r/Mildlyinfuriating | Must be a number

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e a sports it's in the game e-m-k it's in the meme [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r mildly infuriating you know me i just love being mad all right without much further ado let's hop right in an average excellent 5 stars out of five with three renter reviews office staff is bad two stars out of five one star beware newer but not as good as it appears damn still one star though something seems a little bit fishy almost intentionally fishy that username is already taken by a deleted account are you freaking kidding me oh yeah google's not really much for good design are they they seem to change their icons for their apps every 14 minutes and they make less and less sense every time well looks like someone's gonna get a huge dose of potassium tonight huh godzilla is the ultimate wild card he just kinda does whatever makes a movie entertaining it looks like you've posted something relating to politics so we decided to remove your post okay okay yeah that makes sense thanks okay i'll give him a five out of five for creativity the blackout curtain that i bought i guess their definition of blackout is far different from our own oh good a charging plug that covers both of the outlets on the wall because it makes total sense to do congratulations designers something tells me these guys aren't getting paid much for their work good lord they didn't even try in the beginning of the job which sentence is correct i'd love to go to new york i'd love to go to new york wrong new york because proper nouns are capitalized oh my god we can't breathe say not to masks believe you me the ventilator shove down your esophagus is gonna make it a little bit harder to breathe than the cloth over your mouth and nose but why that's the only question i can muster in my tiny little brain what cheating on my husband made me a better mother my affair made me happier and by consequence also my kids i want to say some stuff but i'm not gonna the water was colored the landlord said it would eventually run clear two bats full later ooh gross have you taken a sip yet oh yes good old reddit can't make up its mind are there three comments or zero oh cute it's a mutant creeper again when it comes to whatever's going on inside the dishwasher i'm not gonna rip on anybody for it you should see the inside of ours it's kind of an embarrassment we just sort of throw anything in there no more room for plates sure there are we'll figure it out need to give the cat a bath sure thing let's go why is that user deleted comment i see thanks for the explanation i never knew about that before oh the trials and tribulations of owning black clothing while owning a dog felt this belonged here more this door yeah it definitely belongs on make me suffer and mildly infuriating personally have taken this as an opportunity to make increasingly unsettling eggs oh i do not know which one of these is my least favorite i'm gonna go with bottom left i don't know why but it's just barely too big you know what i mean what the hell happened jesus god i can't stop looking at it we're processing your order expected by july 13th 1974. don't worry in just a couple of years once my mom is born i'll have her accept the package i haven't been high in many hotels but i can tell you if i had been high in this one i never would have made it out alive on the left is a large order of fries on the right is a medium get your goddamn money back come on oh that's just garbage also what's going on with that g completely inconsistent with the rest of the set crafted to remove gluten product fermented from grains containing gluten and crafted to remove the gluten the gluten content of this product cannot be verified and this product may contain gluten what the hell kind of confusing ass marketing is this reminds me of diet double do with half the sugar and caffeine of regular double do write an equation for the line write your equation in slope in whatever all right negative 0.5 correct answer is negative one half okay so glad i followed the instructions and pre-drilled the pilot holes based on the provided template [Music] [Laughter] man i'm sorry it's not your fault absolutely not your fault but it's still funny i laugh but if i get one thing wrong on a piece of ikea furniture i freaking lose it i ordered a large with no ice and they filled it to here yeah they are told to do that yeah it's unfortunate but what are you gonna do oh i'll tell you a little secret right now they won't do that at taco bell taco bell don't turn their backs on you like mcdonald's does okay you know what i mean taco bell wants to bring the world together is that a jelly doughnut no no hold on no it's not it's not that's what we call an embarrassment oh i've got nothing to say guys i've just got nothing to say i'm sorry you probably wanted me to scream to curse to say some nasty horrible things about whoever did this horrific act but i just don't have the energy i'm sorry and i've got a lot of posts to go the only restaurant i've ever worked at in my life was ihop almost my entire family has worked at ihop i have an aunt who's an ihop executive for crying out loud so i'm a good boy i know that regardless of the restaurant you're at you clean up after yourself or if it's an establishment with waiters and busboys and the like you make sure it's easy for them to clean don't be a little poopy butt hole wham lab baby crybaby stupid [ __ ] yeah that's right also i can almost guarantee you this was done by a couple of people in their 40s or 50s this wasn't done by teenagers at least not gen z i can guarantee it first day of online classes and our teacher thinks this is legible [Laughter] the letters fell off after time oh dude i love them aids kicks bro what the hell are you kidding me this has got to be a fire hazard of some kind right okay maybe not a fire hazard i don't know i'm not an electrician but this just does not look right but god damn it i could say incredibly horrible terrible things about people like this for hours i could this video would be incredibly long if i just went unhinged and forced those that were editing this video to keep it all in but i'm not gonna do that just want you to know if you do this at all die something to think about think kids should wear masks think again you'll never be able to really tell if they need help what what the [ __ ] are you talking about jesus facebook shut up kyler kyler come here sweetie mommy needs to put some duct tape on your face for facebook likes we got a few too many patterns going on on this mattress is this a serta why the hell will americans use anything but meters while measuring the world's tallest and smallest horse alright so big jake is about two acoustic guitars and thumbelina's a few cans of pepsi you can't make this crap up i personally think it would be way funnier if they measured everything in football fields like we tend to do but for really small things too big jake oh he's about three percent of a football field in length my lip balm melted after being left in the car in the heat wave turns out there's a lot less of it than i thought wow that is a yikes and a half folks companies are out to get your money not provide a good product always remember that okay someone had a little poopy baby tantrum in the public restroom god meanwhile there's a poor sap that has to go in there for seven dollars and 25 cents an hour and clean up after a fully grown adult who like i said was a giant whiny poopy baby tantrum throwing monster you notice a pattern with the insults i'm using today i'm trying to keep it clean it's not working but i'm trying so clearly some decisions were made and you know i can respect a decision however what i can't respect is that you think that you have the right to just leave products that you do not own i mean even if you owned it doesn't make it okay just laying wherever you want in the store we have got to get rid of this mentality of well they get paid to do it herder because it is not working if you want to know whether or not someone's truly a good person just go ahead and see if they put away the shopping cart chicken tenders two pieces chicken tenders three pieces it seems like an awful lot more to add one more piece of chicken i can almost guarantee you they did this on purpose as a joke doesn't the main character of this show suffer from ocd i might be thinking of a completely different show but i'm pretty sure that was monk all right do you wanna watch season three one two five or four netflix stop smoking crack you are making a lot of horrible decisions lately osha would like to have a word preferably before you're dead for those of you still waiting on your coronavirus stimulus checks take comfort my family member who is not a us citizen and has not lived in the us since the 1970s got a check in norway oh my god what a freaking embarrassment dude also remember you owe taxes on that next year [Laughter] what's your favorite movie better off dead must be a number alright then let me think here for a second nine well if this was done in the time period that i would assume it was made they probably didn't have rulers at every office depot when pirates were roaming the seas come on i'm using an official apple charger clearly you're not and if you are my condolences i am very very sorry it just sounds like apple to me how in the world does that even happen i mean it doesn't piss me off it just makes me curious this one however does piss me off it also makes me think i bought a product that wasn't made very well i didn't realize that 720p had dethroned 1080p as the preferred hd streaming method these days go paperless good for you good for the planet yeah you the consumer you should not us we don't give up but you should where do you want to go i want to go to paris oh yeah paris mississippi it's so pretty this time of year no not that one oh oh my bad you meant paris arkansas right oh it's still way nice there this time of year no again wrong paris idaho yeah you got it how much my brother does not finish his pepsi before buying a new one that seems that [ __ ] what are we looking at the traits of a sociopath also good lord what is going on with his dvd and game movie whatever the hell collection back there i'm gonna kill your brother is that even making contact it doesn't look like it's touching at all hello i'm unable to register can you help me can i know at what phase the problem arise hello blank we motivate you to type i am instead of i'm this punctuation mark is not allowed to maintain professionalism as the above issue is common issue hope you too are suffering with that and we solved your problem thank you for getting with us please feel free to contact us for more follow-ups well that's a cute little misprint can i get a discount i'm kidding i'm going to pretend like it's super duper rare and try to sell it on ebay for five trillion dollars don't worry about it i'll pay full price if only there was a solution for these apps that serve an almost identical purpose and have identical names to make them a little bit easier to read on the screen i love conversations like this removed well removed removed man removed removed removed hey i'm just writing a two star review because there are no two stars this deserves a five star thanks you did me a favor there mom can i get kung fu panda for my birthday no we have kung fu panda at home when they said college ruled i didn't expect the people that made this paper to be drunk is that a salad is oh man that's the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen line starts here you couldn't just print out the text you had to get a screenshot from someone's phone that's actually kind of satisfying i'm not gonna lie sorry i am already taken by a freaking awesome girl she's a bit crazy and scares me sometimes she's a perfect mixture of sunshine and hurricane she's my whole world i love her forever and always mess with me and they'll never find your body yes she bought me this oh it's so bad hey no need to get snippy it's cold outside it's not his fault marshmallows smell so much better than they taste what are you are you for real no no ab no i refuse to believe that we're living in this timeline there is no way oh my god jesus i know kool-aid jammers are tasty and all but calm down it's not going anywhere in which state do you live m-a must be a number why is this such a common trend oh paper-based stickers you'll never cease to infuriate me two compartment book display 34.99 on sale for three percent off get free shipping on orders over 35 dollars there it is there it is also is this on walmart's website really walmart really gonna cheap out on us wow that is a lot of information that nobody freaking asked for okay whatever it's not my tattoo yes she's canadian no that doesn't make any sense sure you got it buddy you got it bullseye oh yeah just like that hotel i'd never make it out of this bathroom alive [ __ ] neighbor poured water all over the tv so no one else can use it even though he's throwing it out they really need to make throwing out electronics illegal you should have to bring them to recycling centers i spend eight hours at work with my laptop sitting there unused as soon as i start using it windows decides to force an update happens every time man just switch to linux nice you know what you did failed to upvote please try again later oh i see what you're doing you son of a [ __ ] today i came home and found my laptop completely wet because i left the window open that's a tough break bud i've been there what the hell this house must be what seven trillion years old good god this channel on youtube is stealing hundreds of photos from reddit and not even giving any credit at all oh let's just move on here oh my god i hate these ones so much nice one xp away man you're so close just one more game here's something for robin to see oh oh i don't know about that one man i don't like eyeballs that aren't in people's faces and just like that we've come to the end of another video ladies and gentlemen always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 643,491
Rating: 4.9633803 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: KDtdFqA2eDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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