r/MildlyInfuriating | WHY!!!!!?!?!

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select all squares with vehicles of their none click Schiphol oh god kappa [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma the best reddit readings north of the Equator and today we're looking at our slash mildly infuriating and I am so ready to be mildly infuriated your account PayPal is disabled confirm why the hell would you try to scam eighteen people at one time listen dosel crap it'll wall some it will stick oh oh I have no words for that oh don't like that the Alt key is upside down like a okay I'm not it takes a lot to upset me effing ants decide to nest in my router Oh No that's gross oh there's a little ant eggs in there dude Oh time for a new router buddy that one's that one's done that one that's owned by the ants now oh no poor guy his glass is completely shattered oh no that's Apple that's apple cider vinegar no no it's just a couple of bananas I don't see the problem the boomer generation needed just 306 hours a bit of a whites work for free to pay for four years of public college Millennials need four thousand four hundred fifty nine the economy today is rigged against working people and young people that is what we're going to change thanks Bernie realize why is that mildly infuriating searching for basic things then having to specify because products and characters bumblebee insect no I meant the thing that flies around not the spiky car Prince of rats you get your feet off of them cables right now the cart Corral is literally right there just just push it over the side at that point it's not a spy look at that look at the just dangling off the end and it'll be fine my phone's gonna drop and shatter my friend your May you're playing with a devil when people don't clear the microwave timer they were using I don't see that as a problem yeah I think you're just being picky bud I think you're just being picky twenty-two genius tech hacks to make you say wow I turned to earbuds into one useless earbud I said that your clothes only get caught on the door handle when you're in a bad mood because the earth is out to get you Makai it's 2019 and we still have to take programming exams by hand gross Oh No I've had this happen to me not the guitar pick that's lost brother either get some tweezers or cut your losses you're gonna have that thing banging around in there for eternity this tik-tok of a girl holding bleach to her hai says it changes your eye color has 500,000 likes this process causes permanent eye damage if I didn't know any better I would say this is a coordinated attack against children smarter every day the things people will go for to get better color dyes hmm I don't know what upsets me more the different colored handles or the fact that's all mish-mashed denied listen you can't be mad at that it told you what was gonna happen the difference seems pretty clear to me and I had three people will call the door handle and two people knock while I was changing vacant in use you think you think anyone in this day and age is gonna look at a tiny red sign and no we don't look at that we don't like that there seems to be a hole in your polish man Oh gross when you realize Instagram doesn't let you double tap to like anymore that makes me feel some kinda way I don't like that Brow's I know I'll get it oh hi Ellen hi Ellen how are you doing this damn near invisible ball of death was on the floor thank goodness I had shoes on when I stepped on it oh my god it's like a mario village start your two free months no commitments cancel anytime by the way can we get your credit card number gas prices going to spike Monday Justin Trudeau's new carbon taxes kick it in more details here I don't have a car I'm 13 maybe you should do research before buying a bunch of phone numbers off tell us and spamming them I find it infuriating that this guy makes keep some money from ten-year-olds by clique baiting his girlfriend nearly every video listen that's the YouTube game baby you gotta wait you gotta fake it till you make it gotta do it you gotta do it that's the YouTube game baby and he's just playing the game everything adds up to 99% in the to 26% sore different sizes Thanks I hate it banks I also hate that justjust just pull down the projector screen a little more it's all you gotta do teach no don't do this to us teach just drove to class early in the morning through pouring rain and crappy traffic after sleeping three hours last night only to find this how's your morning going dear class near students classes canceled due to illness sorry for any inconvenience imagine how is touch the sky what the hell does this say imagine how it's touch the sky touches the sky imagine how skyla touches how imagine I'm seriously confused good morning to everyone except Grandpa Joe who sat in bed for 20 years and let his family wallow in poverty but hopped up like a mother effer to go to some damn candy factory don't talk about my man grandpa Jill like that Oh cuz the key yeah okay yeah I could see how that might lead fury a ting but that that's not gonna do it for me zero out of ten try harder try harder me a mountain of Lemonheads it in my bag that was supposed to have eight different candies yummy hope you like lemon heads dummy who's gonna let those markers dry out that's not very nice very nice yet all those mock who's gonna air out then you can't write with them Expo markers no more just a moment I'll wait the teacher not moving the mouse for the whole video teach you're walking a thin line teach I paid $125 a month in my parking spot and I'm 1 1 1 B this a-hole is my neighbor no words only consequences listening at ok it's trying to help you don't don't be mad at this it's your fault for being the Dumbo who wants to listen to loud music at full volume the phone is trying to help you the technology knows better trust the robot overlords that's what I've come to learn in this day and oh my god I hit that x post good luck bud some abstract car art this path just ends after going on for a good 300 feet for absolutely no reason listen that's the spawn point you spawn right there that's a platformer the picture I took of my friend versus the pictures he took of me in the same spot how did he get you blurry that's what I want to know the landing picture of the straight Tower of Pisa I love it don't love the next one what kind of humonculon are you what what species of man does this to a pizza you ate around the perimeter of the crust oh yes good old like five tic tacs and a thing small but cool god that's me fake pockets Tony Hawk pro skater handicap edition read it not a fighting me on subs I'm not subscribed to training on our slash NBA team hits the game when at the buzzer don't know any of that the salad this restaurant gave me eat up there's an entire trough of dressing for you for that small little bit of salad oh that's actually the worst I've had that happen to me on things poor guy and I and you know the rules you gotta eat what's there now my seed for a vendor's end game time for a second viewing he took the please use next checkout sign and started loading his groceries as the lady was trying to close when Kirk why is Safeway tutorials for just jerky people delicious lasagna recipe and now as a child on cold winter nights that's why my mother taught me that food is love anyway on to the recipe sweetie just scroll down until you start seeing ingredients people hoping to skip cues by standing like this and trying to slip in she's going full incognito mode google spoiling end game through notification news story on Marvel Cinematic Universe oh actually that's kind of smart I don't care that they started using fake soda boxes for these displays but for some reason it does upset me that they started making designs that physically could not be made by stacking real soda boxes that is that is terrible oh that triggers my OCD why who designed that you had one job people can walk a whole warehouse but are too lazy to walk 10 feet to put their card away Oh Costco you and your crazy old people how the mailman delivered the finally ordered wha no buddy that vitals might be ruined I'm sorry Disney just paid 71 billion dollars for Fox but they can't afford to ply to applies too much to apply too much I'm not sure what's going on here I can't decipher this it's a MacBook and there's some there's some cords it's taken a lot to charge and I don't know how I feel about that ah Viking revolution pomade oh that's gross that's a gross way to keep it in the cup oh those loaves of bread are mangled my grandfather doesn't peel the plastic off of anything and won't let me peel it off I'm about to have a heart attack holy crap listen the services of those things he doesn't peel the plastic off of or clean as hell and I can't park my own car in my driveway thanks to this button Oh oh my god didn't know Satan dries a little baby car chalk prices at Target versus a college bookstore 99 cents at Target $11.98 at a college store less they gotta make a profit and this is how they do it by destroying the future this is a scam on a global scale that is not compact that is the farthest thing from compact sir uh-huh pot in Colorado why why was this removed from mildly interesting the title was exact and concise when your two-year-old cousin comes over and completely f sub your Newton's Cradle how how do you do that when you reach the NEA deodorant in the deodorant part falls out that's when you grab the little part that's a lot and just use it brother and you're left with nothing at that point God isn't left he's abandoned you in your time of need when you buy the old neighborhood drug house this is no longer Adams house there are no drugs here you are on camera to those of you who say oh my gosh at least Vegas is a dry heat I got branded by a goddamn penny that was chillin on my front seat I have an Abraham Lincoln scar on my leg I'm so done with summer you could call you penny Patrick it's kind of cool it should be like an outlaw any pet great wait mate all Ryan but are spelled different stove moved love or I spelled similar but don't rhyme yes that is the English language how can I help you oh the eraser left its mark that's not how that works excuse me WTF why are your brake lights like that oh there's some shifty looking brake lights it looks like I did something wrong in the breaks look the brake lights look like I did something wrong and they're like mm let it slide boom I'm watching you watching Bob oh that's just a that's just infuriating but mildly so because that's the subreddit school has become pay2win hallway pass if you buy a ticket to the friends dance must show the ticket she doesn't eat the part of the fry her fingers touched why there's nothing there's a pineapple pie where are you I want a pineapple pie on pineapple pizza got it hi I'm new yesterday this guy put ghost pepper popcorn in our industrial microwave at work for over five minutes the office was filled with black smoke burning people's eyes no one could breathe he basically maced the building we were moved to the other end so we could keep working please do not use this microwave due to the ghost pepper popcorn incident if you use this it reactivates the oils from the peppers in your eyes throat and food will burn thank you he put a hex on that microwave I could get my grass to grow so I replace it with a rock bed six months later and the grass has grown better than ever honestly it's a little aesthetic though I'll keep it from shower thoughts why isn't the plural of human human since the plurals of woman and man are woman and men white black Asian gay straight those all look the same because they are but you know what isn't the same the person who originally made this format and didn't capitalize the eyes my wife never fully screws the lids back on to anything stop hi how can I help Kendrick Lamar DNA lyrics here you go where are the lyrics here are some results from the web I don't see anything okay I'll be here when you need me if you want to make me your AI voice your Google home please just pay me a couple of hundred thousand dollars and I'll do it for you I have no words for that that's just an exasperated sigh sir there's a little bit of dirt in your pool I got swatted and ordered a new door WTF ups I understand how receiving a package in that condition could be upset yeah no kidding we can report it in our end to have feedback provided message just the UPS tracking number nah tell me have you bended F adore when you spend 30 minutes guessing your passwords and decide to reset it and this happens your new password cannot be the same as your old password I think I recognize that site someone was applying for a job one of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss it's great here nobody is entitled to charge up any mobile phones or other electrical devices on these premises it is death of electricity and you may find a deduction has been made from your pay phones should we switched off I am Robo boss I need the electricity to function scrooge rent controls this is the kind of plastic use we should be protesting yeah yeah I agree what about that bubble wrap though you can't get married a bubble when you're out of town and someone puts a balloon on your front porch there is a motion at your front door there is motion at your front door there is motion at your front door there is motion at your front door there is motion at your front door hey US government can you fix the roads you tax me to build so I won't f up my car you text me annually to drive that I paid for with the income you also text that I park at my home the Ty Lee text Thanks every US citizen what I owe the hospital that I went to because I was suicidal this is just to stay in a room for two days it's expensive being mentally unwell people wonder why we don't seek help amount owed to two thousand nine hundred eighty three dollars and fifty cents holy hell wow you're a score 67 percent 8 out of 12s in score 70 percent 8 out of 12 I'm sorry local movie theater overbooked and tried to give my friend this seat you like the guy in the back zoom in on hey guess what he sees not for nothing you want to take this seat go on go ahead she's perfectly fine you come to the movie theater you pay here's a ticket is you seek it on my face my new Nike Free Runs shoes after my first run gross Oh Oh gross my girlfriend opens new water balls without finishing the others first send help please God share this photo in four groups your whatsapp will become red I don't have whatsapp I'm not gonna share this photo but what I am gonna do is end the video because we're at the end of our sloshed mildly infuriating and if you if you're mildly infuriated just just just leave a like leave a like feel a little better if you want to feel great can't guarantee it I actually give them lying to you I don't know if it's gonna make you feel any sort of way but subscribe if you want more content and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,737,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, fresh, emkay, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildly infuriating, mildly infuriating top posts, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts
Id: cGgGHzrda_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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