r/Extremelyinfuriating | MAKE IT 90 DEGREES

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the mcdonald's employees here are a different species how do you forget the burger patty in a burger uh yeah okay that might be me i personally buy just the patty on its own sometimes because i don't feel like having the entire burger bun so um if yeah if you're behind me in the drive-through then yep sorry [Music] one two poopy poo welcome back to mk you are a human and i am a jack your host for today's goodies or should i say baddies as today we're looking at some extremely infuriating stuff from us well that's the name of the subreddit yeah apparently you guys are getting far too tolerant to the mildly infuriating stuff so we're having to up the dose so if you suddenly punch a wall throughout today's video well that's you've been warned you signed a contract don't get your mum on us that's you're the one who did it here's an old man here is his stuff he spent 20 years breeding a super bee that could survive attacks from mites that kill millions of bees worldwide and so what happened to his life's work well as you can see in the photo arsonists trashed his hives sheds and greenhouse i just i want to assume that they were time travelers and the events here if not stopped could have caused world war iii that that's not like i need to think that so that i can assume that this isn't as horrible as it could be yes horrible and horrifying are a word now i've i've married them and a daily tip cancel your freaking appointments if you don't need them the nhs is already crumbling for reference 60 doctor's appointments 81 nurse appointments 141 patients did not attend this equates to 39 hours of wasted time oh my gosh you can just tell by the way this was put up all this sticky tape the fact that they didn't even take their time to make it look nice and neat it's all just the paper isn't even flat up against the wall like they were ticked off when they put this up seriously people cancel your appointments oh repost and like if you hate cancer ignore if you support it really really you you think people are out there that actually support cats let's be honest they don't genuinely think that they're just desperately trying to fish for likes oh quick honey if you don't post this on your facebook feed then you'll support cancer i love waking up to our gallon of laundry detergent on the floor leaking thanks cat hey let's not be too judgmental maybe the cat wanted to do a bit of cleaning himself but no please do go on about how much cats are better now go on make your argument while you clean this all up now sir we understand that you want to buy this um but unfortunately the single cent yeah but see if we let you get away with it then we let another person and then another person and before you know it we've we've lost over 30 cents in profits i live in norway and i'm allergic to the cold okay now let's not give satan ideas for our perpetual torment in hell also i am so sorry you have to deal with that but also why are you still there i i mean it's one thing but you have family and stuff or maybe you enjoy your job but your literal environment is a burden on you you see this this is your punishment for trying to save money on these lights you said to yourself oh no i'll just i'll just buy the cheap one online it'll be fine this is your bed you have made this now sleep you have answered conch shell this is incorrect the correct answers are conch a conch a card shell conch the conch the conch shell this is what my cousin did to my newton's cradle don't let underage children hear any of your stuff otherwise like a religious nut job they will destroy your science someone in my hometown plants razors in sausages just to be cruel to the local dogs oh wow that wow like i know people using rat poison on neighbors dogs because they bark too much and all that stuff this is oh boy how's that wall next to you by the way is it still intact yep so what do you think came first here exactly the pavement or the building because let's be honest they weren't made at the same time i am begging to know that someone at least at some point went hey hey this isn't our job is really heavily based on making sure things are in the right spot and um yeah here's someone getting a passing grade now here's your late penalty you know that knowledge you have it means nothing because you're a little bit tidy according to my standards oh what's that the servers were down oh i'll say no more i totally understand that's okay we'll fix that for you so if you just pay us for another course um then you can you can submit the test again that'll be great thank you i spent a month making an animation that got free booted on facebook and over 300k more views than my youtube version this right here is why i'll never be angry when creators put a bunch of watermarks all over their videos like bro you put in effort to entertain me you deserve every ride to make sure no one can steal it hey tell me you're a piece trying to take advantage of other people's success without telling me you're a piece of trying to take advantage of other people's success strome's father was killed in the rwandan genocide in 1994. my father was killed by a worse genocide alcohol are you are you trying to one-up somebody else's father dying keeping the death of family members that's yup okay that's the thing now i just found out that the cactus i bought has a fake flower glued on top okay i'm no longer trusting any succulents at the market ever though hang on if you got this from walmart i'm i'm kind of saying this is on you do not fold us approved flat well that second word is unbeknownst to me so i believe it is important out of this situation it is really hard to not say not when peacefully gaming but mom comes in saying we are going somewhere and i have to go with them and every time it's somewhere where you don't actually need to be there they could have just texted you while they were there but no they desire quality time with you because they're lonely and feel like you become distant because you're playing video games more often like ah how selfish and rude of her eh love your mother's folks unless they're holes then you know you can screw them but not like that let my friend use my ipad it was fine when i gave it to him jeez what the hell were they doing getting into a comment wall with a dream stand or something i sent my switch away to get fixed and then i get two left joy-con [Laughter] i mean that that's kind of funny to me i guess you could say that nintendo has two left feet oh by the way in case you're finding your life in the world today going quite alright so far uh kenya's only female white giraffe and her calf were killed by poachers yeah frick humanity i think i need to watch one of our wholesome meme videos after this i i need it i let my sister borrow my laptop last night woke up to this right no friends no siblings touching your stuff that's the lesson we're learning here kid destroys 15 000 lego sculpture an hour after new exhibit opens this although might not be recent it is extremely infuriating at the least oh and i bet the entitled parent was like well you should have built it with a more secure structure though in my experience i imagine all the other people who were there attending with their creations collectively ganged up on that child and basically do things to him that would resort him existing in multiple dumpsters i found this on the minecraft subreddit what did an innocent man do to deserve this the worst part is that it's just one block there's just one block that is screwed the entire thing it's what really makes you love minecraft though and now i'm craving to play it hey look at this meme hey look at this meme i get it nice you're a freaking disappointment mom my brand new ps4 controller i ordered from amazon oh yeah gonna pay so many noobs with put on the bright side mega bubble wrap i assume they purposely put that in there so you have something to punch in frustration somebody puts chewing gum in the usb outlets on the bus no see this ain't their fault though like when you have chewing gum you you've got nowhere else to put it though it's all like they come in wrapping that you can reuse to then put your gum in that wrapping to then throw in the bin like that doesn't exist enters password incorrect incorrect correct password resets password new password cannot be your old password i bought a 64 gig flash drive got half of what i paid for yeah i swear there's got to be some legal thing about this here like someone's got to be able to sue them over this stuff built my pc no more than one hour ago very nice nice now guys it isn't broken it's the texture it's um it's the texture design i chose um why are the peas upside down it's freaking me up something tells me that peas looked so disgusting and bad they had to photoshop different ones in hey perfectionists this is an 89 degree angle have a good day peter spreading fake news like this is a new low oh oh peter got autism studies have shown a link between cow's milk and autism oh no way it's that's actually similar to a study i found where there's like a link between your head and male genitalia peter is like the textbook example of just because you think you're doing a morally good thing doesn't mean you're a good person remember the gorilla selfies of two gorillas posing with anti-poaching rangers who guarded them they were ambushed and killed amongst 12 other rangers who also dedicated their lives to service and protect endangered gorillas and preserving biodiversity remember them all right okay okay okay there we have wholesome videos on the channel too i think it's fair to say that's going to be a binge watch after this me i want to post any popular subreddit you can't you need post karma how do i get post karma you need to post oh how do i post you can't post you need post karma angry and frustrated sounds unusable power darth sidious would not be pleased terror tech crashed and now 1 250 hours of progress is gone oh oh my god i lost like 50 hours of progress in a game once that wow a moment of silence for this person like seriously they need it ps5 being crushed in a shredder i don't see what's such a big deal at least not when you are a pc master race lol jokes i'm not rich maybe if the ps5 orders weren't so limited this wouldn't be such a big deal [Laughter] i just read the caption and then look at the image that's all you need here [Music] ah screw puzzles man user deleted comment removed so why does it have so much awards my left arm my right arm that one itch on my back question on kia ora i deleted my son's steam accounts because of his grades and now he won't speak to me i feel really bad and want to make it right how do i get the account back you can't due to steam guidelines if you delete your steam account it becomes unrecoverable all you can do sadly is start a new steam account as a teenager myself i would be mad at you as well all you can do is re-buy him all the games he had another comment says exactly he didn't just take something away from him you threw away money as well steam accounts have purchased games attached to them in digital copies by deleting the account he also essentially destroyed those copies this means as a lesson he actually destroyed things his son has spent money on it's the equivalent of breaking furniture in the sun's room or slashing the tires on his car instead of taking the keys and then walking away like it's no big deal yeah i see you've made the mistake of putting a wired product with another wired product in an enclosed and small space thus practicing the art of murphy's law what would you do if someone left this as a tip if i was a manager i'd ban those people from the store in the future and as far as i know isn't american dollar just ruined if it gets wet like y'all still essentially use paper right like these people went out of their way to leave a disgusting mess on the table and the money won't even be usable as far as i'm aware this right here is why i think we need a license to be allowed to eat at hospitality establishments like you deserve to be banned everywhere if you treat people poorly hating a voice actor because she voices the character you hate oh yes i've heard of this drama aot fans stop ruining the show i love if anything the blind conviction she portrays with her voice alone that causes you to hate this character so much is exactly why she is an amazing va and you should respect and love her for it medical company threatens to sue volunteers that 3d printed valves for life-saving coronavirus treatments the valve typically costs about eleven thousand dollars the volunteers made them for about one dollar how is this not considered illegal yet where why is this not part of your constitution this is what my friend wears on the beach they're wet too okay okay but have you worn them like this before have you tried it because i assure you that it is disgusting and horrible and this person's a psychopath you need to run you need to run away from this person should father's day be banned because it's disrespectful to single mothers and same-sex couples no i always love this constant hypocritical back and forth between these kind of people the moment any gender or anything is celebrated there's always some group of people that are like oh well what about this group over here that gets celebrated on a different day of the year why can't they be celebrated too instead my a-hole past self who thought this was a good enough hint for my password hint where are you oh god i can't even begin to try and comprehend what that is saying okay red was on event in electrical isos blue it is me and orange the imposters bruh my school disabled offline editing and i can't do my work all right school i'm gonna need a five page essay by tomorrow morning as to why you thought this was a good idea that is not the correct answer if you look here for the two optional correct answers you should have used a different sort of dash that's all right simply pay for the entire course all over again though and you'll be all good to go hey look at you you've made it through the painful suffering and torment of today's video good job good on you we're gonna celebrate with some fanart together today's work is by that one rando in your lobby and they've heard that i like dragons yes oh my god yes i'm so excited to look at it yes oh this is so cool dude oh my gosh dude do that sorry i always assume whoever you are you are amazing i love this that is so cool thank you for the beautiful work rando and remember if you'd like to see your future fan art on the channel be sure to post it in the mk subreddit as always now seriously how are you are you alive are you is your wall okay do you have insurance if not you you clearly need some more good vibes coming your way so please do check out some more videos on the channel specifically the made me smile and wholesome memes one that'll help hopefully uh bring some nicer vibes into your existential space and maybe somehow magically repair the wall i don't know i i'm not a consultant what i do know works though is if you like this video because i don't know maybe you like pain you like suffering if you made it through 2020 then i mean it's just another tuesday for you now but with that said my name has been jack you have been a wonderful person to share in my torment today and i look forward to doing it with you once again very soon bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 669,292
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Extremelyinfuriating
Id: NzbbpKTjero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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