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my sister and I had an argument and she's chopped their bristles off of my brush why it's such a tiny thing but it would be so frustrating hello welcome back to em k my name's Jack I just go to smack and how's your day going good well let's make it mildly infuriating first of all shout out to our friend Dragan chief 44 I approved dragons are awesome they've made an awesome sketch here for the channel I'd want to get something to cover up that leg though that does not look safe in the water I'm gonna pretend that hand as a porter gun just because I like that but my favourites gonna be that bowtie man where'd you get that thanks again Dragan chief for sending your stuff in again guys if you want to post anything as well just going to our subreddit now enough appreciation of you Walt let's get stressed what's that you want to sync with the bottom that's fighting off so that the water naturally goes down to the drain well you can't have that instead you gets tanks that's all you get at all you deserve but the builders didn't think anyone would notice this travesty well we did and we're not happy just keep the lights in line that's all you had to do guys that's all you had to do oh it gets worse the more you look at it firstly they're not even fully straight secondly the phone wave itself has seems to be in line but the horizon isn't and one of them is too high the others too low if you try and fix it as you see they make it all worse that's never in line nothing's in line enough Shrek should not be considered a hero because his accomplishments come mostly through violence and intimidation so you're saying things like that that have you on the electric chair in the first place buddy there's literally a lid and tongs there for you how could you mess that up no that's fine don't break it down and put it in recycling I'll have it folded up properly that's okay none of us wanted to use the spin anyway this is a reminder to thank your God for developing Bluetooth headphones and on this day many of people's lives would change forever by saving about 2 to 3 seconds of unwrapping their colons calories seventy per serving or 130 per two slices yep that's correct maths moving on oh look at all that sugar just spilt on the food why are we putting sugar there in the first place oh I didn't see the text the handle of my serving spoon snapped turns out the handle was full of sand on it ruined my oh no why was this sand in there there must be a cutlery company out there smuggling sand sorry something went wrong too many recent subscriptions please try again in a few hours that's right I can wait about now I can just watch this a 30 minute video twice about if toilet Oh flashed what don't tell me how to cut my pizza of course not son but you are now designed all those scratches and no winners it's almost like it's a waste of money who cut the cake like this I want names and I want bodies there's a clear red line for you to stand while you wait but now this guy's just like screw it I'm gonna stand right next to the god desk gotta give the guy a break though I don't see any legs on him so he's obviously using his penis and hands to keep himself upright via the bench what is missing from the last computer image the purple car the purple car or the purple car would you like a hint I feel like there's this one spot of the garage the person hated having a light shining into so they've just patched it up what's that you didn't pray to your bluetooth headphone gods well then this is what you get you get tangles great today to keep the tangles away hi I'm Jared and I've got a large truck to compensate for my insecurity as to whether or not I'm enough of a man compared to my fellow peers but sometimes I don't feel like that message is being sent across enough so that's why I like to use two spots to park how are you not eating the crusty bits of the baking that's like the best part I'm gonna stitch the top zigzag you stitch the bottom zigzag and we'll meet in the middle okay okay cool now we agreed to do four zigzags right yeah five yeah where what you know I'm pretty sure even back in the day they would have had the technology to save like photos to have it all in the same position whenever they reprinted so I died I just don't get this everything is just slightly wrong that's incorrect you're enter with 20 log a Z but the correct answer was actually 20 log a Z do you see where you went wrong there yeah it was actually bothering to attempt how much plastic wrapping do we need for these two pieces as much as possible okay this isn't too hard just lift the grate and switch it around solved first brunch at 9:02 second brunch at 10:04 I didn't know two brunches were a thing let alone a school or educational establishment giving you brunch time back in my day we just had first break and second pregnant of these lunch and branches the world's gone mad denotes unlock this answer now start your 48 hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more no justjust give me the answer don't make me sign up for crap again that is incorrect you've answered with F but the real answer is F now are you seeing where you went wrong yeah you bothered to try again I feel like we've been here before and naanum eyes with a Z but Google B like screw you pal we do American English she suddenly sounding like Arnold there Jack but okay your file is larger than 25 megabytes it will be sent as a Google Drive link file size 20 5.30 why you do this Google below is the general formula of what alcohol know the correct answer is alcohols see this chemical formula is blue Road you were doing that too much try again in nine minutes I've never come across this before what what were you doing too much that the Internet's just like stop stop it read it could only take so much in the desert rain is considered a benefaction because mail rains can destroy wildflowers ah men destroying everything as always now does this sentence use the word benefaction correctly or does the sentence not use the word prognosticate correctly I'm sorry who's prognosticate and who said they were invited yeah no this emoji does fit this picture a great visualization of the person who drove this slap squat intensifies are you a girl why are you here oh core game buddy you know the internet exists for everyone right it's probably more related to the video but I don't so don't blame me you know what I reckon that red Eminem's there on purpose it's gonna hit it everyone slight discomfort enticing us to buy a bunch of light purple M&Ms of which we don't treasure that red M&M for years to come the black sheep of the Purple's comments have moved go to comments ah this is so true and not every YouTube video actually does this so you find one where the comments are at the bottom see like oh okay this next video will be the same but no other I back up again just be consistent place there was six different answers you could have chosen for yet because of the s you fail yeah biome Victorian dress shirt in transit okay we're taking it over to the coast line to be shipped over to you to the other country oh wait nope well we're gonna bring it back we wants to go the wrong place there sorry oh no we went to the wrong place again let's come on back wrong place again so sorry by the way $150 for shipping whenever I see a cat with a collar I take it off I do this since childhood the cats are always thankful and if a cat decides to leave you and your household a collar will not hold her back anyways yeah you're a garbage person is at discord rules and you don't have permission to view them go away no today seriously painted it like that oh my god even over the mirror no that is just stupid you don't deserve a house with a pretty fireplace ah yes the Pokemon goes limited time only boxes that are there have been there since what like three years can totally relate to that - poker coin thing I'm just I'm never having enough the amount of labels attached to my underwear hey they're very complicated pieces of clothing it can take a lot of practice to properly wear Calvin Klein on the roots like that user named Carlos - many users have this user name please try another cue the next five minutes trying to find a different user name that still Carlos last name should be a minimum of four characters your last name is Ali it doesn't exist what's something that seems obvious within your profession but the general public seems to misunderstand is that 35 dollars at scientific journals charge you to read a paper goes 100% to the publisher 0% to the authors if you just email us to ask for our papers we are allowed to send them to you for free and we will genuinely be delighted to do so wow that is such a dumb system I feel like the publisher would make more money if they split that $35 with the actual author you know entice them to actually go through the publisher in the first place my birthday in five days hey that's the day man landed on the moon also my birthday for those who can't make it to me my cash app is this anything is fine thanks oh I see that a lot of you all like this yesterday but no one dropped anything in my cash app let's try this again shaking my head if I tagged you that means I continue a friend let's make it happen I don't want to share my birthday with this person anymore is this even legit can't find any videos but can find plenty of photos so I don't even know if it actually works this guy's desktop when someone calls a laptop a desktop when people don't get that the desktop is where all the icons go on a computer when I'm the only one using dark mode when you think it was special because you use dark mode when you keep screenshotting posts instead of just leaving a comment on that post my mom buys $1,500 gaming setup me plays with it mom dude she didn't buy it for you get off the letter enjoy playing Facebook at 4k what climate conditions would you expect in a desert very dry no the answer is very wet oops not quite ah that comets just an extra topping of demeanor I'll look at mobile game stealing a screenshot of another game there's actually getting good never seen that happened before why why would you design this I don't need a visualization of my flirting skills MacBook Pro 16 inch unboxing by the way this is not a review I literally don't know barely anything about Tech's what a restructure that please God the cake cut is on the loose again I still want those names and bodies reunion plans for June 27 no matter what world thinks we will be at Lake gay can't wait I am thinking purple and I might head your way for that what a would these sentences though I love that no matter what world thinks like this someone specifically named world they all hate uh he's such a drag and gets sick all the time coca-cola Fanta fest Mentos catch wild duck these knobs literally poured Fanta or Copic down this whole to force a duck to crawl out otherwise it would drown to death I get that they're pissed or something but surely there's better ways to cash these things them with rust remover hai quit here Rick and Morty froofy theater collector's edition now avail quitea again high at AG marble x-men would you like that 80th anniversary trading cut acquitted hello squid a Steven universe sketch series right now Gallo quit quit Disney Disney Princesses princess comic collection would you like buy high gets quit here again sorry to bother in a spectacular chase continues of these monsters unleashed hello it's quit Toy Story you want I story we are titrate that gets good luck finding employees better than us I get you want to emphasize the employees here but could you just just put a capital letter at the start of the sentence too but I like to think this is the actual employees of the people who designed these cup logos subtly striking against their bosses by having this on the website this is what it was supposed to look like this is what they delivered yeah that definitely couldn't have been a mix-up they genuinely didn't even try from the people who brought you pointless Internet drama that won't affect your lives or anyone else's whatsoever comes PewDiePie burst poker main the dark side of Poker Main twitch dick go revealed I spoke with that cover there mate you couldn't even cut PewDiePie in half properly like come on how my pants normally feel how my pants feel right after taking a shower I see what I do is I actually take my pants off when I have a shower one of these things isn't like the other what's wrong is it I home that's a company they sell gadgets and gadget accessories read the phone then the box I'd also suggest some glasses Samsung on the phone Samsung Galaxy s5 on the text so right I'm mystified that is definitely an s5 in the pic - oh we're gonna get removed invalid word okay is not in our dictionary okay what about m'kay oh god they've gotten to Kylie Jenner's cake though it looks like pac-man here it's kind of cute yeah a totally legit hot girl dating app it's real because has a video of a girl on it but you have to be over 23 specifically for some reason oh god no but we're trying to rip that last piece there you're gonna rip it a bit too hard because you're too frustrated and they gonna make pudding everywhere in a massive man it's just and it's just normal over again maybe suit men survivor second-generation wiki one took this option to our mom's Islands structured beautifully bit more to the other side guys bit more to the other side see I purposely avoid letting myself notice this kind of stuff in a house because if I'm living there I will never unsee it and I will hate living there okay yeah you're missing one but you have so many more jeez this is mi but you have to ask is it genuinely worth reaching down and using that energy to pick it out and then put it back in yeah Jack asking the real philosophical questions here so how do you want the front of your house to look walls we actually have some nice front porch designs we could show you only walls imagine visiting Auschwitz and making it your priority to take a photo with your ass sticking out on the same tracks that transported millions to their death but hey gotta get that Klaus any personal objectification that enables you to get more views and attention it's just a bonus okay no way is that is that them only like the correct order please someone confirm this with me oh my god I didn't realize that were two green lanterns one with two wires and one who's a cyclops all getting a classic video game of childhood nostalgia okay see you next year everyone oh yeah he sums it up speechless after in the chat everyone all the classic Simpsons episodes on Disney Plus are in cropped widescreen format this means you miss out on tons of great visual jokes like how Duff Duff lion and Duff dry all come from the same tube man I need to re-watch the Simpsons there are so much stuff in it that I just complete missed as a kid but my try and avoid Disney Plus geez they're ruining everything there's always one mate in the group who just has to be different even if that's meant to be disabled what it technically be easy to push it anyway ah you'd have to end up damaging it just to get into the right position too it's just there forever over your head a constant failure no your depression and thoughts silly I'm at the light fixture wash my measuring cup and all the lines and numbers cover this is a ceiling this is this is ruining my day it's what it is like father like son husband always leaves medicine cabinet open and Picasso always opens that cabinet door depending on how old Picasso is I bet he doesn't even reach for anything in the cabinet he just keeps it open to because he sees his dad do it nothing like developing neck pains while trying to have a shower and wait is that like painted wooden roof yeah gonna make a shower right next to that oh yeah yeah okay alright this is why I don't want to bother with Amazon sometimes I look at a big Batman games here trying to come across as a cheaper option but their shipping is literally the same price as everything else we see a little play here guys you're not that sneaky this right here is exactly why I gave up on using incense sticks invested in like a water humidifier thing instead I mean they should fall just straight down on the wooden board it's it's not that hard to do hey guys 32000 is less than thirty eight thousand eight you wouldn't put that in a bigger bag I'll come on rise a Skywalker you could have at least kept with a theme please use uploaded logo oh that sounds like a nice company our company now has nine hundred of these pens I said to them how you put it on the roll I'll put you on the roll and they didn't listen so I put them on the roll Wow is they meant to be a patent on here or not make up your mind wall this is why I'm too scared to play hardcore mode on minecraft look at all that XP all that lost but good score man Oh at that point dude just throw it away hey you don't deserve to put that on yourself put that cut you're juggling state how you would find the number of electrons from the above picture you have to must be a number and remember how my old housemate wouldn't put the toilet roll on properly well one of them had a large puzzle piece they were trying to finish and as someone was moving out they might have taken one piece as they left and that one person may now live in glee knowing that they are responsible for that person's future torment whoever that guy is though they're probably we can handsome devil cool yeah dude no I don't know them no is that a tiny T doesn't help the Guam isn't properly sent it either though as possible is just a very old statue piece I don't know I'm gonna give a bit of pity on this one whoa dude how did you even do that that's dental floss anymore that's shoelace yeah I'll be honest when that ever happened to me out of it so tempted just to buy a new hoodie instead I honestly don't think up into any house where the switches were all the same way to turn off and on like I honestly wonder if the house value goes up if you just have the switches all working the same proper way yeah I almost got it mate just did try again maybe maybe not as aggressive this time how do the blind read this ah just happened in Braille not on any surface that can be felt just like flats Braille that Allah achieve it see mate this can be stopped if you just get a mug with a handle and wrap it around there save yourself the pain trust me I've been to Vietnam I know I remember thinking this is such a dumb design and I'm glad it's still followed through like just make them equal lengths it's so frustrating when one of them pulls out is just swings all over the place what person with a DSLR camera hasn't come across this frustrating problem with bloody water droplets let get out of the way I'm trying to take a photo of the house and the building outside not you freaking water droplet faces this is a thing where once you see it you can't unsee it and it's ruined for you so I want to allow you guys to actually appreciate this design and not notice the fact that it is a slightly bit to the right ah that's that's not something that can be fixed a bit of sticky tape I love her he's not even picked up the screwdriver yet like he's still just contemplating his failure oh yeah I want to call a ban on this wrapping the worst wrapping ever oh for God's sake man just take the plastic off please it wants to be taken off look at it it's it's trying to break free eat either Santa Paul is trying a redesign or they've had a misprint maybe it's a limited edition collector's item buddy sell it to eBay oh the bad parking is becoming more contagious than the Mexican beer virus warning this product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects and other reproductive harm why do you have it then what is that thing I can't even tell what it is and how does it do that does it like do you have to consume it is it just by holding it like what's the worst thing about these seals to is once that pinched open like that and they've got the folds in the milk just gonna go everywhere how it's okay you're all right to walk in the middle of the road it's not like if you just stood to the side you'd be alley walk there just as fast and I'd be able to get around to actually get to a car park in time rather than waiting for you to hurry up and walk well that's it for today guys thanks so much for watching my voice is pretty much dead today so I'm gonna go mute but if you got frustrated with today's video please give it a like to approve of this terrible existence that it is and subscribe while you're here pull like the notification bell if you want to see more content on the daily we post very regular but otherwise my name is Jack I'll give you a smack and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,528,226
Rating: 4.9467812 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: d2wvimcY50A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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