cube it took the block about a week to mill because my cousin's birthday is in january and his mother refused to let it melt in the house for fear of water damage so they put it in the garage where it slowly melted moral of the story don't screw with grandma and her whimsical presence our next reddit post is from burn the oil i'm a bartender at a little hole in the wall watering hole with a very regular and very loyal customer base i had last night off so i met up with a friend at another bar for a few drinks and some food after supper we decided to walk to the bar i work at to cap off the evening we get there and there's a good energy going on the music is a bit louder than usual and there's maybe 10 patrons in the bar we have this one customer who's extremely wealthy and it's nothing for him to spend two to four hundred dollars a night multiple times a week buying everyone rounds as such he's treated like royalty around here so i'm sitting there having a really good time enjoying a beer and decide that i want to add a song to the jukebox i grab a five dollar bill and walk over only to notice 63 credits showing on the screen no big deal i think i'll just put my five dollars in request a few songs and leave the 63 credits untouched but no our wealthy regular let's call him jack sees me perusing the jukebox and comes up and physically pushes me away from it i ask him what the f he's doing and he says those are his credits and no one's allowed to touch the jukebox until he's used them up i point out that i have my own five dollars and no intention of using any of his credits nope not good enough no one is allowed to touch it until he's done with him i know it's not worth arguing so i step back and he starts requesting songs till he's used up every single credit each song costs 2-5 credits so he's put in a lot of songs each song gives you the option to pay an extra 2 credits to have your song played next but i noticed that he wasn't using it this particular brand of jukebox has an accompanying phone app i didn't have it downloaded prior to last night but i do now i calmly sat down on my table with my friend and put my plan in motion i go to the app store find the app download it install it create an account and purchase ten dollars worth of credits i request two songs and pay the extra two credits to fast track them i sit there in quiet anticipation and i can see that jack is starting to get into the groove with the music he requested vietnam rock his heart gloriously sings when bomb bomb bombed by sam the womb comes on no big deal guys his song must be next nope it's wannabe by the spice girls he sits down dejected i quickly purchased another twenty dollars in credits and requests baby by justin bieber live in la vida loca by ricky martin axel left by crazy fog and foiled by weird al yankovic and i fast track every single one of them part way through foil i noticed jack sulking in his chair so i purchased another twenty dollars in credits i get never gonna give you up by rick astley who let the dogs out by baja men pneumonoma by ozone past parley americano by yolanda be cool and star wars cantina march by john williams they're starting to realize that something is up so jack and a few staff who were on last night convened at the jukebox to try to figure it out at this point the cantina march is playing they turned the jukebox off and then turn it back on again they turn it off then back on each time picking up where it left off i can't hold my laughter and i let out a muted chuckle one of my co-workers catches on and comes over with her phone in her hand with the app open and shoves it in my face with the how effing dare you yada yada yada i quietly get up down my last mouthful of beer put my jacket on and walk out without a word i walk down the street to the greasy spoon that our staff and customers are regulars at due to its proximity i sit down order a beer in a burger and proceed to lock back into the app i purchased another 10 worth of credit and fast track all i want for christmas by mariah carey and mickey by tony basil as one last bite me to jack i can only imagine the fallout i'm gonna face on monday afternoon when i show up to work but whatever my forty dollars was no less valid than his and no one customer gets to comedy other tunes for the entire night and physically block anyone else from touching it our next reddit post is from ukraine anarchy a long long time ago in a city not far away i had a terrible summer job right after high school my friend and i were looking for practically anything to make money and his older brother told us about a job he once had working for this guy washing windows now this guy owns what appears to be a semi-legitimate business he has a full shop and garage where he stores cleaning products big fancy tubs that use sonic waves to wash blinds in a new and at the time working truck he was also a hardcore penny pincher and bought the cheapest worst insurance he could on that truck initially when we got hired on he would meet us at the shop at 7am give us the work orders and ride out with us for on-the-job training after a couple of weeks he would just leave the work orders in the office and then leave us to our own devices now i want to preface this by saying that we weren't lazy we got paid hourly like 9 bucks an hour but we also got commissions based on the number of individual windows we cleaned in a day plus how many windows required a ladder they paid an extra 50 cents each so if we knocked out three to four jobs in one day we would take home approximately 14 to 15 dollars an hour another important fact is that this was right after high school so we were both 18 and for whatever reason the boss didn't bother to ask or check our hiring paperwork to confirm this well after a month or so our boss finds us out and it turns out that his insurance on his truck has a clause that anyone driving has to be at least 25 years old and have a clean driving record or his monthly payment triples so he makes it very very clear to us that we are not to drive the truck and if he finds out we're doing it anyway he'll fire us and dock any bonus pay from our final checks legally he can do that because it's a bonus not hourly i need to emphasize the fact that he was so freaking delusional that he never paid attention to anything so one day we come into the shop and see a stack of about 15 jobs however he didn't schedule anyone else except for the two of us that day he never actually scheduled himself because he expected the shop to just run itself cue malicious compliance he liked to micromanage but simultaneously he never picked up the phone if we called him so despite calling him numerous times to let him know we can't do anything we just end up sitting in the shop and listening to the radio for most of the day this was also only a year or two after smartphones came out so things like streaming music and movies or playing games on your phone was essentially non-existent unless you had a spare one thousand dollars lying around to buy a fancy new iphone too fast forward about five hours and the boss calls one of us to ask how things are going how many jobs we'd finished if we needed help to get anything completed we explained that we've been sitting at the shop all day waiting for him to come in so we could get started well at this point he goes freaking ballistic and starts tearing us up one side and down the other about wasting his time and money and blah blah blah why didn't you call me who else is there has anyone finished any of the jobs needless to say that was our last day there but we threatened to report him if he didn't pay us for the time we sat in the shop that day so we still got paid almost a full day's wages and from what i heard within a year or so later his shop folded so win win i guess our next reddit post is from jewelry chain i was playing unu the other night with my wife and brother we've been playing for a few hours at this point and having an absolute blast as most long uno sessions go there have been multiple alliances all broken re-established and betrayed yet again in this particular round my wife and brother were at each other's throats just really doing everything they could to hurt each other insults were flying and the sheer number of reverse cards that were played honestly defied physics and there i was caught in the crossfire two superpowers at war and i'm the third world country caught in the middle then the fateful moment happens my wife slaps down a red four and triumphantly announces uno my brother seethed he could not allow her to win it's my turn and he looks at me and says keep it red now see here's the problem before my wife unod i've been sitting on two skip cards for a while and i was itching to play them so when my brother indicated he was going to hurt her using red all i heard was red and i happened to have a red skip so i slapped that card down so hard that the table quaked boys the utter disbelief in both my wife and brother's faces is a look that i'll cherish until the day i die it was in slow motion that my wife laid down our last card which was a red seven we laughed for a solid five minutes after that that malicious compliance is still being muttered about at my house and in any group chat that contains me and my brother it was a glorious day 11 out of 10 would keep it red again that was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra videos also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 272,389
Rating: 4.9461884 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: BPsonahKpgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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