r/Mildlyinfuriating | so close...

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ah yes pizza perfection sliced fresh for you by a gorilla on three red bulls [Music] what's up sexy i'm oh did you find that mildly infuriating good because that's today's subreddit oh and i'm lexi and i did you a bamboozle google's definition of abbreviation lists an acronym as an example oh my god it does i mean skew is technically a shortened word no no no no i'm not going to justify this google fix this putting this many ads in a relaxing video i listen to a lot of long form videos on youtube while i'm working so i specifically got youtube premium for this because some of the videos have 11 billion ads in them and i refuse to use an ad blocker on youtube love it when sites squeeze content between a notification request pop-up an auto-playing video a cookie pop-up a bottom ad banner an entire right column an ad injected into the article a telegram group prompt then try zooming into the page and reading anything gotta hate this welp somebody got fired this is this is oh this is not what i think it is oh my god no this this is this is actually terrible this is my bathroom i have to look at this every time i go help oh god oh did somebody just go into a tile store and just like grab a couple handfuls of every color this looks like the world's worst color check plate for like professional video oh b just take a sledgehammer to this just remember home depot you can do it they can provide you with the weapons necessary snag this bad boy on my bed sheets at least a dozen times last night [Applause] i hate these i absolutely hate them 200 college textbooks binder not included okay i i get why college textbooks could be maybe half the price that they are but if i can pick up a 20 full color video game art book y'all can bind your freaking textbooks for your paying students bone in my nug never had this happen to me before oh well see you automatically assumed that all chicken nuggets are boneless you haven't lived until you've had bone-in chicken nuggets crunchy oh i hate this i'm one of those people that feels really bad for my amazon driver so like i try to group all my packages together and i try not to order like a bunch of tiny things and then amazon sends them with a giant box with one tiny pack of batteries in it and i'm just like i'm sorry would you like some snacks oh we're gonna make that two people that are getting fired we'll just keep a running tally shall we oh this is an oldie but goodie i actually liked it because it just confuses my brain kind of okay with this school's at 100 cases school's at 6 million cases go right ahead we've pretended we care about you just long enough this is the real world equivalent of a are you sure dialogue box i think i'd like some tuna are you sure you want to eat this can of tuna okay this is only infuriating for people that don't eat the entire chocolate bar in one sitting and those people are weaklings eat the whole thing all at once this is how my class practices social distancing nobody is wearing a mask either i'm on the left in the back oh well you see nobody here is actually present like they're all just thinking about other things so they are mentally social distancing yeah no they're all getting coveted i know what school's going to be on the news in two weeks my sister broke my phone screen because i told her to clean her room well i think you should wait don't advocate violence lexi don't advocate violence i think you should smash her face like she smashed your phone dang it this year of corn i was planning to use for dinner tonight artistic my newton's cradle fell off my desk ah i had one of these that was magnetic and stuck to the side of a cabinet at work and it fell down and i was very sad i miss it what reddit culture is so annoying or straight up fracked up deleted deleted oh my god but i want to know when the motion sickness and anti-dizziness medications are on the bottom shelf oh that's helpful not like the entire world is swaying right now why is the pink folder almost ten dollars when the others are like three or four bucks answer i don't know well aren't you freaking helpful 7-eleven located at seven to oh my god just move the sign like 10 feet oh wait no it's odd numbers just move it across the street just put the sign across the street but don't move the actual location it'll be 7-eleven perfect my boyfriend's job title is actually solutions engineer this was his solution he said solutions engineer they may not always be the best solutions but it was a solution mel and leighton's faces aren't aligned in the center oh oh god that's gonna bother me now this woman who digs through our dumpster every day then returns the food she got from the dumpster saying we sold her bad food i hate her i hate her too on behalf of all of us oh jesus accidentally touched the gatorade bicycles good luck hey man can you pass me my guitar sure man next time this friend asks for mashed potatoes i'm just going to grab a handful you're still it from a game of tag like 10 years ago i actually find this hilarious kinky and and really freaking annoying this is how many languages albert doesn't speak i'm dumb i don't get this one is it just he doesn't speak 7 300 languages comment section yell at me oh my god i hate this especially with felt tip pence i don't know why i just freaking hate felt-tip pens for this the way the light enters glorious box oh oh my god i never noticed that before they literally just took the spotlight and duplicated it for a bunch of the different areas one key on my keyboard doesn't light up uh can we get an f in the comments for that key i'm also realizing that with perky lighting you could technically just do this like it's not stop it lexi believe the post is real i see these all the time and originally i thought it was because like it followed air ducts or something but being involved in some of the design processes for ceilings and stuff like that for wireless access points this kind of crap is just because somebody else had no idea what they were doing it's inexcusable and hate it legends never die cameron boyce kobe bryan are these people just farming tragedy for likes cause good lord y'all can burn in hell left on a hiking trail i'd rather just the dog poop without the plastic litter wrapped around it oh come on people picking up after your dog involves you know picking up after it and taking it to a waste receptacle i i just need 28 or 50 or 68 or 9 or 13 or 45 the real reason why the ice cream machine is always broken oh oh my god oh that's gross oh oh that is a that's a special kind of vial usps left a bed frame in my mailbox apparently and it's nowhere to be seen so great delivery today package was left inside the resident's mailbox yeah yeah i'm sure it was my cousins took the whole thing apart and when i put it together again one piece was missing oh man that's a really nice cube too well time to fill the cousin's shoes with pickle juice thinking about this exchange with my landlord in february hi the mold in the flat is now making my own clothes and possessions moldy please can this be sorted asap i've asked so many times now are you sure it's not an acid wash effect that's very popular now with the kiddos dude that's like actually dangerous like this this does not seem healthy i've gotten these before i'm convinced the person that was making them that day was just like checking their phone in between donuts and just kept missing them fedex leaving an 8 000 package halfway across my front lawn ah fedex come on i can even tell it has specialty labels and stuff this could be video or camera gear what the frick i ordered two packs and one is open somebody got really hungry unless it's an international package in which case sometimes they do have to open it i've something something inspection i don't know let's park in the middle of the road oh how lovely guess you won't mind if we just ram through your car biggest coven 19 worries 48 say getting it 62 say family getting it 68 say the economy and 178 of the people at this news station have no idea how pie charts work ha well not only does this rip look a little steep but it's a great way to go headlong into a door which i'm sure is everyone's dream who is going down this ramp my computer science teacher uses red ticks and green crosses in his presentations this one somehow doesn't bother me quite as much but yeah like it it's not that much harder to just use the commonly agreed upon green chuck mark and red x quebec left versus ontario right roads note to self if i ever move to canada move to ontario this barbecue sauce in a shaker oh craw gross that is vile oh i hate it so much lexi continued to disappointedly sigh for about five minutes but we uh we cut that out for your sanity oh god more of this oh i hate it oh and the what slaves uh this in winter is terrible this is perfectly mildly infuriating this is not this is not a single slit are you serious is this a single this is a single this is a single slice of sliced bread oh i'm making toast out of whoever invented this these stairs at my school not only do they alternate sizes but they are uncomfortable to go one at a time because they are short but also uncomfortable go two at a time because of how long they are this happens an oddly specific amount of times in new york and i i can barely see stairs that this is and i'm already clumsy as hell so this is a great way to get lexi killed jackhammer time when obscure website steals your reddit post and you find it on facebook no wholesomeness.com you can go burn in hell what happens if you drink coke instead of water what happens if you wait wait did you steal this video or at least the idea looks like the original at least two years ago got 18 million views though so screw you non-stick frypan just just one small problem just one small problem my brother snuck into my room and only rearranged my infinity stones nothing else i like your brother this is hilarious yeah so what this diagram is showing is how mixed up public transport is since i can't drive i have had to rely on public transport a lot especially back in florida to travel the distance that would have been a 20-minute drive it took me literally two and a half hours because i had to take a bus all the way into the city change to another bus come all the way back through this winding road just to get to one destination and there were some places that were 30 minutes by car and three hours by bus man speaking in foreign language man they went really big budget for those closed captions didn't they dear reddit users do you have any tips for those who have just arrived the usa deleted thanks the commentary for the image you are requesting does not exist or is no longer available sad voice over noises spent five minutes trying to install this nut then took a look and saw it doesn't have any threads oh that is wildly unhelpful i don't get it oh is it just somebody that's leaving the cap open because yes if you leave the cap open you should you should burn my brother had a party and someone lit a cigarette on the trampoline oh are you serious dude oh you owe him a new trampoline now like that stuff could rip i i don't know if that's like strong enough to hold or not when you're looking for a png and you try one but the background isn't actually transparent yeah i hate this oh uh thanks for informing us how large the butt of your car is wasn't like i was trying to walk here or anything my twix bar had no caramel in it my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined that is that is actually really really sad although i kinda just want some like twix cookies like i just want like a plate of the twix cookies just for fun just once mars incorporated call me car and truck waffle maker is like eating hot wheels vehicles for breakfast this looks awesome i mean the mildly infuriating part is the fact that these aren't waffles they are pancake nuggets but i still want them they're freaking adorable soaked an apple in hot water then let it dry to see if it had wax on it i i is is this a thing is like wax ew have i been eating that huh i mean i don't really care i eat so much artificial stuff as it is but that's just kind of weird my brother got me a set but individually wrapped all of the pieces oh my god as a lego fan this would make me cry you call this mildly infuriating i call this actually pretty cool i would buy these as stickers wrong colors and all just to sort of like piss off any redditors that i happen to meet in real life and that brings us to the end of another r mildly infuriating i won't piss you off again but i will wrap up this episode with some lovely fan art brought to us by usernanceworth fan art for mk that is pretty rad i like the tiny ring crown thing thank you so much for that fan art danceworth and if you enjoyed being mildly irritated i'm sorry mildly infuriated go ahead and hit that red subscribe button if you experienced any human emotions or decently passable simulations of them go ahead and hit that like button my name is the luxy kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 252,887
Rating: 4.9273458 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: w6qs2Pr727Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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